Series 13, Episode 6 - 'The 75th question.' | Full Episode | Taskmaster

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foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello I am Craig Davis I am the task master and this is Taskmaster it's been said that nothing in life that's worth having is easy and yet I find it takes no effort to get ready for this and I am one hot tamale let's watch our less fortunate guests work for little reward they are oddlohandlan Richard Christine it's Ramsay Judy love and selfie and next to me a man whose only facial expression is that of a baffled hair it's a little Alex horn that time yeah I'm going to tell you a few things about me a couple of facts and I I think they're also jokes okay I support Liverpool Football Club yeah I'm a die-hard fan so there we go I like both Liverpool and the movie Die Hard and the other one here are some things I don't like omelets orchids so that's it just omelettes for children anyway price task time yes you bet your bloody life it is Greg and this time they've been asked to bring in the most calming item ah so chill right now the most calming item will get its owner Five Points and at the end of the show the overall winner will take home five calming items and become all relaxed and floppy foreign what makes you relaxed and floppy um I've brought in a cat cafe voucher here's the voucher dogs and cats are used to help people with post-traumatic stress disorder I heard a war surgeon talking on desert island discs explaining keep it light he went to meet the queen and she said I can help you she called the corgis and got him to stroke them and he was absolutely fine foreign no no I haven't finished yet I love it hang on because I know what you're gonna say but it's not a cat it was a dog anyway well I've been to a cat cafe and it didn't relax me it's probably my own fault for bringing my pet budgie and my pet goldfish with me right I'm gonna move on Judy what the thing reported that make me relaxed and floppy I bought a lovely fish water fountain here it is it looks pretty stressful for the fish I mean the fish aren't real no it's relaxing and you can lie at night time and listen to the water trickling along could you try and recreate the sounds oh the fish are gargling yes it makes me more relaxed and the idea of a war vet stroking one of the Queen's corgis cuddle I brought in um a tea towel instantly calming well it's the thing I sort of do find Details quite calming but why do you find it calming well it's like a little a little comfy blankie it's also great if you want to make a baby laugh which is very relaxing as we all know the sound of baby's laughter is probably the most beautiful sound known to human people it is nice and all you need is a tea towel and a baby obviously yeah oh and it works brilliantly every time Chris I have brought an aquarium oh here it's the aquarium from Chris so this is just a visual representation of the aquarium but the one I'm offering you is the one from my home which is 64 liters give me some stuff thanks for all he has something 30 yard fish points fish points certain size aquariums have got certain size points certain amount of points and each fish is worth a couple of points what'll do it for me because you did a very nice impression of yours perhaps Chris could reproduce the sound that his make all right good stop just imagine Bridget all right good Sophie hello hello can you give something that's actually relaxing I brought and access all areas massager and here it is and I just think like muscles get tired people get hit up because you need vibrations for your back for your cheek yeah or anywhere else you can think of right well there we go we've seen all five okay forgive me Bridget the Cat Cafe I did not find in any way relaxing okay so one point to Bridget um secondly Judy's rubbish plastic fish painting okay two points to eat foodie I'm going to give the sex Aid okay I think you should ask the women in here if they would find it relaxing yes I'm as surprised as you that I find a dildo less relaxing than a tea towel because I haven't seen Chris's fish tank I have to take his word that it's relaxing and he's getting four points just on his description but I am actually going to give a detail for you and that's an entry okay let's get the first task started please Alex okay then Greg and we're off to the Taskmaster house where things are not as cement to be [Music] do you want it to stop no right use the cement mixer for something other than mixing cement best use of a cement mixer other than mixing cement wins your time starts when Alex does an impression of you I'm Chris Ramsey this time hasn't started yet then I'm afraid it has where are you from Gloucester Taskmaster are you joking hi babes okay well that is so me I haven't thought about this one oh thanks a million okay and we're off okay I'm furious are you yeah why because you're not doing an impression of me I'm gonna do an impression of you okay but you're fighting it really hard yes pretend you went to look at all girls school ah I can do this hello pardon wow okay so you like go to play like lacrosse okay give me a lacrosse stick do you know how to play Lacross yes okay I'm Sophie duker should we give you a second chance with your Sophie impression I don't think so I mean it was pathetic yes well I can't do Impressions you did everyone else you did foreign they all knew it was them and then when it came to Sophie you went [Music] yeah speak a little