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[Music] ah [Music] hello everyone welcome my name is Evangeline Clattenburg Verde and my father is first-generation this is my husband Rob and we're really honored just to worship with you today we're from the USA and we just planted a church five weeks ago so super honored so you may not understand what we're saying but I just pray that we can just worship in spirit and truth today men Omega my soul away right for your glory channel oh honey you are making I will see your name Oh time you are the one you are the one who brings freedom to my school you are the one you are the one I will worship you and I will sing are slender my horn here surrender is like for your kingdom [Music] bringing your own machine it over and over of me awake my soul I'm going right for your glory time money you are me you are metadata will see your name most high you are you are the one you are the one who bring freedom to you are the 100 you are the one I will worship you my heart here surrendered you start for your King know me Oh [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] yes [Music] Oh oh yeah can we just sell this our voice right now we worship it either we worship you there is no other name [Music] know what man you need we alert if you need to be DS we're worst of your teeth but who you are it's who you are I will sing of your splendor my heart here surrender [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] to assess their voices [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] over now I dig so far [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] whoa [Music] Oh [Music] we're [Music] oh boy [Music] wannabe [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh we [Music] thank you very much thank you so so much the next is our speaker our speaker is one of our board members from from Ghana this man is greatest man evangelists and pastors he does many many many other nations with his people and when he appears someplace usually 1 million people gathered but today compared with what he what he does with other people 1 million ovum 2 million today smallest together II yes he loves he loves us more factor he of the meals is like family with dr. Cho and we love him very much now he will bless us with his very very anointed message dr. Shiva the meals I like it all right hallelujah yeah amen amen thank you Miss Lee for that introduction I'd like to pray let's pray Heavenly Father thank you for the opportunity that we have today what a blessing it is to be here we are so glad that you gathered us here together in Seoul in Korea at the prayer Mountain Thank You Holy Spirit Thank You Holy Spirit Lord we ask you to guide us lead us by a great power your great holy spirit give us revelation give us the anointing give us the grace to do your will in our time thanks a million Lord for the Grace and the blessing to be here this morning to receive your word to receive the anointing thank you thank you Jesus I want you to just up go to open your eyes this morning give you the spirit of Revelation and wisdom in the knowledge of him so that this will not just be another gathering but it would be a special turning point in your life in your ministry but I thank you for returning points in our lives in our ministries in our walk with you Lord we give you thanks we give you praise for a turning point thanks for the anointing of the Holy Spirit we give you praise thank you Lord in Jesus mighty name and everybody shouted amen [Music] it's a great honor to be here when the signs dr. Cho for the invitation to speak yet again at a church growth conference I've been coming to Korea for the last 20 years and it's been one of the best decisions of my life ever in the ministry to be associated with dr. yonggi cho and with all that he has done and he is doing in korea and he has become a father to me and a family also right here in Korea as Miss Lee said and I really want to thank God and thank him thank Miss Lee and thank all the team here for the honor and the privilege of being asked to speak again amen this morning I want to share with you about the anointing of the Holy Spirit now when I when I say the anointing I mean the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit that's what I mean by the anointing okay let's look at Luke chapter 4 and verse 18 I'll remember that we are basing all that we do on the Bible so we will check a few scriptures they said the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to preach the gospel amen to the poor he has sent me to heal the brokenhearted and to preach deliverance to the captives and the recovery of sight to the blind to set at liberty them that are bruised to preach the acceptable year of the Lord these are the words of Jesus if your Bible has red letters these words will be in red this is Jesus it says and its first topic which he found appropriate was the topic of the anointing he said the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me right now so that means that the anointing of the substance which with which you are anointed is the Holy Spirit if you have been anointed with olive oil you have said olive oil is upon me because he has anointed me and so on but the real anointing aright is not oil engine oil or olive oil or cooking oil but is the Holy Spirit Alleluia so the Spirit of the Lord is upon me is covered me because he has anointed me all right now why has he anointed me that should be of great interest to those of us who have come to Korea for this church growth conference because it is it is very nice for us to admire all that has been done but remember that dr. Cho is almost 80 years old and he is expecting and I believe God is expecting that that the the work that he has done his disciples and followers and Leonard's will also go and do those ways amen so the question is how are you going to do the wax that our young ji today's which is when I see the work that it is time talking about the church church growth this is a very big church it's an unusual church and when you are spiritual you must notice signs and unusual things listen many churches cannot have so many people coming to on Sunday morning and with branches all right and year after year you know it's not declining you get it and then you can call for meetings of elders let's sell leaders and Phil and a World Cup Stadium with even those when they are having World Cup and when they are having struck again they are not able to fill these stadiums all right and we are able to fill it on a Monday morning or a Friday morning in Seoul Korea not not not in a country which doesn't have jobs like this a country where they are making phones they are making cars they are making televisions they are making a condition s they are very busy you know so it's not like you may so people don't have anything to do that's why they come to the stadium they have a lot to do but it's an even greater miracle hello it's an even greater miracle that the people gather in the way they do so all of us must take note of unusual things because we are spiritual people and when you are spiritual can you still hear me hello can you hear me now all right we change so you you must take note of unusual things because we are we are serving an invisible door a God who is glorious in in holiness fearful in praises doing wonders everybody said doing wonders doing wonders doing wonders what is going to do wonders in your life and being a minister and being a servant of the Lord your life will be and must be associated with doing one day glorious in holiness fearful in praises doing one day's Exodus hallelujah so we as we come to Korea it is nice to see the buildings but we are spiritual people so you must notice unusual spiritual things which you don't see everywhere and you should