Seth Rogen On Weed, 80's Cocaine, & The Lion King: Extended Interview | DESUS & MERO | SHOWTIME

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Billy Eichner was on a podcast about a month ago talking about the movie, mostly about Donald and Beyoncé sing "can you feel the love tonight" making him cry. Get ready, ya'll.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/thetallestcoop 📅︎︎ May 03 2019 🗫︎ replies
I was once interviewed in a basement. But it turned out that it wasn't a talk show. And I don't like to talk about that. [MUSIC PLAYING] Yerrr Today we have Seth Rogen in the building, y'all. - Good to see you guys. - How's it going, man? I'm great. The only guy who might smoke more weed than me. It might be possible. Is that possible? - How much weed do you smoke? - A lot. Me too. So-- [LAUGHTER] --it could be a draw. Do you track your daily intake? No. DESUS: No? You just-- just out here-- just-- Just out here smoking, man. When's the last time you looked and, like, your supply was low? Oh, man, not in a very long-- I mean if I'm somewhere where it's hard to get, then that's something that I have to monitor the weed. How much do you keep to just being sure? Like, I know I have to have a certain amount in reserve just in case there's like a rainstorm or something happens to my connect. Well, I live in LA mostly, which there are stores everywhere. So it's not hard to get weed. I forgot where you're living, that struggle New York. - Exactly. - Yeah. You just got to take what the guy takes out from under his balls. - No, exactly. - And it's like here. - I've seen it, yeah. I've bought weed here in New York. And it's a-- it's an adventure every time. It's a very clandestine operation. You don't know when the guy is going to show. I hate, like-- - Oh. --that is just-- Listen. - --it's a level of stress-- - It's like-- --I have like not-- I haven't dealt with it in so long that whatever I'm here and have to deal with that, it's just it sends me back to high school. And I'm just like, when's this motherfucker going to call? MERO: You're, yo, what's happening? It's like a four-hour window. Yeah, every time, 9:00 AM to 12. I'm like, you never know. I have no idea. It's like cable. Might as well wait for the cable guy. It will either take 20 minutes, or he'll just never fucking just never show up. He'll never show up. And he'll go, my bad. You just text him the next day like, hey. SETH ROGEN: Hey, how's it going? - Oh. Remember me? SETH ROGEN: Maybe my code was wrong. Then you get a, yo, my bad. SETH ROGEN: Exactly. Like, no, you're not sorry at all. Who has better weed? LA or New York? Because I've noticed LA has very smooth weed. Yeah. New York's weed has a little bit of harshness, much like a New York existence, what I need. I find-- exactly. I find that now they-- I think they just get LA weed everywhere. DESUS: Yeah. Like, I think there's so much of it. I feel like by the time it gets over here, though, it's a little dry. - It's maybe a little drier. A little drier, a little crustier. But that's OK. Yeah. You know? It's in a improv class. In general, the weed in New York, I've found has gotten much better. DESUS: Yeah, it has. Over the last, like, 10 years or so, yeah. And then you went from, like, three options to, like, 10. Yeah. There's different kinds now. You can request it by name. You don't have to just say weed. Yeah. And again, you're not just like praying some motherfucker's going to show up. But speaking of that, you have like a weed fucking conglomerate. I have a weed company in Canada-- only in Canada right now, where it is federally legal. [LAUGHTER] Where it's federally legal. This shit is all above board, so I'm playing. Yeah, it's scary out here. Are you ready to make the move to the United States when-- if ever? - We're looking at it. We're looking at different ways to do it. But yeah, I'm open to it. I mean, obviously it's a-- I mean, if you need a brand ambassador. SETH ROGEN: Yeah, exactly. You know what I mean? I would love to provide Americans with fantastic weed as well. It's an honor. I mean, yeah, it's something that I've obviously been passionate about my whole