How to NOT be a LUKEWARM Christian! - Choose the WORLD or Choose GOD! Vlad Savchuk

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I want to present just a  short message today concerning   living on the fence if you're taking notes i  want you to write this down living in the limbo   in the limbo meaning when you are in a forgotten  or ignored state place or situation it's an   uncertain and undecided state or condition a  the condition between two extremes living in the limbo I remember a young man who was married  who was having an affair came up to me   and I started talking to him and he was so  excited about his affair he was alive and   he was trying to convince me how to get his  wife to agree that is to his best happiness   that he could have a stable relationship  at home and a sizzling fireside check and he's like why is this so wrong for me to be  happy why can I not have this woman whom   I love I'm married to and this girlfriend that  I'm experiencing things I used to experience   with this woman that I am at home with but  you know things got kind of cold things got   predictable there's this routine and and  I would like to have both the stability   and the excitement and I'm looking at him  and I'm thinking like is he demon-oppressed   possessed or I'm like oh he's like I'm looking  and I was like are you hearing yourself he's like   please understand he says I don't hate my wife i  just simply want to have the best of both worlds and he said the chica that  I am having an affair with   she's cool with it she's completely  okay with me having a wife at home   and I said what about your wife she  says that's that's the concern I have   I'm like she doesn't know yet he's like no  she doesn't he said how do I sell it to her   how so he's coming to me not how  to repent how to convince his wife   that it makes him happy to  have both worlds in his hands   and I said well good luck telling your wife and as  he's saying this as bad as this sounds adultery is   sin adultery destroys marriages and adultery it  does not fit anywhere nowhere in the bible and   in a relationship even if you're not a Christian  it's bad it's wrong period but how many times as   I'm listening to him I'm thinking of a Christian  who wants to have the best of both worlds the devil doesn't mind if  the devil is your side chick and this is why we do it because we  say this we say well it makes me happy   to have enough god that I don't go to hell  and enough of sin that I don't enjoy God   it makes me happy Vlad it gives me I love  church on Sunday I also love a club on Saturday   I love me a lot of ungodly things and Friday night  but oh man I love God I don't have a problem with   god god is the stable side of my life but I want  more excitement in my life I want more passion   in my life, I want more excitement and desire  I just i just love that why cannot not have to   and then you listen about hyper-grace or  greasy grace like I like to call it where   it almost feels like you can do whatever you  want and you're forgiven and you're loved and   like man-God will never leave me he is stuck he's  boring but I need him why because the last thing   I want is end up in hell when I die so I need  God I love God but I need me also some exciting   some awesomely cool things in my life that i  know God is not really pleased with but he   maybe he'll be okay with it says  in James chapter 4 verse 4 and verse 5   it says do you not know that the friendship  with the world is the enmity with God   in fact, let's open James chapter 4 verse 4 and  verse 5. James chapter 4 if you have a bible app   open it to James chapter 4 verse four  and five now it's very strong language   I'm warning you warning faint-hearted warning  because James throws this he says, adulterers   and adulteresses he's not talking about people  who are cheating on their spouses he says do you   not know he's not even saying an affair with  the world he says a friendship with the world   is enmity with God whoever therefore wants to be a  friend of this world makes himself an enemy of God   do you think that the scripture says in vain  the spirit who dwells in us yearns jealously   meaning the Holy Spirit on this side who dwells  with me I am married I am joined to Christ the   the spirit lives inside of me he is not indifferent  he is not a side chick who's like I don't care   the Holy Spirit yearns jealously he is a jealous  Holy Spirit not jealous like your ex not jealous   like somebody who is overly sensitive but jealous  he says I gave myself to you you're the broken   piece of dirt I gave my son to you I gave my  life all of it and its entirety to you   I deserve it's my right to have all of  you, not part of you, not the Sunday you   not the morning devotions you I want all of you i  will not share my glory with you with nobody else   I will not share you with nobody else so he yearns  jealously see some of us want god as a side chick   we want God who will simply want to have  a little bit of us and be okay with it   because that's exactly how the world is devil  does not care if the devil is your side chick   he doesn't care about that and so today i want  to bring just an encouragement a conviction   and an inspiration to each and every one of  you the lord wants to have all of you he does   not want you there are people who are sitting  on the fence today in this sanctuary and some   who are watching us on youtube zoom and Facebook  and who will be watching it there's one thing you   have to remember about sitting on the fence  something will hurt after about 15 minutes it will hurt not 15:5 you have the view  of both worlds when you're on the fence   but you usually end up having none of the  worlds and you have this uncomfortable pain   that will follow for trying to grab both  worlds and being in neither of them fully Christian life is boring only to those who are  trying to have both worlds in their fingertips   you will never go deep with God when you're  trying to keep God and the other one on the side   when that man looked at me and said that I want  to have my stable wife at home and I want to have   this hot little thing on the side I simply told  him I said if you would give your wife 100 of   you you'll be shocked to see how hot and sizzling  she is you'll be surprised I'm like you married   that girl you fell in love with that girl that  girl is still the same thing that can give you   the same feelings the problem is you're trying to  get a 100 percent benefit from a 50 percent input my first point if you if we want to have  full-time benefits with Jesus we must stop   being part-time Christians if we want to  have a full-time benefit from Christianity   it has to be not a part-time Christianity  for us everything we see in the bible   the benefits are for full-time christians there's  just only one problem if you spend your whole life if your whole life is spent like this is  what happens and then you name it claim it blab it   grab it confess it possess it he will supply  all my needs he will bless me the lord is my   shepherd I shall not lack and so we begin to  confess the full-time benefits we lay claim   to the full-time benefits but there's just one  problem if you are a part-time Christian you   can get the full-time benefits you can't enjoy  Christianity fully it's because you're trying   to indulge in the world partially and then there's  this fear of