Setting Up the Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra

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well it's official Samsung misses me it's been 4 years since I've used a Samsung Galaxy Note device and then it's been 1 year since I've switched over and have been using pixel devices and they really want me back so they sent me a review unit of the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra to see what I think of it now I originally stopped using the note devices because Samsung phones just keep getting so big and I wanted a more compact phone with more features but it seems like nobody's doing that so the full was kind of the option to go to here I'm using the Google pixel fold and I really like how the screen is a little smaller I like how I can anytime open it up and have this much bigger display to use but I am missing a few things I'm missing having an S Pen um my battery life isn't great about 8:00 at night it's down to 10% I need to plug it into a charger I've had a couple issues where I'm trying to use a wireless mic now and when I plug it in sometimes this phone isn't recognizing it I think there's a little problem with with my port here and then there's been some other little issues like when I went to take a picture the other day I took the picture and I walked away and then it took it like 3 seconds later so it totally missed what I was trying to take a picture of so that just happens over time but maybe it's time to try something new so today we're going to go ahead and unbox and get the Galaxy s24 Ultra set up so that I can use it as my main device going to use it for a week or a few months and see what that experience is like see if all these new AO features are worth it to have the upgrade to this device and see if I like having the normal form factor not a fold device or if fold is still the way to go so let's get started now here this is the Galaxy s24 Ultra but you also have the s24 plus if you don't want the S Pen and the biggest screen or you have the regular s24 which is a much smaller screen so at the top of the phone you do have this little box so here inside this little box we do have a USBC power cord so we're going to use that to charge it as well as do Smart Switch here you have a quick start guide and then here we have our Sim ejector tool that we will need so that's all that's in the top part of the box then here we have the Galaxy s24 Ultra looks pretty great I don't know exactly what color this is and then there we have the rest of the box so they've definitely slimmed down how this feels some of the phones were getting so big but they've made pretty much all the bezels very very small one unique thing is now the phone is flat for years Samsung was doing a curve display that made it a little bit harder to use in cases if you're using the gestures on the side and they've really made it pretty compact they also move the S Pen over here to the left side so I think that changed on the last device which it could be on the right side but I guess they're given lefties the hand up on this one so there we have that we have the SIM card tray at the bottom there there we have the USBC on the bottom as well the left side of the phone we have nothing on the right side here uh we have the power button and the volume button way up there uhoh that's opposite from how pixel does it so that's going to be uh a little bit getting used to for a minute here at the top of the phone we just have some microphones and then here on the back we have a ton of different cameras there's a 200 megapixel camera on here bunch of other cameras lights and so on so first let's go ahead and take my SIM card out of my old phone and put it into the s24 ultra so here we're going to remove the SIM card from our old phone now the SIM card is what has your phone number you the ability to text and call on your phone it doesn't have any data on it so now we're going to remove the SIM card tray from the s24 ultra it came with the SIM card but I'm going to take it out and put in my SIM card so it has my phone number on it then we're going to place it back in and Power on the device and go through the setup process now I usually do this first just cuz right now no one can text me on this phone any new text will come through on the new phone so that I have all of my text history on this one device let's power it on now here on my pixel fold I do have a debrand case that's pretty big the phone itself is pretty small but there you can see we're about as wide as the pixel fold there and then for the height we have a much taller phone so it'll take me a little bit to get used to that but uh I am happy they've made this seem a little bit Slimmer all the way around so we're going to get started here we're going to agree to all the terms and conditions and now it's telling us we can easily set up everything from our old phone so here we're going to choose another Android phone and there on my pixel fold it's already saying hey you're going to transfer over here let's go ahead and tap setup and now it's going to go through the setup to do that now we need to scan the QR code I'm going to put in my PIN to verify it's me now it's going to pull over my Google account and have me sign into those now I'm going to set up Google Assistant I'm going to use voic match so it knows who I am and here I'm going to agree to use Google Assistant without unlocking the phone now we're going to sign into our Samsung account if you don't have one you can actually sign in with your Google account we're going to agree to some terms here it's asking for two Factor authentication so let's see if I didn't get verification code I can say use a number and then we can verify all right so it sent it right to this that was cool didn't have to go find another device now a big thing about the s24 devices is the AI or advanced intelligence get most out of your phone with these powerful features so with the phone app we can get