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on the go through cries a Hey leaving me to be laughter hi there Thailand only Jesus can the law people meet the end up broke every key open door [Music] [Music] when [Music] [Music] we are called to pay his life to a world where all the dry what could be too great sharing one only the last I can see all debris their head and they must it was holy jesus [Music] Hey [Music] I am say to people when with me that we [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] they need the low [Music] father we thank you for this great privilege in Jesus name Amen you may be seated tonight my message is entitled the missionary call so tell me to Hebrews chapter 5 we read one scripture and then we'll be we'll have a basis for what we are going to talk about amen Hebrews of the five he says no one takes this honor to himself amen but receives it when he is called by God even as Aaron was Amen so to be called by God is an honor and no one can take this honor on himself are you listening it's something you cannot take and should not take on yourself but it's something that comes when God calls you amen so I want to just basically share one of these old great men of God what they wrote about missionary work all right and so I'm just going to basically share with you because you cannot get such books they don't sell them anymore all right because people don't like such things but I like such thing so I'm going to share he says what constitutes a call is there any way of knowing the will of God how can one be sure I think there is in fact I am certain God would not leave his seventh in darkness let me give you James Gilmore's experience it is well worth quoting and this is how he puts it his gilma was famous missionary - - I think Mongolia all right now he says it was cold to the Mongols this is how he puts it he says is the kingdom a harvest field then I thought it was double that I should seek to work where the work was most abundant and the work is fewest the understand the question is a kin of what a field then I would like to work where the intersection of the fields where the workers are few and then the work is a lot does it all make sense yeah laborers say they are overtaxed at home but what then must be the case abroad where there are wide stretching planes already wide to have it and scarcely here and there a solitary Rippa today the Soudan is easy this is the reasoning of somebody who gave himself to be a great missionary to the Mongols Gino Bongo in medicine what do you call a Bongo Bongo lism is it because of how they look they look like Mongols goes yes like that I yeah so there were people like that but somebody started was West going just on such a mission amen he says to me and this is how he was reasoning this is James Gilmore to be the soul of an Indian theme as precious as the soul of an Englishman and the gospel as much for the Chinese and for the European and as the band of missionaries was few compared with the company of ministers at home it seemed to me clearly to be my duty to go abroad but I go out as a missionary not that I may follow the dictates of common sense but as I will obey that command of Christ go ye into all the world and preach this command seems to me to be strictly a missionary injunction so that I put all together from choice and other lower reasons my going forth is a matter of obedience to a claim command and in place of seeking to assign a reason for going abroad I would prefer to say that I have failed to discover any reason why I should stay at home after to discover any reason why I should stay at home gilma went in response to the great Commission's his captain ordered him to go and he went and he went because he could find no adequate reason for staying at home he went to the foreign mission field as he says because there are there the workers were fewest what a heroic decision what was CT stats reason for going he went to China as a missionary study remember gave away a fortune of one hundred and forty-five thousand US dollars he could have lived at home in great luxury but he chose rather to give away all that he had and go to China as a missionary why why did city stop go I've shared with you why James Gilmore went to the Mongolia now I'm share with you why City start now City start went because of an 80s what an 80s said and 80s is somebody who does not believe in God that God exists straight as it machine it was a statement of an 80s that started him on his way it's so gripped him when he read it that he felt he must leave all and follow Jesus Christ here is the statement of the atheist and FSM doesn't believe in God is what he says he says did I firmly believe as millions say they do that their knowledge and practice of religion in this life influences destiny in another then religion would mean everything to me together I say they did I firmly believe he doesn't believe either if I were to firmly believe ask millions say they do that their knowledge and practice of religion in this life influences another life then if that was the case I would religion would mean everything to me he says I would pass away Atlee enjoyment as dross I would cast away earthly cares as follies and ethnic thoughts and feelings as vanity religion would be my first waking thoughts and my last image before sleep sent me into unconsciousness I would later in its cause alone if if there was another world and I am someone who doesn't believe in God I would live only for religion only I would take thought for the morrow of eternity alone I would have ten once again for heaven with a life of suffering ethnic consequences should never stay in my hand nor seal my lips as its joys and his priests would occupy no moment in my thoughts I will try to look upon eternity alone and on the immortal souls around me soon to be everlastingly happy or everlastingly miserable I would go forth to the world and preach to it in season and out of season and my text there's an unbeliever two dozen didn't go my sex would peas what shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world and music to the preaching tank if we what shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and we said it was an atheist someone who doesn't believe that there is God he wrote this is a if religion was true I will give myself only to religion because what I do this over affect the other world and then that's what I would do is that the way you feel have you to fell the edge that the Word of God bear in your hand that means of course that you need the call men are dying you have the message of life are you going to withhold it from them I'm not no more this is not the Atheist I've moved on the responsibility rests on you and yet the need of itself is not sufficient there must be the ability to meet that need if you are missionary do you feel that you have the necessary qualifications for instance is there a language to be learned can you learn it are you young enough or is it already too late [Applause] there is your health to be considered have you a physic able to enjoy a tropical climate than to a fair amount of Education is imperative education both secular and Theologica do you qualify a missionary call my topic is the missionary call and by us well Jeff Sanders providential circumstances will prove a real factor in guidance das will miraculously open and your every need will be supplied funds either end or given for