Spiritual Warfare in Finances

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spiritual warfare in your finances or breaking  financial curses and strongholds spiritual warfare   in finances i believe that this world  that i live in you live in is spiritual   and everything that happens  in this world has a spiritual   power behind it spiritual world created the world  that we see therefore our basis of understanding   everything we see has to come from our  understanding of the world we don't see   there's a spiritual world God is a spirit i  believe that there is light and there is darkness   there is God and there is satan we believe there  is kingdom of darkness there is the kingdom of   light we believe there is a blessing and there  is a curse there is hell and there is heaven   if you don't start from that point of view to look  at anything in your life you are missing a most   important part in dealing with whatever you're  dealing whether it's in marriage like we did   spiritual warfare in marriage whether it's in  your health whether it's in your finances and so   how does spiritual warfare affect my finances if  you've been going through a spiritual warfare in   the area of your finances maybe stress worry fear  some lack shortage and attack on your finances i   want you to drop number one right now in the chat  if you're saying you know what i've been in this   season i feel like there's been a warfare on my  finances and i am excited to be equipped today   and so if you feel like there's been a warfare in  your finances in the area of your finances drop   number one in the chat right now i just want to  see if there's anybody else that is going through   this or this is just a topic that is going to  help somebody else who will be watching even if   you're re-watching drop number one if you feel  like hey this has been there's been a spiritual   warfare on my finances there's been these attacks  on my finances i've been struggling maybe you are   you're without a job right now maybe you are  you just got laid off or maybe certain things   financially just even though the attack maybe  came on your health but it's hitting your finances   we must understand though i don't believe in  the demon of poverty i believe that there is   a curse of poverty that exists in this world  because we see that from the first beginning   when i released the e-course on curses today  i dealt with that more in that e-course that   disobedience to God released the curse and  where that curse hid it cursed it brought   attack or that curse hit the ground the workplace  the bible says in sweat you will make your bread   or you will begin to achieve pay your bills  through sweat and that was part of the curse   that came on the ground so it's possible my friend  that the spiritual world can affect your finances   in fact it says in Proverbs 10 verse 22  the blessing of the lord makes one rich   and he adds no sorrow with it if there is a  blessing of the lord that means that there   could be a curse you can't have a blessing  if there is no existence of curses for those   people who say curses don't exist anymore all  of that is just a fabrication of charismaniacs   i want to tell you that's not true because in  revelation it says at the end when Jesus will take   the proper place as the king of the earth there  will be no more suffering there will be no more   pain and then there will be no more curses at that  time that time is not now Jesus rules in our heart   we are still in a place where curses exist  and the bible says the blessing of the lord   adds makes one rich so the blessing of the lord  is not riches but the blessing of the lord is   a spiritual empowerment for expansion come on  drop that in the chat the blessing of the lord   is the spiritual empowerment for expansion  the blessing of the lord makes one rich   so if the blessing can spiritually empower you to  expand then the curses can spiritually cripple you   to shrink wither die away decay and go backwards  the blessing empowers you spiritually to expand   the curses they cripple your ability  to move forward it's like a dark cloud   that chases follows a person in the area of  their finances and i don't have to honestly   today convince you of that because we see that  all over today in our own life we can see that   in people's lives where a person takes one step  forward three steps backwards in their finances   and it's it's easy to blame the economy it's easy  to blame the place you live and it's easy to blame   like well i live in the third world country and a  lot of you you watch me from the places where it's   not necessarily economically prosperous as it is  in the United States but in here it does not say   the blessing of the lord makes one rich in America  it says the blessing of the lord makes one rich   and it adds no sorrow with it the blessing is an  empowerment for expansion it's a spiritual force   behind you that's pushing you propelling you  forward before God told Adam to be fruitful and   multiply God blessed adam before God told Noah  to be fruitful and multiply God blessed why did   he bless did he give him things no did he give him  houses no he gave him spiritual empowerment before   God told Abraham to multiply he blessed them  blessing i would bless you God said to Abraham   why because you cannot expand you cannot  advance you cannot move forward you cannot excel   if in the realm of the spirit you are bound you  have to be empowered and the word blessing is   empowerment please hear me loud and clear blessing  is not cars blessing is not houses and vacations   blessing is not fat retirement checks blessing  is not none of those things they could bring   blessing could bring them but blessing is  not it blessing is a spiritual empowerment   for expansion advancement and for going  forward the same thing happened with   with Jacob God bless Jacob same thing happened  with Mary God blessed Mary same thing happened   with bread Jesus blessed bread and it  multiplied everything that God blesses   multiplies advances expands moves forward please  hear me the focus is not the physical the focus is   the spiritual and maybe you're watching and you're  like yeah i get it that's really cool but Vlad you   know this doesn't apply to us because we're in  the new testament well in the new testament the   attitude beatitudes Jesus says blessed are you  who hunger blessed are you he's not talking   about stuff he's talking about a spiritual  empowerment that's going to accompany a person   that carries a blessing of God upon  their life curses on the other hand   is the spiritual crippling like a chain that holds  you back from going where you're supposed to go   from going where you want to go from going  where god called you to go something is   holding you back you feel it you sense it and  i believe that God wants to break that today   i believe that God wants to break every chain that  holds a person crippled and limited in the area   of their finances maybe it's you i want to  encourage you today i want to pray with you   today and i want to share practically also and  what you can do practically to begin to come back   and win in the realm of the spirit that will  eventually manifest in the area of your finances   now having money doesn't make you blessed any  more than having five dollars does not make you   Jeff Bezos okay Jeff Bezos has five dollars  but having five dollars doesn't make you him   and so a lot of people have stuff they just don't  have blessing blessing of God can get you stuff   but blessing of God is not stuff blessing of  God is divine empowerment for expansion prodigal   son had money but he had no blessing Jacob had  no money but he had blessing when he wrestled   with his first of all he got it from his father  from his brother then he got it from his father   this through deception and then he finally got  it from the lord Jabez asked God for a blessing   he wasn't asking God for things he was  asking God for a spiritual empowerment   and so from the beginning i want to mention  stop asking for things ask God for the blessing   stop asking God for materialism for material  things ask God for the blessing that's normal   to ask God for the blessing the bible says  that i said before your blessing or curses   i want you to choose blessing i said before  your life or death i want you to choose life   as a christian my pursuit is not i want to be  rich i want to be blessed and blessed looks   different for me than it will look for you blessed  looks different here than it looks in america   in other countries bless looks different  now than it looked two thousand years ago   but it has one common thing in every  situation is divine empowerment for expansion   divine empowerment to fulfill God's purpose in  my life that's what blessing is God provides   whatever he needs whatever you need to fulfill  whatever he called you to do and he breaks every   hindrance that stops you from doing that with that  said financial problems can have spiritual roots   we see David in 2nd Samuel 21 1 it says there was  a famine in the days of David for a few years and   this famine was not a climate problem this  was not a weather problem this was spiritual   it wasn't david's sin that caused this climate  problem this famine problem it was the sin of   his previous king Saul who broke the covenant  with gibeonites and it provoked God's judgment   discipline and famine came as a result of that  many financial problems that people are facing   could have their roots in generational iniquities  in the area of finances when people took finances   and offered them to witchcraft when people  took finances and offered them to witch doctors   when people tried to use good luck charms to  attract money when people deceived financially   when like Judas they stole financially Judas got  demons we see no other sin in Judas's life except   stealing that led to betraying Jesus but this  open door to demonic we see that Ananias lied   about the amount of money that he sold his  house house for and the bible says that satan   failed Ananya's heart to lie in the area of  finances we see that the servant of prophet   he lied to his master to his prophet about the  money that Naaman was offering and because of that   leprosy came upon his life we see achan brought a  curse upon his family destroyed his family utterly   as well as brought defeat on the nation of israel  through what through financial misdealings these   iniquities these sins in the area of finances  they provoked God's judgment God's discipline i   could say they take the protection of God off  of our life and they allow the enemy to run   rampant and instead of living under a blessing  we can live under a financial curse this does not   mean that every person that struggles financially  is cursed and i'm going to explain that in just a   moment but if there are financial sins you've  committed of stealing shedding financial blood   where you sold something to someone it was broken  and you knew it and you got the top dollar for it   but you ruined somebody's life through that when  you cut corners financially when you maybe uh   through burglary through robbery through  shoplifting or other things you deprived other   people of what was theirs the bible says through  that we can experience demonic attacks because   we are operating in the nature and character of  satan himself who is the thief and the killer   as well as when we're not generous when we are  greedy the bible says in Malachi that it can   open bring a curse God says you are cursed with a  curse when people are not generous i know so many   people could fight over the whole tiding thing  and it's like oh should we tie it should we not   let's put that aside for a moment okay we know one  thing Jesus was extremely generous our God is very   generous and for a christian you can be poor but  you cannot be stingy when as a christian you're   stingy when as a christian you're not helping the  poor when as a christian you see somebody who has   huge need i'm not talking about somebody spamming  you on facebook or instagram and honestly you   can't verify if they really have an orphanage or  not i'm not talking about that i'm talking about   your brother or your sister whom you see the bible  says okay people on instagram i am sorry for those   of you on instagram who are spamming me with all  kinds of orphanages and everything i can see you   and i don't know your photos if they're true or  not but the bible is holding me accountable about   the poor people i can see within my church within  my city within my street when i hear of somebody   losing the loved ones when i hear of somebody  they cannot make ends meet and i am not open in   my heart to help that person and i have the means  the bible says that God is not pleased with that   