Sesame Street: Learn About ANIMALS | Elmo's World Compilation

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(upbeat tunes) (upbeat music) ♪ La la la la ♪ ♪ La la la la ♪ ♪ La la la la la la la la ♪ ♪ Elmo's full of wonder ♪ ♪ Wonder what he will discover ♪ ♪ In Elmo's wonderful world ♪ - (laughs) Hi! Welcome to Elmo's World! Oh, guess what Elmo is wondering about today? Wait for it. (inquisitive tones) Wait for it! (elephant trumpets) Oh, elephants! Oh look, it's an elephant. Oh, oh, spraying water. (laughs) (elephant trumpets) Well (trumpets like an elephant) to you too, elephant. (laughs) Boy, Elmo wants to learn all about elephants. Oh, let's ask Elmo's friend, Smartie. Let's call her together. - [All] Oh, Smartie! (dinging) (thumping) - Hi, Elmo. Look, I'm pretending to be an elephant. - Wow! Oh, that's perfect, Smartie, because Elmo wants to learn all about elephants. - Well, what do we do to learn something new? - [All] We look it up! - Searching for elephants. Elephants are the biggest animals that live on land. Even the baby elephants are big. They have giant floppy ears. It's so hot where they live that they use them as fans. Elephants also have long trunks that they use for lots of things like breathing, trumpeting, taking a bath, drinking, and grabbing food. They love to eat plants, leaves, and even fruit, and a lot of it. Looks yummy. (upbeat music) - (laughs) Wow! Elephants are a really big deal. - You're right, Elmo. Well, it's off to the watering hole. See ya! (rumbling) - Oh, oh, bye bye, Smartie! (laughing) Boy, elephants eat and drink a lot. Hey, that gives Elmo an idea. Oh, let's play a game together. Yeah! Come on, come on! (inquisitive tones) (Elmo laughing) (inquisitive tones) (laughs) Elmo wonders if we can feed an elephant a snack. Are you ready? - Yeah! - Let's play, baby! This elephant is hungry. Which food should we feed the elephant first? - [Children] The grass! Feed her the grass! - [Elmo] Right, she loves it. Now what food should we feed the elephant next? The pizza? - (chuckling) No. Elephants don't eat pizza. - [Elmo] Oops. Pizza's yummy, but not the right food for elephants. Let's try again. What else do elephants eat? - The leaves! - Look how the elephant use her trunk. Yay, we did it! We fed an elephant! Bye, elephant. (laughing) Boy, elephants trunks are so cool. Oh, and that makes Elmo wonder even more. Does Mr. Noodle know about elephants? Oh, let's ask him. Hey, Mr. Noodle! (laughs) It's Mr. Noodle's sister, Ms. Noodle. Hi, Ms. Noodle. - (laughing) Ms. Noodle! - Ms. Noodle, do you know about elephants? You do? Oh cool. Show us what an elephant looks like, Ms. Noodle. - [Children] Yeah, show us! (trumpet blaring) - [Girl] No, Ms. Noodle. That's not an elephant. - [Elmo] Yeah, elephants don't play the trumpet, but they do make a trumpet sound with their trunks. You got this, Ms. Noodle. Try again. (silly sounds) - [Boy] She's dragging a big trunk. - [Elmo] No, not that kind of trunk, Ms. Noodle. Wait a minute. What's Ms. Noodle doing? - [Girl] She's pulling out dress-up clothes. Look, it's an elephant trunk and ears! - [Elmo] Oh! Ms. Noodle's pretending to be an elephant! (trumpeting) - [Children] That's how elephants trumpet! (trumpeting) - Oh, nice tail. (laughs) (silly noises) Oh! (trumpets) Oh, that's elephant for, bye, Ms. Noodle! (laughs) Boy, learning new things makes Elmo so happy, it makes him want to dance! Come on! ♪ Happy happy dance dance ♪ ♪ Happy happy dance dance ♪ ♪ When we learn something new ♪ ♪ We do the happy dance dance ♪ Let's see your happy dance! Yeah, cool! See you next time! Keep learning! Elmo loves you! ♪ Happy happy dance dance ♪ ♪ Happy happy dance dance ♪ ♪ When we learn something new ♪ ♪ We do the happy dance dance ♪ Yay! (upbeat music) ♪ La la la la ♪ ♪ La la la la ♪ ♪ La la la la la la la la ♪ ♪ Elmo's full of wonder ♪ ♪ Wonder what he will discover ♪ ♪ In Elmo's wonderful world ♪ (laughs) Hi! Welcome to Elmo's World! (laughs) Guess what Elmo is wondering about today. Wait for it. (inquisitive tones) Wait for it. (laughs) Chickens! Oh, hello, chickens. (chickens squawking) (laughs) (squawks) (laughs) Boy, Elmo wants to learn all about chickens. Oh, let's ask Elmo's