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[Music] warm welcome to you from Dar Epsilon the haven of peace you're welcome to the healing Jesus camp games coming live to you from Jerusalem it's going to be four wonderful days of miracles of blessings of salvation with our Father the unknown years and he's been to so many countries that's also motomete it started in ghana moved on to nigeria malawi and finally we are so blessed that we endure a salaam we'll also have a portion of the blessings our father doctor by profession but he left it all to obey the call of God on his life and we have all been so blessed and we thank God that we in Jerusalem have not been left house you can feel the excitement behind me as we expectantly await our Father the bishop the DA he work milk you can join us live on healing Jesus dot TV your Android phone your device wherever you may be please do not miss out on the blessings that we are receiving I am very very happy to welcome you and to invite you to join in in the campaign with us be blessed [Music] [Applause] thank you my dear people of Tanzania dugu's Angua Tanzania the people Jerusalem now watch what there is enough we have assembled here too many thousands for myself [Music] sour plums he wants at the cows people who love God what an open the moon so much that he has a wonderful plan for each one of you Judy Kwok Elam went away no God has less have loved the people of Jerusalem moongra me rependa were to Allah Islam and the people of Tanzania now watch what Antonia he has sent a 7mm to hunt wishy washy to preach the gospel idea who you baron Jeanie not because he wants anything from you yok we know all that he has is lacking something Lubuntu he wanna heat off Lonnie he is not in a business or political campaign hiya vodka pH Iraqis easá but he is here to bring a message from the maker right from the sea to the throne you cooperate o to me put up a moon buggy cats got it early today the 15th of November little cumin a tattoo you are seeing what can fill the Camila nany on behalf of the body of believers well yeah we were only here in Tanzania were Harbor Tanzania from different churches moussaka comically Samba in Bali on behalf of the ministers of the gospel when Yahweh I want to miss you Angelina bishops were Moscow Fuu the pastors watching ID the Avenger is when jealousy and the church leaders young boys yarmulke Lisa I do welcome each one of you here at the crusade in our Alicia Ward a hot pocket shampoo hello this is another season high and mighty Roman Guinea of great harvest Yamuna makuu and great revival in the body of Christ now one some cool cats can win you a crystal Jesus say yes or gasps Emma listen Jesus killing say yes or the same the harvest is true repentance baloney mangey but the laborers are few like in our telecast in watching and he said again naka say Martina the huge are ripe for the harvest my son my avatar you come up you know it is time again pneumococcus ascertain our Lord is uniting the money show to me she working Oh chucka mechanics are you t to join together no no my bappa Morya across the nation to proclaim Jesus Christ as the Saviour of the world now comes angles a year so Chris Sacca Momoko the only window I personally maybe not see maybe a trip to Accra Ghana define a safari quanta up regarded to invite the servant of God cumali coition Mugu bishop dark Howard Mills I saw stuck Howard Mills to come to Tanzania huija Harper Tanzania and preach the gospel now could you be reengineering as a senior pastor comma ask a comment regarding other Shiva Christian Center walk talisay city Christian Center and I bishop dr. runway when Shah aalam Amy talks Bishop dr. William so called a member of the board of bishops bishops ducks and what meals monasteries motor on a button vodka do my bishop look how dark our meals by the grace of God and the chairman of the Preparatory Committee now kamati Amanda Lizzie I am here Nikko hopper and to officially announce you what Angus iya the opening of this Great Crusade computer whoo - I now stand here Nikko Habana messy mama and declare to you it's an gaza kwaku at this crusade in the res LOM ground me in the name of God the Father cat occasional Ababa Mungo God the Son Bob Amana and God the Holy Spirit the mover on Takata food and always say Amen that's what dr. Amy Bishop doc asked of doc the congregation here who's an eco hopper has assembled here on the putana hopper to hear the way bullies can know right from the throne room of God kuzava catechol madaba iguana we're hungry and thirsty to non-genic you to hear what God says who see a commercial moon wanna see my food members were here to attend to pay attention what will happen what healing that God wants us to him ambulatory she is my pressure Neela 4-iron goo now to invite Tasik uncle misha this great man of God whom to Kumu bishop dark heavens me I saw Stagg Howard Mills to come and give us food Ella go to Pattaya reach us what the word of God to be a little a muumuu welcome Lockerbie she shoved out let's go excuse me please excuse me please Suhani excuse me please honey may I acknowledge the praises of goodness and also go back to choices bishop clap your hands keep the Lord a hand clap let's celebrate Jesus from Siberia yes ooh and let's appreciate our chairman their tombs angrily appear of the motive clap your hands for Jesus super coffee coffee and with excitement let's welcome Vivaldi to bless us with some songs that was our point over there too [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we'll go to a tea we'll go Tati Johanna we got [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wanna come [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] me who not only buddy [Music] Wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh mommy you're dead to me honey [Applause] Thomasina seen a chart [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] do you soon [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah [Music] Hey [Music] see [Music] yeah yeah [Music] [Applause] hallelujah clapping hands for the Baldy you can add a shower hallelujah cry you may go back when the path yellow are you ready for what God is about to do tonight hookahs are working about so moving up way that you help me welcome before the servant of God comes [Music] Jesus I know [Music] me [Music] we ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] kid clapping your hands coffee Darussalam the hour has come [Music] you're me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] da da [Music] in Bali [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] seoeon's Akana [Music] ah [Music] [Music] lift up your hands even Africa no how could you father thank you for today baba Asante paddy really oh and your presence in Dar es Salaam no way Baraka kata Tjuta lottery Salam thank you for these four days Asante pasa cohesion and four nights juicy cumin irony in this great city katika GG hey raikou thank you that jesus is alive Asante bas bahu yes you go high and his power is here today Namba Osaka is eco happily we receive your angels Lord to Nepal caramelize Asarco everyone we receive your power to Nabokov Gustavo we receive your mercy to neva care he Masako for the city of the wrestle on agility ladder s-salam everyone that comes to this ground here array could happen if you on TV will not go back