How to KNOW God's Will For Your Life!

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i think that every one of us wants to live  our life to know God's will for our life one of   the most asked questions is what should i do with  my life and it's not only with the young people   it's also with the adults you know what should i  do when it comes to my career if you're a single   person whom should i marry or should i you know  go to do this or go to that should i start my   business should i move from the city that i'm  living into this city should i switch to switch   to Hungry gen the answer is yes to that by the  way and so um should i do this or should i do   that a lot of people ask questions like this  and it's completely good and it's completely   healthy to do that and today i will shed some  light on this i believe this message will bring   freedom to some people who over complicate  God's will and under estimate God's ways God's will in God's way is whatever let me say  that again God's will in God's way is whatever in colossians chapter 3 it says  whatever you do do as unto the lord   so paul did not go into details on what you should  do he says whatever you do do as unto the lord   when apostle paul writes to widows whose husbands  passed away and he said this he says if you choose   to get remarried he doesn't give them six tests  he says you can marry anyone as long as it's in   the lord God's will is like the if you ever draw  on the highway that has five lanes so the highway   is God's way it's God's word God's will is the  lane you drive in so God is less concerned with   which lane you drive on he's more concerned on  which highway you are on if you are on God's way   God's will is whatever if you are driving to  seattle for example and you took the right highway   and you're calling the secretary of transportation  and say sir i would like to not miss my   destination in seattle would you tell me which  lane should i be driving on he will say whatever   no sir you don't understand i really would like  to be in the center of the will of the secretary   of transportation and he will say you are  wasting my time whatever god's will is whatever no but i want to know his perfect will  it's whatever psalm 1: 3 says this that   the righteous man verse 1 it says he doesn't  stand he doesn't sit he doesn't walk and then   he says he delights in the law of the lord day  and night he meditates in a day and night and   then he says he will be like a tree planted  by the rivers of living water and that he his   leaf will not wither he will bear fruit in his  season and it says this and whatever he does see we live in the generation today where you have  to make sure your career matches your Enneagram   make sure that your personality matches your  career choice make sure you're in the right in   the right past on the right seed and in the right  place and there's so much we have over complicated   the will of God in our life young people look as  like oh make sure the person i marry is the right   one the only one my friend no matter which one you  marry you're still gonna have to die to yourself   bible doesn't tell us should you marry  this this or that it says in the lord   god says as long as you are in the  highway of holiness whichever lane   you choose is completely up to you and god  says whatever that's my will is for your life   do whatever but should i be a teacher or a police  officer what do you want i don't know well that's   your problem that's not god's problem what do  you like god should i marry her or her or her   God's answer is you're gonna live  with them which one do you like but God i want you to choose from me and  God's gonna say i'm not gonna live with them   you will are they in christ are they on the  highway if it's in the highway of holiness   my friend whichever lane you take is going to be  blessed by god we over complicate the will of god   and we underestimate the importance  of walking in the ways of god   if you are in God's way God's  will for you is whatever amen   amen this was worth getting dressed up fighting  with your children and coming to church let's open our bible to first Samuel  and i'm going to based on this i want to   share a little bit about what the word of  God teaches us about doing what the occasion   demands first Samuel chapter 9 and verse 19 and  20. samuel answered Saul and said i am a seer   go up before me to the high place and you  shall eat with me today and tomorrow i will   let you go and will tell you what is on your  heart but as for your donkeys that were lost   three days ago do not be anxious about them for  they have been found a little background story   this is Saul is the first king that the nation  of Israel has had before that they had judges   and before that they had nobody Saul is  a son of Kish a very wealthy benjamite   from a tribe of benjamin saul is in charge  of donkeys he's running a donkey shop   he's overseeing make sure the donkeys are there  and all is well with them and few donkeys escaped   and saul is responsible to find them so he  and his servant is going looking for donkeys   he can't find them anywhere there is no tracker  gps they have not had those