friend, Smartie. Let's call her together. - [All] Oh, Smartie! (dinging) - Look, Elmo, I'm wearing a chicken costume! - (laughs) Wait a minute. How did Smartie know how to make a chicken costume? - I don't know. I guess I just kind of winged it. - (chuckles) Oh, that's funny! Oh, and that's perfect because Elmo wants to learn all about chicken. - Well, what do we do to learn something new? - [All] We look it up! - Checking out chickens. Here we go. Chickens are birds. Girl chickens are called hens and boy chickens are called roosters. Roosters can crow really loudly. (rooster crowing) Hens lay eggs, which come in different colors, like white, brown, blue, green, and pink. Hens sit on their eggs 'til they hatch. It takes about 28 days and then out comes a baby chicken called a chick. Before long, they dry off and they're super fluffy. (upbeat music) - Oh, those baby chicks are so cute. - They sure are. Well, time for me to fly the coop! Have an egg-cellent day, Elmo! - (laughing) Oh, you crack Elmo up! (laughing) Boy, eggs come in all different colors. Hey, that gives Elmo an idea. Oh, let's play a game together. Yeah! Come on, come on! (inquisitive tones) (Elmo laughing) (inquisitive tones) (laughs) Elmo wonders if we can match these colorful eggs with the right color basket. Are you ready!? Let's play. (upbeat music) Here's a blue egg. Does it go in this basket? - No, that's a white basket! Try again! - [Elmo] Oops, how about the blue basket? That matches. Which basket does this pink egg go in? Same basket, right? - [Children] Not the blue basket, the pink one! - [Elmo] Yeah! So that means this white egg goes in the- - [Children] White basket, yeah! - We did it! Good job, everybody! Oh, boy, chickens lay really colorful eggs. Oh, and that makes Elmo wonder even more. What else do chickens do? Oh, let's ask Mr. Noodle. Hey, Mr. Noodle! Oh, it's Mr. Noodle's brother, Mr. Noodle. - [All] Hi, Mr. Noodle! - Mr. Noodle, Elmo knows chickens lay eggs, but what else do chickens do? (squeaking) (popping) - [Children] (laughing) He's dressed like a dog. That's not a chicken. - [Elmo] No! That's what a dog does. Chickens are birds. (popping) (door creaking) - [Children] (laughing) Now he's dressed like a penguin. - [Elmo] Mr. Noodle, a penguin is a bird, but it's still not a chicken. - [Children] Try again, Mr. Noodle! (popping) Now he's dressed like a chicken! (popping) (squawking) (laughing) Wow! He sounds just like a rooster! - [Elmo] Yeah, nice rooster crow, Mr. Noodle. (chuckles) - [Children] Now what's he doing? - [Elmo] A chicken dance! - [Children] (laughing) Chickens don't dance! (Mr. Noodle crowing) - That's right, chickens don't dance, but Mr. Noodle does! (upbeat music) Bye bye! (laughs) Boy, learning new things makes Elmo so happy, it makes him want to dance! Come on! ♪ Happy happy dance dance ♪ ♪ Happy happy dance dance ♪ ♪ When we learn something new ♪ ♪ We do the happy dance dance ♪ Let's see your happy dance! Yeah, cool! See you next time! Keep learning! Elmo loves you. ♪ Happy happy dance dance ♪ ♪ Happy happy dance dance ♪ ♪ When we learn something new ♪ ♪ We do the happy dance dance ♪ Yay! (upbeat music) ♪ La la la la ♪ ♪ La la la la ♪ ♪ La la la la la la la la ♪ ♪ Elmo's full of wonder ♪ ♪ Wonder what he will discover ♪ ♪ In Elmo's wonderful world ♪ (laughing) Hi! Welcome to Elmo's World! Oh, guess what Elmo is wondering about today? Wait for it. (inquisitive music) Wait for it. Oh! Butterflies! Oh, hi, butterflies. (chuckling) Boy, Elmo loves butterflies and wants to find out more about them. Hey, let's ask our friend, Smartie. Let's call her together. - [All] Oh, Smartie! (dinging) (Elmo laughs) - Hiya, Elmo. - Hi, Smartie. - Look at me, I'm floating like a butterfly. - Oh, pretty. Oh, that's perfect, Smartie, because Elmo wants to learn all about butterflies today. - Well, what do we do to learn something new? - [All] We look it up! - Searching the net for butterflies. Here we go. Butterflies start out as caterpillars. The caterpillar builds a chrysalis all around itself. Inside the chrysalis, the caterpillar goes through a metamorphosis, a big change, (upbeat music) and turns into a butterfly. Butterflies are insects with six legs, two antennae, and