your training will be forthcoming obstacles and hindrances will be overcome or taken away at the last board of God's choice will accept you then you will get out your outfit and your passage money and if necessary the promise of your first year's support first year support so for one year yeah support for one year it by the grace of God you may get support for one year and your passage that is your transportation to the place and support for one year [Applause] also J Sanders to me the call is that divine edge that compelling impulse that passion within that makes it impossible for me to resist there is something within that is calling about calling I am Restless I am like a hunter's dog on the leash training to get away it is that irresistible must the divine fire bench within my heart I rise from my desk praying to God my mind is not on what I'm doing I see the distant field I feel that come what may I have no choice but to go I was satisfied to settle down where I am one time I expressed it like this hack she's a voice that calls me out of the depths of mystery it was that inner voice that spoke to my soul and called me into the ministry to the mission fields of the world I can't explain it except to speak of it as an edge that was with me night and day that edge I followed and have never been disappointed let no one imagine that there is any romance in visionary work [Applause] [Music] little law for that matter in traveling to foreign lands s no romance there is nothing in the world so monotonous as sightseeing my heart comes up to the man who lives in the tropics when he might remain at home day after day we out and within month by month the hot burning Sun a heat that takes away vitality and stops the very life and robs one of energies and all the desire for exertion and wake an atmosphere of smallpox leprosy typhoid dysentery and malaria death and fills indescribable loneliness unspeakable and food mostly foreign [Applause] the additional missionary work is a joke we send to the tropics it's not a joke there is no romance there is a piece of monotonous as I see they are there we got a wicked month I'm under hot burning Sun a heat that takes away vitality it stops the very life is it not true it rubs one of energy and all the desire for exertion and work an atmosphere of smallpox leprosy typhoid this century that is running so much malaria yes will it describable feel loneliness unspeakable and food mostly foreign foreign food no no my friend if you plan to be a missionary make sure very very sure that you are being called by God otherwise it will be nothing sort of a living death nothing short of a living death the Romans will wear off in a few days my team will quickly lose its attraction and the novelty of traveling in foreign lands will become stale and you will soon find yourself utterly at sea discouragement disappointment will be your portion and death will be preferable to life I am talking about being sent on missions to sell your suit to Wally Wally - Dowa dollar number four oh how you will long for a change of climate for the frost and the slope that spring and the fall showers of refreshing rain instead of the endless monotony of the tropics that turn in the mixed climate that imparts buoyancy and to use a slang expression pet listlessness is the order of the day but if you have been truly call of God if you have counted a cost and if you are prepared to sacrifice all if you are not deceived by the so called glamour of the Orient falsely so called by tourist agencies and if you know how to pray then your work then your way will be your compensation and his will will be a reward you will be satisfied fully and completely satisfied for you will realize that you have obeyed his voice and that all is well a divine guidance we walk by faith and not by sight we only get one step at a time in fact we see only one step at a time God does not reveal all the future at once he unfolds his plan step by step you can never know the details in advance but you can take the next step and the next I did not know when he took me away he took away the work that meant everything to me that he would give me something that I had to walk in the dark a little bit god this is time the time to trust trust when you cannot see say with jokes though he slay me yet will I trust him and mean it's true though disappointments will become his appointments for you he will not fail you if you were trapped thus you will come to know his will he will make it plain if you are to enter the ministry and preach his gospel at home he will show you if you are so caught in a foreign field he will reveal it to you if you are to go into business marry and settle down at home to set in here or to give him full-time service elsewhere he will make it known to you it was in Riga one of the great seaports of the Russian Empire a young man sat at an office desk in a large business building with a pencil in his hand his eyes running up and down columns of figures that afternoon shadows were lengthening and the day's work was drawing to a close the young man was worried the expression on his face betrayed the fact that something of an unusual nature was bothering him sound for some reason the figures the calculations he was doing refused to total correctly two or three times he lifted his head and said restlessly as he glanced out of the window at last throwing down his pencil he got up and walked to the window and he stood gazing out on the street Russian and lettuce workmen were tracking towards their home basil Mallos that was his name one of the great pastors sent as a missionary to Latvia you know the young man turned to see who had spoken but saw no one his face was a study as he again came to the window to watch the busy street bathroom again he tells quickly but saw nothing the office staff appeared unconcerned no one looked up the more you focus his attention on the passing traffic in the street if sinister voice were repeatedly saying to him buzzer Mallos little if you were not in this office helping to make a rich and converted manufacturer richer richer you are helping to make a rich and converted manufacturer richer till you could go into the streets to tell others of Christ your employer can easily find for the unconverted young men you do your work here as well as you but you who happy say will not go no one can take your place Mazal malice frightened by this voice puzzle try to brush it aside no he says I cannot be a missionary I have no gift of preaching I cannot go and he went back to his death a day or two later and the same voice within him spoke again and he was forced to get up from his chair and look out of the window hundreds of people were passing by wet men in their factory blouses black with smoke women with napkins riding their vehicles that is my Beach to his own imagination he telling resumed his wake two times 2 X 4 8 times 7 is 56 7 from 12 leaves 5 9 & 3 are let me see 9 and no one to take your place Oh what am i doing he was taking service and 3 2004 and then the why do come no ones who take your place no one to take your place whatever ails me again he stole from his death to the window and watch once more the throne does seem to pass along the street buzzer Milaap but I shall mala the voice said one small bubble do you see those hungry multitude yes he saw them his vision was not penetrating further and further all of Latvia was spread before him Russia with