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okay how can I say thanks now that's 17 all we start from there 16 but arise and stand on my feet I've appeared unto thee for this purpose to make the administer and the witness both of these things which thou hast seen one of those things into which I will appear to be delivering thee from the people and from the Gentiles unto whom I now send II God will deliver you from the people he's sending you to sometimes the very people you've been sent to other people who want to fight you and harm you but he said I would deliver you from the people I have sent you to to open their eyes to turn them from darkness to light and from the power of Satan unto God that they may receive forgiveness of sins and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me and then what a fantastic experience now the question that is on all our hearts this afternoon is how can I say thank you Lord for your goodness your salvation you see yesterday people were saying God has given me education school fees is that you see the government of Botswana is one of the best governments in the sense that they you all of you have free school isn't it up to University isn't it which is I mean something you can't have in most places at least we don't have it in Ghana and even in England and it is not it doesn't exist but your country has such a good governance that you have this facility fantastic but you see what God does for you a government cannot do for you a father cannot do for you a mother cannot do for you a friend cannot do for you that's what I want you to see there are things your friend can do your father can do a good government even can do but what we have to be grateful is what only God can do for you you can have your name written in the book of life only God can really change your life because there are people who have everything but they are not happy they have all the diamonds they have this they have that you do you would see that everybody should be happy but people are not happy still so it's like why and what is it that makes a person so blessed in God and in Christ it is basically the blessing of salvation hallelujah amen so here we have somebody who has experienced such blessings amen now in the Apostle Paul we have one of the best examples of how to say thank you to God can somebody give me a chance so I consider I want to be just enjoy letters like you are enjoying all right Florida got amen how it's nice to sit on and you know I didn't know you don't know what you're missing I need to see everybody what are you doing don't take you back just to this man here can somebody fire these two gentlemen please so much rather fire him because he now it is to King Agrippa therefore explain how he has been treated for to God for speaking with a voice to him shining a light that was brighter than the afternoon midday Sun in the afternoon not in the night it was afternoon and then he said I'm shining the light you see that there's a light bother the Sun and you see the response of talk right there in a very nice face he tells you in detail how he was saying thank you to his God for what his God has done for him he said well upon who King Agrippa I was not disobedient and to the heavenly vision wow that is a fast way you can say thank you huh whereupon I was not disobedient to the heavenly patient you know that is one of the great ways to show your appreciation to God is to not be disobedient to the heavenly vision alleluia alleluia alleluia alleluia I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision what heavenly vision has God given to you that is the way to say thank you is to be not disobedient to the heavenly vision that is why I always talk about how God anointed me into him and said to me from today you can teach everywhere I go I shall about that I share about the visions God has given to me and what I believe he has told me to do and my contamination is that I should not be disobedient to any vision or heavenly guidance God has spoken to me about that's the way you can respond appropriately to such a fantastic deliverance and salvation you take our brother where's my brother who was here earlier to him he around you see this jerking he saw something what did you see talking what did you see in the car what did you see visions visions that that cannot be explained to a normal human being that is it this is a glimpse a glimpse into something what did you see I think she's affair some spiritual from human for fun spiritual in the car just before and after because God allowed him to see if he if God had another people have accident come out they never saw so I was trying to the next I saw was in the hospital that's what they would say normally but not with drug him with drug him he saw something before the accident happen when you become a powerful teacher of the word and you are you are explaining to people let's say you are teaching on demonology you are teaching a series of seven things every Christian should know about evil spirits you tell them one day I was in the car you see you may not believe it but it is what I have seen it my eyes I saw it someone was driving but suddenly I saw something somebody else driving the car and then know how it was not even speeding was turned into the way of death it was what I saw what allowed you to see there what did you see after after I think it was somewhere home where I was but I would see that this this entity was waiting for me together with the kids just true the entity was waiting for me to come out of myself I think spiritually enjoying yeah so I think that process failed halfway something was waiting and if you ever hear me preaching about Lazarus and the rich man I always say that the Rick Lazarus angels came for him the rich man no angels came for him I believe it was first came for him and took him down to hell because you need to know the way that what is this what is this this is a vision of the other side it's a heavenly vision but you will see people will go through this it do not make much difference to them but it makes a lot different you see and Prickett turn at the time you think that ah is it the only vision you saw you are only ripping most of us they are giving one vision your life if at all yeah yeah and this time you are having a dream or a vision and you are seeing clearly Doug from Phil is waiting on the other side to take you Hey and he failed oh you know when I preach at my next crusade you hear this story we are willing to to take it with me it struck it doesn't like this vision after they I'll use it because I use people's pitches all the time oh yeah it should be enough to change your whole life forever the cause of your whole life you're preaching time and time again you talk about demons you talk about anything you talk about the other side you talk about the creatures you talk about there it's all about heaven but it doesn't mean a lot to people so that when people are saying they don't read that again according to the benefit that is done to them she's amazing you see Paul's response to this vision was unusual in the sense that he really responded well well most people don't respond properly when God does great things for them virtually god forbid but I wouldn't be surprised if it means nothing to him and he just carries on that what is now saved but it should go beyond salvation the first day and the first sentence he says you are being chosen to be a minister to me I don't know what else you should be should be doing other than becoming a minister you hear the story I did it again and again and again and again today depressed apart one of the popular part one and Apostle sometimes you sell only one side another side you tell the other part I yes aside you say what I saw it with my eyes without coming here I can't you see a lot of great men that like Kenneth Hagin and so they talked about one experience that they had it's for their life what do you want to experience whereupon Oh King Agrippa and you know where I had this scripture from I had it from Kenneth Hagin because Kalyn Hagen was telling this vision that he had and he said look this was about 26 years after Paul had been safe he was not in prison and no more going to travel it acts 26 it's only after 28 is the end of us and he was recounting the same vision yeah there was many years after at the end of his life and he was still repeated as a majority what is very wise he also keeps repeating the same dish in survival burger and he was using that Paul used to repeat the same visions it's too heavy too heavy yeah and we kept on and on and on total King Agrippa and he was going to Caesar and then when he got to Rome after this we don't hear him again nobody knows how he died yeah the book of Acts is I mean complete he's one of the incomplete books in the Bible they didn't end it just stops they don't test it doesn't function it doesn't end any commentary middle read about the book of Acts they described as a book that did not end didn't end those four and it does a properly there's no conclusion or any sign of this just stop the narration in the middle there's some four chapters or some more chapters that isn't it either do a written order were lost I was not disobedient and he kept on if this means anything to you for the router you set it to a very very young Jesus ministry was 30 to 33 they are probably called probably probably more likely more likely expected second expected expected to be a powerful minister I am almost twenty years older than you when I am no more preaching or gone to heaven your voice should be runnin on this trouble explaining the people be politically a little special the public by everybody be silent beside look I saw my cow brains on the floor if I happen I saw this creature everybody will be listening in a Ministry of the Queen answer we are going to hear this one prophets talking [Applause] [Music] amazingly it doesn't do so much to a whole lot of people one day somebody told me he seen Jesus before so I asked him explain how what you saw just could be the detail so he went through the details of what you say if this is Jean Jesus that even me maybe I have seen Jesus before based on what you are saying but then the Lord said to me and showed me that this guy takes the things very seriously dance wine is a prophet he takes a space very few do don't take it does eros yes so if you take things seriously some little fishes right this one includes lacking games say they say we start it wasn't really a real fishing you know pasta is something that maybe I was you know has come back maybe like I tell others stop it that's a vision that's a vision right there what else you want to see me also me this story I was data when you see n sir Bishop has collected copyrights from me yes yeah I wish you will be obedient to the heavenly how did he have had a vision from God before something somewhere a vision taught us talking to you before you had a vision before what vision is that in just the center kind of evangelistic vision I was working in the spirits of monopolies and so that the club that lot appeared and they were the words of salvation in the clouds as I was reading them out I saw myself watching in suspension working in a yeah in suspension and then I could see as I was working along the whole main road I could see what was inside the house that way and then literally what is inside the finishings and everything is ours or conditi boy inside and as I was going I was reading all the ways and people like my cousin life could see Hey she was she was there weeping as I was reading this with of salvation to him as we were hearing in the clouds holistic salvation well type in addition so you seen a vision before and I was I was in Jamaica swam in 2010 with Bishop occur for a camp and the morning we will leave him to go to the airport and I woke up early and in the window love like a smoke goes in the window and there was lightning in the window I was awake I wasn't asleep and she said in patois that I'll tell you before you leave I just remember that you were say in the vision and on the way to the airport like a black bag and another came from just came under a windscreen I Reverend David had to swear because there was a car in front of us and then the car behind us smashed into the car in front of us and then I remembered in the morning what they go in the window said how coolly before you leave so when we are praying binding Devils finding things displacing entities from gotchas dispossessing our enemy from his seat contending with those who contend against us it is not unreal they don't like such prayers they don't want us to pray they want us to be quiet daddy blessed blessed amen well thank you I was in the UK I used to intercede for family members so one time I was I had a vision I was here in Botswana in my grandfather's family we are coming from I'm coming from a very extended family so when I arrived all of us are former yes they are so many so many so many when I arrived into the yard I saw a man he was putting on his suit he was so huge and the ad was not paved and then he was having a hoover and then he was worried and then immediately I looked at him I turned around and I said to my wife that that man he says in fact I was trying to look for the unwinding oil then I remember that this is not my home I need to negotiate these people then I said that man he says this home belongs to him when I got at the back