August 29, 2021 Sunday Morning Service [Deacon Devon Mattocks]

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god we thank you jesus help us oh god to pant after you as the deer painted for the water brooks oh god you are worthy of god we thank you lord as limited as we are here today we are here to give you thanks we're here to lift you up lord and god we have many more watching us online and we just want to thank you lord god as your presence just saturate our place wherever we are today god we thank you jesus hallelujah if you have your hymnbook could could you turn with me to him 250 living by faith [Music] oh [Music] trusting on time [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] [Applause] carry me through [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] in jesus name [Applause] is praise god what competing words of this song especially you know verse 3 that says i know that he safely will carry me through no matter what evil be tied why should i then care though the tempest may blow the coronavirus and all these you know cases that are rising why should i care though the tempest may blow if jesus walks close to my side i give god thanks and that some sweet day he's gonna take us away from all this craziness and all this madness i just want to thank god could we just lift our hands and just give him thanks this morning hallelujah thank you for your greatness holy father thank you jesus thou art worthy god to be praised praise god let's just turn to our bibles we're going to read from sam we're going to read psalm 121 and we're really going to read this psalm you know uh you know based on what it's saying you know lifting up our eyes because there's no one else to lift our eyes up to but to the lord jesus hallelujah in this time in these times trying times but god is faithful hallelujah psalm 121 we read together i will lift up mine eyes onto the hills from whence cometh my help my help cometh from the lord which made heaven and earth he will not suffer thy foot to be moved he that keepeth thee will not slumber behold he that keepeth israel shall neither slumber nor sleep the lord is thy keeper the lord is thy shade upon thy right hand the son shall not smite thee by day nor the moon by night the lord shall preserve thee from all evil he shall preserve thy soul the lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth and even forevermore praise god we give god thanks for his words today and as we go in prayer today i'm going to ask brother carl to just lead us off in prayer you know we just want to pray for the proceeding of the service today that whatsoever is done or said that the lord will just be among us his presence will be here and that everyone who is streaming in online in their living room you know in your car wherever you are over there germany england america wherever you are that the presence of god will be there hallelujah let's all just go to god in prayer brother lead us dear jesus [Music] the beginning and the hand jesus will lift up your name we glorify you god we honor your name above every other name because jesus we know that at the name your name jesus every knee shall bow and every tongue confess and as we come together god as a family lord to worship you let our praises be true let it be from a heart that is forgiving a heart that is loving a heart that know that jesus christ you are the one and holy true god god i pray for every aspect of this service or moderator our preacher the song that will be singing god let it be seen from a heart of reverence jesus we thank you for everything that has been done and everything that is supposed to be done let your will and your perfect will god know how to will by no self let everything be done to the glory and to the honor of your name in jesus name hallelujah praise god could we just worship god and thank him hallelujah thank him for hearing and answering our prayers this morning hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah thou art worthy oh [Music] worthy [Music] [Music] to oh [Music] what we see worthy [Music] glory glory [Music] oh [Music] unworthy [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] is glory glory oh [Music] [Music] glory glory oh [Music] glory [Music] to receive glory glory and honor [Music] oh lord hallelujah come on we lift your hands and give god praise hallelujah thou art worthy hallelujah thou art worthy o lord thank you jesus come on somebody lift your hands and just give god praise he's an awesome god he's an awesome god thou art worthy hallelujah do you know the song he's worthy god's worthy almighty hallelujah he's worthy god's worthy almighty [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh is [Music] [Applause] [Music] blessings [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] i down [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah come on clap your hands and give god praise he's worthy we have to honor him today because he's been so good to us amen even in the midst of what's going on around the world god is truly good he's a protector he's a keeper he's the awesome wonder hallelujah we give him praise today and we want to greet you in the name of the lord jesus christ the king of kings the lord of lords the mighty conquering line of the tribe of judah he is wonderful and he is great hallelujah there is no one like him none to compare with him he is god all by himself he said let there be and there was hallelujah somebody say he's the sweetest note in sarah's song he's the sweetest story ever told his name is wonderful he's the counselor and he's the mighty god he's a lily that's in the valley the bright and morning star somebody say he's my melody at midnight hallelujah is my song in the morning he's my joy in sorrow hallelujah come on somebody give god some praise he's a healer the deliverer he's a protector hallelujah he's a provider he's the one that protects us hallelujah and are going out and are coming in somebody give god praise we honor him we lift him up hallelujah he measures the earth with a span the earth is his footstool he is the mighty god he created the heavens and the earth the universe he is the king of kings and we give him all the glory the honor and the praise today hallelujah why we are standing