What is SALVATION according to the Bible? Can Christians LOSE Their Salvation?

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It's good to celebrate life and to celebrate  family but ultimately for us as believers   we know that the purpose and the reason  of this season and the holiday is that men   were separated from God through sin it wasn't  what we did it's the fact that we were born   in a sinful world we were born with sinful nature  we were already born defected we were already born   broken we're not sinners because we sin we sin  because we are sinners so we were born like that   and like that famous song says that I was  born this way yeah we were all born that way   all born broken all born sinners all born  short of the glory of God and so our default   destination was total separation from God totally  separated from God and God in his loving mercy   and his loving tenderness and grace instead of  letting us self-destruct instead of wiping us   out of the planet earth and click reset button  instead of that what he did was so wonderful   and mind you when satan rebelled against God  God didn't hold a special meeting and say how   can we make things right with the devil can we  ask him hey do you really want to do this um hey   do you sure you want to go that route could we  give him a second chance can we have him do a   like have a do-over God didn't even think about  that but when you and I committed sin in Adam   God hold a special meeting and he asked who  will go for us who will take the place of   these rebellious human beings who will not only  go and tell them but show them pay their price   send the Spirit to guide them create a local  church they could become a voice to them so   they will come to know Christ and God did all of  that for us and that's what Christmas is about   Christmas is not about God giving us another  holiday it's God giving us a Holy life   this is not about us celebrating his birth  it's about Heaven celebrating your second birth   your new birth being born again amen and if  you only celebrate his birth but the Heaven   has not had a chance to celebrate your second  birth my friend you're missing something during   this Christmas and today during this service  we will have the opportunity to make that   right so that Heaven has a party so that Heaven  will rejoice when you get right with God amen   here at the church we have a vision and that is  to see thousands locally and millions globally   come to know Christ and this is not just some  some kind of a vision where we just wanted to   pack a larger stadium it's that we believe  every person has an eternity in their heart   we believe Jesus Christ did not just come to give  us a better life he came to give us everlasting   life for God so loved the world that he gave his  only begotten son that whoever believes in him   should not perish but have eternal life I am all  for Jesus came into my heart made my life better   but honestly God could have taken care  of that with the pill he gave us a gospel   he gave us a gospel he gave us the good news  not just to make my mood better but to change   the trajectory of my eternal life to change my  eternity to change where I will spend this life   on earth is such a short small life compared  to eternity eternity and eternity that's   great that your mental state got an upgrade when  you came to Christ but please make no mistake   he did not come for a mental health he came for  eternal salvation Matthew 1:21 the angel came   and says he will save his people from their sins  that is the purpose of Jesus coming on this earth   it's not to give us religion it's to give us  life our goal as a church is to see as many   people receive this message as possible this is  the cure for the sinful condition of humanity   amen in the Bible in Ezekiel chapter 3  verse 20 it says again when a righteous man   turns from his righteousness and commits  iniquity and I lay a stumbling block before him   he shall die because you did not give him warning  he shall die in his sin his righteousness which   he has done will not be remembered but his blood  I will require of your hand now at first don't   let the blood and the death kind of scare you  off but I want you to see this the Bible says if a   righteous person turns away from the righteousness  how many righteous people we have this afternoon   how many righteous people we have this afternoon  as believers we are not righteous because we do   righteous works we are righteous to do righteous  works righteousness is a gift from Jesus and there   is an opportunity where a righteous person can  forfeit the righteousness by turning away from   his righteousness watch this what it says if a  righteous person turns away from his righteousness   our righteousness is Jesus Christ so if a  righteous person turns away from his righteousness   that's not something we should do but it's  something we are capable of doing here at   Hungry Gen we don't believe that once saved always  saved meaning if you're saved you do not have the   opportunity to forfeit your salvation we believe  that our salvation is secure in Jesus Christ   we believe it's like being in the airplane when  you get into the plane you know the plane gets   shot and you you can exit from the seat that you  are in you can walk in