Series 11, Episode 2 - 'The lure of the treacle puppies.' | Full Episode | Taskmaster

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] i just need to read that again [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello i'm greg davis welcome to the taskmaster academy at this educational establishment we teach our pupils problem solving cunning and how to endure ridicule at the end of the course four of them will have destroyed their careers and will never work in television again and one lucky winner will have my golden trophy and also will have destroyed their career and will never work in television again it's like life cruel and without meaning we have an audience watching this in the cinema down the road so let's crack on and meet our five contestants they are charlotte richie maddox limax mike wasner and sarah kendall and next to me a man who like an obedient pop responds instantly and affectionately to all my commands and like an obedient pup pop enjoys lapping away at his own mess it's little alex horn all right you dirty boy riddle me this oh what am i i'm small and yet i can fly and you'll fly quite a bit more my first is in flop but not in pizza are you a fly the wetter i get the more i weigh i'm a small insect i'm a fly let's crack on price task time you know it and this week the category is the best drinking vessel you know it you'll judge the best drinking vessel greg and that person will start the show with five healthy points at the end of the show the person with the most points will take home all five drinking vessels and finally be able to have a few people over for some drinks all right then michael wozniak a made a cup what it was my first try at wood whittling not all of the wounds have healed fully the intention was a sort of kind of oriental soup thing it ended up somewhere between that and a love spoon there's a love story oh wow the face as you can clearly see is your face um the blood has been sanded off you should have been wearing a little leather thimble [Laughter] i've not got children as you know but if i had a seven-year-old and they brought that back i'd probably look to give them support i probably and a 40 year old man are you counting out as a drinking vessel craig i suppose you can drink out of anything don't you oh so they could have brought okay not a sieve yeah you could probably get the meniscus around the edge of the sieve quick here um sarah yes can you beat that i well i mean when you said if i had a seven-year-old who had brought home something like uh which is really a good springboard into uh my daughter had done pottery at school and it was a cup there it is um so remember the category is the best drinking vessel i mean the thing is it doesn't fulfill any of the functions of a cup but i've just gone for razzle dazzle here listen after the last episode you're right to up the show bits you've really brought broadway to the show thank you and jamali can you beat either of those yeah i mean i just went by the rules of the show can i say something your tone suggests this is going to be rubbish no it's not rubbish it's just i just wore a plastic cup yup you just brought a plastic cup yeah non-biodegradable recyclable just good old-fashioned plastics you saw what happened last episode when sarah was riding around really slowly right yeah yeah okay but she won the last episode like i just decided i want to win now i'm sick of trying to be like oh i'm going to bring in a shoe that sings i'm not doing that [ __ ] no more i know what show you're doing it's like whimsy and ah it's like oh it's a vessel and all this [ __ ] i ain't doing it no more all right it's a plastic car not recyclable that's what you're getting okay so you're going to play the point absolutely right down the barrel okay i'm done if you win the series based on this technique it's going to be a hollow crow lee um i went for a money can't buy a bit of razzmatazz it's simon cowell's mug here it is a mug off his table and britain's got talent and it's unfortunate because we keep giving it to the tree surgeon who's called simon yeah and i think he thinks it's a nice touch and we keep no i've got to say that it's not for him but and it's happening about two or three times i know how often do you need a tree surgeon [Laughter] you know i mean annually you get them pollarded annually yeah not just me isn't it okay um charlotte okay so i've got a tankard basically i do believe that it's the best thing you can drink out of oh it's my granddad's and underneath it's glass i can show you the glass bottom and what's cool about that is that the reason they had glass bottoms is because in the 18th century the navy used to drop king shilling into people's pints so that when they drank it and picked it up they'd be like what's this and they'd be conscripted into the navy so they designed glass underneath so that people could check their pints to check that they weren't gonna be conscripted to the navy for like years it's a good price [Laughter] sorry jamali one point it's a plastic cup second worst you know at the end of the day i have to give you my reaction as to the mug that i want least in my house okay yeah well it's simon cowell's mug two points um just because i'm presuming that in three years has been a dramatic improvement in her talent i'm going to give your daughter three points fantastic unbelievably for one of the worst things i've ever seen in my life i'm giving you four points i think because i feel sorry for you and uh the beautiful um granddad tanker takes it comfortably