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I want to share with you on how to cut off and destroy those who leave you those who leave you now why God allows people to leave you number one the Lord may allow people to leave you to correct a foundational mistake you made in the ministry some people are not supposed to be with you here it is those who leave you loyalty and all disloyalty series those who leave you so God may allow some people to leave Abraham went with lot I'm not going to read the scripture not sure that we go faster alright because I believe that we can do a lot today amen Abraham God told Abraham goal but he added lot and they went you see now whenever you are starting a church you sometimes get scared that it will not work so you team up with people and then you say oh Charlie let's do this let's do this and then after some time you realize you teamed up with I think the president has some power with the president really doesn't have so it looks like it's a two or three or four people's committee that is doing a church so all the problems of Abraham were connected to this person who was with him from the beginning Abraham's strife and confusion was from Lord Abraham's war you never fought a war it was because they captured lot Abram had to gain intercede Saddam and Gomorrah that issue lot was again the man who was there so all the problems of Abraham in his life and his crisis was connected to a person who was not supposed to be with him any planting that is not of the Lord is going out of your life today the name [Applause] yes so it's very important that you really recognize that some people are not supposed to be with you but you've added them to the Jenny and it's the source of so many things number two God may allow people to leave you to humble you yeah it's a humbling experience when somebody leaves you you see you you start people start to ask questions so why did he go well what was happening there what was going on in the church Hey so it's a wonderful every time somebody has left us we will fill with hell rebuked but why did you go what what is wrong when your church is small not so big and especially in London and people if you feel it by God may allow people to leave you because you have allowed your members to be ignorant by not teaching them about loyalty and disloyalty in second son well 15 verse 11 Bible says two hundred men followed Absalom and they went in the simplicity in their simplicity and they knew not anything so people followed Absalom not because they were also rebel but they went in their simplicity they did not know what the deal was I have not hard teachings on royalty and disloyalty so you may think it is it is superfluous unnecessary to talk about these things wherever you are but if you don't talk about it it's natural for people to leave you there for them to stay with you who are you that they should stay with you nature begins to take its course and people start to walk away you can even believe that it's occurring to the person to live you ask yourself that it is or catch you to stay I'd rather get the person to leave till you teach it then you see that it now becomes a strange thing to leave in Lighthouse is it strange to leave when you leave it because it's a crisis it's a crisis to leave yeah many of us are building churches and it is normal to leave so our one day I met a pastor I said what are your plans in the mid so I mean this means I'll leave after five years I'm here for five years and our lives so I told him that if you wear my church I would ask you to leave today what is the use of building your big house then you build a nice kitchen and the kitchen is going to leave after five years and then you so that you get a new kitchen huh samosa we build and build and build and build and oh then he is going the furniture that is living after two years that's all let us travel how can how can i sire to to be fulfilled let's look at as a two to isaiah 2:2 it's a time to pass in the last days these are destiny that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established in the top of the mountains and shall be exalted above the hills and all nations shall flow Church flew not church growth catch flew how can this happen if ever so often people are walking away cannot be so if you like stay there and don't teach it look at the book and say what is the use of this book let let me ask you I don't know how many are selling this material father I didn't what what they are doing but I might add is Alena for 30 pounds 40 pounds yeah one of your church members who lives who would have given a thousand pounds in an offering it it's worth how much 40 times what gives you thousand thirty you could have got thirty of these materials and spent thirty sessions to teach it for somebody to know that living is rather not the right thing look at the look at the cost of it how much is this those who live you if you like go to those who live you and understand why somebody is living and their ignorance you look at the book and only that you are looking at your life and I say my life are thirty pounds of my life number four the Lord may allow people to leave you because you despise your fellow minister when his church split up don't laugh at somebody when it's happening proverbs 17 verse five he that is glad at calamity shall not go unpunished yes Wow I remember a very great church that we had and I remember I used to go to I checked myself and one day I went to that church and the pastor saw one of the process of said how you are you now also come where everybody's leaving us oh I'm not leaving anywhere I'm not leaving anywhere one day I remember I checked it had three powerful pastors you know and one of them I met one of them and he said you see that man of other people are living instead because his leadership is deficient that's why people are living later on they are Church also split up all those three powerful people's cut it and I was watching it said the leadership style I was watching what leaders have data where you also using now yes this kid yeah I remember a church they have powerful pastas and another church had a problem one day after the pastor preached one of the assistants came I said ha all those who came from this another church stand up for their father had had a problem you are falling into fornication or something huh pasta so and so all those who came from that text and a father you need clothing you need flies in from that since the things in that church Sunday morning stand up unique pricing you need to be closed from their space amen cleansing the next time I head of this pasta he was in the same fornication problem as I shall I are welcome amen don't laugh or somebody's fornication Joss may be homosexuality number five God allows people to leave you because your destiny does not include them John fell John 2:18 little children they went out from us because they were not of us if they have been of us they would no doubt have continued with us amen number six the Lord they allowed people to leave you so that you understand how our Heavenly Father feels when his children leave him a certain man had two sons the younger of them said to his father father give me the portion of goods and he divided to them is living not many days after the younger one took his journey into a far country I want to be far away from you don't go far from the Lord the Lord may allow people to leave you to catch your attention and direct you in first kiss at 11:00 the Lord was angry in verse nine with Solomon because his heart was and from the Lord God of Israel which are appeared unto him twice and I've commanded him after this thing that he should not go after God but he kept not that we the LORD commanded wherefore the Lord said unto Solomon for us myself this is done of thee and thou has not kept my covenant and I will surely rend the kingdom from thee and give it to thy seventh so sometimes people are leaving us because we are over let God yes it's not only disloyalty in the person who is following you but your display out into God can cause people to be disloyal to you or you don't understand what I'm saying hallelujah so we need to do that and look at our own lives are you Solomon Solem 1/2 guru blonde