notice the church drawing we've been coming for years and you see the church is still there it's growing many people stretches you get finished the church is finished there's nobody else in it there is nobody in the building you see a church with five thousand seats and only two hundred people coming they are selling churches go on the internet right and check churches for sale in America and and all over the world about you find a lot for sale in America the caches are being sold big churches all right so as we come here we see this wonder all of us should be asking the question how is it done hallelujah are you with me and the answer is in what Jesus said when he said the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me hallelujah and what has he anointed me to do he has anointed me amen he has anointed me to preach to the poor to heal the sick to cast out devils to do one day and all of us who are here today are going to be you by God to do one day amen so you find out that Moses had a similar experience when the Lord called him the Lord said to him you shall take this rod in thine hand wherewith thou shalt do science so in the case of Moses he said you shall take this rod in thine hand so God was pointing him to what would be used to do wonders so he said you shall take this rod in dine hang wherewith thou shalt do science you shall take this rod in thine hand wherewith thou shalt do things you shall take this rod it is you see you you may not know where the power is or what is going to lead to the power and the signs and the wonders in your life and ministry so God was pointing out to Moses that it is the rod that he had he says you shall take this rod you shall take this rod you shall take this rod wherewith thou shalt do science you shall take this rod take this rod wherewith thou shalt do science wherewith thou shalt do science so now God is pointing us in our case we don't have a physical rod we have the Holy Spirit and so I'm trying to point your attention to a direct your attention to the Holy Spirit that it is the Holy Spirit through the Holy Spirit that you can do signs and you can do wonders in your life hallelujah so that is why Jesus when he began his ministry the first message he ever preached he said the Spirit of the Lord is upon me now and now with the spirit wherewith I shall now juice wonders I shall now preach like I'm preaching I shall now heal the sick I cannot cast out Devils why because the Spirit of the Lord is now upon me why because he has anointed me so Jesus Christ our Savior all right did not do any miracles any signs nothing he was a carpenter if you see Jesus before he was anointed he was roofing houses he was making furniture if you needed a cupboard or a wardrobe you contact Jesus if you need new furniture you contact Jesus you need a coffin you just have to see Jesus Jesus was making copies it was he was before the anointing he was he was making furniture he was a trained carpenter that's why people called their church carpenters home church or cap investiture fabulous Jesus was making furniture before the anointing him and when the anointing came on Jesus he changed and he announced it he announced it he said look the Spirit of the Lord is upon me he has now anointed me this is Luke chapter 4 1 2 3 is about the best of Jesus and the genealogy and those things and the baptism and then he went to the wilderness to fast pray and then he comes back and he goes to the first place and he stands and he tells the people this is what has happened to me now I was making furniture I was making Poppins I was building houses I was called to repair doors in people's houses but now the Spirit of the Lord is upon me now I shall do one day hallelujah I prophesied that you shall do wonders in your life expect to do one day expect to do one day with your life we are here to see one day this is a wonder the prayer mountain is a wonder everything that is going on here is a wonder yes and it is not by might it's not by power that the anointing the the wax of God I am not done by human strength and they are not done by money it's not with money you know Zachariah 4:6 says not by might not by power but by my spirit says the Lord when you are a Christian and a minister keep your eyes on what is the source of the power that is why the prophet prophesied and told the rebels it's not going to be by Mike it's not going to be by power you know like it's not going to be by might like by maybe the might and the strength that comes from let's say your age because God would use somebody who is young you know cuz you know you can't even be the president in many countries unless you are 40 so it's like being old or older or old enough seems to give you some kind of power but I've seen gods using young people sometimes you think it's by the might of being a man being a man but I came to announce to the ladies that it's not by the might of being a man or by the strength of a male that the work of God is accomplished the great test annoying thing that I know about that I have ever ever heard of or read about and watched for miracle power was on a woman yes what a shock yeah and that's capturing cumin yes not a man not a man a woman so it's not by being a woman or being a man it's not by being white or black when it is not by mice or not by power it means all these things think of the different types of powers and mice data in the world today and just tell yourself it's not by the power of being a man it's not by the power of being a woman it's not by the power of being a white man or a black man in the world black people are seen as inferior white people are seen as superior you may not like to hear what I'm saying but that means that that's that that's how people think even if they don't say so but it's not by being is not is not by this which country you come from it's not my being an American or being from Spain we are in Korea we're in Korea so god bypass God bypassed all the other countries and chose Korea and yeah we are humbly sitting on the floor hey I tell you yeah we are happily sitting on the floor he bypassed all maces and came here to do Church growth and we all travel spend a lot of money tribe all to be here with spend millions of dollars and all your tickets to come here millions of dollars to come and sit on the floor here because it's not by the might of being an American or white man or a black man or whatever yes it's not by the might of having of money finances don't think of ministry as like something that if you have money you can do ministry ministry is not done by money it's done by the power of the Holy Spirit so don't go back from here and say I don't have the resources that they have in Korea so I can't do this and that now I come from Ghana I live in Ghana I'm up swiss and half ganyan but I live in Ghana we don't have much money there but we have been able to do many things yes sometimes I wanted not listening to an American given his budget and his income and he was mentioning you know it was like part of the advertisement of his ministry that he has so much money coming through his ministry and he was very happy with himself so when I went home I started to calculate how much money comes to our Swami three and I thought it was more than his money that he was advertising yeah because if you see you may think that by being located somewhere not having so much money that is what you are going to do that's what's going to make you able to do the work of God no it's not by the money that you have today a lot of people have money they can't do anything for God the money is in the bank they don't even know what to do somebody somebody said to me you know I get for many million dollars for missions every year but he said I don't have anybody to send I don't have anybody to send I visited a