of the house my cousins my brothers a neighborhood they were so weak they were so limping I was having a mobile phone they wanted to check if their names were they then I said to my brother look I know your phone of my head and that he was very worried adamant and then the following day I had a lot said then that is the spiritual entity you can see them weak not going anywhere wondering why are they doing what they are doing but that's the strong man of the house that's the entity that is killing them generation after generation while yeah I mind isn't really a vision like peace but I was I was at an all-night and I was trying to get through the night I wasn't really used to all night in Nottingham like Oh church and there's somebody told her the best way to get burned on itis to listen to message so they just put a lot of random messages on my phone so basically and then the message that was seen to play was missionary call so I wasn't I was a very serious question anything sauce praying the whole just trying to prayer the back and listening to it and I didn't see anything there's no voice or anything but I just felt very felt like the room was full of something and I couldn't I couldn't stay in the room anymore so I have to go outside onto the street I was just I don't know how to explain this just and then from that day I didn't like anything else except it never made anything I was just liking it in a moment and I didn't know much about what I mean ministry or me it's just never like anything else ever again it's very diversified half desires are like visions because you like what you are called to that is why desires used by God and says God is he that we're getting you to will and to do his good pleasure desire is used by God all the time God use it to punish Eve so your desire shall be for the moment with your punishment that is why men are the cause of the most tears and pain in women because it is actually not anything but a punishment you long for it when you have it you are not so happy with it simple this bad boy Durack a yes another vision in which our one Boston University of Ghana second semester first year and also crusade on campus I'd be shocked an chameleon came and so in the pigeon and he spoke about masturbation fornication and all the sins that I identified with at a time and made an altar call risen those his fingers you know that were bent out I was really scared and I ran in front I was part of those who gave my life to Christ but shuttle after giving my life to Christ he used to stand battles on campus to take us to action but nothing had changed or still was debated fornicatin have friends drinking so a strong doubt came upon me that it isn't real this salvation 10 is not true because it hadn't really made any difference in my life and I joined the guys to really mock those who believed in something very silly like going to church with your time instead of studying and doing something more meaningful with long time so getting to and the latter part of and I went to second year he came in first year and the second year first semester before we started writing our exams in preparation for medical school and one day I came back to the hostel and I remember very clearly that I wasn't sleeping I just sat on my bed and leaned a little bit and at the time towards one question that always came to me for that is Jesus is real or not inch I was also fetching and second to believe in something you know I grew up in the north so at some point I was considering joining the Muslims because they looked more and sort of like devoted to what they believed I actually considered Islam seriously because I grew up in and not even drunk from volta region then also I had a lot of friends who believed in Rastafari them so that influence was also strong and Webern perchick and all my classmates knew that my dressing was changing my who comes to the room I was in the room which brother Nelson you see Bob Marley's pictures everyone else was not happy about it but you couldn't just get it over so I was sort of torn apart and I was on my bed when it was like a flush and I just saw like day it was even in my it was like gay and I saw and a face smiling and I didn't hear any voice and somehow I need was Jesus and I don't know how to explain it but immediately life sadducees I could identify that this was Jesus and I came back again but I did not to understand it until Ravana came to cover the Colibri church and he took me to take off and you preached about near-death experience then light started coming but still I did not understand it until recently when it began to occur to me and there is a way it began to make a minyan was that on that same we Benin and I slept late owned and trimmed and there was a classmate called Jasper it was first semester second year but I dream and saw this class because Jasper Tudor who phoned me that he had just said my name on the notice board and I'd been a part of this facility for medical school and so many minima we are not the kind of first semester exams but it happened that after we took the exams went for the integers it was you same just pocket to who called me that I'd been admitted to the medical school so I was like it cannot be a coincidence and it started sort of like working on me that probably and even now this is now data is the first time that I've said this and some way because I've never felt confident about it you know but I feel very confident about tip now that I am and testifying about it so I think so it is so I could have fee it was so bright very bright very loving and smelling and I couldn't look at it it was just I couldn't look at it I couldn't look at that what I was saying it was the face also will look like the Sun and a face smiling very difficult and utterly changed after that I did not change immediately my friends were still the same I wasn't going to Shh but somehow I was amongst a kebab Tara we go to medical school there wasn't an accommodation for many medical students but somehow I was amongst one of the people got rooms and they give me the room of reven Elsa and every morning I came in this little the pictures of Bob Marley and I hatch reggae music I did oh and Kevin Nelson was the one who brought me to white house and they even and actually change was when I passed aerobics just ethically and preached but that's living and I gave my life to Jesus and that is when a rebel activity or David I decided that I wanted to use my life in doing something for Jesus Wow alleluia alleluia alleluia alleluia alleluia alleluia thank you prophet Joakim who else has had a heavenly visions this lady here Halloween it happened that two three shots you have that two three is big I saw myself in a in a process brothel where physicians work and I went there on a mission pushing to them but and some of them didn't want to listen but others were willing to listen but there were some with others or some people who like well but the very people who had them in to do research and the way to a hindrance for them to really hear what I was saying it happened it happened that I went to preach last year and shall go in challenging areas and then in MoMA and so I saw some young ladies along the route working by the way some brothers Oh brothers by just watching over them what they do in what mood and then it really caught my attention got me back to them to them to what I saw and then this various it came it gene the same thinking again to me and then I did it cans for the set time in an advanced way where I saw even Christians young Christian girls participating in it in the sense that um even the building where they were there was advance they wear glasses over and many people coming even women married women married many married men coming out in and out you know just coming to buy and order and with it but then I was seated among them telling them and telling them and telling them but it was a cry in my heart that when I talk to the other used to help me the way ignorant about all it um even the many cures the preachers way then they just just to to season to season the door Terrance's of the prostitution that's where I saw and what does it mean to you it means I should I should go out and do and do my work and another village have you been nice been no I haven't gone to the trip to the prostitutes to preach but I've been like every December I've been since drunk to zero night I went all over why did you have this vision um the first time it happened about two three aspects and then the second we are not afraid to not go there I'm not afraid as I were not afraid to not be all this yet um wasn't I'm afraid to you have not yet obeyed isn't it yes Alice and I think I'm not afraid I must mean you should be I'm really to defy that's why I came yeah I came that I can Matt is that just when I can't even to survive because I'm not a dealer tell you I know that house ministries but I give you all my decent agree about that I miss really good I'm never gonna book catch catch on racing you guys could be are so I have to move down a level you go to your bedroom aha I'm missing another critical step and they said grandma even never intensive knows about it is it how could I couldn't come to meet him but I think I was a good i wanna count if only I can hear the birds on the meadow good night or even if even can see him there's a second passing minute will be better if Superman or another has anybody else had a vision see very short very short basically what it is for me is insanity for God in my same state because better pray I went crazy and all I could see was like Quinn there's a shadow like right now if you look outside there's a shadow and there's lights of there's light coming in from the window in the shadow from the obstruction so when I was in the shadow it's not like people were like kissing me and I don't know and I wanted to be in the plan the whole time like I wanted to stand on a bun so right now our little for me is infinitely forgotten my same state thank you well saw the vision come to the phone is you had a vision whereupon Oh King Agrippa I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision is telling the King that I did not disobey the vision from heaven step to the side is step to the side who has the best vision amongst all of you the guy who sings Johnny as um tell the people oh um about a third and probably two or three years ago I was about to sleep back home in Sutherland and I was as I was trying to sleep I was finding it very hard to sleep I felt like kind of disturbed I am a person who loved sleep and I can sleep anytime of the day but that's changed and as I was trying to sleep I felt disturbed and I felt like there was there was something in the room and at the same time I was hearing my mom's voice and while I was hearing my mom's voice I knew that there was something wrong and I had to pray for her so I started praying for her and was at night and then after that I was able to see you know just a lot a vision that that I was seeing with the thing that was in them it felt kinda heavy and I was feeling disturbed vicious and then in the morning my dad called and told me that some guys were shooting at my moment around the same time that I was praying for my mom and she wasn't harmed so you saw what do you see something I I felt I felt it so Wow amen um I was so desperate for marriage even though I'm so yeah okay so I met her man it's a punishment yes um he was a prince charming he appeared to be everything that I wanted so everything was good between us I went to my home village in my dinner and when I was sleeping it was in the afternoon I dreamt of a man of God TB Joshua from Nigeria I think you all know him he was delivering me and yes he delivering me I held myself like this and then he said that is a sign of surrender to God and then he said my daughter have you find a man to marry you surprisingly I said no but I had found him but I told the man of God no and then he said my daughter that's good so when I woke up I was troubled I wondered why I said no and I wondered why he said that's good so I approved the relationship because the dream was troubling me and guess what I found that the man was not who he appeared to be he was a woman bitter he told me that he went to church but he only went to church once when his sister dragged him he was he was going to some woman I found out that this man was a drunkard she would bid ladies up until they had scars I found that the men were sleeping around and he had HIV I wondered why God took me away at first I was crying I was wondering I'll never get married but it was God was the to me see how can I say thanks sister how can you say thanks I'm a new member and lighthouse thanks to Pastor miles and the wife they have changed me to a better person and I'm giving my life I want as the Frances town church growth I'm going to be the Sunday school teacher [Applause] [Music] in france's town we have only one kid mr. Malla - daughter i'm richard start with you Elizabeth this is the mother I'm going to search in every house has been divided Museum tighten them with sweet thing we're going to make a big Sunday school what a blessing thank you my dear and you amen quick he's got to be short um I was sleeping Ben when I'm sleeping I felt like I'm suspended in the air and all three men entered the house giant like Giants they look like a very dark but they were wearing clothes normal human beings they enter down the