the same hotter Rudy come Olivia pooja everyone who comes here Kira area Kuya hapa will be saved at our Cola one will be healed at a port one will be delivered at a combo lingua by the power of God cuckoos among goo in the name of Jesus occasion areas we confront wickedness soon a kabillion and a wolf Devils my people will bind them to our food because them on our part command them to stop their maneuvers who now have kamikaze technical these are all operations of darkness kilo technologies we arrest them in the name of Jesus in the name of cheese education areas now let the power of God assassin boo boo Cebu the light of God the salvation of God appear in the wrestle on route occasionally salons Ania hands Ania thank you for your great mercy solo Santa for Yamazaki ku in Jesus name we pray I'm a man let your hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah god bless you you maybe see that if you have a seat mom why are you always a Coquette Akama una marry papa Katie first of all I just want to thank all the pastors Kwanzaa kabhi static washoku achieve acuity your presence and your participation where poeira no shirokino in this campaign karthik i campaign he specially i want to say big thank you to dr. ron well Kim Alou cabeza la role in welcoming us into this city and sponsoring the healing Jesus campaign dr. Rollins Misha Kotik aditi Hayley now could supportive conga Bono he like at ekunji who god bless you sir manga Kabaddi kiddo and God bless us all pastors Amen at America a charity event are you excited to be here today jae-hoon Africa happily in these four days category quiz name Jesus is changing your life forever yes what about Lisa Messiah call me Lily the prophecy that you believe is the prophecy that will come to pass una be uno a meaning the owner beautiful Tamia Paco I said the prophecy you believe is the prophecy that will come to pass una buena meaning Dona beautiful Tamia Paco by Friday the Kabbalah Kazuma whatever chain is tied to your leg will be broken in Jesus name oh amigo y Paco kuta Fujikawa Gina leyasu I said by Friday she ought to have a human whatever casts Kilohana whatever change Killam euro has tiled you America food you will be set free from it in Jesus name Navajo taco at Cucina ASU [Music] Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever yes ooh Chris Fournier EULA Chanin Aliona hitomi Lilly and Jesus is here today yes you were happily it will be here tomorrow at the Cueva Harvick issue he'll be here on Thursday at equipo haha Allah Hafiz he'll be here Friday hallelujah attaboy - ma hallelujah so by the time this campaign is over for your patty campaign in Africa will show all those who are mocking you will be amazed at what God has done in your life what I want - an output around what the Sun does on a killer boom what attended via miserable can I hear your loudest a man disappear maniac will go fool can I hear your loudest man goofy Devils that have been tormenting you this week is their last week it's finished yet wanna cornea to mahi durably shock well Hyatt a cornea Tina hallelujah hallelujah today I am preaching about Jesus Christ the Savior and the healer of this world Larry no Vera - yeah yeah so crystal mikaze non Panaji wali mangu hallelujah hallelujah Jesus Christ the Savior and the healer of this world yes crystal more coffee non Panaji while remember who Jesus Christ is alive yes crystal you hi amen amen and Jesus Christ is the savior of this world yes crystal emo cause he will remember who in Luke chapter 2 and verse 11 the Bible says becoming a more villainous Emma and to you Is Born This Day in the City of David si which is Christ the Lord Monica Jillian Julio a bursary Wakata konichiwa dowdy crystal Mako's vo luego unto you Is Born This Day in the City of David a savior which is Christ Monica to come you are already a mess are you a quadrillion amo così near Cristo in first John 4 and verse 14 the Bible says we have seen and do testify that the father has sent the son to be the savior of the world the cayenne and cumin and Amanda Konaseema to me Anna Nicole Judea comma mangu mmm to mcchrystal hak wopo d-wave Oh hallelujah hallelujah in Acts chapter 5 the Bible says that God of our fathers has raised up Jesus whom you slew and hang on a tree and God has exalted him to his right hand to be a prince and a saviour remember telling us Emma move Obama I mean we know a christo.pas chilly air do you bring levy hockey naam remover in alphab a number cosa quadrillion hallelujah hallelujah our well this world is lost you man boo boo hoo hoo Mayport a there are many troubles in the whole world Kunichika de catalunya UT there are problems everywhere kun emeritus of kilo mihari I am sure you have problems in Tanzania in atom number 13 Sahaba Tanzania do you have any problems here or everything is okay here m-mama biotech is worried yo if you have any problems in this world raise your hand and give me away ever calamities of Oh some continuity now I am bringing you greetings from Ghana Sasha no leader salami Kodaka Ghana in Ghana Kuna Ghana we also have a lot of problems Vietnam entities or ng I also visited Nigeria reanimate America Nigeria they have a lot of problems too now Pia what a market in so many I recently visited England he an event mayor in Eurasia hey they have a lot of problems one of our chief solanki this year I went to America Orlando Marconi real Americana cascade Attila Oh Londo I thought maybe there will be no problems there Nellie rongowhakaata kalamata - so coolly but I saw a lot of problems mainly many problems in America latina kalamata team so many medical America I even decided that I don't want to stay in America America more shiitake Queen shook Americana just two days ago somebody went to kill people it just came to a room and said all of you are dead bah bah bah bah bah Papa and killed all of them in America cool America see communities of beta to modicum of language Obama Katie a Cosima remember to work our periodic awawa I just came from Philippines have we heard of Philippines limit okay 800 Filipino Jericho sukiyaki a Filipino how many want to go there one day one got away no cosas como dia I professor you'll be traveling soon in Jesus name he not appearing philosophy Raquin the hokum/the professor you believe is the one that you will see una be who now a meaning gonna be you now bokya when I went to Philippines I saw so many problems I was shocked he burned a colorful opinion about a piece of manga package to schwa yeah I saw a girl who was only 12 years Oh 15 or 12 years old with breast cancer Ramona BG I appointed me a cop in a media coming eternal when you sell a tiny I'm a TT natural just about shot with breast cancer I require food behavior when a cancer or Motiti many problems matter t so maybe this year I have been to Australia Sydney ma Tony McCoy Australia had come your Sydney Sydney do you know Sydney J unit or Sydney Australia Australia how many want to see a place like Australia walk up or dark or name Jacob Australia i prophesy your visa and your passport already abilities I require a man amen the prophecy you believe is the one that you will happen una Buena we need you to contradict a Paco when I go to Australia the immigration person took me aside leap of the Opera Australia to permeate through and he started to search all my things ot for a long time raffle