Series 16, Episode 1 - 'The Natural Friends' | Full Episode | Taskmaster

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[Music] [Applause] good evening [Music] I changed it Rhonda what have I created [Music] hello hello everybody and welcome to Taskmaster it's a brand new series and I am a brand new Craig Davis why what's that Craig have you been working out of course I haven't I've just started the inevitable age-related slide towards more in defensible right-wing views and selfishness if this carries on at this rate this show will be run by a fat Jacob Reese bog since things weren't sexy enough around here so what of our latest crop of contestants well I'm not one to judge people I don't know yet but gut instinct and onset gossip tell me that three of the five will be eye wateringly bad at this those sort of Statistics to watch your appetite let's not waste any more time please welcome Julian Clarence Lucy moment song combo we all know the following slogans just do it always the real thing I'm loving it the most enduring Brands all have one so why shouldn't he please welcome friendless oddball hello there are you hungry I'm really hungry what have you bought for me well I think you like canopies am I right I love canopies oh they're so small and delicious well here they are canopies small and delicious thank you right onwards what's the first prize task Alex well I think it's fair to say we're all in for a bit of a laugh because you asked him to bring in the most wonderful wooden thing that they've owned for a while the wooden thing Greg beams is the most wonderful will get five points to jump start their series and at the end of the episode the winner will take home five wonderful wooden things to show all their friends and families all burn all right Julian Clary hello hello there how are you I'm bearing up under the strain thank you what wooden thing if you brought in for me I brought in a wooden table that I once had commissioned here is his wooden table my friend was married to a Furniture maker and I suggested what I would like and he made it about 30 years ago I think and now you think you've outgrown it well it was hard to part with but I thought it might win me a point have you brought us Lucy Beaumont it's um a wooden picture of about a boxer dog it's not a wooden picture of a boxer dog it's a picture of a boxer dog in a wooden frame oh you obviously misheard me what is possessed because in the house we lived in and basically I got into bed I was just about to fall asleep and um what felt like a boxer dog got in bed with me and obviously we don't have a dog but I could could feel it's a very specific feeling to know the breed of jobs because of these Limbs and then and when we converted the garage we found that are you genuinely claiming that you felt the spirit of a boxer dog climb into bed with you then you found this picture yeah right a Pinocchio would you like to see Sam's Pinocchio I'd like to enjoy his pronunciation one more time Tokyo [Applause] but everything is long except the nose oh I see why why he's never lied this guy it's when other people lie to him that's a great tragedy in a way you've had enough that was insane isn't it Sue hello I've bought um a an original piece of art painted by Henry the liberated chimpanzee there we go oh mixed media um wood banana puree so I went to a gym Sanctuary where all the chimps had been sadly experimented on but they've been released into this beautiful sort of forest environment and the boys had never met girls before and there was an introduction day and all I can describe is sex getting so the chimpanzees ran at each other with real real needs apart from Henry who just climbed top of a pole and he stayed there and later well I'd left the sanctuary they sent me this it's signed at the back so if I've got this right you observed a monkey orgy yes yes one of the monkeys wasn't interested in more G uh he climbed a stick looked lonely he painted you a picture it weirdly everyone had it every night when I get into bed I feel wow incredibly more believable than the spirit of a boxer dog Susan welcome hi what wooden thing have you brought me a wind chime it's not haunted yes there it is it's not really wood mate I mean to be fair it seems more shell-based talk us through your wind chime I went to have a look at a volcano in Costa Rica and when I saw the volcano I thought it was really beautiful and so I started crying and then this lovely lady came up to me and she said why are you crying and I said because this is really beautiful and she went well then you can take something with you and she pulled out this wind chime and she gave it to me oh God and then I looked in the gift shop and she just basically bought it and was trying to Palm it off wow it's quite a sweet story unfortunately it's an awful object it's fairly easy to score this isn't it I'm sorry Lucy it was an enchanting story but I don't want that so I'm only giving you one point one point to you yeah and you can get two points and thank me for them thank you that's all I want I'm quite frightened of yours Sam I'm giving it three points and I think just because