five points okay please alex certainly here we go [Music] hello alex hello mike lovely day it isn't it ah good day yeah were you just saying good day i was trying it out yeah yeah it didn't feel great make that balloon hover untethered for 20 seconds make that balloon hover untethered for 20 seconds a balloon during the hovering the top of the balloon must not be higher than your chin and the bottom of the balloon must not be lower than your waist also you must sneer throughout the 20 seconds fastest winds your time starts now all right first question is where's this balloon i reckon you could almost hear it i can almost hear the balloon i think if you listen carefully right how do i get it down right make that balloon oh it's there it's not been there the whole time i did someone just do that that's been a foot away from your head throughout that's incredible nearly hit you twice right what do i untie it it's up to you um there are scissors inside yeah that's a good idea [Music] [Applause] [Music] right i want to establish two things one charlotte ritchie can't get a balloon off a clothesline no she can't two lee mack hasn't got peripheral vision yeah all right let's crack on okay so they had to make the balloon hover and like to sneer throughout the most famous sneerer of all time is of course cyril sneer who's a pink card [ __ ] we're gonna see charlotte richie lee and mack first of all good luck right so okay it's helium it's helium okay oh it's helium what i need to do is find a weight that is perfect not too heavy not too [Music] light that's too heavy [Music] i'm not sure this is doing anything is that untethered yeah oh i'll try this sponge that sponge might be just about the right not bad it's close that in it is it untethered is it hovering yeah is it yeah is it okay right oh i don't know how to do this you can see that oh yeah [Applause] oh you bastard oh god there must be another one don't tell me that's it absolutely oh come on is it definitely gone yeah that's gone do you mean it's it god yes well you mean that balloon full of helium that flew into the sky yeah i think we're getting that back i think that's gone okay okay thank you charlotte gutted absolutely gutted uh the wilderness old man [Laughter] this logic was great though the weight logic yeah it's a treat wouldn't it blew my mind when i saw that i genuinely thought well there's no way that's possible that must have been the whole point of it was for it to fly up in the air you thought the point of the task was well that just wasn't possible yeah of course it's possible shows an example of how it's possible yeah i was intrigued you decided i'm the old static electricity yeah and then you realized it was helium yeah and then you knew you had to come up with a new system yeah you went straight back to the old studies now it's over to jamali and sarah to try and make their balloons hover untethered for 20 seconds while sneering see it's above my is it tethered nope what's holding it down me that's not gonna work just letting go of it if i go into like an airless area oh i touched it i touched it you're right there oh yeah hello how do you create static on the balloon is it rubbing it static yeah i tend to rub it you need the right material what material is it like a woolly jumper you got a woolly jumper i can get you with a jumper give me a wooden jumper please who's timing this who do you want to time it you ah no no i'm gonna start again there were three seconds that was three yeah got your woolly jumper thank you now does this count because it's not tethered it's lodged is it hovering yeah we're being technical that's hovering that's hovering is it technically is it going to be [Applause] no [Music] it's still warm did you take off someone's back yes okay it's still like warm yeah they were warm well where do we go inside this is better it's already better i just had a thought huh what about static electricity is that hovering it's going to be up to you to argue it in the studio i can't oh i won't be able to take on greg he's awful oh so i should start now okay uh yeah are you sneering at the camera [Music] you keep sneering there you go you reckon i was hovering i was over here yeah did you know that was over here it's not important what i think so what's your job what's your job dude i don't i'm the toastmasters assistant yeah but your assistant you would know what the thing would yeah i'm not allowed to have an opinion all right i measure things it's not a bad gig is that 20 seconds alex are you going to call it oh sorry i thought you were going to call that 45 seconds [Applause] it seems to me as we go on when you get set unusual tasks to do you're sort of baffled you were quite confused by what i was doing there you sort of asked him a simple question he goes well i don't know it's your job mate yeah what's your job then i'm to help him not to help you you've got a little bit more aggressive now you're sitting next to gregor i feel more confident okay so your tactic was to go into an airless i quote airless environment it's a famous airlock that is the shed honestly this this movement yeah it made your daughter's pottery look competent well now it's explained i have to say i think you're being harsh because that seemed to work for a second the helium against the waft you just have to have a lot of waft well i tried that with the uh with the the leaf blower but i couldn't go at the same pace as a leaf blower yeah yeah it's too much sarah did it in 21 minutes and 18 seconds yeah that sounds like whereas