that kind of a lifestyle can provoke and draw the  discipline of God and a person can live under a   curse aah Vlad really just like that just like that  why because the heart of God is to be generous the   heart of God is to help the poor the heart of  God is to help others and the heart of the enemy   is not to help anybody the harp the heart  of the enemy is to steal kill and destroy   and when we do that we operate under the  character and the nature of the enemy   the world is spiritual and a lot of our  financial problems have spiritual roots   a lot of these financial curses are  generational and they operate through lies   lies about money that we believe  love of money that we have and certain losses we experience and so what i  want to talk about today is first of all i   want to break the lies about the enemy about  the money i'm sorry i want to break the lies   that we might have concerning money lies  they have to be broken before we can break   generational curses of poverty a few lies one of  them is that poverty is good and wealth is bad   this is a lie because poverty is not good and  wealth is neutral money is neutral money is   like a knife you can cut bread with it  or you can stab somebody in the heart   that's what money is money is not  necessarily spiritual in themselves   money take on the form of the person who uses it  if a christian has money they'll use that money to   help other people they'll use that money to pay  their bills they'll use that money to buy nice   things for their children put their children  to college they will support building projects   christians they will support missionaries and  they will do things with their money that is noble   if a drug dealer has money he's going to buy drugs  if a pimp has money he's going to traffic women   and use them for prostitution if people who don't  serve God have money they're going to support   bad causes so money is not evil or good it's all  about who uses it and so people who grow up a lot   of times with all kinds of preconceived or wrong  ideas they say well money is the root of all evil   that's not true the bible says the love of  money is the root of all evil some people   say you know God is against money not really true  the reason bible condemns money is three reasons   it's because of love for it because we're supposed  to love God and love people not love money we're   supposed to use money but not love money so  bible condemns money because people love it   secondly is because of trust in it and we're  called to trust in God not in money and thirdly   is because of wrong way of obtaining money so when  we rip people off when we steal guess what happens   God says i don't like that and because of that he  condemns the finances so that's the three reasons   why money is condemned in the bible it's  not because of money it's because of love   trust and wrong use of finances now another lie  that i want to mention is the lie about poverty   not all poverty is the same okay not all  poverty is bad there are i see there's four   types of poverty the first type of poverty is an  attack it's when honestly the devil attacks you   and we see that happen with Job Job lost  everything it wasn't because God took him   you may say well Job said God took him come  on we read the story God didn't take anything   satan came and stole it so poverty could be  as a result of an attack satan is a thief   the second version or second type of poverty is  the poverty as an affliction and affliction is   when you're going through a difficult time in your  finances the bible says many are the afflictions   of the righteous it's when the rain falls on  the righteous and the wicked meaning when bad   economy inflation or you know market crashes or  you know everybody gets laid off pandemic happens   and it's an affliction everyone comes under it  but not everyone lives you know the same way some   people trust in God come out of it better than  they were before and some people just get stuck   get bitter and then they you know they can become  even homeless and they can just completely give up   and some even end their life so an affliction and  that's a test honestly that's a test to your faith   in affliction you don't go rebuking the devil you  just have to endure and be trustworthy excuse me   number three is poverty as an act of love act  of love yes the bible says Jesus became poor   that we will be enriched through  his poverty Jesus chose to be poor   he left heaven his poverty started with being  born on earth he was born to peasants he was born   to poor people he was born not in a nice place he  was born in a manger he eventually you know lived   a very humble life and then he died on a cross and  they stripped even his clothes from him he didn't   do that because he was cursed he didn't do that  because there was a demonic attack on his life   he did that because he chose to willfully  surrender everything for the cause of other people   and people do that all the time where people  choose they could have a lot of money but   they choose to give a lot and it does not  look like they are wealthy or successful   in the eyes of the world but they choose to live  a way of poverty not because they're lazy not   because they're not working in fact they do have  money it's just they're supporting the kingdom of   God they're helping other people and thus they're  not necessarily prosperous or wealthy by choice   of giving their life and their resources  for the things of God and i think that's   the poverty everyone should desire you know the  poverty in the spirit and the poverty where you   choose through the act of generosity i remember  when me and my wife we gave two two of our cars   within an amount of two months and we had 140  dollars in our account and you know in the United   states for 140 and we have no transportation  you know it was a very difficult situation   but you know we were poor very poor we chose that  poverty the devil didn't took those cars away   the enemy didn't steal anything it wasn't an  affliction the economy didn't wipe those cars   away we chose to give them away and we end up in  a very difficult place by choice and have you ever   had that place have you ever had that done to  you where by choice you end up in a difficult   place financially i am not in any way encouraging  anybody to start getting ideas right now to empty   their account or give everything that they have  but a lot of christians lived like that a lot of   christians in the book of acts lived like that  it's a scary thought for us very scary thought   like for us people in the United states or western  countries like when i'm talking to you it makes   you feel uncomfortable you're like man where is  his catch what is where is he gonna go with this   i'm gonna go with one place to this is Jesus lived  like that and when we experimented that and it was   painful and i'm like man this sucks this is not  easy you know like where you are in need and you   made yourself like that because you decided to  help somebody else but then i'm reflecting on   book of Acts how disciples lived i'm reflecting  on the church fathers i'm reflecting on other   people who would share i'm reflecting on the widow  who gave her last and Jesus complimented her and   he didn't call her man she's so not  wise she's not following the budget and   and you know this poverty is a good poverty  and i think that to some degree we all should   strive one day to experience that maybe not for  whole life but for a season live in such a way   where not where you're not working okay but i'm  talking about where you are giving in such a way   that you are poor i think that's how jesus lived  and i think that it's good to live like that   and uh maybe not for whole life but for a season  definitely that's a good poverty the other type   of poverty is a poverty as a result of misuse  of finances and it's when you know we gamble   invest into things that are not good uh maybe you  know for those of you who trade you you get your   emotions get involved in your trading and you you  lose every common sense or maybe you pull out you   know money that we're supposed to pay your bills  and you throw into something that turns out to be   a scam or perhaps you're very impatient or you're  trying to keep up with the joneses trying to buy   the newest latest greatest thing and you know  you're buying things with money you don't have   to impress people you don't even like you  know and and buying things you don't even   need and so then you end up very poor not  because it's God's will not because it's God   is testing you it's just because you're a little  bit stupid lazy foolish the bible calls it foolish   okay where we are foolish lazy and we can end up  in poverty as well so not all poverty is the same   it is foolish to look at somebody who's struggling  and say oh they must have a curse on their life   or look at somebody who's struggling and say oh  God must be testing because everyone's situation   is different Jesus was on the cross he was not the  only one on the cross there were two other guys   Jesus was there because he honored God two other  guys were there because they disobeyed God so you   can be in the same situation for different reasons  Joseph was in prison because he was he was pure   other guys were in prison because they were  transgressors Samson went to prison and grinded   and went in circles because samson was impure so  you can be in the same situation but for different   reasons so that's why it's very very wise to go to  the Holy spirit say Holy spirit what is happening   you know am i a good worker is there something  in my mind that needs to be addressed is there   something in my generation that's following me  that we constantly have lack we constantly have   shortage like am i a spender am i a person who is  emotional spender am i a person who lives in fear   am i a person who have allowed a curse on my  finances because i stole before and i did not   deal with those sins so you need to explore those  things and then God will begin to break curses   over your life i have seen  this happen to so many people   the teaching that i would teach in the next few  minutes right now the teaching that i'm going to   share with you practical parts on how to do that i  believe it can change your life i truly believe in   that guys what i'm going to share with you every  bit of it i tested it on my own skin day after   day year after year and i live it and i can stand  by it i've seen it work in other people's lives   okay but it's not a gimmick it's not what  you're thinking it's not get quick rich it's not   get out of debt in five months sow one thousand  seed and you're gonna see a breakthrough now if   god tells you that go for it he's not telling me  that and that's not what i'm gonna share with you   personally i am not for that kind of stuff that's  not my that's not how i roll uh when it comes to   sowing and all of a sudden that is not my my take  on that but i want to share with you practical   few steps on how to overcome and break this  financial curse on your life remember there's   a warfare for your finances why because  whoever gets your finances gets your worship   spiritual warfare is on the finances because  there is a war on worship in Matthew 6   23 24 it says no one can serve two masters for  either he will hate the one and love the other   or or else he will be loyal to the one and  despise the other you cannot serve God and mammon   my friend there is a war on your money because  your money speaks a lot about who you worship   because there is a war on worship satan might not  make you worship him but he's not interested in   that he's not trying to make you into a satanist  he could be okay if he could simply make you into   someone who is materialist someone who  is who fell for deceitfulness of riches   someone who is choked by the cares of this life  someone who fell for trusting in riches someone   who fell for love of money if you fall into  that trap satan does not have to make you into   a satanist Jesus didn't say you cannot serve God  and satan he says you cannot serve God and mammon   you cannot serve God and wealth you cannot serve  God and riches you cannot serve God and money   God is not after our money like when  the lord started dealing with me about   generosity i was always a tither my parents  taught me to tithe from beginning they didn't   give me a bible verse they just told me vlad  and the church i went to actually never taught   on tithing the church i grew up did not believe  in tithing my parents did so they taught me the   way they grew up and they said Vlad we need God's  help and the way we're gonna do in this family   is we will honor God and my parents are both in  the chat we will tithe we will prioritize God   and i've seen