church was a church made up of films pass in California and I was asked to speak about a mission about missions so I spoke about missions and I was sharing the mission that we've sent all over the world that we are still sending to more than 70 countries from Ghana and I thought was the pastor came to me and said you know I was so ashamed when you were talking I said why he said we don't have even one long-term missionary there's nobody to send the young men are playing basketball the older ones are film stars nobody wants to go anywhere what they call missions is going for a vacation for two weeks to help to paint a church somewhere and come back home that is not missions missions is going to give your life forever out there for Jesus to do the work of God so today people have money but they can do is you can have money a time comes where the chat will have money but you have no power to do anything nobody is there there's no one to even do the way so don't don't keep your mind on money keep your mind like god Thomas thou shalt take this rod this is the rod keep your mind on the spirit keep your heart on the Holy Spirit and you know when you when you see a great person doing something wonderful try to find the secret and you listen to dr. yonggi cho he speaks and writes the holy spirit my senior partner when he came to Ghana when yogi Joe came to Ghana I was driving with him to the crusade well when we were going to have the night program I was sitting by him and all that he kept saying Holy Spirit Holy Spirit Holy Spirit from the hotel to the crusade Blood Holy Spirit Holy Spirit Holy Spirit listen Greg people who are doing great things find the secret and the secret to great things in God is the anointing of the Holy Spirit and anybody who walks with God for some time will become sure of the fact that in yourself you have no power but it is the anointing of the Holy Spirit it's not by might it's not by power by the power of money by the power of your country by the thought talk there are many places I go in Africa if I was to present a setting passport it wouldn't wait but because I present a passport from Africa at work many people from Africa you feel you can't do much from God you can do a lot there are places where Africans are welcome and a lot of the harvest fields in the world it is there for people you know we should we should take our minds off certain places if you really want to work for God the fields are there white the fields are there white and to harvest waiting for anointed people to come but many of us are not looking for the work of God or for the anointing we want money and business you want to go to certain countries but God is calling us to bring our minds to one thing to the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit soccer games the Holy Spirit is the anointing that is giving to us to do wonders and you are going to do one that anybody who has come to Korea and I've seen the wonders that are being done here take it from me the power of the Holy Ghost is upon you as you are going from this place and you are going to do great wonders in your nation hallelujah now another I'm sharing about the anointing and they need to be anointed as I've told you that Jesus didn't do anything until he was anointed I've told you that even the disciples Jesus saw that listen don't go anywhere don't even try ministry unless the power of the Holy Spirit comes on you don't bother so if you are here you know you should have your eyes trained err when you come to Korea what anointing is there on dr. you meet you when you go near and none of God don't look at his car don't look at his house don't look at his rings don't look at his money look at the anointing on the person don't even bother don't go anywhere the power of ministry is not by certificates you can have a certificate from the oubli God Bible School googley God International Bibles who's you know DubLi got international Bible School it cannot make you accomplish anything in God thou shall take this rod thou shalt take this rod thou shall take this rod thou shall take this rod wherewith thou shalt do science the Holy Spirit Elijah Elijah was a very clever servant he followed Elijah for many years and one day Elijah asked him what do you want from me I want to ask you as you come to Korea what do you want from David yonggi cho Elijah tend to Elijah and said I want your house Elijah came to Elijah and said I want your money Elijah tend to Elijah and said I want your wife when you go I want your wife I want your wife your wife is very beautiful I've been watching her for years all these would have been easy for Elijah to give he would have said you can have my money you can have my chariot you can have my car you can have my money but Elijah was clever clever clever clever and I believe today you are also clever [Applause] he said I want the unknown thing I want the unknown thing that is on you listen listen let us keep our eyes on the right thing keep your eyes on the anointing don't look at the color of the passion don't look at the money of a person don't look at the house of a peasant look at that there's oil if you have eyes to see you you will see Moses and God are seeing that which was invisible you must endure by looking as invisible things don't look at the visible that color the money the rings the goal the aeroplanes what have you look at the invisible Moses Boris Hebrews 12 Moses and God by seeing the invisible look at the invisible anointing and Elisha said you know Elijah thank you for staying with me all these years I know you are about to die please give me the unknowing thing that is on you times two this is what we call spiritual greediness or spiritual greed give me the unknowing thing that is on you Wow times two and he later said wow you are clever and you have us a hard thing it's not easy to be anointed you see that is why few people ever get anointed in a certain sense it's not easy you can have the principles of a person but you don't have his spirit look when he lies shot came across the river the people said the spirit of Elijah does rest on Elijah not the principles the spirit you see it is easier to take up the principles and ideas that somebody is carrying it's much easier than to get the spirit and the power that the person is using in his ministry yeah you can have a you can have little ideas Oh do this do this do this three steps to this six principles I can put the PowerPoint up here six steps three three three ways fifteen principles twenty five ways Tachi keys with pictures nice strategies 18 strategies 55 ways how to improve how to increase how to this how to that you can have the principles you can land them in a school but it takes more than learning the principles and ideas that people have it takes the annoying thing thou shalt take this rod thou shalt take this rod in thine hand wherewith thou shalt do sign so when he lays a crossed the people noticed Wow and he haven't spoken a word he haven't spoken a word they said the spirit of Elijah rest of rest not rest on Elijah they said if you want anything from young ritual and I'm speaking even to the Koreans because you see that mantle the gift that is upon his life to build to build a check and prevail prevail in the sisters and survive it's not just the principles and ideas but the spirit that is on him listen go and read your Bible you see in Hebrews 12 the Bible says we are come to Mount Zion to just men the City of God with angels this that but one of the things he says is that in that assembly you have the spirits of just men made perfect like the spirits of all people the spirit that was on some eldest present yes - sometimes when men or when we gather there our second Mantle's and spirited are also gathered and present in the room the spirits of just men made