the aisle and there is no   fear of falling off the plane but every single  airplane has a door inside where if you are crazy   you can pull that door and get out now if you are  going to do that and I'm going to be in the plane   I will hold you back from doing that why because  I care about you if you're gonna go to the door in   the airplane and start messing with the door  most people will come and say hey bro uh no   get back into your seat and so but you can still  do that a Christian doesn't lose his salvation but   a Christian can forfeit his salvation by turning  away from Jesus Christ by opening that door and   saying bye bye Jesus I don't want to do anything  with you there's a lot of people that live with   the fear of losing their salvation don't live with  the fear of losing your salvation your salvation   is secure salvation is not like a ring that you  lose salvation is like a marriage that you lose   how many of you know you can lose this on  accident how many of you know you can lose   this by being negligent how many of you know  none of you lose a marriage by being negligent   you don't just wake up on this like oh my God I  lost my marriage no you don't lose your marriage   like you lose your ring to lose your marriage you  gotta cheat on your spouse to lose your marriage   you gotta do more than forget to get the garbage  out to lose your marriage you gotta do more than   sleep in one day and forget to tell your wife  I love you and forgot to bring flowers for the   last six months that takes a lot more because  to lose your marriage there's a bond   in that relationship relationship with Jesus  is a deeper and stronger bond than a marriage   you're not gonna lose that easily and what I love  about this is the Bible says if a righteous man   turns away from God God says I don't let them  go yet I will put a stumbling block meaning God   says I will not let them jump off the plane that  easy I love this about grace I love this about God   because see most of us think even the story of  the prodigal son the lost sheep and the lost   coin deals with the lost people but reminds you  the lost sheep the lost coin and the lost   prodigal son do not deal with the lost people they  deal with believers who turn away from the Lord   because the son was a son the coin belonged to  a woman and the sheep belonged to a shepherd and   when the father got his son back he didn't get a  new son he got the same one when the woman got the   coin back she got the same coin and when  the shepherd got the sheep it was the same sheep   it was not a different one so that tells me when  a believer turns away from their righteousness   and begins to go and do iniquity as Ezekiel  said God says I put a stumbling block   have you ever seen a police chase when you  are running away from I'm not gonna ask   for anybody to if anybody ever uh was involved in  a police chase but I'm very curious to find out   if anybody has been in a police chase I'm not  gonna ask for that but anyway have you anybody police chase is when a police when you break  the law and then there's road signs you ignore   them because they don't apply to you they apply  to everybody but you and then you start you hear   a siren and you ignore the siren and then you keep  going after the siren you begin to notice as there   are people that are chasing you now they're going  after you and then there comes this point a lot of   times there are speed bumps that you go through  really fast and the police uses these spikes   stripe spikes where they would throw on the  road so that they could puncture your tires   to slow you down and there's a little video  uh behind behind me if you can play the where   even there are people who are so stubborn  that even if you put spikes in the road   and you puncture their tires they will still  keep driving no no no not this one that's uh   yes it's the one from from dropbox yeah  yeah that was a little bit different one   I apologize in the first service  I talked about hell and how   yeah please watch the first service uh  message it's a lot more sober than this one   it's on dropbox um and so the police would put  spikes that they would puncture your tires and   after your tires are punctured and I watch these  videos this week where people will still drive   and car would come to a stop the car cannot  go anymore the tires cannot go anymore   and the people will still run out of the car and  run and of course they will you know send dogs and   and then these particular group of people  that are watched on the on the youtube club is   that they would come and would get arrested  that's really how backsliding looks like   I want to let you know a few things one is  that God will use road signs and if we don't   heed them he will use speed bumps what are speed  bumps it's the experiences of people close to you when somebody your friend has a testimony and they  share with you how they got saved it   gives you a speed bump it shakes you up a little  bit you're like oh my goodness I'm doing exactly   the same thing I probably need to get saved it  shakes you up but some of us that's not enough   we need to have some spikes in our life we need  to have some stuff happen to our own selves our   bottom has to fall off we have to fall from the  horse and bite the dust we have to get