and all those guys breaking away by because he just Solomon had the packet from the Lord so sometimes people are leaving out video beloved has left you because we are not walking with the Lord hallelujah number 9 caused me a lot of people to leave you because you are not accepting to your authority to establish Authority and loyalty in the church when Bathsheba went to see Solomon and asked for Abishag his mother said let Abishag the Shunammite who used to comfort David when he was old cause King David had this young girl to comfort him because the otherwise work is like they don't have time for such things so he went to get this young girl called a beside the Shunammite and so when Solomon was a David when Solomon came on then the other can add the shock beginning to Adonijah I'm Solomon said what what are you talking about I shall not leave it and why are you asked for a bishop for a Bonita then asked for the kingdom as well firstly substitue for his my other brother and and asked him for all these for a yachtie the prison after all these then Solomon said and Donita has asked this I be shocked as his new wife as he would die for it if after Lord liveth which set me on the throne Adonijah shall be put to death today and his son Amnon sent by the hand of benaiah the son of jehoiada but he died Adelita was the one who tried to become the King instead of Solomon Solomon just became annoyed as a king I didn't say anything - I don't either so later Bathsheba came under well since your brother is not the king and all that can you have the kings were old life there's a kind of compensation Suleiman freak out he said hundreds of justify her compensation at this time you die today you see you must detect disloyalty and negative things that I endure sister we must be quick to use a strong hand as you see somebody's be misbehaving one of my pastor the wife was misbehaving very strong talking shouting naughty misbehaving talking and so on I said I said you know I didn't say to him I said that the reason why she's misbehaving is because she feels he cannot act whenever people can be fact they behave well yes when you see ghanians in the UK working the web so smartly so quickly they come to work on time nobody's later you are going live to where you must be joking yeah on time they do everything correctly but that's not how they behave back home they don't go led sloppy you go to the office 16 typeface with one typewriter they are all reading graphic they already knew slippers maybe a useless you see the dog same people when they come and work here or working another such incident shop slap but honest at 7:00 a.m. yes sir I'm terrified seven of us hope that no cab not like how we come to church and how we be here but we are feeling relaxed that we are feeling ourselves no no no no so that girl was behaved in all kinds of behavior all that she needed was to know by didn't tell him I cannot tell somebody to suck his wife you have to know your self I cannot give that advice I cannot give that other she need to see that you can go and you will go if you push too hard you go where she sees - you hello welcome the reason for the evil in a lot of pastors marriages is the main that I cannot decide one wife she said to her husband was behaved in either yoko you can fornicate you lose you anointed you go to hell for the resolution is I she knows that if he goes to fuller and he loses anointing me what she has if of his vagina as a feminist all vacations on reconstruction is on holidays it's not available [Applause] you can fool around - loser anointing and you'll be misbehaving manifesting all that she need to know many husbands are we go they are not strong meat trying to be a husband right have to be a strong man in its entire unit will be shown that dogs at this goal you will soon go through here studying it yourself yes my darling thank you Jesus thank you Jesus my lord my lord my king strength is needed yes so many times you good you see pastors and their families not working well the man is so weak you're allowing everything yeah just weak you have to be strong and sometimes I remember one lady she said I wish my wife was my husband's was told say something it's like the author wanted power over their head power sit down shut up turn around [Applause] Hey [Applause] number ten sometimes people God allows people to leave you because you are not a good leader you're too hard Solomon's successor Rehoboam he said my father beat you with whips but I'll beat you with coppers I'm going to tie a scorpion on there about twenty scorpions on the rope that I'm going to use to beat you so when I beat you other the scorpions will also bite you AB stop look there are people it is difficult to be under you it is difficult to be under you yes it's not easy to work under you not easy and because of that people can't stay under you they sort of want to go away you know a good leader leadership when we talk about leadership the art of leadership and the good general you find out it's an us how to be both strong and a half and weak and everything these are the two leadership out of leadership good general good general is not part of this collection you need to know the act of leadership why do you think Africans are queuing at the Embassy of Italy embassy of Holland embassy of UK embassy of America Embassy of Germany to leave Africa why are they running away from the weather other on a whiff of lions and tigers is that there is no money in Africa there's too much money they are running away from a certain kind of leadership why was a doctor's run away from the country because recently I saw some doctors in Ghana I mean stricken with poverty these are the best in school come to medical school highest grade in everything and you see them as government doctors cannot do anything for themselves it's very sad so you ask yourself they are trying to escape to go and work under another leadership which is easier to prosper and do well under that leadership I thought that they don't like their country so sometimes what they don't like the church or they don't like they are not you worry about your leadership is not easy to stay under like you you cannot be great under you nobody can be great under you I have I have many bishops about 35 bishops each bishop each bishop is a self-supporting entity it's an entity and a power using you to be a bishop in our church you don't just is not a title it means something is self-supporting final sound mogul on his own and the church's everything under him with his own center of operations it's not just a title no no no no he has a seat without that you can't be are you listening yeah kind of about 37 members and then my bishop No yeah also great how can it be that nobody under you is great look at Africa even after the African leader is great I usually to Africa if you go to Africa you see that where the president is or his house or whether is the greatest sometimes there are motorways only to the president's palace I can tell when it comes to my immediately immediately different countries have seen you see two lengths going and coming with lights keep like five only to the president sometimes four kilometres and the rest of that country that everybody is a beggar everybody is nothing how can it be that when people are under you they cannot be tricked so if it's an act you see but what white people won't let people become because they are afraid that they would turn against them so that's why it's called the act of leadership like you you have great things and I around you but you are still safe I'm saved by the grace of God all these bishops and what Adam I'm safe and blessed so the act of leadership is the art of zoo keeping keeping as you everybody should visit a zoo when you visit a zoo you see that you are walking among dangerous animals and wagons that you are safe because each animal you have found something to contain the peasant and teen over there is they cannot harm you based on what you are place the peasant is this one is like this fact you are being able to keep the peasant this one excited but you have been able to contain the peasant and you walk in the midst of them each one is powerful but you are stupid and we also stay with each other India also