September 8, 2021 Wednesday Bible Study [Deacon Everton Bailey] "Doctrine"

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amen amen praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord again everybody praise the lord one more time amen it's just a good thing to be here again with us to share you know in bible study and you know we have been on the topic of doctrine amen and there is much to say and you know if we should say everything almighty god it we wouldn't stop but you know under the leading of the holy ghost you know we want to just do as the lord beats us amen let me take tamil to welcome each and every one you're streaming from jamaica from the usa canada wherever you're streaming from we you know give god thanks that you are able to join in and you know we pray that you know your soul will be blessed we pray that if you are seeking direction you know that god will direct your heart you know for you to come to know him you know especially in a time like this when the time the signs of the time are saying that is coming is nigh even at the door you know we believe that there are folks many folks that you know is going to come into the house of god and be called the child of god and you know we pray that as many that tune in you know that you'll be strengthened and that you will come to the point where you come to know the lord as savior before we begin again i want to pray opening prayer before we begin just blow your heads as a matter of fact i'm going to ask us all to you know just breathe our word father again we come before you and we want to thank you god for your blessings and thank you for your love and your mercies god we thank you for this privilege oh god that you afforded us to be alive to be sitting to be tuning in to hear what you have to say about doctrine we come before you we ask god that you'll be in our midst we ask god that you touch every heart every mind every spirit that tune in and those who will tune in sometime in the future we pray god that this word tonight this lesson god and doctrine will go forth with anointing and that lord jesus it will accomplish in the lives of people what you will that souls will be strengthened souls will be determined to contend for the faith lord those who do not know you will recognize god and and come to understand that there is a plan for salvation and that outside of the this plan salvation will not be given we pray that your will be done tonight and we ask god that you have your way as we give you thanks in jesus name amen amen amen bless the lord again and welcome like i said earlier on and thanks for everyone that tune in so we have been talking about doctrine and i believe that no we are seeing the importance of doctrine we are seeing you know some of the things that are present in the world with some of the things that you know i was talking to a friend you know and i'm saying look here doctrine is really you know a war of words it's spiritual warfare and you know spiritual warfare happened you know when the word is spoken you know and he mentioned that you know satan took jesus and jesus used the word and it's important for us then to know as children of god that the word that we have been talking about this word the bible amen is where we find life is is what we use to get direction and as people of god you know we should do our best to live in the word amen so our scripture you know is taken from scriptures first one is taken from first timothy 4 verses 1 know the spirit speak it expressly that in the latter time some shall depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrine of devils speaking lies in hypocrisy having their conscience seared with a hot iron forbidding to marry and commanding to abstain from meat which god had created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth then let's go to second timothy 4 and we'll be reading again from one through to four i charge thee therefore before god and the lord jesus christ who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom preach the word be instant in season out of season reprove rebrook exhort with our lung suffering and doctrine for the time will come when they will not endure sown doctrine but after their own loss shall they heat to themselves teachers having itching ears for they and they shall turn away their ears from the truth and shall be turned on to fables amen so last week what last week we look we spent some time and we look at baptism in jesus name you know and i give god thanks you know somebody indicated you know on the stream that they wanted to be baptized i'm not sure if that happened but you know we pray that god will continue to convict souls and even for that individual that god will continue to convict him that you know he will truly you know come to know the lord and surrender to him amen so we did say that the apostles doctrine was are is the teachings of the apostles amen and just as they receive it from jesus christ you know they gave it to us and just as we receive it you know that is what we intend to do as people who know the truth uh just as we receive it from the apostles we want to pass it on and as we have been saying as we talk about the doctrine what we have been doing is going from the old testament to the new testament so if we talk about repentance we talk about repentance from the old testament and we come and show you in the new testament that look your repentance is what god requires of men if we talk about baptism which we did last week we talk about it from the old and from the new testament amen and tonight as we get into the holy spirit we are going to look at what the whole testament says and what took place in the new testament but just to recap for those who are just joining and for those who miss what we had to say last week you know we said that we focus particularly on the mood and the formula and the formula for water baptism we said first peter 3 verses 21 which sometimes were of disobedient when one's long suffering of god waited in the days of noah while the ark was preparing wearing fuel that is its souls were saved by water the like figure where unto baptism even though save us not the putin away of the filth of the flesh but the answer of our good conscience towards god by the resurrection of jesus christ so paul the the apostle peter what he did know was that he mentioned um that baptism was alike figure and it was here when we mentioned about the water and that the water was present no water caused destruction water sieve the water was is also a cleansing agent and it was used to deliver folks so while it took life it also saved life amen first corinthians 10 1 and 2 moreover bridging i would not that he should be ignorant that all our fathers were under the cloud and all passed through the sea and were all baptized unto moses so even that with the jews consider the crossing of the red sea the apostles said that it was a baptism unto moses we said that in the new testament the forerunner of jesus christ preached baptism john the baptist mark 1 verses 8 he said that i baptize you with water but he will baptize you with the holy spirit luke 3 16 john answered them i baptize you with water but one more powerful and i will come the straps of whose sandals i am not worthy to untie he will baptize you with the holy spirit and with fire amen the apostles also they preach jesus we said a baptism was accredited to jesus even though he did not baptize enemy because they are the disciples they carry out the baptism but they did it under the authority of jesus christ so the baptism there that took place was accredited to jesus christ then we also mentioned that the apostles themselves baptize people and we mention acts 2 verse 38 and we look at those who were baptized on that day and then we also went through the book of acts and we look at the different um sections where persons were baptized we focused last week also on why is baptism important to to me as an individual amen and we look at saint john 3 1-7 and we said that nicodemus came to jesus and he asked what shall a man do in order to inherit the kingdom of god and jesus said surely surely i say unto thee accept a man be born off the water and of the spirit he cannot enter the kingdom of god and so jesus made it clear that without baptism amen you cannot get into the kingdom then we also spoke about mark 16 16 he that believeth and his baptise shall be saved but he that believeth not shall be them again baptism we said from this scripture is like and it is a part of the plan of salvation and it shows that it is a necessary part of the plan of salvation it therefore means that without baptism amen a person cannot be saved so those who are saying that look here all you need to do is to pray the prayer and believe and you are saved that is not scriptural we say it already and we're going to say it again we're talking about doctrine and we're talking about that as individuals we must stand up for this truth this apostles doctrine that has been passed down unto us amen and we must stand against all other so-called doctrine false doctrine that would want to erode um that which we receive from our forefathers amen and that is what the deduction from the devil the doctrines from the devil is trying to do they are trying to get us to to move from off where we stand and