Miles Teller On His Iconic Top Gun Maverick Beach Dance | Ext. Interview | DESUS & MERO | SHOWTIME

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number one show at late night nothing but illustrators guess mirror who's in the building today oh man you keep the imdb it's longer than a cvs receipt y'all miles teller is in the building you know what i'm saying he's up next he's been here he's here in the studio in the bodega you might know him from a little movie you know top gun what i'm saying you know it's had some uh you know moderate success it's doing all right he's doing all right how do you feel how i feel you hope it gets better hope the numbers go up i mean it's uh no i mean no no no it's a blockbuster yeah it's wow because there hasn't been a blockbuster like this it's like very reminiscent of movies back in the day like independence day those larger-than-life movies yeah well i think it's you know tom i think always treats his audience with a high level of respect there's a reason why he's been the biggest movie star in the world since the original came out in 1986 his dedication to the craft and his appreciation for people going to see movies that's that's something he takes with a you know heft amount of responsibility so as like a veteran act like as yourself yeah what's it like to work with like a young up-and-comer like tom cruise yeah exactly no i mean honestly he's um he's just very disarming man like he feels you know he's he's your teammate yeah when you're doing a movie with tom that's how he treats you like like a teammate which coming from sports background that's how that's how i like to work too man we're all trying to do the same thing the other side project together yeah yeah you were really flying those planes no thank god no but we're but we're actually we're in them for real no i was watching it and i was like i was like how the [ __ ] did they film this like how did you get the cameras in there so they put they designed it originally they didn't think that we'd be able to get like one camera in the cockpit and claudio um our cinematographer he was able to get six in there so there's four cameras on our face and then there's two over the shoulder on the on the real pilot and what's it like being in those planes because i they're scary as [ __ ] it's a lot dude i mean honestly it's like first of all it's it's super uncomfortable it's just all metal there's nothing there's nothing comfortable like you're gonna love my arm but so you're saying it's not like delta one no it's not well no i mean it's like i'm sure there's some airlines where you're like okay yeah this is uh i mean it's better than the spirit right yeah big ryanair energy yeah but no but actually in in the cockpit i was surprised there's uh they have like they still have ash trays in there because apparently back in the day like you'd just be smoking those fighter pilots would be i mean you could even still smoke in submarines up until a couple years ago because they had all the exhaust from you know in the kitchen and apparently the food's the best on subs too because they get like an extra i think dollar twenty per service member and that goes towards the food so you can do a lot with a dollar twenty more per person so i'm yeah i'm sure it's like probably some good stuff sometimes during my broke days it was like that yeah oh yeah we're talking about michael b uh earlier before we started rolling the cameras yeah when i worked with him we used to call him michael b deli because he could go into any bodega and he would have you try something that i was like no way that's going to taste good and it would just be bagel huh did you have his specialty bagel because he brought it for us with the cream cheese bacon and jelly yes i was like this is going to be disgusting it's going to be nasty oh my god it was good the salt and the sweet yes michael b deli that's his michael that's it yeah yeah for sure so that your viral moment yeah the dance moves yeah yeah like where'd they come from you just you just you just be dancing um that was a move that me and my buddies like would just bust out at parties and [ __ ] because i think it's for me dancing's always been don't take yourself too seriously so yeah have fun with it so that was like honestly i'm sure people could find online but i always knew that dance was like the weekend at bernie's dance right where you're like kind of dead you're just but to be fair like in the beach when we did that scene nobody knew when the camera was on them because we just kind of did some stuff they were just running it so i had no idea that you know they even caught that moment one of my favorite lines from that is when jon hamm comes up he's like what are they doing here what's who's winning and tom goes i think they stopped keeping score a long time ago just you see thomas like a dad in that moment yeah it's one of my favorite performances and does that boost you like to you know what i mean like how they put to put it in like basketball terms like he makes the team the players around him for sure yeah no i mean i think that's i think that's important like i always feel like if i'm in a scene you know i want to be a point guard and there's times when you break down a scene it's like all right this character needs to win here maybe maybe it's me like certain people are going to be driving a scene at different times but if it's not me then like i want you to i want to serve you up i want to i want to help you do that yeah yeah i want you to yammy oh i should be able to dunk that's something i've never been up there and i'm six one like i should you can't dunk i should have can you i used to i used to be able to do that 100 100 pounds ago i could never see like a hundred pounds of one car basketball i was oh damn yeah what position did you play when you played basketball i was super tiny so i was a point guard i didn't hit my gross work till like senior year and then at that point i was just playing baseball kind of year-round so what position are we playing baseball uh up the middle second base short stuff yeah all right that's talking about that's a real position no right fielding no you got to get the middle you got to highlight a real quickness papa you got to move side to side you know so after sports music like how did acting come in the mix like you were just like yo one day like i'm gonna do a school play or is it one of those stories or kind of like i yeah when i was in second grade i think i did like a school play never really thought about it i was like a class clown and you know i love sports i