so I said he told me we have a lot of problems in Australia a conservator national India Australia that is why we are searching your things your mana to recovery to vehicle we don't want you to bring more troubles to us and to talk you to later see that you equate society our problems are enough market is oh-fer me to Tasha I was in Colombia in South America Iroquois kool-aid Colombia Mara konnyaku City how many want to go to Colombia one got acquainted Colombia in South America hula America Cassini I see you fly to South America in the name of Jesus Mary konyaku see the question Elias who I had to save in Colombia in a big stadium of about hundred thousand people the require could ever pull a Columbia when you're one who develop our to talk rebuttal a keyboard the dead was raised at that crusade was worried for upon you a boot on oh yes do many blind people were healed people swaggy very poor many people in wheelchairs were healed when you are referred to me I'm a dromedary across a reputable era were reporter when I was living the crusade you cha know there were wheelchairs on the stage from here up to here wheelchairs people were no more using them because they were healed yes cuckoo cuckoo malaria a guru do me across a Diadora yell grab a penguin heart were to meet Anna mana water on me pour you one but when I can of the stage like any pop Pikachu I was about and I was going than Raquin and I saw more than 5,000 more wheelchairs Nicki mama come a time when your mother killed keep my scale each of a GU room since I was born I've never seen 5,000 wheelchairs people in wheelchairs Hornet arguments Oliver what will turn off when you buy scary I'm a guru to me across a lobotomy they have more problems than you can imagine wanna Matt Apuzzo men equally Conover hakufu Korea the next day they brought another dead person and put him on the side of the stage for me to raise him simply of what our cabinet them for Yakuza welcome wake up Romania madaba elimination confer for then I went to a country called a town called Cochabamba mechanic Attica ji-hoon era kotodama in Bolivia catechol in Chia Bolivia then I saw problems at the scene before cool and university way corner - uma in that country Cathy continued the road is the rubbish dump Yanni barabara pneumatic katate the rubbish is on the road but the cutter km/h a parabola everybody puts rubbish on the road uuuu you go like this Killam talking about a grownup atomic opinions opinions alumna he-hey there are problems everywhere kun amenities of calamari that's why those sent his son Humana welcome to Omaha now I went to Switzerland the kind of Switzerland Geneva Geneva you'll be there all day no coal I said you will be done I'll call the city was very beautiful Judy kwang-soo Rosanna so I said there are no problems here communication alpha ah kun Ishida Hey in the evening I went to look for food Johnny Dakota Chocula and I saw ladies in the winter the temperature is zero in like a freezer ladies were studied in front of the restaurant in twenties and you know naked and they were telling every restaurant somebody's Talent I was asking and they're not feeling cold Nick moschata wendy williams mama catechin restaurant is really wacky kaua ke de combate Iroquois OG cabeza passive uber reading inequality greasy food Nana cassava a hakuna matata Sarah Hauer then somebody told me this city has is the headquarters of the witches Association of the whole world which is in Geneva tomorrow academia government you do McCormack you actually watching katha kadu nian Jie McCullough Swiss with Geneva and they have occult groups than any country in the world now one of it could be that it is a one more thing we could conceal your tyranny Hey then I went to Paris began at Paris how many want to go to Paris one day Paris is primordial because of your face you will be there first of all be a maniac hotel uncle and I saw many troubles over there nanny called ethical iyagi these troubles I know you have some intensity I don't have to ask you questions synthetically destroyed in ago I saw city patterns on the album nozzle because you are part of this world my name is Amy only way who the wrestling is part of this world that is slamming in say hey Mia - Nia he this world is lost this world is sick - Nia Eva poor tell dunya in Caracas and this world meets a saviour Latonia e in Italian for democracy hallelujah hallelujah so the Bible says that God so loved the world he loves the world so much he loved those in Colombia he loved those in Switzerland he loved those in Tanzania he loved those in America that he decided to send his son to be a savior of the whole world ba ba bada ba boom ba remember sauna haha come to an epic equality award over Columbia water over color Switzerland Hatori opava Tanzania Elia Buttafuoco hallelujah hallelujah so God love you so much I am already prepared asana and the Bible says that one day at Christmas time Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem to come to this world to save us from our problems and our sins Christmas yes you Chris to a territory where he was able to call that were to project a takeshita's into christmas is coming Chris Messina Korea next month well jr. we will be celebrating again to the questioner sharokina the coming of the Savior of the world who ever calls you remember who came to save us area Korea to a call from all our problems in every country sorted today I want to ask just one question that can according to swore ammonia what did Jesus Christ come to save us from yes crystal I could have to Alberto cannellini what exactly was he trying to save us from Nikita Galactica and a terrific aqua Quattro the Bible says be a nasara' in Matthew chapter 1 and verse 21 it says Mary thy wife shall bring forth a son and thou shalt call his name Jesus for he shall save his people from their sins Mariama attached Okemah la otra semana a takaku takaku what rocky nizam bezel hallelujah hallelujah tonight julia all the people in the world including here in the wrestle on earth and since what water to neon eepa morgan art whether Islam were major Nizam be and the wages as for God has only one punishment now you sure are a criminal among GU and I've ever motor to the cut in Tanzania you have many punishments now that you have a Tanzanian also a WG if you do this they'll put you to prison two years okay final quasi una forma gala yeah cavalry if you do this they put you to prison five years okay fine yeah quasi una forma della mia capital o if you do this define you okay final quasi una Reaper fine do you want to pass only one punishment yeah how could you have a more viable where you learn you want to know what is the punishment that God has only one water to your shark or a couple talk with you are only one punishment near the border to death key for death key for the wages of sin is only one thing then you shall be the key to come order to mountain so if you lie you must die are you okay summer one ball as if you still you must die if you are jealous you must die devotion if you still you must die there is only one punishment kewlabah Maria - as far as God is concerned Ilana namu so who can escape by Inari I know is a Kamiya how many here are liars if you are a liar raise your hand please what's up on you on go come on anymore but you shall go no no I'm serious if you are a liar you