to embrace the things that they are teaching but the bible did not mention anywhere at all that look here allah need to do is to believe and receive no because even when james talk about fiat and works he said that look here you must show me your works and i tell you i have a fear so if your faith is in god and that god is able to see if then the works must follow and the work that we are talking about no it's not a physical work amen because some folks believe that if they work in the physical if they do some form of philanthropy and some other things they can receive what the bible did not teach us about that kind of work that what the bible said the work that we must do know is to believe and then to repent of our sins that is the work it has to do also with faith baptize in the name of jesus christ and receive the infilling of the holy ghost and living holy that is the plan of salvation amen so it's a water baptism then is a part of the plan of salvation amen it is also an act of obedience when jesus commanded the disciples himself go eat therefore teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit the disciples were obedient to jesus and they carry out the command i want us to understand that being a part of the church and being a disciple of christ the commandment is also for us amen to go in and to make disciples but we must also receive the commandment in that we must take on the name of jesus christ in water baptism so it is an act of obedience we said also baptism is important because it is for the remission of sins acts 2 verse 38 then peter said unto them repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of jesus christ for the remission of sins we did say that remission means to remove to cancel to plateau to wipe away amen so when we take on baptism baptism in the name of jesus christ it is really for the remission of sin it is not to show anybody that look here i know accept jesus christ so hence i want you to see that um by way of me being baptized know what the bible is telling us that look your baptism is for the remission for the removal for the cancellation of sin when jesus said in luke 24 verses 47 and that repentance and remission of sin must be preached in my name beginning at jerusalem he was referring there to baptism we also said that baptism is important because it identifies us with the burial of christ we did say that repentance is likened unto the dead but baptism is like unto the burial and if we are going to fulfill this plan of salvation we have got to be fully identified with the death burial resurrection of jesus christ amen and so when we repent of our sins like unto his death when we take on the name of jesus christ in water baptism when we go down amen in water we identify with his burial colossians 2 verse 12 we said buried with him in baptism wearing also he are risen with him through faith in the operation of god who had raised him from the dead when we look at the mood of baptism last week we said that the mood of baptism is whole water baptism is carried out similar similarly to whole a dead person is buried amen so it is that a person who is going to be baptized must be fully immersed amen in water so when people talk about spring clean amen and that is another doctrine and people talk about pouring water which is another doctrine the bible does not teach that we mentioned last week that john baptized at a place called anon why the bible gave the answer and said because there was much water there it tells us then that when we consider the mood of water baptism we must recognize that the person must be fully immersed when we say that the word for baptism is baptisio which me means to deep to plunge our immerse so for somebody to sprinkle is an oxymoron you can't sprinkle and talk about bacteria baptism when we talk about baptism the person must be fully immersed amen somebody and then when we look at the formula for water baptism we said that the formula is what is said over the person before they are immersed in water amen and we look at the scriptural record g the apostle on the day of pentecost peter peter when peter got up and spoke on the day of pentecost peter said repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of jesus christ for the remission of sins the bible says dare that heard gladly receive the word in other words day that peter preached to receive what peter said about being baptized in the name of jesus christ and the bible went down and said 3 000 was added unto the church that cmd it means that those three thirds three thousands were repented they were baptized in the name of jesus christ and they receive the holy spirit that's what peter understood that's what the apostles understood and on the day of pentecost when peter got up to preach he got the support of the other apostles if they if he did not receive their support surely some of one one of them are probably some of them would interject and say look here is not so ego but they all supported peter and right through scriptures you see where when the apostles baptized folks they baptized them in the name of jesus christ the samaritans were baptized acts 8 and 16 and they took on the name of jesus and the gentiles acts 10 and 48 they took on the name of jesus christ john the baptist disciples when we read last week acts 19 1-5 and it came to pass i'm gonna read it well apollos was at corinth paul having passed through the upper course came to ephesus and finding certain disciples he said unto them have you received the holy ghost since he believed and they said unto him we have not so much heard whether there be any holy ghost and let me just stop here because if you're talking about this doctrine and you're talking about the doctrine that the apostle preached if you hear about baptism you must hear about the infilling of the holy ghost you cannot hear about one and don't hear about the other so and it came to pass verse three and he said unto them and to what then were he baptized and they said unto john's baptism then paul john then said paul john verily baptized with the baptism of repentance saying unto the people that they should believe on him which should come after him that is on christ jesus when they heard this they were baptized in the name of the lord jesus so the apostle paul baptized these disciples of john in the name of jesus christ and you know that if baptism was just any thing it was not so much important then the apostle paul said look here all right since you're baptized already um you're you're immersed in water already there is no need for us to evoke the name over you so here we have to know just receive the holy ghost but the apostle paul knew that it was important and say look here john very baptized on to repentance saying believe on him which should come but he that should have come came already and now we preach baptism in jesus name and the apostles baptize them so we also look at the verse in matthew 28 verse 19 and we mention a couple of scripture because jesus said go e therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the father of the son and of the holy spirit teaching them to observe all things whatsoever i have commanded you and lo i am with you always amen so the passage support baptism but it does not support baptism in a title and if we understand last week i told us that the bible is grammatically correct amen so when the bible said look here barter is in the name of those of us who know english when we see name it's talking about singular and so when you read the passage you get the understanding that baptized them in the name of comer the father and of the son comer and of the holy spirit it is saying to us that whosoever is the father and the son and the holy spirit bears the same name so we mentioned zechariah 4 verse 9 and we said and the lord shall be king over all the earth in that day shall there be one lord and his name one amen so we know the name of jesus christ throughout the scriptures the bible in saint matthew 1 verses 21 tells us and she shall bring forth a son and those shall call his name jesus for he shall save his people from their sins amen so if you want to know the name of the son the name of the son is jesus then jesus in saint john 5 43 told the name of the father and say i come in my father's name so if he's saying to the disciples that look here i come in my father's name it simply means that his father and him bear the cmdm and then we also look at john 14 and 26 and we'll talk about the name of the holy spirit but the comforter which is the holy ghost whom the father will send in what my name i will know jesus name already and if the comforter jesus come in his father's name and the comforter no his father will send in his name so it means then that all of the titles the one person that holds the tree title beers the cm name have the same name that is why zachariah tell us that in that there is name shall be one so jesus is the only saving name i will mention acts 4 verse 12. neither is the salvation in any other for there is no other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved there's also a scripture i think is found in ephesians 3 verses 15. it says that g the whole family in heaven and earth yes of whom the world family in heaven and earth is named hold on that you would grant your according to the riches