bit so we can have another go okay oh yeah this is me speaking yeah this is me speaking I can't do anything yeah I can't do it ah it's quite hair in the voice quite nasal yeah is this a compliment hello I think we should get on let's get on okay let's start with two very different approaches from two very similar people it's idle and Judy here we go so this is my salon you beat the hairdresser they wash your hair they don't do a good job to leave shampoo in it and I feel that this will give everything a really really good turn I think it will thoroughly clean the hair [Music] foreign [Laughter] [Music] I mean ideally you would have the cement makes a plum plumbed but we didn't really have time to do that so we're gonna do it the old-fashioned way thank you so Linda if you don't mind I'm gonna yeah just oh a little bit closer it's a lovely atmosphere in the Love Park the lovely atmosphere yeah I just couldn't shampoo it with the best shampoo I could find and it's Linda Linda's happy is she she is happy yet yeah [Music] whoa [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is what gives it that love juice because it's got my nails in it yeah cherry on the side lovely there we go this is all this is all part of the part of the plan so I reunited with Linda there you go babes well thank you very much yeah how much do I owe you have 17 increase each 34 pounds yeah it's like a normal London bar babes so now I'm just gonna put a tiny collar in it oh lovely here we go well I think we could deal with Judy's quite quickly she tossed a few drinks into a cement mixer pours it out and make you drink it how was it disgusting that's not what you said no because you were there oh I was scared I'm here now but I'm next to my big man you won that argument yesterday look come on you know what this world is like anything and everything can be a bar I could imagine Obama yeah it is a sort of you could imagine something you could of course welcome to the cement mixer bath this is what I'm [ __ ] is your hipster Pricks um what was the blue stuff you sprayed in the client's hair after that was like one of those frubes why did you put a fruit in her hair is a question I never thought I'd ask anyone she wanted a color so I I picked the nearest like color that I thought she'd like probably needs a little fine tuning we've seen two people's attempts now we're going to see two other people's attempts it's Bridget and Sophie even though we could work together for a certain amount of time we don't really know or like each other very much so I thought that a good way to counteract that I've put together some icebreakers and they're gonna be mixed around by the cement mixer and then we can find out a little bit more about you right should I give it a mix yeah on it goes [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] you have kind eyes thank you right oh I love this machine can we have another go yeah okay Elon Musk stop sending good cars and stuff up into space them on your drive I've got a complimental question all right you smell familiar compliment yeah thank you yeah which previous task master contestant would you raise as your own child Hugh Dennis great Ness and in all the fields and garden stop it why don't you believe in yourself can you you're going to die sooner than you think ah yeah well I was thinking 2050. oh no you've got to be logged dead before then I like the first couple yeah okay bye bye-bye leave it yourself [Applause] should I tell you what I saw I saw a lunatic dressed as a cowboy playing one note on a violins talk me through the rhyming scheme was there a rhyme no so she did try to use the cement mixer as a musical instrument and a metaphor I think you'll find that that's going to be a cult number one hit oh God I don't think you can have a cult number one hit but anyway let's let you off the hook a bit I mean what you also just mad I just think there's not enough space for tenderness on this show oh you're going to die soon we're all going to die soon a weird collection who which contestant would you make your child why don't you believe in yourself it's just insane I mean it's not as insane as someone plucking on a violin and saying stop it who's left there is just one little sausage left and it's Christopher Ramsey [Music] welcome to the sausage Arena thank you your sausage is on the Red Stick and ribbon my sausages on the blue stick and ribbon imagine with the headbands that I've made now the first person to swallow a piece of their sausage and only their sausage wins goggles on you ready are you set i'm set spin those sausages [Music] oh my God oh my gosh [Music] I'm too scared no it's okay it's okay [Music] yeah it's so fast it's so much faster than I thought [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] God [Music] I feel very wrapped up foreign [Music] [Applause] accomplished this is what I think I've got to do I've got to draw a gulf between the greatest idea and the others oh so I'm going to give ardl and Sophie one point oh that's nice yeah because it's a very worthy cause and Powerful message I'm going to give Bridget two points I'm going to give Judy because she's a great sales woman and I could imagine some bell end in East London doing that three points then I'm leaving a golf and then I'm giving the sausage machine the Five Points it truly does wow okay [Applause] [Music] Chris is at the top with nine points then let us have another one yes and there's something strange afoot in our little garden Dome [Music] yeah Sophie hey hello you may enter the Fun Zone oh thank you very echoey thank you that's enough okay record the highest number on this pedometer you have 20 minutes your time starts now I'm presuming this is the pedometer and not that okay firstly what is a pedometer so a pedometer counts your steps okay do I have to do it in here all the information on the task Chris [Applause] before no no I didn't I I never want to see one again you've never heard of a pedometer no I've got like the watch and stuff I'm not used to the old techy stuff so you're not listen to the old Tech yourself and you're not used to the new techies I I get carried everywhere let's crack on okay well it's a fairly classic Taskmaster task I think first up it's the basic guys idle and Chris so I need to find something that takes a lot of steps I could put the pedometer on the foot shape thing okay [Music] warm in here oh it burns oh my god oh it's so hot I mean I just can't wait to see the others like they're just gonna be running around like fools oh this is horrible okay maybe I'll just pop out here it doesn't stay on there that I've got to say anything I can't stay in here oh I don't know why that's your choice and if I dude this is that better do you think you're taking more fewer steps I'm going to check now okay oh that's quite good like like a yo-yo that helps what's it on now it's 172. is there a limit on this it doesn't go beyond the certain number I think it'll go beyond 172. up to 200 probably come on [Music] absolutely dripping [Music] [Applause] congratulations oh oh look at that worried about your health oh thank [Applause] you why did you connect to the system that you chose walking around I feel I would have been more tired I don't I think I would have had to be like sprinting on the spot whereas I've only I was only moving my hand give me some stats for Chris's rest system well the loose racing system was very clever he actually managed to do 2789 steps in just 20 minutes which is very impressive it's about a mile and a third in 20 minutes oh Chris you're getting on my nerves yes interesting decision to use a wooden foot only in that you have a real foot I haven't really thought I mean I I didn't want to run around in the heat I feel I've done the world of service by showing that you can get your steps in every day without actually having to move he was only 172 after 10 minutes but he sped up he got to 1084 steps respectable he managed to get past the 200 limit yeah now for some alternative step making with Judy and Sophie that strapless too a bike no but then I've got to ride it do you have a yo-yo no please I'll get you a drill spin [Music] a dog can you get me a little puppy put it on the puppy the puppy can run up and down I think you're wrapped I don't want a rat what kind of rat a remote control rat yes [Music] so that's it just go around just keep going foreign [Music] s go up and down [Music] oh that was that was so much cooler in my head 10 seconds wait [Music] it's really hard task that was yep no yeah I can't believe I've got 480 something oh well I'm amazed you've got that many to be honest because for the vast majority of it you just put it on the back of a remote control car where it would have got no steps because it's a cast I I think that was a setup it was Alex that told me I've got your remote control well you kept asking for a dog and I offered you a wrap so look what I was asked for a dog that actually steps another conspiracy theory Sophie's ideas were a little more successful you saw from the prize task I love power tools I got a drill did that drill Work Ready did that add yeah she got into the thousands she got into thousands what did Judy get uh 483 Sophie 1209 and she didn't expend as much energy as Chris and she looked cool and Powerful throughout that's what she said oh that's what she says yeah 108 items so pissed off you use the remote control one left Greg one left let's go finally it's Bridget all by herself whoopsie oh no it's not leaving we haven't taken any steps I have I just did something do you think you're stepping I am stepping look step step step that is the step we're not going very far forward I don't want to do this for 20 minutes try going forward foreign what do you mean what I've got to move around no I think you've just got to take still on 84. but you haven't taken any normal steps oh my God that's it oh so what I'm gonna do is record the biggest number that I know whilst on this pedometer okay looking forward to this number are you writing it down I don't need to write it down okay because you're recording it [Music] a trillion gazillion have you thought of two trillion gazillions are you stopping there 11 trillion gazillion okay how much longer it's left you're not wearing it I don't need it because I've got the number okay 139 if you say it's 139 I you're gonna I'm I don't mind actually I'm just really happy in life Thank You Bridget let's start a question I expected to ask after this task but have have you ever walked it wouldn't count that's because you were holding it you were holding it what do you mean if you walked normally it wouldn't if I just did that it wouldn't how'd you know I did that you didn't do that at any point you did you just did this have no point did you attempt to walk I did and you were getting exasperated with him oh I suppose I should walk like this sir fascinating budget well I I did record the most amount of steps on a pedometer and it wasn't even about