god bless my family so i just  continued that it's like a ritual it's a family   tradition and and i just continued to do that and  my dad even made my brother died when he was not a   christian my brother was like doing drugs  at one time and my dad made him tight   he's like you're gonna have to tie it and my  brother's like i can't afford it he's like well   when you start tiding then you won't  have money for drugs then you'll quit   using drugs and actually in two months  after that my brother stopped using drugs   and so that's how my dad grew up he taught us on  that but i was not generous i was stingy guy my   wife can testify you guys can ask my wife she can  testify i was a very frugal very tight stingy guy   and i always lacked i didn't have enough i worked  at the church and so there was not enough and i   gave explanation for that and i remember when  the Holy spirit started dealing with me about   giving you know large portions or particular  possessions away to other people man it hurt   my heart i fought with it and you know i came  to this realization now about seven years   into it God was never after my possessions he  wanted to be my obsession let me say that again   materialism is not about possessions  it's about your obsession   generosity it's not about God hating or wants  to take things away from you he wants to have   you and a lot of times these things they  creep so deeply into our soul into our heart   that the only way God can detach us from that  is through the act of giving you can't defeat   greed without generosity and something dies in  you at that time something hurts inside of you at   the time because and your heart begins to change  you know you can pray say lord move my heart more   toward you but until your treasure moves more  toward God your heart cannot move toward God   i shared the story many times some of you  heard the story of me sharing it before   when i was trying to get married to my wife  at the time she wasn't my wife i just met   her she was my well actually i met her only one  time and then i broke up with her the next day   okay not a good idea but there's a story behind it  watch my how to biblically date video and you'll   hear a little bit more explanation we're  going into a 21-day fast it was a year to   2010 so uh 11 years ago we're going in a  21-day fast and during this 21-day fast   it's so amazing God is moving so wonderful i  already have been saving to get married for   a while okay so i have some money saved up so  that i could propose and get married to a girl   but this relationship with Lana did not work out  but i had the money already and so i think on   about the second week of the fasting i feel this  strong conviction for the first time in my life   up to this point i've never had this before  to take a large portion of my savings account   and pray who to give to who to help financially  and of course when you're fasting you know you're   like yeah i would love to do that praise  god i'm going to give you anything lord   and because you're already like you know going  crazy after God and so um but i've wrestled with   it for a little bit and the Lord spoke to me and  he says your fasting doesn't move your heart as   much as you're giving and he says i want to  move your heart toward my kingdom but your   heart is attached to your savings account  he says i want you to take this portion   and give away i said lord i'm going to die a  million deaths he says that's the whole point   i want to have your heart completely i don't want  your heart to be attached to your savings account   and i said what lord what about my marriage he's  like i'm gonna help your marriage look it's been   three years you've been trying to get married and  you still can't it seems like you can't find the   right person you can't fall in love this person  is not right for you this person is not right for   you he's like money cannot get you married he's  like i will help you to find the right spouse   i took this portion i remember i helped  a few people bought few furniture   places went to a few homeless shelters wrote the  check uh prayed also looked on Sunday morning   it was such a beautiful experience i've never  had this before after this point imagine coming   to church and you know and you have let's say  three thousand dollars and you're praying lord   whom can i bless today lord who is going through  and believing to pay their rent could you guide me   could you give me that and make me a blessing to  somebody it's completely different prayer then   lord bless me bless me bless me you're saying lord  make me a blessing it's a completely different   prayer than saying lord give me miracle give me  a miracle to the lord make me a miracle and i   remember when i gave to those people man it was  so incredible people were like oh my God i can't   believe this is exactly what i was praying for  thank you it was so beautiful but honestly like   my heart after that it detached it detached from  that savings account a few weeks later you know   i really fell in love with Lana and proposed few  months later and then we were married when we were   married after our wedding day i did the budget  and i found out that i was not one dollar in   debt and you know we bought all the furniture the  ring the honeymoon and please understand you know   i worked at the church and i work at the church  so you know i received a very humble pay but um   and you know my wife had a very expensive taste  okay for those of you who know my wife you know   she likes nice things and so um so she had  everything that she wanted almost everything   that she wanted and it was all paid for i don't  know where the money came from it just it just   happened it just came and it was just such a  great blessing from God and that God taught me   at the time that i am after your worship i am  after your affection i'm after your obsession   i'm not after your possessions i don't care about  you having a lot of money or not having money i   just care about you and when i see your heart  begins to worship that thing when i see your   heart begins to check that thing too many times  when i see your heart begins to obsess with that   then i am going to ask you to put it on the altar  and it's not just about money it could be about   anything because i want your heart God is not  after your money he's after your heart there's   a war for your heart that's why there's a warfare  going on in the area of finances okay now that i   laid the theological kind of a more of a  foundation let's dive in on some of the   practical ends i'm going to share with you toward  the end just eight transitions shifts must take   place if you want to move from curses to blessings  first one is you have to move from fear to faith   to move from curse to blessing you have to  move from fear to faith in the area of finances   the area of finances is the area where  a lot of people have a lot of fear   even if you have a job people sometimes live  with fear i will lose it i will not make it   for tomorrow some people save money because of  fear some people do not enjoy their life because   of fear some people do not enjoy the blessings  they have because they're afraid of losing them   some people they have fear but some people have  worry there's a difference between fear and worry   fear is what is predictable and imminent like it's  actually something bad is about to happen it's   like real worry is something that is in future  and might or might not happen okay fear is a   signal there is a danger worry is imaginary  scenario of a potential danger that could   and might not happen so worry is pretty much you  make things up in your head that's not even there   fear on the other hand you're not making  anything up like your boss gave you 30   days and the company is going under and so  you're afraid for your future and your fear   is not conjured up you didn't make that up  you actually have a reason for that fear   what i love the bible for is because you have God  in your life you have permission to be fearless   in Isaiah 41 verse 13 he says for i the lord your  God will hold your right hand saying to you fear   not i will help you every decision that you make  in the area of your finances you will either make   it out of a place of fear or out of a place of  faith blessings of God never operate in the arena   and place of fear they operate in the place of  faith if you want to operate in a spiritual curse   limitation restriction yield to fear  now you may feel fear you don't have to   feed fear you don't have to be led by fear  financially okay i see people who live in fear   and they're afraid to buy a cup of coffee because  they don't know if they're gonna make ends meet   they're constantly like so cringy with their  finances the man who saved his one talent and did   not multiply it he said i was afraid Adam who hid  from God said i was afraid my friend i'm talking   about a chronic fear that cripples your ability to  invest cripples your creativity to think of other   sources of income i'm talking about fear that says  no i can't write a book who will read it a fear   that will say i can't start a youtube who will  watch it a fear that will say i can't launch into   this photography business who will recruit me i  am nobody i'm no good the moment you yield to fear   you will stay in poverty and this poverty is not  going to be a poverty of choosing this poverty   will be inflicted to you by fear faith is not  reckless faith is acting as though God is with   you oh my God drop number one if you believe in  that God is with you in Isaiah the lord says i   am with you i will help you fear not faith is  acting as though God is real and he is with you he   will not abandon you he will not drop you halfway  that's what faith is faith is not taken on loans   faith is not going and buying things everything  on credit faith is not you know not living on your   budget faith is not just giving all of your money  away and just sitting you know by walmart with a   sign that's not faith faith is acting financially  like God is with you he's holding your hand   that's what faith is you cannot walk in spiritual  blessing in the area of finances if you live in   fear you may say but Vlad i'm a college student  Vlad we're a family we got children we got bills   it doesn't matter when Elijah came to the widow  who had her last meal and she was about to die   she lived out of fear fear was who she was and  Elijah looked at her and he said go and make that   meal but first give that to me and then the rest  of it you and your son eat he says and do not fear because this is not going to be your last meal and  when she did what God told her to do through that   prophet you know fear was gone and God's provision  came in every time you will see God's provision   in the area of your finances you will see first  God comforting you with his presence and saying   i got you you might not have overflow but you  will have enough you might not have milk and   honey but i will give you manna you might not have  12 baskets over but i will give you just enough in   the fish's mouth to pay your taxes i will take  care of you says the lord therefore do not fear   people who are not believers don't have the  luxury of not living in worry in fear because they   have no one else to depend but themselves as a  christian you have someone to depend this someone   is Jehovah Jireh this someone is Jehovah el  Shaddai this someone is the lord is my shepherd   i shall not lack he leads me besides green wa  distilled waters he makes me lay down at green   pastures he restores my soul he leads me in his  ways of righteousness for his name say come on if   the lord is your shepherd drop number one in the  chat right now if the lord is your Jehovah Jireh   drop number two in the chat if the lord is Jehovah  el Shaddai drop number three in the chat right now   just spam the chat let me know that you are  receiving and that you are moving from fear   to faith if you are watching i want you to also  click thumbs up to that video like subscribe   and then drop that in the chat make it public  internet digital confession i will not fear   i don't fear pandemic i don't fear losing my job  i might lose my job but i'm not afraid of that i   don't fear why because the lord is with me not  because i have a plan but because i have the   presence of God this is amazing praise God praise  you Jesus number two to move from generational   from the curses of financial poverty to the  blessings of God's provision number two is   you have to move from repentance to restitution  repentance from repentance to restitution what i   mean by that i am dealing right now specifically  when you have committed financial sin of stealing robbing lying about something that you gained  financially but somebody