hit a   lot of times and when our tires get punctured  when Peter preached the hearts of people were   cut and the Bible says they were cut meaning the  conviction of God came in but some of us we are   so stubborn that even if you puncture our heart  our heart is broken maybe it's a breakup maybe   it's some kind of a devastating situation and  and God allows that because he is chasing after   us he wants us to come to a stop he wants us to  surrender he wants us to be pulled back God says   if you turn away from your righteousness and go  do iniquity he says I will set a tripping block   a spike a roadblock why because I want to  capture you and no I don't want to arrest you   to take you to prison I want to bind  you with my love to take you home come on somebody in Hosea 3 verse 1 it says then the Lord said to  me go again love a woman who is loved by a lover   and is committing adultery so this relationship  is broken this woman she didn't just go out and   have fun with her friends this woman did not just  forget that she was married she went and she was   loved by a lover and is committing  adultery she broke her covenant   I've struggled a lot of times to understand fully  what is God's response to a believer who walks   away from him you know there are scriptures in  the Bible everywhere where he talks about you know   severity of God's judgment but I want you to  hear today something where God's love is not   only for the lost it's also for a backslider  look what he said to this man he says go again   love a woman who is loved by a lover and is  committing adultery just like the love of the Lord   for the children of Israel who look to  other Gods and love the raisin cakes   of the pagans God pursues with the passion of  a lover the lifestyle of a felon God pursues   with an intensity of a police officer somebody  who's running from him God tells Hosea   your wife who legally scripturally you have  to stone her according to the old testament   according to the new testament you have a  free pass to walk away wash your hands from   that relationship and says she was a prostitute  before I met her she went back the whole old life   and you know what I'm just gonna go get  inner healing get me some therapy sign   up for prayer line get delivered give me a six to  12 months and then I'm gonna go Christian mingle  Christian single dot com and then I'm just going to go find me  a new wife but God says to Hosea in the    Old Testament he says I want you not only to go find  her rebuke her and tell her what she did wrong he   says I want you to go and this is the challenging  part not just forgive her not just accept her not   just bring her back and give her her room and her  makeup table and her vanity table he says love her I can tolerate her I'm okay with not killing  her that's already mercy God I'm okay with   not giving her a divorce papers God that's  huge but you want me to love her while she's   currently in an affair relationship it's not that  she broke up and came repenting she's currently   in that relationship and God says love her win  her back why because that's exactly how my love   is for my children who turn away from me see  most of us think is that when God when people   turn away from God when Christians walk away  from the Lord college life maybe abuse happen   but have something other happen in your life that  caused you to a stumbling block you tripped over   you walked away from the Lord you stopped abiding  in him and you dried up spiritually you died   there's another stumbling block see the  devil is not the only one that uses stumbling   blocks to get you off of Christ God uses  stumbling blocks to get you out of the devil   God will put stumbling blocks and  God will pursue you with his love   to get you back he loves you so much today  is your time to pull over lift your hands   and say I surrender to your love and  to your grace in Matthew chapter 1 in Matthew chapter 1 it has this beautiful  genealogy and this is those about how many verses   are here about um 17 verses that if you ever  started to read the Bible these are probably you   skipped because you're like he begot who and begot  what and then you're like man I remember mom   giving birth but like that wasn't really a part  of that I mean he was a part of that process but   not actually like delivering process and so then  you're reading you're like and Abraham uh you know   gave birth and you're like man this is the Bible  must be right but I don't understand it and so let   me just skip over until it starts talking about  some stories if you read this very carefully   you will realize it mentions a lot of men and  then it mentions only four women in 17 verses   these four women it's important to highlight  the first women that is mentions is Tamar   the second woman is Rahab third woman is  Ruth fourth woman is Bathsheba now this is   not God saying all these men are righteous  and all the women they're just so messed up   come on we all know that none of these guys were  good either okay they were pretty much they were   bad boys of the Bible okay they were the bad boys  of the Bible all of them from Abraham down to   every one of these guys were bad boys and it's  not that there was no other good women but I   find it fascinating that God takes honestly the baddest women