Godot 4.2, Restorer of The Lost | Full Feature Breakdown

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[Music] good 4.2 is out with another Treasure Trove of fixes improvements and new features the team stay true to their pledge of focusing on stability performance and polish with an update that has something for everyone here are some highlights before we dive into the full breakdown you can now flip and rotate tiles in tile Maps which is super practical for large Maps you ask for it you got it 2D glow with 2D HDR rendering is back the low-end compatibility renderer got 3D shadows and you can now use C++ for game scripting much more easily with GD extension hot reloading we'll take a look at these features and many more improvements that just came out with good 4.2 this video is sponsored by all the new and experienced developers who have bought gdquest courses to learn how to make games with gdo stick around till the end for a special gdo 4.2 coupon you can use for a limited time only to pre-order your good of 4 course at 50% below launch price with good 4.2 considerably more stable as you'll find out in a minute we are happy to announce the roll out of our good 4 courses in Early Access starting January 30 2024 you will be able to access them directly on GD School our brand new learning platform we will start with our foundational courses learn 2D and 3D game dep from zero with good 4 followed by our popular interactive cookbook of game mechanics node Essentials good4 Edition release time line in the description throughout Early Access you'll be able to get each new module as soon as we release it rather than wait for the complete course to be launched in the full version at full price back to what's new in good 4.2 I really respect how much Focus the good team and contributors put towards greater stability in 4.2 once again they fixed as many high priority bugs as possible in fact a great aspect of the per program is that so far every Point release Works more reliably than the previous one it sounds obvious but it's really not always the case with software releases the willingness of good adeps to rewrite and simplify entire systems is impressive input management is getting lots of love to ensure that the detection of the mouse entering and leaving viewports and other pieces of user interface is as predictable as possible on every platform this is no small feat as each platform has its own limitations and quirks to work around gdau has a built-in Dragon drop system and this work is a necessary Foundation to support smooth Dragon drop across windows and nested viewports moving forward the animation system got unified under the hood in the ad node dialogue you can see a new grade out animation mixer node as a parent of both animation player and animation tree this rewrite addresses some animation blending issues and streamlines behavior that was slightly different between the two nodes this release ALS also brings better support for older devices on Mac OS and windows with the addition of the angle rendering driver this driver makes the compatibility rendering engine work on Mac OS where Apple decided to not support the free and open source rendering technology openg GL anymore on Windows it makes good for games run on a greater number of integrated Intel gpus finally this update improves the stability of scene and resource files so you will get less changes of resource IDs in your Version Control Systems let's talk about rendering improvements that benefit both 2D and 3D the new forced integer scaling randing mode ensures that 2D and 3D pixelated games always scale cleanly as you scale a pixelart game up the image can get stretch to fit the screen slightly deforming shapes this new setting makes it much easier to preserve a perfect aspect ratio across all kinds of displays to turn on Integer scaling mode go to project project settings window and you'll find a new scale mode setting on the right good already supported amd's fsr1 scaling technology it improves performance by rendering the game at a lower resolution and using a unique algorithm to upscale and sharpen the image as promised earlier this year good 4.2 adds support for FSR 2.2 which offers much better visual quality you can now generate texture images using compute shaders which enables a whole range of new applications like simulating water on the graph gra card in real time compute shaders are programs that allow you to run some Logic on your graphics card much faster than on a regular processor Sebastian laga showcased 3D mesh generation with compute shaders in his last Q&A video the next Improvement is a cherry on the cake for me particles got some new features that allow us to create more visual effects more intuitively you can now automate the velocity of particles over their lifetime inherit a projectile's velicity and enjoy an inspector that's been redesigned in collaboration with experience VFX artists to make the process more intuitive on the 2D side you can now flip and rotate tiles in tile Maps this is not limited to single tiles it also works with patterns making this already powerful level editing toolkit much more versatile the T map editor also got lots of small improvements based on your feedback like the ability to expand the polygon shaped editor Beyond TI maps you can now automatically close outlines drawn with line 2D nodes so you don't need to fit all with adding one less point in the right place anymore video playback can now loop with the video stream player node this is exactly what we needed to complete our interactive good tours learning technology so thank you so much for that the navigation system now supports baking navigation maps in 2D with support for both regular Collision shapes and tile Maps this allows you to recalculate where AIS can move dynamically at runtime so they can adapt to changing level layouts it also saves you a great deal of time when designing levels that require AI navigation and you'll be happy to find HDR Ren Rank 4 2D in the forward plus rendering engine it gives you potentially higher quality color mixing and enables postprocessing effects like the 2D glow to turn on 2D HDR rendering go to project project settings viewport and enable the checkbox next to HDR 2D in 3D besides performance improvements which we'll cover in a moment there were welcome improvements to the asset pipeline when you import the 3D mesh into gdau you can just drag and drop it as any other the scene to use it but what if you want to extract animations or set physics settings on some asset for that you double click on the file which brings up the 3D import window there you can select each imported component and tweet their settings in G 4.2 you will find new physics and Shadow settings and a tool to preview imported animations good 4 has three three run ring engines to offer you different performance compatibility and quality tradeoffs the forward plus and mobile engines are for modern computers consoles and mobile devices they support real-time Global elimination among