else got ripped off   if you are if you have ripped off somebody  financially you have to move from i'm sorry   to restitution now i understand some places  some people you can't make restitution because   those people you have no phone call contact  with them you have no connection to them   but you can still make some kind of a restitution  when Jesus came to Zacchaeus's life Zacchaeus was   a tax collector as tax collectors what  they did is they charged people above   what Rome charged for taxes and they kept  those money and Zacchaeus did that that's   what everybody did that was normal during that day  you ripped people off Zacchaeus ripped people off   when Jesus came to his house Zacchaeus did not  say oh lord i'm so sorry about all the widows all   the orphans all the fathers and mothers i ripped  off yeah i kind of feel really bad but you know   i'm just so glad you saved me amazing grace how  sweet the sound all is forgiven all is forgotten   thank you Jesus now i can take that vacation  with all the money i ripped off because now   it's sanctified the lord has sanctified it  baloney that's not what Zacchaeus did he   says half of my income i'm gonna give away and  he says everyone i cheated defrauded stole from   i will return them four times that day you would  have wished Zacchaeus told from you because   you would have got your investment four times  more i mean that's a huge return on investment   Zacchaeus start going to every person he cheated  he lied he took extra money from start pulling   his calculator multiply it by four multiplied by  four so he already gave half of his income and now   he's going through his list and remembering who he  lied to who he cheated and he says i need to make   it right and Jesus did not stop Zacchaeus and said  Zacchaeus no need um Zacchaeus you're forgiven   the grace covered it you know the blood covers  it all you know like just just keep it you know   make a generous donation to Jesus ministries  international you know like and you know and   that could be kind of be squared away no no no  Jesus says now salvation has come to your house   i really believe i'm a huge component i'm not  saying you need to you need to do it for salvation   true sign of repentance is not i'm sorry the true  sign of repentance is if you go to that store   out of which you stole that playstation and  you bring that money that the cost of that   playstation you go to that person to whom you sold  a car that had a broken engine and you knew it   but you told that person everything was fine  and you paid that person for that engine you   are you serious for that i am very serious right  now it's when you stop stealing and if you stole   don't just say i'm sorry because that sorry  is not going to help the person you ripped off   imagine you being in those shoes and somebody  sells you a really bad product and honestly takes   advantage of you financially will sorry  be enough no it doesn't change anything   if you are stealing you are cursed your finances  will be cursed even if you're gonna be rich you   will see mark my words that are coming out of my  mouth you will pay i've seen it happen with people   something hits them from the  side takes all the money away   and lends them in bankruptcy or sometimes  even in jail it's dangerous it is dangerous   to reflect the nature of lucifer satan and steel  and rip people off i know the temptation i had a   broken car somebody sold me a really bad car and  they told me that the car was good and the guy   just disappeared after that i know how it hurts  okay and i didn't curse that person i blessed that   i said God forgave him for that sin and everything  and when i was about to sell that car one time   you know i was so tempted to sell it the way  it is knowing it's broken and the spirit of God   convicted me he says don't do that he says  the person who did that he's going to pay   but i'm like God nobody's going to  buy it if i'm going to tell them   the truth that this car has this  broken this broken and this broken   he said God it's better to lose money but not  lose integrity and i remember it like yesterday   i lowered the price down and nobody was even  mentioned for a few months i couldn't sell the car   and i went to the shop i fixed what everything  that was broken it cost me an arm and a leg   but then when i sold it i raised the price higher  and i sold it with integrity with peace when i   told the owner i said this is what  was wrong this is how i got the car   this is what i fixed this is what we see  this is the known problems that i've known   and with the clear conscience with the pure heart  and integrity you know when i made that sale then   there was a purity here there's a confidence there  God blesses that if you have done something where   you have defrauded you have ripped somebody off  please God cannot bless you if you're sticking i'm   sorry you have to create some kind of retribution  uh the restitution you have to bring back you may   say but i don't know who that person is then make  that donation to some kind of a ministry give   that to some someone in need do something to make  that restitution do not think it will go unchecked   God is very very careful about these things okay  because it's actually spilling financial blood   when you're ripping somebody off stealing from  somebody this applies to your work as well when   you come in late and leave early when you do your  job sloppingly you're taking advantage of your   business when you're going to the mall and you  take things that are not yours you're shoplifting   when you're downloading things that are not free  you're not paying for them and you may say well   i'm poor it doesn't mean you need to be a criminal  it's illegal you must say well i'm downloading   movies you shouldn't be watching them in the first  place you can't do that God cannot bless mess   God cannot bless as long as you're  living like the devil and a lot of people   like and you they get to get offended when i talk  about like this because they're like well Vlad   you're into legalism i'm not into legalism there  are spiritual laws in the spiritual world and when   we cross them we get shot our finances suffer  sooner or later we have to live with integrity   in our ministry we have to live in integrity  in our finances we have to live in integrity   when nobody watches and when somebody watches  because God is there and the devil is there okay i know you see i get a little bit worked up  about this and so but i've seen this work i've   seen people repent and restore what they've  taken or stolen and God bless them and so   if you're that person i cannot tell you how many  stories i've heard from people who still stole 100   from their mom people who sold things they were  broken and then they would call that person and   repent and apologize and make amends and sometimes  those people will say no never mind you don't have   to you know give me anything but thank you  for acknowledging that or people who would   steal something from somebody's purse in the  church you know because they really needed those   extra 50 bucks or stole the phone or stole  something and you know and they will make   amends after that and God will open the  windows of heaven and begin to bless them   so if you want to live in a financial blessing  from God stop stealing and make restitution   make amends with your financial mistakes i'm not  saying you need to do that to go to heaven you   need to do that so you can prosper and so you can  have God's blessing on your finances number three   move from borrowing to budgeting the rich rules  over the poor and the borrower is the servant   to the lender that means that learn to budget  your life budget your finances instead of living   on credit cards i'm going gonna get very  practical right now if you have inherited   life on credit meaning you buy for everything on  credit card i'm not against using credit card by   the way okay i know there's some people who are  hardcore against credit cards i'm not against   hardcore against credit cards as long as you pay  them before they're due so i use credit cards all   the time pay pretty much with everything  on credit cards but then i pay them off   the moment i make the purchase i  would spend maybe a dollar a year   in interest on credit cards but every year i would  get a lot of money from those credit companies   in points or all kinds of things and i  do that because i've disciplined myself   not to purchase things and credit that i don't  have money to pay for with cash and so but   people who develop this habit they live on credit  they live borrowing all the time in the scripture   always borrowing is a sign of a curse let me say  that again if you read carefully in the context   where it talks about curses and blessings  constant borrowing is a sign of a curse   if your credit card if you're not making all  the payments and it's everything on credit   it could be a sign you're living on  the curse but you can't move from that   if you don't learn to live on the budget because  see a lot of us would avoid using credit cards   if we simply develop a budget but to develop  a budget you have to curve your spendings   you have to minimize your appetites you  have to use cash you have to postpone   buying that new iphone because  your phone is still working   you might not buy yeezys or jeezy's whatever  those things are called those expensive shoes   you might because you can't afford it because when  you live on a budget you're developing a healthy   discipline of self-control in you and you're not  acting like a rich person when you are not a rich   person now maybe somebody is a rich person and  you can act like a rich person God bless your soul   but if you are in a very difficult situation  but you're shopping like you are wealthy you're   shopping on the level of your faith okay instead  of on the level of your budget next thing that   happens you will live in debt now you can rebuke  the devil break the curses keep sowing those   fifty dollars into every ministry who promises you  will be out of debt i'm gonna tell you one thing   a lot of this stuff is scam pure scam okay  finances don't work like that finances work   through you taking responsibility and making a  budget you taking responsibility and saving 10   you taking responsibility and living below  your means you having a breathing room between   your income and your expenses that breathing  room is that extra you have to develop those   habits those habits are not going to be developed  because somebody will give you a million dollars   sugar listen young lady sugar daddy is not  going to fix your shopaholicism forgive me for   mispronouncing it's not going to fix the problem  the only they can fix the problem is today instead   of waiting for sugar daddy instead of waiting for  sugar mama instead of waiting for some gambling   thing to come through instead of waiting for  uncle Biden to send you that another stimulus   check instead of waiting for the government to  go all socialist and and communist on us and   for us to get everything for free nothing is free  the only thing is free is cheese and a mousetrap   there's nothing free in this world somebody has  to pay for it okay and those people who have to   pay for it they're gonna have to get something  for it and if they then they don't they're going   to move to another country so we have to get  this out of our head and we have to in instead   of living in bondage financially we have to  develop spirit we have to develop spiritual   perception and start developing a budget start  paying down your debts there was a time i was in   debt and this is the secret of getting out of debt  it's very simple you make your debts from your   smallest to the to the highest and you knock them  out from the smallest to the highest completely   while you do that you have to have some money  in your emergency savings in case something bad   happens you know like a flat tire or some kind of  a short a small little thing that you need money   for and when you pay down your debts then you save  for two to three months of expenses why because   pandemic can happen why because your business can  close down why because anything can happen you   need to have those money saved for those expenses  you may say oh i can't afford to do that my friend   if you apply discipline you cut back your spending  and you increase your income by working extra jobs   picking up a little bit thing there and there you  know not being super picky and saying no i have   a degree i can't work the job i'm too good for  that we live in a time and hour right now where   sometimes you have to pick up anything that's  there and be able to serve and give your services   in exchange for something that you can increase a  little bit of your cushion in