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mium today just confirmation of the mixed doubles look at that Watanabe and Higashino we just witnessed them win their way through against the two Malaysians into the final tomorrow of the mixed doubles draw turning our attention then on to our third matchup session one it's men's doubles the tireless Japanese Chimaera and Senora take on twice world champions in red on the right and settie one despite the carnage on day one losing the top two seeds three of the eight top seeds are safely into the arts for in men's doubles [Music] so much at stake we haven't seen the glinting all-england open trophy yet but it's something that these guys will be eyeing but it is a generous crowd in today and there is first bits of takashi kimura set your one there is 29 years old world rank three born in saga in japan and has been just that one spot off that career-high with his partner the long-standing partner King was Sanada so visionary so creative in the way that he plays this fella here Willie's a scream isn't he I love what he played 29 years of age now and it's just a bundle of endless energy you just set him off lightest views and let him explode like a firework says Katy Perry they were runners-up in the world champs in Nanjing to Lee and Leo these two but this is their path through you can see they had a very tough opening match in them all Japanese clash will keep them kobayashi and took down the Danes in their swan song for Bo and mogensen they'll be splitting up but playing with different partners which is always nice after what is it a 15-year rich fruitful career these two saw them off but they're up against two men of vast experience we'll have it a sham 31 years old world rank 7 have been world number ones of course it's interesting they're just and they're defending around a sixteen showing last year these two hundred Setiawan well who needs no introduction the 34 year older man of quite mind-blowing skills around the Nettie's otherworldly the way that it just comes so easy to him he studies the shuttle and it's so perceptive on cool seems to have time a lot of it when he plays doubles so that's their path through and you can see they yet to a dropped a game now Shannon set you up in their progress taking down the English the Russians and the Germans yesterday Lance for some siedel had no answers either all around the half-hour mark so it'll be interesting to see what happens today because these two from Indonesia leap the head-to-head showings two one last time was in that fishery China open they came through 21 nine in the deciding game as you can see there but they also won a long time ago back in June of 2014 in the Japan Open as well against them they're Japanese opponents today hello - Alan Potter I've seen a lot of him this week and service judge from Denmark mr. Larson but Takeshi Chimaera and kyokotsu Noda as the succeeds and take a little bit of umbrage they or take comfort I must say they won in the Malaysian Open in last year against I shall set you on [Applause] and they repeat that feat today there's never a dull moment when they're on court but who will it be to come through these men's doubles encounter from the bottom of the men's doubles draw ladies and gentleman on my right Mohammad Ahsan Hendrix's Taiwan Indonesia [Applause] - tequila she Kamara he go Sanada Japan Kingo Sanada deserve to Mohammad Ahsan love all all the seeded men's doubles action then semi-final Saturday from the bottom half of the men's doubles draw [Applause] we'll get used to that kind of noise these two really gee each other up stacks of raucous cheer after most points they win all the markings of a high caliber shootout already doesn't it [Music] [Applause] that is quick love the contrast insert a court demeanor you've got the very calm still eye gaze of the Indonesians who just see their shuttle so quickly against the muscled-up energetic shorter juror the other end in white from Japan that are just tirelessly full of it roundness energy and enthusiasm for the game [Applause] service over three or that's nice lovely little block there from that man mr. non-stop three nice most it so closely and just nudged it to the hole on the core they are roaring from the off the to Japanese they want this desperately as do the Indonesians but in their calm way seen up deaf ears at the net Barney said div spread star screens a lot openness and really treated many smiling in the crowd there is excited because we all are watching this like kids at Christmas aren't we at the prospect of an exciting men's doubles as we are all the semi-finals but there's something very special about the speed of men's doubles isn't it [Applause] nice try with the crosswalk Chimaera that couldn't quite find their line [Applause] cheeky estimate is smiling Esme he looks like he's on a mission to upset the Indonesians [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] six-five [Applause] 7:5 [Applause] three in a row for the Indonesians now [Applause] seven seven six seven [Applause] [Applause] laden with power Indonesians and that was an easy simple dispatch but opting to play it anyway it might have been spilling wide [Applause] [Applause] service over seven eight very liked it [Applause] [Music] of course double representation in the semi-finals of the mixed doubles for the Indonesians we thought you now Finland at the Anto last night with their winner would go and town of Malaysia that was in straight games but they are very strongly Indonesians in that discipline [Music] these two in red have enough to wriggle past the Taurus L bunnies [Applause] so immaculate in defense that was imbued with hesitancy from Japanese getting a little unlucky there or as off the map favorably for the Indonesians so they are in front fight a three point tuition 11 eight at the turn seven minutes played [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] yeah [Music] while we'd always anticipated a tight matchup coming with just the poor while ranking spots between these two pairs nothing in it really both seated here it really has lived up to its bill and so far now on the Japanese Hall this background or will it be Indonesia that ride at all the W in Game one there we are that's a great illustration of how early he sees things it's just otherworldly his perception skills so quick in the front court and he can do so many different things when he's got racket on shuttle as well well I'm sure he thought that Assam was there hence there was hesitation you could sense that see a little momentary pause with his back peddling costume and a wry smile of frustration as