donkeys didn't get   666 implanted on them so there's no app you can  track them they don't have find me on the donkey   where you can track it on your phone he had to  search ask questions and then finally they came   to one place where the bible says there was a  prophet the seer and they came to that place   to ask the prophet for direction when they  came to the prophet the prophet met him and   the scripture says this he met them and he  says yeah i'm the guy you're looking for   tomorrow i will tell you what's on your heart  Samuel said by the way about the donkeys   they've been found so that that tells me  that the donkeys were not on saul's heart   otherwise he would have told  them about the donkeys tomorrow   the next day samuel told saul about kingdom  not about the donkeys the fact that he told   him about donkeys right away tells me that the  donkeys were on his mind but kingdom was in his   heart now put yourself in the in the in the life  of this young man's soul who is carrying a dream   and i think he's really conflicted inside because  part of his dream is i'm going to be a king   the other part of him says you're proud israel  has never had a king God will never allow that   this is against God one part says i'm gonna  be a king the other part says you're arrogant   and i really think he was conflicted and he  was hiding that's deep inside of his heart   he meets a prophet and the prophet says the  donkeys you're looking for that's taken care   of but what i really want to talk about is  what's inside of your heart if you're taking   notes write this down your purpose is greater  than your problem i think every person in this   room right now has donkeys on their mind wife no  she's not your donkey she is your precious jewel   but sometimes she can act like a donkey your  husband could beat that donkey meaning right   now your marriage is on your mind it's frictions  perhaps your finances it represents the donkey   something is missing there you're unsure if you  will still have a job next coming next few months   because people are being laid off perhaps right  now your donkey is the bills that you need to pay   and you're trying to pull ends meet in your life  perhaps to donkey right now is you're a single   person you like somebody and in fact you like two  people and you you're not trying to figure out who   you should go with this year whatever those things  are they're important to God they're important to   you but i want to tell you something that God sees  your destiny as more important than your donkeys   your donkeys might be on your mind but your  destiny there is a destiny buried deep inside   of your heart there is a calling that is inside  of you there is a purpose that is inside of you   and while we may come to God for our donkeys  if we stay with God he'll reveal the destiny   first thing i want you to write down under the  first point is when we turn our problems to God   he will give us his peace God doesn't always give  us solution at first he gives us his promise and   his promise carries peace his peace is almost like  a confirmation that that problem is being taken   care of already sometimes we don't appreciate  God's answers because we feel that God will just   pull it into his pocket and says oh donkey right  here oh you're single and you're lonely right here   let me give you a husband oh you you're struggling  financially let me give you a million dollars   we think when we come to God God will just give  us donkeys but god didn't give a donkey to Saul   he gave him a promise which brought peace  philippians 4 it says this that do not be   anxious about anything but in everything by prayer  thanksgiving with supplication let your requests   be known to God and the peace of God which  surpasses understanding will guard your heart   so what that tells me when i have  a problem while i need a quick   fix God usually however he works he says give me  the problem and in return i will give you peace   which will initiate the solution in your life  which will initiate the change in your life   somebody give God some praise right now for this  precious peace peace that passes understanding   meaning peace that doesn't make sense meaning  peace that you should not be having right now   peace that does not come from the miracle but  peace that comes from the presence of peace   the prince of peace Jesus Christ himself you need  God's peace and he says don't be anxious about   them because they've been found i really believe  that this year if you draw closer to God you will   see some of the things that are missing in your  life will be found in your life see there are   things that get stolen by the devil but there are  things we miss because of our incompetence because   of our mistakes because of us hurry living because  of our impatience because of our wrong decisions   we miss those things when you miss things or when  you lose things versus things being stolen are two   different things things that are being stolen you  have to look for a thief but when you are missing   for things you have to remember where you  lost them first and when you come back to   God he will bring back what's been stolen and  what's been