it's such a big heavy bum tape let's take the Five Points okay so four to sue five to Julian right on Julian [Applause] all right let's see them in action what's first piece with Alex home well Greg Davis we start with a canny little task oh [Music] thank you hello oh it's you hi this is the living room and that is Greg Davis hi hi Julian I'm Alex Tom Campbell do you think anyone's gonna find the secret task I don't know about that I was just wondering do you think anyone's going to find the secret task this series I don't know yeah yeah yeah not me no they look lovely like that why do they bother putting labels on them build a tower out of the cans in the lab you must oh what you must put on your blindfold in this room and wear it properly for the rest of the task tallest tower winds you have five minutes where's the blindfold in the can you get a can of blindfold so what's this okay can you see anything Sam no Sam what's up great yeah I only got four and a half minutes what no five minutes oh yeah to say five minutes see you later fight no no no no you're gonna put on in this room huh the room now where the door was here what's that it's quite Sharp look at the door's there ah that's a whole minute gone now there it is um just a reminder to everyone the task was not get out of this room you seem to have a sizzling contempt for Alex I detected early on oh really well yes yeah [Laughter] yeah it sort of evolved but I mean it's never so nice he does great you're right and Susan I felt quite sorry for it initially because she seemed quite defeated she went he'll find the secret task not me and I thought let me saying negative be positive talk yourself up and then I watched the rest of it you know I thought no it won't be you okay we're going to start by saying these two people Lucy Beaumont and Susan Wacoma [Music] something you want to do fast is it really because I don't want to be injured Corridor feel like it's getting narrower Christ oh yeah oh yeah there we are [Music] meant to be please do oh [Music] foreign [Music] you know fine fine fine fine still got two minutes yes where are you I'm just here [Music] why these are not sufficient [Music] whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa do I have to build these from scratch all the information's in there I don't well I can't read it [Music] 10 seconds let's see do you know what I feel you've got five seconds left just stop there are you sure yeah I feel like I'm gonna ruin it you're gonna do it [Music] okay I'll measure the tower we can leave now [Applause] um Lucy how did you feel watching that I don't know what you give points for you know you might well in this case it's for how high the stack is how high yeah and you measure it yeah yeah do you remember what you said when you were in a factory putting one can on top of each other and they kept falling off because I've written it down yeah um you said these are not sufficient [Laughter] and I've given Lucia six can Tower is that because there were six cans left standing from the tower that she knocked down that she made how did she make it by knocking it down right now for a smidge of Julian Clary and a smudge of Sam Campbell I'm gonna take this can with me yes [Music] foreign oh [Music] this is dude I've never felt such high things whoa what the heck wait okay [Applause] stop the clock well it didn't have that function right away okay I'm just gonna lie down [Music] I'm tempted just to leave it because I'm gonna make it worse on time [Music] [Music] I'm going again [Music] in fact if you're enjoying this are you 10 seconds five seconds left five seconds there we are oh wow that was a roller coaster but it did the game is over are you put do you want me to yes thank you oh wow what I found intriguing Julian is that when some cans fell off there's actually no emotional response you'll find as this series goes along there's very little emotion for me zero emotional response from you you curled up in the field position I thought if I go really low the tower would be even higher if only that's the way the world works now finally oh it's Sue foreign yes I could feel my buttocks have made contact with something that possibly shouldn't I'm advancing you're doing very well you're not in any danger I'm just gonna bump into something you've just bumped into something so I'm just gonna try to [Music] what an absolute shower of to you are [Applause] is there an existing Tower I can't answer your questions because if I I just answered that question yes you have yeah is there another Tower I can't answer your question once again is there a tower here you've got 32 seconds left Tower here so yeah your time is up would you mind just holding steady so I can have a look at your Tower I see would you mind just I hope you can pretty quickly because it's just is it a self-standing tower self-supporting admit we're not self sound increasingly I'm looking up at you but I don't know where you are but I've just in my mind's eye you're over there just up here somewhere has he gone he's gone isn't he he's gone okay who started off as an almost military confidence I felt yes there's a lot of