says does the art of leadership when you go to a nation unless you like Nigeria a little like Ghana unless you like Sierra Leone you see that it's the act of letting people in Nigeria also prosper but at the same time they can't destroy the nation I say you can't let people never prosper nobody will be great would you be a big person that is not leadership but in Africa well we don't understand the heart of leadership the only thing we understand is suppressed everyone let everybody be down below I'm the only one with a car I'm the only one with a house I'm the only one who travel somewhere I'm the only one who is a recognized or even known most of any I celebrate all my external passes you see them chrishena give thyself wholly come for you see them speaking they all speak you know oh no only me is not go even my board members who I'm bothered about everybody knows everybody and people are made to be known and become important and I invited independently you people can be great if you know the act of zoo keeping the app of keeping a zoo with what people they are all with you and they are well you don't have to remove the achieve that sees on the lion or cut off things and so on you keep them as they are but you are still safe you walk in here that correlation is to war and you come to a lion ah you come to a viper is open the mouth at once if you just keep working everybody is everybody everybody some that the art of leadership as an art it's an art it's an art it's an art little tip is not to suppress everybody everybody before everybody be not all doctors are nothing oh don't know millionaires or rich person no important no business no big dish of no nothing that's not the art of leadership go to Africa only one pencil at his house is a village or his house is a drone and the rest of their people take a country like South Africa you think that Africa is a rich country we have had to state from the across the length and breadth of that country it is the of all the countries went to West Africa to the poorest lowest offering lowest everything that's our experience we are being to definition you see there is a structure but it is not this that people are in difficulty people are struggling that's what brothers ana phobia they don't have anything to do they don't have jobs and others have come and they're prospering doing things that they don't look they don't know what to do it is a difficult thing so brothers and sisters the art of literacy and especially black people you know we need to really develop the act of leadership because it looks as if we have some deficiency I think they said chip missing from the computer decided something small when it comes to leadership one of the chapters here got to help me if you are a leader build something build it's one of the chapters build you must know how to build black people don't build London as you see it is a very very old city these places yeah so would our check you know down here our chapter it was bombed during the Second World War it was bombed half of it was blown off chapters openness from its generosity if you are leader demonstrated by building demonstrated by building only not mortgages not that when you market remember it's not yours they Bank half your documents but they've given you and told you a lie that you own something and you've gone home happily so please let us develop the ability to lead big people let that be great people around you great amen and not suppressing people Wow so the Lord may remove you because a lot of people to leave leave you because we are not a cult leader yes it's difficult oh you know there are some churches look I don't want that I'll not say but I say my head if I was not a pasta I can't stay in this change when I go to the church I say no it will be difficult for me to stay in this church yeah not like i anointed father preaches it's neither the way he does his things you can't stay there or if you are not sistent no no no no no you you can't easily be there sometimes I see but I don't make any comments but I know to myself if I was an ordinary said I cannot stay in this church and sometimes it interacting with people you can see that this person does understand certain things if you try to work with this person you have so much difficulty you see if i black man as you've come to europe you must start to ask yourself how was Europe made what has come to you using you see the road traffic like this that caused all this everything not just go just use it how did it come about how how is it so that you can take those principles and use it in your life how does it come about hardly does everybody wants to leave everybody was not hot God's leaders God your leadership is bad ah yeah and we have a real problem there's a man called Lord lugar who was the governor of Nigeria before he was a governor of Hong Kong then he came through Nigeria I wrote about him in my new book about cases he gave a speech he was describing Africans he said yeah they are happy people they're nice people they are committed you to be committed but you really think about the future do you really think about that future they thought develop a me religion for themselves they have undeveloped so many ways it the speeches is in the B C's in my book pw botha he said the African fairly things beyond two years about anything to develop anything build and if you happy people so many things and so many other days when you hear them say that the I I think is salty but when you look at those over the earth the hiss what is it not you you know my mother I Swiss my father is from Ghana so I'm not on the black I'm not when I go to Canada call me a white man when I come to England they call me a black man so I don't belong anywhere I belong to God Jonathan yeah so I'm not on the black man side or the white man side I'm on God's side yeah I'm free yeah I'm on God's side yeah a leadership is a bit is abysmal it's pathetic pathetic can you please people when they want to leave the country light doesn't come on no water I'm Robert come to University of Science and Technology I'm Robert freely attack students freely attacking to the doing deal and they can round up student put them in a room and rot them my own Bertha was robbed gay life I don't think there's no police all there's nothing you see them at all it's not funny to take control nothing like that nothing like Ambler what if I work in the hospitai didn't understand now when I see an ambulance move it step it I just love you my head when you get there they just put your food LaRhonda well does it but sometimes I think use you be in the car I once rush with somebody out arrived at there's another rat they get a reasonably to pin the person says oh you did Joey in the car Africa and the professors have been trained they are international professors from Harvard and what have you but how to lead and organize and create a nice place now so that's your job as a pastor how to create an organized and nice place for Christians to come people be blessed I mean you have to decide to learn it I'm telling you nervous because process I'm shocked like the politicians we are sometimes wet oh yes we're not provide a home but suppose I said he had me pushing about that he decided to build his church without that yeah back at church and other churches without owing anybody see incognito bills when I knew him he had no building but he was on it and he has a beautiful star when you're driving it will appear yours will appear to yours will appear to Africans cannot build a second channel where we whale and people keep the put pressure we have to get a market once we have the wedding we have a reception in the hall am i small by processing fish of this what we should do you see this is they mention the name of that I don't want to mention insulin so they bought this building you know the harvest isn't she and this is a mud cake it's not a building it's a mod case of course as ice did you have collected it from them it doesn't exist anymore most of this is released as a matter of time and the church is also finished that they rarely thing beyond two years me never happened today you are going to be a good leader now my eleven I'm preaching about this book yes those who leave you chapter