two pairs of wings. For food, butterflies drink nectar from flowers and juice from some fruits. (upbeat music ending) - Boy, that was cool, Smartie! - Well, I butter fly. Get it? Better fly. - [Both] Butterfly! (laughing) - Catch ya later, Elmo! (slow music) - Oh, bye bye, Smartie! (laughing) Hey, that gives Elmo an idea. Oh, let's play a game together. Yeah! Come on, come on! (inquisitive tones) (Elmo laughing) (inquisitive tones) Let's help the butterfly get to the flower for lunch. Are you ready? Let's play. Ready, butterfly? Okay, go! (upbeat music) - [Boy] Uh oh, he's stuck. - [Elmo] Oh no. The butterfly took a wrong turn. - [Girl] Go back the way you came. That's it. - Keep going, butterfly. - Keep going! - [Elmo] Oh no, you went too far. - [Boy] Go back, butterfly. - [Girl] Don't miss the turn. - Keep going, butterfly. - You're almost there. - That's it. - Good job! We helped the butterfly get to the flower! - Yay, we did it! - Yeah, baby. Wow, Elmo really loves butterflies. Oh, and that makes Elmo wonder even more. Oh, does Mr. Noodle know about butterflies? Oh, let's ask him. (chuckling) Hey, Mr. Noodle! Oh, it's Mr. Noodle's brother, Mr. Noodle! Hi, Mr. Noodle. Oh, Mr. Noodle, Elmo was wondering, do you know about butterflies? (squeaking) You do? Oh! Show us a butterfly, Mr. Noodle! - [Children] Yeah, show us! (silly sounds) - [Boy] (laughs) Mr. Noodle, that's butter. - [Elmo] That's butter! (laughs) Oh, what are you doing? No! Mr. Noodle! Show us a butterfly, not butter that flies. Okay, Elmo will give you a hint. A butterfly has two antennae. (squeaking) Yeah, and four wings. (squeaking) Yeah, that's right! (silly sounds) - [Boy] Where did he go? (Elmo laughing) - [All] Mr. Noodle! - [Girl] You're dressed up like a flower. - [Boy] Wait, look. - [Children] Wow! - [Boy] Look at all the butterflies. - Butterflies love flowers. Great job showing us butterflies, Mr. Noodle. (laughs) Oh, bye, Mr. Noodle. Hey, learning new things makes Elmo so happy it makes him want to dance! Come on! ♪ Happy happy dance dance ♪ ♪ Happy happy dance dance ♪ ♪ When we learn something new ♪ ♪ We do the happy dance dance ♪ Let's see your happy dance! Yeah, cool! See you next time! Keep learning! Elmo loves you. ♪ Happy happy dance dance ♪ ♪ Happy happy dance dance ♪ ♪ When we learn something new ♪ ♪ We do the happy dance dance ♪ Yay! (upbeat music) ♪ La la la la ♪ ♪ La la la la ♪ ♪ La la la la la la la la ♪ ♪ Elmo's full of wonder ♪ ♪ Wonder what he will discover ♪ ♪ In Elmo's wonderful world ♪ (laughing) Hi! Welcome to Elmo's World! Oh, guess what Elmo is wondering about today? Wait for it. (inquisitive tones) Wait for it. Oh, a dog walker! Oh, look! Grover is walking the doggies! (ropes tugging) Hey, looks like the doggies are walking Grover. (laughing) Great, Elmo wants to learn more about dog walkers. Oh, let's ask Elmo's friend, Smartie. Let's call her together. - [All] Oh, Smartie! - Ruff ruff ruff ruff, ruff ruff ruff ruff, ruff ruff ruff! - (laughs) Oh look, a doggy! Oh, hi, doggy! - Oh no, Elmo, it's me, Smartie. I'm just pretending to be a dog. Ruff ruff! - (laughing) That's perfect, Smartie, because Elmo wants to learn more about dog walkers. - Well, what do we do to learn something new? - [All] We look it up! - Getting a lead on dog walkers. Here we go. (upbeat music) Dog walkers are people who walk dogs when a dog owner can't. (upbeat music) Dog walkers make sure the dogs get their exercise. (upbeat music) Some dog walkers walk one dog at a time, and others walk lots of dogs. Dog walkers know a lot about dogs, and sometimes they take them to a dog park where they can play with other dogs. (chuckles) Look at all those doggies. - Wow, dog walkers are really helpful. - You betcha. Well, gotta go, Elmo. It's time for my walk. - (laughs) Thank you, Smartie! Bye bye! Boy, dog parks look like a lot of fun! Hey, that gives Elmo an idea! Oh, let's play a game together. Yeah! Come on, come on! (inquisitive tones) (Elmo laughing) (inquisitive tones) (laughs) Oh, it's time for the doggies to go home. Let's see if we can find them all. Are you ready? Let's play! (upbeat music) Now where could a doggy be hiding? - [Children] Behind the tree! - Look behind the tree! - Yay! Yes, it's