jamali did it in four minutes and 50 seconds nice and technically as he kept saying it hovered well done right what's next finally he's live he's blithe and he looks good in ties it's mike wozniak excuse me a minute [Music] crazy choice hi so i'm just trying to make it sort of uh a little weight it's not tethered okay let's go sneering [Applause] uh one of your little laundry pegs is on that i'm still sneering [Music] i think arguably that's the lost cause all right then [Music] oh ah there you are okay balloon back [Applause] [Music] one scenario two scenarios [Applause] is well thank you i'm very happy i've got your balloon back alex [Music] would you uh lose to lose that in case you need it thanks [Applause] victory when you stepped out of that phone booth you looked like a head of department from a local council i've just been fired talk us through the initial sort of greek dance greek dance like hovering over a certain area so i'm trying to sort of keep my described area in the right sort of zone and i it wasn't an inte this just it just it's not really a plan it's just i enjoyed your balloon dance thank you and then up it went and then up it went and this is where it gets interesting because the two other contestants whose balloon flew away just let them go but not mike wasn't here never let it go a spirit of the blitz mentality that's right no one has ever hopped over that fence before they've never had a fence hop how do you feel about that i felt good and i was thrilled when i got over the other side that it was just earth it was really sort of about halfway through the job that i didn't really know it was at the bottom it could have been a mine shaft that would be one hell of an ending incredible so he's got to have rocked it well he wasn't as quick as jamali because he did spend quite a long time chasing this balloon across the board yeah he jumped over the fence yeah so jamali took four minutes 50 mike eight minutes so just to recap it's zero points to lee and charlotte sarah gets three then we've got mike gets four points for the winner with five points it's jamali do you have a look at scoreboard i have you a scoreboard lee is in last place with two mike is in first place with eight points another one man come on okay well guess what it's team task time and what better way to begin the bonding than with a lovely spat [Music] hello molly how you doing i'm good hello alex hi mike are you okay with heights this sort of height yes yeah this sort of thing is okay yeah do you have any phobias rats and foam foam you like dry foam you know like when you're washing dishes you know the the sponge no sponge not foam like sponge so across our foam yes across that foam like sponge that dry sponge and you're fine with flannels good with flannels um can i get the task no you can't you're not out of the box can you pass it to me there yeah okay hey hey what's up long time how are you i'm good how you been oh hello hello lee please open the task that's the task you're not that off your box do you have a belt now you'd have a belt i have my coat and then uh shoes and laces that's going to give us a bit of oh damn distance yeah i've tied it in this type of knot so you can tie something easier to it nice and then you don't think there's an easier way oh yeah hey what's up oh hi oh hi that's me i'm jamali i'm charlotte i'm sarah she don't have no laces no more have an argument you must take it in turns to angrily make a point using no more than 10 words and you must always end your point with a different four-letter word you must look at each other throughout the argument and the person speaking must angrily wag their finger during their speech the argument is over when there is 10 seconds of silence or when one of you looks away longest argument wins your argument must begin three minutes from now is there anything particularly like to argue about because you look so amenable and nice well i don't know well that's the sort of image you're trying to project you know i mean underneath it all that might be a nasty piece of work yes but the last word has got to be four letters yeah think of a few of those hand yeah okay my head is filled with the word duck and there's no other word i keep refreshing it and just the word duck keeps coming up [Laughter] who refreshes their mind what strange language you use this is literally just duck duck duck and i was just trying to tell myself just you know but internally you were going refresh duck again see what happens same thing coming up weird absolutely weird i enjoyed um people making up new tasks with the laces and i enjoyed his off-camera smugglery again they don't know the shots he was another person and then when he goes like i'm sure there's not a better way yeah i've got feelings have a look so it's the usual arguing rules no more than 10 words per argument and the last word has to be four letters long first up we're going to see the film and theater director mike lee thank you i have to tell you bad tash this is precious hair it might be but not good don't you dare insult my look i will insult youse you're going to get your comeuppance you fool fool me i'll give you you [ __ ] you're jealous you [Music] plumb don't call me that mike [Music] you've got a face like a duck [Applause] oh you on about cray towel right above your teeth it's too bare below my belt is also [Music] hello your belt should look like a bear it's what i mean you're talking tosh i'll show you my [ __ ] i would love to see you wang it's meant to be an argument right well here