January 24, 2021 Sunday Second Service [Sister Paulette Mattocks]

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sweeter all the time [Music] foreign it seems like it's always is sweeter all the time praise god i i don't know about um everybody in here but i know for myself i have been thinking about heaven i've laid just almost every minute of the day almost every week almost every hour and when i think about heaven these days i just don't think about it as in the place that we're going to be with god but i think about it in the sense that how do i ensure that i am in the number that is going into heaven how do i ensure that i am living right how do i ensure that when the trumpet is sold because i mean i don't know if it happens to anybody it's what these days when i hear a bang when i hear a song when i hear a word song i just think of you know what it would be like when god comes when god comes to call us home and what position we'll be in will our hearts be ready will our souls be ready and i was discussing this with someone lately about you know how to ensure that we're in this space where when god comes we're not left behind and it boils down to a few things it boils down to praying it boils down to reading the word it boils down to fasting and it boils down to be in this constant place of readiness and it came home to me just earlier this week when we were reading from colossians chapter 3 and you think about just about how do you ensure that you're in that place of readiness and colossians 3 verse 8 says no he also put out these anger anger which can lead to so many other sins wrath malice blasphemy filthy communication out of our mouth lie not one to another that's in verse 9 verse 10 says because we have put on the new man verse 11 we are free verse 12 therefore as the elect of god holy and beloved bowels of mercy kindness humbleness of mind meekness long suffering so as we go to prayer this morning we have some prayer requests but i'm also going to ask that we pray for ourselves that we pray for our souls that we pray for our friends and i've been burdened with that of late that we pray for our friends the friends we keep who don't necessarily know the lord as their savior pray for our family members so this morning i want us to really look into ourselves look into our souls and look into some of the things that i mentioned in the verses just know you know recently on wednesday i was watching the inauguration of the u.s president and you know he came to power with um this messianic acclaim because people are thinking that he is the one who is going to save the united states after four years of the previous president and we also on this earth we look to our government we look to our leaders because we are relying on them for some of the basic things that we need to get along we need to pay our bills we need to we need shelter and we look to them as if they are the ones who can provide the answers but in truth and in fact the lord god almighty is the only one who can provide the answers that we need and so while they are looking for their president and while some of us are looking for our prime minister to really show us where we need to go to get us out of some of the mess that we find ourselves in there's only one person who can truly get us where we need to go and as we go to pray this morning let's just pray for our souls and like i said earlier let's pray for our friends and our family so that they may come to know the lord as their savior and in addition to that we have a notice that says we need to pray for a journey matt daniel who is out of the hospital and prayer for the pilot and airline staff and crew and then the third one for kdia russell who is in the hospital with asthma and pneumonia and also prayer for the entire family but really and truly this morning while we bear these names up i want us to pray for ourselves pray for our souls and while you're doing it pray for me as well when i ask pasadena to lead us in prayer [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we bless you mighty god we honor you this morning this afternoon will lift you up thou most high there is none like you hallelujah hallelujah father in heaven we come before your presence at this time at the commencement of this service oh god we want to invoke your mighty presence in our midst we recognize that you are god and there is none else we recognize lord that you are the one that we must call on that we must ask to guide and direct our steps our hearts everything that we do you are a great god and eternal life and we bless you right now as individuals we lift our voices and we lift our hands and we bow before you as a body corporate lord jesus we recognize your hate ship your awesomeness and together we lift our hearts and our hands and we acknowledge the greatness of the god of heaven you are worthy mighty god you are worthy to be praised and to be lifted up and to be glorified high and lifted up in all the earth that's who you are we bless you we honor you right now lord jesus we thank you for the names that were called just know by this tartar the needs that men have some are sick some are asking for prayer lord god for the members of staff at the place that they work some are asking for guidance lord you see every request we hold up the papers before you mighty god sister russell who is in the hospital at this time with new mona asthma and all the names that were called i hold the paper in my hands right now and i present the request before the throne of almighty god you are the great healer you are the healing jesus and i pray mighty god that you will reach forth from heaven above and that you will minister healing in the name of jesus christ let the healing virtues flow from the throne above into the lives of these individuals that have requested prayer great god almighty we were reminded just know that more than any other time our minds and our eyes shall be tuned to heaven men have come and have promised that they will lead us from one place to another but we recognize this afternoon that the arms of flesh will fail man will lie but when it comes to the god of heaven when it comes to the lord and savior jesus christ you are not a man that you should lie your words are ye and amen and so we thank you that you have given to us the privilege to look to the hills from whence commit our help we recognize that it is not from men not from the united states not from canada not from europe but our help cometh from above from he who made the heavens and worth and so we call upon you right now almighty god and we pray that you will extend your hands upon your people we have been asked to pray for us as individuals and i pray for every individual saint in the house right now you see the