his teeming millions loomed up in a moment of time Moscow st. Petersburg appeared quickly Moscow is it famous Kremlin at the centre and 1600 Greek Catholic churches then Siberia yes he saw them he saw them all in one brief moment as a vision passed before him buzzer Mallos leader the voice within his soul if you don't go no one will I have no other there are many who can till your work here but none can do the one over there but Allah was a man of quick action in a moment in spite his mind was made up the voice could not be ignored the god the call had been too clear for hesitancy he would not be disobedient to the heavenly vision he made his decision to respond intended as over the mission field his knowledge of mission field was as yet limited he knew something of Ch Spurgeon the preacher of bridges in London having translated one of his sermons from German to Latvian his knowledge of English was however limited to a few words recurrent additionally he looked up the words he needed and wrote to this Spurgeon another letter he sent in the same meal to his parents in token intimating to them his decision to go on the mission field send a message to experience a reply came from London the Bible School come there was also a reply from his parents taking he took the letter to a nearby cemetery where by it was his custom to eat his noonday lunch and to meditate and he sat down near a tombstone and hesitatingly read his mother's letter this is his mother's letter dear basil he was still the little boy to his mother even though he had grown to manhood gaybies oh are you going to leave us is that all you care for your poor old parents don't you love us anymore please don't leave us father my boy don't go away we need you now that we are getting old what are we going to do without you basil don't go away that's the letter read and as he was slowly making other words he noticed on the sheet that there were big spots caused by teardrops that are falling from his mother's eyes as roots for a while he stood looking in space rigid as a tombstone around him his poverty-stricken parents needed the salary of his father one of the early pioneer preachers of Latvia did not reach 100 dollars a year and he had a family of eight to keep in his youth his father had left a much better position in order that he might become a gospel preacher and now when his older son was beginning to send his age at parents monthly support from his earnings he was about to leave them to go away to a far-off land perhaps never to see them again when he was test any sermon is it all the problems we have there is nothing new puzzles mind was wandering to the old home in cocoon only one room a dining room kitchen Paulo study combining one then before his vision roomed his father his face buried in his hands pretty with God for souls here streaming from his eyes rise mother was painfully bending over washed up a great lump rose in his throat that his eyes still with tears for some minutes he sobbed as if his heart would break then he engaged in agonizing prayer for a moment he stood and taking the letter of Jesus from his pocket he read go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature he is not loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me and if any man will come after me let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me here is a letter from Jesus this was repelling in his soul parents or God children listened to his mother's appeal or should he obey God oh what a battle fiercely the struggle raged within him his eyes were closed his face was drawn happy fought his battle surely he loved his spirits he would like to make himself responsible for them in your old age his totally different is that he supported gratitude for their parental care by the word and love for him in his childhood but again he seemed to see before him as it eliminated the word he that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me Oh whosoever be he or you that forsake as not all he cannot be my disciple his mother's words don't you love us anymore is that what you care for your own poor parent seemed to stop at the very core of his heart God knows he kept so much for his parents and the violin struggle was almost crushing him to death he stood up and went to a newly fill tube covered with fresh wreaths and flowers and with a large cast iron cross embedded among them at the end of the tomb in his left hand he was holding his mother's letter and in his right hand the letter of Jesus the New Testament he fell upon his knees confronting that cast iron cross tears were copiously flowing from his eyes as this young 18 year old candidate in the making was crying to heaven Lord die all know as how much I love my dear father and mother and how much I want to stand by them and help them for they gave me SV life but all long I love thee more for thou givest thy life for me on the cruel cross save me from making a wrong choice at this critical moment help me to choose and to do thy will and I will alone finally the victory was one fierce flowing freely while his whole body shook with sobs when slowly his left arm with his mother's letter went down and his right hand with a new Testament was lifted up high toward heaven the decision was reached in his hand and the light of his guiding presence filled his soul as gently his mourning was changed to comfort and he began to sing nearer my God to thee nearer to thee even though it be a cross that raiseth me is that a song like that you know how to sing it yes even though it be a cross that raiseth me shall be near rom I thought to be nearer my God to thee O cross off-price I embrace t he cried this is how puzzle malice was guided and thus God will guide you if you are willing to be led for you also may know his will you too may hear his call Alleluia sit down what do you think powerful isn't it you are more I show you one more okay missionary preparation I finished missionary call I'm going to missionary preparation there are two kinds of volunteers passive and active the passive volunteer says Lord here are my next year he says it again and five years later he is saying it once more love I am still here I tell you there are two types of volunteers one of them says Lord Here I am next year he says it again Lord Yama five years later is saying once more Lord I am still here here he is here he was and here he always will be he has an idea that he has to wait until he gets a supernatural voice or until God reaches down picks him up and Transplant into some foreign land God cannot use passive volunteers I tell you the active volunteers we are talking passive volunteers and active volunteers the active volunteers is Lord here am I send me he puts a goal into his volunteering and sets his face like flint he prays through hindrances and overcomes obstacles by faith he opens closed doors prays in or and the money he needs for his training and kept his preparation finally he finds himself ready for his life's work then he has lies to a mission board and if he is turned down if he's turned down and then he applies to another [Applause] yes sir place as love he is accepted then he prays in his outfit and passage money and finally after overcoming every obstacle he reaches the field nothing is allowed to stand in his way God can use six volunteers give a lot of shadow play how may he know the will of God I can even sure of the coffees call he will pray and up he