letting it go completely the fear is   that man I'm going to lose my life yes you will  there is going to be a loss of life temporarily   until Jesus will give you the life that you  dreamed of having and the life you lost to have we   can't be a full-time christians benefits excuse me  we can get the benefits of full-time christianity   if we are sitting on the fence if we are in the  limbo I have the best of both worlds I have a   little thing here on the side and I have this  thing on the side if rapture happens I'm going up   but if stuff happens in the culture I'm also  having the culture and I'm also having christ   I have the word but I also have the world most of  my christians don't even know I'm a christian why   because I'm a secret cia when I live with them  like I am like them and when I am in church man   I'll praise me Jesus I love god and so sitting  on the fence after a while your nuts will hurt it's not in the bible but it will hurt sitting on  the fence means two things write this down sitting   on the fence means two things it's having enough  of the world that you aren't fully living for God   sitting on the fence means this having enough of  the lord that you aren't fully enjoying the world   let me say that again say this with me say having  enough of the world that you aren't living for God   having enough of the lord that you aren't enjoying  the world I want to invite every each one of you   to make up your mind and either live for God  or live for the world because you're depriving   yourself from enjoyment or indulgence of both be  hot or cold Jesus says but please don't be warm   because you are hurting yourself by not getting  full benefits of neither of the worlds you're not   fully enjoying the world because you have enough  god to make you feel horrible about it and then   you aren't enjoying god because you have enough  of the world that God is grieved with and it's   sitting and living on the limbo it's sitting on  the fence it's being friend it's trying to keep   the best of both worlds and really losing both  of them Joshua 24:14 says now therefore fear god   serve him in sincerity and in truth put away the  gods which your father served on the other side   of the river and in Egypt serve the lord have you  noticed Joshua didn't say believe in God he says   serve him he's not talking about believing in his  existence he's not talking about even trusting in   him for salvation he's talking about fully serving  the lord and a lot of us where we hide today   is why we sit on the fence because we say i  believe in god and I attend church I do give my   tithe but today I'm not asking you to add another  day in your schedule to the church's schedule   I'm asking you jump off of the fence my desire  during the sermon is to electrocute this fence   and everybody who sits on it to even either  fall on that side or to fall on this one   either you go into the world so when you go  to hell you know where you went there for   or you go into the lord so you will actually  experience the pleasure that is in his presence   experience the joy that christianity promises  and you keep missing it maybe the experience the   commitment that your friends will see something is  different about you and to be radically committed   to God to be radically fully serving God not  enough to have a relationship with God you have   to have a reverence for God it's not enough just  to simply flirt with sin you have to flee sin but   to do that he says fear God and serve god a lot of  us we flirt with sin why because we lack that fear   we lack that full commitment we struggle with  certain sins that could be completely cut off   if we will stop going one way and looking at the  other way if we will stop trying to see that we   don't miss neither of the worlds i want to have  this world but i want to have this one man i   don't want to be crazy my friends will think of  me man you don't know this you don't know that   you don't know about the football you don't  know about the hollywood you don't know about   the scandal you did not watch the oprah interview  interview with those two spoiled brats I'm sorry   the queen and the and the king you did not watch  that you're not aware of what's happening in   the culture because you are trying to keep both  worlds but god says I want you to be in my world   I want you to leave behind the other world  and go completely and be ignorant and naive   of what is happening in the world why  because you are serving and fearing me Joshua 24 15 the next verse he says and if it  seems evil to you to serve God if it's too hard   but God is boring i don't want  to be a religious crazy person   I don't want to be like one of those people that  I made fun of if it seems evil to you to serve God   if it seems evil to you that God  demands your night your morning and your   noon if it seems evil to you that God demands all  of you Joshua gives a solution choose for yourself   this day whom you will serve let me say it again  not whom you will believe whom you will serve   choose this day whom you will serve whether the  gods which your fathers serve on the other side   of the river or the gods of amorites in whose  land you dwell but as for me and my house see   you have to understand this when you as a man  make a decision your house will follow you   when you start following God I'm not talking  about just believing in God that will be my   house my co-workers my friends my colleagues  they will begin to go under the influence   of my commitment to god ask for me somebody say  yes for me come on somebody said a little   bit louder to chat and say ask for me drop that  on youtube right now and my house we will serve   touch your neighbor and say not  just believe but serve the lord   first kings 18 21 in a message  translation says the following Elijah   challenged the people how long  are you going to sit on the fence   if god is real god follow him if it's baal if it's  netflix if it's amazon prime if it's hollywood   if it's the clubs if it's being gay being  transgender if it's being cool if it's socialism   if it's social media if it's religion follow him  but he says make up your minds said a word see   elijah did not have a church like ours we speak  back we're like yes pastor i agree say it again   nobody said a word nobody made a move  meaning they kept sitting on that fence   he's coming literally he's trying to electrocute  that fence he says please guys jump one way or   the other he says you can't walk around still  have the temple still have the priest still have   the rituals and he says but one way you one day  you're doing this when the other day you're doing   that he says begin to make up your mind jump on  this side or jump on that side but please don't   live in the limbo please don't sit on the fence  please don't try to get to both worlds live either   for God or don't live for him because you're  depriving yourself from the enjoyment of God   when you are trying to get a little bit of  the world and you are depriving yourself from   the full indulgence of sin when you're  trying to put god in your life choose   one of them you may say well Vlad a little bit of  sin does not destroy my relationship with god what   if you would have a coke and I spit on it a little  bit of spit you will never drink from it again   what if you eat your lunch and I come in and i  just an accident took