one the lovely and it is in a Makarios those who leave you bother yourself to read it but I have to read it slowly slowly slowly close you can read this is more than a school now read it fast but as you get the revelation you go higher second Kings chapter nine verse 30 God may allow you people to leave you because you are not a legitimate leader that you are not a genuine leader I'm supposed to be there when J who was come to Jezreel Jessie fell ahead of it and she painted her face and tired her head and looked out at the window and as J who entered in she said have Zimri piece which slew his master and his servant Zimri captain half of his chariot transpired against him as he was in teza drinking himself drunk in the house of Azra steward of his house it is first King 16 and zimri went in and smote him and killed him all right and reigned in his stead okay now timrie is a very important person because memory did not have peace he did not stay for long as a king he still for I think one week seven days he was a king because when you lead people on a rebellion you are not stable at where you are you also be basil is that how Keith who slew his master Zimri became a king seven days you are not stable as where we are supposed to be because Lama genuinely supposed to be there some of you are thieves you eyes teeth of somebody stretch recently one of my partner's left the church and also resemble some time ago that he came to see me and all that said oh he hasn't done anything and all that from an American I said - no you have done something I said the people that are in your church they were my check numbers in month will be in Ghana I left them with you you have been able to convince them and take them all to the side yeah yeah they are my members and I will never accept what you are saying yes yeah my members I said they did they all left and all that is it the other one was Nick Nick Nick them to leave has been released memory has no peace the breeze has no peace because it's Lewis matter has Imre peace who slew his master Zimri has lupus because he slew his master i cannot have peace you can unhappy when you slay on my son you cannot have these hubs every piece which slew this master Dan sighs what oh no peaceful timrie happiness he was he went into the sand he was banking in the house he was painting the house bank in over at the end of seemly degree I'm sorry by you age as debris are you I mean I was debris pasa but I've seen me episode Imrie totally you slew and attacked your father attack your objet attack them and took the throne took the leadership you will never have peace so if the loyalty is important because in the future you can have peace and it makes you unstable so people also start leaving you this guy who left and I came I told him I can't remember I asked what about this residence they are all in the kitchen how can you have a piece then they said actually one of them left and wrote a book one of the left him and also now wrote a book about the mistake of living and he came back to join us and wrote a very good book actually when I read the book I was amazed got a good book is that guy the writer he wrote a book about his mistake and how he was convinced and how he left and how he shouldn't have left and how he was worried about this thing for a long time and how he went through so much and he's come back and is advising people not to he wrote a book and published it Adam repeat which Lewis matter no yes so goddess and sisters you know it's important to have a good foundation many years ago where I started a church called KCC KCC Oliva Christian Center now I was the leader of the group called Calvary root and cavalry rode out everywhere I went I just started a branch of them so I started this group but after some time I thought I wanted to do a church which I don't wanted to do before I even came there so I just said oh it's now KCCI saying the branches now KCC so the leadership of coveri root reacted to that they said no no no no no you cannot take our branch even though you started it it's wrong and I don't know buddy is dead whatever it's wrong so the leadership came to where we were having the branch in the classroom we're just a small group but in a classroom I still eat somebody's group technically so they brought a letter signed by 12 people to excommunicate me and Phil with me for what I have done so when they came because a key told me these people are here and who group has come Sunday morning I told him I said T go and sort them out so he went to meet them please mr. Toyota red Toyota Eluga hasta Eluga please go and move your car red Toyota y 186 nal okay what was that what was I telling you I thought this was a kid when I saw the people out because they are coming to her asses you know and we didn't agree with what they were saying I didn't understand it that way the other suited up I didn't understand it so he went to talk to them he said they want to come into the church to do it they want to tell the church that the church that day is not that kid day belong to Calvary would is not it the wrong thing so they want a chance to speak to the people and we say Nui never cool so they left the letter and they went okay definitely two years later two years later the church was now finishing each others arms touching have them repeat who threw this party I said yes I had no peace one day I had a dream in the dream I saw a lighthouse that was paint over is that all standing like this it was like this and half of the lighthouse was buried and it was in the water and the waves were good was like a spotlight house and then I saw another bright sunny one and a lotta you are the one you are finishing you are doomed so whatever I done said what did people came to see is true what should i do I see them Hey so I called the same bishops I Cassity do you remember these people that we faced we drove them away he said I said God has told me that we should go and see them and begged them apologize he said no problem let's go so we went when we go we called them that we are coming they were happy but do you know when we call the wall sitting there and we said we have come to confess that you were right and we are wrong and got only whatever DC oh don't clap don't obvious wait you can talk after hey no it's really some way but you see I'm talking about foundations you can't go high if you don't have a deep foundation before this building I was going to decide it as going deep down people can have only small choices about the foundation of the church is a very small foundation so we spoke and my greatest fear was what they would say well when when we finish a bit then they started crying they started crying they were surprised today you will surprise the enemy at your humility surprise the enemy with your humility they were shocked they couldn't believe it then I said so whatever you want to do is up to you now I was waiting to hear what Lucy I thought those we are taking over a change everything I was waiting and they said oh we have only one request I was with my heart was big it's like judgment they said we want to come and preach in the church I said hope you want to come and visit come to date [Applause] so we have a special service they came to the church all of them we're very happy bless us prayed everything that was it that the formation of my church I said sorry because I made a mistake the mistake I'm preaching about is the mistake I made had zimri peace with slew his master yes two years later I thought I know I made a mistake that's what I'm preaching about I'm not I'm not preaching because I'm any God uses people to protect angels he uses mistake makers to preach yes corrected it you can keep going in the wrong direction for a thousand years you still not get to the right place because you are in the wrong direction for a thousand years yes after that the one who organized the letter he became one of my best friends oh yes well he the letter he selected see it taught me how to take offerings and I really know how to take offerings he should've said this how to take offering it was my one of my closest allies the leader of that group yes the one who came with the letter you know he was an English person so he would I let I'm sure as English wear