Seth Meyers Thinks His Wife Is Trying to Kill Him | The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

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-Seth Meyers. -It's so nice to be back. -Yeah. You're looking sharp. -Thank you, man. -Looking good. -Thank you. -Do you miss me? Seeing and talking to me every day. -I do. We weirdly -- We overlapped for two years on "SNL." We weirdly spent more time collaborating on this podcast. It was the best. -I had such a great time doing it. I mean, I know you and I'm friends with you, but really got to know you. And we spent like 15 hours together talking. -It was, yeah, I think the very fact that we had to make this podcast and it forced us all to talk about ourselves, it was a very cool thing and I felt very lucky to do it with you. -Yeah, I agree. Thank you, buddy. It was us. It was me and you. It was Jimmy Kimmel. -It's not important. It's not important who the other people were. [ Laughter ] -That's right. Doesn't matter. -It's you, me, and three guys. It doesn't matter who they are. -Yeah. -Could be three nobodies. It basically was. [ Laughter ] -We kind of got to know what we were doing, though, by the end. -Yeah, but you were the best. -No. -Yeah. No, everybody -- Look, you hosted the fifth episode. -We all had to host an episode. -Yes. And so you hosted "The Newlywed Game." We were foolish enough. We gave Jimmy all of our wives' phone numbers. -Yeah. -Which never do. If a dude's like, "Hey, I want all your wives' numbers," we're like, "Hey, okay." You'd be better off giving away your Social Security number. -I have everyone's wives' numbers. I thought it was interesting because we're all talk show hosts and we're all luckily very happily married man. And we have families. I go, "That could be a fun episode. Let's talk to the wives who actually see how crazy we really are and see how our answers match." -Yeah, like a "Newlywed Game" style. It should have worked. -Yes, it should have been that. -Yeah, but it was -- It ended up being something better. -Dude, John Oliver is laughing so hard. I think he, like, broke a rib or something. -It was -- John Oliver -- you know, of all of us maybe the most capable of stoicism -- laughed so hard at the way you phrased the questions that he kept falling out of the Zoom box. [ Laughter ] -Yeah, he was falling down. -He would come back through like a pendulum. -Well, you know what? What happened was because I was like, alright, I don't want to bother the wives, you know, but I wanted to ask them the questions like, "When did you first fall in love" or whatever. So I just wrote them in a text and I just sent them texts with not even really questions. -You used a lot of pronouns loosely. -So didn't know if you were talking about you or them. -Yeah, the best one in the first episode you -- because you just wrote to my wife, "Pet name" question mark. And now I think that my wife should have assumed you meant what pet names we have for each other. -So you were like, "I know what it is. It's 'babe.'" -Yeah. I thought our pet name for each other is "babe." I explained it to -- Long story. -And I said, "I think your wife misunderstood the question" because I think she gave us your actual pet name. Your pet's name. [ Laughter ] -She texted Jimmy Frisbee, which is our pet's name. [ Laughter ] And the funny part about that is that would be the dumbest question on "The Newlywed Game." Like, imagine if you couldn't match with your spouse what the name of your pet is. -Yeah, exactly. -Like, that's not even like you don't know each other. You might not live together. [ Laughter ] -Yeah, I think Colbert was like, "This is turning into like an Alzheimer's exam." Like, who's the president? -Who is? Yeah. -What year is it? -Yeah. And then we went back to the well, which is a very dangerous thing to do in comedy because you had a lot of questions you'd ask them that we hadn't gotten to in episode 5. In episode 11, we did it again and it was equally good because you weren't allowed to go back and ask the questions better because you had to use the original answer. -Yeah, the original bad answers from the original question. -Yeah. -Questionnaire that I sent out. -Also, my wife was -- let's be honest -- my wife took this as an opportunity to do bits. -What we devised from interviewing your wife is that she's trying to kill you. -Yeah, like, it was like, "What's the hardest you've laughed," And I'm like, "Oh, that's funny. Our kids said this funny thing." And then her answer was "the time he fell out of a canoe." [ Laughter ] They were all like -- it was like evil had befallen me. And then she copped to another answer she gave you that we didn't get to that I think proves my point that I'm about to be knocked off. -I sent a bunch of -- I sent a speed round. We didn't get to all of these. So I'm like, "Salty or sweet?" Again, I didn't say who. -Yeah. -I didn't say the