right now is because of him why we are breathing right now is because of him why we are here is because of him because he holds everything in his hand hallelujah he give it life and he take it live he said there is a time and season for everything and so if this is a season that we're going through right now we're going to give god praise and glory and then even in the bad times we give him praise come on somebody give god praise hallelujah hallelujah i feel good to be in the house of the lord amen hallelujah i greet you in his name wherever you are right now wherever around the world you are hallelujah you could be in new york amen you could be in new zealand you could be in russia wherever you are watching you could be in the caribbean you could be in kingston in montego bay wherever you are we greet you we send love to you we want to know that you are in our hearts in our mind in our thoughts and in our prayer and we give god glory hallelujah thank you for joining in this morning amen it's a praise and worship day where we give god praise and honor come on somebody lift your hands give a shout out right now wherever you are in the house hallelujah amen online give a praise unto the king because he's worried we have to pick up the lord hallelujah we have to pick him up pastor we have to pick him up because he's more than big hallelujah and our words aren't sufficient enough to beat him up because he's bigger than all our problems hallelujah come on somebody give god praise hallelujah clap your hands one more time as we give him glory and give him praise hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah i think it's gonna be all right is [Applause] jesus told me jesus told me that everything is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus he told me [Music] it's going be all alright [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] the more i praise him [Music] is [Music] the more i praise him i'm [Music] what's his name what's his name what's his name what's his name [Music] jesus [Music] oh [Music] come on raise [Music] come on somebody praise them hallelujah [Music] my god i feel a shout in my coming out hallelujah i feel a dance in my feed pastor hallelujah hallelujah musicians thank you hallelujah god bless you hallelujah come on simone lift your hands and give god praise he's worthy mighty god the holy ghost power is right anyhow it's right in the air if a preacher don't preach it it's right anyhow if the people don't believe it it's right anyhow hallelujah if you're just joining in we want to greet you again in the mighty name of jesus welcome welcome to our service welcome to the house of praise the house of worship where we give god all praise and glory right now i'm gonna ask your bishop to come and he's gonna greet you in the name of jesus hallelujah bishop will you come sir hallelujah praise god amen oh praise god come on we praise the lord everybody come on we praise the lord all those who are in church from home wherever you are this morning whatever you're doing right now which we know that you're in church won't you just lift your hands and shout a praise to the great god that we serve praise god praise god he's worthy he's worthy god's worthy the song says almighty creator and we certainly will be continuing to praise him isn't he wonderful isn't he awesome isn't he all together lovely amen we magnify his great name i want to take this time right now to greet join with minister dez and greet all the saints amen the 20 that are in the house right now we greet you in the precious name of our lord and savior jesus christ then the all those saints of god you're at home wherever you are wherever you are located we are in church and i greet you in the wonderful precious exalted name of our great god and savior jesus christ i greet every visitor that have joined us all the faith chapel family scattered across the globe you're joined in at this time and even if you are not in as yet amen whenever you come online and pick up this program receive holy greetings in the wonderful name of our lord and savior jesus christ let's continue to worship the lord in spirit and in truth and in the beauty of holiness praise god have a few announcements but as brother days as minister dez was going through uh he was speaking about jesus being the lily of the valley being our song in the midnight and being our song in the morning and that he was the bright and morning star and we can all agree with him because indeed he's beautiful indeed he's all together lovely and there is this old chorus it says it's talking about the similar thing it says in sorrow he's my comfort in trouble his master he tells me every care on him to roll he is the lily of the valley the bright and morning style we know that old chorus he's the fairest of ten thousand to my soul and if you could sing it just a few times um and then i head down two quick announcements but if we could just do that old chorus in sorrow he's my comfort in trouble he is my stay he tells me every care on him to roll praise god and as we sing let's give it everything amen in the name of the lord jesus he's everything to me yes [Music] oh [Music] he tells me [Music] just one last time [Music] [Music] yes [Music] praise god praise god praise god what a great god what a great god what a great god and we magnify his great and amen awesome name i i'll ask briefly when i'm through minister elder bailey to just give a quick greeting amen and so i was sending for the amen but just to let us know saints of the most high god friday past we should have had our pan chicken amen luncheon where the saints would have passed by and for a thousand dollars you pick up your lunch we had to put it off because of the increment weather and this coming friday it is rescheduled for so all those saints and friends of faith chapel of the faith apostolic ministries amen you were gearing up to support us and to take lunch from us it will be on this friday and so from about 11 30 it will be right here on the grounds and just call the office call sister nurses mr williams call sister erica raymond just call the office place your order so we can have an idea of the numbers and if you did not get through if you don't get through doesn't matter just come