all right so the real is verse 15. so the the family of heaven and heart the name for that family is jesus amen so we mentioned a little bit about the historical records and you know we talk about what the encyclopedia said and what they the dictionary said and how they all have the the the baptism to be done in the early church in the name of jesus christ it was after a period of time then you know people started to consider baptism in the title father son and holy spirit i want us to understand that as we talk about doctrine amen somebody we have got to recognize what the adversary is doing amen some people will not please emphasis on baptism in jesus name and they will tell you that look here would that be title or would that be jesus name irrespective of you are safe the bible does not look here you see god the god that we serve he is a principal god amen don't feel like you can come and serve god anywhere you think god said this is my requirement and if you are serving god you must stick to what he requires anything outside of that he will not accept amen so as a man i might accept a certain little thing i said look here it might not reach my full standard but amen i will accept it when it comes to god it is not like that oh god god is saying this is what i want oh desire to do what i tell you to do are i am not going to accept you amen you're going to find yourself in hell if you don't do what i tell you to do i would rather amend somebody to do what the lord says i am to do done to follow the ordinances of men because my mother went to a particular church and she baptized in the entire clan she tell me about the title amen that is what i'm not going to spend any time and search the scriptures we did mention line up online precepts open precepts line up online precept upon precepts hear a little dear a little we have to get into the scriptures and that is why i make sure that as i go through baptism i make sure i give it to you from the old testament i give it to you from the new testament and i tell you what the bible says my opinion is irrelevant right now but i tell you what the scripture says and that is why we make sure we spend the time i will find the scriptures and we read the scriptures that i will try our best to to explain so that you might understand amen so so sitting and listening i don't want you to scoff at what i'm saying amen i don't want you to scoff i know that i'm talking to somebody tonight and i don't want you to scoff out what i'm saying when i'm mentioning baptism in jesus name this that i'm telling you about is life i don't want to wake up in hell somebody don't want to wake up in hell and say look here if i only knew if i have only listened to what the minister said amen but today is the day of salvation if any man hear his voice harden not his heart amen bless the lord o my soul so as we look now on baptism of the holy ghost when we talk about baptism of the holy ghost or the baptism of the holy spirit we are essentially talking about the spirit of god that has been given to mankind we must bear in mind amen that god alone is holy let us look at first peter 1 verse 16. so when we said holy ghost are the holy spirit we are talking about the spirit of god amen so holy ghost and and holy spirit are really interchangeable if you look in some script some bibles they will tell you that holy spirit and some bible they will tell you about the holy ghost but the term is really interchangeable what we must bear in mind first peter 1 verses 16 because it is written be holy for i am holy so we said that it is god alone amen that is holy and the bible tells us that he is holy we must also bear in mind saint john 4 verses 24 so god is holy and we establish that from first peter 1 verse 16. hear what's in john 4 verse 24 says god is a spirit and there that worship he must worship him in spirit and in truth amen so when we put it together we get a holy god how we get god is holy amen so so when we talk about holiness and why we emphasize holiness so much is because the god that we serve is holy and we're going to talk about holiness as we come next week but look here the original word that has been transferred from the greek is pneuma which means spirit and hagian which means holy ends the term holy spirit amen so the holy spirit then is the spirit of god if we look at acts 5 verse 3 and 4 what peter said and i asked why had satan feel that hard to lie to the holy ghost and to keep back a part of the price of the land wireless it remained was it not dying on and after it was sold was it not then in their own power why has those conceived this in thine heart though has not lied unto god unto men but unto god so what so ananias and his wife and we know the story they sold a piece of land and they came and they give a portion of it but what they did was to say look here we sell the land for twenty dollars and we give you everything which was not so amen and when they lie peter said to them first of all he said in verse 3 that you lied to the holy ghost but then when he comes down to verse 4 him said though has not lied unto man unto men but unto god it is simply saying to us that this holy ghost are if we want to say the holy spirit and the spirit of god is the same there is no difference all right let us look also at first corinthians 3 16 and 17. no enough that we are the temple of god and that the spirit of god dwelleth in you if any man defile the temple of god him shall god destroy for the temple of god is holy which temple are he again if we look at it the bible mentioned the spirit of god and then it mentioned the holy spirit so so so there is no difference the holy spirit and the spirit of god they are you know the same romans 8 just one more we're looking at one more romans 8 verse 9. but you are not in the flesh but in this spirit if so be that the spirit of god dwell it in you know if any man have not the spirit of christ so we see the passage move here from the spirit of god to the spirit of christ and i know he is known of his amen so it is the same spirit the same spirit amen that the spirit of god and the holy spirit is the same amen so the spirit used the term spirit of god and spirit of christ but though they are different terms they are referring to the same spirit which is the spirit of god amen so when we say in saint john 4 verses 24 god is a spirit i want us to note in saint john 4 verses 24 he did not say god is a spirits amen he said god is a spirit singular so when we read the passages earlier on and they use the term spirit of god and spirit of christ they are not talking about two different spirits but they are talking about one spirit which is the spirit of god there is only one spirit of god and let us go down now to ephesians 4 verses 6 verses 4 through to 6. there is one body and one spirit so let us know stop at that word spirit look at it it is capital s now when we talk about when we see the bible mentions capital s it is talking about not the spirit of man what is talking about the spirit of god so there is one body and one spirit referring to the spirit of god as you are called in one hope of your calling one lord one faith one baptism one god and father of all who is above all and through all and in you all so whether we say the spirit of god are the spirit of christ the holy spirit the holy ghost we are referring to the spirit of god i would also like us to know that in order for a man to operate the way the lord wants him to operate in order for a man to live the way how god wants him to live he cannot do it on his own it is going to take help from the lord and we are going to look at scriptures to tell us this if our money is going to please god remember it is like fiat and remember we mentioned when we talk about faith the bible says without fear it is impossible to please god that is what was said but we also said that this fear to please god it is god that gave it to men for god has given to every man a measure of faith and it's a bible but then when it comes to us living for god living holy when it comes to our lifestyle pleasing god when it comes to us doing the things of god amen we cannot do it of ourselves it is going to take supernatural help and that help comes from the spirit of god which god gave to man in this dispensation but if we look in the dispensation before dispensations before you are going to recognize that the holy ghost was not given but god himself moved upon men and cause them to do the work that he wants them to do so for us to operate the way the lord wants us to and for us to work according to his will it is going to take the spirit of god the bible in gallatian 5 verses 16 says this i say then walk in the spirit and he will not fulfill the loss of the flesh amen so if you're not walking in the spirit you're not going to please god because the flesh is going to take over we're going to go on to that passage as we go down into the story tonight so it is going to take the spirit of god let us look at luke 3 and 6 verse 16. it is going to take the spirit of god which he gives us john answered saying unto them i indeed baptize you with water but one mightier than i comment the latch of each the latch of whose shoes i am not worthy to unloose he shall baptize you with the holy ghost and with fire he will baptize you with the holy ghost and with fire