want to go i want to go to like syracuse for broadcast journalism yeah yeah i wanted to be like mellow sports um you know like sportscenter anchor and this net and then when i was in high school buddy i played baseball with just said he was going to audition for a play and he was my ride home from school so i said all right and and then yeah he got the lead i got like the buddy and and then i got into it because i felt like it was a good way for me to make people laugh laugh but without getting sent to the principal's office spider head yeah what's the the easiest explanation for those who are not familiar okay yeah so i play an inmate his name is jeff he's basically patient zero at this facility that is run by chris hemsworth everybody that's there is basically an inmate instead of going to prison for a crime that they committed they voluntarily come to this program right where chris gets to experiment drugs on you and it can be a criticism on kind of the the prison system that we have because if we're if we send people to prison and they say oh well you're there to reform so you come out and you can be a contributing citizen that's not how it goes right you know you don't go to prison and come out of you know better person it's a great thing it's yeah they're not level up you learn new skills you learn new crimes it's like achievement unlocked you went there like a credit card license you come back you know how to like make fake passes insurance fraud achievements yeah like oh you improved your stats you're just grinding all night like yeah bro oh yeah me too all the time what platform you playing it on uh i mean i was an xbox guy forever but and now i'm i'm i'm doing the playstation i had two too i had to all my friends were like get a playstation i finally did you have a liquor yeah i do was it long beer no it's a long drink long drink long drink did you bring some oh i just so happened to have some oh and i got it hey yeah now what is the history of long drink because that sounds like some weird thing my aunt would say would you like a long drink i actually i actually don't [ __ ] know no i'm joking so they yeah so it's it's these they yeah i tried it in new york but it's when you go to finland it's basically like the national beverage of finland it's a mixture of gin shout out to finland but to be fair like i've i mean i've never really put my name on anything because i just it feels i feel like people are tired of being so dude just because you're a good actor doesn't mean i want to try your lotion or whatever like yeah so yeah i love doing top gun i'm going with yeah have you sat many hours in a cockpit in a cockpit preparation age uh what else are you working on right now then i don't know man like i've been working and kind of doing the pressing for a while so hopefully i mean it'll break the right thing comes along you know i'll do it tomorrow right but right now that right thing hasn't come along so i've kind of planned some you know stuff with my family and my wife and oh yeah you know you just got to get get back because you don't get anything yeah you don't get to see them how do you relax after like spending so much time making a movie like do you go wait little mlb show show time i do have a theater room and meet my my buddies we'll just we'll just uh facetime and and play it okay theater room yeah we're not familiar what do we need what's the five things you need in your theater room oh i actually have one of those it seems gimmicky but one of those like carnival kind of popcorn machines that's good that is that is nice it'll burn the [ __ ] out of you yeah if you touch it no just like every time i think i have it figured out i [ __ ] it up and burn it's like hot yeah what kind of what kind of theater seats are we talking we talk about gamer chairs or like movies i mean this came with the house so i didn't even have to set it up but yeah it's like some nice leather chairs that recline cup holder and then i can actually put like a tray that kind of you know sits right there so that's your exhaust fan my wife put a very like one of her modeling photos in there where she looks very sexy i was like baby why put this down here it's like me my boys were just hanging out playing video games and she's like that's why i put it down there so you know you're always i'm always there you know watching guys listen everyone i come you are an illustrious guest everyone that comes to the bodega right get some neon signs right what would you like your neon sign to say no [ __ ] no [ __ ] [ __ ] we could drink to that come in by bodega but there's no [ __ ] allowed in here close to that cheers get up for the homie mozilla in the building check out top guns for the independence there near you you got to go to end the angelica to see it yeah my boy was like yo you got to go see it in 4dx bro yes yes like no you got to see it in the imax it moves and all that stuff water sprays first of all where's water coming from you know what i mean it's recycled like what is that well when the chair started moving to non-max i was like holy [ __ ] did you see it in 4dx yeah oh nice it was a lot it was cool it was a lot though it was a lot also because i didn't feel like a shitty amusement park ride or actually i was on editable skates oh okay cool like i thought i was like in the movie yeah yeah like when they were like yo the missile has to go in a box i was like i don't know where the controls are i wasn't trained enough for this jon hamm help me get up for the home you might have a little bit oh we're still rolling yo welcome to the official jesus and merrell youtube channel like comment and subscribe to see some dope content that you can only get here sit back you know i'm saying watch a video or two or three or five you don't say whatever you want to do you can take your pants on and off
Channel: DESUS & MERO
Views: 578,674
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bodega, Bodega Boys, Bodega Hive, Bronx, Late Night, Mero, TV, comedy, coronavirus, covid-19, desus & mero, desus and mero, desusnice, podcast, politics, quarantine, social distance, talk show, thekidmero, trends, tv talk show, sundays, season 4, interview, miles teller, top gun, top gun 2, maverick, goose, planes, air force, filming, movies, tom cruise, fighter jets, g forces, viral dance moves, sports, history, gin, alcohol, spiderhead, the long drink, gin seltzer, booze
Id: zbKlgDG4gsw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 18sec (678 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 29 2022
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