missing somebody praise God right   now hallelujah thank you Jesus for your peace  and for your presence i want you to notice that   a prophet tells saul he says i want you to  dine with me tonight stay with me overnight   and tomorrow i'll tell you what's on your heart he  tells him right away the donkeys are taken care of   and saul doesn't run back home and say well i got  what i came for saul stays for dinner though the   problem is solved and saul stays overnight he  he gets an airbnb what do you call that airbnb   i haven't noticed i haven't stayed there  yet so he gets a hotel he gets a he gets a   hotel somewhere nearby he stays overnight and  the next morning God reveals to him something   that he did not come to God for if you're  taking notes write this down coming to the   lord may remove your anxiety staying with the  lord will reveal his assignment for your life   when i was a young insecure did not want to live  teenager and i started to come to the lord on a   regular basis he dealt with my insecurity but when  i stayed with the lord he revealed his purpose to   me you see i didn't come to have a calling i came  so i can make it i came because i didn't want to   live i came because i did not think my life has  any kind of purpose and i was a mistake i just   came so he can heal my wounds and my heart and  you know fix this whole thing that i had with my   body image and everything but as i stayed longer  with him he not only took care of the donkeys for   which i came for he also revealed his purpose  for which i didn't even think he had for me   my friend i want to tell you something don't leave  the lord where you find him continue with the lord   dine with the lord spend a night with the lord  take a year with the lord take a decade with the   lord because while coming to him can solve your  problem staying with him can reveal your purpose   coming to him can solve an anxiety staying  with him can unleash your assignment   coming to him can i can fix your issue but staying  with him can reveal something that he has for you   there is more to your life than finding donkeys  there is more to your life than fixing insecurity   there is more to your life than feeling happy  there is more to your life than finishing school   there is more to your life than paying down  college debt there is more to your life   than finding a husband and finding a wife  there is more to your life than getting a   boat a truck and a retirement fund there is  more to your life than finding your donkeys   God has a purpose God has an assignment  for you can somebody say amen   when i see in the bible many people came to  Jesus for a miracle and they left Jesus when   they got one but those that stayed with Jesus  became an extension of his mission on this earth   those that came to jesus experienced miracle  those that stayed with jesus became an extension   of his mission on this earth the lord doesn't  just want to bring a miracle he wants to make   you and i a part of his mission and then we become  the miracles for other people's lives and that's   what happened to saul he came for a donkey and i  find it interesting that the prophet almost like he didn't give him everything  at once he tested him   he wanted to see will he linger longer will he  stay even though his immediate temporary loud   problems are honestly been taken care of right  now will he go deeper after me and saul did   and the next day oil was poured out a word  was declared and life completely transformed   maybe you don't feel the reason to fast  this year because honestly you're doing good   unlike maybe you not in a comparison rightful  way but unlike maybe other brothers and sisters   your donkeys have been found but your destiny  hasn't been touched there is more to your life   than paying bills there is more to your life than  paying tithes God wants to use you in this year   spiritually my prayer is not that you will  live your best year that you will live your   most spiritual year this year my desire for you  is not that you will have your happiest year   but that you will have your holiest year  separated to god my prayer is not god enlarge   my influence but God expand my integrity  god deepened me in you god make my heart   healthier this year make my life holier not  before holier than thou but holy or before thou   before you lord that your my life brings brings  you pleasure brings you joy even if nobody will   notice it and nobody will know that's what this  is about it's easy to set goals this year nothing   wrong with goals my friends please understand the  lord is not concerned with your goals as you are   he's concerned with your growth let me  say that again goals focus on destination   growth focuses on the journey goals they  motivate you for the month of january   but growth matures you through february  march april june july and so on when you   reach your goal you hit a plateau but when  you are growth oriented person there is no   plateau there is a process of constantly becoming  more like Jesus that's why in Matthew 11 the last   few verses the lord says come to me if you  have anxiety heavy laden and burden he says   i will give you rest that's good but he says if  