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[Music] hallelujah let us pray I've got to give you the Holy Spirit tonight I've got to fill you with the Holy Spirit so that you can hear his voice hear his word thank you Jesus for your blessing today thank you Lord for your help in everything that we do we love you Jesus we thank you Lord we bless your holy name in the name of Jesus amen you may be seated intend you to the middle Acts chapter 1 right I want to share with you about the presence of the Holy Spirit all right how many 1 the presence of the Holy Spirit right now the Holy Spirit is God and therefore to define God is going to be very difficult and also to define God is going to be very difficult and then also to say that God I mean to say that God we can do these three things and then God will come and that God is like it's like a horse or or a dog which always says whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa three times it's not going to be possible so I think that this is why we have often been unfortunately deprived of the Holy Spirit because we think that the Holy Spirit is a kind of power that you know you can switch on directed into heat directed into life make it this they can do this make it do that three words and then God will rush into somebody and say forward and then God will just move our hand take it to for this does I think that is quite difficult for us to understand who we are dealing with and so what I'm going to share with you if we get a chance to continue next to it as well is a sort of series of big ideas that may help you to become mirror to the Holy Spirit and nearer to God amen so sometimes when you don't know what to do you got to look at big things like for instance if somebody is very successful and the person has three services on a Sunday but you have one service and you don't read anywhere to have three service how to us that's not in the Bible sometimes what you do is just do what the person is doing let's also have three service we don't know why they have three services and then it may lead you to the real blessing that you are looking for how many understand what I'm talking about so sometimes you should allow God to bless you okay with what you call it with information that it's not necessarily do number one do number two do number three do number four then everything will be okay sometimes it's not like that but sometimes just having a big idea that this person who at what I want that's it aha then they have following that you get it you may find something that you never had before are you understanding what I'm saying yes so those who are very humble and very teachable are able to relate to these kind of things and so what I'm going to teach about the Holy Spirit we are not going to hear number one do this number two to receive the whole two three four five but rather just watch the Holy Spirit and watch out and see if there's anything you can copy perhaps if they find yourself walking in the Holy Spirit's presence like they seem to walk in the days of the book of Acts okay so the first verse we want to be is a way to look at the Holy Spirit in Acts chapter 1 it says you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you and you shall be my witnesses both in Jerusalem in Judea in Samaria and to the remotest part of the eighth okay so if the Holy Spirit is on you okay you will be witnessing are the first thing you you witness so Christians that are anointed with the Holy Spirit one of the things you'll notice about them is that the witness and the lack of witnessing is a sign of the lack of the presence of the Holy Spirit on your life now with you you preach to people about Christ you witness to them about the Lord you tell people about Jesus you reach out you speak to people it's a strain of the presence of the Holy Spirit in your life may you be an eye disease whether or whether you are anointed your hand shakes your right hand shakes when you are not at it tremble I wanna know that you cry already on earth and you fall we know all these is also true but I'm reading something to you where the Holy Spirit comes you will be witnesses you may not shake like a witness so it's a sign and I can sing for sure are people who don't witness they are devoid of the spirit can be three - Jude now my message is very short what we are all tired today I know you say freeze value Jews either versus um 18 right that they were saying to you in the last day that will be Marquez following up on an old ungodly lab all right that's 19 these are the ones who called divisions okay well please minded and devoid of the spirit what does he deems it having not the spirit all right so people who are devoid of the anointing of the Holy Spirit they lack witnessing yes it's very simple Bible teaching yeah very simple so a normal Christian who doesn't witness lack the Holy Spirit when you meet unbelievers and you don't witness to them as part of your daily life you are not a witness you lack the Holy Spirit because you shall receive power after the Holy and you shall be my witnesses all use our witness so simple as ABC you will be a shepherd but you don't have the Holy Spirit if I come to sing away somebody's really filled with the Holy Spirit witnesses as a church that does not do also calls to bring people to Christ usually the Holy Spirit has left the church devoid of the Holy Spirit think about it I used to go to church every Sunday they never did an altar call never invited me to Christ because the Holy Spirit has been packet from that church there are many churches without the Holy Spirit issue I was not invited to Christ I was never preached to that ever cut my heart with conviction never it was called a check I was never taught if you if you give your life to God repent now come to God now there was no Holy Spirit they were diplomats in the church the way ambassadors in the church it was the Church of the elite but it was without the Holy Spirit then I went to church in action and the Holy Spirit was that they were not educated they were not in a church building they were in somebody's house and I found canapes but the Holy Spirit was there and they were full of the spirit and they were always inviting people to be born again and to give their life to Jesus