life. And to be able to actually own a weed company-- MERO: That's the flex. --it's fantastic. Would you ever think that you would utter that phrase-- like, I own a weed company? - No. I actually didn't. And like I remember-- it's funny. I remember, like, as a kid-- and this just shows what a stoner I was-- I would buy "High Times" magazine and it was just like-- like "Popular Science," I bet there was like a section where it's like what the future will look like. There'll be flying cars, and everyone will have a computer in their hand. There was a weed version of that in "High Times" magazine. I remember as a kid there was a thing where it's like, you'll be able to buy a pack of joints in a box like it's a pack of cigarettes. And I remember being like, no fucking way. [LAUGHTER] It was like, never. Weed, yeah. [INAUDIBLE] Weed? I don't know about this. Imagine, guys. And now it's possible. Yeah, it's a wonderful time. You also are defending stoner of the year. I was. I mean-- DESUS: Was that '07? MERO: '07, yeah. It was '07. I was two times. MERO: Two times? Two times actually. It was two times-- multiple champion. It's good because they know you're going to break one of them. So they give you two of them. Because it is a functional bong, the award. Where do you keep it? It's on my shelf. I have it. Nice. I still have it. But I did actually break one of them because I would use it. And bongs are meant to be broken. That's true. How did you win that award? Do you have to be nominated, like a Webby? I know what it was. Yeah, it was after "Pineapple Express" came out. They just gave it to me. DESUS: OK. Yeah, that was it. It was a weird ceremony though. I remember Funkadelic was there. - Oh, sure. - Yeah. Like a lot of the band was there. That makes sense. That makes perfect sense. Yeah, that makes perfect sense. And we smoked. And we were in a room like a quarter of this size, and there was like more people. - Smoked it out? It was one of those times where I'm just like-- and one of those rare moments in my life where I'm like, there's too much people smoking weed in this place right now. Yeah. [LAUGHTER] What's the weirdest, like-- because weed is a social drug. It is. Like, I smoke weed by myself in my basement 'cause I'm a weirdo. Yes. But like, typically, you smoke weed amongst people. Like, what's the weirdest [INAUDIBLE] you've ever been in? I've been in some weird ones. One year at Comic-Con, like 10 years ago, Method Man wrote a comic book. So I found myself in a weed smoking circle with like all of my favorite comic book writers and Method Man, which was a very weird group of people. That's a very eclectic group. Yeah. I recently was smoking weed with Travis Scott. At just any time-- I mean, just me and him comprise a weird weed smoking circle. [LAUGHTER] Was he doing the ad libs? We get along really, really-- he's a hilarious fucking dude. Yeah? - Yeah, exactly. - Straight up? Exactly. But that was right-- yeah, that was just like a week ago. So it's fresh in my head. But it was a rad-- I mean, anyone who's-- you always get along pretty well with people who smoke weed. I feel like everybody in LA smokes-- California, Hollywood. Most people do in some capacity unless you're like sober and don't. Right. That's always-- Which is a lot of-- is also a big LA thing. Oh, no, I'm sober, bro. SETH ROGEN: Yeah, it's like sobriety. Is weed like-- is weed now what cocaine was in the '80s in Hollywood? No. No? No, I don't think so. I think cocaine is what cocaine was then. I think cocaine now-- yeah. [LAUGHTER] That's a lot of tooting around. It's amazing when, like, now I watch any movie almost between 1981 and 1989. MERO: You see it. And you're just like, oh, this was like a coke fucking rampage. [INTERPOSING VOICES] You mean, like, the script was written on coke? - Yeah, there's like-- - Or actors on coke? --there's whole movies where you're just, like, this whole movie is like a coke fucking manic-- like, they didn't know what they were doing. Like, they just woke up one morning and it's like, oh, we made a whole fucking movie. Holy shit. Because I remember, like, thinking you never see people, like, doing