so like i said in the different in the dispensation in this dispensation god choose to baptize men with the holy ghost and with fire but before no the spirit of god move upon men and the first scripture we're going to look at to solidify this is georges chapter 3 verse 10. the spirit of the lord came upon him and he judged israel and went out to war and the lord delivered that word there kush hanrish hattan him king of mesopotamia into his hand and his hand prevail against that king amen so this individual look here the spirit of god came upon him and he judged israel and it was because the spirit of god why he was able to be victorious in battle against kush him right it was because the hand of the lord the spirit of god was upon him why he was able amen to be victorious in that battle let us also look at isaiah 61 verse 1 so we know isaiah as a prophet of the lord and and he spoke but here no what he said he said the spirit of the lord god is upon me because the lord has anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek he has sent me to bind up the broken hearted to proclaim liberty to the captives and the opening of the prison to them that are bound so isaiah said that the spirit of the lord god is upon me so even from those time from the olden time we recognized that from the fall it was just hard for man to do the things to please god amen so it took the spirit of god and god knows this so from ever since that time god had it is in his intention that look here there's coming a time when i am not going to rest upon my spirit upon a particular person for him to do our work but i am going to not put my spirit in men amen judges 6 verse 34 but the spirit of the lord god came upon gideon so gideon gideon was stretching with and and boy he didn't even know and the angel said though mighty man of allah the bible said the spirit of the lord came upon gideon and he blew a trumpet and abuser was gathered unto him look here it was after the spirit of god came upon gideon and gideon you know move as god would want him to but let us look at this first samuel 16 13 and 14. then samuel took the iron of oil and anointed him in the midst of his brethren and when he anointed him water the bible says and the spirit of the lord came upon david from that day forward so sammy will rose up and went to rama it so we know david as as when you talk about kings of israel as you say king of israel the first king that anybody know is david and david was not even the first king of israel but he had a heart after the lord but the bible says that after samuel will pour the oil upon him and anointed him in the midst of his virgin it was that time the spirit of the lord came upon him so from he was a man of war a mighty man of war and it was because the spirit of god his heart was at a certain place and it was because the spirit of god it was because the spirit of god came upon him we could also look at ii samuels 23 verse 2 ezekiel 11 verse 5 ezekiel 11 says then the spirit of the lord fell upon me and he said to me said thus saith the lord so even the prophets of all when they spoke spoke because the spirit of the lord came on them just said the lord so you think host of israel for i know thy thoughts so it was because the spirit of the lord rest upon the prophet why he was able to bring forth a word so whether it is a act or whether it's to say something it was because of the spirit of the lord the bible in the new testament make mention of the scriptures that we hold so dear was written as all the men were moved by the holy ghost ii peter 1 first verses 21 and 22 knowing this first that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation for the prophetic the prophecy came not in all time by the will of men but holy man of god's peak as they were what moved by the holy ghost so here am i telling you that look here even the prophets of whole when they utter things it was because the spirit of the lord moved i want to attack in false prophets you know when we say prophet we're talking about prophet of god amen spoke so in this dispensation as i was saying amen the dispensation of grace god choose no to put his spirit in man romans 5 verses 5 and hope does not disappoint because the love of god is shed abroad in our hearts by the holy ghost which is given to us you hear where god put the holy voice in our hearts and the love of god is shed abroad in our hearts by the holy ghost which god has given unto us so in this dispensation god choose to what put his spirit in man second corinthians 12 verses 21 and 22. no he which established us with you in christ and that anointed us is god who would seal us and given the earnest of what the spirit in our hearts so when we talk about the holy ghost our holy spirit we say that the terms are unchangeable and we say that they are referring to the spirit of god the ways in which the bible describes the holy spirit persons who receive the holy spirit acts 2 verse 4 says that and they were filled with the holy ghost acts 2 verse 33 the promise of the holy ghost acts 2 verse 38 the gift of the holy ghost acts 10 44 the holy ghost fell on them acts 10 and 45 god poured out the holy ghost acts 10 and 47 they receive the holy ghost acts 1906 the holy ghost came on them so these are terms now that the bible used as it talks about or as it describes how the holy ghost um is given so it can be poured out it can be the holy ghost came upon them the holy ghost you know the bible used different terms but it all means that the person is filled with the holy ghost the holy ghost fell upon them it's still filled with the holy ghost the holy ghost came upon them is still filled with the holy ghost when we talk about being filled with the holy ghost i want us to understand and i want us to picture a vessel it can be filled with the holy ghost but the bible also used the term baptized with the holy ghost so when we talk about but because john the baptist said he will baptize you with the holy ghost and fire so when we talk about being filled with the holy ghost i've been baptized remember we said the word baptism come from what too deep to plunge our immoral so when somebody's filled with the spirit god immersed them how he does it i don't know but if we talk about the meaning of the word from the original it is dipping plunging our immersion so god dip us in his spirit the bible then says that we are vessels of honor verses of the lord it means that when we've got deepest in his spirit we are filled with his spirit so like we have been saying we don't come here to just tell anybody i have to just tell you something that come to mind but we tell you based upon scriptures whether we say from the old testament from the new testament we come to you from scriptures we look at both all and new testament look at what they have to say on the topic and we mention it line up online and precept open precepts so as we continue the baptism of the holy spirit we are going to proceed in this fashion one we are going to look at the importance of having the holy ghost why is it important for an individual to have the holy ghost two we are going to look at the prophecies that came about the old porn of the holy ghost what we looked at earlier on um we mentioned that the spirit of god move upon men caused them to to do mighty works and cause them to speak amen but we are going to look in the old testament and prophecies that came forth about the holy spirit then we are going to look at the new testament the promise of the holy spirit in the new testament we're going to look at the fulfillment on the day of pentecost and then we are going to look at the signs of knowing that i have received the holy spirit and very important amen somebody so the importance of having the holy spirit why is it important for an individual to be baptized with the holy spirit to be filled with the holy spirit the bible in saint john 3 verses 1 to 7. there was a man of the pharisees named nicodemus a ruler of the jews we read this when we talk about baptism but no we're talking about the holy ghost we read it again the same came to jesus by night and said unto him rabbi we know that thou art a teacher come from god for no man can do these miracles that don't do us except god be with him jesus answered and said unto him verily verily i say unto thee except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of god nicodemus said unto him how can a man be born when he is old can he enter the second time into his mother's womb jesus answered verily verily i say unto thee except a man be born of water and of the spirit he cannot enter the kingdom of god that which is born of what flesh is flesh and that which is born of the spirit is spirit marvel not i say unto thee he must be born again so the first we read does not only place emphasis on water baptism as a part of the conversion process as a part of the new birth experience of the part of being born again but it also place emphasis on spirit baptism jesus exact words marvel not i say unto you you must be born again and this he said twice born of the water and born of the spirit so jesus said you must be born again i want to ask us a question and we can type in the answers in our chat if a person is baptized only is he safe type it in your chat if a person is filled and not baptized is he safe according to the scripture