other features the Third Run ring engine named compatibility offers support for older Hardware it worked well for 2D already and in good 4.2 it got 3D Shadows there's always work going into making various parts of the engine run faster as with every release good 4.2 got its a lot of improvements on the performance front navigation mesh baking is now multi-threaded which greatly improves the speed of changing navigation services at runtime this release notably addresses stutters that could occur when 3D navigation regions would update dynamically in the game tile Maps got much faster thanks to an internal rewrite of T map rendering isometric games will benefit from the greatly improved performance of Y sorting both the drawing and internal updates of tiles got greatly optimized which makes updating large Maps up to several times faster and thanks to this rewrite the system also now performs much better when doing procedural generation and individually changing tiles in scripts with the forward plus rendering engine Shader compilation with standard materials is much faster when you don't use extended reality or Advanced material properties the engine will now selectively compile the features you use in standard materials this makes load relevant scenes up to three times faster rendering on mobile devices can get up to 10% faster and consume less battery thanks to work on on data compression many games use light maps to pre-calculate lighting and shadows light Maps offer outstanding performance and appealing results but make lighting completely static it's a staple when making games for lower range devices and to offer low performance render settings for your games light Maps now render much faster thanks to the integration of a new denoiser BAS based on compute shaders the noers greatly reduce calculation Times by taking relatively lowquality noisy pre-calculated lights and shadows and removing the noise you can still use the denoiser of good 4.1 o idn in your project settings Dynamic GD script code got up to 20% faster it now assumes that a given line of code operates over the same value types and uses an optimized code path for that type this makes code that operates on constantly changing value types of slower as a result but it's a netwin overall note that this optimization doesn't affect strongly typed GD script code which will still run faster extended reality or XR now support fited Rend ring in the compatibility Rend ring engine on Android fed rendering is a performance optimization that some VR devices offer it consists of rendering the game at a higher resolution where the player is looking and using a lower resolution elsewhere as our eyes can't really see the difference good 4.2 includes several editor improvements to help you work faster and more intuitively the script editor in good 4.2 now supports foldable regions making it easier to organize and read through your code to create a fold region select some code right click and select create code region you can also press alt r on your keyboard scripts also highlight popular keywords like 2-o and fix me in code comments in case you didn't know the 3D view Port offers a blend like transform mode to quickly move scale and rotate selected objects when using this mode the mouse now wraps around the viewport making it much easier to move things around you can also now type numbers for preise transforms this mode has no shortcuts assigned by default so if you want to mimic blender shortcuts go to editor editor settings shortcuts and search for B in version 4.1 precising a CSG mesh or a collision shape in 3D changes the the shapes extents and resizes on both sides now the editor lets you extend the shape on a single side which is more intuitive gdo has an amazing built-in technical reference that you can search Anytime by going to the help menu you can also hover over any property in the inspector doc to read the corresponding documentation this release adds the same feature to signals in the Noe Dock and to the theme editor so you don't have to search the documentation separately you can now assign a color to folders in the file system dock which makes it much easier to distinguish the various parts of your projects at a glance to recolor a folder and its children right click on it and use the set color option the color gradient editor has been redesigned making creating and editing gradients easier it has new snapping guides that help to place color stops precisely for particle effects in the inspector you now have fine control when making resources unique resources like 3D materials are shared by default and often the fastest way to make a new material is to copy an existing one and make the copy unique but you may want to share some subcomponents like gradients and noise textures now it's faster to do so gdo has an Editor to crop images non-destructively which you can use to make tiling nine patch textures they are great for creating appealing panels in user interface this editor has been reworked to have much better Mouse interactions the asset importer can now automatically remove the top directory and some imported asset assets and seamlessly import specific add-ons before depending on how they were packaged you would need to manually move add-on files after importing Gau has a powerful visual Shader programming tool on top of being able to preview your shaders output at each step anyone can create custom visual Shad or nodes to make the system even more powerful for example this great add-on by Patty exe adds many time-saving Shader functions good 4.2 adds support for defining drop- down lists in these custom nodes finally the C compilation bottom panel got a redesign making it easier to spot and troubleshoot compilation errors in Gau you can finally control the look of your user interface with the theme editor there's constant work on making it more and more powerful changes in the theme editor now reflect in real time in the viewport making it easier to preview changes you can keep both the base theme preview in the bottom panel and your game's user interface visible at the same time making it EAS easier to see how well your theme Works in different settings this release adds the option to preview the project and editor theme on the fly in any scene which saves a lot of time and you can see how your plugins interface will look without restarting the editor speaking of plugins you can now access the editor interface from any plug-in script you don't need to pass it all around anymore saving your time next up is the addition of keyboard focus and navigation on tabs which can improve your apps accessibility this also works in the G editor this release also adds support for system native file dialogues and for pasting image data from the system clipboard good is really good for app development it's used by the free substance designer alternative material maker and we used it for learn gript from zero it's only getting better G supports three programming languages officially GD script an accessible yet powerful