the area of finances   and continue to live like that when you get out  of that season God is not going to give you the   season of manna if you were not faithful in a  season in the season of milk and honey if you   were not faithful in the season of manna season of  manna is just enough the season of milk and honey   is the season of more than enough God is training  us you know in the first year of our marriage   we had no internet we had no tv in our  house partial is because we were broke   but we had the money in our wedding on our  wedding you know we bought everything and so   and i'm gonna be honest with you with even with  the numbers okay this might be a lot for some this   might be completely nothing for somebody else but  after our wedding was done everything was paid for   i apologize everything was paid for and  then we had we collected through gifts   people brought us financial gifts just to bless  you know at the wedding and we collected about   seven thousand almost eight thousand dollars u.s  dollars that's 11 years ago so i cannot tell you   how much temptation we had to upgrade the car okay  to buy a nice tv to buy put a down payment for a   nice house we drove a car my wife had a car okay  we switched i had to drive her car during the rain   the passenger seat would get water where the floor  mats were it was so wet that you can actually like   play with it and the water was there like it  would like the whole the whole floor of the car   was broken we drove it for a year we had the money  to buy a new one but we knew that this was not a   time for us to go buy nice things we had to save  so that we could invest and buy a rental property   so that the rental property can pay for our  housing so that we can now save a little bit   more and so we suffered for a year i remember we  had only 100 on our for a date for a whole month   so i took an envelope broke those 100 dollars to 25 dollars on  each date and you know for some of you maybe   that's that's a lot but in the United states  you know 25 dollars for a meal for two people that's   really it's kind of impossible so we would always  go to a restaurant and split a meal on both of us   and you know and our rule was that we don't take  tea soda or anything else because we just can't   uh we can fit into our bill we did that for for  a while i told my wife i said if we are faithful   in this season God's gonna bless us and give  us where we could finally have our own meals   you know but we can finally have a car that water  is not inside of the car you know but for right   now this is our season you know we can't have  internet and so that's good that means that we can   spend more time with each other we can  go out you know to the park more often   and so and i believe we were faithful in that  season and then we moved into this drug house   it was literally a drug house thankfully  with the help of my father we remodeled it   and then you know it was a rental property so we  rented the other side and they was able to help us   financially and did some other things on the side  with investments so i just want to encourage you   move from borrowing more move from living  on credit to living on cash move from living   on borrowing to living on the budget go  hard if you say oh but that's difficult   you're either going to be living difficult  because of your budget or you're going to   live difficult because of your overspending are  you guys receiving this i know this is not a lot   of like Holy ghost uh fire amen i receive and i  got healed and i'm shaking and baking right now   but this is uh more of a practical things and  i'm sharing with you some of the practicals is   to encourage you if this is helping you could you  drop number one in the chat right now if you're   saying hey thank you for sharing this i know this  is not necessarily going to get me a lot of use   but uh but this has helped if this is helpful  to you could you just drop number one i see my   father is in the chat and my father is  such a good example and my mother of how   to live frugal how to live disciplined and  how to live in a way that honors the lord all right number four move from laziness to  laboring so not only i move from fear to faith   not only i move from repentance to restitution if  i stall but i move from borrowing to budgeting and   then number four i move from laziness to laboring  God wants you to work work is not a curse for   those of you who are like man i don't want to  work that's not biblical all right now you might   not want to keep nine to five job that's that's  okay but the fact that you don't want to work   okay and and if you're maybe a woman and you  have children that's a different story okay i'm   not talking about you but if you are a healthy  young person or an older person okay you're not   taking care of children which is also work and  you simply want to sit at home and eat chips   drink pepsi and play your modern warfare okay  play video games and say that you know work   is of the devil work is not of the devil working  hard is something christians should be known for   the bible says to work and be obedient even to  our masters if we are slaves in Colossians chapter   3 verse 22 it says that for us whatever you do  do it heartily as unto the lord not as unto men   God wants you not to be workaholic but God wants  you to be a laborer a good hard-working person i   am not talking about that you're just putting in  a lot of work in but that you're putting a lot of   yourself into the work that you're doing because  some people do an eight hour work that could be   done honestly in three hours because they're so  distracted always on their phone they're doing so   many things and while they're busy but they're  not productive and they're not good workers   and then they're complaining God is not blessing  me well first of all why is God not blessing you   the bible clearly states in the scripture  in Proverbs 10 4 he who has a slack hand   becomes poor come on somebody dropped it in  the chat i don't have a slack hand my hand is   not slack just shake that hand off because that  slackness that laziness you need to shake that   off of your life he who has a slack hand meaning  a hand that's slacking all the time like you slack   all the time you always procrastinate you will  become poor that's what the bible says but the   hand of the diligent makes rich meaning  if your hand is diligent you work hard   you work diligently you work you're giving your  best you're coming in early you're living late   you're not distracted you're doing the work that  you were assigned in such a way that you have room   for other things you always lighten the burden at  your workplace you're not paying in the butt for   everybody that you're working with and everybody's  always looking for an opportunity how to fire you   but you're actually a blessing in addition and  if the company is downsizing like you are on the   top list this person we cannot afford to lose  why because this person not only they have a   great attitude not only this person is amazing  this person gets stuff done this person doesn't   complain this person does not need to be reminded  this person does not need to be constantly barked   and pushed this person is independent this person  is hard-working this person honors and fears God   this person has integrity my friend if you are  that kind of a person you're going to get a raise   if you're that kind of a person God's going to  take you higher God's going to promote you be like   Joseph i love Joseph he went to Potiphar's house  instead of grumbling and complaining he worked   himself into a management he was a slave yet he  managed the whole house how could you do that   diligence the guy wasn't lazy he was a laborer  he goes into jail jail okay he goes from a slave   to a prisoner and guess what Joseph does in a  short time he becomes the prison warden he runs   the prison how could that be labor and he was so  good at it in fact people were happy in the jail   because when he saw a guy with a sad face he  said dude what's up what's happening it's a jail   Joseph everybody sat in jail no in joseph's jail  everybody had a good attitude joseph knew that my   name Joseph knew their story Joseph encouraged  them and then he translated the guy's dream   and then Joseph goes to pharaoh  watch his interaction with pharaoh   pharaoh tells him a dream so the reason why Joseph  comes to pharaoh is to help him with the dream   Joseph tells pharaoh a dream and he tells  pharaoh right away a whole 14-year plan develops   a resume for someone for a position to manage  all the wealth that will come in next seven years   pretty much tells him how to save  his economy while making pharaoh rich   he was called to translate a dream not to  give him a financial plan but see Joseph   always did more than was expected out  of him come on somebody dropped it in   the chat do more than what's expected of  you if you want to live in the blessing   if you want to struggle financially do barely  what's asked of you do almost enough what's asked   of you or do a little bit under you will always  struggle drop that in the chat do more than what's   expected of you that's what Joseph did they asked  him to translate the dream he translated the dream   and then he went further he gave him a whole plan  and then he tells pharaoh pharaoh all you have to   do is hire this guy person this person who will  manage all of this stuff and pharaoh is like um   you're hired and Joseph went from prison to a  prime minister if he would have only translated   the dream he would have left the prison  he would have never been a prime minister   but because Joseph went further than what he was  asked it landed him in the palace see a lot of you   guys are asking God God take me to the place of  my dreams God take me to the place of my palace   god take me to my destiny can i give you a secret  the secret is this do more than what's expected   nobody gets to their palace by doing only  what they've been asked nobody gets like that   how did David became a giant killer he did more  than was expected you know what his father told   him to deliver food to his brother and the general  what did David do he showed up to the field he   delivered the food and killed the goliath on  the top of that he did more David did more   if you look at the way David fought the way  David served Saul he always did more i am   not promoting workaholism i'm not promoting some  abuse what i'm talking about is this is we need to   cut laziness out of our life as christians  a lot of people are lazy and they are poor   they barely have enough and the reason why  is because your gift can get you out of jail   but it's your grind that will get you into  palace your gift can get you out of jail Joseph   but if you want to run the palace you're going  to have to do more than what's expected come   on somebody number five are you guys receiving  something for those of you will be watching this   dropped it in the chat if you are you receiving  this already the keys to do to reaching your   destiny the keys to reaching your palace the key  is to get going into the next level financially video video games go down the drain come on  somebody lord deliver people from video games   today and netflix hey man it's time to go learn  a new skill learn how to do a website how to code   learn learn how to make an app learn a business  like start some kind of a lemonade stand in   front of your house or something i mean go wash  people's cars on a traffic light okay don't do   that one gotta like that when people do that and  stuff so like but i mean go go do something with   your life don't just play video games if you want  to prosper that's so good somebody who dropped it   in the chat amazing okay we'll go quickly through  this number five is move from greed to generosity   the scripture is first Timothy 6 17 18 and 19. you  don't have to be rich to be generous you have to   be genuine christian to be generous generosity is  like a muscle we all have it but we must exercise   it and then it will grow stronger there's only  one way to cure greed is through generosity   you can't pray against greed you can't repent  against greed if you're not willing to be   generous you can't also renounce greed if  you're not willing to embrace generosity   you can't go in and have a demon of greed cast out  of you if you're not willing to embrace the life   of generosity generosity is not about giving more  than i give generosity is never measured by what   you give it's always measured by what you have  left and so God wants us to embrace the lifestyle   of generosity whether you believe in tithing or  not it matters very little you have to embrace   generosity that means that your life has to carry  a mark of generosity not prosperity