that we just read he is not saved if him the one so if he is baptized and does not receive the holy ghost is not saved if he receives the holy ghost and is baptized is not saved jesus said you must be born again born of the water and born of the spirit and there is a specific way that he wants you to do it you must complete both verily verily i say unto thee except a man be born of the water and of the spirit you cannot enter the kingdom of god if you are going to complete the conversion process you must repent of your sins identifying you with the death of jesus christ you must be baptized in the name of jesus christ for the remission of your sins identifying you with the burial of jesus christ and you must receive the infilling of the holy spirit identifying you with the resurrection of jesus christ jesus is the one that dies for us and we must be identified with him being identified with anybody else means it is that person that dies for you but because jesus is the one that died for me i want to be identified with his death burial resurrection and ascension so why is it important why is it important from for an individual to receive the baptism of the holy spirit because one it is a part of the plan of salvation let us read also romans 8 verses 9 some folks believe if you're baptized and you don't receive the holy ghost it's heaven look here i can only tell you the scriptures romans 8 verses 9 but ye are not in the flesh but in the spirit if so be that the spirit of god dwell it in you know if any man have not the spirit of christ he is none of his the english standard version says anyone who does not have the spirit of christ does not belong to him so without the spirit of god the spirit of christ he does not own you christ is coming back for sons and his son have his spirit and he's going to come back for his son with his spirit look here if you don't have the spirit of god if you're not being baptized with the holy spirit you don't belong to god baptism of the holy spirit is a part of the plan of salvation the bible is clear how is it that so-called ministers are telling folks just prayer prayer amen hallelujah just pray apply after me and you're saved the doctrine of prayer unto salvation and the bible doesn't teach that we said it in repentance that the person must be contrite there must be a genuine sorrow for sins and many so-called ministers are telling folks believe on your sieve deduction on to believe once you believe you are saved but the bible doesn't teach that the bible said that we must be born of anyone who is concerned about the soul of an individual and listen to what i'm saying good if a person is concerned about your soul he will not tell you that if you pray one prayer after he tells you how to pray that you are saved if somebody is concerned about where your soul is going to spend eternity he will not tell you that after you come to the altar and say yes i believe in the lord that you are save and that you're going to heaven because the bible does not teach that the man who is concerned about your soul is going to tell you that you need to repent baptize fill with the holy ghost and live holy there is a vast difference the reason why some people take on to these things is because it it appeal to them it appeals to them they want the easy way out but you must be born again so the first reason why it is important for us to receive the baptism of the holy spirit it is because it is a part of the plan of salvation secondly the holy spirit raises us up in the rapture and change our body romans 8 verse 11 but if the spirit of him that raised jesus from the dead dwelling you he that raised up christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal body by his spirit that dwell in you so if we don't have the spirit in us we will never be raised in the rapture because a lot of folks think that the church will be here and the church will go through the tribulation we see what is happening now and we see oh folks around us folks are so nervous and fearful folks around us are just dropping out and this is child's play to what is going to come so you can listen to somebody tell you that look here once you believe i am saying that you must be born of the spirit if you don't burn of the spirit you cannot make it into the rapture philippians 3 verse 21 for our conversation yes from 20 to 21 for our conversation is in heaven from whence also we look for the savior of the lord jesus christ who shall what change our vile bodies that it may be fashion like unto his glorious body according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself our bodies will be fashioned like unto his glorious body when we raise from the dead or when we change first corinthians says behold i sure you are a mystery we shall not sleep but we will be changed in the moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last from 40 they shall rise incorruptible and we shall be changed from this for this corruptable must put on in corruption and this mortal must put on immortality so i am saying to us there's coming a time when if you are dead almighty god some folks let's say look here when i die creamy my body take the sun and put it all over the sea amen so when jesus returned jesus can't put together and get to judge you're making a sad mistake if he is able to change us from mortal to immortality aiming from from corruptable to incorruption then he is able to gather up the dose that circles on the sea floor and bring back that man and judge him but we shall be changed and the changing agent is the holy ghost the holy spirit without the holy spirit there is no changing if you are flesh you're going remain flesh but if you are spirit the change agent is there and you are going to be changed again wise it is important romans 8 26 through 27 the spirit that we get makes intercession for us likewise the spirit also helped our infirmities for we know not what we should pray for as we art but the spirit itself make it intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered so look here sometimes we go through some things and and sometimes we just don't know you go before god i just spirit make intercession sometimes you're talking to god in an in an unknown language and a spirit groaning in the spirit interceding on your behalf in tongues spirit talking unto god likewise the spirit also helped our infirmities and he that search at the heart knew it what is the mind of the spirit because he make an intercession for the sins according to the will of god it's important and you know sometimes sometimes we that have the holy spirit you know we have a child afraid you know as a friend beaming up in prayer and we have the holy spirit to make intercession for us you can imagine somebody that said that they're going to church and don't have the holy spirit he also help us to live a life pleasing to god a life of sacrifice pleasing to god so we cannot do it by ourself as we establish earlier on god knows this and this is why he gave us the gift of the spirit by saint john 16 13 as we live and as we try our best to please the lord it is not within man for man to do it but it takes the spirit of god and hear what john says no hobbies when he the spirit of truth is come he will guide you into all truth for he shall not speak of himself but whatsoever he shall hear that shall he speak and he will show you things to come galatians 5 16 and 17. so the spirit when it comes it will guide us into our truth it is it is hard for us as individuals to to to just say look here see true near no it is a spirit of god that is going to know lead us in that truth and hence why it is important for us to have the the spirit of god but hear what gallatians say no as it pertains to living pleasing to god and to be a sacrifice amen this i say then walk in the spirit of glory and he shall not fulfill the loss of the flesh for the flesh lost it against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh and these are contrary the one to the other so that he cannot do the things he would do as christians we have two natures a sinful nature that we were born with and a nature that we receive when we receive the spirit of god when we were born again both natures have the desire one for evil and the other for holiness one for evil this is why paul says for the good that i would i do not but the evil which i do not that i know he said there is a lot that presents himself that's in my members do let know what the spirit know desires the things of god that is why the spirit will guide us into truth when we want to do things the spiritual look here don't do that thing our flesh desires to sin against god but the spirit empowers us to walk pleasing to god when we follow the deepest desire of the spirit as it as it shed in our hearts we will not do the things that displease god but instead we rather walk and do the things that please god so it is the spirit this holy spirit that god give us help us to live for him now let us look at the prophecy protein prophecies pertaining to the outpouring of the holy ghost so like we mentioned earlier on that god it was in his intention to fill men with his spirit to baptize men with his spirit in a time to come but god gradually reveal himself to mankind through the different dispensation amen and so what god does in the earlier years