Psychopath vs. sociopath: 5 key differences

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hello this is Ava from Seoul GPS welcome today our topic by demand is the difference between a sociopath and a psychopath there is actually a lot of great information out there on the web I'm going to in fact attach link to the wikipedia pages for a description of what is sociopathy and psychopathy or what is now termed antisocial personality disorder so it's been sort of you know the two have been put under this umbrella which I think that it kind of softens and the the meaning of it I don't know if it was and why it happened why they did it that way some say that the people who are in charge of making these decisions as to how we diagnose and how we quantify who belongs to which category is just filled with people with cluster B personality disorder so they're trying to do their best to smooth it out to make it sound very mild and also to completely actually do away with cluster B personality disorder so something to keep in mind well this it's something that's very real I encountered this on a daily when I speak with my clients and I hear their stories the stories are horrific people's lives are changed some feel utterly destroyed and then they have to go through a process of recovery but a recovery is possible it is what I call a brush with some evil force you know we fall into an abyss especially as a person who is empathic you that can kind of fall into the abyss the gravity pool of a person who's hollow inside and it makes you question everything about yourself it can actually take you as far as you taking on some of the personality traits yourself which sometimes there's not much other choice we have because in order to communicate with have to get to their level and of course they're not going to move the needle so we have to be the ones who adjust our own communication style first then later our perception and finally eventually our entire paradigm and the way we look at the world so that it is close to the person that we are you know we've opened our heart too so it's a very destructive path we can go on easily and then within sometimes weeks days even you notice tremendous changes inside yourself in a way that you relate to your loved ones everything begins to shift it's like you're entering this very dark void of all of reality things get distorted so if you've been in a relationship with a psychopath or sociopath my heart goes out to you and I have been and it's it's it's a it's a mind [ __ ] I'm sorry first wiring but it's just were so much more my older videos I'm trying to keep it a little bit more PG but I mean there's no better way to put it that it is you know it's absolutely crazy making experience so don't question yourself you know avoid falling into the the place where you start to question whether it was you you know maybe you're I mean the people do this all the time and the more empathic the more I see that is that women especially they that they're like maybe I'm the sociopath I'm like well darling if you're the sociopath huit you and I wouldn't be talking right now first and foremost you would never pay any attention to any of these videos you would laugh it off you would loathe any kind of a healing process or recovery process it just doesn't it doesn't work for that for those people those people are so grandiose they're so above anything that isn't like them that you know it just stands no chance of getting any form of respect or humility that would lead them down the path of healing so so these are very dangerous characters the research out there says that it's about 2 to 3% of the population it may seem like it's not a lot but if you imagine you know hundred people in the room you'll say you're at a party right 100 people in the room it's not a whole lot it's like a I don't like my loft here crowded with people holding drinks and hanging out and talking probably I could stay 200 people here and and so 2 or 3 are those dangerous types and according to another research that I found on Psychology Today excellent article I'll look for it and I'll attach it to this video as well because it's fantastic and it's Sandra Brown who talks about you know how these people they just kind of steamroll through life and they will touch a lot of souls and they will create a lot of destruction and if only you know each of them affects five other people which usually that the numbers are larger because they can't hold on to stable relationships so they go through relationships quickly and sometimes they have multiple relationships at once that number is staggering it's up to about 50 million I think in the US alone so these are huge numbers of people who get affected and many don't even realize it so if you're here if you're watching this video one thing I want to say to you is that congratulation so while you may be feeling horrible right now like you're infected with some dark virus at least you're aware and you've taken this step towards healing and educating yourself about this so that's a very good thing I was where you are - and is it that two years ago almost two years ago so a little bit more actually yeah it's been 2 of 2 months no that's our two years and three months ago I think just about so you know I remember where my journey started and the difference as to where I am today you know after having done the work and I'm still continuing to do the work because there's so much to discover you know and there are lots of beautiful things to discover yourself and this work so it's actually you know it starts really dark and very heavy and daunting but then later on it gets really exciting and fascinating so you're on this journey keep moving forward keep having faith in yourself read up about it actually Sandra's book women who love Psychopaths you know it's for women but I think that men could read it too there's less women Psychopaths they say it's it's a much smaller ratio it's about one to two men so for every two Psychopaths there's one main male Psychopaths there's one female psychopath so yeah it happens it happens to so so who are these people and what is the difference right that's what I am known for long preambles but that's what this video is about so so I made a list of five five key differences five key differences of these few you know that the differentiates the two and I wanted to bring it up here some are more some things are more obvious than others some are a little bit more abstract so we're going to have to stretch our imagination a little