real time translation during voice calls with the Samsung keyboard we can change the tone of your writing get spelling and grammar suggestions and translate messages in select chat and text messages apps so here we have The Interpreter which gives you live translations of spoken conversations available as voice or text output then we have unleash productivity with Samsung internet we can get simple summaries of web pages text along with full translations and then here we can create epic pick images so in the photo editor we can reimagine images by moving removing or resizing the people and objects in them then generating new backgrounds to fill in any missing pieces so you can now do a lot of stuff youed to have to do in Photoshop you can do it right here on the phone so we're going to be testing all of that out and here it says the first time you use AI in an app or service that requires data collection to provide results will let you know before your data is collected and process so that's good they're going to let me know before it may send that information somewhere else so here we have the customized service and then we have Smart Suggestions let's go ahead and keep those on here we can choose what mode we want our phone in and I like the dark mode so we're going to choose dark and we are all set up all right so now we are in the phone we can use it so right now it's kind of downloading some updated apps you can see those apps there so I really like how they simplified getting through the setup but it looks like it didn't transfer my stuff all right so in the settings under account and backup here we have the transfer data for device setup so we're going to choose that here it is now downloading a Smart Switch interesting it's no longer pre-installed and there it automatically open Smart Switch we're going to tap continue so here you need to agree to all these permissions so it can access info from old phone here we're going to receive the data here it says we need to charge our phone we're going to choose an Android and we're going to use the cable so just plug it into both phones and here on the pixel fold we need to download Smart Switch and here we need to agree to all the terms to transfer over the data and here we need to turn on data usage allow file management allow from this Source okay so now it's going to go through and find all of the information on the previous phone now another great thing about the new Galaxy s24 series is they now support 7 years of os upgrades so you could have this phone for seven years and you know that all the apps and everything that's going to come out in the next 7 years will continually be supported uh previously it's been like maybe 3 or 4 years your phone will no longer get the newest update so certain apps won't work anymore but with the new s24 series so s24 s24 plus s24 Ultra you're going to get those seven years of updates which is pretty crazy so having a phone for 7 years is kind of amazing so if you are able to do that protect the phone keep it clean keep it nice um without any damages it will last that long which is great and this definitely has enough power in it to be able to make it last last that long so your phone is still running running smoothly later throughout that time you may need to do a few Factory resets and different things like that but it's just great that they are now offering those S years of updates after a few minutes it's now found everything on the old phone and now we have the options to transfer so here I could transfer everything which is 160 gabt or I could go through and choose just accounts calls contacts and messages or I can choose custom so I believe this is going to be everything but pictures but I'm going to do custom to make sure I get everything I want so now it gives me the option to choose what I want so here at first we can choose select all so I want calls and contacts I actually don't want contacts I already have them backed up so I don't need to back up contacts then here we have messages and you can go through and you could say just like the last 30 days I like to have all of my messages backed up then here you can choose apps here we can choose a wearable so um we already we're using a Galaxy watch previously so it's transferring that settings here images I'm not going to transfer any images I back up everything to Google photos and Dropbox so I already have everything backed up I don't need another duplicate of that device over here and I'm also going to turn off videos 113 GB saved then let's go ahead and do the music and recordings and other documents so here under apps we can also see apps that we have downloaded if there's some that I'm no longer using and I don't want to have transfer over I could do that but I think I'm just going to go ahead and be good with that and now we're going to hit transfer and here it's saying a lot of messages could take a while and slow down your phone but I want that so we're going to go ahead and tap transfer and then here it's saying backup your messages app data so in these apps you would want to go and do a backup and then you'll need to restore it on the phone so here it shows WeChat and WhatsApp I'll show you WhatsApp in just a bit and now it's going to go through and do the transfer and so here it's going to show us the progress and show us what is currently being transferred you can select this to keep the screen on so you don't have to keep tapping it to wake it up or unlock it just so you can see but that is going to take more battery life so we're just going to keep that off until this is done it has now finished transferring everything that it can and it's organizing everything putting it in the right place as well as downloading all the apps it just transfers your app list and then it needs to redownload all those so here we can now disconnect the cable here you can see went from like 21% down to 10% because it was charging this phone over here which went up