some dirt from the yard   and just dropped it right in the middle of your  salad you wouldn't say oh it's not a lot I could   just isolate that part of my salad and continue  to eat you will never be able to touch it some of   you will be disgusted by it see devil my dog  does not mind if I throw dirt into his food   my wife does satan does not mind  if you throw a little bit of god   into whatever you're doing with him god does  yearns jealously and before you say well he just   needs to get over himself oh really what if your  husband will do to you what you're doing to god   would you just simply get over no you say  I gave my life to you man I deserve your   heart back I'm entitled to it because of what  I gave same thing with god he yearns jealously   my friend I want to remind each one of you  this is not a condemning message this is just   bringing us all back to the reality to the basics  of christianity if we want to have the benefits   of full-time christianity it cannot come with a  part-time dedication number two Jesus is worth   of everything you're afraid of losing I think ben  fitzgerald said that that's what I heard it from   I asked him for exactly the quote he sent this  to me so don't say passover i said it I copied   from ben fitzgerald but the statement is 100 true  Jesus is worth everything you're afraid of losing the problem with living on the fence is the  fear of loss if i'm gonna come on friday   nights from ten o'clock to three I'm gonna  lose my tv shows I will no longer be in line   I'm not gonna know what's happening there in the  world of hollywood but Jesus is worth every loss samson spent the night with the prostitute  paul spent the night in jail singing psalms both had ministries one bench  watched the other one bended his knee   and worshiped him one shook the city and the  other one walked out still shook the gates   still moved in power but he was an expiration  clock because sooner or later hypocrisy double   life the private compromise caught  up to him Jesus is worth everything   you're afraid of sacrificing everything  you're afraid of losing he is worth it all   you are worthy overall you're worthy of the  loss you are worthy of my sacrifice you are   worthy of my early mornings and you are worthy  of my all nights you are worthy of my tithe and   you are worthy of my treasure Jesus is worthy  of everything you're afraid of losing maybe you   need to put a relationship on the altar and  you say I'm gonna lose it Jesus says unless   a man follows after me and denies himself  picks up his cross he is not worthy of me   you could be believing in Jesus but  not be worthy of Jesus if you're not   seeing your lost sacrifice as worthy of Jesus  is worthy of everything you're afraid of losing   worthy of every moment of it and one  day when you will stand before god   one day by the end of the year when you look back  at this year you will never regret what you lost   for the lord your only regret would be is what you  kept for yourself when he asked you to give it up   when we went into a 40-day fast and right in  the middle of the 40-day fast the pastor from   Ukraine called me and said I want you to come and  speak for me in Kiev i flew in there it's been my   dream to go back to or desire to go back to  Ukraine we flew in there it was 21st 22nd day   and I remember precious pastor mega  church pastor churches under him sits   in the first meeting with me and begins  to convince me why I should quit fasting   and he uses stories when he quit fasting god  blessed him and says you're into kind of more of   a legalism he says you really need to believe in  god's grace and I'm listening literally and part   of me just wants to say I rebuke you in the mighty  name of the Lord Jesus Christ right now get behind   me devil but i listen to him and i know one thing  and my flesh my self-pity kicks in vlad why are   you hurting yourself 21 days is already a lot why  are you killing yourself why are you doing this   we flew in there first class somebody bought  us the tickets I flew first time first class   on the international flight I understood  the deep revelation about the difference   you can be in the same airplane total different  experience same destination total different   experience you can sit into that little thing  where your back your knees everything hurt the   same plane you're on the bed there's a waitress  that comes in she serves you food and honestly   as he's speaking to me I'm remembering my  first flight first uh first class flight   and I'm remembering the experience and i said i  don't want to go to heaven on the economy seat   you know the difference between the economy seat  in the first class is only the price somebody was   willing to pay only one so here is the gentleman  who's convincing me to move to the to the economy   but I say I want a first class i want to fly  to heaven we all going to get to heaven on this   plane called Jesus but in this plane there's  a first class seats and there's the economy   and for me I really felt like I need to sacrifice  my self my body and my food for those 40 days was   it easy no sometimes it was hard we know what the  hardest part was self-pity it's when me pitied me   it's when I felt sorry for myself and  when I looked at my losses that I was   doing and I was trying to honestly say man  but hey why are you doing this people   are much more blessed spiritually and much  more spiritual gifts and why are you doing   this but there's this one thing i have to keep  on telling myself jesus is worth of every loss   you're making right now I'm not talking about  just my future my calling and God's gonna take   me behind none of that stuff because after 21 days  none of that is more attractive you just want food   for those who are like man I'm gonna vest for  the power that could last three four five days   your motive cannot be power your motive has to  be the lord and you have begin to sacrifice your   life for the lord when we started to have  night prayers on friday you know I will be   very transparent with your church I'm going  to repent of my sins right in front of you   because from thanksgiving to christmas  I've let myself go and I started to indulge   in entertainment especially on friday  nights because the next day was the only   day i had during the week that i don't have to  wake up early for prayer so i always try to make   up on friday night all the movies tv shows I miss  throughout the week because I don't stay up late   I wake up early for prayer and I would do that and  honestly, in the morning I never felt good about it   felt empty so when during the fast you know you  can't be watching movies because you're like well   why am I fasting for it's like going to a gym  working out and eating donuts right after that   it's like at least you need to give three or  three hours or something after that because   the consciousness will eat you for lunch and  so so you can't eat donuts so like we started   to sacrifice that you know like started to give  ourselves and pastor ilia is the one that started   we started to pray on friday nights and I remember  the idea of praying on friday nights sparked fear   i said i'm going to die friday night what do  you mean all night in prayer are you nuts who   does that what about my sleep crazy part I never  thought about my sleep when I was bench watching I never thought about the fact that I'm  