steps the task itself was record the highest number on this pedometer she was on the pedometer and she recorded 11 trillion gazillion okay High number 11 trillion is a number gazillion not so much but it is a high number and was she on a pedometer at the time yes oh my God foreign contrasting numbers yeah we go from Judy with 483 idle about a thousand Sophie 1200 Chris 2789. Bridget's either 11 trillion gazillion or 139. I mean fair play I think she has done it oh my God I think I'm going to have to allow it in this very clever lateral thinking but I would remind you of how she walks day to day it gives you a little lift I got beaten by someone recording a number oh you know you got bitten by everyone so it's one point of view the two divided three to seven foot Chris and five to pretty Kristen [Applause] what is next my fairy Chum thank you we have a task which involves all 40 contestants [Music] you look very comfortable well I don't feel very comfortable hold a meeting with yourselves there must be eight of you at the meeting most dramatic meeting Mormon wins you have 20 minutes your time starts now right so seven other me's what sort of meeting do you think you might do I think I'll have a meeting of the Tennis Club are they quite dramatic this this one's going to be very dramatic what I instantly thought of was like your death my death right pretty straightforwards meetings for the dramatic moment in them yes and one of them will result in your death your second time in the show couldn't be happier quite a nasty it wasn't because I like wanted him tonight I just thought what would be the saddest most dramatic thing to happen to the show that's better be collateral damage back on okay well let's crack on with some Chris Ramses this is his meeting moment [Music] so I'm sure you all know why we're here chocolate has been stolen and it was one of you greedy Pricks we're gonna find out who I am I don't like to point fingers and I don't agree with any of this and then I'm not going to write anyone out it's just not my style oh something in this [Music] something very quiet what what's all this see see we've got any chocolate on me face [Applause] I'm not genuinely not sure what the dramatic moment was ah all of it there may not have been an especially dramatic moment in it but there was some rather quality acting can you show the clip yeah okay here's some acting from Chris oh God uh you've never met Carl but that's bang on it was a start there was a group of different characters that were some of the greatest acting you'll see on the screen this year so it wasn't a complete disaster I can't say there was especially Hydra why is it still on let's crack on who's next okay the bar is set we're now going to see a few Bridgets here we go gluttonous yep guilty yep scared annoyingly self-deprecating overly sensitive vain shame great thanks for coming guys very brave and honest of you good work gluttonous just have two biscuits and then put the packet back guilty Catholic I'm afraid I can't help you that scared you know what what's the worst that can happen just do it overly sensitive you know what be sensitive uh just not overly annoyingly self-deprecating you've got to stop this because it annoys everybody some things you've done have been all right vain you'd think now by 50 you would have got on top of this just that's you can't change it now shame thanks for coming everyone though really I don't want to get rid of any of you because you make me mean just try and get on top of it a little bit [Music] [Applause] certainly very careful ideas to look inwardly and to consider them any facets of your own character the only dramatic moment in it as far as I could work out was when a bird flew past the camera I think what I did was I I didn't I should have overacted uh oh the mistake you made was that you didn't do the task who's next next we're going to see the impressionist Sophie duka good luck everyone [Music] oh dog right we all know why we're here because my worthless assistant little Alex horn is dead oh no I can't believe it hard dark yes murdered so who did it babe not me I definitely didn't do it oh all right I killed your assistant but only because he was so annoying Bridget Bridget Bridget you have killed the task Master's assistant and in so doing you have proved yourself worthy to be the next task Master's assistant take this clipboard and this pen and welcome to taskbusters [Music] [Applause] wow some lovely character work Chris Ramsey nailed it absolutely spot on the moment of high drama uh when uh Bridget caught the clipboard an aerial passage of power yeah cast Master there was an aerial passage of powers first place so far oh God yeah okay good stuff they're off to the tennis club now with odd lohanlon okay settle down as chairman I'd like to call this meeting to order before we go any further chairman some gobshots blocking the Bentley oh I'm I'm so sorry that's me excuse me hey I just want to say chairman that greens are in a terrible state I'm sorry this is the tennis club oh I shouldn't be here silly me well well good riddance your backhand was terrible well Mr chairman I think it's time I revealed my true identity I'm an undercover police officer and I'm arresting you for embezzlement and murder more importantly I'm residing from the club [Applause] right dramatic crazy trauma what's going on it seems that embezzlement was a far bigger crime than murder in Battlement and murder yeah extra drama a little bit extra