to 24% so now we're going to go to the home screen and we can now begin using our phone and here under the notifications it's saying the transfer is complete so if we tap on there it's going to show you all that was transferred so it moved 40 gig of information it looks like a lot of apps and everything is now complete now we just need to go through and sign into our apps now one thing about the new Galaxy 24 devices is they work with magsafe so magsafe is Apple's way of charging devices where it magnetizes to the back here so let's go ahead and try out an accessory now I'm not going to quite attach this this is called o snap it allows you to have a phone grip it's super thin it's a kickstand mag safe and all phones magnetic and wireless charging through it so that's kind of cool you pull off this back and then it sticks to this now is why this is important to know is with the s24 ultra and the S Pen if you use a magnetic accessory on the back of the phone the S Pen will not work properly so let's see if we can see what that does so here this side is magnetic so if I place this on there that is where the mag safe connector is so you'll see cases with a little circle on it so that means magnetic devices are going to connect right to there or a magnetic charger or that's where the charger is right there so if I move it up here I guess it's kind of magnetic all over um there might be a specific spot for that but let's go ahead and try this we're going to stick that on the back and then if we go into our phone oh that's that's on the wrong side and so here I'm going to hold down double tap pulls open a note all right it's going to help us do all kinds of stuff now I can draw so as I'm drawing straight lines you can see that the lines are kind of warped so let's remove that and draw lines and the lines are not warped anymore now let's try it the way it's going to be attached there you can see the lines are kind of wonky so that is something that you need to be aware of so if I mounted this to the back of my phone these lines would show up or when I'm trying to write you know if I writing it's like why does that look funny that's not how I wrote it but up here it doesn't affect it so it's only going to affect right here so at this point I would not use one of the accessories that has some sort of magnet in it so that might be something you need to test put on the case see if the Spen has a problem if it does you would need to find a different case and for me um it would have been cool to try this I might try it on top of a case see if that makes any difference now thin born did send over this case for me to try now in their packaging it also comes with two glass screen protectors now that it's a flat display that should be pretty easy to get installed but I really like how thin this case is because the phone is a bit bigger I want something that's protective but also keeps it really thin so this does have that mag safe Circle right there so if you have a MAG safe charger it's going to easily magnetize to that but let's see if everything still works fine with a case that has that installed so here we're going to put it in I like how it keeps the phone nice and slim but now we're just going to pull out the yes pen and it's going to go to our offscreen memo and as we write there you can see there's no adjustment in the lines that I'm writing so it's not going to be a problem if you have a case that has mag safe but if you place it on the mag safe charger and you're trying to use your Spen that's where it's going to be problems so here this has a little magnet in it so we put it on the back there you can see it kind of lines up right there that's where it's the strongest let's go to the next page and there you can see it kind of warps the uh drawing a little bit so as long as you have a case that has me safe and you don't need to use the S Pen while it's on the charger or whatever you're really not going to have an issue um just be careful with some of the cases you're using if you really want to use the S Pen all right so this is at 9% battery I'm going to go ahead and and plug it in here you can see it still hasn't downloaded all my apps so let's let it do that now let's set up our watch so I previously had this set up on my pixel fold I'm going to go through the settings and reset it so that I can then pair it to the s24 ultra so here on the watch we'll need to go into the settings and then scroll down to the bottom say about watch and transfer watch to new phone so here the Google account on the watch the phone must match you're signed into your Samsung account okay so here over on the phone it's automatically recognizing it we're going to select connect we're going to allow yes the numbers match now this is different than usual usually you have to completely factory reset the watch then connect it to the new phone but it's letting me just transfer it so we'll see if that delet deletes anything or if everything stays there so here it needs to download some software over on the ultra they always have some pretty cool little animations there and here we need to agree to some more terms and conditions here we're going to allow it to access all of this information receive notifications use our Google account here we can go through the tips and user guide while it's doing that so we can learn a bit more about the watch now if you want to know my favorite features about the Galaxy watch 6 classic I'll have a video linked at the end of this one all right it is 100% and now it says over here you're all set so we're going to retire the pixel watch for a bit and use this as our main watch so there we go back home and everything's just as it was all of my settings are there my different tiles are there and everything so that's pretty cool now everything is downloaded to the phone the last step is to sign sign into all of our different apps so we're getting all of our notifications and everything now you may not remember