gameplay scripting language c a popular option in the games industry and C++ for maximum control and performance all three are here to stay and they all got love in this release if you use C you'll love to hear that good 4 now has experimental support for Android and iOS the team chose to go with Microsoft's open- Source implementation of c.net however iOS support was coming with net 8.0 which came out right before good 4.2 yes this does mean that good 4.2 also supports the latest version of Microsoft C check out the official documentation for more information on the current state of mobile support Gau lets you mix multiple languages in a single project this release improves interoperability between C and GD script by letting you call C static methods and accessing rate only and righton properties from GD script good has a unique technology that allows you to use compiled languages like C++ and the community supported rust without recompiling the engine it's GD extension this update adds GD extension support in the web browser so you can use C++ code there more easily for high performance algorithms until now each time you change the GD extension in your project you had to restart the editor to reload your changes this is not the case anymore with GD extension hot reloading this makes game scripting with C++ a much more viable option moving on to GD script the language server got really important features it now lets you find references and it has improved renaming support making it faster to navigate and refactor your code this technology works with all kinds of external code editors including Visual Studio code and neovim a major feature is that the debugger now has full support for threaded code this means that when your GD script code uses multi-threading you can now step through and see exactly what's happening in individual threads GD script is a gradually typed language meaning that you have the option to write simple Dynamic code or to use type hints for better performance and error report the typed side gets better with each release and this time typing was added to four Loops you can write the type hint right after the it RoR variable name to benefit from the improved performance and error checks there is also newly added support for return type covariant in functions it means that you can now return a subtype when overwriting a function making it more precise for example you might have a chest that can contain any item and the derived chest that can only hold and loot weapons the the language also got support for raw strings if you've ever written a regular expression in GD script a pattern to search text you had to double every backs slash character RW strings do not have this issue they make your regular Expressions easier to read and write to use them just write the letter R before a string GD script is tightly embedded into gdau and the editor and among other things an amazing feature it gives you is the automated generation of documentation from your code you can search the built-in code reference Anytime by going to the help menu any documentation strings you write in your GD script files automatically get added to this built-in documentation the dock generation got improved as it now supports the deprecated and experimental annotations which are useful when working with larger teams or making plugins these instantly inform people of which piece of code they should be careful with when you make multiplayer games you need to synchronize the state of all players good4 gives you an accessible multiplayer synchronizer node that takes care of that for you it lets you pick exactly what properties get sent to the server and synced back the replication bottom panel where you set which properties to synchronize got to redesign to make the options more intuitive there's been substantial improvements on the mobile side of things Android support got a rewrite that improves startup performance for good old games and enables features like multiple windows on Android stylus pressure and tilt are also supported now so you could use good to make drawing and 3D sculpting apps on Android on iOS you'll enjoy the one click deploy to a device connected via USB over Wi-Fi or to a simulator this also adds support for remote debugging so you can use the debugger to pause the game's execution and step through your code while it's running on the device G has great support for extended reality the foundation even has representation on the Kronos open XR working group thanks to valve from this release onward good supports open XR extensions they are extensions provided by specific Hardware manufacturers for features that only some devices support for example the company midan is working on good support for meta's mixed reality scene and spatial extensions it helps you to map out where furniture and other surfaces are around you in mixed reality apps good 4.2 supports the Tilt 5 and Pico 4 devices Hardware manufacturers are working closer and closer with the team to ensure that good works with their products there's an official XR tools add-on with lots of time-saving features for your projects like virtual hands input handling and different ways to move around the virtual Game World this open library now offers tools for easier use of sound effects and improvements to physics interactions with the game world there's also a new XR template to Kickstart new projects quickly and save that much extra time and this wraps up sub four months of good development as you can see no area was left untouched and contributors are really keeping up the pace what feature got you most excited let us know in the comments for me it's the video playback UI theme and plug-in improvements as a lot of work in our interactive Good Tour Tech Taps into these features we rely on this new tech in the third module of our upcoming course learn game dep from zero with good 4 releasing in Early Access starting January 30 we use it to give you a guided interactive walk through the gdau editor step by step you assemble the pieces of your first game and get familiar with the different docks and panels of the user interface good tours is one of several Innovative education Technologies we've developed this year to create a unique learning experience in our courses use coupon early bird to pre purchase your good of four course now at 50% below launch price the offer is valid until December 10 only so feel free to share the the video with someone else who could benefit from it subscribe to get more videos like these and be sure to join our Discord Community it's a great place to give and get help from fellow goodu users you'll find a link in the [Music] description
Channel: GDQuest
Views: 63,506
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Godot, Godot 4.2, game engine, game developer, godot game engine, godot games
Id: wHXJPaj6988
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 35sec (1295 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 30 2023
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