heart you know the need you know the things that make us stand strong and you know the things that bind us and hold us back we pray that you will intervene in every situation right now mighty god and he will break every yoke you will remove every chain and you will set your people free free to serve you free to worship you free to elevate your free to magnify the great god of heaven we thank you for what you have already started to do in the lives of the people of god those that call upon the name of jesus i pray right now for the unsaved that is in our midst you have allowed them to come into the house you have allowed them to tune into the social platform for such a time as this i pray father in heaven that he will reach forth and that he will touch everyone save the person in the service earlier on you move upon the heart of one individual and cause them to request to know you more and you led them to take on the name of jesus in water baptism i pray right now that you will do it again in this service i pray right now father that you will move again by your spirit and convict and convince the heart of the unsaved in this place that they will request what must i do to be saved move in this place by your spirit mighty god if you are not here if you are not a part of what we do we will be here in vain but we don't want to be here in vain we want our being here to count we want our being here to be solid in worshiping you so we invite your presence mighty god to take full control to take charge at this moment to take charge through the entire service moved by your spirit this is your house and we stand back almighty god and ask you to lead every step of the way bless the moderator as this title wraps up what he's doing rest your hand upon him in the name of jesus as the moderator come rest your hand upon that person mighty god as the preacher come rest your hand upon that person mighty god in the name of jesus and everything that be done here today in this service right now be done to glorify you take the glory and pull out the blessings almighty god the things that are rolling us down and causing us up to be let's have you know our worship remove them right now and allow us to see the glory of jesus and let it shine brighter and brighter in our midst and in our lives amen from this time on onward so that we will readily we will just lift up our hands and just lift up our hearts and spontaneously worship the god of heaven have your own way we pray take full control and let your perfect will be done we honor you we thank you we glorify you and we say jesus have your own way this is your house the house of worship we give you thanks in jesus name in jesus name amen and amen and can we turn our bibles to psalm 121. psalm 121 and we'll read the entire thing together i will lift up mine is everybody there i will lift up my eyes onto the hills from whence cometh my help my help cometh from the lord which made the heaven and earth he will not suffer thy foot to be moved he will not shall neither slumber nor sleep the lord is thy keeper the lord is thy shade upon thy right hand the son shall not smite thee by day nor the moon by night the lord shall preserve thee from all evil he shall preserve thy soul the lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth and even forever more amen and then can we turn our hymnals to him number 93 oh spread the tidings round number nine to three [Music] [Music] man the joyful sounds [Music] oh [Music] is one day is is [Music] [Music] [Music] is and we lift our hands together in worship to the comfort of jesus one verse says o hale the king of kings with healing in his ways we serve a wonderful healing god we serve the comforter of all comforters can we honor him right now can we just glorify him right now hallelujah the comforter the comforter the comforter the comforter healer healer jehovah rapha we're talking about our god and his name is jesus his name is jesus and you know before we go any further i know you've been standing for a while but just give me about three more minutes quickly just to stand and since i came here this is what dropped in my spirit and i'm going to be obedient i seek not to be different i just seek to be led by the spirit of god and this is what came to me that all our leaders i know if you're not well that's okay could just line the altars social distantly from the bishop everybody just align the altar and face this word we come here for about two hours two and a half hours and we want to do it good we want to start well anybody in agreement with me anybody in agreement with me i am depending on it the preachers depending on it anybody that come up this pulpit is depending on it and we're gonna lead by example and we want to set our heart right i know god has a way when we set our heart right to just have his way all his way have you ever proven that yeah man and i'm just gonna ask as a singer sing this song in repentance we want to set the pace right i know we prayed and i know everything but i'm going as i feel led by god the singer sing this song lord walk beside me heal me and guide me and take all the memories of sin away only so close that i hear your heart beat anybody want to hear the heartbeat of god hallelujah and as the leaders face this war they're going to pray a pearl of repentance for themself and all of us and we're going to sing this song while they pray for about two minutes is that all right singers help me please lord walk beside me hallelujah thank you jesus thank you lord walk beside me hallelujah [Laughter] thank you jesus hold me so close lord [Music] we wonder oh hallelujah let me wander thank you thank holy you will rely on your jesus i can't afford to waste my time here is my me you may be seated thank you jesus oh still never hallelujah hallelujah let's do it right oh thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus just to be close to you it's my desire just to be close to jesus it's my desire hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus if jesus isn't here today might as well we pack up and go home you may be seated singers if jesus don't abide with us today might as well we just say bye jump in our cars on our buses and go home but we want him to tabernacle with us today amen we want him to have his way in our heart today we want him to bless us we want him to talk to us give us a word for the week hallelujah hallelujah we don't want him to be on the outside looking in [Music] god can fix a problem in achieving so if it's a repentant problem we can fix that energy if you do it right we want him to tabernacle with us and have his way do i have a person in agreement with me this afternoon hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah can we just worship him hallelujah