goes you're changing the subject can i put it away it's heavy and huge it was a lovely argument but he said subject and i lunged in i was shitty challenging can i say that that is better than some plays that i've seen the national theater it was absolute poetry and i'm intrigued the thing that brought it to the end was lee offering to show you his genesis and and you visibly wanting that the argument ceased and we found common ground and then yeah you offered to expose your penis and then you announced that it was and i quote huge and heavy did that not say heavy and huge even yeah you saw that can i put it away it's heavy and huge it's happening huge thank you i mean it might be crass but i know the rules it's time for the team of three now jamali charlotte and sarah the thing is right jamali is that you drive well i disagree i hate it [ __ ] you have no idea how jamali behaves what luck thank you for pointing that out but i'm angry nice ring don't that's just not a thing i can't even when are you angry please going to stop never will i stop that khan oh ha-ha are you spelling that h-a-h-a just wait till what am i going to wait for town give it a rest you aren't making any sense and that's that go to bank you're gonna end on that word you better watch out because careful where there's a will there's a will i think that's more than ten words if you count them up why did you say town suddenly it sounds like a slang word we use for is that a bad word you know are we allowed to broadcast i mean you know it depends it's channel 4 man so they're you know risky it just seemed to me to be three people who perhaps have discovered language what it said was wag your finger argue and end on four words under it didn't say nothing like it has to be on topic and you have to pick a subject no i just think it's common sense we could have done a big list of rules like like don't just say the word tao for no reason you know language is this that thing that someone just made up you know that i did look it up on urban dictionary afterwards and it seems that no one there has heard of it i mean urban victory is you know doesn't know culture in it people lose it when they have an argument as well you don't make sense well your first argument was you drive quite well exactly yeah and drive me around the bend you need to go to the bank mate that's what you need to do you need to go to the bank and sort yourself out do you want me to tell you sometimes i'm ready the team of three lasted three minutes and eight seconds whereas these guys argued for five minutes 35 seconds with no blunders at all i want these two absolute arguing legends to get five full points each what about the town team i'm going to give them two points two points each okay but mike and leigh are the winners of the time there you go what's the next just a regular task down at the old haunt [Applause] [Music] right i'll open this then okay make the house haunted most haunted house wins you have an hour your time starts now excuse me just gonna go and have a little rummage a rummage okay yeah any initial thoughts rummaging thank you i need a uh white sheep and a dead person what's haunted you've got sort of uh ghost or poltergeist activity with objects moving poltergeists i'm thinking i'm thinking lights on and off i guess general sort of spooky stuff happening i need a a lot of big string rope string but big string big long string a lot of big string you see the amount of string that you was going to get more string times it by two three wow that's a lot of string tell me when you've got the string i'll give you another string okay bye-bye all right so there were lots of classic spooky phrases in there white sheep was requested for the classic ghost by lee corpse and then of course out on the biggest as the spookiest request of them all some big scary street [Applause] so big yeah yeah my thing was to buy out all the string because there's nothing more scary than when you need string and ain't none oh i'm greg davis i need some strings all your thoughts start with i'm greg davis and then you have the thought away always good okay she's in a program called ghosts but can she make ghosts let's see it's charlotte ritchie first [Music] um hey that's not me i i was quite freaked out because i thought that was you yeah oh good that's good then so i think if you ever go ahead and make your own horror film you you shouldn't feature after the horrific reveal at the end of your film you shouldn't pop on and go hello it sort of dampens it down a bit doesn't it yeah the worst thing was when i realized that that book hadn't flown out by itself that she'd used stream it's scary than that she tried to get string where did you get it there wasn't any screen who's next well do you want to see the big string guy do i here he comes it's the one and only germany maddox [Music] [Music] ghost [Music] [Laughter] you didn't know how that [ __ ] was moving did guess what it was string yeah the images were so terrifying i forgot about the string i was creeped out already with things flying off the wall but when those two cabbages flew off that desk that is classic horror let's see another horror film please okay would you like to see sarah kendall making the house look haunted more than anything here we go [Music] hello alex come play with us come play with us alex forever and ever and ever genuinely freaky sarah thanks classic horror film called the shining the shining took five years to make and 900 tons of salt so similar to this show do you want to take 900 tons of