bit it can be difficult to understand you know being a feeling breathing loving person can be very difficult to kind of like put yourself in that mindset because it's so vastly different from that of a normal regular person but we'll do our best so the first key difference between a sociopath and a psychopath or rather a psychopath and a sociopath is that psychopath is tends to be born that's what the newest research says is that there's something in the brain of a psychopath that is altered right from the start so the development of a child is just not the same you know and and based on what I've read best based on how I understand it without going too deeply into the subject and making another you know hour-long video the differences is in the limbic brain so we have three layers in our brain and a brain structure we have the oldest reptilian brain which is the brainstem and it has all of these instinctual mechanisms that are sort of programming into it's about survival it's its quick responses quick reactions it's kind of like you're putting your hand on a stove and you're taking it back it's like that's the brain stem there's not much cognitive processing that goes on in that it's just quick its immediate then we have the next layer and that's the mammalian brain and that's where there is this as where the mirror neurons are that's where you know a mother nursing or a child that's where there's this connection this attachment begins to form and it's an emotional brain and that's where we process emotion and it's the sort of bridge between the cognitive and the physical that allows us to make sense of our world and give us guidance it's what I call the soul GPS right it gives us the guidance as to are we going the right direction we go in the wrong direction and if your body is telling you that something's off and that might signal that oh maybe I shouldn't go there maybe I should back out and go somewhere else which is often the case with these relationships right is that your body is the first one to give you the signs that something's off so that's the mammalian brain and then finally have the cognitive center the command center the executive center of our mind of the brain which is the the the cortex and the cortex is actually where empathy is born so it is actually a very recent phenomenon and the development of our evolution so one way to think about I just I don't know this is just the way I think I might be off in this but I kind of think that empathic people are sort of on the cutting edge of the evolutionary and the evolutionary impulse you know it's like the people who are much more stunted in that way who don't have a way to relate and Pathak the openly lovingly to other people are those who are a little bit further back whether it is that they've been stunted in their childhood or whether on the Ellucian area sort of genetic level they haven't been able to develop I don't know if it's if that's the way it is but it kind of feels right to me when I think of it that way so so so a psychopath coming back to point one is born versus a sociopath is made so sociopath would be a person who early on in their childhood experiences a lot of pressure maybe there's a lot of shame or some form of a trauma and then let's say they get recruited by a gang you know they're full of anger and angst and anxiety and they're just aimless and then the gang takes them and it raises them and it's teaching them systematically to kill off their apathy Center to to anesthetize it to desensitize it and they could be taking them to you know commit acts of criminal acts or acts of violence and slowly that person gets conditioned to doing that and they identify their their identity is deeply vested with that group they identify with them so eventually they become like that themselves they become cruel they become callous they don't have a feelings for other people in fact they have nothing but disdain and that the feelings that that you get if you're in a relationship with that person there will be an outward projection of charm because that's they've learned is the only way to get their way if they were if they were really to show their true colors everybody would be able to see who they really are they would run away right so they have to have that layer of charm and you know this way of evoking empathy within you and then the person that they're talking to by telling sad stories from the child who are talking about the traumas and that also then serves as a way of you rationalizing their behavior later on when you're starting to question and you get into enter this cognitive dissonance zone within when you're just wondering is it me is it damned what's going on here it's like your body knows something's off but you don't know what it is and you want the dream to continue on so so you start to rationalize and you can think of oh well they told me the story they were hurt and they were sexually abused or really severely beat up but the father and the father was an alcoholic and he left them and the band and the family and bla bla bla bla on it goes I know I've been there I mean I've been told these stories by these ruthless awful people so board versus maid is the first different second difference is I call it a sloppy versus strategic so Psychopaths because they don't know anything else they tend to be kind of sloppy in the way that they go about their business they are reckless they make a lot of mistakes they're the people who are more likely to be caught and put in jail for their crimes then a sociopath who is much more strategic in his or her scheming games and sometimes will plan for years before executing on the plan they have a lot of patience so that's what makes them very dangerous they have a lot of patience they enjoy the preparation they enjoy the you know setting up the board or the the dominoes right and then they just make that one move and then everything goes and then they back out and they watch it and they just kind of like you know they have like this internal dopamine orgasm if I were if I were to call it that it's just it's it's sick so they love it they enjoy it they love the game they love the buildup but again Psychopaths tend to be a little bit more sloppy they make a lot of mistakes whereas a sociopath is just on the point and a lot of white collar crimes actually there's lots of sociopaths that are attracted to powerful leadership positions and there they are I'm not saying that all CEOs of the Corporations are sociopaths not at all but even those people I think could