quite cocky Corridor energy I really wanted to follow you into battle at that point don't there's a quote of the Bible um oh I missed that uh you absolute shower of shits that's Book of Revelation did she make a tower in her lap I think we have to say it has to be a freestanding Tower I think so it's one then one can talk Sue uh gets one point two points to Lucy with six cans Susan gets three points four to Julian Five Points to Sam Campbell [Applause] Julian's in the lead with nine points that I believe the people want more tasks Alex I also want more tasks and world peace and equal rights for personal assistance but for now it's the first team task of the series [Music] [Applause] [Music] good morning good morning hello Susan yeah please could you stand behind the white box I thought all your favorite things in it we're talking a carabiner we're talking rubber bands heavy duty Clips zip ties harnesses jockey straps absolute Smorgasbord for a kidnapper board oh my God hello hello massive Road we've got these things which is normally done in crime I think you know everything's here now yeah okay off we go all right I'm gonna come and give you my lap is that yeah hello nice to see you you guys are part of a team oh great okay no fellows or anything just straight on with it oh yes you are now a team yeah yeah I'm pretty glad you may open the task oh wow oh hello Lucy this is Simon Julian this is Lucy how's it going Lucy's also in your team okay I'm telling this I know all right yes I'm so happy okay okay connect the most individual parts of one person to individual parts of another person all members of your team must be connected this is this is okay you've got 10 minutes your time starts now fix our Bulldog Clips here we're ladies what's that gonna die what's wrong with you [Applause] I found the arrival of everyone individually some of the most awkward television I've ever seen at one point Lucy said I've not seen you before and Julian replied I know look at the way these two greeted each other like I hope this is an offensive old school Village idiots okay what should we start with the two people with the same name it's the team known as the shoes well let's see how I think you might well that's so stupid you can use your clothes so it doesn't have to be skin it doesn't need to be skin that looks like with that would rip skin should we have your right on my left arm let's connect those to start okay I'm gonna have to stand quite close wrap this around your right hand okay all right so we're gonna be facing each other all right got it got it let's cut that okay all right like where do you want to come from just anywhere there that's up through the hand s look like you had one job okay you've got two minutes left I've got a bit of give here it's gut it's got a body part one of the best way I mean I don't meet people often like this yeah I mean it's a nice breaker it's an icebreaker wonderful isn't it yeah okay I'm just gonna check the connections so we've got neck wrist boobs other wrist boobs uh Gap ankle foot okay I think I've got all your connections uh let's just just for you as well how are you gonna open that oh there's more okay I got it [Applause] there's a much of a system do you think I think it it was mainly Panic rather than process driven but you have got to guard your boob to boobs you didn't like saying boo but noticed made me laugh no but I thought about it a lot I'll bet you did the 12 connections all together but that wasn't the task we don't know what the actual task is yet show me the um the natural friends Street explodes here come the natural friends also known as JLS Julian Lucy and Sam can I say my pitch chop off a little bit of everyone's hair put it in you know I don't mind doing that because my daughter put a fruit teller you know in my hair I can't get it out and I keep getting other thing I've got a bit of cotton wool stuck in it as well so I'm really happy to cut off all that if you want I've got these scissors there they're in here we could use a saw oh there is yeah are you happy to lose some strands well only a little bit yeah yeah same from the back do you want to just cut it off then I was totally sure I think so definitely do this oh you're not having that much of my hair oh gosh can you take a tiny bit of money mine's I'm not being funny quite a nice if I do it sort of in the middle when you work you can cover it with the other bits okay hang on oh oh shriek oh I'm gonna cut Sam's hair open sesame so we all hold it that's pretty good I reckon you can inspect the connections and I'll give you that oh this is the second part yeah you're now ready for the actual task cross the finish line with all connections still connected the fastest wins your time starts when Alex blows here's whistle [Music] oh [Music] I can't count me as you can go inside can't you thank you thanks so much well there you go that's what this show does it brings people together quickly first of all I think the idea is brilliant it was Sam's idea right what if you've got more of than here could have done it with blood with bits of our blood thank you next time because you say all this