prays if he is not called the battle will listen he would be at rest but he is called the better will get heavier and heavier until like the Rhema he will feel as it were a fire burning in his bones and he will say I cannot contain the fire edge will be upon him and he will have to go ii will do everything in his power to hinder if he can and he often does he will bring him in contact with a young woman who has no intention of being a missionary [Applause] [Applause] hey check out your step down sound now decided not to when I thought I thought I was just comin readability I don't have anything constructive to add to what I am reading Satan will do everything in his power to Hinda if he can and he often does he will bring him in contact with a young woman who has no intention of being a missionary or vice versa many a young woman who is caught of God never gets to the mission field simply because she marries a man who is going to remain at home and fast and that her life is wrecked she gets out of God's will and second win yeah many young women who are called at the end of your ministry marry a man and then at the end of the call others will be kept at home by unwilling parents parents are to be obeyed but only in the Lord God can set some children have been disinherited because they have gone spiritual parents will not stand in the way Satan must not be allowed to hinder then there is the question of health if Satan can keep the candidates in ill health he will have gained his purpose it is up to the prospective missionary to see that proper exercise is taking so as to be physically fit for the field cancers have been known of workers who have been turned down by doctors who have through exercise and care conquered every infirmity and then have been able to serve for many years the missionary must be in the best of health preparation for the foreign field should commence by a study of the biographies of the great pioneers of missionary where those who expect to labor in other lands should know as much as they can about those who are born before and the best way is by securing the biographies of noted missionaries who laid the foundation if you my friend expect to go I would forget that you get the life of David Livingstone of Africa and read it until the inspiration of his heroic achievements drips you tells you and moves you to a new lake his devotion and consecration then read the life story of Robert Moffat his father-in-law who spent fifty years in Africa with but one fellow fellow means the time to come back home follow this with Alexander McKay of Uganda nor should marry please' of Africa be forgotten those of us our motors whose leather house named after this woman marries leather this will give you the knowledge you need of Africa in China study the life of Jacobson Kayla founder of the China Inland Mission mission especially a retrospect and of course Robert Morris is the pioneer of Chinese missions for a vision of India read William Carey the father of modern missions and Alexander dance and then Henry Martin of fashion under the reduction of Emma and James Gilmore of Mongolia should be obtained and studied and of course John G patent of the New Hebrides and James Thomas of New Guinea and John Williams of the South Sea Islands and somewhere muslin of New Zealand's all these be sure to read the center of all by Morrow it is a masterpiece and then to a thousand miles of miracles by grooving and for your devotional life may I suggest David Banner the man of Prayer by Smith a book I tend to again and again for inspiration and blessing most of the so-called faith missions to distinguish them from denominational both require you to have completed your high school education and to our successful II graduated from an accredited Bible Institute if you are young enough you should take your college work as well majoring in the Bible but are still if you can graduate from a sound spiritual seminary to get too much training is impossible provided you do not lose your vision but much depends on your age you should plan to leave for the field by the time you are twenty-five if at all possible successor [Applause] in any case not later than 28 hence if you are near the edge limits get your bible training and be off even if you are not a high school graduate during the days of your preparation learn to cooperate and work with others all cannot deliver be willing to come under the control of those in authority bow to the wisdom of experienced records all through your training you should be actively associated with some missionary church for the devil come when you will need the recommendation of the pasta who lose you well and the backing of a spiritual change both depends to a large extent on what the pastor has to say in addition to education you need some practical experience for everyone cannot use you at home that I can use you on the foreign field [Applause] you cannot you see ahsoka I can use your some kind of Christian service is absolutely essential do patna work preach tech meetings helping rescue missions visit a sick learn to sacrifice roughage live by faith get all the practical experience you can in other words be a so we not home before you go to a foreign field there is nothing in the crossing of the ocean that will make you a missionary there is certainly the crossing of the ocean that will make you a vector knowledge there is nothing in the process of an ocean that will make you a missionary unless you are successful before you leave you will not be successful after you can secure an elementary knowledge of bookkeeping that accounting and typewriting it will be invaluable that needed to be valuable many missionaries lacked business training and it is important that accounts should be kept accurately if you are young enough and you have everything else you need you should take a year in medicine such a course is considered necessary by most missions working in tropical regions you will not know how to take care of yourself when you are sick and other missionaries and Christians as well besides relieving minor ailments among the deities and that's making an opening for the gospel language study is always a problem if therefore you can take an intensive course in phonetic and phonemic you will find it a real science even when you are ready apply to one of the mission boards carrying on weck in the country to which you believe God has called you if you write to them they will be glad to send you their literature and when you have completed your training application forms I will suggest that you keep in touch with the mission and that which you are expected to set from beginning Olivia literature and learn as much as you can about the work in going to the field you should go under ball that is prepared to accept a natural responsibility I believe in faith but faith on behalf of the board as well as the wakeup the missionary has enough to contend with and it is up to the board that sense to see that money comes in so that full allowance can be paid and all emergency needs can be met whatever you do go under a well accredited mission do not go under Alec inexperienced board you will find unapproved mission in almost every field if the society to which you apply belong strange interdenominational foreign mission Association of North America it is safe hey there are still vast territories where the gospel has never been preached you may get the opinion if