Sewing Small Pleats - Marvelous Designer/Clo3d Tips and Tricks

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hello so today's video i've got a little tips and tricks um this one's about pleats now if you've ever sewn pleats you know they're super super frustrating uh mainly because the collisions they collide and they just they don't behave at all so and that's especially true for really tight small pleats um which is what i'm gonna be showing you how to do uh so if you have if you've ever tried to make really tiny small pleats and then just sewn them on you know that they just kind of go in all different directions when they get sewn on they're all backwards and just kind of looks a mess around the waistband i'm going to show you how to make them go all the way around the waist in the same direction with minimal click minimal collisions and um minimalish effort so let's get started what we have is just the regular avatar and a or the female avatar and i'm just going to be using the basic default fabric um and that do just use the default fabric when you're starting out here so i'm going to just create a waistband real quick so let's make a waistband and put it on copy and paste it over that looks don't want it don't want it super tight don't want it too loose just like that okay first try nice um okay let me merge this remove linked editing because i just want it to be one big i want one big straight panel here okay now what i'm going to do is i'm going to layer clone over so right click on there and layer clone over and then i'm going to remove the links editing and i'm going to delete the uh the sewing on there uh i do want the sewing on the ends though so i'll add the sewing in on the ends and also onto the top here and i want this to be a turned angle and then on these bottom lines i'm actually going to take both those bottom lines and i'm going to offset as an internal line so right click offset as internal line 5 is okay and then let's go and look at our uh property editors for both of these i think i'm going to turn the particle distance down to five and just to note even though this is kind of like a easier way of doing um these pleats it's gonna be really hard on your computer the pleats in general especially these tiny ones are really really uh simulation intensive so uh you might want to watch out for them oh my collision distance i want to set to three so i'm gonna set my additional collision thickness on these pieces to three so i'm just going to simulate that and look at it oh why are you riding up hang on oh duh i need to sew these two pieces together down here okay so sew the two internal lines together okay so now we should have something that looks like this so what i'm going to do now is i'm going to deactivate both of these so right click select both of them right click on them and deactivate them and you do want to deactivate those okay now i'm going to take this piece here i'm going to copy and paste it and i'm going to activate that one oops and delete this internal line here and also i want to i i don't i always forget to change my internal uh the collision thickness and i want my collision thickness on this piece down here to be one so don't forget to change that collision thickness because i can really mess you up later on okay now what i want to do is um i want to add my pleats so to do that i'm going to grab both the ends there and i'm going to right click oops let's zoom out a bit i'm going to right click on both of those and i'm going to distribute internal line between segments and i'm just going to use my scroll wheel and the control button to scroll up and i want to get this to i want to do about a 10 millimeter one centimeter wide uh pleat so i'm just going to scroll until my offset is about 10 millimeters and that's 10. okay now what i want to do is i want to uh copy and paste this copy and paste it once and then i'm going to copy and i'm regular pasting it just copy and regular paste twice and the reason i do this is because i know a knife pleat is three layers of fabric and my number of divisions needs to be divisible by three and so this just makes it easier and i don't have to do as much math so i know these uh segments will all line up okay so now let's just go ahead and merge these two pieces so right click on those edges merge it and when you merge don't forget to add another internal line where you merged and i'm gonna do the same right there so merge those two pieces and then add an internal line okay now what i want to do is um i'm going to do something well i'm going to lock my internal lines so right up here you can go and there's a button called lock internal lines this is super useful you can lock pattern outlines or internal lines this is like such a useful feature recommend using it and i'm going to delete these segment points that i created so i'm just going to delete those segment points now i'm going to turn my intro lines back on okay uh now what i want to do is i want to sew this piece up to here and uh the only reason i'm sewing it here like this is just to put it into position because right now it's all like that um so what i'm going to do is i'm going to right click and superimpose side so superimpose on the side and i'll just put it on real nice and then simulate to let it kind of work itself out like that okay now we can actually delete that sewing oops not not that sewing this sewing you want this internal line sewing okay now what i want to do is i want to create a bunch of segments on this line so i'm going to right click on this line right here and i'm going to hit add point to intersection that's going to create a bunch of points and it's going to divide this up into a whole bunch of segments now this is a really important step that you don't want to skip whatever your segment length here is i've got a 10. sometimes it won't be perfect um or whatever it is if it's 9.5 or 12 or whatever you want to take your add point split line segment tool and make a line split a segment that is the same length as that on the side here so i want one that's 10 so i'll type in 10 and then i want another one so you want to do this you want two segments on the side here and this again this is very important so don't forget to do this uh 10. so now you've got two segments on the side