it work but we're good at the time if others how to take tight is that take it like this standing in front bless the people do this to the hiccup as furious our income just went up sure that's how to do it yeah you have four because you cut off the important people in your life you are too proud to be great are too proud to say sorry to make you tense the wisdom of a serpent is its maneuverability can do see you back this week up top it can run black mamba you come off the ground and only the lower the back of the snake will be on the ground it goes like this is it when my wife has a second you can maneuver you see a better mistake I'm Dean C ability secondly you I I can maneuver I can go up I comes I can swim at a fly I can to every place can swim sick of this constraint Ausmus please can fly they can jump that's why you should use a black memorize its going if you let it cool you don't it can't end and you can run faster than hunter your hundred meters anybody hundred meters faster I think you same try a black man see it's a fascist nation people are living you because you are not a legitimate leader with a legitimate foundation ha simile piece which slew his master did he happy 7 days he was bent in the palace this around even begged him in the palace you see that somebody and his beloved they are going to marry then you come in slowly your name is abigail zealey [Applause] and you take over from her hat Zimri peace even Princess Diana you know I hear the prince was actually following their sister her sister her sister and then he attend to her zoom bleed and then it became she had no peace notice when she gave an interview Princess Diana she said and many of you don't know her you know you don't know you don't know her we were alive with we were on Sunday at her wedding was was one of them I watched it many times my father brought a video from London who worship at home when she died Sunday morning it was terrible she she sent text in doing a honeymoon she was fighting checking to see that she was product they thought was sending text to his girlfriend out on the ship why do I have it if I there's no peace and not happy there so my sister builds a house on the rock when the rains will come down do the house on the rock and your building will stand strong because you've got a solid foundation for your ministry for your marriage it's nobody's beloved that is taken it's nobody's change filled on the rock are you still around yes the Lord may allow people to leave you because they saw you live added and they've learned from you how to leave people Hey first Kings chapter 16 first came chapter 16 verse 15 for the 16 first came 1616 the people that were in calmed head says Emery had conspired and I've also just Lane the king where for all Israel made only the captain of the host King and Embry went up from gibbet on and all Israel look at what happened to Zimri verse 18 and it came to pass when Jimmy saw that the city was taken he went into the palace of the kings out and bend the king's house over him with fire and he died amen now people also leave you because they saw you leave others one day I went to a town in Ghana and I saw a pasta of a church which belong to a denomination he had taken over the church she took their pulpit didn't the puppets had the name the old of the old says puppets I said what are you doing with this church he said this is God I need 10 against where he came from and he was with about 2 or 3 other pastors who saw him in his rebellion and they were all the ways assistance and one of the things he told me is that here no man is going to be too big he told me in this new chat no mine is big all of us preach and all our messages will be head it's not only the senior pastors message which will be head we are all preachers now we are quick world I met him and you should see the things that we said about his senior pastor but mommy stop spiritual he's talking about this scene you see people are watching you as you - is it that manacle spiritual he doesn't read the Bible here it's other books actual Abraham and other books you know until other hand it's the bully Teresa Paiva if you got Quechua he told me no dijo somebody told me he said when he went the senior pastor troubled there is joy in the chest and when I'm there the Spirit is moving people are placed things are working in the church a church grows PRA with me daddy yes toda Wow so people are watching you as you are speaking wait Wow things you are saying big things about Bishop T's been eating this pasta my finger to hear your waves we are learning the about two days who but they're learning how to talk Cal let me how to insult you Lenny how to degrade and any great people and bring them down and talk about them in a bad way they can yell don't talk don't talk like that oh we are watching you and when they learn from you they will leather you - when you are not around is how we should talk about you that's why your effect is not stable well some of you can insert a pasta as though you are talking about I mean I thought you were talking about rubbish no fear one day there was a said imposter who had a problem in his life and his senior bishop or whatever he was came to visit him but the pasta was angry with his senior pastor bishop or whatever he was and he felt that that man has contributed to his crisis so when he came to where he was he opened the door he sat down and then he talked with him and prayed with him Shah Baba Baba please help this young man and helped him in Jesus name and the senior pastor got up and left not knowing that that pastor he had come to visit who had the crisis had other process in another room who were hiding in another room next to the sitting room so they were all listening to what he was in those of you who a senior present cause when you are put him on speakerphone and we're all listening to what the person is saying so he was hiding the God was the pastor's were hiding in the room so when the senior bishop or pastor whatever he was left then they all came out of the room and the tactic told his assistants that that man's prayers are not good press so they should sweep the prayer out of the house so they took a broom and they off swept the press out of the house of the senior pastor they stripped all my stories are true except the ones I tell you guys don't you dare he shut the press open the door strap in Jesus then we sweep out all the press and these officials were watching him as you were sweeping and they were hiding in the room they are part of all these things how will they know how to behave do I strike them to behave differently you also be some kerrigan somewhere people prayer sweepers have them repeat which slowest master amen stand to your feet everybody have you stretched on the stretch some more you know there are so many points you cannot finish anything you cannot finish that is I have to listen to the messages on the camp's Amen all right now let your hands and just pray for a moment [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] all right you may be seated now we are going to take a short wee wee break but before we do that let me just finished I'm going to give you a chance to go in with everybody please so just sit down and let me let me just finish this so that we can move on in the next session please all right this is very important most churches are suffering from people who live why why is the destiny that God has given us not being fulfilled because people leave us who should have stayed with us who should have flowed the other day I was counting the in the short time we have had people who came through the church we are we are counted like visitors in the church that was in the first Latin 19600 people so ideally I should have been having an attendance of 19,600 but I know have that attendance because the people leave they come and they leave so getting the up the ability to stabilize people is the key to massive church growth of Isaiah chapter 2 verse 2 that is your destiny so it is an act how to fight your assistance leaving people leaving everything going away from you that you are building and developing in Jesus name of this day your ministry becomes table I'm not I'm not talking to people who don't have a good