those passwords and that's going to be a little challenge for you but I'm going to show you how to get these set up so the next time you go to a new phone it's really easy to get everything um transferred over and then signed into so what we're going to do is you can either use Samsung pass or you can use Google password manager I like Google password manager and that has saved all of my different passwords so I can easily sign in so to make sure that's set up I'm going to go into the settings here and I'm just going to search for passwords and here we have passwords pass keys and autofill and down here passwords pass keys and autofill so here you have the Samsung pass option you have Google or you could even add another password manager service and then here on this page you would need to choose the preferred service so right now it's set to Samsung pass here I'm going to choose Google and yes I trust the app so I'm going to tap on Google here and then here I have Chrome passphrase so it's even more secure so let me go ahead and sign into that and once I've signed in you can see all my account logins and my passwords so here everything is saved correctly now we need to go to any app that we want to sign into so here let's sign into peacock so when we go into here it usually will ask for our email and password so we're going to tap sign in right here I'm just going to tap on there and I get this autofill option so I'm going to tap autofill and there you can see it's now populating an email address and here it's saying you can set up autofill it's going to use the information from my Google account continue there I added my username and password and I can sign in so I don't have to remember every single username and password now if you haven't done this before uh and you sign in it will then give you a popup asking if you want to save that information to your Samsung pass or your Google password manager so the next time you do this it'll easily let you sign in so now I'm going to go through and do that to all of my different apps now there's one more app that you may want to check when you transfer to a new phone and that is if the authenticator or your app you use to kind of have your two Factor authentication if those transferred over as well sometimes you need to manually transfer them over so here we're going to go and search for authenticator that's what I'm using for my authentication we're going to get started here we're going to choose Google and now Google syncs all of that so it looks like I'm good to go I don't need to remember all those while that's working let's go ahead and go into WhatsApp and I'm going to make sure I back up all my messages here so I'm going to go into menu I'm going to go to settings I'm going to tap on chats and then down at the bottom we have chat backup so here it's going to back up to my Google Drive I'm going to tap backup here you can also turn on end to end encrypted backup so it's going to encrypt the actual backup and then you can choose when that's going to backup so now that we have it backed up let's go over here and we can restore that so here we're going to go into WhatsApp English green continue put our phone number and I had to find the transfer code for WhatsApp in the app of my old phone so you'll also need to do that before you wipe the old phone and now it says it found a backup so let's go ahead and restore so that's all you have to do make sure you do the backup on the other phone have the other phone to get the code to transfer and now we're going to be back just to where we were before we started so there we're going to add our username and you can create a pass key to have a more secure sign in and now all of my chats are back next let's set up our device security we're going to head into the settings here we're going to go down to security and privacy and then down here we have Biometrics so we can do face recognition as well as fingerprint so let's go ahead and do face recognition oo scanning face done okay and then as a backup we're going to do a fingerprint then the fingerprint is right here in the screen so we just press our finger on there with the ultrasonic fingerprint scanner all right those are added I've now got everything set back up on my s24 ultra and I'm using it as my main phone I've been using it for a few days and it's been really great so far I'm loving that the battery is lasting Forever at night it's only at like 45 or 50% at the 8:00 at night at night Mark um so it's lasting way longer than my pixel fold was and then I'm loving the features of the camera they seem to be working great but let's show you some of the other features that are available now most of these are going to be software and Ai and then a little bit of the enhancements of the camera so first let's talk about what's called Circle to search if you're ever looking at something and you want to know more about a picture or a place or text or anything that's on your screen all you have to do is hold down the home button so here I don't have the home button cuz I have gestures you hold down the little bar right here and then it's going to do that little animation and now I can Circle something on screen and it's going to do a Google search for that so here it says use two fingers to pinch in and zoom more in that so there I circled the giraffe and boom it found that giraffe where you could go and buy it on your own pretty sweet now let's go ahead and go to maybe some text that I saw so here's some text on screen I'm going to hold down on the button right here and then I could highlight the text or scribble or Circle or whatever I want to do and now it's going to highlight that so there it copy the text and I can simply tap copy I also have the option to Translate and there it's doing some Google image searches for that text so there I can copy it and go paste it into another object now this is very similar to Google Lens um actually on the pixel phone you could do