in the old testament when we read is that god overshadowed men and we went through the scripture where god overshadowed men and and caused them to speak and he empowered them amen to do the things that he wants them to do we mention about king david that it was the spirit of god after he was anointed that was the time the spirit of god came upon him and he became the king that we no no but it happened because of the spirit of god but before this it was overshadowing but in the old testament the same holy spirit of god move up and holy men and they speak first peter 1 verses 10 through 12 of which salvation the prophets have inquired and searched diligently who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you searching what or what man of time the spirit of christ which was in them did signify when it was when it testified beforehand the sufferings of christ and the glory that should follow and to whom it was revealed that not unto themselves but unto us did minister the things which are now reported unto you by them that have preached the gospel unto you with the holy ghost sent down from heaven which things the angels desire to look into in these verses peter helped his fellow believers to keep their suffering in perspective by making two comparisons one the first comparison of the old testament prophets to the new testament saiyans secondly peter compared the new testament scenes to angel what he concludes was that the prophet search what time the spirit of christ would come to dwell in men and that the angels desire to look into it so the prophets of all when they spoke about the outpouring of the holy ghost they wanted a time they wanted to know when this would happen but it was not in their time and the angels wanted to look into it so what we have with being baptized is the with the holy spirit is something special amen so the prophet jeremiah jeremiah 31 verses 31-33 behold this comment said the lord that i will make a new covenant with the host of israel and with the house of judah not according to the covenant that i made with their fathers in the day that i took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of egypt which my covenant they break although i was and husband unto them saith the lord but this shall be the covenant that i will make with the host of israel after those days said the lord i will put my laws in their inward parts and right in their hearts and will be their god and they shall be my people the covenant is in our ass the old covenant look here stone it was written on moses break it he was written again but god wanted something personal he wanted to write know the laws in our art that is why we mentioned a couple of weeks are going on so that look here even if the thing is not written in the bible verb be a team i need not dear word for word there is a line all written in our hearts you know by the holy ghost hallelujah and if it's not written in the bible the holy ghost will convict us so you might not see it word word because we said at that time that a lot of people want to see word for word but god is saying look here it is written in our hearts through the holy ghost so the covenant is in our hearts by the holy spirit so let us also look now what joel 2 verse 28 and 29 verses 28 29 of prophecies to note about the baptism of the holy spirit it is found in the book of joel some 800 years before christ came to earth the prophet joel wrote of the baptism of the holy spirit and it shall come to pass afterward that i will pour out my spirit upon all flesh and your sons and daughters shall prophesy your old men shall dream dreams your young man shall see visions and open also the servants and upon the handmaid in those days will i pour out my spirit so joel may not have fully understood the prophecy that he gave but god moved upon him and those words came to him by inspiration of the holy verse to let us know that the day will come when he will pour out his spirit amen so dear was coming at time joel saw it joel prophesied about it and he said that in the time to come god is going to pour out his spirit upon all flesh jeremiah saw it and jeremiah prophesied about it ezekiel's sight but as we go down we talk about it so now let us look at the new testament promise of the holy ghost john the baptist matter 3 verse 11 john the baptist preached the promise of the baptism of the holy ghost john said i indeed baptize you with water anti-repentance but she that comment after me is mightier than i who shows i'm not worthy to be here he shall baptize you with the holy ghost and with fire so look you know from the old testament line up online line up online precept open precept hear a little dear a little so here what happens the prophets they talk about the baptism of the holy ghost so here again was the forerunner we said it about repentance we said it about water baptism and it is the same thing with the holy ghost john the baptist came and he said look here one is coming and he is going to baptize you with the holy ghost and with fire john did not preach and this is a point to note john did not preach that look here is only a certain set of persons that god is going to pour the spirit on but john said look here he's going to pour this spirit he's going to put his spirit amen baptize you with the holy ghost and with fire there was no particular group there was no just for a period but through the world church era he pours out his spirit jesus promised the spirit baptism luke 11 13. he said if he then be evil know how to give good gifts unto your children how much more shall your heavenly father give the holy spirit to them that ask him so some folks look here you have to ask you know and say if you're hacking for the holy spirit he's going to give you the holy spirit another feel like injecting this now look here there is only two things that can prevent you segwaying a little bit what are following the holy spirit two things that can prevent you from receiving the holy ghost one if you don't repent can jesus say will not pour new wine into dirty vessels so if you repent then so if you don't repent you're not going to receive the holy ghost but if you don't believe that you're going god is going to give you the holy ghost that god can't give you the holy ghost you're not going to receive the holy ghost so two things can prevent you is i don't believe are you not repented but if you don't mean evil know how to give good gift unto your children how much more shall your heavenly father give the holy spirit to them that asks him saint john 7 37-39 in the last day that great day of the feast jesus stood on christ saying if any man thirst let him come unto me and drink he that believeth on me as the scripture had said out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water but this speak e of the spirit which they that believe on him should receive for the holy ghost was not yet given because that jesus was not yet glorified so the passage tell us this one that the holy spirit was promised to all who believe so believe and you will receive two the gift of the holy ghost which jesus referred to did not come until after his glorification so like we've been saying is a whole lot of things that we could talk about the baptism of the holy ghost are probably about two or three bible studies but we're just talking about some of the meaning with us condensing the thing and us talking about some of the important things saint john 14 16 through to 18 and i will pray the father and he shall give you another comforter that he may abide with you forever even the spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive because it set him not neither annoyed him but he know him for he dwelleth with you and shall be in you so jesus talk about the holy ghost coming changing 14 verses 26 but the converter which the father will send in my name that scripture i read already he shall teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance whatsoever i have said unto you so jesus spoke about the comforter coming the promise of the comforter let us look now at the fulfillment amen and we look at the fulfillment in acts 2 verses 1 to 4 the fulfillment of the old porn of the holy spirit happened on the day of pentecost acts 2 verses 1 to 4 and the day of pentecost was fully come they were all with one occurred in one place and suddenly there came a stone from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind and it filled all the holes where they were sitting and there appeared unto them clothes and tongues like as of fire and it sat upon each of them and they were all filled with the holy ghost and began to speak with other tongues as the spirit gave them utterance so all of the prophecies that we look at in the old testament that talk about the holy ghost coming forth and there was a time when god would pour out his spirit amen jesus said that the holy spirit will come he promised to eat the holy spirit even in the new testament all of this was fulfilled on the day of pentecost that long awaited day that day that the prophets wanted to know when that time would come amen the angels desire to look into it amen happened on the day of pentecost when they were gathered together in one occurred in one place and god poured out his spirit upon them it was a new era folks have never seen this it was the birth of