you stay with me if you take my yoke upon you   if you learn from me and watch this what jesus  did he did not say i'll teach you even my word   i'll teach you the bible i teach you miracles he  says i'll teach you my heart my topic my lesson   is going to be issue of the heart not your success  not your external things and he says and then you   will find rest for yourself Jesus is interested  in your growth this year more than your goals   every year i set goals for myself  half of those goals never get reached   it always happens i'm not a goal guy i  don't know if i set them wrong or something and   i get better studying those goals and God really  repositions my heart and he said Vlad you're not a   self-help student you're a spirit-filled disciple  your life is not wrapped about goals your life is   round growth i'm interested in your growth not  in your goals whether that book gets published   whether that debt gets paid off whether those  extra 20 pounds get lost whether those things   get straightened the way i see them whether those  check marks will be finished what matters is by   the end of the year that i'm a little bit  more like jesus than i were the year before   and if the goals were not reached but  i grew God is pleased come on amen somebody's saying my purpose is greater than  my current problems the second thing i want   you to notice is that our transformation  happens through community or through our   association i want you to notice this in first  Samuel chapter 10 it says then the spirit of   the lord will come upon you you will prophesy  with them and be turned into a different man   say it was to say this with me say  transformation will happen through my association   the lord did not change saul when Samuel  encountered him the lord postponed that change   you will be turned into a different  man when saul would be in the company   of prophets uh ak believers saints  Christians goals are good groups are better   your group the place who you are so who you  associate with have more influence on your future   than even your education your personality your  enneagram and your personal goals in fact the   scripture says in second timothy chapter 2 verse  22 flee youthful us pursue righteousness pursue   peace pursue love and then it says this thing with  those somebody say with with those meaning you   don't become pure in the vacuum you become pure  in the community if you struggle with your purity   bring your purity pursuit to a community  don't pursue purity alone join a life group   join a group go to a community where you  are around believers i believe satan has put   six feet distance between many  believers and other believers   he has orchestrated social distancing and  spiritual distancing among believers a lot   of people have been hurt by christians they  went to small groups they went to bible groups   they went to all kinds of things and they got  hurt and now they carry this thing into the next   because they got hurt by their ex by their past  by the things that happened before and now they're   saying i can't be in the group i can't be close  why because Christians are so and so in fact   some people went as far as saying i will not even  go to church why because i love God i just hate church it's like i love Vlad's  head i just hate his body stop decapitating Jesus theologically when  Jesus came to apostle Paul he said why   are you persecuting me he didn't say  why are you persecuting my church   saul wasn't persecuting Jesus Jesus was in heaven  but what saul was doing to the church imperfect   immature unstable still church he was doing  to Jesus my friend transformation happens in   the community now i understand some of you may be  visiting us for just first few weeks in just about   now or in a few weeks we're starting our life  groups again i would like to inspire and encourage   you if you want your vibe to change choose  your tribe whatever cloud that's following you   choose a different crowd that you associate  with if you want to change what comes on you   and what comes around you choose your different  surrounding i find that interesting that psalm 1   1 before the blessed man meditates in God's  scriptures and before his roots reach the   water before his leaves do not wither it talks  about the blessed man he doesn't do three things   he doesn't stay in he doesn't stand in the way  of sinners he doesn't walk in the way of sinners   he doesn't stand in the path and he doesn't sit  meaning he chooses his surroundings carefully   before he even gets in passionate pursuit of God's  word he chooses his crowd he chooses his stride   he chooses because that my friend will change  and transform you more than you realize why is   it important because your crowd has something  over you that a teacher your parent and even   a pastor will not have it's called influence  what is influence word influence has within it   three-letter word within influence called a  flu influence works like a flu you catch it how do you get covid it's not  because you went to university and   you heard a lesson for 45 minutes  about covid that oh you got covid   no you get covid by being around somebody who  has covid how do you