on over and pick up your lunch it is pan chicken and bread and it's a thousand dollars and it's going to be aiding those that are gearing up amen for heading back to school and so we ask that all our saints support this endeavor amen in the wonderful name of the lord this coming friday and lunch starts uh begins will be served as at about 11 30 and onward looking forward to the support of all the saints amen in jesus name then i would like to encourage our young converts those that are a little bit older but we are saints of the most high god and we are enthused to serve the lord and we want to get deeper in our walk with god i want to remind the entire church that we have the faith bible college that is geared to teaching and imparting and delving deep in the word of god there are folks that want to know more about bible doctrine that want to know more about end time prophecies that want to know more as to how to properly break and and drill step by step item by item line up online preset upon precept we really want to get into the word and what better place to go to have that additional information and teaching than at faith bible college and so we would like for all the saints to know that the faith bible college is now accepting applications for the new term beginning in september so young man young woman elderly saints it does not matter this is about you and you drawing closer to god by virtue of getting into the word you must be a part of these teachings that you will receive at faith by the college and so we recognize that apart from the long classes the the full term program there are some special courses that are available there are some courses directly tuned in that will provide some focus on missions for example on sunday school for example things that those that are involved in special areas can properly benefit from and we are going to ask you just to call the office just to call the faith bible college president or her you know designate whoever she has planned to organize to receive get in touch with the office easiest and they will direct you as to what you ought to do so that you can be registered amen for faith bible college as we said classes begin amen uh in september and it is important this will be one of the best one of the greatest decision you can ever make and can i tell you corvid has its disadvantages but it also has its advantages because while we are unable to gather together in the sanctuary and fellowship together in one place what it has done is that it has forced us to go online and even our classes at faith bible college is online it means that not only the folks here at our local assembly or any of our assemblies can enroll in the program at faith bible college but if you're outside of jamaica and you know this family and you have heard our teaching and our preaching you know what we have to offer as it relates to the world we would like you to know and we can tell you we have folks in bible school as far as the small islands i believe bahamas came on and i would like you to know that whether you're in antigua bermuda the cayman wherever the u.s you can make contact with us and enroll in courses at faith bible college it is opened to you and so we are happy to pass that information unto you and we say god be praised as i take my seat we are now in the book of acts and i re i i ask or saints let's be faithful to reading the word let's do our best to get into it together we started acts chapter one last night we continue through and nine o'clock each night let's play our part be in the word stay in the word amen as we continue to serve the lord with gladness and to do this thing together god bless you in his great and precious thing come on we put our hands together those in the sanctuary and those at church at home let's put our hands together and magnify the great god of heaven minister bailey elder bailey in jesus name amen praise the lord everybody praise the lord everybody come on in your living room praise the lord amen amen we give god thanks for his love and for his mercies for his blessings and for his grace you know towards us let me join with minister barrett and bishop daily to greet everyone that is streaming online you know we thank you for tuning in and we you know pray that you know god will richly bless you amen irrespective of where you are you know god is god the songwriter says and he always will be god if you are in the usa irrespective of what you're going through he is still god if you are in a cayman island he's still god and if you're in jamaica wherever you are he is god and he always will be god god bless you today as you continue to worship and continue to lift him up in jesus name bishop if i may want an addition to the announcement this wednesday we have prior and fasting is our wednesdays of prior and fasting and we want to invite the entire church in irrespective of where you are to join with us in fasting and you know i just feel led to ask us to just put on our priorities you know the marriages as we fast just remember the marriages as we fast remember the leadership of the church and as we fast we pray for direction for the church amen just add those to your prayer list as we fast this wedding and then remember at 6 00 p.m there is prior meeting followed by bible study god bless you in jesus name hallelujah come on give god praise hallelujah somebody shout to praise unto god hallelujah let him see the praise online right now in the name of jesus hallelujah praise god praise god hallelujah amen amen i i i want to i want to tell you you do you remember do you know shirley sees i used to love listening to shirley caesar and she had a uh you should tell i love when she told stories amen about you know like the the story of the man called shouting john and and the keyboard come on brother nathan give me a little something on the keyboard and the keyboard would would just follow her when she goes i want to tell you and come on come on and but a nathan don't know it ain't that's all right but i want to tell you something today i want to tell you a little story praise god but i need to know i'll just put you on the spot amen i want to tell you the story and in a time like this bishop in a time like this i want to share this