the church it was a new birth a new thing god was doing this thing that was prophesied was a new thing so the church continued to proclaim the baptism of the holy spirit to all peter got up on the day of pentecost along with the support of the other apostles and preached acts 2 38 and 39 then peter said unto them repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of jesus christ for the remission of sins and he shall receive the gift of the holy ghost for the promise is unto you and unto your children and to all that are afar off even as many as the lord our god shall come so the church continues to preach the baptism of the holy spirit and others were saved others received the baptism of the holy ghost these people that peter preached to amen acts 2 verse 41 then they that gladly receive his word were baptized on the same day they were added to the church about three thousand souls if these three thousand swords were added to the church it meant that they were filled water baptized repented amen that is why they were added to the church it meant that they had to experience the same experience that the apostles experienced they had to know fulfill what the apostles preach repentance water baptism in jesus name and the infilling of the holy spirit so the church preached and they believe acts 8 4 5 to 17 tells us right that the apostles were at jerusalem heard that the samaria had received the word of god they sent their peter and john unto them whom when they were came down prayed for them that they might receive the holy ghost for as yet he was not falling upon none of them only they were baptized in the name of the lord jesus then lay their their hands on them and they receive the holy ghost the church continue to preach the holy ghost acts 10 44 to 46 peter preached to carnegie's host and cornelius receive the baptism of the holy spirit acts 10 46 44 to 46 while peter yet speak these words the whole egg was fell on all them which heard the word and they of the circumcision which believed were astonished as many as came with peter because on the gentiles also was poured out the gift of the holy spirit amen so the church continued to preach about the baptism of the holy spirit and persons continue to receive the holy spirit now in this day and age as the church we continue to preach about the baptism of the holy spirit we continue to preach and tell folks and teach and tell folks that baptism of the holy spirit is a part of the plan of salvation it is a significant part look at all of it the plan of salvation is significant because none you can't be righteous you can't get to know god you can't get to him without fulfilling all of the aspects of the plan of salvation so every step in the salvation process is important amen and the church continue today to preach that if you find a place that they said at their church and they're not preaching this to you look here find somewhere else and go it's so harsh amen you find somewhere else and go because this is if you love yourself and you love your soul and you want to be spend an eternity with jesus christ find somewhere that teach i'm not telling you to come to where i am what i'm saying find somewhere that teaches repentance water baptism in the name of jesus christ in filling up the holy spirit and living holy amen outside of that there is no hallelujah there is no salvation outside of that is eternal damnation amen somebody so it's important then that we recognize that in order to fulfill the plan of salvation we must receive the baptism of the holy spirit along with all other aspects so the evidence of receiving the holy spirit no a lot of folks tell folks that look here once you believe you receive the holy ghost just leave the altar and i receive the holy ghost no when i received the holy ghost i knew because i spoke in tongues my wife spoke in tongues and even though if the anointing come we still speak in tongues i know when the spirit make it intercession as we said we speak in tongues i have three sons oh glory to god amen and the three of them all glory to god receive the baptism of the holy spirit they all spoke in tongues i have a number of church brothers and church sisters and we all spoke in tongues i come against the doctrine that is telling people amen that the speaking in tongues is only for the apostles and only for a period of time i am telling somebody tonight that even this era the church era speaking in tongues is the evidence that you receive the holy spirit it is the initial evidence to say that yes you will receive the holy ghost oh glory to god the the duchy look here if you're not careful enough if you're not careful you'll find yourself in hell amen because people they are trying to hold when somebody come up with that genuine question hold over that church amen the people talking tongues all over that church amen but next door neighbors are hearing my hearing wife i hear them children them speaking in tongues when they're in worship how is it that i don't speak in tongues and somebody could tell you that look here ah look here speaking in tongues is for the apostles well i am an apostle my wife are my children look here i want us to understand amen that the devil is to still kill and indeed destroy and he's trying to destroy some life if you don't look at things for yourself if you don't diligently see god you're going to find yourself lost because people will tell you that look here you don't have to talk in tongues your possibility you must keep yourself quiet and attack all kind of things but let us look at the scripture speaking in tongues is a supernatural gift amen a supernatural gift that is not learned but is given to man when he received the spirit so through the holy ghost no because the bible say you know it is not of ourself but the bible says men speak as they are moved upon by the holy ghost that is the prophet but then no it says in the new testament here that look here they spoke with tongues as the what spirit gave utterance in other words they speak because the spirit speak if the spirit don't say not in the mouth short and this is all powerful goddess amen so the greek word that we talk about tongues it comes it means grosser which means tongues earthly are heavenly amen and tongues could just be one lesson by itself look here speaking in tongues is something that is done by a by the spirit that is in man and mannose what the spirit is saying it might be earthly so we can talk in tongues and somebody else understand what is being said but it can be heavily when we talk in tongues the bible says that we talk to god and we magnify him oh glory to god so isaiah no let us look at isaiah 28 oh glory to god 11 and 12. i want us to understand somebody amen that the prophet talked about it himself for with tamarind lips and another tongue will he speak to these people to whom he said this is the rest we are with he may cause the weary to rest and this is the refreshing yet they would not year oh god i feel like i talk a little bit about rest on the sabbath as we look on this passage amen because some folks is telling you oh god that god rests on the sabbath amen and god is a spirit a spirit don't need to rest and god why are you taking me here a spirit don't need to rest on the sabbath but this is the rest that the prophet was talking about and if we're dealing with sabbath we could talk about the rest from the old testament into the new testament amen jesus said come on to me early that labor and are every lady oh god if i should talk about this doctrine you see man i don't stop and i will give you rest take my yoke upon you and learn of me amen this rest that jesus was talking about was not a physical race amen but it was a spiritual rest arrest from sin but let me get back to it amen for its tamarind lips and another tongue oh glory to god will i speak will i speak will i speak the time is known in the church era the time is no when god speaks to the church two tongues talk to the individual manifest amen speaking in tongues by the holy spirit that dwell this is the era that the prophet was talking about so speaking in tongues is a part of the church today oh glory to god i tell you that my entire family amen speak in tongues it is it is not only for the apostle but it is for amen bless the name of jesus christ it is for the church amen so if you're serving god and you i i say look here yes may believe yes man of the holy ghost just like the apostle x john the baptist disciples unto what then were you baptized because if you're here i have the holy ghost you're most dark in tongues yes jesus if you're hearing of the holy ghost you're most talk in tongues so look at the scripture mark 16 verse 17 look here they're telling you a lie if they tell you that it is only for the apostles they're telling you a lie if they tell you amen is doctrine from the bottom pit of hell amen is doctrine that is to damn your soul if they tell you that look here uh just believe when you receive the holy ghost and never yet speak in tongues you don't have the holy ghost jesus just saw me have to put it because look here jesus said and these signs shall follow them that believe in my name they shall cast old devils they shall speak with new tongues this word come from the cm word glossa which means tongues early and tongues look here if they tell you that look