this before but it's great that now this is built right into Samsung phones just by holding down the home button which is really great to see now on a pixel phone you would hold up like this and then you would be able to do that but that is not how it works so here hold down and there it pops it up I also have the option to quickly go in and do a Google Search right there that's actually kind of convenient instead of having to go and find the search bar so I really like that next we have some enhancements in the notes app which is S note so here we're going to go into the notes app I'm going to create a new note and now is what you can do is you can just start typing and it's supposed to automatically format your page so I'm just going to go on here I'm going to start typing a note so let's say you're in class you're making all kind of notes and you just keep uh writing it out or maybe you're texting it out and it just continues on all right so there we have our note and then there is this AI button right here so all we have to do is press that button and then it will automatically make our note smarter so Auto format summarize correct translate and generate covers for your notes with advanced intelligence okay so tap that and now it's giving us the option to autof format summarize correct spelling or translate let's try the auto format and let's do headers and bullets so there it's going to take that and then format it correctly and there you go it says introduction there we go paragraphs weekend hiking so pretty cool that you have all that you can copy you can replace you can add to it and so on let's try another option here so then we're going to tap AI let's go ahead and summarize so it's going to say you can create a note by continuously writing or texting you can create different paragraphs to organize your notes for example you can create a list of 10 different activity ideas for the weekend such as hiking so there you go it did a pretty good job of summarizing my note now what if we have a much larger note with a lot more text so here we have a Google podcast email that I copied into notes I'm going to tap the AI button and here it's only showing that first part so I can drag and choose the entire email and now I'm going to choose summarize so it's going to take everything I have in that email and summarize it here so there's a lot going on so Google podcast will shut down in 2024 I think it's in March users can now migrate their show subscriptions to YouTube music YouTube music offers similar features to Google podcast including background play and downloads without requiring a paid membership and after March 2024 users won't be able to listen listen to podcast on Google podcast and after June 2024 migration and export of subscriptions will no longer be possible so pretty cool that it was able to summarize that I didn't have to read the whole email it would be cool if this was directly integrated into the email but um post pasting it in notes lets you do that pretty easily so that's cool that you have that then you have the other options so let's say we want to do that again here we can do correct spelling which the spelling is correct there and there there's some other you know options of maybe you could do this way you could you know kind of some grammar correction and then here we have translate so if we want to translate into a different language so let's go ahead and choose Spanish we can then instantly translate that into Spanish so that's pretty cool that is built into the notes app another thing I've noticed is that whenever I'm texting in a text box it will automatically give some underlining to the text saying if I need to adjust the spelling or grammar it's actually been pretty useful let's go ahead and test it out so let's say I want to make a post on X I'm going to go over here and start typing all right so I have typed out my text there and now here it's giving me a green underline indicating that something is wrong so here I could say I think quest three so instead of the quest 3 I could just say Quest 3 and I need to capitalize that and then over here let's just make something incorrect see if it does a change there and I can already do no so that's incorrect so sometimes it's not going to be great and here it gives us the option to auto Correct so it's been pretty helpful in certain ways but uh sometimes it isn't able to get it perfect now let's go ahead and check out some of the camera features so first off on the back we have so many different cameras here so here we have the 200 megapixel camera we have an ultrawide we have our telephoto and the regular camera with some other sensors and the Flash there so let's go ahead and check out some of the pictures I have taken random pictures so first off let's see what the ultrawide pictur is going to take so there a picture in the kitchen of the clock looks pretty good there we can zoom in on it and that's as far as we can zoom in but let's say we want to zoom in more with the regular or the telephoto there it's a pretty crisp clear picture and if we want to zoom in more we can do I think this is 10x and then you can do 30X and then you can do 100 time so there you can see it does get a little grainy but that is how far you can zoom in so we went from there all the way to there which is pretty great to be able to do that um sometimes if you need to read something far away that's a really great option um you may not be using that a ton but just being able to have that really close Zoom is going to be very helpful to have on your phone now next let's talk about some of the AI features so here I took a picture in the kitchen let's try and clean it up a little bit here in the camera so if we just tap the edit button down here it's going to pull up the photo right here we have the AI button so here we can reimagine your image move remove resize the people and objects in your images then use advanced intelligence to fill in the background