way outside they were telling me you want to enter the house um I told them you can't enter the house then it was like it was issue which one series us then I told em you can enter then I was fighting with them that they will not enter them they just call inside and ever I sleeping Bishop Smith says he was playing actually play messages when I'm sleeping then I when I when I went well those men answered I was holding a whip to try to beat them to go outside the whip got smaller that they even like they were over timing me then on overcoming I was crying then immediately I woke up I realized the message was was was to own another message while so on Bishop was doing an ad hoc home and those men immediately I woke up the way million down in the when I would just open my eyes they were kneeling down and then the OPI Diwan singing I surrender all then Oh [Music] okay um any shots okay hallelujah I have a vision of hell I drank but I was going at heaven it's like I'm going at heaven when I got there - and men say - immensity image he showed me a very big book and there were people beside him they were they were wearing white diamonds and those people you called his name and those who they were sent up words like those energy traders and we owe and I answer to the me where is my name now awakened to call my name he said your name is not in the book you have to you have to wait here because there is your mother coming he and he went this what I did the man the man was holding the book and those people were wearing white diamonds they went away the devil came down from the SU he he was black with on long tails you know he was scary and it was killing a lot ticking folk he wanted to pick up you thinking for quickly there were so many people and the wealth came from heaven say you know what the number is even the racing people nowadays are going to suffer and nice hallelujah - but I was leading a group of people male females and children we moved our defending them our shared leader I had a big sword one that the soldiers have so I had to protect them from village to village and to find refuge so our enemies anybody that was coming our way I salute them I was killing like Magnus to protect the group that is coming behind me until we went through as the last the fourth Villa documental that's where we found refuge and after that that's when I searched peace in my my hat after that Donna so that this is duty we had the tulips at the end and then all of you next time you have a chance to share a man tell somebody I am going to be obedient to the heavenly vision now now the fact that you can be obedient means you can be disobedient unfortunately many people are disobedient to their heavenly vision and you would think that you had a vision you would be very serious but many people have these visions and it's nothing to them nothing at all so all of us pastors what about God speaks to you in your heart about do it don't be disobedient that's the way to say thank you yeah that's the way to say thank you one day I met a sister and this sister had lost the opportunity to get married I cannot give the details for security reasons okay but when I looked at her I felt very sorry I felt very sorry for her and I was moved with compassion and I decided to help her to get married you see our sister that was saying she was afraid she was not going to get married is a very common fear and there are 3.5 billion women and 4.5 billion for fifth tip of a billion men 4.5 billion women so we are we have fewer brothers with more sisters and we look ratio is not working for us so I decided to help her so one day I said come with me and I spoke to her she had done certain things that put her in difficulty why she should not my but I thought my heart that I should so I said I'm going to help you to get married because I pass I can't help this judgment this will get married and if ever your passback helps you to get married listen to what I'm saying yeah I saw your past I hope so I told her listen I'm going to give you a good husband yeah but I need you to be obedient do you see to what I'm going to tell you yeah we do laughter will will you and she knew she was her situation was hopeless you know there are levels of situation and her situation was hopeless really hopeless I said I will help you so I did and she got married married which is mild today and I was only I was only looking for one thing whether she would be obedient and I told as I look you know I shouldn't have recommended you because there are other people who I should have yeah yes I assured as a this is wrong with you and I was a be happy to correct it yes since she got married I've only been looking for balancing whether she has been openly like how can I say thanks how can I say thanks and you see when you are my you take it brother oh yeah I'm the type that gets married and then the marriage a bow type of the size of ambition that nothing I keep on looking for that and to my joy to my joy she has made me proud I feel like helping other people before but I'm afraid I'm generally afraid I'm generally afraid yeah so there are others you have and then yeah they will have such a bad experience and they will say it's only because Bishop told me to marry you but our marriage otherwise I wouldn't have married you and then they becoming a problem would you like for somebody there's only because Bishop told me that like I don't like you guys the shop told me hey you see when you have been given a great blessing your duty is obedience now that you've come to Christ your duty is OPP heir to the heavenly vision of salvation of your calling of whatever you feel God and you see the visions we have of your visions and video vision and sometimes we have we have as our vision tactile vision that thou has to do with feelings - yeah so you see above the duty service and I had the service I felt this I change the knowledge change and some the business is audio but it's supernatural is spiritual so I want you to have the mind but as you see we can see it in from now little that God has shown you some small kindness yeah now all of you a lot of you are saved a lot of you are going to get married oh yeah yeah wait there are going to be there are going to be wedding [Applause] [Music] there must be wedding they're not ready [Music] so Leon if you get freaked will you be obedient to the heavily visit yes how can I take back I remember another sister in a case there were at least 24 other sisters other in my sitting room with the brother we went through the whole list as 24 sister we said what we decide so I went to what about this these are the pros and the cons number one actually this is that but see we went through when I said okay what about this one I'm in the end choose that one so I said we are going to work on this now later on when all was said and done she was dumb madam [Applause] with the rain on the finger the name in the picture I saw the brother in pain so the body in pain and he was struggling to experience happiness from this sister but it's not it is more common for them to be disobedient other sister she was not a virgin but the brother was epigenetic he was affixed to it sick mother yeah something that please before holy brother and I said can you marry this a one mystic su istic mechanistic brother that I can and I will Wow when she got married the aerobics and not robotics with different types of boy too she retired [Music] [Applause] one day I called our sin sister no no those boys put the ring let me see your finger no don't buy food Arreaga see every boy has a rate and none of the boys put a ring on their finger in your finger you don't want to do what you have to do [Applause] premature aging prematurely with RP oh you're not a patient at the age of 32 [Applause] John character patient Wow it is nice [Applause] for this second istic as you wish take a sick brother for memory somebody what is route by step a participant who has fit what you call it rigid by step apart oh like a plow in the field value with a participant despite the high mileage yeah it's a better distich if you wish stick is sick it's all zero pilot you with rocket I [Applause] look at how you are cheated it I saw this boy good boy put a ring on your finger and do you you are jumping all over the place we know about the face like a frog yes now you can't jump you still got ad so you are fake sir you are [Applause] hey it's fine I was all fired people don't know how to say thank you when you do them a great table one of the only things you can do oh it's my bad sister she makes me happy when a husband passed me so what I'm experiencing some is pure what a passion pleasures forevermore [Applause] these experiences are you people grateful for me that is why I'm having a camp with you because I'm grateful God are giving me the ability to teach I'm also to use it yes giving the ability to teach the Superman shopping I'm using it every week I have account every week I know as I why shouldn't I do it every week and I have to say I'm never finishing you would have thought I need to finish by now edition when I can say thank you to the Lord yeah I don't need any convention with those cutting material fullness and attack a Casper fabulous and fabulous it got you I need these two couple people people who who are to say that Wow Sally how are you going to say tax so when you God blesses you with a husband you show them that you are from Botswana Botswana does not have a poodle Hey so then look up from Botswana already's got a problem [Applause] [Music] I did obedience to the heavenly vision whatever God has said to you Oh better you drop dead when you drop dead the devil will have a patio rejoicing this guy is quiet when my father died what I notice about him when he was dead but I wasn't talking now the past is like doesn't see anything anymore that's what that is what death it is like you don't talk and the devil doesn't like you're talking the devil doesn't like me to talk to you but I'm talking to you are changing every minute you spend there you are changing something about you is changes you are being changed to you you carried it on that path He gave His life to crisis in it at a crusade yes and we're livin about 11 years ago for the first time in my life you had me preaching about what about delicious life about the Lazarus and the rich man for the first time in my life I could hear preaching and understand understood anybody preaching before at all out here pretty much was happening I cannot read you cannot cannot enter my mind nothing clicks very first time what caught my attention was with this white man who has come here to come and preach on top what does he say so I stood at the back and where the bad I was passing you observe it yes I was a perfect person through day Lagaan go to Mass Department pass through the and philosophy department then could bomb lighted and multiplies meant then I saw you preaching logano bitchiness broken you delirious sit down so I stood up between the chapel and the library and listening then for the first time I could hear preaching so he says something and I could understand it and is also about me and I start by the flower pot and was listening say come come and give your life to Christ I'm as you preach now how couldn't wait for the time you would invite me to come other face has not run to the front [Applause] Wow yeah it's a thank you I'm looking for anything if he was looking for money I will show you the way for money look if you go to America if you do this Ehsan USMLE exam okay yeah you'll stop your salary from 150 thousand US dollars a year yes 150 thousand US dollars a year that's where you start and you guys about over ten twelve thousand a month then it goes up and up and up at that point you'd be making five hundred thousand a year and another point when you specialize you can make up to two million US dollars a year a doctor I want to show you how to make lot in Botswana what Paris did you are here hula-hula I've already did it before if you go by you here to say thank you I can I say thank you see why I have to say somebody's passing by like joke like joke what is this what did I say great one polite Simon one two eight run the last eight to las llaves it is not bad one is to for we we have good at climbing we climb very fun we are chasing you eight we want to be tested Hey I used to around how can he say thank you that's why I'm here that's why I'm preaching you I'm just saying thank you thank you for saving me I had that cousin he looks just like me if you see him you know that he's my cousin yeah he doesn't believe in God he doesn't go to church yeah he looks like me he's a cousin he also has my name he what Mills there's nothing about church his father's also a Kenyan she would mills and his mother's from outside camera just like me it's nothing good no milk of God or anything like that just like a hat oh yeah yeah yeah - Oh Daria and guys are doing a good job in there nothing not a drop look at me I can imagine how tough lambasted Costas let me approach it so the best way I can say that and I'm not believing there for anybody here who thinks I'm saying it to my please leave now I need you to leave the camp now it is not for you come to church on Sunday and Sunday the sermon is 30 minutes on Sundays we don't delay back issues yes you have a 30 minute sermon and you can go home yeah Here I am say thank you by beam us opt where God to be write a book I said me that write