i'd rather 90 of my words be words of worship this afternoon hallelujah bless the lord jesus and i'm gonna ask our bishop to come greet this lovely congregation and greet media land and leave any announcement that he may have bishop praise god praise god angels do beckon me mirror my god today anybody want to draw nearer to him nearer still literal close to thy heart oh i love those old songs oh can we praise the lord somebody let's just lift our hands everywhere and wave them to the great god the one who we want to draw closer to glory to god glory glory we thank you lord jesus we bless your great name we bless your great name it is so very good to be in the house of the lord again to worship him we had a grand time earlier on and already we are having a good time this afternoon in the presence of the great god of heaven i want to greet all of us amen that came out for this second service in the wonderful name of jesus christ our lord i wanna i wanna let you know amen that we appreciate every last one of you every son of god every daughter of the king every visitor in the house to this to the saints of the most high god a part of the church of jesus christ a part of the assembly of the living god to the general assembly i greet you in jesus name can we put our hands together everybody for the saints of god in the house right now praise god i want to greet the saints that are at church at home and those that have joined us from across the different parts of the world amen you're tuning in we want to greet you in the precious name of jesus good to have you amen being a part of this second service again god is a good god he's awesome he's excellent he's magnificent and you know you have been tuning in through the services on a sunday and that's a great thing folks that are already here even some of you that are here right now you are here in the earlier service and those who weren't here you were watching it while you were getting ready to come it's just a great thing and i really want to greet every single one of you unless you know how much i how much we appreciate you if you're a visitor this morning or this afternoon and you are here you're here in the house amen i just want to ask you just to stick your hand up just in case the amen i tell you what just stand up we want to see you we want to recognize you visit us in the house amen amen amen come on saints let's put our hands together for all the visitors in the house we had visitors this morning we had visitors amen bless you last week and the week before and the week before we're always blessed amen to have folks visiting with us and we want you to know that we appreciate your coming to be here we appreciate all of you that have taken the time out to come to be with us in this tent what the lord is gonna do later on but until then you have just come and you have just presented yourselves in this tent we say it over and over this place is hot in terms of physical heat it sometimes can be dusty we had a truck just saturating the place with water earlier on but just to see that you pushed and you came out into this hot dusty tent can i tell all the visitors we love you saying let's put our hands together one more time for all the visitors in the house god bless you god i tell you what everybody can we stand can we stand and to all the visitors that are a part of this service via the world wide web whenever you join amen this service receive this greeting in jesus name the lord bless you and the lord keep you and to the jesus that are in the house the lord bless and keep you and make his face to shine upon you the old chorus says yes i'm overshadowed by his wondrous love and i have protection from my lord above we know that everyone let's sing everybody as we glorify god and if if you are near the visitors just look across at them and give them a ball and let them know that we recognize and appreciate their being here with us in jesus name so everybody once you're near to a visitor you're gonna either help them give them a ball but let them feel welcome as we sing and glorify the lord together come on singers yes i'm overshadowed by his wondrous love and i have protection from my lord above jesus walks inside me every passing day and yes and i know and i have protections jesus [Music] oh yes my my god yes my god i on the is yes is over me hallelujah anybody have any storms of life reaching over you [Music] is that a no anybody have any hurricane category 4 hurricanes raging over you category 5 tsunami earthquake you're having earthquake and hurricane at the same time in the rock in the rock in the rock i'll hide i just want to sing this little one before the ushers come out the ushers can come while we're seeing it i am blessed the first version praise god hallelujah every day that i live hallelujah thank you jesus i am blessed that's right that's every day thank you foreign when i wake up in the morning i are we singing truth did you get any blessing this morning sister romaine [Music] on this side did he get a blessing this morning hallelujah on the restroom are you blessed amen hallelujah over this side [Music] did jesus give you anything this morning hallelujah i woke up this morning clothed in my right mind can i speak for somebody i woke up this morning with pain in my head but i'm here i woke up this morning pain in my knees but i'm here i'm speaking for somebody i woke up this morning and the children had given me a warm time but i'm here speaking for somebody i woke up this morning confused but i'm here i am blessed i am blessed he can take what's wrong and make it right hallelujah hallelujah jesus you may be seated lord jesus we thank you today that we are here and it's only because you are here you are the ever-living god and lord as we about to worship and given giving we ask oh god that you bless those that have to give and those that have not and god we are talking about money because we all have to give you something today praise worship adoration our finances we give it all to you jesus have your way today mighty god in jesus name amen the praise team will worship as the orphan is being collected hallelujah can we worship the lord everybody and just help us to magnify the great big god that we serve indeed he is worthy of all our praise and we're here just to glorify him in song hallelujah jesus you were the word and the beginning [Music] [Music] [Applause] what a beautiful name it is what a beautiful name it is the name of jesus christ my king what a beautiful name it is nothing compared to this what a beautiful name it is the name of jesus [Music] you didn't want heaven without us so jesus yes you did my sin was great your love was greater what a beautiful name it is the name of jesus christ what a beautiful name it is