minute I'm talking to people who are the good music but and have a better ministry you are going to do better in Jesus there's something always a little more glorious than what you are having it's always something like that now let us quickly see the spirits that you have to deal with when you are dealing with those who leave you the first spirit is the spirit of Lucifer Lucifer is the one who left heaven is the separatist spirit so you must know that people who live have been Luciferian spirits and so when you even teach this who like to be Lucifer in the church that alone will block people a whole section of people will not want to live because those who live you have a stage of Lucifer and that is chapter 2 of this book the spirits that operate in those who live in rebellion Lucifer Lucifer said I will ascend Lucifer must have told Gabriel I hear Lucifer had a huge palace with huge libraries and Michael will have a meeting with him talking Gabriel and I hear Gabriel was a younger and the way they were the way he didn't be arguing and Gabriel would tell Lucis thought Michael hello Lucifer's attitude has changed he's not speaking much anymore I'm going to be very quiet it doesn't come for meetings where the father assembler he didn't come from his belly was in the house he didn't come for the meeting hey ba what's happening his attitude change his to Lucifer he spoke to Gabriel Gabriel maybe was computer for what are you saying a fat cow healthy weight healthy weight spirits angels followed him heavy weights angels followed him that is what we call the princes of the world they're princes they are not ordinary spirit princes the word principality the same as Prince so the princess of this world who crucified the Lord heavy with when you read The Book of Enoch you see the names of this one Uriel there's that different one a lot a lot of people believe in Lucifer it was really curious you know so to separate from the glory of heaven is a Luciferian activity from beginning to end you never be Lucifer how many of you realize that some of you have been Lucifer before raise your hand raise your hand if you realize you have been Lucifer before yes you shouldn't do that and many of us will not accept it look at a bishop Clemens he could have separated you could have separated Isis come to London is where you used to be in Ghana would have separated from victory church and be a different man on his own now is it all true yeah this is a man of God interpret eyes disease that is that is it has that thing that let me come apart let me be on my own let me do my own thing it's a look originated original original originator it's Lucifer remember that and catch it say nobody would like to be it clearly don't be afraid of is it a count somebody wrote to me a letter I certainly my church's account because it is difficult to leave the church it was giving me the points he gave me point characteristic of cows somebody I ordained as a pastor you are now telling me Rebecca so I feel a when I was a cart leader why did you last have the ordination the appointment I appointed you as a person that says you know you are now seeing eyes account your mouth if you want to leave our church you can leave but only that you don't have to spoil the church when you spot the church now we will rise up you become we will change into something that you like us again it's a don'ts for the church you sit yeah Lucy fast the spirit of living is a series of Lucita I am going on my own I will offense whether you join or not am offended I will go I will ask them I will be our step on that - how about me I don't need you I don't even what I am doing myself hey watch out that's the spirit that is at work I will ascend I will sit sometimes we are preaching your church and you see that your assistant is looking at train he wants to be you he doesn't want even what you have well he wants to be you and sit where you are sitting not you the straight of false prophecy operates in those who live in rebellion and the last third whose are persuade a hub that he should went fallout remote Gilead and one said on this manner and I said a lemon and they came for the Spirit has to before the Lord and said I will persuade him and he left false prophecies today we have prophets listen the Bible says that church is built on the foundation of apostles and prophets it is it the church is destroyed by apostles and prophets so any prophet whose pile stretches is not a good prophet to come to my church and by the time you finish you've spoken to my assistants and you spoken to people and said that is the Lord I see a new dimension I see a new day that says the thrill of the Lord as the mountain of the Lord's house is established on the top of the masses are your ministry be established above the hills where's my towel where's my towel it's my towel listen apostles and prophets the foundation of the church is built on profits and opposed not spoiled prophet a prophet doesn't spoil teaches I can tell you story after story of pasta prophet who comes to HH speak to somebody a main person in the church talk to them and keep them a word of knowledge and Anna this Anna yeah Anna she's in your life she's the cause of the stroke Anna the law says you should join see me as I said this my number Oh 2 4 4 3 3 2 2 6 1 6 1 6 see me after that is the Lord hello Tuesday look all 9 9 6 8 3 3 4 4 4 6 CB after church that's a - spirit I had a pastor in Zurich you know he went to Nigeria home for holiday and when he went he made a profit the forget is somebody so close to me when it comes to can I only say see my house it's a sigma where my wife goes to Jewish it isn't in his house that's how he was yes it went to Nigeria for holiday then maybe should have gone for that holiday they imagine prophet and the professor unbeatable ha ha I'll be hugged me holding that right now pay the Lord and it alone and see a new day a new dimension a new chapter that's was the end of him he took the whole church he is one person who didn't even leave one person behind it so that yes he went with everybody clean up this whole church you know we have people who go to take some this one took everything a guru the chest nobody had to be one person left invitation from a spirit of a false prophecy prophet don't spoil churches they build churches one day I said army are not afraid of this prophet I'm gonna invite one to come and push my chest so I decided to invite him suddenly a number of people began to have dreams because we advertise people become to have dreams Danger Danger I didn't listen or you are afraid don't be afraid of a prophet is a good thing I am also a prophet so don't be afraid then somebody came with the last dream when I headed in my saddle I've seen my mind the guys who take effect in do you know what the dream was that prophet came to the church when it came to the church he climbed the roof and removed all the routine sentence I said hey I'm not coming to go yet I have too many dreams and one is go go go go don't come Hey the monk climbs into the roof and remove the whole roof of the church I said no it's not you didn't come to the church watch out for false prophets yes all these prophets is it you know something when you I need like that you need a husband badly you are very sick or there's some problem look not very what we call the English word is vulnerable honorable does the English word vulnerable those of you don't know understand your English very good at the time check it up you see that vulnerable is an important word Hey vulnerable I know it I know it and when the Prophet sees you it will start to do some magic see me after Chechen City as I said that's what you see me after church that's what I've given a bad name to profit but the profit are so important so good we need profit we are built upon so don't let the spirit of false prophecies lead you astray yes God is the one with neediness don't be afraid of prophecy that faced a lot this isn't you shop it is also unit so many came to mean for me that I was dead yeah it's only a dream that I was are in secondary school I'm still alive is that get started today yeah Sudan still alive hey you are living in Jesus name and let Hagen said something he said a false prophet always come with fear