catch influence how do   you catch the grace that saul caught prophecy he  was around people who prophesied how the disciples   do what they did it was very easy pharisees  said they've been with Jesus they talk like him   they act like him they they smell like him  that those they are not educated but bold   miracles follow them why because they've been with  jesus if you want to change your character this   year the bible says do not be deceived that bad  company corrupts good morals the opposite is also   true do not be deceived good company forms good  morals you want to change the way you live change   who you hang out with now i am not saying that  you walk away from your unbelieving friends   that's not what the lord called us to do he  wants us to live in this world but a lot of   us use our non-christian friends as an excuse for  evangelism but if you look back for the last six   months you're listening to their music they're  not listening to yours so who's evangelizing who do not use your love for the crowd that you are in   for evangelism if you are there because  you're lonely and looking for friends   a lot of us are looking for those friends but  your future will be decided by who you choose   to be your friends you're like you have a lot to  understand i mean this is all makes sense but you   don't understand i'm busy i don't have another  night to give to be with some group of people   plus i'm awkward i don't know these people and  everything endure pay the price so that you can   get i'm pretty sure Saul who hanged out around  donkeys didn't feel comfortable around prophets   they're like prophesy i see this and he's like and  then guess what happened saul stopped prophesying   if you hang out around people that are live holy  it will rub off on you you will catch it like   covid and i pray to God you'll never recover from  that holiness in Jesus name come on somebody amen say my purpose is bigger than my problems  say my transformation will happen   through my association and the last thing i want  us to share today is verse 7 of chapter 10 and let   it be when these signs come upon you that you will  do as the occasion demands for God is with you   so i want you to notice a few things is that  God calls saul he fills him with his spirit   but he doesn't tell him what to do i remember  when i got hired at the church at the age of   16 part time and then 17 right after high  school full time at the church and i asked   my uncle my pastor i said what should  i do and he said that's why i hired you   he said figure it out and i said like what  like when do i come he said figured it out   and for next few years i had to figure there  was no manual like right now we have employees   handbook we have you know sick days and you  know ask for days off and et cetera we had   absolutely nothing the manual was this  you have to meet with every pastor in town   and then learn what they do and choose  the best of what they do and duplicate it   that's what i had to do for many many years when  God calls Saul into kingdom though there were some   certain rules in the book of law of moses saul did  not know what to do god didn't give him directions   God didn't give him three steps to do this five  steps to do that and i find that interesting   because God doesn't need to give you directions  if he gave you the driver the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit came upon  Saul directions would follow   if you need to get to a perfect for example  if you need to get to somebody's house   and the owner of that house is in your car  you don't need directions to that house   you got a driver in that house the only  thing you have to be careful not to do   is to put that owner in the trunk make sure  that that owner is behind the driver's seat   my friend sometimes God will not give  you specific direction for this year   what you should do how you should do it it will  feel like you're driving blind if you have the   holy spirit the holy spirit will guide your life  and holy spirit does not operate by five-year plan   five-month plan sometimes holy spirit moves as he  wills like a wind i am not saying this gives us an   excuse not to have a plan this gives us a reason  not to have goals but we as christians are first   and foremost spirit filled not people who are  self-driven we are spirit driven that's why it's   okay if you walk into 2021 and you don't know what  the year will bring because if the holy spirit is   in charge of your life he will guide you those who  are led by the spirit of God are the children of   God the bible says that against such there is no  love but if we live by the spirit we will walk   in the spirit galatians chapter 5. if we have the  holy spirit he will guide us and he will lead us   some of the best things that happened in my life i  never planned for them in january i didn't foresee   them in december they simply just happened  and therefore my goal after many years of walking   in ministry and walking with the lord is not  necessarily that i don't miss my goals is that   i don't miss the holy spirit if he's with me if  i'm with him even if i don't know what i'm headed   even if i don't have some grand big plans