a poodle. (dog barking) Okay, that's one doggy. Are there any more? Oh, could it be up here? (dinging) (children laughing) - [Girl] Doggies don't climb trees. That's a cat! - [Elmo] (laughing) Oh, how 'bout here? Yay! We did it! Bye bye, doggies. Aw, Elmo loves doggies. Oh, and that makes Elmo wonder even more. Oh, does Mr. Noodle walk his poodle, Schmoodle? (laughs) Come on, let's ask him. Hey, Mr. Noodle! (squeaking) Oh, it's Mr. Noodle's brother, Mr. Noodle! Hi, Mr. Noodle! Mr. Noodle, do you walk your doggy? (squeaking) You do? Oh, show us how, Mr. Noodle! - Yeah, show us how! (silly sounds) - [Boy] You're not walking the dog! - [Elmo] Schmoodle is walking you! Mr. Noodle. Okay, okay, Elmo will give you a hint, okay? The leash needs to be on Schmoodle. (silly sounds) Whoa! (Elmo laughing) Oh, that's better. Wait a minute, wait a minute, hold the phone. That is not right. - [Girl] Schmoodle's not walking, he's sitting. - You're getting exercise, Mr. Noodle, not Schmoodle. Oh boy. Try again, Mr. Noodle. (silly sounds) Whoa! (Schmoodle barking) (popping) That's right, Mr. Noodle! Good job! (Schmoodle barking) (laughs) Oh, bye, Mr. Noodle! Boy, learning new things makes Elmo so happy, it makes him want to dance! Come on! ♪ Happy happy dance dance ♪ ♪ Happy happy dance dance ♪ ♪ When we learning something new ♪ ♪ We do the happy dance dance ♪ Let's see your happy dance! Yeah, cool! See you next time! Keep learning! Elmo loves you. ♪ Happy happy dance dance ♪ ♪ Happy happy dance dance ♪ ♪ When we learn something new ♪ ♪ We do the happy dance dance ♪ Yay! (upbeat music) ♪ La la la la ♪ ♪ La la la la ♪ ♪ La la la la la la la la ♪ ♪ Elmo's full of wonder ♪ ♪ Wonder what he will discover ♪ ♪ In Elmo's wonderful world ♪ (laughing) Hi. Welcome to Elmo's World! Oh, guess what Elmo is wondering about today? Wait for it. (inquisitive tones) Wait for it. (inquisitive tones) Ah! Looks like rocks, but really it's turtles! Hi, turtles! - Hi. - (laughs) Boy, Elmo wants to learn all about turtles. Oh, let's ask Elmo's friend, Smartie. Let's call her together. - [All] Oh, Smartie! (low-toned music) - Hiya, Elmo. - (laughs) Oh, Smartie's wearing a turtle shell. - Yeah, I'm not just a cell phone, I'm also a shell phone. (both laughing) - Well, that's perfect, Smartie, 'cause Elmo wants to learn all about turtles. - Well, what do we do to learn something new? - [All] We look it up! - Shelling out some information about turtles. Turtles are reptiles. They have scaly, rough skin, and a hard shell on their back that protects them. It's kind of like their mobile home. (upbeat music) They can pull themselves inside their shell when there's danger to keep safe. (upbeat music) There are lots of different kinds of turtles, and they can be lots of different shapes and sizes. Some turtles live in the water, like in an ocean or a lake. Some turtles like to stay mostly on land. You might find them in the woods or even in your backyard. And get this, turtles lay eggs. When the eggs hatch, out come the baby turtles. (chuckles) Look at them go! (upbeat music ending) (popping) - Yeah, Elmo didn't know turtles could move fast. - Usually they're slow, but sometimes, they can really move. Speaking of moving, I gotta go. See ya! - Oh, bye bye, Smartie! Wow, there's so many different kinds of turtles and they live in so many different places. Hey, that gives Elmo an idea. Oh, let's play a game together. Yeah! Come on, come on! (inquisitive tones) (Elmo laughing) (inquisitive tones) Elmo wonders if we can help the baby turtle get to the ocean. Are you ready? Let's play! (upbeat music) The turtle needs to get from here to there. Which way should it go? Up or down? - [Children] Up! - [Elmo] Okay, there it goes. Oops, there's a sandcastle in the way. Now which way should it turn? This way? - No, that's a dead end! - [Boy] The other way. - [Elmo] Try again, turtle. Now which way? - [Girl] Go down. - [Children] Turn there, at the shell! - Yeah, now it's heading straight to- (water splashing) - [Children] The ocean! - Hooray! You did it! Good job. Bye, baby turtle. (upbeat music ending) Oh, baby turtles are so cute. (chuckles) That makes Elmo wonder even more. Hmm, how do turtles stay safe? Oh