coke. But people are doing it. - They come in the bathroom. - Every now and then-- - Yeah. --every now and then you see someone get a little too blatant with it, do it right-- - Oh, yeah, and I'm shocked. --and you're like, oh. You're like, oh, we're doing coke coke. SETH ROGEN: What are we doing? You're just like, excuse me, this is a baby shower. [LAUGHTER] It's like, oh, the baby wants some? Yeah. Well, yeah, you're doing key bumps by the ice luge shot there? Key bumps, wow. Yeah. How do you do a key bump now if you have, like, a Tesla? Yeah, exactly. [LAUGHTER] You're almost-- you're fucking up the game. You just dump it all, yeah. So it's like right here. [INTERPOSING VOICES] Put in the Tesla, like [SNORTING] No, the last great moment cocaine had was the movie, "Flight," where the message of the movie is almost cocaine will solve all your problems. Cocaine [INAUDIBLE] [INAUDIBLE] should not have gone to the-- If you just stick by-- if you just stick to it, it will fix everything. That was like the bummer that he went to jail at the end of that movie. - I know. That was almost-- I was like, whoa, this is a bold film. The whole movie's about how cocaine saves the day. I feel like he saved the people on the plane. Like, why did he go to-- like, yeah, he was coked up when he flipped the plane. But they landed. Yeah. Only a coke head would think to flip the plane upside down. Only a coke head. [LAUGHTER] Watch this shot. Yeah, watch this shit, right? [LAUGHTER] Say I won't. Say I won't. [LAUGHTER] It's like coke head move. Oh, man. Shout out to Denzel, though, for literally being in every possible vehicle you could be in-- SETH ROGEN: Yeah. - --and saving the day. Like, a train, a plane-- SETH ROGEN: Everything. --a fucking boat. DESUS: He got to do a hovercraft next. Yeah. Denzel only works with vehicles. It's in his rider. The only thing that'll work with Denzel Washington anymore is a vehicle of some sort. He's a tough dude. I've heard he's scary. You've got 500 movies. SETH ROGEN: Yeah. We just talked about doing a coke movie. SETH ROGEN: Yeah. When you going to do a coke movie with us in it? - Whatever you guys are ready. - Hey, come on. It's your right to show. - I'm in. Your right to show. I have no idea what it's about. - Yeah, we'll figure it out. - We'll figure it out. Yeah. I know what'll help us write it. [LAUGHTER] And it won't take eight years either. [LAUGHTER] Maybe eight hours. SETH ROGEN: Yes. [SHRIEKS] Terrible. It'll be very bad. I guarantee that. We're just going to do a "Game of Thrones" type battle on Sunset Boulevard. --Sunset Boulevard. Yeah, it's gonna be-- yeah! - Yeah, 4,000 extras, no, 5,000. - Yeah! SETH: Get more. Yeah, yeah, yeah. SETH: Just more. Let's get 'em all from Silver Lake. SETH: Excess. Excess, more is more. Oh, man. SETH: Sometimes more is more. You guys are both subconsciously grabbing your noses as you talk about it. - Oh, yeah. [LAUGHS] I was like, wait, uh-- did they get me with the nose? I like that you used the word "subconsciously." SETH: Yeah. [LAUGHTER] So "Long Shot--" A lot has go wrong, yeah. Is "Long Shot" like, a weed-smokin' movie? Do I like, eat an edible before I go? Yes, you should-- you should, why not? - Like, 250 milligrams? - It won't make it worse. Yeah, I would. DESUS: Yeah. It's a comedy. There's lots of funny shit in it. There is drugs in the film, so-- [LAUGHS] DESUS: Shout out to you. You are living every stoner's dream. Because every one of your movies is a plot line someone comes up with when they're high. SETH: A lot of them-- - You actually just do the work. - Exactly. I just do-- - You are the only person. I-- I just worked for eight years after that. There you go. [LAUGHTER] The rest of us are like, yo-- Yo. We do a movie about-- SETH: Oh yeah. Oh. You know what would be dope? Some of them, "Sausage Party," 100%, was an idea that we would like, joke about high. It came from the title first. Like, in press, people would always ask us what movie we were doing next. And as a joke, we would always say, it's called "Sausage Party." Because that sounded like, whatever-- it sounded-- it just sounded like we should be making a movie called that. And then one day, me and Jonah were like, what would that actually be? And then we made a whole fucking movie about it. But it took us like, 10 years. So it takes a long time. Yeah. That's what we've been hearing. SETH: Yeah. 