God has called you do not hesitate to go no greater honor can come to any man or woman than the honor of being a missionary you will piss a lot ambassador be faithful and the crown of life will be yours and when at last the hope call comes you will say with the sainted Brennan I would not have spent my life otherwise for the whole world amen now missionary hardships missionary work today is very different from what it was 50 years ago and yet there are still pioneer fields where heroism is demanded and persecution rages trails there are that has never been placed where suffering is a lot of those who venture I want to remind the committee said McKay of Uganda this is the ANA missionary who was about to leave he said I want to remind the committee I want to remind us he said I want to remind the committee as he was and she was and she was living to Uganda he said that within six months they will hear that probably hear that one of us is dead one of us at least it may be I will surely fall before that but what I want to say is this when the news comes do not be cast down but sell somebody else immediately to fill the vacant place when you hear as one of us is dead immediately then somebody that prediction was literally fulfilled one by one the members of Marquez party died either a fever or were murdered by the natives and so before long he was alone left why let the hardships detail listen to what David Banner said here am i Lord send me to the ends of the earth send me to the rough the savage brigands of the wilderness send me from other is called comfort in this earth or applicant post send me to death itself take it be but in thy service and to promote thy kingdom send me send me to death as it is in thy service and to promote a kingdom they listen to Francis Xavier when I went to a sinful soup I saw a trans Saint Francis that year Hospital at our central soon this is what he said this man Francis a dear he said yet more oh my god more toil more agony more suffering for thee yea what city staff said if Jesus Christ the God and died for me then no sacrifice can be too great for me to make for him if intense itself can be glorious David Livingstone said yes it's a glorious event to one going to Jesus stranger to be if you read the life of Kerry of India and keep back the tears even the directors of the East India Company the father of all missions he was opposed listen to the resolution that the route before he left he said the sending out of missionaries into our Eastern possessions is the maddest most extravagance most costly most indefensible project that has ever been suggested by a moonstruck fanatic someone was dispatched by the moon you must be struck by the moon to suggest a big war business such as king is pernicious imprudent useless harmful dangerous profitless and fantastic to send out a missionary people were opposed to it spiced against all reason and sound policy and it brings the peace and safety of our possessions into peril it may be of interest to know that in 1796 the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland passed the following resolutions they said to spread the knowledge of the gospel among barbarous and hidden Nations seems to be highly preposterous the incident in 96 people were opposed to sense sending the gospel once we can the House of Commons said I would rather see a band of devils let loose in India than a band of missionaries people were opposed to missionary work such was the opposition to missions when Kari set forth and yet in the midst of his deepest trials his heart breaking he was able to write as follows why's my so disquieted please me turn out better than I expect everything is known to God in Carey's day the filthiest illusions believe that the gospel sent the gospel to every creature was meant for the Apostles only finally when he did go he was burdened with two unsympathetic women his wife and her sister for helpless children and a colleague who was an eccentric and hopelessly in debt mercy but in addition he was completely misunderstood by the society that sent him out slandered by his enemies and persecuted by the natives he had come to win did ever a man face the task of wealth is vandalism under more unfavorable circumstances yet he stood the test and became the father of modern missions amen are you there yeah so I'm gonna end here and but I'll read what I read I believe on Friday some missionaries who were lying on the beach dying he said as they were dying six of them because they both have been stranded listen to what he said he said should anything prevent me ever adding to this let all my beloved ones at home rest assured I was happy beyond expression beyond all expression that night I wrote these lines I would not have changed my situation with any man living let them also be assured of my hopes were full and blooming with immortality and the hope of glory the hope later for me in heaven filled my whole heart with joy and gladness and that to me to live is Christ and to die is gain that I can say I am in a strait betwixt two to abide in the body or to depart and be with Christ which is far better and that is assistant Stella he wrote this he says with him died the sailors plane captain Alan Gardiner slowly he stopped to death a little rice this already had two cakes of chocolates six mice one pound of soft pop was all there was to sustain the lives of himself and his whole heroic companions six mice salted pork small rice two boxes of chocolate and what yeah was all there was left and yet this was the way he faced it is that my prayer is that a lot my God may be glorified in me whatever it may be in life or in death that he will should befall vultures to raise up and sent forth other laborers into this others that his name be magnified you see it sound a bit like al-qaeda type of people but if I die let another one come yes he does that's how Christianity took the world and today the spirit of sacrifice is gone and as we planted into Muslims as we try to become more prosperous and more whatever preserve ourselves more 6/9 salted pork and not his kingdom he should send for other liberals that is their big glorify his kingdom in life and that in the salvation of multitude from among the inhabitants from the pagan land as he neared the end he wrote blessed be my heavenly father for the many messes I enjoy a comfortable bed no plane or even cravings of hunger don't excessively weak and scarcely able to turn in my bed at least it is a very great exertion but I am by his abounding grace kept in perfect peace refresh with a sense of my saviors love and an assurance that all is wisely and mercifully appointed finally on a lonely hostile Patagonia the last survivor of these six missionaries he died and does the scene is pictured by Jessie Paige he said all was still now on that show and he decided the person who discovered them the sight of the sky and seen the unburied Matis lay no slow painful footsteps of the shingle now no Reverend words of praise whispered by the faint breath of dying man God had sent his messenger to stay the sufferings of the saints and they arrested in peace so he giveth his beloved sleep at last they were found and a service was held yes indeed Alan Gardner and his brave companions had caught the vision not a combat not even one combat did they wind and lo they suffered their wives loved ones and Families far away help came too late yes they gladly gave their life for the