nothing comes to this what a beautiful day it is the name of jesus you didn't want heaven without jesus thank you lord my sin was great your love was greater so what can you say hallelujah you didn't want heaven without her so jesus ever thank you lord my sin was great your love was greater hallelujah so what can it is christ what a beautiful name it is nothing compared to this what a beautiful name it is the name of jesus that could not hold you the bells were before the praise i'll be your glory for you to life is again god [Music] is yours is is what it is [Music] of jesus christ what a powerful name it is nothing compared to them what a powerful name it is the name of jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] glory to god hiding indeed [Music] [Music] is [Music] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] and hide in here yes [Music] time [Music] thank you jesus [Applause] hey we're blessed every day somebody lift your hand right now hallelujah we are hiding in you lord under your wings in your shadows hold us hide us cover us o hallelujah in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus don't be outside of his sheltering wings don't be outside of the shadow of the living god of the almighty god saints of god make sure that all of us are under his wings one writer said i'm afraid so afraid of the storm so rule me rule me i'm afraid of the storm and i want to encourage every saint every child of god to make sure that we are sheltered covered hiding that he is holding us close to his heart don't waste your time coming and not experiencing anything coming and going back don't waste time knows time to make every gathering count oh hallelujah every coming together must count and must advance us closer to the king they'll waste time they'll waste your time just turning up to say i was in church make it cold make it matter hallelujah hallelujah and make your calling an election sure i don't care who you are it doesn't matter who we be make your comment count [Music] hallelujah don't leave it or being touched by almighty god if you if you came with things on your mind rid yourself of that the adversary inject these things and you're coming with it and and allowing the drought of the time to affect your soul get rid of it make your comment count hide yourself in jesus i'm hiding in jesus it's time for the word praise god if i might just inject before i call the preacher to come and leave a word with us at this time if i might just inject in this service that comes this tuesday this tuesday the 26th at 6 30 p.m the sunday school department is having a virtual session a virtual appearance forum they believe that there are issues that parents are facing now that need to be addressed and this forum is put together for the benefit of parents to hear some things to learn some things to understand some things and to share in some things so that the best can evolve for our children and so we are inviting all parents in this place all in our children via the world wide web you need to be in the platform in that virtual session this tuesday at 6 30 under the auspices of the sunday school department parents forum you cannot afford to miss it if you are a parent you must be there and so i invite us to tune in let us learn let us get what we need to get so that we can be equipped to deal with our children in these turbulent times god bless you and then on friday we need not for youth service but the men's fellowship will be having another dynamic presentation it is the empowering men series and it kicks off this friday at 6 30 but this one will be live in the sanctuary so this friday night at 6 30 the men's department and all the men and we said earlier on in the first service that ladies are invited because they are going to be under this empowering men forum series be dealing with the issue of pornography pornography and all the attendant things associated with that and we know that this issue doesn't just affect men it affects women and so we're inviting the men and the ladies and we should have enough space to conform to the protocols if it overruns we'll just work it out but it's going to be right here 6 30 to 8 30 cannot afford to miss it this friday night and then remember that prayer meeting and the the the outer workers group will be leading the prior meeting this wednesday we ask every saint please make it in prior meeting it's important that we don't miss prayer meeting again prayer meeting and bible study work together and six to about ten minutes to seven let's all be in prior meeting to deal with some issues to present them to god together and be in agreement on the request that we are going to petition the almighty for so six o'clock prayer meeting is going to be led by the altar workers team and we ask that all of us be a part of it and then says no clock will go right into bible study the lord bless you can i ask the church to stand at this time everybody amen god has been good we we felt the presence of the lord richly in our service in our earlier service and we are here again and we feel a strong presence and see a great move of god my heart is over where my my soul is rejoicing because god is in this place and god is with us and i'm happy for that i'm very happy for that and so it comes time for the word another time and it is my privilege and the light to invite to come share with us at this time amen from the words of the living god sister paulette mattox please receive her in the name of the lord jesus [Music] father in the name of jesus we come before your presence again you are blessed forevermore we continue to magnify you and we continue to stand in awe at your presence you can be here from in the morning before we come and you can reign through one service and reign again through another service and if we were to have three more services for this afternoon god you will just reign because you are lord and there is none else or a cry to you right now almighty god is to reign jesus reign not just r e i g n but i a i n really mighty god and let your power fill this place you are the great god we thank you for another opportunity to hear from heaven through your servant i stretch my hand over her life right now over physical being right now and in the name of jesus i pray that you will touch her from the crown of her head to the soul of her seat anoint her mighty god use her lips as she declare the word so that when the word issues food they will be guided like a guided missile that goes straight to the target mighty god use her to reach to the targets that are in the house today to break down to build up words necessary to encourage to cheer down to problem i pray that you will use the words that will emanate from the throne and guide your people they