'Cause we've been trying to do movies and stuff like that. Everybody's like-- Jordan Peele said the same shit. He's like, yeah, it took me eight years to make this. Yeah. No, it's true. MERO: 10 years, or whatever? Yeah, for years, I would talk to him. He'd be like, I'm working on this horror movie. He's working on this horror movie. Like, and like, yeah, it takes for-fucking-ever. Like-- For a good movie. - For a good movie. - OK. I've made very bad movies in very short periods of time. [LAUGHTER] Yo, here's-- I wrote this shit in a week. And the truth is, like, it's almost easier to make bad movies. Yeah. Like, the movies where they're just like, yeah, go for it. MERO: Just crankin' 'em out? Like, those generally are not good. And the ones like this, like, yeah, like, it took us almost 10 years to make this movie. And I think that's why it's good. Because like, it forces you to fucking work on it for 10 years. And if it sucks, you probably won't work on it for that long, and you'll get rid of it, and you'll start working on another thing. So there's like, a Darwinist thing to it, I think. So being high, like, I find I don't get as high as I used to get when I was like, 15. SETH: Yeah. You know what I'm saying? Like, how do you combat that? Like, are you like, I'm going to do three dabs in a row? This is the disrespectful part of the interview. No. I don't do any-- I don't fuck, really, that much with like-- The dabbage? Shatter, dabs, and that stuff. Yeah, it's-- that's getting it to like, a little interventiony. When the blowtorch comes out. DESUS: Yeah. And I'm like, I'm not really-- once my friend-- I had a friend who's like, putting on, like, safety equipment, and like, and just like-- [LAUGHS] - There's a timer and shit. And I'm just like--exactly. It's like, as soon as it's like-- like, plutonium's involved, yeah. Yeah, that is "Breaking Bad." It's too much. Yeah, it's like, yeah, once there's blowtorches and shit, I'm like, it's a little-- for me, personally, it's a little much. I'm still amazed at how weed still works. Like, I'm for sure it's not as much as like, when I first started smoking it. MERO: But it's-- you still feel it. If anything, it's one of the most consistently functional things I purchase, you know? Like, I'll buy a shirt. I'll buy like three XL shirts, and they'll all be different fucking sizes. - The sizes. - But like-- - Weed is weed. Weed gets me high every time I smoke it. Like, I've never returned weed. [LAUGHTER] But I've returned a lot of other shit. [LAUGHTER] So it's always working well enough that I'm like, yeah, I mean, this is what I paid for. I'm pretty happy with that. - Elevator pitch. - Yeah. What's the movie about? SETH: "Long Shot," I play a journalist. I point at you guys, kind of yeah. Washington Post, journalists of the year right here. Journalists of the year, you know what I'm saying? Yeah. - You know what I'm saying? Who's unemployed? And I was babysat as a child by Charlize's character. And she's become the Secretary of State. And she's running for president, and she hires me as one of her speechwriters because I'm a good writer in the movie. And-- and then we kind of have a romance. Yeah. OK. Was this your way of secretly telling Hillary Clinton you want her? No. [LAUGHTER] I don't need a secret way to do that. I can just come out and do that. [LAUGHTER] MERO: Let's put this shit on Twitter, bro, make it happen. Exactly. Or Madeleine Albright. [LAUGHTER] Hey, now we're talking. - Exactly. - Now we're talking. Fuck that, Angela Merkel, bro. Exactly, yeah. All right, now we're getting messy. Let's get messy. Timone and Pumba. Yeah, I'm sorry. I-- I-- Oh, you've apologized-- I've apologized publicly before. You've apologized so many times. I would just like to go on record, leave this man alone. MERO: Leave him alone! It's not his fault. He had nothing to do with the process. MERO: It was his agent. Every