well [Applause] it's rather like watching a dad with his son isn't it or sons in the red team and that they just seemed okay you know you can go crazy with all the energy do what you like but we'll just keep ratcheting up the points being around at the highest level for a long time these two Indonesian smen of vast experience especially this man open up the court beautifully did me understand now I was there twice world champions that ghostly speed at the net [Applause] with one the year-ending finale as well 2015 Super Series fathers as it was back then four years ago these two in there done it all got the t-shirts lots of them [Applause] survey 7:15 [Music] Hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] as impactful points crowd really invested as well and the Indonesians coming out on top of another important one seem to have that just well it's a five-point age isn't it in Game one but sense of calm is overwhelmingly reassuring at the moment the Miura Russian setiawan will add 16 quick he was there with the backhand cross block our straight block I should say [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the finish or was it well they're both challenge high-octane badminton on court one from the arena Birmingham and it is just intoxicating isn't it riveting giddy with excitement as we go upstairs again did he find it or not that's what we want to know in Grosseto on it than that deadly second to none in his pomp on this what a great example of that during that point oh it was just wide in the end so challenging accessible one challenge remaining it's called out and our Sun challenge still got one left as we head towards the sharp end of Game one here thunderous from SETI one look where the bodyweight went through the smash towards the net that was a big point and he knew there was that little extra hint of heat on that one [Applause] [Applause] as he found now I think to not know what's called in let's have a look it's just a blur isn't it the speed at which this is play that [Music] but you do sense at the moment like our Sun and set you one just have that little bit more they're a bit more clinical with their attacks but more penetrating it has missed again it's a deja vu situation isn't it away a certainty Indonesian leader these two [Music] 1517 [Music] [Music] two in a row for the Japanese timely fashion for them trick to Japanese points now and the tension is building in this opener and they continue in that vein didn't miss by much that return of serve it was aggressive intent by our son but to no avail [Applause] brilliant okay goes to murder four consecutive points for Team Japan [Applause] the disguise they're backing it up well with that one deadlock opening game who's gonna blink first [Applause] son get what and range control from Mohammad Ahsan here this was outstanding look well that cometh the hour cometh the man [Applause] [Music] those mr. hasni [Applause] judging from that smile 18 yes he has well I bet the Japanese can well anybody can barely believe that they were in the driving seat at that point and it was a little nonchalant wasn't it that sort of final shot from Setiawan he's seen that go away favorably so much over the years I think it well he was caught napping a little so deadlock again in this tight opener good leave [Music] Chimaera they're backing himself again [Applause] they've won five of the last six points the team in white but denied there by a moment of sheer brilliance from Setiawan let's see it again look at that buoyed by that sense of calm able to find its very best [Music] [Applause] [Music] spirits come back is it gonna matter at the sharp end of this game from the Japanese can they come one last time game point for the Indonesians [Applause] oh no no no no says US and that was off the deck [Applause] and graciously they walk to their chair their kickbox they realize let's take a look no yeah definitely bounced on the floor so first game then to the Indonesians 21 points to 19 after 20 exciting minutes on court one yes independent impartial [Music] [Music] [Applause] to change [Music] - what thirty-six years are certainly all ended open and said got his name to spray again this time for Hendra Setiawan [Applause] there that'll be you'll be you'll be good as gold naive at the magic spray so just the building up to the start of game two in this men's doubles semi-final and it is an exciting one really has lived up to its billing now it's a must-win game for Cameron Sanada to survive will they be exiting Birmingham soon or can they extend their weekends down [Applause] [Music] not a lot ruffles the feathers of these two does it [Applause] while they saw the down-the-line opportunity but couldn't clear the net their service fault called jealousy below the one one five they're all under scrutiny these guys aren't they every time they step up to serve stand ibly hold on that one [Applause] three one decisive and assured Setiawan as he has been a lot over the years in that situation [Applause] oh that's nice from camara and I sense have gone from him wasn't he ever beaten free Indonesians once of the Japanese that was back in June of last year in that Malaysian Open match 21 14 21 16 both times the Indonesian team have won they've had to do so in three tight games I can't tell you whoever wins the opening game always goes on to win the match so there we are it's like the team in red according to that should do so [Music] while their defensive skills the Japanese have to be up there very very vast levels too because when the red team get on the attack it's pretty ominous [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] what's not to love about this men's double semi-final high-level bat Minton on display and the crowd ever appreciated points like this [Applause] a run of two and a run of three points consecutively in this game indeed for bogey pardon Indonesians they are rampant and intent on not lapse in concentration or intensity it's about keeping that very high bar very high and they've done so extremely well what's happened here I think the doctors back mr. Patel no sprays run out now let's hope he's okay it seemed to be sort of just pulling off that right leg a little doesn't he as he's ambling around a pill of some sort has been administered that's the problematic leg his right I think he looks like he's struggling to put weight on it a little whether it's sort of sort car for me and I'm entirely sure but Wow let's hope he's relatively unhampered as he can just depend on those superhero life flexes he has now maybe that was a result of it perhaps as I'm pressing a little too hard because he