here it is for the apostles alone they're telling you a lie i can't tell you because i talk in scripture and if they tell you that you have the holy ghost and you're never yet talking tongues they're telling you a lie the 120 under the earth pentecost people heard them spoke in tongues that day when the holy was poured out so don't matter if it was early language they was talking about talking um and the creations and those that were there understood it happened the bible says as the spirit gave them utterance the creations were there and they understood what they are those who were talking in tongues probably don't even know the greeks the the grecian language because it can be earthly and it can be heavenly amen so under the pentecost the jews amen they receive the holy ghost and they spoke in tongues but let us also know go wrong and i'm going to close with this one amen after this one we'll look at gallatians 5. acts 10 44-46 now this is an interesting one while peter yet spoiled the words to spread the words the holy ghost fell on all them which heard the word and they at the circumcision which believed were astonished now the circumcision were the jews amen and the jews were astonished as many that came with peter no if i'm going to paint a picture you have to understand what is happening here the the carniels was a devoted man but carnelius was not safe peter got the key under the pentacles and he turned that um uh i'm glad sorry jesus gave him the key acts chap um matthew 16 and peter turn that key on the day of pentecost but here it was for the first gentile to hear the gospel peter have to again turn the key amen so peter no went along to carnelia's house to tell him what to do to be saved but remember i know the bible said that he was a devoted man and while peter so the man was the man heart was ready he was at the place and while peter yet speak the holy was fell upon them and they which came with peter heard and were astonished as many that came with him because that on the gentiles ulcer was poured out was poured out the gift of the holy spirit for they heard them speak with tongues and magnify god day after circumcision heard and were astonished what they heard was that the gentiles also received the holy spirit the gentiles received the holy spirit oh they know that they received the spirit because they heard them speak with tongues and magnify god oh glory to god i am telling us tonight that if you are in something and they tell you that you have the holy ghost and never talk in tongues you need to check it again sorry am i sound harsh i might sound blunt but we just talk in the bible so it is the initial sign to show that you will receive the holy ghost and then there is ongoing evidence that you have the holy ghost galatians 5 verses 22 and 23 but the fruit of the spirit is love joy peace long suffering gentleness goodness faith meekness temperance against such there is no law amen so the spirit that the bible is talking about is the holy spirit when he abides in us we will be the fruit jesus said by the fruit you shall know them so if somebody have the holy spirit you will know be a standard behavior there be a fruit that is love is one fruit you know the fruit never say fruits of the spirit is love but there are different aspects to this fruit now which is joy peace lung suffering goodness temperance meekness again such deer is what no love so the evidence is there and if you see some person behave in a certain way it might be that the person young in christ anyone take a time for them change but if somebody is in christ for a long long time man you must see the fruit that is being bored but look here this baptism of the holy ghost is a part of salvation we cannot please god without the spirit because the spirit lost it against the flesh and the flesh against the spirit and we were born with this adamic nature i want to tell somebody tonight that we need to search scriptures in them there is truth and in them salvation is written out the idea of this talking about doctrine is not to mention the different doctrines that the idea about it is about to save souls the idea about it is to get other sheep that is not of this fool to come to this fall because the time is nigh even at the door god bless you tonight thank you for tuning in next week as we come we will talk about holiness and we will just go as a spirit of god leaders and and and continue talking about doctrine as we go through though i wanted to understand though that we are going to get to the doctrines that the bible talk about as we go through you have you would have heard me talking about the different doctrines that are there no that is not written in the bible but they are there and they are trying to distract us they are trying to turn us from the truth but look here content for the faith god bless you tonight in jesus name amen just bow your heads heavenly father we appreciate you tonight we thank you for your love we thank you for your mercies we thank you oh god for all that you have done for all that you are doing even as we present the word we thank you for the light that oh god you have touched we thank you for the life god that you will touch we pray god that you will let this world go forth mighty god and that even in time to come it will accomplish and that souls will be seen because that is the evil souls will be kept mighty god hallelujah to give you glory oh god as we pray tonight we pray almighty god for our family members jesus christ those who are called by your name those who god are under the weather with discovered virus we pray god that you will touch our deacon right now my mighty god our minister who is in the hospital touching god brother rahman we call him by name amen and we pray mighty god that you will touch him from the crown of his head right now to the soul of his feet mighty god oh god we pray that you will cause him to recover god from this that you will increase that oxygen level god to to normalcy amen and that you will cause him jesus to have a testimony we pray that right now you will just visit him in the name of jesus that you will show yourself strong on his behalf we pray god that you will touch his wife give her the strength talk to children god every member every other person who is affected by this virus in the name of jesus we ask mighty god that you will touch that you will heal and that you will deliver we pray god that your will be done and we ask god that as we go through the rest of this week that you'll be with us that you help us to practice the social distance that you help us to receive we are our mass lord jesus and that you will guide us along the way let your will be done tonight as we give your thanks in the name of the lord jesus christ and let somebody say in jesus name amen just clap your hands unto the lord amen amen amen and just lift them and give him glory say thank you jesus we bless a we bless your name god and we give you glory amen amen we worship and we adore you tonight you are king of kings you are lord of lords yes god you are the conquering lion of the tribe oh god of judah we bless you we bless you we love you jesus amen by way of announcement remember no there is a three days at night three days three nights of fasting beginning september 11 and it goes through to september 13 right it's a period of consecration a period of fast in a period of presenting ourself to the lord let us look at the time you know the days are evil amen and we want to just present ourselves to god present the issues before god and you know to hack his help you know to keep us during this time you know special prayer time there are special prayer times for each day you know where we pray for one hour individually are with our families amen friends or other colleagues you know prior group 6 a.m 3 p.m and 6 p.m so these are the times that we want to set to for us to pray together as family as a friend a prior partner group pray together and remember at 6 00 pm on these nights you know there will be prayer meeting amen and we want all folks to join in amen we want nobody to be left behind you know it it it's just a time of consecration and you know if i must confess you know the lord was talking about my heart and said look here it's time for the treaty and no you know because you know you said the thing you know throughout the year and a lot was saying this time and you know kind of pushing and pushing it and you know bishop just a three year so yeah man i welcome it and we're asking everybody you're able to go out you know if you have some from a medical commission you know what to do so just do it and must be faithful in the name of jesus christ god bless you your prayer meeting will be via zoom and you know on the whatsapp you will see the login so you can just join in and you know let us as one family pray together and you know strengthen each other god bless you tonight in the name of the lord jesus god bless you jesus amen you
Channel: Faith Chapel of Faith Apostolic Ministries
Views: 1,084
Rating: 4.875 out of 5
Keywords: Faith, Chapel, Gospel, Good, preaching, anointing, Holy, Ghost, Ministry, bible, study
Id: 435CW6zyHSg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 7sec (6907 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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