time-- every time a new trailer comes out I am-- I wouldn't say flooded, but there's still a lot of holdouts from people who-- They're like, yo, fuck Seth Rogen. I was like, why? SETH: Exactly. He's a nice guy. Who thinks I personally prevented you guys from doing it. They don't-- they don't understand how it works, whatever. They don't get how casting works. Like, you guys were there, and I just fucking shooed you out of the way. - Yeah. Like, sit down, motherfuckers. To the outside world, like, you're Michael Jordan and we're Isaiah Thomas. Exactly. And we're not in the dream team because of you. It's not Seth's fault. SETH: Yeah. That's not what happened. That's not what happened at all. SETH: I wish I could share it with you. [LAUGHTER] Is that weird, though? Like, seeing-- 'cause "Lion King" being like, an iconic Disney movie now-- Yes. They CGI'd it all up. Yeah. It's super weird. It's weird, 'cause I did a lot of it with the actual people though. Like, and I did have to sing in a small room with Donald Glover. Which like, is not-- No pressure. --not-- it's one of the worst things I've ever had to do in my entire fucking life. And like-- and the whole-- normally I'm in those types of situations, and I'm able to tell myself like, oh, I'm funnier than this person. But I'm not even funnier than he is, I don't think. Like, I have nothing on him. He is more handsome. He sings better. And he's arguably just as funny as I am. It was a-- and I'm like, this fucking close to him the whole time. Like, it's-- it was really a-- it was a bummer. It bummed me out for a long time. You could be like, I'm way higher than you right now though. I don't even know if that's true. [LAUGHTER] No spoilers, but does Simba get revenge in this one? Yeah, we changed all of it. Nice, nice. [LAUGHTER] Nice. I didn't like the last ending. - No. - He kills Scar with a fucking-- - With the fucking AR? Yeah, exactly. With a gold Uzi. Yeah, it's-- it was controversial, but I think people will like it. DESUS: Oh, wow. You know what I'm saying? Oh, Passover, right? It was just Passover. It was just Passover. Jew gang, ah ah, you got your parents here. Ah, ah. - My parents are here. Shouts-- shouts for making him. Know what I mean? How was your Passover? It was-- I didn't do anything for Passover. MERO: No? No brisket or nothing? I actually, no, no-- I had a very small-- I actually did make-- I made Tri Tip, which is like, a California version of brisket, I guess. I don't keep Passover anymore. I don't know, I got to ask these questions, man. No, you got to ask, I'm Jewish. I mean, yeah. Yeah. I learned through y'all. Yeah, no. My Passover was fucking lit, bro. What'd you do? I just ate mad fucking brisket, and then blew up my mother-in-law's bathroom. - Nice. [LAUGHS] - Know what I'm sayin'? Like, I was in there shitting. They were like, uh, he's been in there for half an hour. [LAUGHTER] We're putting dessert out. We're putting dessert out. Do you want some jelly rings? Do they keep Passover? Do they eat matzo and shit like that? Yeah, all that. Afikomen, all that shit, we hide it. Afikomen's a different holiday. [LAUGHS] But that-- no, is it? Yeah, no. - No, it is. - It is, no. It is Passover. Whoa, you're totally right. Seder plate was on point. You know more about Jewish, even that I do, man. Why-- why-- that's exactly why I brought it up though. Yeah. [LAUGHTER] I'm telling you, I'm gonna start fact checking these holidays, y'all. You got too many of them. MERO: Let's see, but yeah. You know a Jewish level of Jewishness. You know what I'm saying? Just enough. Shout out to my wife, Shout out to my mother-in-law, know what I mean? - Just a smidgen. Did you convert? No, but I just like, it's lit, because it's like, double holidays now. Because like, I was raised Catholic. SETH: Lot of good Jewish holidays. And then my wife was raised Jewish. So it's like-- SETH: There's a lot of overlap between Catholic people. Yeah. You know what I mean? So it was just like, yo, you get Christmas and you get Hanukkah. My kids are spoiled as shit. We're both taught to hate each other a lot. [LAUGHTER] And ourselves. I got-- I got to get