know you have told more than hundred lies since you were born then raise your hand if you have told more than 100 lies Nina varnish compliments are you out myself to say my warbles idea mi amor de yo chef go to aqua what about the pastas three people's were to gaji if you have told more than a hundred lies look at the pastas they are all raised their hands well you got an arm in your stomach oh no can everybody stand up everybody stand up killer body every Super Mario default startup smama come on make its mama everybody kill em - because we will be ending very soon - electric Melissa how many of you have been jealous before like jealousy what got you Arabic or not we fou yeah you evoke Ibiza what about pastas vehicles watch you guys OH puzzles raise your hand again let me see look at look at what you got your area how jealousy will you what about fighting fighting how do they have been fighting before finally typical super big on a machine developing Kerala mashindano who kanuma what are the postures vehicles watch you guys ok sour now if you are a thief raise your hand all tips raise your hand come on anyways waste water Yoshida Makoto our tips please raise your hand where's whatever that is Oceania Makoto if you have stolen chicken from your mother's stew before raise your hand hamish a creeper coo coo coo donna political economy upon your shampoo the whole of the race alarm is full of tips that is Wow jealousy when you evil fighting what we are not in Aqaba mana what about fornication typically two things Adisa fornication who's in COCC yes whose easy ocz raise your hand of zz4 since enjoy chavacano whatever the pastor's who's easy people cause were too much they don't want to raise their hand our definition rocoto the Bible says if you look at a woman and you are lasting after hell you have done it already people ain't a selkie one guy yovan a mechanical tamanna TR you pretend Akito so now all those easy to raise your hand all opposed easy why you want to know final things in your cell ecology now there is listen there is no hope for any of us except we have a savior Teresa hakuna too many questions in supporting is Baku autonomy chargeable qodesh acutally no hakuna to Mali Ghana was the first country to be independence in Africa logical frequency interpreter who if you come together today quiero you still see that even though we have independence we have a lot of problems so to know who battle to normality so America has been independent for more than 200 years but if you go there you'll see so many problems American economy Lupita like you know Caleb an eternity so many this is because there is only one person who can save this world request about him - Maria - and whether to appoint his name is Jesus Christ Sachin Arachnia supuesto oh the evil that is in this world my uncle told me who it is because of our sins he was a Babu Adamas a true hallelujah hallelujah and that is why today do I come to appreciate about money see their probability of no to tell you that you're going to be rich the cottagey they can to tell you that you must come to Jesus Christ otherwise you are lost if I could have realized image of is you thinking that you were put here yes here without Jesus bill is who are you going to say oh that's a panini you can wear a nice suit like this man you know Eric of a suit in Zurich come up to who you but you are still a liar like anybody you are a liar in a blue suit me won't become a varsity a blue you are teasing a blue suits me more with you capacity - funny cat I love blue suits man in a blue suit [Music] blue and Jesus died for you now yes our party really died for me to an aqua di movie today now you have no money unless you receive Jesus Christ for my poor carriers who pass your savior have a cozy all the politicians in this world Jesus Christ there's nobody like Jesus Christ and tonight's natural Jesus is here to save you yes you please for you have a call how many want Jesus to save you walk away how is he going to save you the day before he died sing kookaburra alpha he took a cup Alex Pocky combat and he said nah cassava this is my blood he ended up this is my blood he knew that we argue which is said about me wake up when I come in your blue suit katryca suit you wear blue that means what you give all your lives Watty all you're stealing with your coat on jealousy we've were courted I washed by the blood of Jesus were shocked what are you pleased hallelujah hallelujah all your sins washed by the blood of Jesus how do you want Jesus to wash away your sins today Jesus to wash away your sins Allah if you are here tonight sequel and you want Jesus know now we tell us to wash your sins away I wash it I besought Pilate then lift your hand like this he not recording I put two copies and I'm going to pray with you not enough for bear if you want Jesus to wash away your sins okay yes so our setup is up I'm gonna pray never come back this is how Jesus is saving you tonight give your divorce or have your purpose equally if you have lifted your hand cameraman one Kanako you want Jesus to save you no no yes walk away save this prayer with me say my mommy I'm a mother now pray in English after we do Swahili - tamagotchi Grace and a kiss a kiss why Jesus Jesus thank you for today Oh God I know that Jesus is my Savior Jesus is my Savior Jesus died for me Oh God I come to the cross forgive me for my sins I am a sinner have mercy on me wash me from my lies from stealing from King from bad things many many bad things have mercy on me today say today little I'm said today I open my heart to Jesus come into my heart Lord Jesus stay in my heart Lord Jesus Lord Jesus from tonight everybody say from tonight I have a child of God and I am serving God Lord Jesus please write my name write my name in the book of life please write my name in the book of life thank you Jesus for saving me tonight now lift up only one finger like this the second directed to nobody to and say this also with me sing after me Satan Satan and some carefully in the name of Jesus I find you in the name of Jesus I will not follow you again in the name of Jesus from today I will not serve you again I belong to Jesus not Lynch your two hands like this lift you up to eat before everybody say Jesus I love you Jesus I thank you Jesus for saving me and saving me today now let's hook up like this with your book [Music] well your tools with your mom in America doubles opportunity [Applause] in 2005 so it'll be thank you Jesus if I stop there soon thank you Jesus I belong to you [Music] for the rest of my life in Jesus name [Music] today's economy Omaha empu same iguana a su Kwong go vocalize iguana ESO in a coup de belem Saco in achoo aah women Mondays ami-nee nacho albumen mana zombie nimefanya Zambia in azoty la condición la Oh Nina poo shoe guru Bwana Pachulia Rehema Saco qual Chilean a Morocco Asante Graham Sameach own Bwana yes Asante Kosovo in Xalapa nice ma Maneesha domicile buscemi cui Xia Hassan taken in Sammy Asante Connie Sami food Aegina Rangoon when Ikeda boozled kubu an attache in Rangoon when equitable so Seema catchy catchy Maria's Asante VAR ma yo Socky de la commode alumna e qua Kovac Ibiza Samoset Ronnie consi Alejo in a pocket ah Nina Coppola Sadako tamekia sick Itachi Oh Topanga mimiama conf Whataya zu question I assume every scam in Aqaba Yakut abuja con la paga eatable