and when Bishop Nick would preach and you wet his hands you come forward you will because he would speak to you and you said I was a pudding cup I was a gold Ola and and that you may know that God rules in the affairs of men come now you come you come because the Holy Spirit was there is that what is it that I have I do have I have seen all it is it name is it that job my father was an ambassador is it a name dr. William is it this is it that I have it come today and they were coming the Holy Spirit was in the church you come then also with another spirit comes into the church they don't do alter course and it happening more and more in Paris Matic churches I went to preach in a church not so long ago one of the big churches in Ghana and the over fear of the chest will be after you are the first I was written elastic you are the first person of these great guys who are being well done and oughta call it's a sign of the Holy Spirit going out of the church now what sir it is replacing that worldly spirit spirits of the world the spirit of the world money riches what a good other things that are respected in the church when I preach in a certain way I am seen as exuberant youthful and extremist extremist in a church and I read about Jesus when he said God so loved the world that He gave His only Son now whose of ability in should not perish but have everlasting life I'm an extremist you must be joking you are a backslidden check back sledding past and you are devoid of the Holy Ghost at this wire Church goes on without other phones but there is there is other call for money attack of 100,000 altar call for 2 million other for for those who are receiving a touch of God to plant a seed of 2 million tonight okay okay I'll add this applies to individual it applies to process it applies to churches if you have to Holy Spirit witness how the Holy Spirit do other cause you bring people to Christ get them saved now the oldest we do have to say I'll just convention is the best little church we just have conventions but how to who says the current Church has lost the Holy Spirit that's why we just have convention and people come to raise money give blessings lay hands on people take it what take it to take a tray is backsliding that has led to that we will lack the will be so aspect operate church we are not into bringing people to the Lord is the sign of the absence of the Holy Spirit that's lost it yes that is why advanced who have the audacity to invite me to come and speak in the man because they see us as money people and we are happy not to preach the gospel and what I was invited and I also a separated then when I went I would say Amen in and it was like I was out of place yeah now you receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you you shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem in Judea in Samaria and to the animals perservere a sign of the presence of the Holy Spirit on an individual or on the whole ministry is the presence of the ministry in Jerusalem in Judea in Samaria and the uttermost part of the earth I was lying down in a bed in a minute when the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said send missionaries to gather together to the towns in Ghana don't just tell them to Tanzania and Uganda and other places that canon the towns in Ghana the villages in Ghana today I went to Britain to whom this morning we had a large congregation just powerful numbers from nine cases and where or crossing other of the post sketches we have with the teeth of a crossing was also in the church and the Holy Spirit was there and a lot of people were saved also hallelujah for explore stop in Jerusalem so you are absent in Judea and your absence in Samaria whatever that I don't go to such places as the a watch out Dada you don't go to suspect a true ministry that is fully anointed with the Holy Spirit is in Judea is in Jerusalem it's in Samaria is that I didn't say we are reading it okay tell somebody I've received enough for the whole night alright let's go to the Holy Spirit in Acts chapter 2 now and what the day of Pentecost car had come they were all together and there came a sound from having a voice like a violent rushing wind it filled the whole house where they were sitting and there appeared unto them tongues as of fire distributed among themselves and they rested each one of them and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance Shah Baba Rama Sandara one of the signs of the presence of the Holy Spirit are dr. aboul is speaking in tongues inaudible is beginning so when you see some Amish on another car Baba found a lot of our usual depressions on the holy streets with a person and one of the size of the absence of the ha ha ha ha ha ha ha sign that the facility they are the presence of the Holy Spirit it's a sign yes so we want to see the brothers who are still with a spirit that's a mother [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hahaha that's somebody who is still with the Holy Ghost I think that somebody who is filled with the Holy Ghost yes those of you who stopped speaking in time I mean we with ticking time to the pressure when you are sleeping you are so premature you think you are now above beginning time you are hired and beginning that you are more mature at beginning sir you are more established and spirit on your face like a monkey you have got little mondo lalalala Yamaha Yo no lo no micaiah oMAFRA Macola Munira measurable sa man de Lobo holiday [Applause] with speaking terms with punctuation Puscifer coma and s charisma in Manitoba an Tamela la cañada affirmation Mack we have long-distance beginning with yah [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] ha ha ha ha ha bah bah bah bah ah you are passing your coffee it comes along [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] you are a your clothes in the Louisville in Louisville in Louisville allow the presence under discussion is coming the pressure for the Holy Spirit all over the patent oh you drive people who are being devoid of the spirit you thought you are not sure but you don't know that you are but Glidden eight Ultima nakatsu so some very telling when you have spiritual friends and you are in a 10 car you speak in some to each other is that three cameras on