a book so when I wrote my set book there were 10 little books look I didn't have many words for the books so I told the person who was working with a book increase the size of the font and then that was when I didn't let the West font as I can't you make it bigger so that people will see the font size can't you make it bigger they made it bigger and I said it still hasn't got enough pages it with the space between the Christa space let's increase the after that it still was a bigger effect increase the paragraphs and I wrote ten little books and I went to America printed them yeah when I came and then launched it just because what I said but I was ashamed I was so I've seen that a professor came he was involved in one city held who said you deserve a different I said accomplished I was so ashamed of these books so I say about this book I was not disobedient oh no to the heavenly vision to write a book then I started to write a book about loyalty [Applause] seven pages three stages of disloyal I remember sitting at my table in the house where you know that put yeah they've thought for one second I think that I will have to go to Russia or to go to Venezuela or go to Brazil or to France and to be translated why would anybody want to read my book in a language but I was not of disappear even though I was ashamed you see even though you are ashamed of your small calling just do it now you don't know what it did was go ahead if you go back to verse 17 he said I will show you what you must experience go back to 17 and best 16 16 rise I've appeared to thee all right to make you a minister and I go to verse 18 to open their eyes isn't it to tempt them that's 19 that's 19 okay but you see at the point he says I think the best before but it says I'll show you what you must suffer what you must go through so it's like go go to verse 15 is worth looking good by 15 their 16th all right okay he says it in the actual one and accident yeah but he says I will show you what you must go through watching us so God I will show you everything in one in one day and show you in phases so if you are not obedient you miss out a lot of things this causes go go go go let's go some of you God is going to say to you come to Ghana for training yeah and why was Leon why I was wildly on Oh and other people come together to medical school because Botswana has a good government and he's trying to train and invest in the people so that they go and they come back as completely sure she went together as an ignoramus and came back as a doctor you see so that's why we travel sometimes you have to go by the time you come back you come back as an anointed seven loaded so I'll be expecting some of you some of you God will tell you go there let's go let's go for the living the sake of traveling abroad yeah come cut more butts wanna whoop and not but when I did it too small for you I thought this is your pouches someone I would send you to Asia welcome to Asia when fill the churches they're wet they're hey girl can I sell time on I was walking by I was occupied appreciation I get my left is it 12 how old are you I was 17 years 17 years old then you found Jesus for what the 30s tonight you are not understood the same on before oh and now your marriage is married wow you have a wife beautiful kids are recently also subjected to salvation what a blessing all like you know humility are three things in it it has love you love me you will baby it has faith like you believe when I say the best thing for you to do is to run through this door you believe it that's why you obeyed if you don't believe it you say no that's the best oh also notice the possessor no I don't think so this is the way so when you believe you obey and the third thing that you damned obedience has is humility it's like when I say go this way is like oh okay I'm not even bother to think about you are greater than me what you say must be wiser what you are saying I'm going to try just do it because you must be more clever or older or greater or wiser I'm smaller than you you are greater than me and I'm smaller than you so I'm going to I'm going you know what I don't know so it makes you you are like sort of accept a lower position so what it is is that many people don't accept the idea in a lower position they seen as other so we are equals we are quick whoa we are quicker so humility large and faith are the ingredients of obedience humility large faith people who are obedient humble they have love they love you and they are stability that's why convenience is a great thing where until I was not dissipating God is so happy with a few people who obey Him when he saves them and I'm also happy for the few people that I recommend and then they do what I say like life like this system yeah sure I select more recommending oh I'm so glad I recommended when I hear I become happy when God sees you I growl just fulfilling his having a big job so happy you you cute fine an angel call my angel go and do something for this guy so those of you who are going to be getting married soon through the powers and the grace of God may you be a people to all forms of counseling but apart reducing the obedience yes Silvia PDS very very obedient Wow synapse device little mama - second way to show how can I say thanks Wow how can I say that set thanks by continuing faithfully and relentlessly continued steadfastly look at verse 22 continued steadfastly it says have been there for obtains help from God I continue on to this day and I continued uncertainty that I'm standing in front of you King Agrippa that is how to say thank you continue unto this day that is two chapters to the end of my life I mean substitute this if I have left with 2728 and I'm done I continue look having therefore obtain help from God all of you are being given heard from God with your sexual difficulties homosexual difficulties drunken difficulty smoking difficulties stealing difficulties bad behavior family problems financially because it it says happen therefore obtain the help of course I continue unto death day that's why I'm continuing I was 25 years old when I became a pastor I said I preaching I am now over 50 I'm continuing I've been having terms like this you can ask them whereas quick ooh he used to be in London he used to be in London ah I did not true why were you working at I was working at are a serious automobile car after what as where I am we used to sell insurance and then we also people make phone calls when their cars break down we have to send trucks to go in and take care of the cars Wow and you are attending camps I was and what were the topics I was pitching at those time furrow hardly lettuce school Farrell would hardly let us go that day care day what I did mean it means to bring forth to push onto something comes out of me number three others others we were all you are they come other yes there was only thirty of us and i said no i think it's only lady rebel Philippa and Bishop Richard one left in England everybody's out yeah because they had a mess except others others ah yeah I deserve to hear it others are you there somewhere others they don't contain in the country go there others know while you're not a missionary we've had the comes by the grace of God yeah and and I always tell people myself and lady rebel Philippa and Bishop which you will go to privilege to be in every computer that has ever happened in the UK yeah [Applause] and now now you understand I'm still continuing hmm I'm finding more people say I continue until this day yes i continuance at this day and the same it's a famous same this you're saying runyan lying on the go slinking and curry dinners or is the same the same temperature i continue if you up after having obtained the help of god i continue until this very day of you finished an innovative explaining to you how is it when you say a bright light advise god how many years are pretty my room wishing for a light to appear a voice to speak nano distances you have had a voice you have seen a like what are you going to do as i poet exclaiming hey I continue unto this chain that's the second way never stop some of you you are young where's my little girl who sings beautifully take your microphone how are you my dear twice you want to stand up here sing it to God be the glory you sing it yesterday [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] beautiful is it nice to you it's nice to me too now how can you say thanks to continue and when displayed deceased an old lady like this walkathon already no not like that right but no let's don't do this to like real she should say I continue this is the best time I stand up talk uncle did you also today today and it's how to say that others are later the third way to say time is to witness both to small and great people yes witnessing witnessing to both small and great hi witnessing relentlessly to the small into the grades amen witnessing relentlessly look anybody who changes the original work of a Christian of witnessing and belittles if God will belittle you one day I thought a guy the Christian guy that I'm going witnessing he loves me he loves me to scorn as you say yeah he says of real eyes how to help what is daughter we have fantastic he said now we are doing campaigns campaigns you've moved on from witnessing to the smaller to the great personally talking to people and telling them about Jesus you know this testimony of your pastor when you get this guy to crack is one of the greatest inspirations for me to do crusade especially on campus I when I think of him I say let me please let me do another one let me go see somebody copies of that Tyler the faster one day he may be a missionary to Cairo Egypt I [Music] witnessing witnessing we must witness to everyone with me with every song we see we must tell them Oh soon and clubbing we must witness to everyone we meet in every song weekly we must tell the world of the soul and coming we must be a trick if you belissa witnesses God will deliver you the guy who said witnessing is not is fast God blistered him I've never seen somebody big who became nothing in a certain yes in his lifetime before he died he's dead now is a witness as I talk to talk about another thought that to campaign Wow I posted I counted up to today that's all you started talking a gripper up to today I witness one day I was at the funeral not too long ago it was the funeral of a very important person in the country and as I was sitting there another long time not of rituals and ceremonies I was just looking around and I saw different important people and my eyes settled on somebody somebody who had been a head of state and as I look like self-compassion in my hood just for compassion that this man should know about Jesus up till today I feel compassion and I said I have to talk to this man about Christ and I I went I found him and I went to him and I led him to Christ I couldn't even believe myself when I just say after me say after me dear Father forgive me I say hey I was in Bible the pessimist who I'm leading to say such a prayer but I was in his house only for his soul yeah after today one day I was in a millionaire house and I - I caught it because of him I memorized the whole of Lazarus and the rich man story yes bumpy giving - I said I will shake this he was the same thing I would say host oh and I meant by addition I thought of the rich man sit in the house waiting for somebody this man was sitting a posh posh house very posh people shining there I thought that the hope cause I have no time to open an item less I may be dismissed yeah could that contain another time I was in another country in the house of a millionaire and I couldn't say you have proved the Bible how hardly shall a rich man go to heaven he was taking about he was shocked said yeah just to the Bible I continue after this day witnessing to the greater the small if I fit by you on a claim it's most likely that our witness - if I don't witness you I'll pray for you yeah sometimes I have not witnessed people I start to intercede for as a father the man sitting on number 17 K I lift up a prayer for him Tabo acababa for his soul if I don't witness - I'll pray for you you want to belittle the honest work of witnessing the great work of leading people one I want to God God will belittle you you will be nothing but I've continued up to this day how many do you have three four you must show Thanksgiving by accepting to relentlessly preach about the cross and the sufferings of Christ without changing the message into a message of physics or chemistry or biology pause it having therefore obtain help from God I continue until this day witnessing to both small and great so the first one he was obedient to the heaven addition the second one he continued that same obedience octal that time the third one he continued he he was witnessing to small and great in the number four he said preaching preaching about the sufferings the cross of Jesus Christ it's a say none other things done those with the Prophet and Moses did say should turn in the 23 that Christ should suffer and I should be the fact that if you rise from the dead and show light unto the people and unto the Gentiles you see the gospel is one is the cross of Jesus Christ that Christ should suffer should rise from the dead to show light it will never change it to a message of prosperity never never no matter how much we need money in the church even if we need money to build a church the gospel will never change