savage Indians of back benighted Patagonia you know Patagonia said please but they they died in vain no the blood of the matters soon became the seed of the church and a glorious harvest would someone have to pioneer and gardener and said the call can we do less so does it missionary call missionary preparation and missionary hardships thank your feet let's pray [Applause] let us lift our hands and ask God that a church will be restored to its glory father we pray for the spirit of the missionary and the spirit of sacrifice to save you will be restored to the lives the heart of your church we thank you for this great privilege that you give us today Oh father thank you or renew our in our hand of your perfect will and we may serve you we may do your perfect will in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth with we love you Lord we praise you we give you glory we did you sign we we honor you we love you we praise our effort it's emotional presentation terrain Alexandra's originally translated so every flavor insulin Marines electric cannot deliver receiver ineligible down the name of him who died of atrocity getting stuff with Acula bracelet that they are Jesus right avenge as every head is filing every eye closed if you are here tonight the another born-again Christian going to say pastor play with me I want to give my life to to God I want to give my life to Jesus Christ if you are here like that whatever you are standing just lift up your right hand and I'm going to pray with you I'm going to pray with you lifted up high god bless you lift it up high pastor pray with me I want Jesus to come into my life save me I want to be a new person lift it up high god bless you god bless you high up in the sky so I can see thank you if you've lifted your hand come to me come to me quickly quickly quickly quickly I want to pray with you [Applause] [Music] don't [Applause] Oh [Applause] [Music] I did No [Music] Oh Oh [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] do you my children sorry [Music] Oh [Music] although we thank us with surrender although [Music] Oh to the face [Music] hallelujah variability photo we lift our hands that we say we surrender Lord we dedicate ourselves Latvia will your society tell us one tells us Lord to press all into what is true what is he channel [Music] what is real what your will hold for us they will not be denied the opportunity to live for you or God have you go everywhere you want us to go love to do what you want us to do thank you Lord Jesus amen give a lot of my tea cup of real already seated in the presence of the law I want you to check out your offering if I make a few remarks about what I just read take out your special offering for tonight healing Jesus crusade offering Amen God is going to bless you going to bless you powerfully so take out something don't make yourself the poverty chairman of any change never never never accept that position the poverty Chairman's are the one in charge of all poor people we who don't give offerings we will never have money we who do not know refuse it tell somebody I refuse that position I will not be the poverty chairman of this chest amen how many realize that if people are defended like these guys there is no place I cannot be conquered huh yeah today anywhere that is a little fun I later had a letter for is dominated by Muslims it's a trend you know today I was talking to one brother who was a if the past is going to kick a crutchy which is added not impact of the Vorta linked up at the top and he said to me oh it's not of Islam and it has struck me that once the faith is fast and it's lost and out of reach of anywhere wealthy successful whatever Islam will have taken over that list we we have visit ourselves with prosperity and wealth creation wealth creation is not a gospel no matter whose big church preaching about that so the gospel can never I've never been the gospel it's a fallacy statistic is false Marie is part of our preaching as part of the things that we believe in and God places and God makes us treats but the gospel is not about money cannot be the main thing I have never been and will never be no matter who is Danish and our biggest edges Jonathan yeah so the real gospel has to do with Jesus Christ and what Jesus said and and unless that truth is within us we are going to be powerless so please don't shy away from the real friends and power that comes from following what God says amen let you open up their right hand father thank you for this offering that we present to you in the name of Jesus amen take out a booster that is in addition to whatever you took you forgot about the booster but I am reminding you that we want also a booster or an additional offering Jana's not well last week we didn't have God willing next week we are going to continue with Oswald J Sanders what can i really see I'm happy I'm reading what you said you know I just sit back in and it's not another one saying all these things now you realized the things that he's saying we are busy so today I've got somebody to speak for me I felt so safe behind the book it's like it's not me somebody else is saying let your offering with your right hand and your booster with your left hand and let's pray father thank you for this blessed offering that we give today in the name of Jesus Christ Lord amen I just received the offering a resident Amen you know the part of this thing that struck me is what the eighties 10 and if it is true that there is a better life over there then I would give my whole life to religion true and if that's why I also go on did give you value of salvation yeah do you realize what is happening to you gee one day I was in truck rally with him and we were sitting outside a disco at about 2:00 a.m. 3:00 a.m. we have had a crusade and they're finished so we are gone there and I guarded by the Ghanim was next to a disco and when we came we were going to the car the discotheque door opened and they cannot a man with some chains on his hands while looking guy 3 a.m. and also goes at this door he used to come out of here as what time is in the morning 4:00 a.m. you move into the final call other hands so my question is that just as this bad man from his book we drank whatever parties he's planning on you whatever what are they doing about for exercising orphans of bodily laughs and desires and such and you you used to come out of such a dog now Christ has saved you and you are standing on a platform preaching what must you do with the rest of your life so as he was giving his life for other causes that's why I asked you that do you understand what salvation is as it means much and I solemnise I remember I was incapable to desert to me your salvation doesn't remember your salvation doesn't mean much to you I told him I said to me I don't think you know what what it means to be same yeah yeah a to me answers to me don't value your salvation that's what I feel because I stare it hard to be saved think of how you are here now it looks natural I sorry I have to be here if this is what salvation is then to me it's worth giving my whole life for salvation of many people as possible amen and I pray that the day that I grew up in fire or whatever metal how prescient to that day I serve him to that very day yes and never alter what I'm saying and now that's why that's why did they the booze that I buy the and then the modern books I don't I stopped going to book shops but this