perfect so wherever Elijah went and attended a service the spirit of Elijah was also there oh yeah because he was he had the spirit the spirit of Elijah Doug rest upon Elijah so in that room you see sweet of Elijah there yeah so as you come as we gather here there are some times there are heavy mantle oh if I come to Korea thank God for the nice kimchi thankful to God for the food thank God for the hospitality tango for their nice buildings but I want the spirit the spirit at least on yoga - I I want somebody to be able to the spirit of young each others rest on that yeah listen anything I say that it's not in the Bible rubbish it if it's not in the Bible it's nonsense don't even listen to it but if it's in the Bible please listen to it and don't discard it if it's in the Bible receive it yes you need power and that anointing not just the principle and the good ideas now when you have the spirit and the power huh the people that used to laugh at you when Elijah became anointed across the river and he came back the fifty prophets and the people that were mocking him and they say but you don't you know your mother is going don't you know this don't you know that those who used to look at you with three eyes and those who used to mock at you the Bible says they bun [Music] they will bow to you what used to laugh at you will now bow to you when the anointing is on you whatever was laughing at you before people laugh at me all my life people have laughed at me yeah but it's not so easy to laugh now not so easy to laugh not so easy to laugh when I announce that I am the number one copycat in my country as I'm popping and learning if I don't believe in copy Sabian you should be an original original of what a result of West where will it be unoriginal the Bible say there is nothing new and understand the Bible says that which has been is that we shall be you have all these funny teachings you must be an original don't copy anybody imitation is limitation and all kinds of things I believe in copying and following Jesus s follow me follow me follow me learn from me just follow what I'm doing I believe that we are sheep and sheep follow the follow just follow just for don't think follow you are the next person to be anointed in your country did you hear me I tell you at the next person to be anointed in your country now listen listen listen I'm talking to you about the power and the anointing which you are cutting now when he lies across the river the old problem that Elijah was able to conquer which is the River Jordan because a few days ago Elijah had come and swipe the river like how you swipe your card and he swiped revenge that is power that is power that's not technology that power power power he swiped a whole river when we were coming you saw the river on the side throughout if he Liza was here you just write and cross no bridges no money no not not just swiping when Elijah received that anointing he came back and met the same challenge that Elijah had met earlier in his life the problem and the things that yielded to Elijah now started to you to Elijah whatever you that we don't eat or and whatever yielded to whoever will give way to you as well because you are coming with a fair power the river that open for Elijah was now say yes sir to Elijah because the spirit of Elijah God rest upon Elijah yes yes you know I've been coming to Korea for years in our country we also have a state of the largest state on a larger square and this year we gathered the whole place was good just like what we watched and I didn't it didn't occur to me but when we were at the stadium on Friday it's okay to me than one I've seen this also before in my own country like the hotel nuts now this the Welcome Center is the National schedule the big place yes that's where that is where we gathered three o'clock in the afternoon huh the spirit of Elijah what gifts up what gives way the river that opening to Elijah when he came now that you have come it also opens up to you yes yes yes if it is Church growth if it is miracle if it is large crowds if it is Crusade if it is administration whatever it is writing books the spirit of Elijah top rest upon Elijah lotta principles not as a principles the spirits and knowing and that's why I look at Jesus oh uh I'm in here followers of Jesus Christ this side are not following Jesus okay Jesus said the Spirit of the Lord is upon me it seems that he was very proud and happy about the fact that he was anointed yes anointing is possible it's possible I said it's possible it's possible but keep your eyes keep your eyes on the anointing not on the wrong things don't keep your eyes on the money on the color on the cars but as which car I've had people coming to church asking which car which which which is his car with twenty Cisco you want to see my car to assess me by my car the Jesus that and you shall know them by the attack you shall know them by their cars or you shall know them by their fruits you shall know them by their class no wow when you keep your eyes on the wrong thing it will affect you one day I had a pasta and he was inviting a lady to come and speak and this lady instead of thinking about the powerful message that she was coming to bring he kept looking at her breasts excuse me because she had powerful breasts but he did not realize that his eyes were concentrating on the wrong thing so when it was time for preaching he went on the pulpit and he said ladies and gentlemen I want us to welcome this lady pasta she's very powerful and she has powerful bread before before him before he realized what he was saying he invited her because you have a powerful bread you see this listen this is what happens when you keep your eyes on the wrong thing this is what happens when you keep your eyes on the wrong thing you should you should have kept his eyes on the unwinding of the lady on the powerful message that she had on the fact that she was a great woman of God but he was keeping his eyes on her brain from today your eyes will be on the right thing hallelujah now I want us to I want us to now look at because we are here we listen we came here for a reason always keep in in your mind the reason why you come to Korea keep in your mind I came to learn something I came to catch something okay we will the main thing that is here is church growth okay so keep your eyes on why you are here don't forget why you are here you are not on holiday you are here to receive receive it in Jesus name now how the next question now that I've helped you to see that the anointing is very important the next question is how do you how do you how do you catch the anointing like how can you be somebody who becomes anointed because you must become anointed all right now turn to 2nd chronicles chapter 20 and verse 20 in in your Bible if you have a Bible second Chronicles 2020 and I know that many many people use this verse for what you call it prosperity preaching many people use this verse for prosperity preaching second chronicles 2020 believe in the Lord your God so shall you be established the word establishes a man and believe in his prophet so shall you prosper amen amen how many have heard this verse before for prosperity teaching and when you want your congregation to obey you you use this vest believe in God you'll be established but believe me the parcel you'll prosper it's normal but I want to show you something a little more Amen that you can learn from this verse okay now the way you can learn something more from this verse is by looking at the Hebrew meaning of the words believe in God you will be established established is the word among among you can check those of you who have iPads or Hebrew Greek things you can check among it means to be established to be natured to be fostered to be brought up so believing in God in a