oh, let's ask Mr. Noodle! Oh oh, Mr. Noodle! (metal sliding) Oh, it's Mr. Noodle's poodle, Schmoodle! - Hi, Schmoodle Noodle. - Hi, Schmoodle. Schmoodle, do you know how turtles stay safe? (Schmoodle barks) (silly sounds) (children laughing) - [Children] That's not it! - [Elmo] That's how hockey players stay safe. How do turtles stay safe? Ooh, Elmo will give you a hint. They kind of wear their house on their back. (silly sounds) (children laughing) - [Boy] He's got a little doghouse. - [Elmo] No, Schmoodle, not a doghouse! Try again. Very cute though. (silly sounds) - [Children] That's it! Yes! - Yeah! Turtles have shells to keep them safe. (Schmoodle barks) Thank you, Schmoodle! Boy, learning new things makes Elmo so happy, it makes him want to dance! Come on! ♪ Happy happy dance dance ♪ ♪ Happy happy dance dance ♪ ♪ When we learn something new ♪ ♪ We do the happy dance dance ♪ Let's see your happy dance! Yeah, cool! See you next time! Keep learning! Elmo loves you. ♪ Happy happy dance dance ♪ ♪ Happy happy dance dance ♪ ♪ When we learn something new ♪ ♪ We do the happy dance dance ♪ Yay! (upbeat music) ♪ La la la la ♪ ♪ La la la la ♪ ♪ La la la la la la la la ♪ ♪ Elmo's full of wonder ♪ ♪ Wonder what he will discover ♪ ♪ In Elmo's wonderful world ♪ (laughing) Hi! Welcome to Elmo's World! Oh, guess what Elmo is wondering about today? Wait for it. (inquisitive tones) Wait for it. (inquisitive tones) Ah, bees! Boy, look at them go. (laughs) Elmo wants to learn more about bees. But Elmo knows to leave them alone. (bees buzzing) Oh. Oh, hey, let's ask Elmo's friend, Smartie. Let's call her together. - [All] Oh, Smartie! - Coming! (bee buzzing) (dinging) (sighs) Here I am. I am busy as a bee today. - Hey, that's perfect, Smartie, because today, Elmo wants to learn more about bees. - Well, what do we do to learn something new? - [All] We look it up! (Elmo laughing) - Let's see what's the buzz on bees. (upbeat music) Bees are insects, which means they have six legs and two antennae. They also have four wings, which go so fast, they make a buzzing sound. Bees collect pollen from flowers, then spread it around, which helps them grow. And bees make honey, one of the sweetest foods there is. Bees do so much. They're un-bee-lievable! (upbeat music ending) - Wow, Elmo never knew that bees did all that. Thank you, Smartie. - No problem. And if you need me again, just give a buzz. Buzz buzz! - (laughs) Buzz, buzz! Boy, Elmo loves learning about bees. Hey, that gives Elmo an idea. Oh, let's play a game together. Yeah! Come on, come on! (inquisitive tones) (Elmo laughing) (inquisitive tones) This is a bee. Which of these looks exactly the same as it? Is this one the same? - It looks kind of the same. - [Elmo] Bees have one, two, three, four wings. - [Children] That one doesn't have wings. - [Elmo] So what about this one? Is it exactly the same as this bee? How many wings does it have? - [All] One, two, three, four. - It has four wings! - Oh, and how many legs? One, two, three, four, five, six. Is it exactly the same as this bee? - [All] One, two, three, four, five, six legs! - There's our match. (robotic noises) Yay, we did it! Great job. (bees buzzing) Wow, great job, we did it! (laughs) Oh! Boy, that makes Elmo wonder even more. Does Mr. Noodle know about bees? Oh, let's ask him. Hey, Mr. Noodle! (squeaking) Mr. Noodle? - There he is! - [All] Hi, Mr. Noodle. - [Boy] He's dressed like a bumblebee. - [Elmo] Mr. Noodle, what do bees do? (silly sounds) - [Girl] Bees don't ride scooters. Mr. Noodle. - [Elmo] No, what do bees do? (silly sounds) Ooh, Elmo will give you a hint. Bees make something you eat. (silly sounds) - [Boy] A cake. He's making a cake. - [Elmo] No, bees don't make cakes, Mr. Noodle. (icing squeezing) - [Girl] No, but they do make something else that's sweet. Sweet and sticky. (silly sounds) Yeah, bees make honey. - Yeah, honey! There you go, Mr. Noodle. Mr. Noodle, that's too much. - Oh boy. - [Elmo] That's too much. - [Boy] That's too much honey, Mr. Noodle. - [Elmo] Wipe it off. Uh oh. (laughs) Oh no, you're stuck. - Uh oh. - The honey is sticky, Mr. Noodle. (laughs) You're making a mess, Mr. Noodle. Oh, Mr. Noodle! Boy, learning new things makes Elmo