i just lost a friend of mine amen she just dropped dead in her house yeah and it was really sad because i saw her like a day or two before amen and she looked fine bishop she looked all right she she was one of the most health conscious person that i know um she always encouraged me about my health and stuff like that and she dropped dead and i took it hit me really hard and i said you know life is so fragile i'm going to tell you this life is fragile you see us here looking all sweet and nice amen life is fragile we are fragile amen and i also just lost two uncles amen paige deacon paige if you if you remember or he used to be our deacon amen he died recently and his brother died also amen so we are fragile i looked at all this and the other day i one of my one of my friends we had a misunderstanding and um it wasn't i wasn't the one that was wrong but i decided that i am going to make sure that i i clear my heart i make sure that nothing is there that's hanging and i said i went to him and we sat down and we talked about it and we set it straight and we cleared the ear and i made sure that nothing was between me and him why am saying all this life is fragile amen and i don't know who i'm talking to right now but i'm saying to you you don't know if you're going to see tomorrow so if there is something that you need to fix just go and fix it right now hallelujah jesus i'm telling you that we are fragile amen this this this virus that is going around it's really terrible and so you know god god is protecting us but we we we have to do something we can't just play the fool amen praise god so this little song that says by and by when the morning come we we might not understand everything right now but by and by we'll understand it better amen hallelujah [Music] [Music] we will understand it better find out [Music] oh leave me river not far away jesus is [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] joy and happiness joy and happiness [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] hallelujah come on lift your hands and magnify the lord we have to press [Music] we need to press hallelujah praise god amen i'm gonna ask ushers to come praise the lord and i will believe there is the information running across the screen right now where you can drop your offering you can online your offering hallelujah praise the lord amen can you just we just pray father we thank you right now for this that you have given to us oh god thank you for this offering amen to help the furtherance of your kingdom amen to bless you and to give you glory we act so god that you bless everyone that have to give right now and those who have not blessed them also that they be may be able to give amen father we say thank you right now keep on blessing us in your holy name we pray in jesus name thank god praise singers you want to sing that song hallelujah [Music] he [Music] [Applause] [Music] where i'll be is [Music] [Music] from [Music] [Music] [Music] i [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] sometimes [Music] [Music] troubles [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] your reply [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] hallelujah oh hallelujah hallelujah come and lift the hands and magnify him hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah come on lift your hands and just worship him right now we're giving praise and glory thank you jesus praise god i'm gonna ask our bishop to come and he's gonna introduce a speaker right now in the name of the lord hallelujah praise god thank you jesus pray praise god amen uh just two quick announcements just to add to the announcement i should say amen the the and i'll do this just before i ask amen elder martin to come and he will introduce the preacher amen praise god earlier on we made mention of the faith bible college and i would also like for us to check on the church's social media pages for more details so in addition to what i have said and that we can call the office for them to direct you as to who specifically you ought to be engaging in dialogue you can also check the church's social media pages for additional details and i just want to also um make the announcement officially amen that our former deacon ralph page has passed i did get the text from his son trevor and i believe he called all so i i missed that call but i saw the text and deacon page has transitioned and i want the church to be fully aware and i want us to all right praise god so i want us to be praying for the entire page's family at this time amen hold him up in prayer decan page has been with us i came into church i came here in 1983 and he was here he was probably the first deacon i understand but i know right from before we came from bond street so this is the deacon page and remember to pray much amen for the entire family then i just learned that sister iris smith amen has passed amen just two weeks or so sister williams sister nurse who was talking to me had just come just returned from visiting her and i told her that i want to arrange to go and see sister smith i didn't even know she was 90 other just about 93 thereabout and only to now learn that she has passed so we're gonna pray much for the entire family of sister irish smith and we know how to bear each other's burden amen in this church so remember these two families in the name of the lord praise god then i want to let the church know that in february we went on a couple of days and nights i believe this time around we did five days and i really feel to call upon the church for us to go down in a time of fasting and prayer i i i will not amen go the seventh day or even five day root this trip but i want us to gear ourselves up for two weeks from now amen we are going to go down as a church and humble ourselves before the lord in three days and nights amen and it's short notice but we give us two weeks next week sunday you know what there's a word on my heart from the lord and i'll share it next week sunday god's willing and then i won by the following week amen as an assembly we all go down for three days and nights amen and seek the lord and sackcloth in ashes amen a time of repentance a time of drawing near to god this will be our midnight amen or our nighttime hour