but generosity   i'm not against prosperity i'm not against wealth  i'm not against poverty i'm not against none of   this stuff okay but i want to be known as a person  who is generous not just in the eyes of men but   most importantly in the eyes of God i want my  team to know that Vlad is a generous guy that Vlad   he's blessed but he's not stingy that he's  generous he's willing to part with anything   to help somebody else and God wants all of us  as christians to be known for our generosity   unfortunately a lot of preachers unfortunately a  lot of christians today are known for their bling   and bling they're known for their gold they're  known for their for their cars they're known   for their nice mentions and and some of them  have businesses some of them have book deals   and everything i'm not judging anybody okay  i'm not calling names and i'm not throwing   stones or throwing anybody under the bus what i'm  calling each and every one of us myself included   is we are to be known for our generosity the mark  of christian person is his generosity it's not his   prosperity you can be poor but still be generous  and you can be poor and be stingy you can be rich   and be stingy and you can be rich and be generous  so it's not about rich or poor it's about are you   generous be generous with what you can be generous  with your words be generous with your time   be generous with your skills be generous with  your talents be generous with your treasures be   generous with your real estate maybe a space  that you have in your house with your car be   generous with things don't live in greed number  six this is my personal one take it or leave it i   know this may cause a little bit of confusion and  not confusion but a little bit of stir with some   but uh it's my live stream so i'm going to say  what i feel like saying and that i live number six   move from tipping to tithing my drop right there  move from tipping to tithing what do you mean Vlad   tipping to tithing now i believe that people who  don't hide okay usually are not hiding because   there's so much evidence against hiding in  the bible but usually because they're really   addicted to money it's not because they're afraid  you know that oh this is gonna offend God if i'm   gonna give ten percent now some people do not want  and i'm against that also when we pressure people   when we tell people hey if you give ten percent  all of your problems will go away you know if you   give ten percent you're going to be automatically  rich or any or all of that stuff like i don't   believe in that stuff but for me tithing is this  it's giving my first 10 to god not because i have   to but because i get to it's not out of obligation  but out of obedience to him i honor him in fact i   live with this mindset everything i have is his i  don't live with entitlement when i give 10 percent   it's not under the law tithing started before the  law Abraham practiced it he's the father of faith   and all the patriarchs continue to practice the  principle the ritual of tithing now if you are   not tithing you're probably tipping now what is  tipping now tipping is when i go to a restaurant   and i eat and i tip tip is i give it after i have  eaten you know just to kind of show appreciation   okay it's usually after i don't you don't tip  in the beginning like you come into a restaurant   and you drop your 20 or you drop five or drop  three dollars no you tip after the transaction   so tipping is when people give to God what's left  over so for me tithing is not about the law or   it's a rule it's about a principle of putting God  first that's that's all there is and it's not only   for me there's hundreds and thousands and millions  of believers who practice that and many of you in   this chat who practice that don't do it out of  legalism do it out of love do it out of priority   of putting God first the way i practice my tithing  is that i give to god the first 10 percent not what's left   over i don't pay anybody else first but God  because everything belongs to him in fact i   don't even give the tithe to God i bring the tithe  to God you know the difference between giving and   and bringing brining is your returning giving is  you are giving of what's yours i don't believe   that it's mine in the first place everything  belongs to God so when i'm returning 10 percent to God i'm   not giving him anything all of it is already his  i'm just prioritizing and saying God i honor you   i trust you and i invite you to bless the rest of  the 90 percent i submit my whole financial life to you now   why is it 10 percent you may ask well 10 stands for number  10 in the bible is a number for testing number   five is the number of grace number seven is the  number of perfection number three is the number   of unity number one you know is the number of  wholeness and number ten is the number of testing   uh ten plagues tested the heart of pharaoh ten  commandments that tested the heart of israelites   we see the ten days of testing in the book of  revelation we see that through tithing you can   test God and in tithing i think God is testing you  saying do you trust me so you're either tipping or   tithing so for those of you and i know there are  people on youtube who are like super passionate   any word on tithing and they'll like pace 20 pages  because there was a message that mentioned tithing   and i had a lot of messages from people like that  and so i just want to tell if you're ever watching   maybe or you're like against tithing chillax  okay it's not a rule that you have to keep to   go to heaven this is not like a gimmick to get  rich this is not like an investment you give ten   percent God will give you none of that this is  putting God first and you're either putting God   first or you're putting God last okay well you're  like i'm putting God first but i'm not gonna give   him ten percent that's like a person who says i'm  putting God first in my day but i'm not gonna read   the bible and pray i'm gonna be on my instagram  you're deceiving yourself now you don't have to   put God first in your finances to go to heaven  but as a christian he is your savior and your lord   so it makes sense to honor him to live with this  idea that everything belongs to him and i get to   put him first so i don't want to give God what's  left over at the end of the month after i pay   att verizon chevron i pay a bank of america i pay  all the loans and everything and then let's see   what's left over that's tipping when you're tired  you're saying God i trust you i put you first number seven now uh number six can i just drop  you the verse because some people's like oh well   the tithing is Old testament Jesus never mentioned  it that's not true in Matthew 23 23 it says woe to   you scribes and pharisees hypocrites for you tithe  for you pay tithe out of mint and anise and cumin   and have neglected the way to matter the waiter  matters of the law justice and mercy and faith   these you ought have done without leaving others  undone leading others he's referring to tithing   and so but the New testament in the book of Acts  we don't see a lot of mention about tithing we   don't see in the epistles of Paul a lot of mention  about tithing what we do see is a huge emphasis on   extravagant generosity and huge emphasis on you  purchase purposing in your heart to give whatever   the amount that you give and so it could be 10 percent it  could be 20 percent it could be 50 percent it could be 5 whatever   that amount so my my encouragement is this make a  priority to put God first in your finances make it   a percentage thing you know you can start with ten  percent you can start with five percent whatever   that is but make it a priority and make it a  percentage don't just kind of go with the flow   okay make it a percentage and that will help you  to carve the greed and put God first in the area   of your finances number seven move from coveting  to contentment first Timothy chapter six verse six   it says now godliness with contentment is great  gain for we brought nothing into this world and it   is certainly we can carry nothing out and having  food and clothing with these we shall be content   people who are living in a financial problems a  lot of times they're living in covetousness or   they live in comparison they buy things because  other people have them instead of buying things   because they need them and so if you really want  to live as a person who is blessed by God you   have to live content content not just with what  you have but bible says with food and clothing   so even if you don't have a house bible says we  have a reason to be content so food and clothing   are the two prerequisites for contentment okay  not a girlfriend not a computer new iphone   a new new ipad or some other I thing but food  and clothing is enough for our contentment does   that mean that we should not want to have more  things that's not what the bible talks about the   scripture says God fulfills the desires of the  righteous and so but the question is that when   you're no longer content that's the problem  number eight move from income to investment um people who are always living within their  means a lot of times they're only depending   on one income and people who are walking  in God's overflow they invest a few things   about investments don't invest in what you don't  understand don't fall into the trap of getting   something for nothing don't invest money you  do not have or you're not willing to lose today   because investment there's with investment there's  a risk but if we look in the bible you know we see   with the five talents and and there's other uh  portions in book of Proverbs where it talks about   investments i'm a huge component of extravagant  generosity living frugally living on the budget   and also investing investing whether it's  in stock market whether it's in real estate   whether it's in some kind of a business  little venture instead of just saving   all the money or spending or increasing  our living that we increase our investments   how it started with me first is at the  age of 20 i got first investment property   i didn't have the money for down payment  thankfully i have a very good father who   loaned me the money for a year and i bought  this property and it was generating income   so and it was producing passive income and then  eventually i sold it when i went into more into   ministry because it became kind of a burden and  so uh and later on i started doing some other   things and even right now there's at least four or  five things that i'm doing on the side that do not   take my time that are investments and i'm a huge  believer in that i don't think that just because   you're generous that you should not be also smart  street smart and invest and flip houses flip cars   or doing some other things because God has given  us those opportunities and we have to use money   to make money the difference between working for  money you know and money working for you that's   the difference between income and investments i'm  all for having a full-time job or you're working   but you also have to have things on the side where  you are using that money to make money for you   okay and you were like well but i don't know  where to invest start with educating yourself   and start with asking the lord for opportunities  start with the lord guiding there's so many   scams there's so much junk out there there's  and please never invest into those nigerian   emails that you get because some kind of  a prince died and they they want you to   share with you three million dollars you know and  you are that one lost relative of that dynasty or   something like all of this stuff is just bunch  of baloney and so or some you know other people   who are like oh my gosh this thing is doing really  good right now i want you to invest and you don't   have the money so then you want to borrow the  money invested and then that person went and built   a you know a pyramid scheme and then they took  your money and they left and then you left with   money to pay off so never invest with money you  don't have okay never invest it's a very deadly   mistake no matter how lucrative that investment  sounds when you need to borrow the money to invest   you're already breaking the principles of  investing and you will pay for it dearly and   then you will get burned by it and then you will  say oh investing sucks no investing doesn't suck   you're just not smart so you have to invest only  with money that you can you're willing to lose   invest into things you understand and invest  not so you can get rich quick invest because   bible teaches us cast your bread on many waters  and so the scripture our God you know the way   even in New testament we see Jesus constantly use  the scriptures parables of