general way is very good for a Christian it will help you you grow up in the Lord you'll be nurtured in Scripture you grow up in prayer everything you'll be you do well and you become established as a good believer but believe in His Prophet okay and you shall prosper the word is triac CELAC we use this to tell people to progress one of the meanings but the other meanings it means you will go forth my tea leaves or break out or come forth speedily you see your ministry will break forth and break out if you learn to also follow the profit that God is giving to us because if you want to catch the anointing you must ask yourself where is the anointing is it in the sky is it in that in town can we buy it at a petrol station where can we get the anointing where is the anointing found the unknown thing is found on God's sevens and today mostly on the apostles and prophets because God uses apostles and prophets to as a foundation for the church so the grace of God to build the check is found in apostles and prophets and anointed men and it's very important for you to know that when God loves you and he wants to bless you he gives you a passion he ascended and he gave gifts to men was the gift what is the gift the gift is the prophets apostles pastors and teachers God so loved the world that He gave cake and biscuits to the world God so loved the world that He gave coca-cola sprite and Fanta and what God so loved the world that He gave us kimchi and know God so loved the world that He gave us food and money no God so loved the world that he gets a passion when God really loves you he will send somebody into your life all of us who have been blessed to interact with doctors and I'm not here to pick up a yoga - I'm here - I'm preaching about the anointing but I'm using him as a good example because it's an example we are watching physically so don't think that I'm just trying to say something good about somebody and there's nothing wrong with saying good things about people if you're jealous just pay about it and go boom you know listen listen God so loved the world that he did what he gave us he gave us somebody somebody attention learn to believe that when God is going to bless you he gives you somebody believe in God you'll be established but you have to learn to believe in a prophet of the Apostle that God is giving to you and through that person you break out mightily in the ministry without that belief and it takes humility to do that it's actuality yes it takes humility if you are not humble you cannot receive develop received anointing you cannot receive the other prouder you become you cannot receive you you the unreachable walk in your make you never you accuse it attack it fight it solve it and you will never receive anything Jesus walk in his hometown they said who is this who is what the work is it not a carpenter if you know this is he not that who is he anointed people sometimes the person who catches the anointing is far away Kathryn Kuhlman walked in America with the powerful anointing I know America was able to receive from her but Benny Hinn came along a Palestinian young man stammering nobody rejected in his family and he saw her as wonderful yes they would receive but proud passes proud passes who only have powerpoints on tone screams and only how the computer illustrations but no power Rhea anointing power can always be from somebody like Chattanooga yourself she's divorced she's this she's that he had this problem he's like this she's like that he's this she's that is a woman why should a woman this enough well if you are dying in the river streaming and you were drowning and a woman throws the rope to save you would you say a woman or a man you know is it a woman who threw the rock I am answering the rock will you ask me with a woman I don't want to I don't want to be safe through a woman drop out wrong out down rather than can hold a rope because a woman threw the rope to me Hey [Applause] pride listen if you criticize me shows you are proud look when you are little child when you are humble like a child and your daddy's comes and he says this you don't have any criticism for your father and said daddy don't talk to me like that daddy why why are you doing this study you should do this you should when you are like a child your daddy culture that he says this and that you're open using my daddy is the best idea in the world my daddy will beat your daddy my daddy is stronger than your daddy when you are humble but as you grow and you become proud and you start to see the faults and and the pride and test you and humility goes then you look at a man of God when he's pieces or this is this Oh what is he's talking about this and pride keeps us from receiving oh what a shame what a shame what a shame what a shame we cannot receive when God sends us and man God so loved the world that He gave us just a person his son and when God loves you he will give you somebody when God loved me he gave me he didn't give me so many people but one of the people again knows younger too that's why I came here on my own nobody invited I bought a ticket from Ghana and I came just I said I want to come here and you know you know how I came in contact with with this somebody whom we don't know had a ministry called hands for Christ and was making tapes and put together a whole lot of young video tapes and post that to me I received in the post I don't know who if you are here thank you I don't know I don't know who sent it and I just started listening church clothes and prayer Chad built an administration Church growth and cell system check brother in English he was preaching in English and I started to listen I said Wow I said Korea let's go and I can I came and I've been coming amen so now ladies and gentlemen how are you going to catch the anointing that's that's a big question it's easy to say anointing is dude a 19 student in it wonderful there are many ways to catch the anointing but there is a way that God has shown me that I want to share with you amen and one of the ways is to receive the man of God Amen receive I understand that the anointing is on a person this is on a person and unless you receive that person as many as received him and believed in him to them he gave power so you have to receive the person amen and believe in the person so when you get your teaches and says visions and dreams and then many people don't even understand it but you have to believe that look what you see the vision look it's so simple when he talks about prayer it's sound simple but you have to believe if you don't believe you will never see it you didn't come to Korea to watch films you came to receive something and when you came the person you came to see is telling you visions and dreams every year we come he says exactly the same thing why why does he say that says him because that's what it is happily did he have to say it you have to say it he said try out yes two days ago I was sitting by him at the dinner table and I told him you know there's something I've really learned from him about prayer to wake up early in the morning early in the night and pray and he said you know I feel so blessed and I was telling when he wakes up he doesn't wear his pajamas ooh what he went to sleep with he dresses like he's going out yes because until you don't go to God your pajamas or your nightie or whatever I'm dressed up properly like you are going to town you get it and then get to the job yes and then he prays three hours five hours every day yes is this cousin praised does the message many of us here have pray unless looked out the truth stop arguing sir tt-tell the key you don't free you don't pretty much you are prayer less there's very little about you that is real prayer very little real prayer because you can't play unless you get up in the night