into message of prosperity it cannot change this I could can you up to today Prijedor Christ should suffer I guess what I preach about Christ's suffering on the cross I should he should be the first does your rise from the dead that means we are second and dead as you show light under the people predict about the suffering of Christ and the cross of describe it's one of the ways by which you show gratefulness to the cross and to this bright light that has been shown upon your life don't be deceived by other height and the deception that is going on in the church today as in the name of prosperity with a purpose it's like we are prospering for a purpose we need to be in the market place or third we need to be in the market place why do we get all these ideas from which market place we need to be we need to be on the field that field it does that look at the field that I write it is to go to the marketplace or the business center the central business district to go and be among them as Richmond so that we join and match with them and then influence them there there are fields of habit now you have to see it as a field all these fantastic ideas have brought about a minute motivation from the main route and that dilation is big enough to derail the whole church look when you are on the plane how many I bit into the cockpit of a plane before once only one so we are two that's the two of us three yes when you want a plane one of the things the three things they will show you the speed your height your height and your heading your heading or your direction where the plane is headed to and the heading is a number up to 360 so you put it on a plane either so you tell is true a bit of a before the panel says the fellowship demonstrated to me so it's a right now we are heading to 295 and that's the rough that's where the runway in hub or only is it maybe two nine five dish two nine five is the place that particular is from here zero up to 350 Liza's so two nine five is our own way so it means you're going like this Tracy is high speed and heading when you change from 87 to 88 it seems like it is here zero and go this is 90 and this is 180 so if you go to 90 and you take it to 92 small like this initially come out to a person who do even I can get to people yeah maybe two of you you are going to go do this 90 turn this is 90 turn this way and you down you are going on 92 you see so 90 straight like this and 92 is just close to it keep going just lightly I know you're too even too fast you are going up now your gamma hundred come it's like you use not 90 is going to bring you here like you bring you here and 92 is going to bring you here somewhere here to keep coming so for some time it looks like those about the same message you have crashed because you crash into thee the 92 was taking you to crash with this cache and main thing was taking the straight to salvation to the music play the music of heaven for him you know he is going to have his goddamn music this guy's got an accident with the hammer there's the video yeah two different things to different 90 and 92 Eddie how did you get here you change you change it up by two degrees it wasn't a big eater sauce like that we thought it was the same decide or some other pair so my 9 th times e to the normal entity just a little these are the three things if you want to fly a plane the hike the speed you can't go beyond certainly if you go beyond I said the plane will break up the plane will just break into pieces and you can't go below a certain height because the other value you crash into certain towers and you also come to setting planes which are flying way below and so many things so it's very important and then the heading where come I do it again come back and come back and start from here this is the beginning of your Christian life that's why I posted go back to verse 22 having obtained the help of God having obtained that I continued this day let us continue up to the end we talked about suffering losing sacrificing died let us continue up to the end preaching the right thing and do what is right you are dedicated to ends here and 90 ends here it looks legalizing it two ministries look similar you can't even see both of them our television ministry [Music] wah-ha-ha-ha slight difference one struck just before Wow just a little the Sun and it is a villa when you say the marketplace it sounds like the field I see what virtually the marketplace is is life become also an educated and a bank owner and a bank top manager and be like we are fellow bank managers and I'm a believer you are moderate leaders who are influencing the marketplace that's really what is talking about Jesus called it fields and so harvest and they call it prosperity with a purpose for a long time it looks the same unless you have descendants you not know not know but the heading is slightly different and is big enough to make a big difference at the end now that is how come the church is powerful palace if you believe what I'm saying and we'll continue you see you grow up you'll be Pastrana with your boss WAPA so you see that I finally see you and Congo now slop reaches a white night so good you come and preach for us anymore and no America is good they are in America they can't move out of they only preach on television now they can't go anywhere to do anything yes the afraid of people afraid of this professor of different epochs in the afraid of it if you sit down and you say you know you'll be living in fear and you have to believe in losing something for God so in a way you have to lose your fornications and your MOT some of you have five boyfriend's at the same time you have to stop it you can't have four boyfriend's at the centre seven boyfriends are the same time different parties having girlfriends a girlfriend you cannot do that you lose something you guys do something you sacrifice something but I've end of it all increase of God will be on your life what a blessing [Music] somebody's about you can be in America and two million dollars I said to your stupid Andalus to be the Hanukkah why will I get two million what I do with this what about what to do with it what'll I use it for I can only buy one television sitting one chest watch with one reboot and what water can I do how many tickets can I eat oh yeah I thank you I can add two million dollars a year but I won't let you know this another heading tell somebody headache today habla how to fly a plane I told you about what three things do you need to fly a plane number one is what hi nachos speed another three Eddie down we all becoming pilots leap high load Wow the support I wanted to answer these days and to this day witnessing to Bush bowling great Wow it's a fantastic appraisal is it supernatural and and unbelievable Wow what time is your lunch is it now [Music] we buzz why why don't you know how to sing the song take a microphone spreading the word of his and Pony to throughout the here was we do everyone me and in every song every 100 [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ah I'm a fire is it amazing now how can you say thanks to the Lord the next way you can take time to the Lord is you can step God in such a way that people think you are mad said God in such a way that people think you are mad and nobody thinks you are mad there's something missing in your Christian life do you know what I said now let's go back to verse 21 21 40 no what were you doing where were we before what that's where we do before what was this where 23 yeah I'll give us 22 that's ready to burst rate is having therefore obtain the help of God I continue unto this day witnessing to both small and great people those of you who only want to have a ministry great people God has forgiven you say none other things done those which the prophets and Moses did say should come verse 23 but Christ should suffer and that he should be the first that will rise from the dead and she shall light unto the people and to the Gentiles that's 24 I see stop speaking for himself Lester said with a loud voice Tao Tao now I decide Nigel must lemon dusty shout at it I see what that's pretty not better than gospel and I wanted you to witness up to today and this another Kapow oh no oh you're talking about this multi well-attended thought he was not in this body where they think you are mad it is against not normal they think you are in you when you believe in God they think you are mad when you go to check they think you are mad why go to such evidence think I'm mad when you are to fight conversing drama what are you screamin ah ah besides myself I must learning has made MA what a joy one of my past as a doctor a radiologist one day somebody met him and said are you also following doc here at man is that I had a lot of respect for you till I have that you are following back us wow those guys I had a lot of respect you see a standard fest optical response is the first obstacle is to say with the life Oh besides I owe you well we are fighting to run booze they think we are not what our sweetie let it show me after okay what repress it I feel like well is it okay for it for you calm down Papa I should calm down well are fighting Devils fighting or a goose I should calm down hey Tom be sorry because I'm gonna the missionaries on the side method but amber - can I say I beside myself when you are going to strange cities there's nobody following people nobody told me what higher nobody said it was anyone's fine all of our compelling people to Buffy I don't know so many I said it's like that is a food right right I say that when you go to different different cities didn't people visit them I had mata is pujita iy you it goes what is it worth living what is this llama now that you say I was taught this Oh Peter to the heavenly vision you start shouting ha ha ha ha what is it what what [Applause] every insult you receive it's part of your promotion every those of you have never been told you are math you are missing something the ministry clucking cries you are too dignified to diplomatic to distinguish oddly your dignified I counted that address apostatize much as you do this and we like you for the type of person you're a dignified she does of dignified so well done [Applause] that's our brother behind the pillar I've come are you part of us a part of our I security guard he's maybe 13 [Applause] [Music] Wow sister said with a loud oh wow stop messing anything up with kin with anything ugly much preaching the gospel of the suffering you see your grandma hey are you listening to me [Applause] Wow Wow we must witness we must do the work right so that time that somebody says what's it what's the work what Sandra what Renoir - what time is I have said [Music] Wow congratulation nearby sediba and Wow I don't mind if this deal what ten one what ten whopper Jesus I was 25 25 acidified and for fish but is that I'm not mad I'm not mad most noble Fester's I am not mad you are not most noble that I am not mad but I speak for the webs of truth and so banner Matt it's nothing mad about us hallelujah Wow I am NOT Murr so you never never I am no matter what San Juan no no attend mundo I could say we I could say we can we can we go now number six number six you can say thanks by strongly resisting and rejecting the world's opinion absolutely and strongly reject the opinion of the world about you about Church about your God and about everything that has to do with you strongly reject and move with people who reject that idea because if you move along with people who think you are mad before you realize you start changing a lot of things because each thing that you do you get what I'm saying it's always like you are math it's like there's something wrong with you but the people that I move it without think we are mad we feel very normal Aki seonhwa I could tell we I could tell me I am not mad most noble Fester I reject others and I will not move with you today will you is finished me you finished means you're finished you say I am NOT a kidding me I keep saying see a keychain we say my brother the church I said Adam could you say that a man choking I will take that way not let let let us never break it down my topic Ned comes or the cat Napper yet let me share such a word from you again when I was living with a because you didn't settle our part ha ha nothing boys I meant about us come on you said you say I was not this is our killing myself with our to pool well if they'll continue witnessing to the small into the great Upper East Side you say what everyone okay watch this oh shut up our goal is to hopefully get our pizza get our pizza it's our piece you get our pizza get our pizza by it's like English you get our pizza without Peter what's then why all my dad says whatever it's our feet to our Shibuya okay so diplomat ambassador power manager this is educated you don't take up a trap do this every night you you you should music but not before we are Tapia if you look at it can't we [Applause] [Music] with you I just want to find out your voice worth keeping with you at the same time you didn't see there was something wrong with us you don't tell me that I'm not today hid you are putting your penis in de come on you don't say you I'm not somebody is killing itself [Music] [Applause] what I do what I do you're not afraid to put it together Sixpoint by deception one week 6.0 you don't not how are you doing much nurses wonder ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma d by the roadside