gonna break the sleep and the ram cycle   the moment I would go watch three  four episodes of some kind of   action tv show but when it came to god  I became such a health conscious person   and I remember the holy spirit says are you  going to be Samson or are you going to be like   my son who spent all night in prayer and he says  Vlad your biggest problem is your fear of loss   of sleep of food of everything and he says  I am worthy of everything you're afraid   of losing he's worthy looking back now on the 40  days that passed they passed like a like a thought   if i wouldn't done what the lord called  me to do they would have still passed   look at the last year that you spent doing what  you were doing it's gone and I'm pretty sure   those of you who gave your life fully to the lord  you have zero regrets and those of you who didn't   that's all you got is regrets you will go  to heaven not only you will lose your reward   you will gain a lot of regrets which is  why the lord is going to have to wipe   the tears out of our eyes you know one  of those tears will be tears of regret   it's not just going to be the tears of joy for a  lot of us there's going to be a lot of tears of   why in the world my church was praying  five in the morning and I didn't why in   the world we were evangelizing I never did it  none of this stuff I did the minimum I could   but i was always claiming maximum benefits when  the preacher was there promising prophecy i   was the first in life give me maximum so that  can do minimum there will be regret my friend   there will be regret that some of us feel  with that right now lack of enjoyment of   god lack of appetite we can scroll through  hours and hours but you open the bible and you're like man why am I can we be honest  why am I not honestly I don't like this   but I have to do it why I grew up in a christian  home I know where I'm gonna go if I don't do it so   I have to do it I have to force myself but the  real reason is that there is an area of your   life you're currently sitting on the fence if you  jump from the fence and give yourself entirely   what could happen to you what would have happened  to you if Jesus would get all of you and if you   think you're gonna have to spend you know 70  chapters a day that's not what jesus wants he   doesn't just want you to read more he just  wants to have more of you that's it my wife   doesn't want me to walk and holding her hand 24  7. that's not going to be healthy for me or her   she just wants my heart and when my heart is  there everything else will fall into place   and find its proper balance but there could  be no balance as long as I am living a life   holding both worlds in my hands God says jump off  the fence god says get out of the limbo lifestyle   and go fully serve me I am worth it I am worthy of  everything you're afraid of losing somebody give   God some praise right now if Jesus is worthy of  every loss if Jesus is worthy of every sacrifice   every sleepless night every tear every visit  every evangelism give him some praise right now   give the lamb that his word the honor and glory  that is due to his name hallelujah hallelujah   number three the best way to stop certain  struggling sins is to fully surrender to god   the best way I didn't say all sins some  things we need to be delivered from some   things we need to repent there are some  things we need to go to counseling for   but there are a lot of sins besetting sins  that they could be taken away if we simply   replace that area with God what some call  radical god sees it as simply a replacement God does not want radical you he just wants  to be replaced over the thing that you used   to be committed and loyal to I remember  when brian shared his testimony about   when he would get saved radically  and first month he would give his   or second month his paycheck and ryan would give  a call brian would give a car and you know and we   would look at him and say brian you you you're  giving so much away don't you want to start   rebuilding your life because he spent so much time  being you know on drugs and doing other things and   and he said crazy how it was normal to give one  hundred thousand dollars away to drugs and now it   feels radical to give ten thousand to god and  you make yourself of some kind of a big saint   the lord is not asking you to give more to him  than what you gave to the devil at least the same when you were in the world did you go to sleep at  nine o'clock on friday no you didn't did you go to   sleep at 10 o'clock on friday because you studied  psychology no we gave the devil everything even   though he beat us for it destroyed our finances  destroyed our driving record our insurance is   still three times our co-pay uh three times our  premium because of what we did we're still some   of us are going to be paying for the consequences  of our sins our children will be paying for   consequences of our sins of what we did we're done  with those sins but we gave everything knowing   it's destroying us the school counselor told us  it's going to destroy you the mama told you it's   going to destroy you your conscience we still gave  everything to the devil we did not spare nothing   we gave ourselves everything now we're coming  to God and we grew wisdom give little be wise   with your time because family time on sunday and  what that family time means is that every kid is   watching netflix on their own device in their own  room that's not family time that's netflix time we made an idol out of the family sunday is  not a family day sunday is the lord's day   sabbath saturday is the is the rest day saturday  is your family day but what we do is we go running   around like a chicken with a head cut off  building everything and then on sunday we   go in and we say well now it's a family time  that's not scriptural that you will never see in   the bible that sunday is a family day you say but  it's an american bible is different than american   when we made a family an idol Christian divorces  are the same in a lot of cases are similar to what   the world is why because my friend the Lord wants  all of us I am not saying that you have to come   in here from six o'clock to six in the morning in  the evening what I'm just saying is that your life   your family has to be surrendered to the lord  or we have to stop doing one thing and saying   the other thing the Lord wants to replace what the  enemy used to occupy Jesus says and paul says in   in galatians chapter 5 verse 16 he says i say then  walk in the spirit and you will not fulfill the   lust of the flesh he is not saying come to just  to the altar not just get a counseling he says   if you want to get rid of the fulfilling of  the lust of the flesh indulging in the lust of   the flesh he says pretty much you have to replace  that by walking in the spirit but some of us were   like well lord I want to have both I want to not  fulfill the lust of the flesh but I'm not ready to   the commitment of walking in the holy spirit I'm  not ready to the sacrifices that walking in the   Holy Spirit will produce I'm not ready to change  my alarm clock and my schedule to begin to spend   time with you in the mornings and consistently  I'm not talking about reading the scripture   as you are making food or scrolling through  instagram I'm talking about giving yourself   to the lord walk in the spirit and you will not  