develop in the holes that might be unsaved that our world will reach them that they will surrender their hearts and their lives and give themselves holy unreservedly to you great god almighty let your perfect will be done we thank you for what you're doing right now we thank you for using your daughter right now and we give glory to the great king in jesus name in jesus name amen and amen bless god you know before i even greet you this morning i was on my way to church and i saw three hers and i showed my husband what um he missed one and you know when i was coming down i says god i wonder if you are preparing me for my time when i step in the house of the lord god has shown me a young lady i don't want you to be stubborn you're staring at me yes you're looking away yes yes yes i'm gonna ask you to pray don't worry about it god is gonna take here just pray with her anointed with olive oil don't worry about it don't worry about it god is still in the delivering business don't worry about it don't worry about it let's turn the bibles to first samuels chapter 17. and we want to read from verses 24 through to 26 and all the men of israel when they saw the man fled from him and were sore afraid and the men of israel said have you seen this man that has come up surely to divide to defy israel you come up and it shall be that the man who killed him the king will enrich him with great riches and will give him his daughter and makes his father's house free in israel and david speak to the men that stood by him saying what shall be done to the man that killed this philistine and take it away the reproach from israel for who is this uncircumcised philistine that he should defy the armies of the living god you may be seated what a beautiful name it is i want to take time out to greet you in the name of jesus oh god i want to greet you sister maury in the name of jesus bishop i want to greet you in the name of jesus fellow deacons i want to greet you in the name of jesus over here i want to greet you sister marcia sister martin i want to specially greet you in the name missionary daily i greet you madame you know it is important to greet somebody and when you look at the word greeting it's um you are appreciating someone you are acknowledging someone's presence amen but sometimes when you greet somebody especially when a congregation is there they are wondering who is she really greeting but this morning or today i want to greet you what a beautiful name it is i greet you in the name of jesus you know if jesus wasn't here it would make sense my coming would be in vain doesn't make sense and i'm glad i'm here because guess what jesus i might not be happy and rejoicing in the streets around the pulpit but guess what ah jesus jesus is here the theme that i want to use today is that don't be intimidated by the giants around you because god is gonna fight for you don't be intimidated because there are some spirits that are creeping in the house of god and some of us are intimidated by those spirits but bishop don't be intimidated don't be afraid because of their faces because god is going to fight for you and we know this story about david and goliath and if i should ask even a little child they can tell me the story so i don't have to go into it but what i know and what i want you to get is that the children of israel the israelites and the philistines went up to war the children of israel were on one side jesus and the philistines were on the other side now the children of israel are god's people right yes sir and the philistines i guess the name of their god was begone is it so one of their gods here gone and so haha no mercy dear came a giant out of the philistine whose name was goliath and so goliath had on everything in bronze his helmets even his tools that he fought with even his feet but everything he was well secured on the day against god the children of israel were also there ready to fight and i want you to listen so david was getting ready to intervene but the children of israel lord of mercy something went wrong and so goliath came out big and bossy and step with power can imagine i said send me a man by the way where you fall won't offer go to no como tour send me a man who you think is big and bad enough to fight with me and see what i do with them 40 years 40 morning and evening 40 long days the children of israel were being mocked [Music] how are you being marked i said the children of israel were being mocked by a philistine who don't even know who this great god is huh and the bible says that the children of israel the israelites become who were afraid hey holy ghost the children of israel became afraid they couldn't find a man and it was about ten thousand soldiers were there and not even one man no this is serious theater personality minister said this is serious not even one man i want you to look into yourself this morning or this afternoon are you ready for the war you're ready for the battle not even one man and you know something the devil knows how to fight there are some things i want you to know when you're going to war know your opponent know who you're going to fight with know the opponent's strength know the opponent weakness find out what am i fighting for sir does it worth it because sometimes we jump up and fight and it's not worth it fighting a losing battle when god is not in the battle you're fighting and losing battle because the word of god says the bible is not mine it doesn't belong to you it belongs to god and so the children of israel start to run up and down i am imagining we are here in the house of god and some philistines come every sunday sunday first service sunday second service i say send me a man i want all the men to anoint their hands with the olive oil send it throne to all other men to anoint your hands with a sacred olive oil because you know not what tomorrow may bring and it would be looking bad to see you running up and down from one man so be prepared and be ready you see something everything that god does he do it for a reason everything that god does is near must be glorified god must be lifted up god must be exalted he has never lost the battle hey god almighty and so when the champion goliath look and realize the people them fearful they don't know any fear for it you know they never knew of fear when the devil steal you know how you know fear him see fear you can't look on him because you're fearful so goliath knew that the children of israel were fearful now you must remember that it wasn't god who gave them saul as a king he gave them samuel but the people themselves saw saul was a man who could fight you better accept this man that is right here i don't talk about who you want you better accept him because who you might want might run away