knows that 51 is possibly gonna struggle with his movement a little and wants to conclude the point quickly the time will tell great leave [Applause] service over three so another here so quick in defense but that one's just spilling over the back line [Applause] okay well a run of four points a couple of minutes ago for the Indonesians but now a couple of Japanese points back to back they're building momentum now oh that's nice well you can see how he's is moving after that the calf is kind of struggling a little I think he's yep I think he's struggling with that right calf [Applause] to be quite sharp the pain bureau stopping the car thought that she seems to be [Applause] so it's all-out attack from the Indonesians nothing else will do right now Tom buy a little bit of a net caught there as well six point lead how long will it be till he gets found out [Applause] [Applause] that's gone as well while he could see then the body language of Hendra Setiawan that he is struggling to put weight through that right leg but it doesn't matter they're 11 5 up right now and motoring some help because it sees the shuttle so quickly he can just find answers using his perception skills to get into the shuttle quickly [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i won [Music] I can get light before [Music] and of the hippie doubling any reinforcements then [Music] he limps back onto court does Hendra Setiawan this was not in the script have they got enough in their bulging arsenal of weaponry the Indonesians to see this through mataloni boy an energized Chimaera and Sanada more fact that one of their opponents is it's got a different feel about it now doesn't it two points for Japan consecutively since the mid-game interval a little bit of luck for Japan there as well that bobbled off the tape it teated for a while and fell the Indonesian side a muhammad al sham the son is having to really really invest physically hard here make up a lot of ground that's a great try [Music] Oh like oh that's very very special ghostly speed around that net still dodgy car for not look at that just watching so closely and then just getting plenty of ting on that final net shot [Applause] [Applause] well the Japanese defensive prowess was so watertight there wasn't it they've won four of the last five points now and since it can get right back into this a reminder if you are just joining us there are 11 five down at the turn Japanese the in divisions going lights-out here to keep the lead they're having to take every opportunity to thrash the shuttle towards the Japanese and keep the upper hand winds from the Japanese garages are done this that's insane from ball net players their otherworldly reflexes all round let's hear it again look at this brilliant from SETI want to keep that point alive denied in the end Chimaera insistent [Applause] what sense have gone from Muhammad us and there it was the drives down the lion from Setiawan that kind of set this point up but that a clinical finish now now the two Indonesians good enough despite carrying a niggling calf injury midway through this match to get across the line and like get to that checkered flag looks like they are at the moment it's a lion-hearted effort from andhra Setiawan it can be a very sharp pain in your calf those of you will know all about it I'm sure it's a very common racket sports injury isn't it a calf injury but he's taken a what seems to be a little bit of a painkiller to try and mask the pain he's soldiering on with effect just missed it in the name of spreading the attack not lacking intent though well I guess there's a kind of sympathy vote from the fans really now they'll be aware of the plight of Indonesian see there can't be a lot of people in here the one see c'mere and sonoda turn this around and keep the match alive [Applause] [Music] brilliant doubles simply scintillating from both teams I thought chimera had done enough around the net they're opening up with generous angle and early shots but well Indonesians were quite resilient in their defense of that point so still they have a five-point cushion [Music] [Applause] 7/7 1260 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] 7:16 Dudley from Setiawan Indonesians know what it's like to win here at the All England they won this title in 2014 very experienced twice world champions as well 13 and 15 the Japanese are not done with this yet ever tenacious doing whatever it takes to turn this around that's gorgeous Takeshi Chimaera flat hard forehand drive very very quarter where two in a row for the team in white at the top of your picture now can they [Applause] [Music] a sigh of disbelief from the crowd after this [Applause] a hat-trick of points for the men in white battement earn from all four players doesn't get better than that Harry loves it spreading the quartz so well both teams look at that water finish no Japanese camp simply brilliant over the last two points Mohammad Ahsan take a bow let's see it again right lift and then the flat hard drive just had enough on it see what it means to him letting us in giving us a little emotion we love fat don't win a three-point cushion for me hold on that's gone now it hasn't he can on this quit the bank line see it again yes he did the 2014 champions here Satya Wong the six seeds come through in straight games against commuter and sonoda what a match that was really for they might struggle after that passport from Hendra Setiawan but somehow limped through to tomorrow's final and let's hope he can get loaded up with painkillers and treat that ailing car that it's a lion hearted effort given the situation 21:19 2116 what a showing from the twice world champions 44 minutes it took and that was stand out they'll have one a lot more fans as if they didn't have enough already coach Harry is delighted wanting to share the moment with them and I'm sure it will be a trip to the doctor fur and the Lacetti or one but didn't they twin well against let's face it very spirited gallon match from the Japanese so it's a sunset on through to the men's doubles final tomorrow [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: BWF TV
Views: 1,340,581
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: badminton, badminton championships, live, stream, 2019, HSBC BWF World Tour, YONEX All England Open Badminton Championships, All England Open, Birmingham, Takeshi KAMURA, Keigo SONODA, Japan, Mohammad AHSAN, Hendra SETIAWAN, Indonesia
Id: lVVAzafRHfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 11sec (3191 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2019
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