of the Old Testament   scandalous women those kind of women that honestly  we would want to keep them away from a spotlight   in the church we're like please go serve somewhere  where nobody knows you come to our church   these are those women they were on the  front page of their local newspapers   the scandals they were involved in is  nasty Tamar slept with her father-in-law that's bad Rahab was a sex  worker that was her nine to five   Ruth was a part of Moabites where they  offered their children in fire toward their Gods   she served she lived in that part of the  world her husband died and then she met Boaz   and Bathsheba well we all know Bathsheba couldn't  afford shower curtains David could not   keep his eyes focused on whatever that he was supposed  to be doing and next thing that happens is that   oops I'm pregnant and then Bathsheba you know ends up to be his wife and she was the the lover and   so you look at these stories they're extremely  these if you would write that's why I believe God   wrote the Bible because if we will write the Bible  we would hide them we would say these are things   we don't want to talk about unless you raise it  where is the eraser let's not mention these are   not our most proud moments God takes these four  women and he puts them in genealogy of Christ what   am I talking today about God's chasing you God  pursuing you the felon the criminal the sexually   immoral the person who crosses every boundary  breaks every conviction that they subscribe to   falls flat on their face more morally God  not only finds them God not only rescues them   God is not ashamed of them God is not embarrassed  to involve them not scared to use them   and not intimidated to put them in the genealogy  of a Holy Christ and not ashamed to start the   first chapter of his new covenant to show off  and say these are the people my son came through few things I want you to remember number one  every saint has a past every sinner has a future   because of Jesus because of Jesus  no matter how deep you've fallen   no matter where you've fallen no matter  how scandalous your story is no matter how   the family the media and others has spun  that out out of context or even if it's true the birth of Jesus Christ it starts from the  beginning God's saying the God taking scandalous   perversion even sexual immorality moral failure  God taking all of that and saying not only I can   redeem that not only I can rescue you from that  I can restore you use you and put you back on   your feet that's number one number two Christ  is better at saving you than you are at sinning   you're not as good of a  sinner as Christ is the savior   you're not that good he is better  at saving than you are at sinning  his grace is more powerful than sin his  blood is more powerful than the stain of sin   his holiness his love his grace his death is way  more powerful he conquered death what is your sin   he defied death no emperor could ever do that  Alexander the great couldn't do that no dictator   no wise man Solomon couldn't do  that nobody could conquer death   death leveled every great general every great  adventurer and leveled them all equal except Christ   he conquered death therefore your sin is no  match to him even the sin of murder even the sin   of abortion even the sin that you've done  everything to earn your penance and it still   doesn't remove your memory and it still  torments you and it still reminds you that   you are no good that you are worthless I'm  going to tell you something there is someone   who is better at saving you than you  are at damning you can somebody say amen 1 Corinthians chapter 6 verse 9 it  says the following do you not know that   the unrighteous will not inherit the Kingdom of  God do not be deceived neither fornicators nor   idolaters nor adulterers nor homosexuals nor sodomites nor thieves nor covetous nor drunkens   no revilers nor extortioners will inherit  the Kingdom of God and such were some of you   but you were washed but you were  sanctified but you were justified   in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by  the Spirit of our God and such were some of you   homosexual lesbian extortioners  covetousness greedy gossipers backbiters   religious self-righteous and some and such  were some of you and see the Bible doesn't   just say but Jesus just forgave you he said  but you were washed this is more than forgiven you know where sometimes you stick your  finger into something you shouldn't have   to be sticking your finger and then you're  trying to get that off of your finger and   the thing that you stuck your finger  into might have forgiven you but it still   sticks see Christ didn't just pardon  your sin he took you and washed you he see the old covenant covered your sin until the  next year and then it will be covered and covered   and covered and covered and covered Christ didn't  cover he came in and he totally washed he removed   that that's why people who get saved they say  that I feel clean but they didn't take a shower   you say what do you mean you feel he said I feel  clean I feel like something has scrubbed out of me   if you've been abused if you've been the  abuser if you've been done something that   you could not forgive yourself I can  tell you the cure is not the cure   is not restitution