get conditioned over the years you know by their exposure to power and you know acting in a way that doesn't take into consideration the well-being of other people since they have like thousands of people working for them right so in a sense if you think of it you know to think about and I'm not excusing them right now but if you were to think about you know every time you have to lay someone off now you go home and you you think about it that would be me that's why I'll never be a CEO because I would not be able to do it I would be thinking about it for months and feel horrible and I couldn't do it but these people it comes easy to them that just you know they fire people often I think they close out you know entire departments to to save money and that's you know it's very different mentality but I can see how over the years somebody you know sort of getting on that career track would become we take on some of these sociopathic traits and then there's some people who do it on purpose they just love it they they enjoy and that's the difference between I think somebody with traits versus a full-blown sociopath is they really love it they really love looking in the face and in the eyes for their to love her or whether it is you know somebody who works for them where they have to feel like they have power over them and they just love to give a little hope and then to take it away just snatch it back and see the fear the disappointment that the pain written all over that person's face it is really truly disturbing it is disturbing like for instance I think that that's the difference between narcissist it could be a different video but narcissists would still have some level of remorse or regret or there's some more feeling there you know sometimes they do things because they think it's the right thing they just you know there's they're selfish they're very much in their bubble but typical narcissus is not going to sit back and and scheme and just can't wait to bring it and to hurt somebody they just this is who they are they sometimes they can't help themselves there's a mixture of unconscious behavior with conscious behavior again not in any way condoning this or trying to sound like it's like they're better it's all bad and it's all unhealthy and it's all highly highly destructive and if you identify yourself being and you know in contact with that person you're starting to feel the effects on your body you're feeling tired you don't know what's going on with your world everything seems distorted and weird run away quit your job do something else leave that person open your heart to something better and greater the pain of Staind because you're trying to avoid the pain of facing your loneliness and your fears is much greater it's that the price you're paying is just it's it's unbelievably expensive to stay in that relationship on all levels spiritual physical emotional mental financial so don't do it get yourself out of those situations so stop people are so strategic is number two number three and here's when we're a little bit abstract it's kind of this hollow dark energy I don't know us of office of a psychopath like a psychopath is almost like there's this shell imagine like an egg that is empty that you just you blew it all out the insides out and there's nothing there and you can you can see then the psychopathic stare when they just kind of look at you blank you know or they're they're trying to are already imagining these sick things in their mind things they'll do to you I mean it's it's horrible but um but there's this this hollowness this coldness it's almost like you're standing next to a brick of ice whereas with a sociopath there is still this darkness but they feel like there's more substance to it like there's just this activity there is this there's this charm there's this this this little layer of substance that makes it feel more valid like it's more legitimate like you think you're talking to a legitimate person even though your radar is still picking up like something's off here with a psychopath you just feel hold it just like you've just entered this deep cave and the whole world fades away and there's nothing but just you and them and you're a little scared but you're also a little fascinated it's like this fear and fascination plyuk you just what is this right and sometimes and some of us the healing impulse might turn on it's very deep it's deeply some it's deep and subconscious so it might not be aware of it but it's almost as if you want to like we'll go in and infuse this person with your light and infuse them with your love like saved and rescue them heal them and it's what they pray on and that's why a lot of these people are going to spin stories and tell you things to entice you to enter their world and they will play this victim because that is what what really turns our empathy centers on and that's what they're looking for so but it's not like for example again with a with a narcissist narcissists are looking for empathic people to come in and do things for them you know to be an extension of their ego whereas associate but in a psychopath would do it to control you to have total complete power over you and then to destroy you so this is our level this is the next level up or next level down one you can look at it that way - okay number four the Psychopaths tend to be more dysfunctional a word whereas sociopaths are more functional so very rarely that a psychopath has a high-level job and is very successful and what they do you know it could be a leadership position also in church it could be a leadership position in defamation corporation or you know the teacher you know somebody who is even like a writer you know an artist somebody who is just has a lot of notoriety I don't be fooled by that you know these people are highly intelligent they don't have the conscience brakes that we do sometimes like they have no problem walking over other people to get their prize to win to to to meet their goals they do they they don't worry about those things like for me for instance you know before I make a decision about something I have to consider and my neighbors to make sure that's not gonna hurt them I mean it's ridiculous I'm working on that so it's not so out of control but that's the difference and they don't they don't think about it that way they completely don't worry about destroying people in the process so again Psychopaths more dysfunctional they tend to have a just mess in their space they're not really orderly there again is that sloppiness