from the [Music] battle as a son was a man who could fight he was a military man saul was a man who wasn't afraid but because of disobedience this presence of the lord left son because of disobedience god turn you out of heaven disobedient and are talking to some disobedient people in the house of god your presence is already gone you're just jumping but the presence is not dear the anointing has left you because of disobedience hey holy ghost and so you see god jesus this thing is with me not even hate you and continue because you say god god is a man who understand you think jesse just took up the evidence said david juan go see where away iguano see some food here carry it if it was jesse alone although they didn't leave but god had a plan because god knew must not be defied his name must be exalted and god's sister the man ten thousand man damn fread goliath he was about ten feet tall you know was about and the next person who nearly had this height the scripture says was saul but soul mind wasn't on god because the presence is the most of god left them i know y'all run up and down in a church because the presence of god don't leave you you can't fool man but you can't fool god and so everybody get freed and then start whispering lord jesus you see the man you hear what the man i say they were even afraid to talk lord because they never want the man to hear them so they might whisper to them one another you're here you know hear what the man said you don't hear what he's saying about our god but jesus sent david with some food and said come here boy this food with you bread and corn and cheese and all those things and see how your brothers your three older brothers are doing and make sure you say you come back with something that make a new say that you come back from the war you went to the place and so david took up him thing because you see it's not only knowing the opinion on the opponent he's not only knowing the weakness and his likeness and the reason for fighting but you make sure that you have your tool your right tool you know we're talking about the tool your right pool and make sure you address your power on the right close the right arm and make sure you're over on the armor because if you don't hover on the armor you cannot wall [Applause] so hide all you want this will be all you want let people nice it up for you all you want but let me tell you something if you don't have on the hammer it doesn't make sense disobedient people have fiat apostolic ministry hey you said hear the word of the lord something is about to reach us you better be ready put on your clothes man you better be ready it gotta be something like karuna and so david said you know what i am a shepherd boy and i know what to take with me you see because david was experienced he knew pre-adventure if he met up a beer or a lion he might have been pink on him shoulder which is him like a bug and in a hit [Music] slingshot sling shot some of us want to use some slingshot and lick out some things that surround us that is around us some spirit that is not of god a sorry to have a slingshot this morning or this afternoon to shoot out some things shoot it down because they are not half god so when david run on god allowed the world to read what kind of god this man i love them to the leader for david has to be there so they have been run on i can't imagine david i said we're gone they have to put on the things them and they have to run i can't imagine all the evidence and by the time david was questioning this little and circumcised knowing the children of israel call him this man you know what they have been calling the children of god and nice people call him the man david sees him as in uncircumcised philistine who wants to communify the people of god so when david come up my name city david you know some people when they say you're look where they're saying show off especially them claims to them fear and rude and bad and then start swell up and puff up themselves and i step like they had done because they have no war nobody sent unto them but the only tanning at the always is jesus and if jesus is done then i am done because i am jesus's daughter [Applause] i may not take check so don't even think about it because me not a check david said over this say you're a busy man how are you how are you for lord jesus poor you send me a man and everybody start look wrong there before they could have been common and sent back one people look both sheep but they're desperate they wanted somebody and so david look they will say what is it worth what am i going to get but david wasn't interested in the money or not the richest nor his daughter david was interested in the name of jesus that it would not be trumpled upon that was david's interest are you almost thunder and even when you're fighting the persons will come and say to you are where you fall will be shopping so far you're not going like anyone can see i went wrong with him when i'm gonna sit on him because see the man i saw him brother his wife eliab am i right sir here i am with him like a bad man himself went down and said who are you for what you come here for you know if you're looking for the sheep or where y'all do you who did you left the sheep with and instead george the man god sent the man you know what because him now look upon god him nothing some of them are not even going to say i got senior i want you goodness and perfect man get sent man with floors you're looking for perfect man you're looking for a perfect man if you don't have anything trust me on me anyone are you doing that take a there [Applause] so i'm starting to say how are you for but you don't know what i'm today you know what i'm telling eliot it's because david starts showing up you know because david i'll show him up for the evidence and you see because him have the height nearly all him i said to himself say that hypocrite why i want to set me up you know he want the man to kill me he wants the man to kill me so that's why he got mad and then he said what's up me too yeah david said women do what okay if you say i'm too raw what have i done he's there not a cause so what you want to say i have a reason i have a reason because if i don't help [Music] a dead god someone you're serving a dead god that you don't even know or should i say some of us serving a dead god and we don't even know and so lord jesus they have returned back to the people maybe sometimes you must pay anybody some people don't mind you know imagine some kind of peanut butter no mine because you will be distracted you will be distracted grand girl if you look on everything you're going to be distracted sister martin you have to look steadfast we just said chat too much and they'll be turned on back to the people