fulfill the lust of the flesh when jesus when   the Lord delivered Israel from Egypt he says to  pharaoh he says let my people go and he doesn't   say so that they will live a beautiful life in  the promised land so that they will serve me   let my people I counted I think 19 times in  exodus when Moses comes to pharaoh he's not   lying Moses is not he's not exaggerating this was  god's real reason to getting them out of suffering   that they will serve me see many of us  think god saved us because he pitied us   God saved us because he felt sorry for how sin  was hurting us god saved you because he wanted you   he wanted you he wanted me yes he was hurt because  of what was hurting me but god's desire for me   was greater than his spirit of my suffering  because if you think god pities your suffering   why did he allow christians to be eaten by lions  suffering is now what drives him it's a desire   for you, if you and I think that God somehow just  wants to rescue us from the pain and suffering   why did his son die why for 300 years all the nero  and the other emperors they destroyed and killed   sometimes god the stomach of a Christian  put pigs food and let pigs eat out of   the stomach their food and a Christian would  die in suffering why would god not stop that   because that is not his number one priority his  number one priorities he wants you he wants you   let my people go so that they can serve me  but when israel got out of egypt they thought   he got them out of Egypt so that he can make  their life better that wasn't the goal because   the first three days they had no water and no  food it wasn't better life it was a better lord   god wasn't replacing their life he was first  replacing their lord he was taking them out of   a monster and making himself their master he was  taking them out of being slaves to making them   being his royal priesthood but please understand  god's goal number one is not to give you better   physical life god's goal is to give you a better  lord but sometimes we become christian and we   think we are little meaning gods we are many  little lords, we do whatever we want god does not   want that he says I want you to replace what sin  used to be in your life make me that make me that   instead of bench watching and five times or ten  times on office he said bench watch the gospels   make me that instead of spending hours and hours  aimlessly browsing through tick tock God says i   want you to go hours and hours through the  gospel or through the book of revelation   or through the book of romans you're like  it's boring so is tv if you don't turn it on   so is the tick tock if you don't log on to it  so is everything else if we don't turn it on God   wants to replace what used to possess  you and control you not just remove it   replace it if you spend 400 on weed and now  you're debating me and tithing shame on you if you spend evenings with god and now you're  coming in and you're like why do they want a   friday night prayer why would anybody do that it  was regular drug addicts that spend all night in   prayer regular christians should spend also their  time with god i'm not saying every night or maybe   once a week spending time with god pressing in  three days fast are you kidding me why not why not   bringing your friends when you tried drugs and you  tried other things you never went to university   to learn how to spread weed you smoked it and you  sold it you told other people you never took sales   skills but you became a little mini drug dealer  I know some of your testimonies evangelism 101   and you were making money you were making friends  build a little pyramid and everything and today's   like well I don't know how to evangelize you gotta  be kidding me we're teaching and preaching in the   school of leaders I don't know how to tell my  friends about god come on we can do better than   that I'm sorry what got into maybe just two  weeks of not preaching that is something just amen are you with me you know  that is truth and love amen number four someone is currently living in revival  but unfortunately, it might not be you but your sin somebody is currently living in revival  unfortunately, it might not be you   it might be something else this came heavy at me  last december in romans chapter 7 verse 9 it says   I was alive once without the law but when  the commandment came sin revived and i died and I won't go into the theological application  of this verse I'm going to take you to the   practical application of what it applies to  our spiritual growth maybe you were alive once   but something came and now instead of you  being revived you're spiritually on a life   support but there's something else that is in  full-blown revival it just happens not to be you   you are in a revival the question is is it  your spirit that's revived or is your flesh   right now has revival meetings every night every  morning spends money so where the flesh wanna grow   flesh is having revival for the spirit is having  revival when your flesh has revival it will steal   money from you it will hurt your relationships  there will be consequences that will live so much   longer than even when you indulge in the  flesh they will live for years and years   credit score driving record insurance premium  there's going to be consequences that will be   for years even after you stop indulging in the  flesh but if you go into the revival of the spirit   god will benefit your life for years  to come your flesh will be subdued   someone is living in the revival is it you or  is it your flesh I was alive once last December   I got a heavy hit with the conviction  it wasn't condemnation it was conviction   what I was I started to remember the moments i  was alive I remember the 17 year old me with ilia   we had nothing no myspace facebook ministry barely  could put english words together my man we were   hungry i remember starting to recall those things  because in order to come back to the place where   you used to be spiritually and further you have  to remember first and then repent you can't repent   until you remember and there are some of you  here today you remember when you were alive before   something came in commandment came in not a bad  thing good thing maybe it's the kids that came in   maybe it's the marriage maybe it's the degree the  commandment came in so a good thing came in not a   bad thing we're not talking about something was  sinful maybe a blessing of god came in influence   came in maybe what came in is the gifting your  anointing marriage came in maybe children came   in maybe business ideas something came in there  was good and I died and sin revived I said to god   I made a promise 2021 will be my most radical year  what I loved you the most and that would be the   year i will be remembering and then 2022 will be  a year that's going to go even further than that   and I said god you blessed me with money you  blessed me with influence you blessed me with   the wife you bless me with ministry but god i  want to be a living sacrifice and I'm tired   of remembering 17 and 16 year olds and I don't  want to have a revival in other areas of my life   I want a revival here I want to be revived as a  person not just the church I personally Vlad wants   to love Jesus more than love Jesus many years ago  I'm like lord I loved you before and I did not   know you will provide for me I loved you