one's you cannot find them this one reading want to read such books every other transit the why and how of foreign missions is instead the chapters are there yes the wire our foreign missions and the shadow of the cross a worldwide vicious I what the missionary program the great wealth of Christian experience career emergency or this the poison of modernism poison we have about 17 points on the poison of modern modern things modernism modern life verses of it it's a modern how the model that a poison of modernism the story of my him married to another to that episode marriage to Christ the face of that we are married to Christ the shock that Christ the Christ of John's Gospel the story of my early life yes another end of the book [Music] how I read it he just put it it finish the book yet the end you see the end and then he just wrote some small sentence that readable why should anyone hear the gospel twice before everyone said it once also I'll give me why should anyone hear the gospel twice when everyone has had it was where everyone has had it and why should anyone hear the gospel twice before before everyone has had it once the desires of RJ Smith I should you guys twice when people are gonna edit one amen so it will be a blessing we don't know how God would do it but I believe those of you one missionaries going these are the ways that should encourage you is nothing new there's nothing you laughter you have to survive the preparation your health and what 1-year medicine account typewriting bookkeeping within the biographical learning the language phonetic yeah the big lip instant read before we sign on the big six of them they were writing every day we are left with six months we are left with sauteed pork we are left with rice we are left with chocolate all right the waiting mother was there for six mice salted pork rice and chocolate and they died you say that Oh glory because we are not feeling any pain they are not feeling any pain as we are bang I don't feel we thank you O God we give you glory but there's no pain in our death Wow instead of that chronically dissatisfied Christian who cannot be satisfied by anything that he is given we are never satisfied with anything that we have we are educated always complaining complaining about our husband company about our wife open about our life preservers money complain chronically dissatisfied people volatile is dissatisfied never happy Hey never grateful for anything there is a say that you see a river flowing upwards it means somebody is being grateful if you see a river flowing happens normally rivers flow down a busy area of anatomy somebody's being grateful we are not happy with anything we want we want everything that we don't have anything that God hasn't given us is our day we are just like Adam who are 10,000 thousand trees and what stuff with one uses no this is how I want this one as I don't have so friends and countrymen let's serve the Lord with passion let's give out our cell for a very worthy cause let's do his will that's why I'm so happy you know I felt like I had a shield in front of me also the way I preach opportunities at the program you are some way you know can't you see that you are some way as Rob which is a courtesy divert some will those thoughts comes once might not be I remember I am saying she was in America one day she kept the connector Josephina me how do you see me that all I said in those days so sometime when I have come around like too much healing pieces it's like here there are supposed to be one so but I mean it's a bit too much too much is it up to say something there are in people's minds you think I'm just saying something but it's in people's minds yes it's like is a big too much I mean wives like us as a instancing words will happen to us as we are going for here it just you see Christians not an unbelievers who feel sorry for us but grittier those are this man mr. justice he feels that he can do this he can do why why why but Caucasian commas I love business my let God touch your hands these things are true too true sometimes they're real I got to bless you quickly for me seven God has not been it's not being easy but it's worth it has been wet before just having the Lord just have even if there is no heaven where there's no heaven it's been wet seven him and following him you may ask me why I saw the law he's a just for heaven game [Music] or to wall whose mighty is true [Music] and to hear the angel sing these are just to drink from the fountain that never or jostling forever forever and ever in the sweet old guy but if he ever never was promised to see neither got promised to live eternally if Ben were just having the Lord in my life I was living in a world of darkness he came along and brought me the line why I was living in a world he came along and even promised Musti neither does promise to live eternally if it were just having the Lord in my mind you know I was living in a world of rock came along and brought me we all were living in a world of darkness he came and brought us whoa if there was never any people leave our land where we will never go little one just having the Lord in mind for I want to living in a world of rock came along and brought me I was living it once and he came and brought me we all were living in a world on top he even brought us without crying where do we start what is your life what what what are you doing here what are you going to achieve what are you going to get if you think a little bit extra you realize that there is no other purpose in this world than to serve God that's why Solomon itself concluded that the conclusion of this formula it's a fear God and keep it because your life amounts to nothing yeah it's been worth having the low it's been worth following the law now I do believe even if it's a fire I want to follow you me to the bar I mean I would like to follow if the luggage in the fire I'm analyzing all of the data you like to be the fire where the Lord is nigh to be then even if there is a fire there I like to pull that back I don't like what like fire West Wessex I will always encourage you to work for God when I don't know storage you to work for God that's when I'm like I'll always encourage each of us if I tell you that people either see that I'm encouraging well when I joined courage you to work for either decided to keep back our life like Elijah - delicious don't follow me it will be that kind of romantic I wanna tell you the truth my heart I always encourage you one day I got a group of device and I'm to Dupre for you my best friend it is in a camp I don't know if it's recorded is it on it I pray my best friend I prayed I said god grant you the opportunity to work for you is the best the highest I will not change it I will now recession no matter how many difficulties we go through seven the Lord you know during this year's homecoming I was standing there I was looking at the people testifying you know and you look and say well it's worth it you know I wanted to do more mom today I went to whom I preached in a church big like this full of people today it's ready to do wrong more I thought like dude I said after I was talking with my secretary I said blessed belt hundred churches here I said let me join hands with you and believe come we are going to person with a CC of water reaching on that building building the ones we top building you can build possible yeah possible you want to fight with me I will