Ellis nyah-ah-ah finger feel a lotta drama Pecunia then you give an interpretation [Applause] instead Corinthians in fact ERISA is because the people these days are all filled with the spirit they are not kill so when you study you look at stream a manejando the hanukkah minami process when you come together every one of you have the talent of an interpretation so when we come together we are about to have a chance and interpretation has found something to say not news about what is in Chronicle so when I meet us a chanela mustafa-bhai era let her be the name of the law emotional condylomata Minari for he loveth his servants who call upon him asiya of allah who put a London alia oh he says wonderful God who deserve to be settled soon ah-ha-ha you miss friends and every one of you has a tongue - interpretation but a sound doctrine that's also supposed to have and also for our TV three news they're supposed to have a ton a ton a ton an interpretation therefore what we are supposed to have when you come sit and when you come together every one of you have a sound has a turn in position even when you're committing love Lena this is fixed with you speaker long handle over by other when you are giving better than you are in pain and I think sapphire sapphire out loud [Applause] when the dentist when the dentist is pulling out your tooth you must stop him Oh Maya Thank You Ashley what are you say what is Illumina Berea I'm saying glory be to God what believe at me from all evil [Applause] [Music] when they bless you with initiative among some lowly murasa hey what are you saying are you catching me - no no Kathy blessing enough the givers amano-san Ganga they give you a lot of ammo most humble revocable because you are full of the Holy Ghost the publican and they were all filled with us and they began they began to speak with her you see they in your Diner who are devoid of the spirit having not the spirit cinema and when this sound occurred the crowd came together and we're bewildered they are being because each one of them were hearing them speak in its own language there are times of spoken in tongues people have told me this is this language this is Norwegian this is from Congo and people who know languages they have head yes because if you keep speaking in tongues you don't speak much in tongues because you don't speak much your tongues are not developed when a prayerful person speaks in tongues you'll realize me I know that when I hear people speaking in I can hear whether the vest is prayerful if you speak instance I know whether your prayer is because the mother is out of your belly shall flow rivers but when a river begins is very small recently I was in Uganda and the pointer to a lady said this is where the river now begins in Uganda a small string this is the beginning of the River Nile but at the end of the River Nile if you will be afraid to be at the place where the revived meeting with the sea you shouldn't be in that area but what can happen to you as the turbulence the fresh water and the sea water mix and the currents you better not be found in that area and the Raven will be watering the land giving water fertilizing because it reminds developed but many of us will receive the Holy Spirit the river doesn't flow you see one day I met about as a why don't you speak it I said I use times for moments of ecstasy this was is that when I get a moment of ecstasy that I saw you miss a lot I sighs you know I praise not my god of the drama - remember that ah yes Oh God thank you for your power thank you for your grace thank you for the another edition of ah look this donor heart we used town it's a river national mama Otto Papa say Barry as some of you is worried she went that song like ma ma ma ba ba ba sa stammering trunk when a samurai's say mama mama mummy ordered that that offer for Papa forget [Applause] it's a stammering time is there with a stammering time will I speak to these people you're shy that can't be still do an mañana hey remove from belem watchdogs just watch people's mouths from today when you go just watch their mom is there anyone here filled with the Spiritist watch them proofing even as I'm as I'm pushing your mouth should I be moving it's like the whole East River full of L so as you are receiving the [Applause] inanimate another mama when I was having arrived am i used to free I was three other ways I mean in anything you must know how to speak without on Ariana padded okay you must know how to do it you are not filled with the spirit now filled with me acting talking it's true look this has said something he said in false prophets who come in sheep's clothing and so at the end you shall know them by their fruits because those who say they are sheep they all look like sheep wolves in sheep clothing they all look like she was one eat blood one eat grass you are wearing sheep's clothing and you are moving you eat blood and meat and I eat class meanwhile we are supposed to be sheep we are not the thing so when you see that gesture there are differences some have failed some are not even born again come on anointed anonymous and Arabica Adama Romo namana Petrocelli so trade elevator all through my life I've been looking for people who are spiritual who don't just pretend to be straight when they see you well really spiritual unlike God like spiritual things like to pray like to thank God after speaking tongue Mama's to get off tele bara dosa photo llama Monica was the regime of your tongue how can you develop when you hear somebody who you can see this my dad in three sizes [Laughter] forgive Wow you know you have enough science of the present have enough may God anoint you the Holy Ghost and I think it's enough for the day but let's just read verse 14 he says and Peter sticking his hand with eleven raised his voice and declare to the men of Judea and all of you who live in Jerusalem let this be known for this men are not drunk as you suppose it is only the third hour of the day if you are filled with the Holy Spirit you look strange a drunk present looks a bit strange those of you have been drunk before it was it was a message from God God allowed you to be drunk so that you know that meaning of the infield with a spend more than anybody else I have not been drunk before so so so