before  I did not know that you will not fail me I wasn't   sure yet I knew it in the world but I didn't  know an experience and I trusted you now I know   I want to love you more not less who's who's  having revival is it you or is it your sin as   the commandment came in and you died as the good  thing came in and somehow it killed your passion   killed your drive killed your pursuit of the god  today I'm here to wake you up and to let you know   if the lord is God let's serve him and he is not  don't do it don't do don't deprive yourself of joy   I remember one kid and I've shared this many  times and I'll share with many more because it   illustrates the power of the gospel precious child  a kid came in young man and the youth service and   looked at me in the lobby and he says is it wrong  for me to smoke weed and that's it for you no he said you gotta be he's like what about  having sex about for you of course not   and I said look at this you're going to hell  you know that I know that your mama knows that   your school counselor knows that  because he got kicked out of the school   and i said everybody knows that i said what  difference will it make if you go to head and   you smoke pot or you never smoked I said if i  would be in your shoes I would smoke as much as   I can so that when I go there at least I knew that  I didn't deprive myself from the indulgence of sin   I said you on the other hand is a horrible sinner  because you're trying to hold yourself back I said   I'm a better follower of Jesus than you are a  sinner i was like I go all the way you're not   going all the way why he looked at me like that  night he got saved he gave his life to christ my friend let's be good Christians let's be  great followers of Jesus and if not then go   be a good sinner go you a lot of us were good  sinners we were sinners with a plus like when   we sinned we seem good we sin in a way that  we're still paying for it right now and stuff we   went all out we were not professionals we were  not good at it we didn't study on how to do the   stuff but when we did it man we did it with all  of our heart all of our mind and all of our soul   we went all the way and now when we came to the  lord i want to ask you please do not adopt this   little place that some of you your certain parts  of your Christian life are hurting right now   because you are afraid of going too far you're  afraid you're going to lose yourself that's   exactly what God wants he wants you to lose  yourself so that he can use you and so he can   you can experience the other life it's called the  eternal life the abundant life and the new life   that it belongs to you some of us experience the  death the suffering but today God wants us to   experience the resurrected life and that will  happen you don't have to be skilled in it you   don't have to be educated for it all you got to  do is jump off from the fence and say lord i will   follow you as much as I can I will go after you  only I will love you and I will give my life to   serve you and Jesus I want to experience you, Jesus  I want your joy I want your pleasure and I want   you he will let you enjoy things more than you  will even imagine you will enjoy your family more   you will enjoy your work more he will bless you  with things financially because he can trust you   because your heart is not attached to those things  but to god being that person doesn't mean you have   to be mother Teresa it doesn't mean that you have  to live on some kind of an isolated island or   or somehow God will call you to go to china and  die in North Korea some of us maybe that could   be the case and stuff so but Jesus is worth  of everything you and I are afraid of losing   so let's go after God before we before i give  a call for salvation this message was inspired   last year but when I was in Florida it was a  finishing of the 40-day fast daniel calendar   shared something pretty much he shared this one  phrase or two phrases that that the illustration   for this came from and I want to give him  the credit for that and also I wanted to what   impacted me on that conference I wanted to impact  you as well so if we can play this short clip   I think it's like a minute and a half of daniel  Kolenda so they don't have it could we go find it   it's on dropbox and sunday services media and so  daniel kolenda clip he shared with us about when   he as a teenager made the decision not to sit on  the fence not to be in the limbo with his friend   and what happened after that the results of that  and I want you to be inspired also by the results   of what has happened to him to his ministry  and i believe what's going to be happening to   a lot of us yes you and I might not be daniel  Calandra that's not the point the point is that   God wants you to be the best version of you that  he could uh be and to do that we have to be the   version of us that will live for the lord amen  amen amen I think it's coming up right now   I was um a meeting with my best friend his name  is Russ Benson and we still work together today   we were praying together every morning we were  meeting before school and praying for two hours   and we were in my dad's church you know we my dad  let us open the doors and we'd go in there early   in the morning we'd pray for a couple hours  and one morning as I was praying I suddenly   had this revelation I realized that I was I was  living in such a way that there was enough of the   world in my life that i wasn't fully living for  the lord and yet i had enough of god in my life   that I wasn't enjoying the world either and i  felt like I was living in this in this place   between two worlds in limbo sitting on a fence  i don't know if you've ever sat on a fence   but it's not comfortable and i realized  I'm not getting the full benefit of either of   these lives because I'm not fully committed to  either one and so I went and got my friend russ   and i pulled him into another room and  I said russ we have to talk I said I can't   live like this anymore i said either we're  going to go out we're young we're teenagers   we're going to go out into the world and we're  going to live our lives we're going to enjoy   the fast cars the money the girls everything  or I said we're going to turn our backs on the   world completely and from this day forward we're  gonna live for jesus and with tears in our eyes   we held hands and we prayed and we said god  our lives for the gospel and I didn't know   back then that I would see millions and millions  and millions of people come to Christ around the   world I didn't know that I would preach in 80  some countries of the world I didn't know that   I would see miracles I didn't know that I would  see people literally raised from the dead all i   knew is that I had to decide what I was going to  do with my life and I put my life into his hands   and that's why I can tell you that the decision to  follow Jesus is not one that you will ever regret come on I'm challenging our  church I'm challenging myself   what would our church look like if the remnant I'm  not asking everybody but a few of you will heed   the call today jump off the fence and go all out  i don't know what that would look like for you i   know that I jumped off of the fence last December  spiritually just for myself not as a pastor but   as a follower of jesus christ but it influences  my pastoring preaching and messages