so happy, it makes him want to dance! Come on! ♪ Happy happy dance dance ♪ ♪ Happy happy dance dance ♪ ♪ When we learn something new ♪ ♪ We do the happy dance dance ♪ Let's see your happy dance! Yeah, cool! See you next time! Keep learning! Elmo loves you. ♪ Happy happy dance dance ♪ ♪ Happy happy dance dance ♪ ♪ When we learn something new ♪ ♪ We do the happy dance dance ♪ Yay! (upbeat music) ♪ La la la la ♪ ♪ La la la la ♪ ♪ La la la la la la la la ♪ ♪ Elmo's full of wonder ♪ ♪ Wonder what he will discover ♪ ♪ In Elmo's wonderful world ♪ - [Grover] Monster Edition! - (laughing) Hey! Welcome to Elmo's World! Oh, guess what Elmo is wondering about today? Wait for it. (inquisitive tones) Wait for it. Oh, oh! Horses! Oh oh, and look, it's the horsey's snack time. (horse crunching) Yeah. (horse neighing) (magical sounds) Elmo wants to learn all about horses. - Whoa, whoa! (laughing) Did I hear you say you wanted to learn all about horses? - Yeah. - Well, you are in luck. I just happen to be an expert at horseys. - Really? - Of course. I can tell you anything you want to know about Ollie here. Isn't that right, Ollie? Yes. - Grover, Ollie is a very cute toy horse, but Elmo wants to learn about real horses. - Oh. I must have missed that part. I do not know anything about real horses. - Well, what do we do to learn something new? - [Both] We look it up! - (laughs) Over here, Ollie. (upbeat music) - [Smartie] Horses are four-legged animals and come in different sizes and colors, like brown, gray, and black. Some even have spots. A baby horse is called a foal, and a small horse is called a pony. Horses have long hair called a mane and hooves over their feet. Look, they have special shoes called horseshoes. Horses eat lots of things, like grass, hay, apples, and carrots. Some people even like to ride horses. Whoa, look at that horse jump! (upbeat music ending) - You know, learning about what horses eat is making Elmo hungry. Oh, and that gives Elmo an idea. Does Grover wanna play a game? - Oh yes! I am always ready for a game! Wait, I am not ready! (inquisitive tones) (Elmo laughing) (inquisitive tones) - (laughs) Elmo wonders if we can help feed this horse. Are you ready? - Yes, now I am ready. - Okay, let's play! (upbeat Western music) Look, this horse is hungry for a snack. (horse snorts) Elmo wonders if we can choose the right foods to feed the horse. Let's see. There's an apple, hay, ice cream sundae, and a carrot. - [Grover] Hmm. Well, you know what I like to say, dessert first. (plopping) - [Children] No, not dessert! - [Elmo] Grover, horses don't eat ice cream sundaes. Let's try again. (horse snorts) - [Grover] How about hay? - [Children] Yeah, horses eat hay! - [Grover] Wow, hay really is for horses. (chuckles) What should we feed the horsey next? - [Girl] Apple! Try feeding the horse an apple! (inquisitive tones) - [Elmo] Right! Apples are Elmo's favorite too. What's left? - [Grover] A crunchy carrot. (plopping) - Yay, we did it! We fed the horse a snack! (horse neighing) (both laughing) Oh, Elmo loves horses. - Me too. I hope to ride a real horsey someday. I love how they jump over things, like this. Woo-hoo! - Hey, that makes Elmo wonder even more. (Grover laughing in the distance) Oh, does Mr. Noodle know about horses? Let's ask him. Hey, Mr. Noodle! (silly sounds) Oh, it's Mr. Noodle's poodle, Schmoodle. - [All] Hi, Schmoodle! - Schmoodle, do you know about horses? (Schmoodle barks) You do? Oh, well can you pretend to be a horse? - [Children] Yeah, show us how! (silly sounds) No, Schmoodle! That's a mermaid! (Schmoodle barks) - [Elmo] Nice mermaid costume, Schmoodle, but that's not a horse. Elmo will give you a hint. A horse is an animal. Try again. (silly sounds) - [Grover] Oh, it is a feathery horse. - [Elmo] Schmoodle, that's a chicken costume. (silly sounds) A horse is an animal you can ride. Try again. (silly sounds) - [Children] You did it, Schmoodle! - Yay! Schmoodle is pretending to be a horse! Happy trails. (Schmoodle barks) - [Both] Thank you, Schmoodle! - Bye! - Learning new things makes Elmo so happy, it makes him to want to dance! ♪ Monster monster dance dance ♪ ♪ Monster monster dance dance ♪ ♪ When we learn something new ♪ ♪ We do the