fight with you I'm going to fight between the Word of God [Music] I'm going to hide from your hatred and work for him yeah I'll hide from your displacement and wait for him I'll cover myself from your displacement and from your looking down on me what I believe and I went for my savior my lad and I'll bet with that the discount act people who you have discounted I'll bet with them who will love him and who want to serve Him and who believe that he is worth living for in time for people I love this concept and move out move out as unqualified I work with them and seven it's true call me whatever name you want when I was in school I've been called every name I got let me say you think you go to heaven by being a skeleton the last time I had a baby was a multiple fornicator you think you go to heaven by being a skeleton you know I've been making fun of me for years if I had not met crisis again this ball hit my secondary school to Omaha but I met him there anger checks is if the offer oh damn who's that I'm gonna hold closely the people who believe in it you get it you get it you get it you get it I'm going to hold them close Boone awake I'm determined to the end I would die serving him the name of Jesus yeah I'll die serving him there's no retirement in my job I don't care what you think you may consider me to be a fanatic that's why I preach in the evenings and I've left normal people to be in the mornings yeah you get it you get it I don't care well commence I don't care what you think about me I'm okay okay I don't care I don't care the songs that I sing I don't care if you know them or not I don't care if you know them if they are part of the songs that you you have in your collection these are the songs that I have yeah and I'm going to sing them somebody said when either is seen as long as besides of the 70s I was continued to sleep up there seventies and from there age our singing and the sickness and I'm going this book is 1946 this was 1946 the old wine is better than the new one and when you updated the old one and you say you will not look for the new one again whether they said the old one you will say that the old wine is better when you have to say the old one but consider to think of me as somebody was who is not working on them on the level the level something is keeping continue to think that way I will continue to be keeping to the side true that's why I thought oh so good you don't appreciate your salvation that's what I told in that because to me I've seen a Christian who does appreciate what it means to be saved and it's changed him it changed him because if if religion according to an 80s it changes your life in the future then say if I believe in it I will give everything to religion yeah immediately describe what shall it profit Emma you sound wasting your time in the evening I'm wasting your time I'm wasting your time I'm wasting your time after I told you to come in the morning [Music] dumb with me your time yeah so listen my friend my brother gaunt sweat is the same to not change even if it if it doesn't work for you I doesn't work for me still true even if you are sick and you don't get here doesn't mean that our goddess which is true I am NOT the confirmation of the Word of God and my life is not the confirmation you to our mother sometimes the weather boy is dead you two are dead you got it my success that's not all failure does not change the Word of God yes amen that's why I borrowed Austral a Sunday to speak for me this evening and I stood back himself said it is that many a young man again ministry sports because well marry a woman a young woman who has no intention of becoming a missionary and he says Insecta get the upper hand preferred to stay at home I anyway say something quickly I can keep it to myself [Music] I've gotta go out and tell somebody I can't keep it to myself but somebody's loved somebody dying I can't keep to myself I've gotta pass somebody l-habib earth to know the Jesus not damn so please don't keep to yourself you need to go out and tell somebody don't keep to yourself if somebody's up smart I am don't keep your pal you need to tell somebody part of God to know Jesus oh we all have Ryan cry cuz they don't even know there's a God who is willing to help them they don't know whole they don't know and you can see them through the dark and how there's got a bomb you really understand he can heal broken heart if they just give him a chance i'ma go we was goin let them know we all of us all I can't keep to myself I've gotta go out and tell body I can't keep it to myself somebody's lost the blood digan I can't keep my down I've gotta tell somebody pocket got to know Jesus me don't keep to yourself you need to God I please don't eat through your pal if somebody walked back to my desires don't keep who your pal you need to come back Bobby no [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] I bless you sit down Wow you know you don't really understand why God does certain things now as I just put on my phone here I just got a text that our pasta Billy Joe Dottie he died today yeah and I just marvel I said Wow you know I just wonder yeah and like when is God just come home very marvelous but that's why we must set him with all strength without reducing the level of acceleration we understand yeah cause mysterious sometimes you see people who are causing trouble they never die they never even get sick who never I think Jessica and people that are good or we see as good doing good things I can't even believe it so let's set him because everything in Jason I was in Korea but I was just in entering Korea when I had a news that he was not well just three weeks you were well you are you yes yes how many weeks just a few weeks can't even believe it so brothers and sisters I think life is such that you know you ask yourself eating chickens who know that they will die by Christmas is it because when they look among those that they don't see anybody who is more than three months you get it there's nobody here more than three months although they could live longer but there is nobody in that whole section who is more than even they have a kind of prediction it takes away the second t that sometimes you see people plan is okay I'm going to do this okay I'll do this okay next time then look at what Vidya would do this so young ones he said by 25 you should be gone and at the latest 28 Wow may we fail Guinea guinea-bissau Senegal Liberia Sierra Leone Mali Niger Nigeria Benin Togo Mauritania Congo Brazzaville Congo Ethiopia Kenya Zambia Congo Brazzaville Somalia Eritrea Sudan charge [Music] Uganda Zambia Lesotho South Africa Zimbabwe and Botswana Malawi countries are waiting nations are waiting for you to go and do his will if you appreciate your salvation and you'd be one of those that help us to go there in Jesus name God bless you and forgive me for wasting your time because Lisa dancer you country your feet and let's share the grace also marathon and share the grace the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ a love of God Communion fellowship contribution a dissipation of the Holy Ghost now and forevermore amen god bless you
Channel: Dag Heward-Mills Evangelist
Views: 2,691
Rating: 4.9466667 out of 5
Id: 36aTWiax2gk
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Length: 101min 47sec (6107 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2017
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