oh yeah you'll be praying while you are eating your bacon and you say that is prayer yeah arrange your phones or on the table and you say you are praying one will call hello I'm praying I'm praying I'll call you back the next one will ring hello hello and I'm praying and I'm praying I'll call you later hello what who is that Spain is having a sale I'll call you back I'm free as before we'll be ringing once you be sitting there like a telephone receptionists taking calls and you said what brain hello hello as I'm trained I'll call you later that is what it is you have to believe listen John 1:12 as many as receipt and believed to them he gave power please receive and believe when something is being said it's as simple as what it is I know we want to hear something fantastic but it's quite simple and you must believe when he says prayer it's prayer the man is brain is 80 years old you are satisfied here so you can wake up snoring like Alice is like if you died and rose from the dead and was so sleepy a you should hear the snoring when yogi Joy's praying you are snoring like a hippopotamus struggle how can you have the same result that he's having how can you experience the same thing you will never experience it don't experience it because you don't believe and you are not following what he saying are you listening to me if you believe what do you think then do what he's saying as many us believe let's look at John 14 verse 11 revealed in soon just John Padula believe me that I am in the father and the father in me or else believe me for the very works sake verily I say unto you please are we all looking at John 14 verse 12 he that believeth on me the works that I do shall he also do amen and greater works shall I do because I go to the Father listen this is the words of Jesus to us all but it they are also the work that can come from any of the apostles and prophets to you when you see a great apostle of profit doing great works remember that greater works can be done by you but what is the condition for doing the greater work he that believeth on me he that believes the works that I do he will also do and I believe those who believe what we are learning here in Korea those who believe it they will show the same works and they will do greater works and many of the people who have been coming to this place for years I've done great work and greater works in different countries if you go around the world you see that most of the people that I associate with dr. to have the biggest churches wherever there it's possible it's possible it's possible it's possible it's possible it's possible when I came to Korea I didn't have in the biggest Church no but now I have one of the biggest F is not the biggest Church yes when I came I did in half I've been following I couldn't have fitted into a stadium I can fit from system fitted dammit yeah it's possible and Elijah was clever he said you give me the energy keep your car keep your wife keep your house keep your money give me your anointing I want to anoint you I want your anointing now another wonderful way by which you can receive the anointing which is one of the ways you see the know it is to believe and to follow follow follow I wrote a book called the art of following the act of following or my books on Kindle you can find them the other following follow belief obey God is going to anoint you and God is going to use you now one of the wonderful ways to receive the anointing is by receiving the Word of God the Word of God as Elijah walked with Elijah the Bible says they walked and they talked together amen they walked and they talked so Elijah was talking to Elijah constantly I'm sure our brother Richard Roberts can tell us that his father spoke to him many wonderful words many wonderful words and it's through those words that the power of God comes on your life that is why pastors and Christians must listen to preaching you must listen to preaching why because when you listen to the West now I want everybody to please listen carefully to this part this is the this is a little segment this that this is a little five minutes of this message that you really don't want to escape from listening to preaching and listening to the word is the great key to receiving the anointing yes it's a great key let's look at Ezekiel chapter two that's two please please turn with me in your Bible because you are Christian Ezekiel chapter 2 and verse number two well that's one if you like he said unto me son of man stand up on thy feet and I will speak unto thee Wow stun upon thy feet and I will speak unto thee notice and the spirit entered into me when he speak unto me what happened the spirit entered that is the anointing and tete into me when he speak so when God is speaking to you when you are receiving the Word of God the Spirit is entering into you amen do you believe that yes can with me to accept a cane I need you to look at this I need you to look at this Acts chapter 10 Acts chapter 10 this is the big story of how Peter went to preach in Cornelius house and his message started investigates how God anointed Jesus with the Holy Ghost and power who went out doing good and healing this is all Peter salmon and he says we are witnesses he was preaching that's 40 God raised him up on the third day Wow verse 41 Peter is pretty are you all noticing that Peter is preaching besides preaching invest 41 not to all the people but unto witnesses chosen before of God he's still preaching in verse 32 and he commanded us to preach unto the people and to testify he's still preaching in verse 43 please notice to give all the prophets witness through the name now because preach about verse 44 he's not preaching that's the best I want you to see underline it it says while Peter yet stick while Peter was still speaking these words the Holy Ghost fell on all of them which had the anointing fell on the Christians Wow the immersion is falling on you right now while Peter was preaching while Peter was preaching that is why ministers should listen to good preaching I always advertise my podcast that he was moved podcast listen to it it should be a blessing to you and while Peter was preaching the spirit fell on him Wow John chapter 6 verse 63 quickly please we are looking at things in the Bible John chapter 6 verse number 63 please please it's a verse you all know it is a spirit that quickeneth john chapter 6 verse 63 how many are receiving the anointing today Wow Peter was yet speaking while Peter was preaching listen is that it is a period of quickeneth the flesh profiteth nothing the words that i speak the words that I'm speaking of the preaching the words that I'm saying to you they are spirit and they are life the words in other words the preaching the word you are hearing that's where you are hearing is the spirit is the anointing is the life that is coming into your life and your ministry that is why a minister should listen to preaching you must expose yourself to preaching concert and especially from people who are carrying heavy anointing apostles and prophets like you reach oh I seek to use those of you've never listened to you shall get them I wish the CGI office will make it available if you even want it yoga tour has pretty cross chat growth and prayer chad growth and self system church growth and good administration church growth and miracles many wonderful mess in english i have all of them oh yes don't be jealous of my of my church I believe in listening over and over and over and over and over and over listen to this testimony in 1988 I was a medical student in my medical school and we were sent to a town outside the capital to go and work in the rural area for one month while I was there I bought tapes by Kenneth Hagin how many know Kenneth Hagin Kenneth Hagin is one of the great fathers that God