but Jesus comes with fear not when he saw the woman and you just cannot cannot only believe yeah not a prophet a false overcoming fear always to make you afraid he's going to happen but Jesus comes with fear not hallelujah number three the spirit of greed feed the flock of God which is among you not taking the oversee these are the spirits godly I see somebody's living you wonder what is the peasant doing firstly the fight is not for money but I've already mine money is the root of all breakaways yes amen money is the root of all breakaways there's always a money elemental the person feels he would get his hands on some money and some benefit that you are getting that he feels he should have huh there's always a financial thing in it I've rarely seen anybody bigger including lay people lay people a lot of lay people not doing well financially then they look at the church and they eye is with greed and they say why don't I take about this flock and milk it myself and half order milk and sell the milk myself I'll get more than the work that I'm doing added other whatever so watch out for the street of the ministry is thought based on money look that is why our ministries are small because we do things for money lend to work for God without thinking about money your ministry will be hundred times bigger I'm telling you take it from hundred times bigger when we started to do Crusades Crusades what do we get from Crusades just spending money God are giving me more support more money I thought that our money is now going to be finished do face don't don't go to places it is some about our ministries as well why don't you go to Senegal why don't you go to Guinea why don't you go to where there is no one and where that's where I really miss all of us want to go to America want to go to Vienna we want to go to Frankfurt what why there is nobody who is ready to listen that's why your ministry is small Christian's are following money and not following God that's why you are poor I cannot show you that that is why you are poor because Ricky says the kingdom of God and is righteous and all these things shall be added unto you there are other two people who seek the kingdom of people who seek money seeking money is the wrong direction from day one seeking money you think we are doing I I also have been I own to get money quit money what money why are we doing this I sell Polyakova for money or what you know I thank God that was my background my grandma was 50 Union Scripture you know we don't even take offerings much there's no offering to anybody I don't know how to I don't know how to do this for God for money I don't know how to do it so we even had a problem at the point where we didn't know how to take off another my friend came and taught me how to take the offering we top service without taking offerings since there is upset throat we don't take an offering we don't know what they need of money I don't teach for money now if there's something that we didn't direct me to be that I'm what I'm saying is wanted it read it it's wanted and they like it just as powerful for me I have become more blessed by not following money I've come to see that it is seeking money and this succeed economical this one has more money than the seeking money so the one who is not looking for money is getting what people are dying to get it is rather get eNOS so sick EFS sick he says the kingdom don't do programs to rate like I'm doing this we're going to get money I'm going to this country to get money I want to invite this person so that I'll get money although they don't give money how does this don't get money two things sometimes you ask yourself well we sometimes we are having Praga why are you doing the program while doing the church why why are you breaking away why are you separating what's it going to achieve many times we just want money control of money if we'll be honest yeah it doesn't lead to more money it leads to more poverty there are many pastors here from differentiation if you are prosperous this conference just donate ten thousand pounds to the conference or you are not into prosperity oh you don't get what I'm saying yeah just write a check from your prosperous ministry that won't bounce just write a check always not ten thousand five thousand thousand giving so yes god Bless You bishop I'm really excited just to help you I'll show you how they spaces when I was coming my flight was canceled just half the night that's what coming they said is not coming they were forcing me to buy another ticket for my classroom and thousands of pounds just because it was a short time yeah a lot of expenses so since trying to prosperity and you started your ministry for money or fault I mean independent financial whatever show it by just suing see here's 5,000 here's 10,000 so I can give your chest by problem I can donate ten thousand pounds I'm not looking for when I can keep it turned exactly twenty thousand per to health industry without no outlet is when we give you will notice it by the way into prosperity I'm into following source and countries John 3:16 basics I'm into basics you are into modern life led by modern minister into high level for myself economics financial engineering bring your money let's see that yes love the money you have a crossover appeal to the world we are being called for a marketplace engineering and another engineering leveraging and what else securitisation of future earnings monetization of a third economic evaluation like when you speak you speak with big wave those of us who are into basis with understand all these ways Grannis unholiness understand humility understand so within we understand Priya Granderson thank you Anna tundish never gonna stand for NASA engineering equity development and and what I don't let looking for money guide you anywhere again ever ever ever ever again as many as are led by money they are the sons of the devil it is dear God six fall spirits what the factory that is causing people to leave well the second spirit causing people to leave false prophecy what the third period is causing people to live greed phosphorus independent spirit independent spirit independent spirit Wow father give me the portion of goods that falleth to me now I live now I'm my own man there are many churches and pastors would be better off part of a denomination or a group even just been associated one day a man of God invited me to France when I finished preaching he blessed me with a good enough offering to buy a build a house oh yes so I asked him why do you invite me here he said ass I do read my wish I've never I've never read your book before have you watched no he said I saw you on a video with yongi Jew is I don't know whether you interpret that's not more interpret emphasizes I told you I saw you on a video with him that is why I invited you that's all that is all that glasses integrities must be spoken is it not amazing [Applause] meanwhile Satan has put it into your mind be alone is better stand alone you are your own man no even as I'm doing this I self wholly conference but I have other board members I'm not alone rarely will you see me doing something alone when I travel I minimum ten people always anywhere that we are ten twelve I'll go here here always have a lot of people with me yeah yeah I'll be coming great by going to many places and see many things you are the next person to be declared greater in the Association will make people approve of you know that you are just with this person you are you are often certain type of fence and that's all I don't know that I was surprised I said oh this man has read my books I have not radio poopie ovulations are not glad you preach people so why do ever I saw you on his video I don't know you by I really admire we talked but you were on the video okay I want you to come to my church I always remember that visit or the hotel that he put me in that's where the planes pass over when they are coming to land so look at my window so that pain is very close it can be nosy after I left us I'll never go to the hotel again the pilot must not make any mistake and I did not appreciate that independent spirit it's better to be local now see the leg the head of the words of an answer and the leg of an elephant