taco because I am naive [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah this week we are having this campaign in the morning and the evening we change the company as soon as your decision discussions everyday people TV we Nicholas II and tomorrow morning at 6:00 a.m. Nikesh Osibisa community rasoi right here hahahaha we are having the morning session called the power conference to the kuraki village equalities with maitre corbeau food the Word of God is going to be pretty lovable Tenneco video the sick will be prayed for Tommy Tommy miracle damn you cheese later today so come yourself why your job when you invite anybody you know who couldn't make it tonight now we I think a windy day or that we're putting all the counselors to also come tomorrow morning now uh they were so denoted Academy I believe God is gonna touch you now meaning whenever Ragusa I see some people going away the campaign don't move out you know Nora Nathan a company agent of a values you're talking the Evangelist is about to pray which leaves you compatible corpuses god bless you MooMoo America it's time for miracles he was tied to a new Jesus Jesus is a healing Jesus yes who preached on the air support yet how many believe that Jesus is a healing Jesus what's awkward I believe our pioneers of Audiology you're cheb Gordo it's time to pray for the sick your car to come be our culture it's time to pray for Jesus to touch your life you've got to upon their yes sayako all your cases are broken in this campaign he was in America Jesus is the one who can set you free yes Jesus is the healer yes soon impunity one time Jesus made blind bartimaeus California sorry Kutaragi Bava Batra mile and blind bartimaeus he pulls about Rome I started shouting and screaming I planned a kapa haka Rana Plaza Saudi but you tonight there'll be people shouting and screaming as they are set free they are talking over the Pina Colada toss out hallelujah hallelujah and he cried one cry said have mercy upon me O Lord the enemy Akira Kimura touka-sama Bois de una rahim why quality because many sicknesses and many problems it's only the messy of God that can save you madam ultra your telematic enjoy your tea dilemmas are over two so as a Quaker who tonight jeonyul L Jesus is here yes your Papa is a healing Jesus yes some panache is setting you free now when you are standing and a quicker ooh comestibles power is touching your life right now Gugu circus in a Kapusta society is a healing Jesus yes upon yaki and that day the sequela blind Bartimaeus eyes were opened but remarkable for maturity actor Fuuka everybody was amazed he lapped rakish angle ha no even up to today who know your heart Alejo when a blind since eyes are open to keep off my tree I thank you for oka 2,000 years later yeah careful babe I die with all our science and medicine by Morgan a sense is a tuna matawaia to note you see the blessing and the greatness of Jesus una hora Baraka no cooler yes put your hands wherever your problem is wake up go Nakamura she died for if you are not well in the body in any part of your body ha ha same body will you are quite ozawa you are sick in any way una una mala whatever cash is plaguing you tonight you're pushy clear tonight is the end of peasants equally only wish you allowed by the blood of Jesus last damn yes and by the name of Jesus what Gina yes it is your eyes put your hand on your eyes it is your knees put your hand on your knee Thiago Jesus is here now yes you promised us I cannot heal you Swiss papania but Jesus can heal lucky yes another boy and it's happening right now not a society is right now as I say receive your healing now perkell Burnett swap power is flowing here received a miracle possible brother thank you for Jesus AZ questionnaires we're buying demonic forces soon as if talking about sakis in the name of jihad Regina yes anyone here who is tormented by demons put your hand on your head listen carefully your deliverance in the name of Jesus touch it is is happening in a Philippine set free whatever about anybody's falling down don't prefer than the bring them to me here while they are now video bring him to me here whatever handsome suave suave elite any other what did occurring the bringer bring them to be here in frontier one oh my god ah ba ba ba ba da dee screaming falling down whatever to be in the front here now in this place Jesus yes is here right because you're finished bathroom accretion say time you are fella that creature isn't a much cheese as such it is let you hurt everybody we get to pray [Music] [Applause] [Music] haha anybody falling down anywhere here by default right now is happening but something is happening what are kids gonna tell me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] if you go there again we're comin over to a somebody you could not see bounnam 12 hours for god is hope in your eyes right now but I forgot my check was ask somebody you could look you had a lump in your breast good I'm talking quite a up with EMS you Apple God is setting you free now what is happening power is flowing in this place [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you Lord Jesus [Music] [Applause] pickleball [Music] [Music] father thank you for your miracles tonight everywhere in this place whatever problem your heart check yourself right now [Music] [Music] [Music] Jesus yes is a healing choose new yes oh boy yeah thank you Lord for your I start a fight over who was up wherever you are right now Roberto if I say God has touched you no Marco busa God has healed you move on equip oh yeah maybe you had a problem that old quater see that you can see that God has done something for you Porto de Flores he'll you gonna does something for you more fighter kids watch it for you and the final judge but you come to me in the front here Joe I'm Betty come to me in the front ei1 already for you in front here today for you today come to the front over here for you [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] everyone [Music] [Music] [Music] now listen anybody anybody who is falling down screaming the power of God kill em join em we'll continue Appa Pik equable zaboo on the pencil and I need you to bring the pestle to the front here not a coil to Elektra Bay is very important he wins Allah if God has healed you no matter what it is i additionally come to the frontier right now something is happening Kuna kids can I take the power of parties [Music] [Music] chuckle key open chain is broken in your life [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] you couldn't see but now you can see who is that you always rikuo nura kinases are known and in a new yo you can see little hands yo chef Gordon Joe come Joe yeah you couldn't see us alone [Applause] you couldn't see but now you can see always corner can you just come to the front here please why do you embarrass us Jesus is here right now yes [Music] I hi [Music] [Applause] [Music] I [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] even [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hi [Music] put your hand on your chest let me pray with you wake up kono Kenickie future Conoco be cases have been broken Lana's amiibo chica father Baba thank you for deliverance Asarco Kamoze Chaka Chaka Chaka Volusia Bassett Aramis higher cut thank you for the beginning of deliverance society for one Saco mercy at the