okay now we need to do is sew these on as pleats so to do that i'm going to go up to my pleats sewing tool now the pleat sewing tool what it does is it sews one segment and then skips two segments and then sews another segment um it's it's kind of hard to explain but essentially uh when a knife pleat is folded into it folds like a z shape right so it takes the one pleat and then skips the other two and then sews one so it can sew the pleats on and that's what we're going to be using here so oh and the other thing the pleat sewing tool does is it also sews the tops of the pleats together now we don't want that and we're going to have to get rid of that later on but we'll worry about that in a minute so i'm going to take the pleat sewing and what you do with the pleat sewing is you take the long segment first so this segment right here and it should have no uh this segment should not be divided up at all it should be one long piece so just take this and be careful to get the bottom and then go to your uh segments here and start going down and you can see that it kind of goes in chunks of of three sections and we're just going to sew all the way down to the end and because we copy and paste it twice so there's three segments we know that this is going to be the correct length okay so go ahead and do that and now everything should line up okay so you got all this sewing now this sewing here is good but there is a bunch of sewing down here that we don't want so to get rid of that i'm going to go up to my b or edit sewing tool the b hotkey and i'm going to select all of this sewing but not that sewing well i guess that's fine actually um and i'm going to select all this i don't want to select this down here so just select this sewing that's on this uh this line here i'm going to right click on it and i'm going to hit hide sewing so i hit all that sewing now what i want to do is just select all of this sewing that's just on this down here i want to delete it get rid of all that sewing okay now we're going to do that same thing again we're going to pleats sew this again but we're going to do it a little differently well very slightly differently but it's a crucial difference so we're not going to start from right here we're going to start uh two segments up at the third segment or yeah this third segment we're going to start right here so this is where we're going to start our pleat sewing no first we need to sew to the long piece though so first we sew here then we come down here to the uh so we go one two so it's this one so you start right there and they sew all the way down and now since the sewing tool only sews in chunks of three um it can't sew a single segment it has to sew three segments that's why we put in the extra two dots or the extra two segments here because if we didn't have those it would try and sew this long segment and then this whole segment here and would screw up the ratios and so this is why you have to have those two extra segments on the side there so go ahead and do that okay now again we're going to grab use our b key to select all of all of this sewing and then we're going to right click on it and uh hide the sewing and then delete all of this sewing in here so just delete all that okay so that's we're done with that all right now before you forget just delete those two dots because we're done with those we don't need those two little dots anymore okay so now we can go ahead and simulate all right so you can kind of see what that did because you have these two layers or these two like this you have these um yeah two layers of waistband one on the outside and one on the inside and they're separated the front of the uh pleat is sewing to this outside part and the back of the pleat is sewing to the inside and so um it's actually trying to force the pleats into the correct position now obviously you can tell it's still not perfect there's a lot of stuff that there's a lot of these that are kind of you know going the wrong way but it's going to be a lot easier to fix them and because they're separated in this way it's going to actually try and it's not going to be fighting you as you're going around fixing these uh you know these nasty places so it's much easier to get everything correct okay first a few things though um yeah let's go ahead and just so that's still not working right um okay so again make sure your collision distance is turned down i might turn this down no maybe i'll turn it down to 0.5 this is a particle distance of 5. so i'm going to turn my particle or collision distance down to 5. the other thing we need to do and this actually helps oh yeah of course the other other other thing we need to do is actually apply our pleat fold angle so go up here to your pleats fold and go all the way across like this okay now by default the number of internal lines per pleat is set to two make sure this is set to three because otherwise it's not gonna work it's just gonna be a big mess so make sure your number of internal lines complete is set to three so go ahead and do that now we need to make sure that these folded the correct way and i don't know any really good fancy way of doing this so what i do is i just know that on these lines that are supposed to fold like that um this should be a red line because that's going to be an angle of zero and it is so these are folded the right way um if these were folded the wrong way like if this were folded uh the fold angle was folded the other way just do it again and hit reverse direction okay so let's do that and that's going to make everything fold correctly um okay and the other thing that we need to do is these lines you see these did not have a fold angle applied to them because we it skips this one it folds folds and then skips an angle we need to delete these lines um so i'm just going to go up here to my transform pattern tool and i'm going to right click on that select all with the same property and select all with the same bold angle and again it's going to select these other internal lines in the pattern so make sure only the internal lines in this are selected and then just delete those that will make things a lot smoother surprising amount that actually helps more than you'd think it does uh deleting those lines i was i was surprised at how much that that