which one is bigger or the to the to the to of an elephant and the head of the ant which one is bigger you have been better off if you were humble you are too proud and too independent to you are like a baby who is just seven months or six months I want to build my own sack me out of here let me out I'm coming out okay you should see the independent babies when they are born prematurely this premature baby they all have independence with the comedy they are now become blue who has nowadays also separated yourself talk he just want to be on your own I can you believe us Tigers and black hawk or your your your lungs are not developed these are not develop talking aware did you see some of them twenty weeks old you are coming out twenty weeks five months and you start moving I'm coming out of Lighthouse truck have another final to go where [Applause] who is that chap who's up where's our party on the opposite [Applause] top right I heard you at the top right [Applause] tell the person next to you that you know something I don't mean I know I don't mind being with you I like being part of all the things you are [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] all right the next one is a spirit of foolishness [Applause] full despise wisdom state of foolishness stubbornness don't do it don't do it don't do it recently one pastor stood in front of his leaders he told them he left he said I left lighthouse he said if I was to go by never make that mistake that I made them yeah somebody told me you know I come to say that to me they say knit with leaders you would never make a mistake but it's already spot is like spot our relationship destroyed everything a pitch came here's how we begged him to leave that with him don't do this all what I thought as I thought when you do this was going to happen the one guy was a stranger in lighthouse all our guns are pointing in this direction so when it was Sunday these are bullets and things will be coming to you a 51 enemies also don't go and standard got all our guns are pointed in that direction and you want us to change the direction of the gun you know that have been firing the guns in that direction you know yourself those who are dangerous and we have been firing this with those who identify those who leave you those who accuse we have been firing those were a pal and you're going to stand at exactly that if they don't use it we hate you we are demonizing you we are saying bad things about you I don't against you but you don't we are preaching against what you say we are preaching against you no no preach against you you going to stand out the plays out the preach against [Applause] Adam Rafi hostility which slew his master no but you see when you advise a fool he doesn't listen until he's lost everything number six the spirit of selfishness operates in those who live and they just think about themselves Wow yeah and finally the spirit of deception operates spirit of what deception Wow now look at revelation twenty seven and eight I want you to see when the thousand years are expired Satan shall be loosed out of his prison when the fan is loosed out of his prison what is he going to do look shall go out to deceive the nations or the members which are in the four quarters of the church okay Gog and Magog to gather them to battle the number of whom is as the sand of the sea this is the work of Satan to go and make people have a battle people who add peace like the church everything is flowing sit down enter into one patient and type another then we start quietly so anywhere there is war and anywhere there is quarrel and fight you know the presence of Satan is dead there was peace in the world in Revelations 20,000 years of peace Satan was released out of his prison as soon as he came out was patted so where there's co-efficient in the church it showed the presence of Satan the presence of demons and the bubbles is when the enemy shall come as a flood this type of enemies Eli what is that that this kind cometh up not bad by prayer but there are kinds of problems and some kinds of sort by Francis but this kind is also by prayer and fasting this kind is solved by wisdom he says when the enemy comes against the thrill of the Lord will lift up a standard that's why you can fast and pray past and purpose of you one day I said to prefer he had screwed from 21 days fasting repeatedly and he has faced my church in Germany this Brook is my church in London they are broken by churches and he was fasting away the enemies but the first thing cannot solve this problem this type is not by fast this type needs a Samba the Spirit of the Lord raises of a standard the Sun that causes the problem to vanish the Western that means to disappear and to vanish and it's not by fasting you can certain father passing around for multiply are you listening to me that is a blessing so God is capitalizing so that's what we invite you to come together holy not only at the top leader but even your assistance and even your members when they are listening to this it's not joining anybody stretch you are best kept alive that is stabilized woo-hooing that just want to be a Lucifer all want to be all these basses nobody wants all these days it is your benefit your tax benefit your church is not stable you come and walk in the mists of the church you see that you are actually in the midst of ability and love loyalty grows it becomes love win it with the love grows it becomes intense affection and admiration yes you want to have loyalty for sometimes the people who follow these are this is moving to lab and the lab most important section and effects of admiration and intense affection yes that's what happens so you move from where else and discontentment and things underground memories you can move to a stable environment where there is stability and loyalty and the loyalty grows and becomes love till I met many of my two young people yeah kiss why do you love this maleta you see God what you see what what happened you have total art images frightening because right they want it grows into lovely resume to see good things so nobody somebody's being forced to do anything I was in Botswana over over 1,000 people are the well what's one but two I'm onions I 1500 of them what's wanna yes they're so happy to see me having frightened them son was a chaotic idea Bishop is very strict about what you see you are far from understanding the message of layout that is why you see that way yes Wow what these children you like like me you should see the little daddy did you see all of them are you tell your mother you have not understood the message of loyalty the measure of love is a message of love don't attack me don't criticize I also love you my aim is something good you have to strive our evil spirit these are spirit that are working spirits of greed Strait of Lucifer straight of false prophecy speed of foolishness is of independent premature independent come in hope how do come how come how come to come at six months you come out x-man what I was good happen to you you have not understood loyalty if you understood that you will love it more entity more who teach it in the whole church gradually you see like the text calms down the evil streets are blocked out are you listening to me it's a blessing for you yeah cutting of the home stand to your feet [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah let's Johan let's pray for a moment we're going to take a break father thanks a million for this great opportunity that we have here oh Jesus bless us courageous teachers [Music] [Music] what a blessing father thankful to the mighty name of Jesus amen
Channel: Dag Heward-Mills Evangelist
Views: 3,564
Rating: 4.6774192 out of 5
Keywords: UK, Dag Heward-Mills, Bishop Dag Heward-Mills, Teaching, Mega Church, free download, Dag Heward Mills, Lighthouse, lighthouse chapel International, Work of ministry, anointing, Pastors’ conference, Pastor’s conference, Give Thyself Wholly Conference, Iron Sharpeneth Iron Conference, Holy Spirit, 2016, those who leave you, loyalty and disloyalty
Id: 3XMg25gdro4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 12sec (6312 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2017
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