monster dance dance ♪ Let's see your monster dance! Yeah, cool! See you next time! Keep learning! Elmo loves you. - Grover too! ♪ Monster monster dance dance ♪ ♪ Monster monster dance dance ♪ ♪ When we learn something new ♪ ♪ We do the monster dance dance ♪ (upbeat music ending) (upbeat music) ♪ La la la la ♪ ♪ La la la la ♪ ♪ La la la la la la la la ♪ ♪ Elmo's full of wonder ♪ ♪ Wonder what he will discover ♪ ♪ In Elmo's wonderful world ♪ - (laughing) Hi! Welcome to Elmo's World! Oh, guess what Elmo is wondering about today? Wait for it. (inquisitive music) Wait for it. Oh, habitats! Oh, Sesame Street is Elmo's habitat. (magical noise) Oh, and Big Bird's habitat. - Hello! Hi, Elmo. - Oh, and Oscar's habitat! - Oh, it's you. (chuckles) - Oh! Boy, Elmo wants to learn about all different kinds of habitats. Hey, let's ask Elmo's friend, Smartie. Let's call her together. - [All] Oh, Smartie! (dinging) - Oh! - Hiya, Elmo! - Hi, Smartie. Oh, Sesame Street is Smartie's habitat too. - It sure is. - Elmo wants to learn about all different kinds of habitats. - Well, what do we do to learn something new? - [All] We look at up! - Searching for habitats. Here we go. (upbeat music) A habitat is where an animal finds food, water, and a place to sleep. Some animals' habitats are the forest. Other animals' habitats are underwater. Some habitats are under the ground and some habitats are above the ground. - Wow! Who knew there was so many different kinds of habitats. - Time for me to get back to my habitat. Catch you later, Elmo. - Bye bye! Boy, everybody has a habitat. Hey, that gives Elmo an idea! Oh, let's play a game together. Yeah! Come on, come on! (inquisitive tones) (Elmo laughing) (inquisitive tones) (Elmo laughing) Wow. Elmo wonders if we can match the animals to the habitats. Are you ready? Let's play. (upbeat music) So there are three habitats: a forest, an ocean, and a desert. And there are three animals: a camel, a monkey, and a whale. Which animal belongs in which habitat? How about the camel? Do camels live in trees in the forest? - [Girl] No, camels live on the ground. - [Boy] They live in the desert. - [Elmo] That's right, a camel's habitat is in the desert! What about the monkey? Are monkeys' habitats in the ocean? - [Children] No. - [Boy] Monkeys don't live in the ocean. - [Elmo] That's right! A monkey's habitat isn't the ocean. (children laughing) - [Girl] He wants to go to the forest. - [Elmo] You got it. A monkey's habitat is the forest. That means the whale's habitat is the ocean. Yay! Looks like they're all happy to be in the own habitats! And you know what, that makes Elmo wonder even more. Oh, does Mr. Noodle know about habitats? Hey, let's ask him, okay? Hey, Mr. Noodle! (squeaking) Oh, it's Mr. Noodle's brother, Mr. Noodle! - [All] Hi, Mr. Noodle! - Wow, looks like Mr. Noodle is somewhere really cold. Oh, Mr. Noodle, do you know about habitats? (squeaking) You do? Who lives in a really cold habitat, Mr. Noodle? - [Children] Yeah! - [Girl] Who lives there? (silly sounds) - [Elmo] An elephant!? Oh, do elephants live where it's cold? - [Children] No. - [Girl] Elephants live where it's hot. - [Elmo] Try again, Mr. Noodle. (squeaking) - [Children] That's a chicken! - [Elmo] Chickens don't live where it's really cold. (silly sounds) - [Children] Don't give up! - [Boy] Show us who has a really cold habitat. (silly sounds) (clunking) - [Children] Yeah, penguins! - [Elmo] Oh, yeah, Mr. Noodle, that's it! Penguins live in cold habitats! (squeaking) Wow. (laughs) Thank you, Mr. Noodle. - [All] Bye bye, Mr. Noodle! - Boy, learning new things makes Elmo so happy, it makes him want to dance! Come on! ♪ Happy happy dance dance ♪ ♪ Happy happy dance dance ♪ ♪ When we learn something new ♪ ♪ We do the happy dance dance ♪ Let's see your happy dance! Yeah, cool! See you next time! Keep learning! Elmo loves you. ♪ Happy happy dance dance ♪ ♪ Happy happy dance dance ♪ ♪ When we learn something new ♪ ♪ We do the happy dance dance ♪ Yay! (upbeat music) ♪ La la la la ♪ ♪ La la la la ♪ ♪ La la la la la la la la ♪ ♪ Elmo's full of wonder ♪ ♪ Wonder what he will discover ♪ ♪ In Elmo's wonderful world ♪ (laughs) Hi! Welcome to Elmo's World! Oh, guess what Elmo is wondering