investments guys who   invested you know five talents got five talents  more and the guy who didn't invest you know he   was called lazy and wicked and so we have to learn  and as christians begin to think outside of the   box and begin to look for other opportunities to  invest to create you know maybe side hustles or   side jobs some people take it in their photography  some people do some videos some people do some   editing for some somebody else some people do  some writing on the side or some other things   and through that they produce some cash flow into  their life to support them and also to utilize   their potential i think i am done today for this  part i want to see if there is any questions   if you guys have any questions i would like to  answer them i am not a financial advisor um so   um if you have any questions from what i know i  will try to answer it if i don't know i'm going to   tell you right away i don't know okay and i'm not  going to be embarrassed to say that so if you have   any questions just drop it in drop that in the  chat as you're doing that what i want to do is um i want to pray with you right now i want to pray for those people who are constantly  have shortage and you feel like something   is not right like like something is just holding  you back i want to pray right now i want us to   come against any curses in your life and as  we pray the Holy spirit might highlight a certain   thing that you need to do some of you need to forgive  some of you need to go to and admit of what you did   be open to that Holy spirit might highlight the  fact that you know you're not helping the poor or   you're not helping your parents one of the biggest  things i've seen that people struggle financially   is when they don't honor their father and  the mother the bible clearly states under   your father and your mother it will be well with  you on earth and you will live long you cannot be   blessed if you don't honor your mom and dad just  you can't you can get a degree and you'll be poor   you can be rich but then all the money will be  gone and something else because you can't break   god's laws and get away with it and so i just want  to pray with you right now but as i pray let the   Holy spirit speak to you Holy spirit speak to  you which sins in your life may be or maybe this   is just a struggle that God is just giving you  faith to endure there is that assurance that that   this storm it won't last you'll get through  this this affliction it will come to an end   Holy spirit knows God knows let's pray precious Holy spirit i thank you for your presence i thank you that you're the  creator of heaven and the earth   you came to glorify Jesus but you also give wisdom your word says God that you give power to get  wealth the word says that your blessing makes   rich and adds no sorrow your word says  the lord is my shepherd i shall not lack   the word says that the lord delights in the  pleasure the lord has pleasure in the prosperity   of his servant lord your word says that you will  prosper as your soul prospers lord your word   says God that my God shall supply all of your  needs according to your riches and your glory   your word says God if we're willing and obedient  you will we will eat of the good of the land   lord your word says that you are God whose  Jehovah Jireh the lord that will provide   your word says that you are Jehovah el Shaddai  the God of more than enough lord the way you   multiply the bread the way you supernaturally  provided for israel in the wilderness for elijah   in the time of famine the way you revealed the  root cause of the famine in the days of david   i pray for my dear viewers dear friends family  fans followers or people who are tuning in right   now i pray for those who are who are in that  famine and it's been for more than three years   and it's not the pandemic even before that  there's constant debt never enough constant   fighting because of finances in marriage  constantly maybe being overlooked in the job   i pray for those for whom this is a spiritual  problem for whom this is a there's a demonic   forces behind it i agree with their faith  i come against every power and every curse   of poverty curse of lack curse of not enough  and i break it right now in Jesus name spirit of the living God accept our repentance  lord where we have dishonored our father and   mother or we have taken what was not ours what  we have not shared bread with the hungry wash us   bring to memory the things that we need to bring  restitution to someone that we need to apologize   to wash us with your blood may we see overflow  in our finances so that we can be a blessing   so we can exhibit the generosity the  generous heart that Jesus has on this earth Father i pray for the mindset of poverty for  those who are always in fear always in worry that   they won't have enough always staying up at night  rehesitating rehearsing those worst case scenarios   i pray that you will free them right now lord  i pray for those who just live on credit cards   that you begin to give them that discipline  that will power that spirit power   to live on the budget i pray for those who live  in greed materialism and they scorn and laugh   at the things that i talked about deep and inside  they laugh about it because they're like pharisees   they're lovers of money they're not lovers of  God and they claim to be righteous but in reality   they're wicked i pray that you they will come to  repentance and that they will not worship mammon   but they will worship you Father i pray  for people that are watching right now who   have been giving you leftovers and while they  excuse all of that because they don't do tithing   but it's not only in the area of finances they  give you leftovers and everything else in life   you always get the leftovers instead of the  best you're not the first in their life they   don't seek you first they don't honor you with  the first possession with the first fruits   of their increase i pray that that will change  today lord pray for those who are living in   covetousness who are living comparing themselves  who are living always feel like they're not happy   they can't enjoy the birds singing they can't  enjoy the green grass the the sun the rain the   nature and the the fact that they're alive  the fact that they have clothes they have food   they're constantly constantly in the urge  in the pursuit for more and more and more   this can this thing for consumerism is consuming  them i pray that that will end today in Jesus name Holy spirit i pray for those who lost their  jobs i pray for those who lost their businesses   i pray for those that covid dealt them a death  blow and they found themselves in a very difficult   maybe downsizing maybe moving in with their   relatives and and things are hard right now and   this they're going through this affliction they're  going through this just a challenging time i pray   that the words of prophet Isaiah will ring  true for them that the lord will help them   that the lord will strengthen them that the lord  will take them from the place but help them God   not to fall into depression help them not to fall  into laziness help them not to become a couch   potato help them God not to just glue themselves  to video games and tv and just kind of play that   victim card help them to rise up look for new  adventures new look for new methods new ways   look start something new learn a new skill pick up  a new trade start something new helping others so   that they can stay active and productive in their  society in Jesus mighty name precious Holy spirit   we welcome you right now we ask you that they will  get a job that they will get an idea i pray for   those who started businesses but they're not doing  well i pray that you will give them customers i   pray that you will give them fresh ideas that you  will give them fresh insights God into the market   you will give them fresh insights about  how to serve their customers better or God   i pray for those God who are sitting on money but  they're afraid to invest that you would teach them   God and you will give them wisdom and patience God  and how to do it in a way that honors you in Jesus   mighty name amen amen amen amen amen thank you  guys if you receive that prayer drop today man   um as always we always finish our broadcast and  we ask you to sow where you want to grow i mean   spiritually okay i don't mean so financially  so you can get money back even though   um a lot of times that's how it happens we don't  we don't we don't sell or how you say we don't   present it like that but the lord is the one  that causes our seed to grow and so if this was   a blessing to you if what you were learning today  you're saying you know what this has spiritually   helped me i'm going to change something i'm  going to improve in this area in some area   consider sowing into this ministry  there's many ways you can do that   consider becoming a partner  if you've never been a partner   and you're a partner with netflix or hulu  or amazon or some other things and you're   partnering with other things partner with the  ministry this will really mean a lot to us and   it will help us to produce a lot of content as  you see we release a lot of e-courses ebooks   reading plans this week i broke  700 000 subscriptions on youversion   bible app from like 16 or 17 um reading plans so  i mean we produce stuff here at the rate some of   my friends are like Vlad where how are you able to  produce so much content you know every single day   but we have a team that's on the staff we also  have some people that we like like contractors   that help us and so that i'm able to still pass  to the church and that focus so much on that and   so this will mean a lot if you would so you can do  that also through the cash app you can do that as   well through the venmo you can do that if you have  crypto or if you have a bitcoin uh we have all of   that as well if you go on our youtube there's  links for that you can do that through paypal   and um enter all of those means but please i ask  you do not give your last money okay do not do   that if you have no money for food do not get  do not send that money to the ministry you go   buy food okay and just give God promise say lord  when you prosper me i will honor you but don't   don't do something like that okay please help  us how can i send my seed um so in on instagram   the the cash app in venmo is pinned but also our  moderator will drop you the paypal and other links   as well and for those of you on youtube and  on facebook you see the everett uh moderator   he dropped the crypto and other links and so so  become a partner and this will help us to spread   the message of Jesus Christ to more people thank  you natalie for your generous donation ingrid   thank you as well for your generous donation  melanie thank you for your generous donation angie   thank you for your generous donation terry  thank you for your generous donation amir thank   you for your donation clint thank you for your  donation as well and we actually have enabled on   um on youtube where you can actually in the chat  give so diane sweet thank you so much for your   gift as well as amid matthew thank you so much  you gave through a foreign foreign currency but   i think youtube will convert it and then sergio  thank you as well God bless you for your ministry   and then princey nagati praise the lord thank  you for donating and thank you for giving sorry guys i'm still fighting some kind of a bug  but you know me i'm not going to stop streaming   even if i'm fighting a bug or something and  so because i'm a demon slayer come on somebody   amen amen amen so let me go through some questions   what time do we show up tomorrow in New  Jersey um i think that service starts   i understand let me actually check  my own event that tomorrow i'm going i am very blessed that God has given me  helpers and an assistant that organizes   everything so my head doesn't have to  keep in mind of all that information so   tomorrow it starts it's a free event tomorrow it  starts wow they don't even have a schedule here i'm gonna let you know guys what time in New jersey it starts uh close great um i think it starts at six a six or a seven  okay i'm looking at the schedule daily schedule   uh so first service is at 4 pm  i'm not going to be speaking there   i'm going to speak at 7 00 pm so probably come at   come at six come an hour before i'm gonna try  to be there before as well and i would love to   see some of you guys so um supporting uh i am  not coming to washington dc i am coming to um new jersey west orange new jersey so i'm coming  to west orange new jersey okay so that's that   question um how can i learn to be satisfied in the  things we have and not blow each pay honestly it's   a spiritual thing