stuff like all these unnatural friendship or whatever but um I think it helped like do you know that boys that got stuck in the cave the divers that saved them they were like all people like did you feel anything they go nothing they're clinical guys but they're capable of just amazing things they didn't swap here they just do this diving and they're not like bubbly personalities no offense but they they saved those boys man exactly what about the team of sues well good luck here we go you are now ready for the actual task you giblet okay well good luck I'm gonna okay should we do the inside here we go oh the outside legs yeah oh dear that's that's gonna be interesting yeah one two three three oh hello oh yeah I'm back in the Box the boxes let's go it's all good okay [Music] what's up [Music] you made it I mean it looks painful and you did at some point so you say this is pulling quite heavily on the groin I enjoyed you calling him a your blood that's actually from King Lear Cordelia said that yeah but you did make it across the line and that's to be celebrated and we don't know make it across we don't know who's won yet Greg we do we do some margin but you know if you want to build it up yeah oh who has one oh it was these guys easily but mine yeah the team of three across the line in 11.5 seconds team of two just over 90 seconds okay so I'll give Five Points to these three and I'll give two points to these two fair enough there we go so it's five points to the team of three and I would like to have another fine task if you please and to really spoil you here's our first location task laughs [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh hello hello hello son come through I'm Shuffling duck do you have any spot I'm good at what do you mean a sport well you know it's anything I was good at as a kid how good were you I used to be able to hook the Ducks oh well it is good yeah get the duck into the lake get the duck into the lake [Applause] get this duck into the lake you must not touch the beak if the duck leaves the course it must re-enter at the point it left the course if your duck touches the boundary or a flamingo or a pineapple one minute will be added to your time our flamingo isn't it fastest wind your time starts now thank you very much pleasure good luck okay thanks Lucy tell me about the hockey duck it's something you were genuinely good at yeah it was a very sporty you know I wasn't either well you've got legs haven't you I have put the legs for Miles baby I think my legs are actually arms without fingers peas you know they're fooled like I can cross my legs really well you think you've got four sets of arms yeah proven but what do you mean that I'm sorry it's what you mean you can really fold them while your legs man filled like arms but with feet I've got feet yeah so I'm not complaining we have to carry on with the show Craig the first names on the bill are Sue Sam and Lucy we can't touch the flamingo yeah all the beak don't touch the beak yeah so watch out for the flamingos and yeah yeah let's touch that one yeah all right yeah you're meant to stay on the course ideally yeah yeah I mean if I don't do this it's going to constantly touch the boundary [Music] to make this as wide as possible oh I'm so sorry so sorry I've been cutting in half love oh is there another way to do it but come on little ducky [Music] it's actually quite relaxing [Music] has it touched anything yet just touched everything foreign [Music] let's get you into your natural habitat [Music] I've stopped the clock [Music] to detach the boundary yeah how many times 12. thank you very much so move to boundary natural thinking yes she moved the obstacles out of the way a lateral think lateral thinking was allowed was it loud how does that make YouTube feel I agree and disappointed because no offense to you so because I like you a lot actually but it doesn't say you can do that I mean if you went through life just always moving the boundaries you know like 70 miles per hour it doesn't say don't go at 90 miles per hour it literally does but that's the difference between a light entertainment comedy format anything my feeling is in terms of avoiding the things that would penalize you you did it very badly now the size of the dark also affected play yeah well look Sam did in two minutes 20 Lucy two minutes 44 which is great but then she only hit 10 things but that's an extra 10 minutes and Sam hit nine things extra nine minutes two nine minutes 45 so seven and a half minutes slower than Sam but she didn't touch anything so she actually beat him by a minute and a half finally let's Gander at Julian and Susan right then I mustn't touch the beak oh definitely not it's not really any other bits oh actually hang on if the beat's facing me I know I'm gonna touch it it's a big girl in it come on [Music] I think you clipped one flamingo I think it was the wind I was it right okay I'm nearly there would be lovely if it goes in on his bottom well there was nothing in the rules about that no that's true this is gonna be so satisfying [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] why is he doing that I