actually helped the the smoothness of this okay so it's still a little bit um ragged up at the top so what i'm gonna do and i can do this because i'm using chloe i don't think they have this marvelous designer but they have a sharing function in um clo which allows you to add some geometry up near the top so i'm going to do that but first i want to actually delete all these extra segment points because we're done with the segment points and deleting the segment points is just going to make things easier to work with the sharing so i'm going gonna lock the internal lines and then just delete all these uh segment points on this line because we're done with them so let's just do that okay and then i'll turn my internal lines back on now i can just select that line and it selects the entire thing and i'm going to go down here to the sharing and again if you don't have if you're using marvelous designer i don't think you have this um you're just gonna have to kind of work with it it'll be a lot easier to work with but then doing it normally but sharing makes it quite a bit easier okay so when we look at our particle view obviously there's way too much we only need a shrink up to about there so i'm going to change my height to like 20 half the height on this that's going to speed up your simulation you don't want to add more geometry than you have to uh and then i think this is too much in here so i'm going to change it to like three and we'll try three let's see if that helps okay yeah that that made it a little bit smoother in there okay so now just go around and kind of uh fix your pleats and this this is gonna be you know you have to do it but again because you've got things set up the way you do it's going to be a lot easier and it's not going to be like fighting you the entire way so just go ahead and go through and accept your pleats so okay and there you go now these pleats are all kind of going the right way and uh doing doing what they should be doing okay so now we're going to do is uh of course unfreeze or on whatever this un activated that's it and let's just make sure that everything continues to stay correct because that's that's a trick so yeah um once you get that because you still have these sewn to two separate layers and the front it's under the front and the back sent sewn to the back it's still kind of separating the fronts from the backs and it helps to keep them from intersecting it's not that they won't because sometimes they will but even when they do it's going to be a lot easier to actually go ahead and fix these so i'm just going to go ahead and make a nice pleated skirt um the way i like to make my pleated skirts of course the one thing i always like to do is add an internal line right here so let's go ahead and select all the same property on here fold angle and i'm going to turn my folder i'm doing off and then i'm going to offset internal line by one i'm just going to do one because this geometry is already pretty heavy and turn my fold rendering off again i'm going to set my fold angle down to zero as well so that i can select again select all with the same property fold angle and that'll select all of them and then i'm actually going to turn my fold angle on this down to like you know one maybe 120 something and that'll just give a little less fold angle there as well i'm going to uh lessen the fold angle on these other ones in here i'm going to keep the fold rendering on on those and that should help give it a kind of nice look to it and that extra internal line just smooths up the edges on the on the pleats there and then we just grab bottoms like this oops let me start scaling them out i'm not going to go too far at once and so you can see normally when you do this if they were just sewn to one thing these all these would be just intersecting like crazy and and uh but here it actually keeps it you know pretty nicely ordered and you can you can scale this down to i've i've been down to six millimeter like a six millimeter width um and it was stable well you know until it crashed but not because it was intersecting it wasn't intersecting it just crashed because i had a whole bunch of stuff going on and it was you know kind of excessive but it does scale pretty well and the other strength of this is that it the pleats will stay correct even when you animate um that's what i actually wanted it for is i need to get like these tight pleats to stay in place while i was animating and they actually do stay in pretty well as well as using like light silk fabrics silk knit jersey will still get through but for the most part um most materials do quite well with this technique so let me actually kind of mess this up because sometimes it does get messed up and i'll show you it's pretty simple to um it's really neat because you actually have to kind of work to make your your pleats screw up they don't just want to screw up naturally anymore they just they just want to behave now it's great um yeah i can't anyway when they do mess up like that you just go in and oh there we go there's one oh this is gonna be a little tough because it's oh this geometry is pretty heavy you just go in like that and it will it'll it'll help you fix the uh the positioning on your pleats which is pretty pretty cool so yeah that is a nice tight pleat and let's actually even turn the uh collision thickness down like 0.2 really low collision thickness lower the collision thickness the tighter these pleats stay in yeah see even that these pleats just get really really tight in there and they stay in the correct position just like that so uh this is something that frustrated me for a long time because the pleats just i never wanted to make any plea pleated skirts because it there's so much trouble with the collisions but um this actually works really really well so if you've ever struggled with making a pleated skirt and having the collisions just be crazy uh this is this is the way to do it um yeah i hope i hope this helped i hope that yeah you can enjoy pleats now till next time bye
Channel: Daniel
Views: 9,063
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ndfuoe4Yd5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 54sec (1434 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2020
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