gave to me anyway I have been listening to Kenneth Hagins already for 10 years all the time I don't like his stories and his prophetic experiences they are so fantastic to me I don't know anything more fantastic to see Jesus in a room you are in a room jesus walks in pulls a chair comes to sit by you and talk to you for two hours how many would like that hey fantastic so I love to listen to him all the time I always thought like some new power would come into my life you know I just let with amp even today if I'm praying I always put on tapes somebody preaching or sometimes music but I prefer preaching yeah because the spirit entered into me when he speak to me don't forget Ezekiel to veg to the spirit enters you when he is speaking and the spirit fell on all of them which had Peter preaching don't forget acts 10:44 don't forget John 6:63 the words I speak those words ask the Spirit is the anointing remember Jesus was anointed with the Holy Spirit that's the anointing so one night in 1988 in June I had a church of about 25 people students everybody was a student I thought I was a pastor with 25 people and I was listening I was training the knife and I'm now down by my I know down by my by my bed and I fell asleep don't be sad when we fall asleep sometimes God still is listening to the sleep oh yeah I mean like he can see that you came you were trying to free and like you fell asleep you get it so he sees your heart amen listen I'm telling you I'm telling you something important while I was on my knees I fell asleep but I woke up at about 2:00 a.m. in the night and the tape recorder was down there and Kenneth Hagin was preaching suddenly as I was praying and the tape was playing I was listening to his stories always something jumped out of the tape and I felt something enter my belly yeah then I had a voice in the room and the voice said from today you can teach from today you can teach 1988 [Applause] that's just some time ago and today you know I am amazed at mice myself because I know where where I come from I'm not American I hardly go there I'm from I live in Africa but I'm teaching you here in Korea is that from today you can teach look at me I'm talking to your hair I'm teaching and many know that it's a great privilege to be standing here to be preaching it's a big issue is addressed in the power it's a wonder glorious in holiness fearful in praises doing one day it's a wonder I just came from the Philippines preaching people from Ghana don't usually go to Manila to preach not that I'm engineering there are bi beneath I'm invited and from Jakarta and I'm on my way to Paris for a big pastors conference the whole front perform the pastor's are coming together inviting me for classes I'm teaching and from today and i Adama had a little chat twenty-five people that was the day I became anointed to teach you see what I'm trying to explain to you is how does a person become something it's not my power it's not by principles by points by ideas but it's by the anointing of the Spirit of the Holy of God Oh hallelujah [Applause] can you imagine can you imagine somebody like me has published ten to eleven million books yes a million not imagination million I'm not controlling our figures millions of books here even even into happening that the ability of that whatever to do it yeah and people inviting in different languages in Tamil in Hindi in Mandarin in French in Spanish in Portuguese in Russian different languages yeah from today it's like you have now received a supernatural power to teach and the things that your father was doing you see the river that opened to Elijah start to open to Elijah the same river when Kenneth Hagin died he publisher published 67 million books yes when he died I don't know now but when he died 67 mainly on books that's why that's why I figure also sticks if I say well the anointing is possible to be anointed people don't realize that God wants to anoint but that you have to strip you have to keep your eyes on the right thing like you shall thou shall take this rod take this anointing so I want to encourage everybody follow the anointing by following the kitchen like listen you can even soccer players watch soccer all the time before they play you're always looking recently we had as a program in a stadium in in England and we will win as a soccer club's stadium there are private stadium and when we went for the break time I saw the soccer players I mean they come with their laptops and they all they are watching it constantly look at you take a purse I would not be watching videos but a soccer players who are trying to score goals are watching and you administer what are you listening to you are listening to CNN al Jazeera news and DBC these are what you spend your time doing Facebook what's up swallow after the anointing look the people who have done great things our aerobics Kathryn Kuhlman cannot Hagen young Ito and obviously they didn't do it because they are special even Jesus Christ had to be anointed before he was converted from a carpenter to somebody doing wonders even Jesus Christ how much more me and you so if I was you I would say let my heart look for the anointing look for the gift of God - whatever humble yourself search for it follow like Elijah follow even when Elijah says even when he lighter offends us is going four times it happened to him four times the light I tried to get rid of Elijah it is what some of you you would have you would have gone away a long time yeah you know I've been coming to Korea for some one time I played golf with dr. Cho and after we were having breakfast and dr. cha who used to be the director of CGI he sat by me and he told me I remember you from Eva dawn streets and you came to the conference he said I remember then he said to me you have done well he said you've done well I mean you said you have been dependent but today I'm sitting there playing golf and having breakfast because when I came to either Don I try to see dr. Jo I couldn't see him they said no no no no no no no no cannot see cannot see not possible no come on hallelujah but today I'm seeing yes I'm sitting by him I'm talking with him I'm enjoying him he's got to me he said to me you have done well not even I'm not becoming to follow to believe but I tell you that is all that you need you meet the anointing nobody special here God will use you and you become like Jesus and one day you will stand somewhere you say wow the Spirit of the Lord I feel the anointing to preach to hear to cast out devils to do the work of God stand to your feet everybody tonight we are going to pray we are going to pray today the mighty holy spirit is falling on you as you are hearing the word of God the words that I speak the words that I speak the words that I speak the words that I speak they are spirit and they are life the words that I speak the words that I speak the words that I speak the words that I speak they are spirit they are life the words that I speak the words that I speak the words that I speak the words that I speak thou shalt take this rod thou shalt take this rod thou shalt take this rod wherewith thou shalt to time the way that I speak the words that I speak the words that I speak the words that I speak they are spirit and life and the spirit entered into me when he spake unto me spirit entered into me when he spake unto me [Music] oh thank you lord thank you lord lift your hands and receive the anointing we see the face of God receive the power of God you shall be anointed with fresh oil by the power of anointing of the Holy Ghost you are going to do wonders you shall do want them thou shalt take this rod where we've does out to strive you shall do sighs you shall do what that God is going to use you to pay attention to two miracle so to the web apart to preach to teach to evangelize to