okay let's try it out so there we did that now we can touch and hold your selections to move or delete them so I'm going to tap and hold on there and I want to erase it we don't need that let's get rid of it all right it really got rid of it so I guess we're gonna get rid of things first let's get that spatula out of the way we zoom in oh we can and the salt shaker hold down delete Okay so we've removed certain things let's go ahead and generate and it is adding missing pieces and they're gone kind of here you have the option to view original so you can see they're gone but if we zoom in let's click done you can see there's some pretty bad photoshopping going on there I wish it was a little more impressive I didn't do a very hard picture so that's a little bummer but let's try another one so here we have a tractor I want to make this tractor bigger so let's click the edit button we're going to tap generate here let's choose the tractor and now what can we do all right so we can move it we can expand it all right there we can make it really big we could change the angle of it if we wanted to all right now we got our big big monster tractor all right and tap generate then let's see what it does to the rest of the picture there it grabbed a little part that it shouldn't have but let's see if it adjust that at all to fix it and there is our final picture so we went from this small tractor to a much bigger cool looking tractor let's hit done and save our copy so there you go it kept it pretty high quality was able to move it let's check out the edges so there it kept the original Edge but kind of did some blurring to make it match in there it did this interesting thing right there but that's pretty fun so you can do some quick photoshopping right there in the gallery app without needing another program which is really great and then uh there's some other cool things that Samsung has been doing with this you have the option to remove Reflections from certain photos and so on also the uh phone itself the glass is I think 50% less reflective than other glass you would get on a Samsung device so if I lock my screen you know there's some Reflections up here but other phones are going to have those Reflections a lot more let's find one to compare all right here I have some really dirty phones let's see you can see how much less bright it is over here on the s24 ultra with my pixel fold yeah that's crazy how it's able to dim it so much and not make it as reflective here on the pixel fold you can see me hi but I cannot even find myself on the s24 ultra which is pretty cool now another feature with the AI is being able to help you in the texting app and I think other text throughout the phone so right here in the messages app texting my wife and down here at the bottom there is an AI texting icon so if I tap that I have the option to translate the chat so here it's taking it and turning it into Spanish so right there I'm texting and instantly it is translating each each message into Spanish this is is pretty gamechanging now it didn't do this one that's attached to a picture which is a bummer but that is very impressive that it is able to translate that I'm really impressed by that let's try another one tap on here touch this button and then writing style so here we need to empty we need to enter a text first so let's see I'm going to turn off the translation right there so I'm going to ask her what are you making for dinner all right so I'm going to tap here and then I'm I'm going to adjust the writing style and there you go we have some other options the original what are you making for dinner here we can do professional May inquire about the culinary creation you intend to prepare for the evening meal if I send that my wife will say please bring home dinner and I will not be making you anything so uh be very careful with this feature um then we have casual what you making for dinner that one's pretty good I like that one so you can copy it or I could insert it right there there we have social meaning you wanted to post it online what are you making for dinner # cooking # foodie then we have polite could you please let me know what you are preparing for dinner that's something I need to teach my daughter to say when she's asking for dinner and you have emojify what are you making for dinner dinner plate okay so let's say I want to choose this casual one we're going to tap insert and there it has inserted it into the message pretty cool let's try another one so we're going to tap here and then we have spelling and grammar so it's going to go through check my text see if there's any errors and here it has underlined where it had fixed the grammar on that message and I can easily insert it into the message so those are the new AI texting features kind of fun to have I think that translation within the message thread is amazing I don't know why I've never seen something like that happen before so I'm going to be testing this out over the next month but I'd love to know what else you want to know about the s24 ultra please leave it down in the comments below I'll also leave a link to some great discounts that are going on in the pre-order window of the s24 ultra so if you want to um check those out there's some great deals on trading in your current device and even you can get double the amount of internal storage without spending more so they do deals on that while it's in pre-order so check out the link in the description for more details there thank you so much for watching we'll see you on the next one
Channel: Tech With Brett
Views: 38,906
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tech With Brett, Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra, S24 Ultra Smart Switch, s24 Ultra s pen compatible case, set up Samsung galaxy s24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 49sec (2149 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2024
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