the cure is not I'm going  to try to do so much good to undo the bad   that stuff messes the whole thing up  the best cure is to come into a shower   of the blood of Jesus of the forgiving flow of the  grace of God and some were such of you if you were   involved in homosexual behavior your cure is to  be washed if you were in lesbianism you need to   be washed if you stole some things that were not  yours if you destroyed other people's reputation   you need to be washed I'm not saying what you  did was right but Jesus Christ took it on a   cross and he paid a full penalty for your  sin and today he is saying I wanna wash you   even the stain of that sin even the memory of the  sin even the guilt of that sin will be removed   but you were washed you were sanctified God  doesn't just wash you I could imagine Rahab in the   old covenant where people judged other people for  their sin she was a sex worker a temple prostitute   she not only was washed from  her many men a day prostitution   but she lived in Israel not as some leper on the  outside as sinful nobody talked to that woman   nobody do anything husbands look away no this  woman not only she was washed she was sanctified   she married one of the spies who came into her  house Salmon she got married she had children   Boaz was her son who married Ruth who eventually  had Obed and so on so she was sanctified see I  want to tell you something God's grace is not just  powerful to squeeze you in quietly into Heaven   God wants to display his glory through  your story but it starts with washing you   God chases you down he will put roadblocks he  would put spikes he will put prayers on people   he will put church in your way why God wants to  arrest you so he can wash you so he can sanctify   you meaning restore your life and then the Bible  says end justified word justified means just   as you never did it justified is not forgiven  justified is just like you never did it   the record is clean the record is wiped the  record is destroyed there is no evidence   this is not that you served your sentence got out  of jail and you're still a felon and it shows up   on every application where you apply for housing  or for work it's that your record is sponged   it's completely clean just like you've never done  so these were corinthians sodomites homosexual   thieves murderers idolaters I want you to  see what Paul says in 2 Corinthians   2 Corinthians 11:2 he says I am  jealous for you with God the jealousy   for I have betrothed you to the one husband that  I may present you a chaste virgin to Christ   how can you be a virgin to Christ if you were a  sodomite a homosexual a thief idolater a gossiper   see in the 1 Corinthians Paul says and such  were some of you and he says but you were washed   you were sanctified and you were justified  in the 2 Corinthians he no longer talks   about sodomites homosexuals adulterers  he's talking about a chaste virgin so not only Jesus restores my  life he redeems my innocence   there are some of you in here today you lost your  virginity you lost your purity and you feel like   you are second best or maybe you feel like  man but I'm just a wasted person who just   been loved by God saved by grace my friend oh no  no no no no you were washed you were sanctified   and you were justified and God is presenting  you as the chaste virgin God is restoring your   innocence he is restoring your righteousness he is  restoring your purity that grace is a good grace   it's a mighty grace it's the glory of grace and  it's the grace worth shouting about grace worth   giving God praise about grace worth giving  God glory about somebody give God some praise I'm not only rescued from the wrath of  God I'm redeemed from the life of sin   and Christ restores my future the tale of the four  women teaches me that not only every saint had a   past and every sinner has a future but he teaches  me that Christ is better at saving me than I am   at sinning Christ not only redeems restores he renews my whole life if I let his grace do that number three forgive yourself  as Christ has forgiven you   this gift of Christ death for many people it  doesn't fully work because of spiritual pride   what do I mean by spiritual pride is this it's  when you know Christ has forgiven you but you   somehow cannot forgive yourself and why because  somehow your standards are higher than Christ's   standards like the reason why he forgave you well  of course because he's loving God but you your   standards are so much higher than his if there's  so much higher why did you sin in the first place   if you cannot forgive yourself you're telling  Christ you are holier than him you're telling   Christ you are better than him somehow you know  something about you he doesn't know I want to   tell you something that you are not holier than  Christ the greatest gift you can give yourself   this Christmas is not a new apple watch it's  not a new iphone it's not a new trip to a spa   it's not go do put colors on your nails because  you're not happy with the fact they're clear it's when you can give a gift to yourself the same  gift God has given to you it's called forgiveness   the Bible says to forgive others did you know  that part of others is you you're also that other   that's you so many people hold themselves and  punish themselves