microwork it here fully praises doing wonders wonders wonders longer lift your hands and receive the power lift Ahana we see the face of God lift your hands and receive from God that is what you need the spirit and tell it to me when it's taken to me we see the face of God receive the power of God Thank You Holy Spirit fall upon your children a light on your bill chances to do Church work to protect it to help take off to evangelize to do miracles to teach you and to preach to hear sing to heal the brokenhearted and light your servants from all over the world let us not go out of this place and we have them to work with your power and your brain and your home idea to water to teach to preach to travel to evangelize thank you to obey you in the name of Jesus let your power upon a little one give us the humility give us the flavor to work in our two wonderful testing one day wasn't water one day for your glory not [Music] hallelujah listen listen jesus said take up your cross and follow me you see it takes sacrifice to follow without determination you cannot follow you see a great thing like what we are seeing here but you can't follow because it is humility and it takes sacrifice to follow lift your hand and pray for the grace to follow the anointing and follow the anointed servant of the Lord pray for grace and determination yes yes determination determination determination to do the works of God determination to follow determination to tool and determination to catch the anointing ah I will not go out of this place empty with us oil left I had not ever lot like me my God my God my gosh my god left I have not loved - let your hand not love anymore metal coil let your head not hot oil and power great to do the work of God to do the will of God after people pay power Telefunken mashallah he said to Chappelle another driver great for traitor prayerfully to problem to follow to follow that is maybe some of you the spirit of the employment process upon turn of the law my car - Aria it must be in my car oh yeah oh yeah we give you pray we can we [Music] Oh lovely on me let the power holy go follow sweet anointing I know Oh bucket oh I don't fall on me let the power let the power go hold on me Holy Spirit moving on Holy Spirit move me Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh-oh-oh-oh [Music] [Music] everybody I know sweetie sweetie oh god we let the power of the power of the Holy Ghost we lay your hands on your head we have like a nano follow me now [Music] [Music] [Music] beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful [Music] beautiful yabba van you don't eliminate the memory of a fire and area day Alleluia listen as we close I want to just I want to ask us to pray a secret prayer don't tell anybody I want you to pray that one day someone will point to you and say the spirit of so and so does rest on this person that you see that you are actually caught the anointing that you see all around pray god whatever in the anointing for church growth we are here this is the church growth capital miracles buildings whatever finance whatever the anointing lit your hand father thank you we are praying that one day it will be reported of us who are gathered in this room that the spirits there are nine things the gift the grace that is upon your service your prophet your apostles whom you give to us through your love God so loved that he gave as fun God loved you he gave you your niche oh he gave you another person prophet apostle three Lord let it come to pass the sea shall be a day where it shall be said of us that the Spirit of the Prophet does rest upon your seventh we ask and we thank you now let the river flow out of our bellies rivers of water to water our nations as we go back whatever we go and meet let it bow to us in our nation let the River Jordan open to us when we go back receive the power and the anointing of the Holy Ghost your enemy that you left at home will bow to you when you get back home in the name of Jesus by the river you couldn't cross before you came to church your poor friend when you come back home the river will open and give way to you in the name of Jesus what you could not do before you can purchase your conference when you go back home you will be able to do it by the power of the Holy Ghost people who laugh at you and look at you and posture that prophet who laughed at you they will bow to you when you go back home receive it in the name of Jesus for the glory of God get a lot of shot and a clap of you know how to sing this song I wanna be more like you how many was it be like Jesus I wanna be more I wanna be more like I wanna be your best you were new I wanna be more like let you know this singing I want to be like Jesus ah what a people I wanna be more like you oh I wanna be more like Jesus I wanna be a nutter you act through I wanna be more like you look at your neighborhood look at your neighbor tell Nathan the Spirit of the Lord God rest upon you when you go back home your enemies will bow to you the river you couldn't cross when you get back home you will be able to cross it tell your neighbor neighbor those who are laughing at you will not laugh anymore it will power you receive it in the name of Jesus god bless you thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] that's all things we add up [Music] Oh you may be seated [Music] God is so good and God made a beautiful world and beautiful homes docked of here the Middle's is so great man all because of the support of mrs. he was a Miss would you stand up doctor he of the Middle's used to be medical doctor then God gave him words to become his servant now he is his servant and he has a beautiful family life family he he brought home his family here these days and he had two sons Joshua where are you Joshua and baby [Applause] Oh David Oh David careful this is wonderful our second generation will change our future world and after you are the mills in the missus here the mills with you and then Joshua and baby to put in some would you come to this boy thank you and I will get him donate some money him donate the money ma together okay okay you are all clear mountain today and this prayer mountain is named fasting prayer mountain so I haven't prepared your lunch I'm sorry so we have to pass today okay and this prayer mountain was opened in 1973 by taco sauce mother-in-law who's name is dr. chair and he's gone - she's gone to heaven and today elder done it in our church serving many so many years for our church and then he knows our prayer mountain every corner of the space that they ought to go how to explain so he will escort you one by one one place by one place and then we will all get together going home the bus leaves 1:20 p.m. okay so meantime you are just a free any place to want to go and then search and then we have a so many player individual prayer grottoes where you can go play over us as you have an individual prayer dr. Cho and then used to come here weekend whenever here free time and this vibrato really gives you secrets of his plan to your heart when you play thank you very much excuse me here to give you an instruction god bless your brothers and sisters we'll meet you over by the blue sign it says international briefing and those that would like to know a little bit about prayer Mountain will let you know all about it now pastor Cho and hallelujah mama don't look at the Word of God it's very effective in itself it's like bullets or ammunition what good is it unless it's fired and that's what prayer Mountain is all about
Channel: Dag Heward-Mills Evangelist
Views: 2,355
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: cbIRcFi_FY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 52sec (7012 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2017
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