about today? Wait for it. (inquisitive tones) Wait for it. (inquisitive tones) Oh, spiders! Hello there, Ms. Spider. (squeaking) Oh. (laughs) Boy, spiders are so cool. Elmo wants to learn all about spiders. Oh, let's ask Elmo's friend, Smartie. Let's call her together. - [All] Oh, Smartie! (upbeat tones) ♪ The itsy bitsy spider ♪ - Oh, Smartie's pretending to be a spider, which is great 'cause Emma wants to learn all about spiders. - Well, what do we do to learn something new? - [All] We look it up! - Searching the web for spiders. (upbeat music) Spiders are a special kind of animal called an arachnid, which means they have eight legs. And did you know spiders have four pairs of eyes? Spiders have tiny hairs on their feet that help them hold on tight so they can walk upside down. They can spin webs. The webs are sticky so the spider can catch insects for food. Some spiders are big. Some spiders are teeny tiny. Spiders live in all kinds of places. Some spiders live in the desert. Some spiders live in the jungle. Some skate on water. Some live in underground burrows. And some spiders live in gardens. They help the plants by catching bugs in their webs. (upbeat music ending) - Wow, Elmo didn't know spiders were so helpful. - Ooh, my Smartie sense is tingling. Gotta go, Elmo! - Oh, bye bye, Smartie! (chuckles) Boy, spiders can live in so many different places. Hey, that gives Elmo an idea! Oh, let's play a game together. Yeah! Come on, come on! (inquisitive tones) (Elmo laughing) (inquisitive tones) Elmo wonders if we can find all three spiders. Are you ready? Let's play! (upbeat music) Do you see any spiders? - Over there! - [Girl] Look in the garden. - [Elmo] Hello, spider. Do you see any more spiders? How about by the pond? (children laughing) - [Girl] That's a duck! - [Elmo] Oops! Sorry, duck! - There, in the sand! - [Elmo] That's right! Hello, spider. Let's find one more spider. Hmm, Elmo doesn't see any. - There it is! - Yay, we did it! Nice web, spider. (laughs) Boy, Elmo loves how spiders make their very own webs. Oh, and that makes Elmo wonder even more. Does Mr. Noodle know about spider webs? Oh, let's ask him. Hey, Mr. Noodle! (squeaking) (children laughing) Oh! - Ms. Noodle! - It's Mr. Noodle's sister, Ms. Noodle! Hi, Ms. Noodle. (silly sounds) Ms. Noodle, do you know about spider webs? (upbeat tones) You do? Oh, show us how to build a spider web, Ms. Noodle. - [Children] Yeah, show us how! (accordion playing) (children laughing) Ms. Noodle! - Ms. Noodle! That's an accordion. You're playing music, not building a spider web. Elmo will give you a hint. Spider webs are sticky. (upbeat tones) - [Children] That's honey! - Oh, Ms. Noodle, honey is sticky, but you don't use honey to build spider webs either. Oh, you have an idea? (silly sounds) (whistling) Oh! Schmoodle looks very nice in his spider costume, but um... (squeaking) (silly sounds) (Schmoodle barking) (silly sounds) (Schmoodle barking) (silly sounds) Whoa! Now that's a spider web! (upbeat tones) Thanks, Schmoodle! (Schmoodle barks) Thank you, Ms. Noodle! Boy, learning things makes Elmo so happy, it makes him want to dance! Come on! ♪ Happy happy dance dance ♪ ♪ Happy happy dance dance ♪ ♪ When we learn something new ♪ ♪ We do the happy dance dance ♪ Let's see your happy dance! Yeah, cool! See you next time! Keep learning! Elmo loves you. ♪ Happy happy dance dance ♪ ♪ Happy happy dance dance ♪ ♪ When we learn something new ♪ ♪ We do the happy dance dance ♪ Yay! (swishing)
Channel: Sesame Street
Views: 1,594,074
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sesame street compilation, sesame street elmos world, elmos world full episodes, sesame street elmo, new elmos world, elmos world, elmos wonderful world, elmos world compilation, sesame street songs, elmo video, elmo songs, elmo, animals, animals for kids, animal songs, learn about animals, elmo at the zoo, elmos world mr. noodle, elmos world hour, sesame street animals, sesame street animals compilation, elmo animals compilation, elmo animals
Id: upPenq4DqdA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 13sec (2713 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2024
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