beginning of healing that was opening the opening of the river quachita biochemical blessing yeah Baraka and healing now pooja she for your people Virginia were to occur in Teresa thank you Asante for this four-day Vasilis equation name for night Lucy codename your power that go to circle in the name of Jesus it is your salvation well Coco and your life not Nuria Co we thank you Lord who Nakuru gua thank you for everybody aside they were Killip when we go back home to Napa Road in your body whatever I was fighting us in the house to shoot the ketchup ocular to Peter when you belittle shall bow in the name of cheese hit the feet about Torchic watching our issue I said it's a key topic about coach Pitino yes in Jesus name at Cucina I assume amen amen tonight is the first night tomorrow night whose sequel our new sequel Kwanzaa lockira care so sick you everybody here must come with 10 more people kill ammonia when marvelous imagine or Takumi's ID how many are going to come with 10 more people work that but the cadet r2 cube inside the castle journey that would be a great blessing for you America Kubek ok it's a prophecy who are gonna be what is happening here imagine is for several years he can't even tell how many years will she lives to Kodiak Katsopolis equal you and Nene he could not see properly a quest a corner visually tonight after the brain that you know about them all be he's able to counseling I know as a quest I will be darling [Music] hallelujah let him tell us ever to a me speaking of Mike hello just ask him work on your iguana again you a cartoon our kuia gonna aghanim's a you're gonna Agana got to knock when Putin who I could not see and my ears are the problem and what has happened tonight in matenda kanika kotnala imagination who knows hakuna salsa now you can see now he can see sad saga as a corner you see the Evangelist component which it is to you can you see me Onizuka Mona Winchell is to you come on ah you can see their batteries what am i doing tell him to do what I'm doing ever fighting with you is an utter failure Oh necessary and now Jericho so I'm gonna be gonna get [Music] damn something for him chair Moomba Rakuten de aqui - I've embarked on a rocky - moom barbecue today at yo the same thank you God has done something he done something I think you speak too fast they don't get what you are saying in fact the list for the past 10 years this man has been listening to the radio only because he has not been able to read when chili super me otaku me who you were quite asked is a two-way radio man Anwar was he was over he has not been able to read for 10 years Facundo is reserved only listen to the radio and when I was squeezed expand already heart surgery for cataracts lucky neck a interpreters go after how many years ago clavicle video pizza and lost his vision now a couple days away saw a controversy cabeza but tonight 23 like any general to bomb the power of God passes I hope you so much a notice for the first time it will read - user able to IBM's led committed a coca-cola Wow it requests only if when we find it let me operation ten years ago you teach your customer and it was finding Appa they talked about a good Ivy Rockafella operations did not only confined operation recovery don't have feed or you don't and tonight is AP credits reduce so much so much Oh get up how you can you be how can you become strong Trisha please don't go [Music] has God done something for you tonight yeah done for you tonight Munakata meaningless leave them what you are to actual opportunity Yeshua maybe save Patoka katika my point what God has saved me from my sicknesses meticulousness diseases Wow give the Lord a mighty Clubman of you girl again [Music] again yes what four five months after delivering a baby what is that what we call pelvic dystocia the ball opens their senses of the pelvic bone the alignment of the joints to each one so that the bone opens because of this the baby comes dust below this bone here so it opens and your leg changes thank you Lord in Jesus name and today gonna squat let's see why you cry my dear [Music] thanks God [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that one says decimal has not been able to walk for yes she had severe pain and that means she couldn't move but you might wanna pray strap came into LX I Sakana [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] mikono Gandhi young guy nama me Bogart be crazy pleasure pleasure [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] think hard to decide to Kazan thank you Lord for your power in the name of Jesus are you happy how do you say are you happy now please to need a fracas and - yeah Asante Ava Asante hallelu Assizes thank you thank you yes yes say my son [Music] [Applause] Americans in Dar es Salaam so much fun - Olivia what is happening here she doesn't remember how many yes she's useless I asked how many yes and long time ago she would not know this [Applause] [Music] [Music] mama what what do you have to say mama right that you could say my name is Elsa [Music] fine your otaku semolina mama God healed me oh Moo goo is what thank God she watches that body I said ha Spira moo moo moo shu kerubim cubicle ah sakura moo moo shu zero mu so guru boom boom boom boom boom boom [Music] dr. ago what is happening amazing miracles here tonight in Jerusalem bhasu man has been blind in the right ear for the past three months slime or death death in devil in the right here sorry death in the right here for the past three months she only has in this left here tonight when we pray the popgasa and this here pop open that's how she described it tell us what happened mama new document and a koala poor Bella for the question was education vulgar a secure she could not be but now she's here in LA she Kia yeah honest IKEA and Nishiki yes what does that mean she's hearing annachi Kia she could not on this side only with this year and now a la Shakya anna tsuchiya Zaza give the Lord a something [Music] [Applause] [Music] Evangelos she can't yell limping and I wanted to do how she was doing before she came here that's a V nanana oh na she was limping thus we can understand you know boom seriously she came and she have heard you preaching the heart went boom boom yes that the pain is going to entail this pain yes yes that is the power of Jesus Christ [Music] Antonis [Music] [Music] dr. what is happening in mock evangelism on for the past two years has not been able to squat even to go to toilet because of severe pain in the right knee she uses a buckets what it means to use a bathroom she uses a buckets cause she cannot squat like this because of pain in the right knee [Music] mama don't be a Lilly was he was equal to MA Ali was him upon by alam ii and i wanna go to a sheikh and a macho cheeky nikachita macho man a liquid on open by the official Camacho novelty syllabus and regazzi Nicaragua in women live in poverty nearly what sweaty haha Katayama Wow Wow give Jesus a fishing vessel our division is cleared rights Bacardi she can draw yeah yeah Monroe Joanie Joanie shook lucky me nominee a combi society's Atacama taro bah-bah-bah [Applause] she could not be able to squat because of the pain but now she can even amazing to miracles in one hey mama no fry us equally now fry she's happy wanna won and women go to school Santa Jesus is that is a correct to say as Santa Jesus