when we wrestle with god amen and i know like he did to jacob amen we are going to be rising up new people in the name of the lord so bear this in mind and the lord bless you i invite elder martin to come and to introduce a speaker at this time in the name of the lord jesus hallelujah hallelujah just lift your hands everywhere and begin to worship the king of kings hallelujah worthy to be praised amen and it's my privilege this morning to ask minister devon matux to come and to speak a word from god amen you know from last week he had a word yes yes yes so god bless you sir god bless you god bless you about your heads as i pray great god we exalt you this morning we thank you lord for your love we thank you lord for your mercy your grace your loving kindness which is better than life we thank you god that your word is quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword and we thank you god that even in this season oh god where the world is chaotic where things are going hey why are god that you can still give us a word hallelujah prayer and okay that will help each and every individual that will receive the word this morning let it fall on good ground in the name of jesus we come against every plan of the enemy everything that they would want to do to break this world or to send it another way but we pray god that it will go right to a person's heart and it will create changes in their life i forgot to cover the speaker right now god from the crown of his head to the very soul of his feet and then we're going to speak as thus saith the lord we thank you one more time for what you're about to do this morning in the name of jesus christ we pray in jesus name in jesus name amen minister matteo's thank you very much sir i will lift my hands unto the lord i'll praise his name forever [Music] sacrifice it's my sacrifice of praise can we praise the lord everybody thank you very much singers you may be seated you know the singers have been standing all through service we want to thank you praise god we want to thank you you know this morning let me greet us and greet the spirit of god and greet our bishop and all the saints of the most i got and greet my one wife who is at home watching praise god this morning while i was in the bathroom um a word come in my spirit it's not what i was go it's not what i'm going to preach but it said i should just say that and i said i was going to say it i was just going to preach what is it that i'm going to preach and get out of the way but then i heard you they can come by and you mention that we ought to pray for the marriages and the word that came to me is that to our single people our single ladies who are preparing themselves for marriage have you ever spoken to god pray to god and ask god to prepare you to be a virtuous wife to the husband that he's gonna give you being as you don't know who is he yet you are of the same father but a different mother and each and every one of us are influenced by both parents and so i'm here to tell you to ask god to prepare you to be a virtuous woman to that husband that they have coming for you not just to be a virtuous woman but for that particular husband that he's gonna send you and to the man who desire a wife asks god to give you the understanding to understand her and give you that desire to love her beyond her fault as the perfect woman that he has provided for you praise god and when we do that and we constantly do that we will have less marital problems because god would have pre-prepared us for that and so we can understand and as a man you have to ask god to also help you to love your wife more with your mind than with your heart because when you love her more with your mind than with your heart you can love her above her fault and while she is up in her feelings you can still love her and do due diligence by her because if you love her more with your heart than with your mind you are going to be up in your feelings and you ain't going to win her from out of her feelings because she no only to love you with her heart but not with her mind because she loves you on her emotions and our feelings praise god i hope you get it it's recorded so you can play it again and it will digest praise god now i'm going to be reading from mark chapter 5. from verse 21 elder martin is still over mike find out for me you can read very good i will read good but i will read slow mark chapter 5 from verse 21 to verse 36 you found it sir hallelujah praise god go ahead praise god mark chapter 5 from verse 21 to verse 36 yes sir amen and when jesus was passed over again by ship onto the other side much people gathered unto him and he was nigh onto the sea and behold there comet one of the rulers of the synagogue jairus by name and when he saw him he fell at his feet and besought him greatly saying my little daughter light at a point of death i pray thee come and lay thy hands on her that she may be healed and she shall live and jesus when went with him and much people followed him and throng him and a certain woman which had an issue of blood 12 years had suffered many things of many physicians and had spent all that she had and was nothing bettered but rather grew worse when she had heard of jesus came in the press behind and touched his garment for she said if i may touch but his glute clothes i shall be whole and straightway the fountain of her blood was dried up and she felt in her body that she was healed of the plague and jesus immediately knowing in himself that virtue had gone out of him turn on turn him about in the press and said who touched my clothes and his disciples said unto him though see at the multitude throng thee and says who touched me and he looked around about to see her that had done this thing but the woman fearing and trembling knowing what was done in her came and fell down before him and told him all the truth and he said unto her daughter thy faith had made thee hold go in peace and be whole of thy plague while yet speak they came from the rule of the synagogue how certain which said thy daughter is dead why troubles though the master any further as soon as jesus heard the word that was spoken he said unto the ruler of the synagogue be not afraid only believe praise god thank you sir god bless