where i work with him and say our one so the people went to saul i say saul david say he will fight or let me speak david said that he will go up and war so you see when your mind is off god is not a good thing you know because all saul could see is this statue you must be saying now what wrong with you david you must say that man is a militant man but you will not go in so david will off you go you're finding fault and you now come up every time i may have the micah singer you will not take it everything you use in one day you can underestimate them so what do you do what must i do every time prayer meeting that you so david said don't worry yourself man you're looking boy you're trying to play the music and you're a talker you can't even move a key make you clear because you can't do nothing and it's better trying something more than sit down and do nothing [Applause] but soul not doing anything david said will you worry about san mina second mother you're ever in a heat yet when holy ghost start out about you know your body are you one see some people you want you have a sister on disobedient people are you coming like for you come on just take them apart so david says we will fight in spite of what you're talking about so i was kind of glad you know because him can't manage it and then she more time i let me tell you something it's a pastor it's only a few keep the church going all the rest of people are followers i tell you i can't hurt you know i have to come true god anyone david so okay so that's all right there we go we put on them close up you know they'll be put on fee um so i'll put on his things on david david [Music] because this kind of walking can't fight war [Applause] he said just let me go we have my bag i mean of my sling i mean now i left out the mighty god you know because that cm god will allow me to manage [Music] to block it break it [Music] so i'm saying all right go on go on so the man starts putting him government in my raven bag the man of him sling that i want him to walk with you know and the man started to walk go down in the valley and god show him the stone them oh god give him the stone let me know it's not about him you know because the man started to say let me look under monday you know the man the size big up but guess what you know so in start i go near you know i don't know if i'm wrong but when i read this scripture i realized that is really true man david fought you know because the other man will carry the shield he was there and him was on saul's side you never see that are you not agree with me but david went up and when god lied to david you can imagine i am standing here as a big woman and a little baby deacon martin minister martin like a girl come up here fight me oh god i would have to say look again why are you so brave will you get this brief go and sit down and that was back goliath was saying you know you go you look a bit damn good looking you don't even have nothing you don't have know when with me in foreign time am i a prostitute so you know i read bible why are you looking at me like that where you going look here you know boy agree mushy down in so many words i'm going to tear you to pieces you know because guess what i am a philistine the man identified the man identified hear me some of you afraid to identify all work nobody knows all know you're christian and some of you when you're coming to church you take off your heart put in your bag because you know why nobody knew that you are a christian where is an apostolic because you don't have any behavior so him look at him and say oh my god what do you do i'm going look i'm gonna murder you look how i'm going to hit you so hard that you wouldn't even understand when i'm through in case you think i can't speak properly david look at him and even make him talk because sometimes when some people goes wrong in the church when you talk to them they're lucky i hear one when we feel sammy look good sarah they know hotel pasta pasta my poopo after pasta and my daddy my husband every night the same place look at things we do bishop name start the boss and david we are telling you you know what happened to us sometimes when the enemy comes in you're doing weird you don't you don't want to be late you're too jumpy are you frightened you must be led by the spirit and we identify the spirit that you are going up against who you're gonna fight with with man [Music] in so many ways i talk here talk a talk if you like album is an action man because guess what you come to me with your sword and you come to me with stick and you come to me with javelin you come to me with spear but i come to you in the name of the lord god the same god that you defiled that you bring down that you make mercury is the same god the same god me coming to you just that you never take it serious you know but when the man come down with him embroidering and hold up the sword we say dear vietnamese kind start invite the presence of god when you're under the anointing you can't stop your mind you have to move feel like i want to jump over the wall and allow them thing there because they are not you ever see when something looks young boy i run when they are 19 i say the anointing makes the difference they are 19 don't go to war without the anointing david come continue himself you know they haven't looked but they have never even read and how the man did they have been running to the man running to the man under the name of jesus and david put him on in a bag one stone he never armored enough because him about every piece of clothes what pasta can i touch you and left right as a whole that's right [Laughter] you have to know to fight the enemy the enemy cannot be fully guarded stop my body fault they'd be supposed to have viewers my van brands so if me hitting with us tonight i could fly earth yeah so david starts sir when you're coming to the osaka are you facility church [Music] sometimes you search the church you see some kind of spirit bishop me say yes sir teacher sometimes i'm even saying well i want me to write in a curse you know what this man take me up there sometimes you lie down in your bed and your sister on things you say jesus christ you can't tell nobody not even your husband and every pick up this one and say that's all if old man you're not smart man they are grown the man lied on the ground and guess what jesus christ no it's not a joke you know why you take it serious you know you see when them realize that the man they are grown and they have they took the sword and cut off your neck watching the uncircumcised philistine them start run like then they do something i run down the restaurant for them and then run you know and they cover them start run it's like when you're at a battlefront you know and you