you know and they're in the relationships can't hold down to a job constantly complains you know everybody's it's everybody else's fault not them that kind of an approach massive victim ego versus a sociopath kind of almost proud of who they are really digging it you know and very highly functional so not having those conscience remorse breaks they just steamroll through life and get their way okay and finally number five which current isin with number four is that sociopaths Psychopaths tend to be broke again that that dysfunction really bleeds into their financial sphere and they're always struggling with things versus Psychopaths can be very successful even could be a doctor could be a psychiatrist or a psychologist yeah that happens - very scary scenario to consider but yeah that happens so so these are these are defined main differences so again I'm just going to recap Psychopaths versus sociopaths so the first thing I'll say relates to psychopathy the second to sociopathy number one born versus made number two sloppy versus strategic number three hollow versus substantive number four dysfunctional versus functional and number five broke versus successful has some some semblance of that in his life or her life so that's that now something to really remember if yet again have identified this person you're still trying to give them benefit of doubt remember these people are like this through and through it's not that it's just a slice of the person is their entire personality the fracture goes all the way to the core people have no empathy no conscience don't ever count on the fact that if you're gonna break down and cry in front of them that they will change their approach they will not they're going to actually love that that's how they get their supply that's what they get their fuel there are very shallow affect so no subtle emotions of say you know if you stand in front of a painting and you just in all right or you pick up some delicate sensations of of love and trust and these things they just hate that they just stomp all over that they think it's beneath them there's a feeling of darkness hollowness it's kind of like sucks you in like a black hole coldness but then the outside layer of course has to draw you in like a true predator draws you in charm grandiosity and tremendous intelligence and that grandiosity I find in my work with some of the people is what can actually take a person who's been sort of starving for attention for affection they've been feeling less than because they have you know their their self-esteem and their support have been beat down over the years by those characters so they're they're in a compromising position and they meet one of those grandiose characters and by association they feel like they're they themselves give an ego boost so be careful and that's something that you identify with it's not something to shame yourself about it's just something to be aware of and the other thing to be really aware of is do you project truth as we all do but to what degree do you project so a lot of the times what happens so you meet one of those people they tend to present themselves quite well and then you project your idea of who you just met on those people before you even met them so you think you're with an amazing talent and benevolent great person with whom you have so much in common but the truth is actually really dark and scary so try to give yourself some space and some distance don't fall in for people I know it's easier said than done but it's something to practice it's a great muscle and skill to have is to hold your heart close to your chest in your chest and be open-minded talk to people explore who they are ask questions do your own investigation but once you're getting a weird hints really pay attention and give yourself time to get to know somebody don't rush in you know don't project that fantasy it will probably turn on when you meet somebody unique captivating it is what happens so don't feel like you're flawed again don't shame yourself don't give to yourself just let it play out you know see yourself you know married to this person having kids or whatever that that vision may be or you see yourself exploring all sorts of things you seem to have all these things in common maybe you can go to museums and concerts to get you know it's like that stuff just just just unfolds in the mind it's okay just notice that you have it and just say to yourself okay I'm doing that all right well let's now take a step back let's breathe you're gonna feel like you're almost like pulling something away from something sticky that's trying to like that's magnetizing you just fight against that a little bit pull yourself back allow some space between you and that person and just breathe and tend to your life tend to your world do something that makes you happy makes you excited work on your life purpose clean your space you know about yourself some flowers go to yoga class go on a walk call up a friend you know tend to your world build your life and the more of a life you have the less susceptible you'll be to falling into the gravity zone of these characters so I'm gonna leave it at this hopefully you liked this video it was helpful to you it helped to validate your experience if so I'm glad because that's the purpose that I wish for this video to serve I'm sending you lots of my love thank you for your support thank you for attention thank you for your likes and subscriptions it helps to spread this information two more people so every time you do that know that you're contributing to growing this community which is my goal to educate and help other people so thank you so much again sending you lots of love and I will catch up with you in another film bye bye
Channel: Soul GPS
Views: 4,185
Rating: 4.8423643 out of 5
Keywords: Narcissist, narcissistic, abuse, NPD, BPD, ASPD, sociopath, borderline, personality, disorder, manipulations, manipulator, toxic, relationship, verbal, emotional, mental, psychological, therapy, trauma, pain, suffering, lies, crisis, power, control, dysfunction, victim, target, narcissism, blame, guilt, no, responsibility, contact, energy, recovery, codependent, selfish, trust, games, trance, pathology, boundaries, predator, vulnerability, conflict, win, ego, self-worth, confused, cognitive, dissonance, self-healing, psychopath, born
Id: 0EdDoIpBk2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 35sec (1655 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2019
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