and I'm pretty nervous person you are telling me that I am wrong with my head I am not mad I am you are the one with how many have done nothing before I got a mighty before Wow this one rather the one that is nomad did not they'll be muggy for now they are nomads now you are normal now you found God now cries have cleaned you and you want to run up to 5/4 madness on me i pre-cooking on of the world rich detective us name on obviously are you much what n wa also him I kicked anyway octane demolish [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] why why did I not tell you a matter for you are for my friend at the same time [Applause] nobody told you that you a matinee in the country wear a tie peace everywhere [Applause] do you know what my telling me to go home with nothing but their smaller 200 feet out you say Oh ASA [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Yugi thinking well when you are cutting drunk and i exac i becoming a fool nobody told are you happy now that you are Peter with the whole ego you want to tell me the rap now you all know is mad ha ha ha Vida yeah I'm going after missionaries there man I'm gonna separate that man I'm gonna buy those clothes out MA I thought you gotta tell MA Oh Peter [Music] follow me I used to be my smoker like you 15 years old the number of people who have slept with 200 people one sister we are how many boys abuse services after we don't count it it costed like a fashionable listen from to there reject that's why you have to know who you were with when you say with other you always feel odd and it is not easy to fill out for a long time if you are vetting to deduce a Virgin Mary today come on you go to play [Applause] [Music] are you have to learn to be strong create create your own environment that's why I don't have come to everywhere I could smell you people from Ghana [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] fantastic fantastic if you have a handful studying people don't say my Martin guy okay taking in the head I just a little off like slightly yeah if it reaches certain take you a month that are you are doing it too much work you are go to the partner when you are we limiting your now [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Wow fantastic be with people who have the same kind of thing at the same kind of love as I said kind of humility tell you in the book strange yeah I like all the life somebody will be saying you are math and use it a lot after what every week you hear you are mighty what to say I'm no match because you're not there one day you'll be tired of it it's outside of big totem I want to be like everybody now [Music] to yourself so thank you to God by having a strong desire for all others to know God as you have known him say thank you to God by having a strong desire okay because even though we have known God people don't have a strong desire for others to also know God like when you are blessed you don't want others to know what you know like you don't really mind if they don't know they can go to hell I do thank God you know yeah so say thank you to God by having a strong desire for others to know God and be blessed the way you have been blessed so for me to be safe I'm so happy that today I can see people in Botswana saved the Bob with say siddhappa caste Namibia say Zambia Swaziland Lesotho say was a big day Angola thing Allah we say India say what you go see the 26 the 36 that he had a people responsible king agrippa refers 25 I am not mad all right the speak for the west of truth amen all right where are we yeah 25 the 36 for the King knows of these things before whom I also speak freely for I am frustrated that none of these things are hidden from him for this thing was not done in a corner that's 2827 King Agrippa believe that now the prophets learn to preach directly learn to ask the important question you may not have chance to ask to ask a third question go straight King Agrippa do you believe the prophets I know that our leaders then a said unto Paul almost thou persuaded me to be a Christian you see it working with working that in the very moment that devil is telling you you are not that very moment of the so-called man that is actually collecting somebody see us we had something you think we are not some people are becoming apostles ooh some people are becoming profit so these are becoming these cartellis some people are becoming teachers its operative frantically I saw people I be carry beloved it's a very bottom where they say you up at King Agrippa said oh you persuaded me of a persuaded so somebody's a demon was tricky to fester and telling it is it's right next door King Agrippa was sitting there and he was he was being invested and be beautiful in the same breath yeah one predator you are mother the best possesses something to swap me to be a Christian another we're taking a deep receptive us almost out the sweetness into Christian it's worth Toyota it's wicked the so-called hardness is working like magic hallelujah and then invest 2829 Paul said I wish to God but not only you but all those who hear me today we're both almost and altogether such as I am except these bonds or the other want it to be a prisoner like but I wish that everybody who hears me would be just as I am you see most people don't care if you are not just like me like I found Christ you know I'm a Christian have a Christian home and all that people don't care if the other person doesn't have it I saw my father I know God I didn't create you I don't know how you became how you had the difficulty that you are having I didn't cause it it's all my fault like I'm not good I'm not a savior of the world I cannot change the whole world I mean my life is too small to change everything to solve all problems Hey what type of thoughts are these it's a demonic thought you're right thought should be the wheel for the I wish all that hear me this day we're both almost and altogether such as aya as I am except these bonds acceptable I'm not talking about the prison you you are centered up taking another I said I wish you were a prisoner too but I wish you would do Christ Thanks so to say thank you you must let everybody here must have the passion the filter or Botswana Botswana Botswana or Botswana must no god no Jesus all all but we must have a few depositors I want to have a beautiful childhood where we'll have your wedding but I see a piece of brown how first sight I see a lot of bucks wanna walk it out the I ah I see the outside of the church be used for reception ah I see you holy Oh baby in why have you kept your babies at church ah take it one take it two second three [Music] [Applause] hallelu are you glad how many Emily are appreciating Paul's response to it I believe vision and his encounter it's a great thing number eight Wow first Corinthians how can I say things for all the things that you have done for me then so Madison yet you gave to prove your life and the boys good fat express my gratitude oh and ever want to be too the by eight first Corinthians chapter 15 moldova brethren rest well I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you which you have also received and wherein you stand by which also you are faint if you keep in memory what I preached unto you unless of course you need in vain for I delete that unto you first of all that which I also received how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures and that he was buried and rose again the third day according to the scriptures and that he was seen of Cephas another 12 and another he was seen for by about five hundred brothers at once all five hundred saw him at the same time yes does a fantastic vision of whom the greater part of these five hundred remain unto this present time that's enough fallen asleep anyway after that he was seen of James Jesus was seen by all these people before he finally stopped appearing and then he was seen of all the apostles and last of all he was seen of me also as of one born out of due time like somebody have been born at nine months I were born ten months old maybe you were born a seven months instead of a diamond you get it best nine for I have at least of the Apostles that am NOT meet to be called an apostle because I persecuted the church you know he is the summary this is a summary but earlier he was saying I punished them i compelled them to blaspheme and I told them to blaspheme I stayed them to strange cities and hey he it is when he was pitching to King Agrippa that he gave the details that some of you think you've listened to preach about when you hear another one you realized wow and understanding this story better yeah I reread the Corinthians and it's a summary the later speech to King Agrippa you get it then he said but by the grace of God I am what I am and His grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain but I laboured more abundantly than they all yet not i but the grace of God which was with me amen what a powerful analysis of his response huh say thank you to God by not letting the grace of God be in vain may his grace not being in pain amen you know there will always be people that you regret advising he regrets there will always be people you regret helping there will always be people you regret showing kindness to but make sure you are not one of the people who somebody regrets about showing kindness to one day because if you are like that what will be said about you is that the grace of God that was shown to you was in vain it was like you were so useless basu Indian person that I mean mistakenly God Sabo and others we should have had a crusade nama that town you should have started a church in another time not where you add that you have come to with the grace of God Wow we should have gone somewhere else look at look at you in Lighthouse today it's like every Church is different we are not the best judge but we have some things that we emphasize that makes the check what it is it is the grace of God to find yourself in such a church and even be happy like you are here from the morning to the evening you know one day I told a man of God a great man of God and I told him that oh I'm having a company thing and I'll be preaching in it from the morning he looked at me said hey why what's the profit is kept open hey so you see you I hear y'all grown ups if you check the front row you see professionals people be to school people have jobs education opportunities they sort of the IPOs sure is great seeing things this crazy thing here you are sitting in the house of the Lord that's why I don't like losing any of my Memphis because it's not easy to lose a grandpa Hayley Smith yeah it's not easy to lose a member because for you to be become somebody like this who can be they come to you are an advanced member a lot of luck in your life for you to be happy to be here I really realize that a lot has happened for you to be sitting here like you are sitting here today a lot lost but you are totally copy is that a place that you don't think you are mad and you were living accommodating somebody tells you that you have man Wow should His grace be in pain should His grace be be so what does the way you can say thank you to learn that I will not be someone who will decrease of what he showed me in pain in day there are 28 sisters and you are chosen out of the 28 sister all of them are dying to be married and there is only one perfect Decatur he's choosing from the 28 and you are chosen by the grace of God and when you become the wife you now become very fantastic a certain pasta approaching his wife wanted to sleep with his wife just as he was about to do what he was trying to do his wife said wait and she stretched out her left hand like this she pull something that his trade her right hand she pull something it was a checkbook and a pen and she told him science before fine fine merely properly legally she straight out the Hannah Peck and stretch other hand and she gave it to the brutal routine sign he was a pasta yeah the man told me himself so she gave me the check this time not that somebody to do the same before we continue if you are chosen from among the twenty eight sisters and you are brought and your grace has appeared on to you Hey with his great being Jane posted at that I said hip or the grace of God that was bestowed upon me was not in vain so it was not it was not just not it was not a mistake to show me that grace was not a mistake to show me that face Patrick the grace of God I was shown to you at the leg on when you are walking by and had that for darkness and he'll add praise it does not be anything because I can see there's not anything it never been seen aki maeda grace that attention to you you either be dead in the war it was it was entirely on the wall he was there in the war we should get a ticket a ticket he escaped the country hey should I grace being late yeah to the crazy vain all that God has done for you why were you where would you have been on it on a day like today where would I be if Jesus didn't love me where would I be it Jesus didn't care where would I be if he hadn't sacrificed his life for me oh but I'm glad so glad he did listen if it's too long for you you can find another that's why you know for me I prefer to be a dick come down to be in a church on a Sunday morning I study everybody squeeze them face up like this listening to some messages to finish the points I've been three points and just you just want to give here a few points and go like a