salt because there's a scene where there's snow near the end and they did it with salt did they really ah kubrick i thought your film was excellent thank you very much spoiler alert it creeped me out more than two coverages wow that's very thank you that's the kindest we've had you're making big statements for no reason not him i'm just so wanged up about the lack of string in the country next it's the ethereal mike wozniak [Applause] [Music] little alex horn [Music] little alex horn come in there's nothing to worry about little alex horn [Music] i've got some puppies [Music] good [Applause] um a lot of temptation to bring the victims in puppies covered in treacle no i was trying to take two things and make them greater than the sum of them if you put two nice things together it doesn't necessarily mean also i don't think there's a nice thing there is two things there people famously say come and see some puppies i know they said come and see some treats yeah mike was determined by the way that i would be cutting two like he was going to and he called it being hemisected any sex it's a word it's a real word just before we move on can we just drill down into the narrative of your story the whole house is haunted right along comes an innocent lovely task master's assistant it's this guy he's got a bloodlust all he wants to do is gobble you up hemisect you yeah and spit you out again why didn't uh little alex a lovely character the lovely assistant why didn't it spot the already hemi sector body outside he may well have done but that was overridden by the lure of the trickle pilot the lure of the treacle-covered puppies who's next finally it's final lee [Music] hello lee are you easily frightened i don't think so good what time ah just checking you see you say you're not but you did flinch a bit though do you know the history of the caravan i've always wondered about the history of the caravan many years ago there was a lady by the name of amy typical 21 year old she liked music parties but most of all she only wanted her own caravan she got a caravan this is said caravan four days later she wasn't alive she was not alive i'm going to find out now with the aid of my ouija board exactly what happened that night amy are you there amy amy are you there give us a sign if you are there she's talking to me have you got any questions you'd like to ask amy are you in heaven amy lovely oh no alex yes can i be honest okay so that was me i thought it was you i was following that i didn't see you i was pulling that i've let you down and i wish i hadn't and i apologize about this i'm no more of a psychic than than you so would you would you accept my apology there's a lot of smoke is that are you amy who you talking to you can't see no it was just just me that was me i was doing that and pulling that i don't like this it's a nice cupboard we go nelly where are you going to be honest there's too much smoke to breathe but also there's a dead lady there i can't see her all right bye bye lee it's not real what are you doing it's not me i've set it up i think we got away with that see that's what we needed to film you needed a twist you did look freaked out well i wouldn't warned about it yeah well it's been a bit odd to warn you about it but i think in horror films they do warn the actors what's gonna happen oh you consider yourself an actor in that huh i very much enjoyed your film shall i hand out some points some spooky points i thought they were all really good so no one is gonna get one spooky point okay no one's gonna get two spooky points is anyone gonna get any points three spooky points go to jamali and charlotte's films in second place there are four points i'm going to give it to the treacle puppy king and i'm going to give it to the jocular awful twist film four points of lee mac and mike wasn't right but by far the most atmospheric and spooky five points so well on sarah kendall on the bottom with 10. mike is on the top with 17 again runaway and his tip of truth okay everyone please head to the stage for the final task of the show [Music] hello hello greg hi greg hello hello who's going to read it out alex i'd like to miley maddox to read out the task please greg correctly guess you're standing in the group the task master will read out a category then you must hold the number that reflects your standing in the group most correct answer wins the way it's going to work is that greg will read out a category for example oldest contestant if that was the category obviously lee would put up one and then the rest of you would guess your ages in the group as well obviously yeah once you've heard the category you must hold up your number within 20 seconds and once it's up you can't change your mind you're going to have five categories most correct answers wins are you ready to hear the first category yeah yeah please category one most northerly birthplace oh if you think you're the most northerly hold up number one if you think you're the most southerly hold up number five which way is australia it is it's not called down over is it it's really south okay okay lee thinks he's the most northerly sarah thinks she's the most southerly they're both correct 1.8 it goes lee southport then mike oxford should be holding a number two then jamali east london should be holding number three then charlotte clap himself should be holding number four then sarah who is holding number five newcastle down under second category greg most pints of milk drunk per month we asked all of you before the show to state how many