start look you know pasta everybody everybody if some good man should come inside here i don't know you don't manage with people behind you but don't lie you know and talking on that cheering person because their eyes is not on the lord when you're coming to the house of god be ready you ready a lot of us are intimidated by some things you know by some battles that we have lost because we fight them on our own some spirits that we wrestle with and we lost because we have fought them on our own which bat love you lost today take up your slingshot imagine everybody bend down and take up a slingshot oh sander put in your spoon look at what is entering you from seeing god and shoot whatever the problem is look at it and fire your shot no spiritual disobedience people in the ozarks are still lying can't stop still thief and trickery and i use them brilliant people and all you married men who are troubled like a young people at a church like you don't mind i have a wife you need to stop it because they are talking about you some of you men inside here some young girls are older girls have some secret for you if they ever talk dog eat your supper and some of your men some men have some secret feel now stay in here you see diarrhea yeah i mean if it opens up you move an attack may attack you know we're talking about you ready for school winning are you really ready cause the people that will come in and know you more than oh you know them can't steal and if it's in your soul you have to leave you in a man it's odd if you're not decide for change not gonna work out man married men keeping yourself quiet man you're married you're finished make up your mind already and say you're gonna steer with gene all when you in belly big like mine they've enough to stay with me and when i all let me hear white cause if they get it black you must steer with me because i am his wife and that's an order minister smith under god because what god has joined together himself let no man put a sunder [Music] so you're going to steal so if you're looking at your waist in time keep on yourself and all you single men who did in two sisters and three sisters one time in a work yourself it doesn't work here i don't feel like because whether you can be a good singer like sister marcia and a good player like deacon martin you'll leave when you left god sent 10. god can't do without you sister dale without me god always have a man we need to get it right you know man hear my mind everyone say what is happening you don't see all the things that is happening around us you don't see we are here under mass you need to say that we must we hope and we have your cortana go through because we have obedience to the lord the land but we have our mouths but we do not have an unknown you understand what i'm saying because it doesn't dwell under the mask but because the law of the land you've got to be obedient let us understand no i tell you i feel that you know man i'll tell you tired you guys some of you frost me all night you're giving me a warm time at night i'm tired you need to help me by doing the things that are right so that i can sleep comfortably jesus my god what does it take for you because it doesn't matter what you do you have to come back to jesus so if i should die and my soul should be lost [Music] oh yes is die and my soul shall be lost [Music] is and my soul shall be [Music] praise god we thank you great jesus we thank you lord for your great move and for your word we thank your great jesus and we pray that your blessing will be upon your servant lord jesus we thank you great god we are about to close we want to thank god for the word of god [Music] we are to know who we are and not be afraid of the terror praise god praise god could you just rest your hands on your head as we pray you're gonna put your hand up on your head knowing that your hands have been anointed and you're gonna lay it on your head and we're gonna be praying heavenly father lord jesus god we thank you for your great love we thank you lord jesus god for the privilege that you have given us lord jesus god to be partakers of your word today we thank you lord jesus god that you have reminded us that greater receipt that is in us than he that is in the world we thank you great god that you have reminded us lord god that we do not measure ourselves from the earth lord god to the top of our head but we measure ourselves from our head to the sky lord god knowing that you are the almighty god and that you live inside of us and as we place our hands upon our head we pray the lord jesus god for your anointing power to take control of our minds lord god almighty that we will live for you lord god that we will continue lord jesus god living for you in submission in obedience lord god almighty in the name of jesus lord god keep our heart and our mind in tune to you great god that you can show us your glory that we can live to declare your word lord god almighty and be a true ambassador let your awesome will be done within our life lord god continue to have your hands upon your servant continue to cover her lord jesus god bless round about her lord jesus god strengthen her lord god keep her steadfast in your word god and let your hands continue to be upon her and her family in the name of jesus lord god cover each and every one of us lord jesus god our leaders lord god almighty we pray for your direction the leader of this country the opposition lord god almighty the governor general we pray that your awesome will and your wisdom lord god will lead your people jesus lord god let your divine intervention be upon us lord god remember us as we seek lord god a permanent solution to our place of worship jesus lord god almighty grant us favor lord jesus god grant us favor as a body in the name of jesus we give you thanks and we tell your thanks and we give your honor thank you great god we praise your name and we give god thanks praise god praise god sing as you can take us out in jesus name holiness praise [Music] holiness is what you want from me [Music] so we say holiness holiness is what i need is my heart to is [Music] is righteousness is what i long for [Music] righteousness is what i need righteousness foreign are we is [Music] [Music] is [Music] yeah for the lord god almighty [Music] [Music] jesus is [Music] [Music] is [Music] for the lord of mighty [Music] me is is is [Music] man [Music] oh
Channel: Faith Chapel of Faith Apostolic Ministries
Views: 3,917
Rating: 4.9285712 out of 5
Keywords: Faith, Chapel, Gospel, Good, preaching, anointing, Holy, Ghost, Ministry, bible, study
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 124min 53sec (7493 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 24 2021
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