think he's getting excited [Music] I've stopped the clock sorry he's on his side but that's how it happens [Music] [Applause] [Music] well Julia's was quite a haphazard technique wasn't it well it was quite hard work for you know an aging homosexual brilliant slid and bounced it there in four minutes 15 with just a two minute penalty so 6 15 is in the lead Susan hi you said and I quote if the beat faces me I know I'm going to touch it is that a compulsive disorder of some kind being abs olutely beak touching is one of them honestly just keep a beak Away From Me Halfway along the duck drag you turned into a character from EastEnders I started repeatedly saying come on girl I mean my impression is that Susan did brilliantly there she did it is going to be the victim no punishments at all three minutes twenty absolutely smashed however oh oh come on girl remember they're all about me not touching the beak I have to show you this extra little video here we go oh I mustn't touch the beak oh definitely not [Music] I might have touched the beak yeah look you've just just right don't touch the beak don't touch the pig which means that because of that Sam actually get three points it's four points to sue but it's five points this is the leader is Sam at the moment with 16 points right for the first time this series the degrees make your way to the stage for the final task of the show [Music] hello young fellow Milad who will be reading the final task code Susan Wacoma please say whether you think the next item is heavier or lighter than the previous item if you are wrong you are eliminated last person standing wins so I'm going to go over to the other end goodbye Julian eight lurals heavier or lighter than one large duck we could play this at home couldn't we lighter you're saying the dark is heavier than blue Rolls I'm going to get the audience to go oh yes okay let's find out remember if it's heavier the duck will go down survives we now move on to Lucy Beaumont oh God pineapple heavier or lighter than duck well that's heavier isn't it oh yes it is happier than a duck you say oh my God hello Sam Willie have you all lighter than a pineapple oh that's a cheeky one can I ask questions you can ask me one are you a child of divorce you've used up his question so heavy or a lighter I think Wellington heavier than a pine knuckle he says it's heavier let's find out [Applause] can I just say before you pull it out obviously [Applause] more than 1.5 kilograms you have to now hold the one to indicate that you're out well it's very you utter no thank you so it's your turn Susan is the Bell heavier than the flower so I'm going to give you permission to put that down if you like foreign okay I'm gonna say the Bell the bell's heavier than the flower let's see audience noise Susan's out we're back to you Julian okay it's Candlestick time heavier or lighter than the Bell lighter it was a quick answer oh mercifully quick some would say yes oh well he's still my beating heart it's Lucy versus Sam oh my God and we're moving on to the teddy heavier or lighter than the candlestick pull the stick yeah [Music] [Applause] we've lost Lucy however Sam still has to get one right to win the task because so far he's only got one so this is a big moment good luck Sam it's Teddy versus leaf blower you know it's a heavy Teddy you're gonna say I'm crazy for this one but I think they're an equal way foreign [Applause] if you want to make everything easier the Teddy's heavier yeah yeah it's heavy it's really heavy yeah if the leaf blower is lighter than the teddy then Sam Campbell will win the task outright oh my God come on oh my God [Applause] much much heavier in the end We'll add it to the final scores please come and join me thank you Society wasn't it yes it meant Sue and Susan didn't get any right they came joint fourth so they get two points each and we have three people who won the task even though they only got one thing right they get Five Points each that's Julian and Lucy and Sam and the winner of the first show of the series with 21 points that some come on wins please [Music] what have we learned today with love it's quite a human being in a tricky situation they can be thoughtful resourceful and sometimes ingenious we've also learned that some people think they've got arms instead of legs see you soon but for now please applaud the first winner of the series Sam [Applause] thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] for more Taskmaster subscribe now [Music] foreign
Channel: Taskmaster
Views: 1,213,726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Taskmaster, Alex Horne, Greg Davies, Frank Skinner, Josh Widdicombe, Romesh Ranganathan, The Horne Section, Tim Key, Dave Channel, UKTV, Red Dwarf, Would I Lie To You, 8 out of 10 cats, Taskmaster full episodes, james acaster, bob mortimer, channel 4, panel show, uk comedy, comedy, series 16, julian clary, lucy beaumont, sam campbell, sue perkins, susan wokoma
Id: r1PoSdFWvQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 35sec (2795 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 22 2023
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