little teaser for life I'd like to be with those who like order those who feel that the case of God should not be faith or that appendages of these things Alicia posted increase of God look at me I went to school went to medical school pass all my exams finished for mania doctor he gave me a background no should it be in vain he gave me intelligence intelligent use it for the checks for writing writing books marriage this for writing points how he conducted all this stuff on the boat one number two number two number four I'm using Mathematica threatening is a grace I'm using it for the church yes press use for the church Oh God I thought it is not in math but cannot be thing that I had that I went to medical school that that I she saved me before even the world could ask me before I could learn how to drink how to smoke and how to have sex and you save me fast hey she's it'd be insane [Music] [Applause] Wow I'm so glad he did she live in vain my family started poor family should it be in vain God has shown me I used to travel first class as a child yes only money and I was a child should it be in vain because when a poor person becomes a leader this the just system surface so the poor man has come out bugs the out of prison he cometh forth rain and all that are born in his kingdoms are people when the poor man sends into a position of authority it's not a small thing Klaus is out of prison he come exported with the prison of poverty he cometh forth to ring and all that happened in his kingdom shall be poor yeah should it be in vain wow what a blessing not at your beautiful faces should it be in vain what are you going to use your beautiful Facebook for the Lord what will you use your beautiful face for two please to preach the gospel to other people are you use it to me it was use it to be doing bad things have you used it to do bad things already a lot here and now what I go to use your pretty face book to go out into the light and say wait and tell them about God and then when you usually use the delicious to attract somebody who can marry you and then be a husband too isn't it what would you use the beautiful face for putting into church being into church and what will you use your either supposing you marry a beauty what would we do with your beautiful face look you can get into trouble I said what will you do with your beautiful face I'll treat the conference's for the man to your husband well I'll give you about 30 verses oh good for him take care of him love him make love to me thanks again I'll cook for him to be a good wife make love to him as much as you want I'm not as he wants but when you are the world you do not want it oh come on take it for me you wanted it huh now you've changed your atomic location by a discount polyester no you just retired before tomorrow anywhere the world you wanted it you're free sign already cut a new resign give me one of the guns now change your speech say the right thing only bow King Philippe oh hey recollect thank you olive oh hey ah huh ja beautiful face you you use it for witnessing we will use it for witnessing yes you loose my other people on the floor and talk to them jelly baby Jesus oh yeah can you use your beautiful face for that yes okay then you use it to attract a Maruti hello Maruti a pasta we'll use it to attract a booty we like to marry a booty okay ah well you have such a taboo routine what are you going to do I'll take care of him you take care of him I love him I love him Oh giving in Bakke even what do you mean like maybe like that its headstream is it too hot you should is this baby baby don't you know that is the grace of God to have a nice face as you have a pretty face come and this is their pretty thing pretty face should his let me baby come back here uh-huh what are you going to do I guess take it in bed when I make you laugh I'll give it all okay what our what that I go to others I go to do look good for him yes I will cook for you the very cook do you know how to cook oh yes thank you standing there [Applause] what is that a day I know how to cook but I like to be more perfect here you know how to cook boiled eggs protection t is it a million votes wonder what I get what are you going to do with your pretty face a little witness the people how does a pretty face affect witnessing our beautiful face effect with this he shall fall I'll go 200 you paladin witness what how does your beautiful what you have you use your beautiful face already in the world yes for what sister I will get a bucket whole bucket at this altar drinking alcohol party loving I thought you use your pretty face for flooding yeah what else everything boy ripping boy rapper rapping yeah what is a rapid right up okay well you successfully rapping the boys it was only to play around with but I don't you do what Aaron so officially I remember we got on a son you don't know so we'll see how many I feel as she's giving us stories to get people to come to church and to get to know five you use your pretty face lose you to attract somebody to marry you and Wendy has fallen for your attraction what would you do for you I love the person okay yes go on I did it get making a fool of the bottle up top of the year we know I wanna be wrong okay when I put it down put it on your lap son laughing yes turn off the general will I do anything unique effective have sex with him how do you use your pretty face to have sex already you haven't I don't know what artist she looks down on us she looks down on us it's like we did you feel good isn't it it's not what we are talking about it's too pure it's impure it doesn't apply to it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you know down on us know what is a statistic a 1s6 genetic sister think they can easily looked out on the rest of us I love it anything he wants I wasn't him let it be your last warning okay are we what are we talking about is crazy in vain what would you use a graceful well she what are you going to use your pretty face for I'll bring the bestowal what have you used it already oh I can't stick a stick into okay I have my pretty face I use it mostly I was interested in go futher than Carol you use a trap Chuck I like you yeah yeah I got another disease I just wanted to tell myself like kills like is not [Applause] so I get so what I go to use it for now I'm gonna present a sort of Kartik people weep let them tinker with it guy come into confusion [Applause] did you take us like we are palcohol and we are like profane you take others profane what am I going to use your pretty face for to attract a husband yes so what would you do for this house don't worry I'll love William take good help hey give him you are three keys give it to a break kid [Music] we thought you body in two or three kisses for its life another it's not so Maria you've already use your pretty face for a lot of other things what I do use your pretty face for I've used my beauty for drinking dating guys a lot of guys yes yellow now they like this past can counters later something like that possible yes what I will use your pretty face for now I'll use my duty to get marriage yes well back to muru tea a problem and what are you currently using it for the knowledge okay got it I'm using it I'm cooking for you giving him all this oh I I don't think it is true don't you tell the truth it's not true when you wear it the world where you give you the styles only sometimes no all the time and the brother who has put a ring on your finger sometimes kneel down and say I'm sorry get available I'm sorry hey what are you going to be from today [Applause] [Music] you are discussed the other sighs all that time a weekend are you coming but not exposed him like everybody do you see what I preach it is true maybe some of our past boyfriends or bad guys they would be surprised to see a marriage situation sir would they be surprised I suppose you speak happy surprise they really didn't see me as a marriage time to redo it [Music] why would they be surprised to see they are not performing as you used to perform in those days why would they be surprised because they I want really yeah but because no this voluntary thing don't be surprised because I always will be yes why you you what was nothing what was nothing do I begin you're looking down on the rest of us [Applause] don't be surprised to see me it is not the same person here yeah you see wickedness yeah doesn't preach izd days are different between right Christian another key when you are Christian is the past I can't go anywhere is that yeah back so now that is back I got doing whatever you want until the seven away and of all the girls you are one of the few here that is married and after all those guys I love that married you only this guy and that grace it looks like is what I did I went God rather something you wanna see oh this poor brother is getting the worst part of me yes I get them get to all those type of activities the boys yeah boom huh I'm sorry you don't be sorry and they are saying we are ready Christian people don't know what Christians are experiencing we are not different you cannot avoid you know this money come away tribal the word of what is called Tony you you with me see with the red understudy right why do you bow with you all are eating like the Word of God is getting young we will call you Papa you know I am a king how are you do you already have you use your beautiful face already what are you using Photoshop what do you focus as many as the stars of the sky in the sand of the sea or you can count no sounds like the stars in the sky are you married now you have a beloved Wow what are you going to do to me what's going to happen to your friend friend of mine she is crazy in vain you know the grace of God there are sisters here who want to be married how many of you around here one of your buddies to be live in a little nest o Kesava just looking at it - rabbit - rabbit rabbit oh you have what are you going to do to him tell me you see what's in it let's Soho left so I stole her the truth god bless you father personal prayer Jesus name what are you gonna do big love to you every day like you were told by rest when you are treated to the world where you told by anybody well you told by anybody now is the rapid anyway what about what body telling you what to do so if forever has forgotten to tell you some aspect it is funny to you why you laughing okay I'm still anal to cook that's been learning how to cook so my do you mind you will be like two boys in the house I'm landing how old are you [Music] they are now learning how to cook so what I do they need you happy what is your wedding why have you not said that they crazy [Applause] what is the date of the marriage what date as soon as possible what are you a master possible absolutely we are we are with you or not voila we are gathering everything full of Allah is the only what's like a class and what date is that go to La Perla finish we went at opp before them before December we I think because of the cap we had to all perish laughter I think it would be a better final life you love you love her do you love her not have so much do you think after this time she's going to be a better wife to you sure why because I'm doing in my house Alex changed because I listened to one of the kids so if it is before I joined that house so how can it be difficult for her when she has been exposed to mannequins and also as we are on our advanced classes for marriage cancer so I expect better more and more that I were specially she's always like listening to my tea shop might be shop so what you are being told today is going to help you what is he going to do when you tell me what you are going to do turn to him and tell him what you are going to do for you what is his name mention his name I'm going to be a lousy way thank you we cannot hear it hurry up we are listening JD and we pick up your love you BL anyways faithful and now nonetheless not a lot of sex with him anytime or was your Fridays or Tuesdays and Thursdays what is all the time all the time all the time what else cookie what is his favorite dish what is his favorite dish like what dumpling dumpling if your food not pleasing what do you know how to cook I [Applause] don't place the water and you learn how to make a dumpling what are they in learning how to make to the table November we are no guests we have September October November now just one right lush look at how to drive and then have a good time riotous mix what about meat yeah yeah so what are you going to learn how to make for a poor type of meat rice and meat fresh red meat lovers right never cry okay at the next camp we are going to bring you here for reports to see whether nobody should forget oh I'm going to check on her see whether she's performing very well as promised dispense types of food fed types of sex not a lot a lot a lot of okay you are dismissed so this great big thing is anybody who's 29 years also around safety you don't have any love it you do almost married Wow are you clearly without not answering back they say no you answer answer one on your plan have you used your beauty already I don't let me use your beauty already I've used a beauty yes I'm air volume you I was I've used my beauty I have a collected donations for kids that I mentor a my mentor and that was before I was born again but now I think because of the skill of talking to people and being confident and knowing people I think I can go around and three