aside a yes yes Santa is [Music] [Music] Evangelos shit's from the hospital she was in the hospital and she told her son come for me I want to go for the campaign hot trouble asthma knee trouble and all three of them this night she received a healing thanks Jesus Santa Santa Santa hacen el hospital each angwa su boy in a FEMA Moyo pasaba boil an ambien Moyo Mequon Cooper named la asthma tango dqm dov'è la Kinesis IV known a la Puma Missouri Moya Rango CCK mommy vanilla and an iOS battalion sue : she does not feel the pain that she has been feeling before Jesus is a healing cheese [Music] [Applause] [Music] and Jesus right now these are healing Jesus [Music] yes apology [Music] yes we do [Music] he's a healing Jesus oh gee yes [Music] I don't know what God is going to do tomorrow today's only the first day do you modify any casual level you see what Kwanzaa - evangelist this man is weeping tonight why this is how he was brought to this campaign tonight Divya developer finicum he was carried here requires a a stroke hasn't been able to stand on his own only attempt a little movement with the help of the crutch tonight the power of God Tajima she prayed he can stand on its own [Music] yes lamentable chisa he carried in here you carry this man well Williams name - Misha restoration vivace mmm iguana limb to limb wanna funda was confirmed owned a condo a to requirement Akutan BIA 749 B ba ba ba c'mon BIA I can de puta mentality society amen couldn't see far for two years could not read because of that Kumasi also not read but already differ from cannot see but said it could not see fine and what happened tonight I'll call a scone embody when I only said to stretch a kitchen our eyes closed my eyes and my stomach and I forgot my Tiago yeah when I opened my eyes second sleep with a great light Dee Bost watch on the corner Wow amazing Jesus yes Unni sy Tiago thank you Lord in Jesus as Santa by a question yes hallelujah hallelujah evangelist assumin has his baby with a swollen head he has not been able to open the eyes since birth but tonight when he prayed the power of God touch him and this boy has his eyes open say I desire a rocky takakuwa creature funny Camacho a crazy corner like anybody around me I am a germaphobe oka and our circus booyah Managua fanboy macho cabeza tank Oliver - chamomile evolution when I'm go from women to supership like in elearn when you when you come home be my point is announcer after prayers the child has opened her eyes and she conceived Wow yes yes condition called hydrocephalus he - alum of the child is big the day - Hydra colors yeah Nikita chopped autograph event to everything including the site now kina see Ricky lucky to promote an away so a macho corner eyelets were closed how many believe this hat is going to shrink - do you believe in Jesus no no I mean yes ooh my minions ESS from today I believe in Jesus from today she believes in Jesus hallelujah hallelujah come this way joke nandaka movie or a blessing Baracus I'm a god evangelist he had an accident 23rd December last year was in a coma for one month you can see his head he was coma coma for one man one man and could not move his life probably because of pain he could also not set and cross the leg is not done that letter last year tonight's the penance call he's really moving his leg move your leg through the window and show evangelists watching for the first time he could not Jerry Makati animals aluminum billet the committee mark always considered lucky delayed my OB do it is asakujaku [Music] [Applause] you can cross your legs speak to him you could not do that before I could not do this I'll call well stuff aha I have to do this I have to bring the leg like this telling me to be even even to be upright behind a cacao in Makaha way since the accident worker - ideally since the accident since the accident and you in a coma for how long for three weeks four days now obviously maya kameyama manliness accompanied three weeks and for you mama tattooed a second name Jesus has healed him like in years I mean polio Wow you know the legs the movement of the legs is connected to the brain and the spinal cord and that is why from the coma it would affect even the ability to tell your leg to move you can't tell it to move you can't tell it cross cross it lets see crosses humanities when somebody has a stroke he can move the leg develop a toe post kupaza else could be exact each I cannot cannot control Baca well Sami cúcuta bear come this way CJ slain up a movie is a healing cheese yes Unni soo yes super Nagi [Music] [Applause] this young man he could not walk without us let's put the opilio FIBO come let's see a boot why so much it now move let's put strength in the name of the [Music] local skia she could not hear completely [Music] secure she could not hear for two years but now after prayers she can hear [Music] or he knows [Music] thank you lord thank you lord [Music] yes [Music] [Music] my strength is does nothing love to do [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's wrong [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] remember Tanzania is three hours ahead of Ghana so please make sure you keep that in mind as you join us tomorrow on day two of the healing Jesus campaign here in Dar es Salaam I'm handing back to the studio in Ghana [Music] Wow wow what a fantastic moment we've just experienced with the healing Jesus the healing Jesus in Dar es Salaam Tanzania I feel so excited this evening I don't know about you this evening has been super fantastic we've seen the hand of the Lord moving powerfully in the city of Dar es Salaam deressa loud and I love you so much as this sang in the Swahili language and they said ESO ecology yes oooh ecology he is a healing Jesus and discipline other we want to say with all those in Tanzania discipline is as Sun TSO as Santi years - thank you Jesus for what you have done this evening in the lives of our wonderful Souls in Dar es Salaam Tanzania well what do I have to say I would say that darussalam is your 10 healing Jesus is right in the middle of Tanzania in darussalam touching lives changing lives and in turn right now here in Accra is 7 it's already 4 p.m. and I believe that it's it's 7 p.m. there in Darussalam and what have we seen this evening what we saw this evening really what what we just experienced this evening it's reminding us of something in the Bible now in message of the four verse 24 the Bible says that and his fame talking about Jesus went throughout Syria and they brought unto him all sick people that which had divest diseases and comments and this and those which were possessed with Devils and those that had policy and the Bible say that and He healed all of them verse 25 says an ENDIF and there followed him a great multitude of people from Galilee from Decapolis from Jerusalem and from Judea and from beyond Jordan my God my god and that is what we have just seen this evening in duress alarm God through his mighty great 7th Bishop daddy Warren Miller the Evangelist daggered Mills has really no spoken the voice of God the mind of God for his people and right from the beginning of the of the of the campaign the Evangelist when he mounted the the pulpit and when Bishop BOGO invited him when he came he make certain declarations now when he came on the stage he said that jesus is alive and his power is here