in my family   I want to invite you to do the same this is not  a sermon this is a message this is not a talk but   this is an invitation to a transformation in your  life I want to invite you for that today is   going to be a different call before I give a call  for salvation because I'm noticing most of us here   today are the same i want to invite you for those  of you who've been in the limbo sitting on the   fence and you're saying you know what I know that  there are things in my life that are not right   I know there are things in my life god has put  his finger on and they need they need to go and   they need to be replaced today and i would like  to make the decision if god was convicting you if   god is moving up on your heart I want us to rise  to our feet, i'm going to invite you to the front   to come in and begin to lay your life on the  altar I'm going to say god's going to take this   very seriously so do not do it unless you mean it  do not do it unless you're going to ask the holy   spirit to really help you with that but god's  going to move and God's going to break change   today and God is going to usher some ministries  and launch certain things so if you are ready and   you're saying I'm ready to go I'm ready to lay my  life today on the altar I'm ready to start praying   I'm ready to start fasting I'm ready to jump in  the vision I'm ready to follow Jesus full blown   I'm gonna ask you that you come that you begin  to come don't look at these people this this   is their decision what are you gonna be what is  your decision what is gonna be the decision of   you and your family not just decision right now  of these people what's going to be the decision   of you and your family god might not call you the  40-day fast he might call you to feed somebody   he might call you to pray he might call you too  fast he might call you to invite your friends   but this is a season this is a moment and  this is the time where the holy spirit   is calling the church he's calling the fathers  he's calling the men he's calling the women and   he's calling the children he says i want you  to come i want to consume you i'm worthy of   what you're afraid of losing I'm worthy of what  you're afraid of sacrificing I'm worthy of what   you're afraid of laying on the altar we can't  build the vision of the church if our church   is not willing to die for christ if we're not  willing to lay our life down for jesus christ   father, we welcome your spirit right now I ask you  that you will descend as your people kneel as we   bend our knee before Jesus as we bend our knee  before christ as we bend our knee, i pray holy   spirit that you will do the work that only you can  do lord I can preach scream spirit and jump on the   fence but only you can produce the work of the  holy spirit in the lives of these people whereas   we're going to sing this song I ask you that you  produce a contrite there's some brokenness in our   hearts I ask you that you give us an appetite  for your word that we were missing I pray   right now for people on youtube and on Facebook as  they kneel in front of their device as they kneel   in front of their zoom lord god that your spirit  will visit them right there and right now begin   to break your heart before God as Jesus broke  the bread and then in multiple i begin to break   your heart right now before God let the alabaster  box fall on the ground and let it break and let   the fragrance be released let prayer let rivers of  living water flow out of your spirit today let be   setting sins things that held you hostage things  that crippled you things that locked you up laid   them at the feet of Jesus and said Jesus if you  take this away you can help me Jesus deliver me so   I can serve you deliver me so I can love you more  than i love this thing deliver me so that I can go   after you more than i went after this thing Lord  and you will see God will set you free right now   God will deliver you God will visit you, God  will touch you in Jesus name in Jesus name   spirit of God fall afresh right now spirit of  god I ask you that you will fall afresh right now   the ghost i ask you that you will visit us in the  mighty name of Jesus in the mighty name of Jesus   chuck Bryce and mo and our pastor to begin  to pray for people in the name of Jesus Christ draw me to your presence where you are oh spirit of God come and consume me with your fire lord all of me all of me consume me with your fire sue me with your fire oh holy holy spirit oh come and consume me oh Lord precious oh is life me I want you to stand to your feet if you  are able to right now wants to lift your hands for those of you in the sanctuary those  of you watching us on youtube or Facebook   just lift your hands right now to the lord if  you're receiving this on youtube and facebook   comment below say I'm receiving this god has  given me new hunger new passion right now   I want us to repent today for the  fear of lost repent for sitting on the   sitting on the fence being in the limbo say God  i forgive me God i don't want to treat you as a   side chick God I don't want to have side shakes  on the side, I don't want to have sight little   flames on the side God are you a jealous God you  want all of me and I want to give you all of me   God, I want to experience the benefits of what  is to know you let's pray right now first the   prayer of repentance in any area of your life the  Holy Spirit highlighted during the service begin   to bring it to the Lord and speak honestly to God  don't downplay me don't blame somebody else begin   to say God I repent of that god I laid that at the  cross I laid that at the cross right now in Jesus   father we lay it at the cross right now father  every single thing lord in our lives lord   that lord not allowed us not to see you in our  fullness lord in your fullness father we ask God   that you would forgive us God open our eyes open  our ears God open our hearts God to receive you   lord we ask for forgiveness God you would  forgive Lord us even in our minds that we   would understand God that we are forgiven  lord that we are perfect in our spirit God   but in our soul God that you will begin to  transform and renew our minds God forgive   us lord we ask God right now lord that you would  forgive God every single idea every single notion   every single precept god of who we thought we were  lord we abandon our old life God and we clench on   lord to our new life in jesus we ask you  and we thank you for our forgiveness lord   in Jesus name come on tell the lord right now that  you're worthy come on whatever that you just laid   at the altar just tell the lord the lord you  are worthy you can lift it up a little bit more of everything i'm afraid of  losing you are worthy of it to the lord the slain lamb of God the  coming king the triumph and messiah come on one more time you are worthy come on one more time every voice lifted every  hand raised to God lift up your voice to the lord revive this heart of mine let 20 21 be a revival  for my heart in Jesus name come on pray that right   now pray there over your life father put a heart  that is fully Lord after you Lord stir a passion   so deep in our hearts cut that the pleasures  of this world, Lord will not become attractive   to us lord but addict us to your presence  God, we want to go hard after your presence   we want to love you Lord with everything  