praise god now as you heard in the scripture that jesus was on his way to heal a sick child the father had hacked him to come and to lay your hand upon my child because she's at the point of death so she can be healed and jesus went with him and the bible said there were a crowd that went with him but notice while he was on his way there was a woman the bible never say much about this woman the bible gives the name of the ruler of the synagogue but he did not give the name of this woman and it said that this woman she had an infirmity and the infirmity that she have she have it for 12 years now there are some things that the scripture didn't say about or it didn't say that she had a husband either it didn't say that she had children but when you notice in the bible the jewish custom if you look in leviticus chapter 5 from verse 25 to 27 it tells you that when a woman is having that time she becomes unclean now this woman has been bleeding for 12 years so all the support mechanism around her has disappeared and it brought me into looking at the scripture that it said she has spent everything that she had on doctors but she got worse and i looked at it that there are sometimes there are some people that are in church that they have a sickness and they comes to the bishop and he prayed for them and they don't get better they come to the ministers and they prayed but nothing happened they come to the prophet that come by and he prayed and nothing happened because there are some things that are going to take place in your body that god wants to get something out of you for it to happen and this woman was in the position that she was not letting out anything because she was dependent on the support mechanism around her to facilitate her to cause her to become healer but here it is that she has exhausted all the sources and because of her uncleanness she was not allowed to be among people so i begin to look and say how did she get to the doctor and how did the doctor attend to her and so everything all the prayer that you pray deacon you ever see i don't know how long you have been saved but you have ever been and see some brethren that you have prayed for and it doesn't matter how much you prayed they get worse and worse still it's as if they're we real your spirit becomes weary because you don't know what else to do but it is not to wear you it is for them to push to release their faith in god because this woman she had that situation she exhausts every opportunity she exhausts everything because what was happening she was never exercising any faith within anything from her but she was just utilizing the facility that has around her and it's the same way some people in church that they are sick and they are having an issue and all they are depending on is for the leaders to touch them but every time you pray for them and you anoint them and you're fast their situation becomes worse and the bible said that earth situation works worse it reached the point where i believe she has no friend left no support unit when she do come to church nobody even sees her when she walks through the door no she hustled her to her seat because she was coming depending on the praise of everyone else except herself but jesus for him to do that which he had to do for her it required something of her but it took her when she was drawn into a place of isolation that she reached a point where she said if i could just but touch now she never cares anything about no doctor because what she has no substance to reach to the doctor she didn't care anything about anyone around her because what she has no support and the fact that she wanted to touch the him it mean she didn't have the ability to stand but jesus was on his way to lay his hand on a sick child [Music] jesus knew of her condition he knew what he wanted from her he desire her feet to reach to a stitch where she can get her healing because you notice what happened when she touched it the bible said she realized that immediately she was being healed so now our feet your situation is not for the leaders to touch you what is for you to touch god god has put you in this position for you to touch him this growth system is down on us is upon us but it is for us to touch god and the bible said when she touched god she realized she knows [Music] and i love what what god says when he when he stopped and said someone listen to show you all all powerful guardians when she touch him you know god should have become unclean because she was unclean and it considered that anybody she touches she they become unclean as well but you can't touch god and make god unclean you can't touch god and defile god when you touch god you are transformed because the bible said immediately she noticed that she was healed from her plague i noticed the bible now put it as a plague she was unclean for a couple of days but for years a bunch must gone past uncleanness and when jesus brought earth before him what did he say to her it's a daughter your feet your feet the situation that you are praying for the situation that you are asking everybody to pray with you for your situation that you are begging everybody to do god is saying when you touch him your feet is going to make you whole because your situation require that you touch god not from me to touch god for you but for you to touch god for yourself nobody tells her that she need to touch god they took everything that she had nobody told her that but something in her get her to the point where she was now becomes weary and she heard of jesus and she knows that she wasn't qualified to go stand in his mids and clap so she said i'm going to if i can but just torture and god knew that she was healing for the air so he put the healing where she could reach it because god ain't putting nothing out of her reach look how many people that was touching him when him says somebody touched me what did his disciples say jesus we are saying look when he crowd everybody i told him someone touching man someone touching back but nobody virginal leave him so so they couldn't understand but here was this woman that was on the ground that was crawling that was being trampled on but she still pushed to and in our state god god sees her a long time god could have