in on this. I'm missing out. Brisket. Yeah, my mother-in-law's very good at the-- at the Jewish guilt thing. I learned that's a-- - Yeah. - That's a real thing. It's a real thing. It's a real thing. You see people whip it out. MERO: Yeah. Yeah. It's like, it's a weapon. [LAUGHS] MERO: Just pull it out. That is brandished. Just like, hey, you know, I helped do that. You're not taking great care of the house that I helped you buy. SETH: Yeah, exactly. You know? And I was just like, wow, OK, thank you, Judy. What else are you working on? I have a show that just got picked up for a second season, "Black Monday," with Don Cheadle. Oh, "Black Monday." Hey, yo! Shout out to Showtime gang. - Uh-huh, uh-huh. Yeah. SETH: On Showtime, yeah. Yup. Yeah, there you go. I have a show called "Preacher" that's getting picked up. Or that just got picked up for a fourth season. A show called "The Boys," on Amazon. I have a movie called "Good Boys" coming out later in the summer, with Jacob Tremblay. It's a very filthy R-rated movie, starring 12-year-olds. Oh, shit. - So I hope-- - Cursing? I hope people are ready for that. [LAUGHTER] Yeah, it's a wonderful thing. 12-year-olds, you got them cursing and shit? - Oh, yes. - Oh. It's like, a filthy, filthy, filthy movie. That's like, my favorite-- It's like a live-action "South Park," though. I would love to do something like that. But then I-- like, as a parent, I'm like, are the parents cool with this? But I'm like, if you're a stage parent-- They were totally cool with it. Yeah? Yeah. Yes, 100%. We had some child actors on set the other day. They was cursing all left and right. They're smoking Newports. I was like, wow. Oh yeah. One of them-- one of the kids in the movie is very religious, though. And it is funny. And I was-- we're like-- I was like, how do you reconcile this? He's like, my mother tells me to pray every night about it. [LAUGHTER] I was like, wow. That's fricking amazing. That is fucked up, yeah. Just having to swear all day, and then pray it away at night. DESUS: Wow. What a-- that's a tough existence that kid has. Yeah, I feel bad for him. But he's very funny in the film. Are you following the playoffs at all? - Not at all. - Not at all? OK. - No sports for me. DESUS: No sports? I did "The Shop" a few weeks ago, and I didn't know who any of the people were. [LAUGHS] DESUS: The LeBron "Shop?" SETH: Yeah. What was that like? It was amazing, but I-- I felt-- I only knew Travis Scott and Pharrell. So what do you do when they're having, like, the a wild basketball discussions? Or are you just sitting there and listening? I'm just sitting there nodding politely. Like, oh? Hope you guys all win-- [LAUGHTER] DESUS: OK. --your respective, uh, games. I just want everyone to have a good time. And you all-- you all seem good at them. I hope you have fun with them. What is-- yeah, I hope all your shoes do well. [LAUGHTER] DESUS: Oh, Seth. Yeah, just wishing them all the best. I'm hoping-- --hoping they score. I can literally sit here and talk about weed and not sports for like, a million hours. But we've got to wrap it up, because you are a very important person. Oh, yeah. Every bodega has a neon sign that says a message, the sales, whatever. What is your neon sign? Love yourself. MERO: That's right. He doesn't mean masturbating. I do, actually. [LAUGHTER] Specifically. [LAUGHTER] [MUSIC PLAYING]
Channel: DESUS & MERO
Views: 1,673,312
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hot topics, the people, Bodega Hive, marijuana, Q&A, showime, the Bronx, vice, for the people, Funny, comedy, african-american, new york, The Kid Mero, thekidmero, Bodega, desus & mero, desus nice, Late Night, Bronx, hive, tv talk show, desusnice, TV, Bodega Boys, late night show, interview, trends, talk, late night tv, Mero, stoner, talk show, podcast, Desus, Black Comedy, nyc, Seth Rogen, extended interview, Long Shot, Pineapple Express, The Lion King, passover, Weed, cocaine, seth rogen weed
Id: 0A2zquZ16kE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 32sec (1112 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2019
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