evangelism because I can talk and that's why we're talking about have you used a beauty to attract men your life before I was born again yes I have data that you can okay - other than 43-hundred guys 200 but now the many one is the stars of this kind are you going to be good when you marry that's right almost okay okay are you happy are you happy that you receive the water I'm happy you're happy you're sure very happy I don't want a what is shot all right know what those are the bug there they are watching it TV now watching us or teasing okay what am i south come and stand by me we take a picture come you the ones who interrogated come oh she's getting night these are the television stars are just a better distant one mile of edges what a legend to legend spa Johnny where's my camera cheese everybody say anything say future goodness okay your plate sit down number nine number nine I've given you eight points [Music] tell somebody his grades will not be in vain how many points throughout eight number nine live more abundantly than everybody else Wow I live it was more abundantly than they all now this brings us to this is the last point in this little section where we are seeing that when God has been very trained to you you see you must not be disobedient to the heavenly vision you must continue in that thing up until the time of your end till two chapters before your ends you must witness before great and small you must continue to preach and teach about the central theme of the Cross and the suffering of Christ must be important you must not allow people you must work for God to the point where people think you are mad you must not allow people to think to tell you that they are mine as I said the opinion of men of that means wanna step their opinions in your life that you are mad they get it and then you must desire for all people what you have had that I wish you were as I am that is what Paul said except that change I wish you as I am and then you must not let the grace of God be in vain so he must look at all the graces all those with pretty faces it's a Greece one day a lady was working as a prostitute in a brothel and a young man came to have hair repaid downstairs and came upstairs to the room so when he came upstairs and he went in to have his portion the girl started giggling and sort of laughing at him don't know what exactly she was laughing at but she laughed at him so when she laughed and giggled the boy was very very very offended in heads by what happened so he took at knife a understand and I took it I bleed and started to beat the girl and he his crush her face with the blade yes and cut it I did so after the guy was given ah was arrested whatever was given a punishment for that it was just pay something but a girl right and had fellow prostitutes decided to go and get a hired assassin to kill to kill that boy I didn't know the reason why the reason is because we said that his face you see is what she uses to wake Jonathan is like when bed comes there all day and nobody chooses her because she's ugly and Scott on her face so it's like what they said was I even define that the police gave to the guy was not enough to pay for what has happened because her whole face was Scott I gotta tell you what I said that's why I was asking what are you going to do with your beautiful face because the face you have is a gift from God you will be surprised if it was all stirred up even just a little scratch on your face like that will change you just a little you see that your whole face is different and it means not easily get somebody to marry you yeah I remember sister Watters gown her face I have to pray a special prayer before she caught the husband yes because they are astounded face so you see your face oh that's hard and I'm pretty that is a gift from God God gave you that pretty face is by godly some people's faces are also as pretty as yours like some people face I admit elongated so I bit Oprah some up triangular some are amines hexagonal and look at yours looks perfect yeah hey Wow she is great pee stain so I highly value the power of the face but the face of a girl is a very important thing you take it for granted but is actually God's face and that face is what you use it to get your purse boys some of who you know the other stuff you don't even know the Rings keep it so many people now that you are saved you will not use your face to talk to some what the present day to be listening to your gospel as you are preaching because of your face and they'll be listening to you and he said oh I want you and that with me instead of taking here into a bit arrow you'll be here to check that your face is the same guys used to get a husband or a booty or a pasta well when you get it through that same grace what do you do with it wickedness so in every area in every field don't let the grace of God be like something that got wasted on you like I should have given this pretty face to somebody else some people I tell you when they look in the mirror they look what how I look like it man hey should his grace be in vain no not advantage Aegis name and the last point is that as I lay back ah exactly and they all whack whack whack whack it is a great thing to sell below it is a great thing to size alone it is a three to seven tell somebody it is a great thing to serve the Lord hallelujah hallelujah it is a creating it is a great to seven it is a dream to server it is a great service all seven as I said okay well whatever it's a great acceptable so if I used to save a boy I used to save a girl but today I serve the Lord it is a great Center loss wow that's a fee fee what was your life like when you ate the world tell the people well I nearly said by degrees of God sorry but I had I had some girls in my life yeah Abby about about ten girls I broke a hot one and I remember she even came to judge and Bishop Richard sucked there from the church but I mean I've done various in drinking I never smoked and which I also realized something at some point you know my brother my senior brother am used to I mean give me his car and money and stuff like that to go bring girls to the house I think initially I was not so much mean to that but and he saw that and he used to face me on that all the time I mean take money ticket cargo and I will not go you know so it was like I was pretending to be a good boy I think that's what I was doing but on this side I was masturbating seriously you know yeah so even though I was portraying this on the outside I mean one side of me that's what I was doing you know and so I think maybe that's why I didn't go so much into I mean the girls issue meaning the world is 10 and they're drinking well some drinking I think I think they're drinking to adding adding so much going to drinking because of headaches the second is below average this person so miserable things let us be glad yourself in the loss or very very glad very very glad something I was telling you that when my big brother had that I was becoming a pastor I mean he was very surprised and he asked the question he sent a message to me so but we are not like that I mean the pioneers we are not like that that your family that's the family we are not into all this posturing and and my face is starting the same recently I happen to be where she was only where she is now and there she came with me to church you know one Sunday and that's under I preached and in fact when I started preaching she she she was talking to my wife and if suddenly I saw tears in her eyes tell me she cried through the sizes and as soon as it I mean I finished preaching and be the horticultural defense comes with very very very much good stuff so I've done a lot of things but are you glad to be serving the Lord suit Lance how different was your life before my life before was a rare risk a risk hearing with absorbing death every day for two main reasons a karma man incident whereby I was in uni lagoon and I had this girlfriend who is about five thousand eight hours drive from my class and I would add my mom and dad you're my mommy knowing I can I will leave campus go to go entrance the visitors girl in the day when albumin when I went there for the first time I couldn't get there on time to catch the debacle Double Trouble from a critical mass is known from camasta to atresia where she was there so so I 101 Appleton when I went out were to come at electricity see this room so be your very best range strength and if Ali but now I was on this gonna risking Rose my father my mother thought I was in school ending with the becoming a graduate I'm the only boy of my mother and if I look back out that of the releasing had to mentor many about breaking a third party thinking that I was you need doing a course on me while I was on a path to trying to convey and lately so I've got to come and say I've got the need I wouldn't catch that but to get to where she was out allowed to sleep other other a decision I slept it I'm not even 40 I mean we got a bomb repair anything in it and now you are serving the Lord so blessing are you glad you are serving the Lord to glad where are you serving the Lord we're seven days or night in Portugal Portugal originally you are from where which country originally Wow so if I'm going to see Botswana in different countries of the world is a fantastic are you working hard in Portugal how hard are you working at the minute I said my main was overcome the language not to work very hard on the language trying to learn how to speaking out because that my agent learn a new language it's a tell by that I'm so happy I guess over the overcome that we did jiske lies favor drinking plenty i've got approaches one down ace and and the other one died of alcohol so both up i was involved did this guy with our case i switches girls with you and this the one without because of alcohol I still drink with him so our styles twice over so hope that [Laughter] is a graceful sword so for me well you come and you asking me that what are the salaries it is not nonsense it's nonsense what a salary what do you have to offer it's absolute gibberish I don't understand the language understand the language of our life to say thanks what can I do to say thank you and you think God gives everybody a control in the experiment this my drinking is dead this is my this my fornication is dead listen I drink it meat is dead like me I have the same my friend that we stayed together opposite houses we used to play he's dead I'm alive still preaching my friends his mother was a white lady from Austria she speaks German and my mother also from Switzerland they speak German to the other committed in both married men from Ghana the same are the same as he said I have cultures like me we went to the same school where we play together as children we bath together we rode horses together we did everything together went to the same primary school the same secondary school he's dead from HIV from drugs from whatever I get him a letter I drop him and in a dark place he said I said this is dead he said what I'm dead already he turns over I'm dead I'm already dead there's no death no way is dangerous for me in a city I'm already a dead man yes he could never stop taking drugs he died and I look after him totally look after him look after your friend doesn't matter whatever he does it is better money given by the every forgive me yeah even his family didn't wanting the same just like me cream color different France seems cool save everything yeah say God gives everybody a control to get a revelation of your salvation and how can you say thanks and that's why for the bad apartheid against of God and what I am and His grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain and why was it not even because I lived it like I worked more than all the guys that were there before me may not be your story in Botswana work hard wet long wet strong don't develop premature age look at me jumping and dancing with you I can give birth to many of you yes some of you are experiencing premature aging you become old before you are old it's called premature aging don't age before it's premature aging your hair becomes gray before you're supposed to be green see how you are 29 yeah it's great yeah is great everywhere is great second area yeah everywhere everywhere I've got green Wow tell your neighbor I'm going to leap up more abundantly that they are is a fantastic with to the diplomatic appearances DD provement ambassadors Macedon we are going to work a budget report masala development start to your feet everybody father thanks for your words your placing your kneeling your power we love you we praise you we thank you in Jesus name Amen may be seated okay we are going to take a break and then we come back for the last session in the evening amen Wow doesn't even how can I say it like how can I say that how can I say that how can I say also white you must take time for your pretty face which got you a husband here the mirror in your room look at it and see Lord how can I say thanks for all you've done for me what a blessing in Jesus name
Channel: Dag Heward-Mills Evangelist
Views: 1,907
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: How Can I Say Thanks, Dag Heward-Mills, Camps, FirstLove Church, Machaneh, Healing Jesus TV
Id: H6HKyThoYzQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 222min 9sec (13329 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2017
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