pints of milk per month you drink if you think that you drink the most hold up number one i don't know this about you mike but i've got instinct tells me you guzzle the stuff oh absolutely bloody milk guzzler they're all up charlotte and jamali both think they drink the middle amount of milk mike wozniak goes a lot of milk he guzzles 37 pints of milk per month whoa serious you have to get pine today i have more than a pint of damn sure of it yeah what are you a cough is it fed to you in a big bottle yeah it's on cereal a lot of tea and coffee okay and it's also drunk meaty so mike is correct lee is also correct he's a vegan he has zero pints per month so it goes mike the most with 37. sarah second with eight pints per month then it goes jamali third with five he gets the point here charlotte fourth with three lee fifth with zero the crudest category thus far coming up fewest phone contacts and fewest friends number one yeah about this i'm the oldest but do you know have you not found over the last 10 years you've started to thin the herd are you suggesting i'm so old i've started to die off no okay all the numbers are up four four three two two no one thinks you're the fewest or the most the person with the fewest friends is jamali with 150. sarah you're correct you are the second least popular with 315 contacts feels about right charlotte is third with 1065. mike fourth no points with 1144 lee has the most contacts with 3065 in his phone yeah but the problem is my phone sort of but not i'm trying to i'm very popular i'll be honest with you if someone asks for a selfie i ask for their number category four an interesting revelation of personal hygiene most frequent washing of towels per month after the cleanest person holding up number one there you go sean it's straight away oh we almost said one two three four five yeah what's difficult about this is that the fact that i don't know what's a lot because i have a bunch of towels yeah i need to get flash mate we've all got a lot of towels i've got a towel for each of my phone contacts charlotte thinks she cleans her towels the most 12 times per month almost every third day she's cleaning her towel yeah let's clean this is actually jamali you miss it again unfortunately then lee six times per month and then we're really getting desperate sarah only washed her twice a month mike you do get a point because you only wash them once a month yes absolute scum absolute scumbag final category greg most eggs in one hand yes we asked them how many eggs they think they can hold in one hand i can also confirm we tested this straight up there jamali i think i've got the biggest hands whoa two guys i think i've got a bigger hand a lot of eggs really big balls time isn't it yes no one thinks they can clutch the fewest eggs who do you think hold fewer eggs than you you don't have to answer that as your attorney you don't have to ask i'm going to answer that i'd like to find out as part of the game do you think someone's got smaller hands on you i don't know if it's about size oh it's absolutely about size technique technique as well well charlotte has a tiniest hand she can only hold seven eggs so she should have held up the number five she should sarah can only hold eight eggs she should be holding up the number four in third place it's mike with 11 eggs so which of the men can hold the most eggs i don't know why i think lee matt can hold the most eggs well i'll tell you that jamali can hold 12 eggs in his hands lee matt can hold 17 eggs and with that greg the task is open come back down and we'll add those points and we'll decide who's won [Music] very good hello there that must have had quite some impact on the scores so not only can he hold 17 eggs he can also guess where he fits in the standings because he got four questions rightly wow so lee does get the five points after that mike and sarah came in second they got two things right each and joint fourth charlotte and jamali got one each so the points go two each to charland jamali four to mike and sarah but limac gets five points there it is he knows himself and so the final scoreboard sarah came in second place for 17 but mike won the episode is also winning the series he won it with 21 points mike rosniak wins golden gather your victorious vessel thank you thank you so what have we learned today we've known for some time that climate change is the gravest threat that humanity has ever faced and we also know that cows are some of the greatest contributors to the global crisis and 50 of those cows are feeding mike wozniak's milk habit so what we've learned today is that mike wozniak is destroying the planet we've also learned that he's won tonight's show and now has more vessels to fill with milky goodness mike was there [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] for more task master subscribe now you
Channel: Taskmaster
Views: 1,416,514
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Taskmaster, Alex Horne, Greg Davies, Frank Skinner, Josh Widdicombe, Romesh Ranganathan, The Horne Section, Tim Key, Dave Channel, UKTV, Red Dwarf, Would I Lie To You, 8 out of 10 cats, Taskmaster full episodes, james acaster, Lee Mack, Jamili Maddix, Sarah Kendall, Mike Wozniak, Charlotte Ritchie, Fresh Meat, Jack Whitehall, New Series, New Season, Full Episode, Latest Episode, New Episode, Series 11, Season 11
Id: AJqiXQbB7rY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 37sec (2737 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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