when Christ no longer punishes   them and they live in a cycle reliving their past  even when Christ has redeemed them I can tell you   one thing Rahab had to mentally excuse herself  from her past and to say to herself that woman   doesn't exist anymore she still has the same name  but it's a total different nature and when people   looked at her funny and when people kind of  like walked away because I can tell you one   thing if people do that in church can you imagine  that in the Old Testament she was not even she   didn't even speak Hebrew she didn't she wasn't  even in Israel I can tell you one thing people   would gather together you know to worship God at  the festivals and there were women who were like and I'm pretty sure Rahab had to tell herself  that's not who I am you can look at me like that   you can give me those looks but I'm not giving  myself those looks I am washed I am sanctified   I am justified I am a chaste virgin before God  your opinion of me doesn't incarcerate my future   your view of me doesn't limit my future it's  my view of me that limits my future and I'm   gonna only allow God to limit that future if  he has forgiven me I choose to forgive myself   even if that which was done was abortion  release yourself from that because when you hold   unforgiveness toward yourself you are destroying  yourself while Christ is trying to rebuild you   because somebody said amen today is the day  of salvation today is the day of forgiveness   today is the day where the blood of Jesus Christ  wants to wash you clean maybe you don't know Jesus   Christ as your personal Lord and savior maybe  you're visiting one of your friends because they   invited you to a Christmas service and maybe the  light show scares you a little bit you're like   man is this church or a concert both we have  a very dedicated young man over there Ryan  I see it as not us trying to create a  show we're just trying to give Ryan   a place to exercise his gifts and he has  tremendous gift maybe this is completely   new for you I want to tell you something you  will live forever that's according to the Bible   Jesus did come on this earth that's a historic  fact he's either a liar a lunatic or he's the   Lord he did not say he was just a good man  he said he was a King and he said he was God   he died on a cross for what he said but the Bible  says he died on a cross for your sin he rose again   on the third day he didn't come to start a boys  and girls club he didn't come to start a social   club he did not come to start a social movement  and he did not die to save a planet he died to   save you he died to save your heart he did not  come to save your skin he died to save your spirit   today you have a choice if you reject that offer  you are going to follow the default destination   that the scripture says it is appointed for  a man to die and stand before judgment it   says the wages of sin is death not physical  death it's the spiritual separation from God   that's gonna be you may say but  that's harsh you know what's harsh   is when somebody did everything they could  make sure you don't go that and you still   reject that that's harsh God is a Holy  God he'll never stop being unholy to cater   to you do not justify or hide behind the mask of I  grew up Catholic I got confirmed at this age they   sprinkled water on me I sprinkle water on myself  every day it doesn't make me born again believer   oh but I watch services I'm a good person  I follow like three pastors on Instagram   and that's like that is awesome that is really  really cool but I'm really just like I'm just   into positivity and everything and just positive  vibes and just like good good atmosphere I just I   just really like that stuff that's new age we're  talking about new life we're talking about Jesus   the savior not energy not universe I'm not  talking about connecting with universe or energy   I'm talking about connecting with the being  with the person whose name is Jesus Christ let me speak to the other category of people  maybe you are returning today to church or to God   and honestly you feel like you left them  perhaps you feel that you dropped the ball   maybe you feel like man but I departed from  my righteousness and I went into iniquity   and man I have had few few speed bumps in  fact God has punctured my tires I'm flat   my heart is flat I feel like the air is gone life  is gone and will Christ accept me the parable   of the lost son the lost coin and the lost  sheep is about you Christ pursues you today   in fact you're listening to me right now not on a  mistake Christ pursues you you're already guilty   he's not trying to make you feel  guilty sin does that really well   he brings conviction because conviction  brings hope condemnation brings despair   all you gotta do today is what you do  when the police officer pulls you over   and asks you for your ID but in your case God is  not asking for the ID he says get out of the car lift your hands I need to see your hands in  other words God's saying I want you to surrender   this is not a time when you give me your card  a little prayer God says I need total surrender   why because I want to wash you I want to sanctify  you and I want to justify you that's right as the worship team is going to sing a song I would like to invite people  in both