today and indeed by the end of the preaching and when he said up reign we have really seen that indeed jesus is alive and his power has been present to heal and now the Evangelist to submit a declaration he said that in this four days Jesus is going to change lives forever hallelujah Jesus is going to change lives forever and evangelist came this even evangelist that almost came this evening with a very powerful fantastic message and the message was Jesus Christ the Savior and the healer of this world Jesus Christ the Savior and the hila of this world and it was so fantastic when he opened him his message with the foundational scripture from Luke chapter 2 verse 11 when he talked about that this child will be born is going to be the savior of this world we have been following the healing Jesus trail all the way in the eastern Africa we saw what Jesus did in Malawi and we have been wondering which city is going to experience the next time and by the grace of God we have seen what God is doing today in Dar es Salaam and the question that we are asking is if today is the first day that what is going to happen in the next three days where I believe that heaven rejoices because we have so many souls been warned today so many people given your life to Christ and after they gave their lives to Christ we saw the healing Jesus or they call yes ecology in the Swahili language Jesus healing moving through the crowd and healing people and I'm sure you saw what happened this evening I saw this mother with a baby with a big very big head and the father said this is hydrocephalus and said that this baby since it was born had not been able to open its eyes but this evening as the Evangelist prayed the power of God touched the baby and the baby's eyes opened and the and evangelist say that by by the term we are through with this for this campaign the baby's head is going to shrink and he asks the mother do you believe in Jesus and the mother said I now believe in Jesus hallelujah hallelujah and one of the fantastic miracles that I saw this evening was also this man who our stroke this man was true paralyzed was carried carried to the campaign it reminds me of the story in mark chapter 2 of a man who was also paralyzed and his friends carried him to the place where Jesus Christ was ministering and guess what as the Evangelist prayed as the man of God prayed the power of God touched him and did you see what I saw this man was up walking and he was so healed we saw amazing testimonies this evening from death years from people who could not walk they were permitted by by by infirmities by diseases and this evening there is great joy in the city of Dar es Salaam why because the healing Jesus yesu Cana G has visited the wrestle arm touching lives and changing life and indeed oh I agree with the Evangelist that by the time this campaign is over the 16th of November we are going to see great changes in lives and the glory are going to be given Most High God for what he has done well ladies and gentlemen something is happening in Darussalam I'm to be precise in Tanzania and this evening I'm very sure that some people watching me do wondering what is it about Tanzania well how great news and fantastic news for you Tanzania is a country with about 59 million in population 59 human beings population of 59 million 59 million and the city of Dar es Salaam alone is made up of 43 million about 4.3 million of human beings and this Amen we saw a part of these people coming for the campaign and the Lord using his his his seventh evangelist Dagwood Mills and then healing and preaching the gospel this evening want to say big god bless you to evangelists daggered Mills god bless you like the way they say the Swahili mangu Buriti man goodbye Ricky evangelist dr. Ward Mills for this for availing yourself allowing God to use you in the wrestle arm and I know that they're excellent is never going to be the same like the wind and in books the rest Salam is actually an Arabic where as an Arabic and where Darussalam which means the house of peace the house of peace but guess what when evangelist at the preaching he said that he has traveled everywhere in this world and he realized that people have problems people have many many problems and and any so obvious that even in Dar es Salaam which means that the house of peace we've seen many people though they stay in the house of peace they have no peace they have been troubled fermented by the enemy but this evening as the man of God the choice vii of God evangelize that your meals came on the scene with the word of the Lord and as he preached the gospel and as he made an author called many Gabriel life to Christ and many who were sick who had been fermented who did not have peace this evening by the grace of God by the grace of God did you see this young man who who had an accident and was in coma for about three months and when he came back he came back he came back to alive when he came back alive alive the evangelism evangelist was explaining to us that this gentleman could not could not walk normally and he could not sit and cross his legs he could not sit and cross his legs now this gentleman lives in duress alarm the house of peace but this gentleman had no peace but this evening guess what as the man of God spoke the word and prayed there was a great great great great deliverance and today people in Dar es Salaam the house of peace have experienced great peace in their lives ladies and gentlemen this is just day one and I don't know what God is going to do tomorrow I have no idea but all that I know is that yasuko energy the healing Jesus has visited the wrestle arm and these three days that are left we are going to see mighty mighty mighty miracles so god bless you so much tomorrow same time you don't want to miss you want to join if you can be able to come on Ellie come on Facebook come on YouTube join the pages and let us experience what God is doing and the good news is that wherever you are you don't need to be an interest a lot wherever you are you can also be able to receive your touch God is going to touch your life God is going to bless your life and your life will never ever be the same and so like in Tanzania the our motto is guru na mo g which means freedom and unity we are saying that thank you so much for joining in this evening and being part of the healing Jesus campaign until we meet again tomorrow on this same Channel and on YouTube and on Facebook keep watching healing just TV and we are coming away again with another episode of healing Justin V duress alarm episode our lives are being changed our lives are never been the same again again god blessed evangelist Doug Award Mercer mangu Marie key evangelist Doug who are meals thank you so much and have a wonderful evening bye-bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Dag Heward-Mills Evangelist
Views: 9,233
Rating: 4.884892 out of 5
Keywords: Healing Jesus Campaign, healing Jesus Crusade, Salvation, Miracles, Evangelism, Gospel Preaching, Dag Heward-Mills, Dag Howard Mills, Healing, Bishop Dag, Evangelist Dag, Dar es Salaam, 2018, Tanzania, demons, deliverance, blood, Jesus
Id: J5xBSIUB4ug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 124min 54sec (7494 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 13 2018
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