husbands or the wives. -Yeah. -So people were answering for themselves. -Or the husband or you never even knew. Right. -I, to this day, don't know what question I asked. I don't know why I expected it. But she said salty. I think she meant her? -I think she is a salty person. Yeah. -No, no, no, that's not what -- -Based on her answers, Jimmy. -No. Okay, listen. Morning person, then where you proposed. The fifth one I asked, I said, "Big spoon or little spoon?" -Yeah. -I just thought it'd be funny because -- -That's a good question. -I think that'd be hilarious. -My wife's answer is not a funny answer. Look what she wrote. Knife. [ Laughter ] When I go missing, Jimmy, go to that. Send the police to my apartment. -It was really funny. Alexi, that was great. -This is very good. Very salty. -Very, very funny. She was fan-- All the -- -She did. I think she did a very good job. I'm actually very proud of her for her comedy choices. -All the wives were extremely funny. And I go, "Wow, we're so lucky, for God's sakes." -Those were her -- The ones where she, the focus was on her were her two favorites, and she didn't listen to the other 10. -[ Laughs ] I love her. You know what? I loved her because she popped in one of the Zooms wearing a "Late Night with Jimmy" -- -That was also very hurtful. We're doing a Zoom and she has a "Late Night," not even a "Tonight Show," "A Late Night with Jimmy Fallon" T-shirt from when he had my show. -I didn't have your show. I had my show. -Look, she's my wife! [ Laughter ] -I have her cellphone number. -She came in wearing -- She showed it to all the other hosts. "Here I am in my Jimmy shirt." -Yeah. And then we started talking about merch. -Oh, yeah. -In the NBC store. -Yeah, this is -- Look, I brought proof because I feel like -- I don't want to come off as complainy on the podcast. But here's the thing. Jimmy and I both have television shows. They're both an hour long. -Uh-huh. -We should have the same amount of merch in the NBC store. -We're in this building together. -I had to do a collage to get all the "Tonight Show" merch. That's a "Tonight Show" -- Look at that. There's a whole -- by the way, second card, "Tonight Show." "Late Night" merch, just like one like barely attended wall. [ Laughter ] -That's not bad. -Look, there's only one -- Thank you. There's only one show -- There's only one show that has less merch than me. And it hasn't been on the air for years. That's it. -Oh, that's fantastic. I like "Saved by the Bell." -Thank you. -Yeah. So in your -- But I was saying to you, I think that -- -You came up with a great idea. You solved this problem. -I think I did. -Yeah. -I said, because "Closer Look" is one of your biggest things you do and the biggest hits on your show. People tune in for that. You do a great job, by the way. The whole, by the way, congrats. The show is fantastic. -Thank you. [ Cheers and applause ] -And you do a great job. I go, "I think you should have a T-shirt that says..." -"It's time for." -..."it's time for." -In big letters. This was your idea. "It's time for" and then here's the shirt. In tiny little letters, because we're going to do this, in tiny little letters, it'll say... That says "A Closer Look." -Can we zoom in? It says "A Closer Look." -Yeah. It's got to be real small. Judging by the crowd, I don't know if this is going to... [ Laughter ] This is going to work. -Well, or they all need glasses. I don't... -But yeah. Or you can even just do "A Closer Look" Just really small, get rid of "it's time for." -Yeah. I don't know. It seems like -- -Or maybe in the middle. But what is this thing? -Based on -- Oh, this is we're going to make this the tag. It's going to say "Late Night with Seth Meyers shirt written by Jimmy Fallon." [ Laughter ] -That counts as your merch. -We want to give you credit and based on the audience reaction, NBC says they're going to order two. [ Laughter ] -Limited edition! -If they sell, if those two sell... -If those two sell, who knows what's going to happen? -Who knows what's going to happen? -More with Seth Meyers when we come back, everybody. "A Closer Look" T-shirt.
Channel: The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
Views: 445,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tonight show, jimmy fallon, NBC, NBC TV, Television, Funny, Talk Show, comedic, humor, snl, tonight, show, jokes, funny video, interview, variety, comedy sketches, talent, celebrities, video, clip, highlight, Seth Meyers, podcast, Strike Force Five, newlyweds challenge, Late Night, merchandise, NBC store, Weekend Update, Late Night with Seth Meyers, Saturday Night Live, politics, news, current news, Lobby Baby, Netflix, Seth Meyers Lobby Baby, A Closer Look, Closer Look
Id: ecKOj-fYQ_Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 17sec (497 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 12 2023
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