who is the character that was crying that was the um that was the treasurer because [Applause] pretty good yeah there's a golf player in the wrong Club I was excited by that oh my God doing the wrong sport yeah I can't spot my teeth who's next all right there's only one left finally it must be love here she is join this meeting because we've got a bit of an issue with Billy uh Mrs Mitchum Joanna Pete I mean Billy is an absolute twit excuse me I'm not happy about you speaking about my husband like this [Music] hi Siobhan you're calling me a twit but I bet you didn't tell him you're having my baby [Music] I knew it I knew it because I saw them the other day remember when I founded the other day they're sitting there all quiet and recording but I saw it the other day and I was telling you that I saw him [Music] wow bag of Dramas bags of drama Affairs stealing people's men gossiping was there a Troublesome child the Troublesome child is in the belly I mean with that you'd want to see what happens next wouldn't you want to go from least dramatic to most dramatic I do sorry Bridget I really enjoyed your self-analysis but there wasn't a lot of drama in it so I can only give you one point okay Chris that's one of the greatest acting performances I've ever seen in my life you take that home with you tonight plus two points two points um there was one moment of high drama in it and I very much liked it and I enjoyed the image of you being hurt Sophie gets three points Sophie three okay so it's between Judy and Arnold just because of the sheer stoking of Hysteria that Judy pulled off I think I'm going to give her the fight [Applause] let's have a quick look at the scores of course well Arnold is now in second place for 12 but Chris is still in the lead with 15 points okay everyone please for a change stay where you are for the final task of the show [Music] who will read the task I've hidden the task under one of their chairs Chris's chair he's acting he's there now that's action that's acting correctly guess this person's first name you must ask a yes or a nor question on your turn if you take more than 10 seconds to ask your question you miss a go the person who guesses correctly wins Five Points simple as that there's only one winner of this one we're going to start with idle move down the line rotate foreign [Applause] [Music] second start now are you a French trapeze artist no I mean what sort of [ __ ] out there Bridget is your name Andrew no Chris your turn does your name begin with a vowel no thanks Chris Judy as one of the roles got your name no damn it Sophie is your name longer than four letters yes good question does your name begin with a letter that starts after k Bridget is your name gender neutral no Chris your name begin with an s no Judy is your name pimpanical no more than three syllables no Auto does your name begin with any of the last five letters of the alphabet no oh no nice okay we're making progress project is your name embarrassing no Chris is your name Luigi no Judy is your name quantum she's pointing is your name quantum no Sophie do you think it's likely there's someone else in this room with your name no for those of you wondering the answer is yep we're staying here till we get it English Leonardo German famous in the UK Xavier Barrack tiger Obama double letters in it a verb begin with an all Shakespeare end with a vowel no is your name Maximus Ludwig German no no no no no it's not up to me but I I would suggest it would be a good thing to do to find out which letter is named foreign [Applause] does your name begin with uh sorry let's go again project um no thank you l no n no Q yes now listen this is a genuine chance for idle here is your name Quinny it doesn't no Chris Qantas no Judy quiz no it's not quiz and just by the way this is the 75th question [Music] Sophie is your name Quentin yes yes sorry Five Points finally to Sophie thank you to Quentin your task is complete Harris that affected the final scores Alex well that Swift game of guess the name meant that Sophie leapt up in the places and she's now in joint first place with Chris Ramsey exciting man the tiebreaker is a tiebreaking for this one they had to sing I've won in a low voice and then this tie break in high voice greatest vocal range wins here's how they got on see a majority so when I get angry hi goes hi when I get angry [Music] I'm hungry okay I want this time [Applause] well they both did very well Chris went from an F2 to an F5 that's 21 notes Sophie from an A2 to an E6 as we all know that's 25 notes [Applause] Sophie did you go in please head up to fully collect your farming our time so what have we learned today you've got to look after yourself take care to look after you get out there exercise actually that reminds me I'm still 10 steps short of my target for today so if you don't mind all right and now for some celebrations with tonight's winner Sophie Duca [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] subscribe now [Music]
Channel: Taskmaster
Views: 733,439
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Taskmaster, Alex Horne, Greg Davies, Frank Skinner, Josh Widdicombe, Romesh Ranganathan, The Horne Section, Tim Key, Dave Channel, UKTV, Red Dwarf, Would I Lie To You, 8 out of 10 cats, Taskmaster full episodes, james acaster
Id: kU2NhujzQu0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 46sec (2746 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 24 2023
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