number one and if you are  spending all of your payments or all of your   income on other things you have to examine have  you made idolatry out of money and possessions   are you drawing your identity have you allowed  your worth to be determined by your wealth   be very honest about that you know do you feel  like you're a better person or you're more   accepted and liked when you wear nicer shoes nicer  nicer clothes drive a nicer car and so if that is   the case then that's idolatry you have to repent  of that and you have to submit it to the lord um andrea thank you for your donation   jamie thank you for your donation german  thank you for your donation as well   i see people are saying already registered i'm  coming down from massachusetts awesome so those   of you guys who are coming from the stream make  sure you come and say hi okay i'm going to try   to make myself available as much as i can it's a  lot difficult in some of these meetings because   of i get pulled in so many different directions  but i'm gonna try to make myself available to   say hi to as many people as i can it's important  to pay tithe it's important to pay 10 as a tithe   we don't see to be very honest we don't see in  the new testament very strict instructions on 10 paul talks about as each one purposes in his heart  what we do see is generosity that was prioritized   and so since 10 was always kind of like  the one that was used in the Old testament   it's a good place to start and so but i wouldn't  use that number as some kind of a magic or   divine or something that is gonna give you this  blessing from God and God is over there with the   calculator measuring if it was ten percent or nine  percent or twelve percent and so i know a lot of   people actually give twenty percent i think me and  my wife at this point are i think giving probably   over 20 and so uh but it's not i don't see that as  a so i don't typically tithe i guess if you give   more than 20 percent or more than 10 you're not a tither  so it's not about that to me this this is how i   explain it's about percentage and it's about  priority and so like and then you know i hope   to increase those percentages and become more  generous as as the years go by can we pay the   10 percent 10 to any pastor please now this is a  tricky question a lot of people have different um   explanations on that i personally believe that  your 10 percent goes to your local church okay to the   local church where you attend i understand since  the covet some people even send their tithe to   my ministry and you know when we would tell them  hey uh you know we're not a church and they said   well we don't have a church right now and this  is where we go to church so honestly it's it's   up to you but scripturally speaking in malachi it  says to bring the tithe to the storehouse of God   and so i encourage always as a pastor to bring  your tithe to your local church where you attend   in person okay so if you're watching us online  you know you can send your your donation you can   bless the ministry but i would highly encourage  you to send your tithe to your local church how do you save and keep in budget i mean  first you pay down debts and then you make   you know a budget for the last few months you go  back last few months and how much money you spent   on particular things you look at things that  you can cut off like hey do i need a cable tv   do i need this do i need that  you know cut things off and then   you make a plan this is what we'll spend on  the food this is what we'll spend on gas this   is what we will spend on telephone this is what  we'll spend on this what really helps excuse me what really helps is to have those money  designated to those things in envelopes   it's a dave ramsey i would honestly encourage  every single person take dave ramsey classes   on financial peace university i took him twice  very good classes and he teaches about cash and   envelopes i've actually lived through that for a  while before i got the habit of budgeting and so   um we would put you know this is what we spend  on this and the moment that envelope is empty   then you pretty much cannot you know no  longer can uh use for that particular thing   so that's how you would save and budget are  you investing in crypto um i did a little bit   i think i lost some money um so i no i i  don't invest in crypt i pulled out from it   i know some people who did before and um so no  i'm not i don't have time to study that stuff   and so you have to have some time to study  that stuff can you talk about tithing time so   i mentioned that in the live stream i'm not sure  if this person who asked the question you were   not in the livestream so just re-watch it in a  livestream how can God open the windows of heaven   um i really believe that God opens the windows  of heaven by giving you ideas that can bring   money i don't believe that God opens the window  so heaven by causing just people to give you   honestly um uh just just money i don't think  that's how that works i think that you have   to offer some service before somebody gives you  something in return and so like even people who   support this ministry you know they're supporting  you know because first of all i add value   um this ministry adds value to them you know  we offer all of our content free of charge   all of our books you know a lot of pastors make  their living off of their books and stuff and   so we offer all of that for free and it's not  a gimmick i don't do it so i can brag about it   i really i really believe that people who need  it the most cannot afford it a lot a lot of times   and because of that people see that people see  all the material we put out and they they get   encouraged by that and they they say you know  what i want to support that i want to help them   to do more of what they're doing i want to i  see that God is using them to impact the world   i want to be a part of that and so um so windows  of heaven is god's going to give you some ideas   God's going to make you a blessing to other people  it's not just like money is going to be coming in   or checks in the mail or you're going to win  a lottery which i'm against by the way lottery though i honor my parents if they're  not ready to bless me what will happen   God will not bless you based on if they bless you   God will bless you based on if you honor them  so the bible doesn't say make sure your parents   bless you the bible says honor your father and  your mother so as long as you honor your father   and your mother that's really what you need to  worry about everything else is in God's hands   should i tithe completely only at my home  church or i can use some amount to support ministries so personally personally my my opinion  there's no like a full scripture on that so my   personal pastoral kind of advice is  i give my tithe to my local church   above that i support other ministries  now sometimes people say you know but   i can't afford that then honestly just  stick with tithing to your local church   and um and so that's that's what i do um i did it  for many many years i supported other ministries   with actually large sums of money sometimes  i did not have money for my own rent and for   my own bills but you know i put myself into that  situation i had the faith my wife agreed with me   and i knew it was temporarily i experienced God  as a provider in those areas he didn't provide   me for my bills he provided me for the seeds  that i promised to give to those ministries i   did there for quite a few years then about  two years ago the lord spoke into my heart   to transfer that partnerships that i did with  other ministries to hungary generation so you   know i would tithe to Hungry gen and then i would  give um above that as a partnership to Hungry Gen   and so and then this year i doubled that that  partnership because of our building and so uh   so it's it's a lot more than you know what might  think like three times more than my tithe and   so uh so i give now to Hungry gen but every once  in a while i support other ministries by one time   and i think i have one minister right now that i'm  supporting monthly but just give you know one time   to this ministry to that ministry i i'm like a lot  of you guys i watch live stream like Isaiah Daniel   Adams or or other people and i would just send  them cash app it's like hey bless you man you bless   me even if i watch like for just a few minutes  and so i'm i love supporting other people as well   all right hannah thank you so much  for your generous donation daniel   aniva and alex alexis thank  you so much guys god bless you go check out um the curses course i hope  it blesses you as well as the spirit-filled   Jesus book if you have not checked it out  for those of you in new jersey in west orange   come and see me tomorrow night i would  love to see you i'm going to be preaching   praying i'm believing for healing believing for  salvation great things are going to happen and   and yeah until next time God bless you guys  good night and next Thursday okay so next   thursday next thursday i'm gonna take uh about  three or four weeks uh three or four days off   next week it's gonna be my 20 it's gonna  be my 11th anniversary with my wife   so i'm gonna go on a little vacation  um there was so much craziness that's   been happening ministry and everything and  then so i'm going to take a break next week   for i think tuesday wednesday thursday friday so  and then on saturday we're going to have Jaydin's   celebration of life it's we're not calling a  funeral but he went to be with the lord and   so we're going to we're actually renting a larger  facility from what i hear is that my friend David   Diga is coming for that and then he's going to  stay for Sunday morning and so um so i'm going   to be back for that but next thursday i will not  be streaming but my friend pastor Rickard from   sweden he was with t.b joshua for 10 years he will  be doing digital deliverance on saturday morning   while i'm going to be in new jersey and it's going  to be streamed on my channel a mighty man of valor   great man of God og of demon slayers and so he's  going to talk about his deliverance and he's going   to talk about the process of deliverance he's been  with tb joshua for 10 years he's very eloquent   in the in the topic of deliverance he is doing  deliverances on our team he's on my pastoral team   and so he's also youtubing and so you guys can  check out his youtube so next week he's going to   be i'm going to be celebrating my 11th anniversary  so i'm going to take a little break and uh   from kind of streaming and and from ministry and  just go and minister to my wife or just go and   minister to myself for a little bit and kind of  withdraw replenish recalibrate and then um and   when i'm going to come back we're going to have  this service for jaydin and Rickard is going to be   streaming on my behalf from sweden on my youtube  channel i'm really excited for you guys to meet   him and i really believe God's going to really  bless you and i want to introduce you to him   and i want you to follow him as well because i  think that um let's drop Rickard's um youtube   right now let's drop Rickard's youtube because  uh he's very not only knowledgeable this   is very very bold very bold in deliverance  and there's a lot of mighty deliverances   that happen through him and so he's coming  back here very shortly back to the States and   and he's going to be pioneering the digital  deliverance this saturday so we have   about 100 people that went through counseling that  we're going to be praying for online with our team   on saturday on zoom and so some of you will hear  about it on saturday through the stream and you'll   be like man i missed out so it's okay we're gonna  do another one we're gonna do this every month   and so but i'm gonna bring him on my stream next  week to talk about it to talk about his testimony   of deliverance how he was delivered and the  process of deliverance and i really believe   you guys going to be really really blessed  okay amen God bless you guys good night
Channel: Vlad Savchuk
Views: 41,799
Rating: 4.9579501 out of 5
Keywords: stewardship, financial, financial stewardship, stewardship of finance, 5 principles of finance, biblical financial principles, principles of islamic finance, principles of islamic banking, principles of islamic banking and finance, financial planning, financial management, stewardship plan, islamic finance principles, sermons on stewardship, church stewardship, stewardship sermons, islamic banking principles, biblical money principles, orlando financial advisor, jesus christ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 41sec (6521 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 12 2021
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