of the categories today   if you are in the category where you don't know  Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior   I would like to give you the opportunity  today to make Jesus the Lord of   Lord of your life if you're in a category  today where you backslid you walked away   from relationship with God I'm not talking about  the church I'm talking when you walked away from   a relationship with God your heart is judging you  today maybe there's a conviction a punctured heart   there's a call for you Jesus wants to bring you  home today every head bowed and every eye closed   if you're watching me on live stream on Zoom or  on Youtube 175 of you that are watching right now   today is your day today now is your time if  you're saying I would like to get right with   God I would like to give my life to Jesus I'm not  there what I'm supposed to be I feel that God is   out to get me he is actually but not for the  reason that you think he is he has no pleasure   in seeing your destruction for he so loved  you that he gave his son he doesn't warm his   hands at your calamity he came to save you not to  damn you not to condemn you not to push you down   but to lift you up he didn't come to remind you  of your past he came to remind you of his son   of his blood and of his sacrifice if  you're in this room or you're on livestream   and you're in one of these two categories where  you're saying I'm far from Christ or I've never   made a decision to follow Christ when I count to  three I'm going to ask you to raise your hand high   as your sign of saying Lord I surrender I  surrender to your love I surrender to your grace   I need your salvation today I don't want to keep  running away from you God I want to run with you   one two three let's raise that hand high thank  you I see hands going all over this room thank   you thank you thank you thank you thank you I  see hands going all over this room thank you   I'm going to ask you to do something bold right  now for those of you who lifted your hand or   who wanted to lift your hand but you just didn't  find the courage to do so when the team will sing   I'm going to ask you to come out of your seat  and stand here with me I want to pray with you   you can just begin to make your way out of your  seat as the team begins to sing you can come with   your friend come with your family member just  come just come come on come on come on church   we can applaud them this is the best decision  that people make is to give their life to Christ   it's to run to Christ instead of  running from God come on come on come on yes Lord I'm gonna wait for a few more moments if you're watching me on live stream comment below  I want to get saved I want to get right with God the presence of God is gonna wash you right now   his blood is gonna cleanse you right now just  receive his grace just surrender to him right now we are covered covered covered by your grace no matter what I've done no matter where I've been no matter how I fall you pick me up again you have removed my shame you take me as I am you call me justified now I am covered by your blood come on one more time I am covered  every hand raised come on church   if you are grateful that he washed you and  such were some of you and such were some   of us but it's been the grace of God it was  at this encounter at the altar it was this   encounter somewhere in your car in somebody's  house that the blood of Jesus washed you that   his Spirit gave you new life he revived you he  didn't give you religion he gave you a new heart   give him some praise right now give him  some worship right now lift up his name we are covered covered covered by your grace we are covered covered covered by your grace those of you who are here in the front I see a  lot of you God's presence is touching you you're   breaking down and it's the blood it's the love  of Jesus that is melting your heart it's the love   of Jesus that's taken away the stony heart the  religious heart the self-righteous maybe a sinful   heart a proud heart and is giving you a heart  of flesh right now I'm going to lead you in the   prayer but make no mistake no prayer can save you  only Jesus saves us we believe with our heart and   we confess with our mouth if you're watching us  on live stream pray this prayer with me say this   out loud with me say Lord Jesus I'm a sinner  please forgive me of all my sin and wash me   with your blood sanctify me justify me fill  me with your Spirit and use me for your glory   I surrender my whole life to you from this day  forward I want to follow you in Jesus's name Amen
Channel: Vlad Savchuk
Views: 7,264
Rating: 4.9230771 out of 5
Keywords: can a christian lose their salvation, salvation, christian, can a christian lose their salvation?, lose salvation, can christians lose their salvation?, can christians lose their salvation, can true christians lose their salvation, can a real christian lose their salvation, can a true christian lose their salvation, can christians have assurance of their salvation, can a christian lose their salvation debate, can a genuine christian lose their salvation
Id: 35atip5xGbA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 46sec (2866 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 07 2021
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