i know  one thing he will never let me miss God's will   in my life he will connect me he will guide me  and he will open the right doors even if i don't   have the directions i have the driver i have the  spirit of the living God and he will guide me   and he will lead me and he will see the future  and he will get me there he will get you there   as well if you don't have directions it's okay  if you have the driver that's all that matters   the second thing i would like to highlight for  you about this is sometimes god doesn't speak   with his voice because he  expects us to read the signs saul   was given three signs and the prophet  said this when you see these three signs   do whatever your hand finds to do sign number one  you will hear men saying your donkeys were found   sign number two people will give you two  loaves of bread and sign number three you   will come to a group of prophets and you will  prophesy when these three signs are fulfilled   samuel says this to saul do what the occasion  demands if you don't hear God's clear audible   voice if you don't hear God's voice in the dream  in the prophecy if you don't hear God's voice   that seven green lights didn't  turn green on your way to work   if you did not hear some kind of a clear-cut  scripture jumped out when you just flipped it open   randomly and that didn't make it clear for you if  God didn't speak hourly he put signs in front of   you he expects you and i to read i remember when  i was already having a relationship with my wife   we were dating or courting and i was  waiting for that voice from God clear cut   she is your wife do not be afraid my son to take  mary as your wife or behold she will give birth to   little Vladimir i was hoping that since joseph  wasn't a pastor and God spoke to him through   an angel i said lord i'm not to brag or anything  but i my qualifications will just just one percent   higher i don't care if you don't send me gabriel  send me one of the loser angels from heaven one   of like the the janitor angels like maybe the  ones who you don't even like those angels like   they don't jimmy show up to your presence within  closest send me the little one the tiny one well   one without wings send them to me lord i don't  care if they come during the night they can come   during the day they can scare me they can beat  me if they want to but God just if you did it   for joseph why can't you do it for me you know and  i even fasted i was very close to start going to   prophets and you know put the little like a like  like a little gamble like apostles did with the   cast a lot and just bring two lots like i heard  some young men do it i've really wanted God's   confirmation and honest i'll be honest with you  i didn't hear i heard nothing but honestly God   expects me to read the signs if i can't hear  the voice and sometimes the signs are there like   one sign that you have is called the scripture  scripture says you can marry anyone in the lord   go for it the other sign is called seasoned  believers the advice of the council of the of   the christians your parents or your trusted  mentor the other sign is called your spirit   where only so you just have peace or we call it  you know your gut you just have peace there the   spirit of them of man is the lamp of the  lord and the other sign is common sense   and i remember this thing where i  realized i'm like i am on the highway   i'm headed to the right place i'm on the highway  of God and here i am calling a secretary of   transportation to figure out should i switch  lanes or not just go do it I really felt like the   lord put on my heart he says do you like her  yes is she a believer yes is she opposite sex   yes what do your parents say they like her  pastor yes what do you feel i like her a lot son   what are you waiting for go for it which part  of go you don't understand G or O just go if you can't hear read the signs some  of us hear voices that are not from God   because God's voice will  never contradict God's sign if the sign says wrong direction but the voice  says right direction don't listen to the voice   listen to the word because  God's word never contradicts   God's voice the voice you're hearing  i don't know it could be lack of sleep   it could be some kind of thing that you took  somebody maybe spiked your drink or something   it could be honestly the enemy's voice  it could be what you want to hear   but be careful to follow a voice that contradicts  the word that's exactly what joseph prince started   mormonism that's exactly how muhammad started  islam he heard a voice and rejected the sign   follow the sign take a left turn on the sign  take a right turn on the sign learn to be a   spirit-filled believer who reads the signs and  the signs of your time properly as well not only   the sign of God's word not only the sign advice of  the believers not only the sign of your spiritual   intuition but also the sign of the times the  sign of your season the season that you are in if   you're in middle school you don't have to hear a  prophet to know it's not your time to get married yeah it's very simple common sense follow  the season the sign that you are in this the   the sign of that season