so I can only theorize but what I can imagine is that things don't look the same you look this it is different when you are filled with the spirit and you see me you didn't see me the way others see me you see you see differently see everything get a catch different you see me differently sweet anointing differently because we are God we are filled with the spirit there are people that I show the Spree when they step in each other exchanging you hear that do you hear since effect you have pain and you can do for me but uncle is it's like you hear things differently you hear music defending that is when you are filled with the speed you can stand on the little music many of the musicians are not filled with the spirit that's why they hear secular music and Christian music as one and the same thing they are not filled with the spirit and when they hear an unknown set singers well-pleased singers with the spirit of the world is the same to them all Christian music is the same it's not the same it's like preaching is not the same as preaching that will get you saved and there's preaching that will never change your life when you are anointed you are trying you hear see this as you walk different you just live defect cause y'all silver the spirit Wow and you shall be in the last days that I will pour forth of my spirit and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy may you be among the prophets that prophesy stunts your feet everybody if God gives us grace we shall continue with the Holy Spirit only one the Holy Spirit begins to speak in tongues right now control emotions elevator phalerum el estilo lo Rome and Le Meridien a machine 11 era or lambda Ellen Eric you know Roma London and Adela and Escudo de Marchand Oliveira Santelli we don't go rocket a little individually than you when dalinda dalinda dalinda legendary diminutive faraman and a ladder on Amanda Amanda Amanda Amanda on Amanda Erin Amanda ramananda raya ramananda raya ramananda raya ramananda raya ramananda raya ramananda raya ramananda raya ramananda raya ramananda laura most delicious Deborah Deborah Deborah de parallel mmog Marie Barone le semarang Freddy LeBaron Aman be rearing pond and anyone so about it it is elevated 11 several robberies Parrinello me sunbrella nice shimmery linen with a little bit redder Lebanon number than any relevant is subreddit Deborah DD merrily ready long ready bola de da de da da da la da da de de da darada darada dat a loop so buddy today ready to get a cigarette alleluia alleluia it's not easy to know when the Holy Spirit has come but I'll tell you something if when the Holy Spirit comes on people this is what they do then do that thing this all I'm trying to say it's not easy to access only resource I also speak is unknown remember that people who have the Holy Spirit these are the things they do so try to be doing those things alone and you are going to find that is set of babies check and listen to some have fallen asleep amanda de la mama because you are filled a mama and ababa play phones games you know what a songs game you know what i games of thrones who can speak in tongues longer who can speak in tongues for three hours I try to speak in tongues for seven hours speaking tongues for one hour speaking tongues every day speak in tongues when you are driving everything that can be done with tongues try to combine those when you speak in tongues that your mind is not working now this is why when you speak into your mind is unfruitful try everything that can be tried with talk mama mamas cleaning solvent is preaching ladies often this tips our play when it's okay because that's what's when the Holy Spirit is on people this what happened look the things I'm going to tell you there are so many that you'll never get one thing say that when you see the foolish fishes they're wanting is not a formula and it is not only chance it's many things let your hand receive the Holy Spirit mando sombrero heresy fro katas ashildr in Asia oh god oh god oh god oh god thank you Jesus for your love now long the sambar the Lemi K parameter sabe when they need some Manali tell a very least some oh come on delete oh look wanna delete you let the residue barakatuh Bustamante the name thank you Lord for your grace lesson over our life we love you we honor how many of you put on your hand how many of you are not filled with the spirit you don't know not yet speaking in tongues raise up your hand let me see you have not been baptized with the screen oh you're speaking terms all of you are just one or two people here anybody else all right after church pastor cool and passive even raise your hand come straight there let's go to pray five born again you're not sure about that you're not sure whether you are born again okay right is there anybody here you are not born again when I say born again I'm not sure what it means also raise your hand let me see it's very important one anybody else okay come let me play with you to be born again [Applause] our pleasure lift up your hand and say this prayer to God from your heart say Lord Jesus please forgive me for my sins from today I gave my heart I gave my life I give my everything to Jesus Christ please cleanse me in the blood of Jesus from today I belong to God I belong to Jesus I will serve God now serve Jesus Heavenly Father please write my name in the book of life thank you Lord for your blessing thank you Lord for saving me in Jesus name Amen god bless you god bless you I want you to go with our pastor yes he's going to pray for you right father thank you for this wonderful it lay hands on your head right now father we want to be filled with the spirit we want to be witnesses one of the witnesses anoint us touch us and fill us in Jesus name Amen god bless you you may be seated [Applause]
Channel: Dag Heward-Mills Evangelist
Views: 4,893
Rating: 4.9636364 out of 5
Keywords: 2006, Dag Heward-Mills, Lighthouse, Lighthouse Chapel International, LCI, Korle gonno, Bishop Dag, Dag, Dag Heward, Dag Heward Mills, Christian, Teaching, Anointing, Preaching, Work of Ministry, The Impartation Services
Id: ojK4UciU6Do
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 14sec (2474 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2017
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