that we have with everything that we are Lord   make us addicted to your presence Lord make us  addicted to your presence put a passion and a   hunger a fire and a love in our hearts for you  that it may be contagious to those around us   we want to love you we want to serve  you with everything that we have   in Jesus name in the name of the Lord father  we thank you that you are strengthening our   desire we thank you that you're a quickening of  passion for you we thank you God that our heart   is being purified we thank you father that you're  quickening a desire for prayer you're quickening a   desire for your word you're quickening a desire to  share our faith God that we will go all out living   for you Lord God that this will be the year the  radical year God this will be the year of revival   here this will be a year god that did we will go  after you God we rely on your help Holy Spirit   we know the resolutions we can make at the  altar but we only you give us the power   you give us the power you give us the power holy  spirit give us the power that we can change our   world for you lord that we can change our life for  you lord through your power, not our strength not   our decisions even God not our discipline but your  power god your power Lord your power in Jesus name   we're gonna take a moment right now pray  for those that are sick for those who   are sick and we're going to continue in this but  as we surrender our bodies something begins to   happen, God, begins to take responsibility for  our bodies come on somebody God begins to take   responsibilities for our bodies because somebody  say amen last thursday as I was doing this stream   there's quite a few testimonies that we received  when the stream was happening one of them is   there's a there's a lady that had a fungus on her  feet and uh and it just came out of my mouth i   wasn't thinking about fungus or anything and then  she starts saying there's fire that came on her   feet and the next morning she sent a testimony the  fungus was completely gone uh from from her feet   the itching was gone the that's that rash  in her skin was gone god told instead of free   and so right now as you if you have a sick painful  part in your body right now where you need healing   back heart problem or maybe take just the problem  can we agree right now in the name of Jesus   this is a place of miracles this is a place of  impossible if you're watching us on live streams   same thing can happen to you right now I'm going  to lead you just in that in that prayer right now   then we're going to continue to worship say this  with me say my body belongs to the lord belongs to   the Lord every member every man is an instrument  he's an instrument in God's work and right now in   the name of Jesus I think authority over every  pain over every pain every dysfunction every   dysfunction every disorder every disorder every  broken peace let it be realigned in Jesus name   be healed be healed i speak life to my mortal body  in the name of Jesus come on keep your hand there   right now begin to prophesy begin to speak life  right now digestive system to begin to work in   Jesus mighty name reproductive organs to be healed  in Jesus name decide to be healed in Jesus name   deaf ears to open in Jesus mighty name the mutant  to speak in Jesus mighty name we speak right   now killing asthma to go in Jesus mighty name  bronchitis to be healed in Jesus mighty name every   arthritis to be God in Jesus mighty name in the  name of Jesus every spasm in the in the muscles   be healed in Jesus mighty name let your fire  come right now let your glory come right now God   let your fire come right now let your glory  come right now God in the name of Jesus Christ make me a house make me a house my altar may the fire on my altar never burn  out may the fire on my altar never burn up   the spirit of God is falling  right now he's healing right now make me make me we want to help us to love Jesus Holy Spirit  help us to love the father Holy Spirit help us to   live for him only we are not able to do it  in ourselves we are weak our resolutions are   weak our decisions are fragile but holy spirit  we lean on you right now we lean on your hell   this is not just going to turn into  another fire that dies out but a fire   that will consume and grow in Jesus name  every head bowed and every eye closed   if you're in this room today and you don't know  Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior   perhaps you're visiting us for the first time oh  you've been coming for fierce few times and you   realize you're not sitting on the fence you're on  the other side you went after the world after sin   perhaps the consequences are catching up to you or  maybe the spirit of God is calling you right now   you haven't even touched the consequences of your  decisions I do want to tell you the scripture that   says the wages of sin is death death is separation  from god but the gift of God is eternal life   God is not just wanting to pay off your  sins he wants to take you into his family   god is not some stranger paying off your debts  god is a father looking for it to adopt a son   a father looking to adopt a daughter if you don't  know Jesus as your savior God as your father   spirit is your comforter perhaps you black slid  maybe church hurt you or your came from a broken   family, maybe you've had an abuse whatever your  reasons and blame is today there's only one   solution for you and that is jesus christ no one  can come to the father but through me jesus said   he's ready to receive you right now all you  got to do is confess with your mouth believe in   your heart and repent of your sin if you're  saying glad I'm ready to do that right now   but no one looking around i want you to raise your  hand high and say i would like to get saved today   I would like to give my life to the Lord  today I would like to come to know God   as my savior as my healer if you're watching  us on live stream right now and you don't know   Jesus all you got to do is just comment below so  count me in that prayer I would like to get saved   count just comment it I would like to  get saved and we're going to pray right now   when we pray you pray with us you pray with us in  Jesus name church let's say the spirit out loud   with me say let's say lord Jesus lord Jesus i am a  sinner please forgive me of all my sin and wash me   with your precious blood, I surrender my good the  bad and the ugly my whole life to you come and be   my savior and I crown you as lord I repent  of my sin I believe you're the son of God   who died in my place and i receive you  your gift of salvation in Jesus name amen
Channel: HungryGeneration
Views: 40,050
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Keywords: healing miracles supernatural today, pastor vlad hungrygen, hungry generation, hungry gen, vladimir savchuk, lukewarm, lukewarm christian, choose God, stop sinning, on the fence, best of both worlds, choosing god, revival, revival sermon, online church, church online, grace, grace of God, grace of God sermon, living for God, live for God, pastor vlad, pastor vlad sermons, pastor vladimir savchuk, vladimir savchuk sermons, savchuk vladimir
Id: VjgE9mX1aXo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 30sec (4170 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 14 2021
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