walked faster that she didn't touch him but he moved at her peace because he saw the faith rises in her and so now god slowed down for her because she could not walk as fast as jairus because jairus was in hurry for jesus to get to his house because his daughter was at the point of death but jesus wasn't in any hurry because this woman was crawling to him and he ain't going to leave her because for 12 years i wanted you to put your faith in me for 12 years i waited on you to live your faith in me and now that you have your faith in me i ain't going to leave you i ain't going to leave you so when she touched him jai was i believe was moving still but jesus stopped she wasn't in his circle as she thought but she was the centerpiece of his traveling that route and so he stopped and turned around from behind she was a nobody on the floor but when he turned around she was standing in his presence being acknowledged by him when you touch jesus you are going to come into the presence of god and he's going to speak to your situation directly [Music] she knows that she got healed but the bible said she was nervous she was trembling i got my healing but i shouldn't touch you i got my deliverance but i shouldn't touch you but i know i have no other way to get rid of what i have except i touch you and so the bible says she came before him and i told him what the truth it means therefore that you confess to him lord god forgive me for 12 years i've been suffering with this every savings i have finished everything everything leave me and no one shouldn't touch you because there's tradition understandable said i'm not i'm not supposed to and i'm supposed to be even in the cold among people but my fear tell me that if i touch you this condition will reverse it will it will disappear and so it did and god just looked at her as a woman daughter your faith the faith that you wanted for so long the fear that you desire for so long has made you older and look what happened in the process while he was talking to her someone from jairus house came and said don't worry the master no more don't worry the master no more jesus was on his way to heal this girl because she was at the point of death but he said don't worry him no more your daughter is dead now it's time for funeral not time for no celebration and notice what happened jesus heard because it means therefore there wasn't telling jairus there was a crowd so more likely have to be talking loud for jairus to hear and jesus looked at him and said don't worry now this man was told by god himself no worry only believe but this woman has to suffer for 12 years to get that faith in god what am i saying to you is that you have to push some time to release your faith in god but sometimes god gives you a direct word right from his children to strengthen your feet what is your position this morning what is your position whatever your position is whatever your situation is you might need to push to release your faith in god you might need to push if you see that it doesn't matter what happened your situation becomes worse it doesn't matter what you do what someone else do your situation not getting better but yet still god's in a word to tell you that it is not unto death but it is not getting better you need to get out of your position that you are and touch god for yourself because when you touch god it's going to make a difference when you touch god your life is going to be transformed whatever the circumstances is whatever your situation is when you touch god it's going to make a difference because god is going to acknowledge your touch and he's going to let you know that your faith has made you whole my friend and brethren looked and see what happened in your situation and to realize that jesus christ will always be there for you he will never forsake you but there are times when you need to lift your faith in god for your situation god bless you in jesus name [Music] hallelujah hallelujah come on can we just give god praise for his word hallelujah jesus you're worthy come on we just lift our hands and magnify him amen only if he can just touch the aim of his garment right now hallelujah you can just push your way through the crowds through the turmoil through the pain through the agony just push your way through and touch him hallelujah hallelujah you can touch him hallelujah you can touch him for your situation for he's there waiting [Music] hallelujah just believe right now [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] somebody just believe right now just believe lift your faith wherever you are right now for your situation just reach out and touch himself [Music] there is only one way to touch him just [Music] is [Music] will never be [Music] [Music] one more time [Music] [Music] and your life will never be one way to touch [Music] [Music] leave it there leave it there why won't you leave your burdens [Music] trust in the lord bring you out take your won't you merch your [Music] he burdens surely surely bring you out take care to the lord [Applause] and live [Applause] me [Music] he will surely surely bring you out take your lord [Music] one more time he why won't is [Music] we will jesus is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] i is [Music] is [Music] just keep it going hallelujah i want you to know that if you need prayer right now right on the screen you will see where the prior room where you can log into the prior room where you can get prayed for right now if you're going through something amen you need touch you need to be touched hallelujah this is where you can come where hallelujah holy ghost filled fire baptized folks will pray with you right now hallelujah so just jump into that prayer room right now hallelujah get someone to pray for you in jesus name hallelujah [Music] is [Music] [Applause] one more time [Music] oh [Music] he's the winner [Music] [Music] is all the time now [Music] [Music] i'm gonna study [Applause] how to study oh i'm gonna put down my sword and shield by the way [Music] i ain't gonna study [Music] down by the riverside [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] is i'm on is [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] oh every rough miracle watching the [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] come on give god praise hallelujah praise god he's awesome amen we want to pray for somebody right now hallelujah amen wherever you are first we want to say thank you for joining us today in this wonderful worship session where we give god praise hallelujah and glorify him there is none like him hallelujah and we want to pray for somebody amen praise god praise the lord [Music] amen and i i feel it fitting bishop i'm gonna ask to pray i feel it fit into acts of bishop to pray [Music] because there's a lot that's going on and a lot of people are not talking but there's a lot going on and there kirk franklin sing a song that says my world needs you right now yeah and i know that there are many people crying out saying my world needs you jesus right now right now all i need is you to help me to get me over this mountain to get me through this situation the word came this morning amen to touch the aim of his garment just lift your faith and touch him but i'm gonna ask our bishop amen because when when the elders pray amen something surely is going to happen and we want to join with him we want to unite with him amen and we want to believe god for you right now bishop will you come sir god bless you [Music] we bless you great god we bless you great god with this great god indeed lord our faith look up to you we declare right now that we are desperate for you we need you now more than ever every one of us even at our best we are nothing even at our peak we desperately need you and right now our faith looks up to thee [Music] the lamb of calvary [Music] we cry to you mighty god [Music] and we say to you today we need you more than ever before [Music] reach down and stand with us when the way grows weary when the way gets dark and dreary when the thunders roll and the lightning flashes and we become afraid and we tremble and we sometimes in fear [Music] have us to know that you are our great savior great protector great keeper as children of the most high god hide us hide us in your bosom we pray father we thank you for the word that came forth today we thank you for the time of worship that we had in the presence of god we thank you for the gathering in the house we thank you for the gathering in the various houses together we are the church of the living god thank you for having us to worship you today let the words of our mouth and the meditation of our hearts let it be acceptable in thy sight great god or strength and our redeemer thank you for your servant indeed that brought the world help us to recognize to realize that we must make our move and exercise our faith in the lamb of calvary we need the prayer of the saints we desperately need it will help us to realize that we must put our foot forward we must exercise faith as individuals and we must trust the living god thank you for your word i pray for those who are in the prayer room right now they are broken out individuals are praying individuals will be praying i pray father god that you will hear every prayer that goes up on behalf of those that need help those that are unsaved i pray that you will minister by your power divine hallelujah and let the will of god be accomplished in the lives of those that are reaching out this morning god we bless your great name we can do nothing without you you are everything to us you are more than life itself and so we throw ourselves at you in spite of the challenging times help us to never forget that you are god and you are god alone you are sovereign and you are in charge and we are in good hands capable hands steady hands because we are in the hands of the living god dismiss us now with your blessings guide your people safely hallelujah let your anointing continue to rest upon us flow in our beings i pray for the weak ones among us strengthen them i pray oh lord let the weak say i am strong because there is something in the clearing from our lips words of positivity and where we want to go so let the weak say i am strong and let us go out in the strength of the lord remember the page family remember the smith family at this time when they are bereaved strengthen them let the comfort of god rest on them all i put this church into your hands i put the membership into your hands i put the believers into your hands lord i pray for them and i pray that you will stand up with us and you will make our way straight and play make our path right hallelujah help us to follow you with all of our hearts let your name be glorified evermore we give you thanks in jesus name in jesus name amen and amen praise god praise god amen the lord bless you real god amen and over the next couple of days just continue to worship him yes in spirit and in truth and remember now we should have announced it earlier on but this tuesday and every tuesday on we have a group that is ongoing a group of youngsters between the age of nine and or the age of six right up to nineteen you're invited to be a part of this group we call it visionaires amen it's all online right now so the pandemic is not stopping us and we ask that you reach out get onto the link the same link that is used for bible study and prayer meeting each wednesday night our same faith apostolic ministries link you can log on at about free 3 30 each tuesday and it will be an experience for you youngsters that you certainly will not want to miss so tuesday 3 30 to about 5 30 they're about all those between the ages of 6 and 19 you've got to be there and then remember prayer meeting at six o'clock on wednesday followed by bible study and what a series on the doctrine we have been having and we invite us amen to be in bible study amen as we delve into the word and then on friday at 7 youth service let's be involved the lord bless you real good in jesus name shalom praise god hallelujah god bless you god bless you we love you god bless you [Music] now you
Channel: Faith Chapel of Faith Apostolic Ministries
Views: 1,959
Rating: 4.7837839 out of 5
Keywords: Faith, Chapel, Gospel, Good, preaching, anointing, Holy, Ghost, Ministry, bible, study
Id: 2EFQlJjmoUA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 35sec (7115 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 29 2021
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