and the bible says  this when you see the sign do what your hand   can do do what the occasion demands so  many things in my personal life i have not   done because i felt called because i needed to be  done there was nobody else there or because there   was a need needed to be done did i feel qualified  nope that i feel prepared nope was there like   somehow it connected me to my future destiny  no it just needed to be done we need to get   away from this thing where we are obsessed  with not missing quote unquote our calling   sometimes you just need to do what needs  to be done if you're filled with holy   spirit you'll never miss God's calling  if you do what needs to be done that's it   if they need help at kids ministry  trust me you will never offend God   by teaching children about God if they need help if the church needs help with  prayer if we if we're doing the fast you'll never   miss God by following God's word you'll never miss  God by staying simple and obeying simple gospel   oh but i don't know if God wants me to have a  life group of course he does go win make disciples   there's nothing wrong with having but i just don't  know if this is what God really wants me to do   is to tell others about Jesus he said it  very clearly that's what he wants you to do   you don't need another sign from the lord this  year i always lived with that my pastor when   he would tell me you need to preach awesome we  need to preach and then i went and prayed and   fasted for God to confirm that but honestly  if that needs to be done it needs to be done   do what the occasion demands sometimes your life  changes you know you have children now you're not   able to do what you were able to do before do what  the occasion demands if you're filled with the   holy spirit do not obsess or fret over the details  of the direction of God for your life do what the   season demands you know mighty men of God Bryson  he was an intern director for five years you know   he saw this will be for the rest of his life but  the occasion changed and so when bryson walked   away from being a director of internship he didn't  walk away from ministry he just walked away from   a particular occasion and now he's in a different  occasion but he's still serving God the same way   pastor Martin's wife Sylvia you know when they  had a third child and she was leading the kids   ministry which she still is and she was on a  full-time staff and now she needed to transition   out to be with her family she's not walking  away from her calling it's just this occasion   demands something different never get so attached  and addicted to your particular goals and your   particular thing when the occasion has changed  your season has changed your children notice it   your mama told you about it your teacher everybody  says what are you doing oh no i'm just addicted to   this thing you're gonna miss God's will because  you're not doing what the occasion demands   when you're filled with the spirit of God  when you're walking in the paths of God   do what the occasion demands do what your hand  can do if your hand cannot lift that anymore   lift something else but do that God's ability  in you is activated through your action   don't compare yourself to your previous season  don't compare yourself to your dream season   don't compare yourself to your neighbors season  don't compare yourself to your previous season   do what the occasion demands do what your hand  can do whatever you do do is unto the lord   and the righteous man planted like a  tree whatever he does he will prosper   when the city connects electricity to your  house you don't call the city manager every   single time you want to connect a dishwasher and  say sir is it okay if i connect a phone charger   i know the outlet you connected is very   the electricity is very precious it's a power   i don't want to be disrespectful to this  power is it okay if i connect a microwave   a city manager will say could you please stop  calling me about these things we connected the   electricity you know what whatever you connect  to those outlets is it's up to you i just don't   want to break any laws you will break laws if  you keep calling do what the occasion demands what is God's word for you this year if you  don't have a plan you don't have a clear picture   be filled with holy spirit and do what the  occasion demands you'll never miss God's wealth   God's will is in God's way whatever! Let's rise to our feet
Channel: Vlad Savchuk
Views: 43,854
Rating: 4.9465928 out of 5
Keywords: god's will, how to know the will of god, how to know god's will for your life, how to know god's will, how to know gods will, god's will for my life, how to know what god wants you to do, how to know god's will day by day jesus ministries, how do you know god's will, how to know gods will for your life, gods will, how can i know god's will for my life, the desire to know god’s will, how can i know god's will jefferson bethke, will, what is god's will, how to find gods will
Id: ja8Tgg-Uu0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 58sec (2518 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 25 2021
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