The Power of Prayer - Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams on TBN with Bishop John Francis

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it is proper to remain where you are you know some people write books and prayer but some people know about prayer because prayer is more than writing a book is a lifestyle listen to me he is the archbishop overseer Christian in action Faith Ministries Jenna put chants together from Ghana Archbishop Duncan Nicholas Duncan Williams a man of God I'm so honored to have you again tonight I praise God for your life and what God is doing in your life and how he is using you let me just stop is there some people's t tuning in tonight probably don't know you tell them just a quick synopsis about who Bishop Duncan William is Bishop Duncan Williams is from Ghana West Africa I've been ministering for 30 years Wow across the nations of the world and one of my greatest passion is to take player to the body of Christ the nations of our world and to tell the body of Christ that prayer is a place of divine advantage over your adversary when you get to the place of prayer you can survive anything yes you can handle anything prayer gives you advantage over the accuser prayer connects you to have them it allows you to go past your flesh yes so it allows you it allows you to go pass intellect argument and reasoning and to shut down the flesh and to invoke the supernatural powers of heaven to come on their own situation so I've seen so many miracles and things change and happiness survive hell and high water approved a lot of people wrong and their predictions and prophecies wrong when they said I wasn't gonna make it I bow my knees and I believe that he who bears his knees before I'm standing and prays anything you have you have a powerful mantle on you for prayer also I known you've prophesied things to governmental people people in power you've declared who was going to be in power you you and and there's such a great insight on your life a little bit about that especially when you you you prophesied in Africa but the prophetic the prophetic is it's very powerful yes I am one of those who believe that without the prophetic the church is in big trouble yes because all the kings of the Bible rule with prophets by the sign yes the Apostle Paul had a prophet always with him the prophetic gives you advanced knowledge it gives you divine intelligence the other day Jesus said to his disciples he was in prayer and he perceived he lasered assignment that there were people confusing his disciples speaking lies into them about who he truly was and there will always be whisperings going on behind the scenes about who we truly are and there were whisperings going on by people in town about who Jesus truly was and Jesus said to his disciples what are they telling you what are you hearing about me who do they say that I am they trying to confuse you Angie they said yeah they're doing that some say we are you a John the Baptist and others say you are Elijah who Jeremiah one of the old prophet Jesus a rocket that is public perception of Who I am you can't define me by what people are saying you gotta you gotta go past you got to go past natural intelligence yes you need divine intelligence here so jesus said you are being with me you see me raised the dead walk on the sea therefore miracles what is your personal perception of who are you so I will said and everyone was quiet and suddenly Peter into divine intelligence he switched from the natural to the supernatural yes and he brought into the mind of God and downloaded divine intelligence from heaven to earth and said you know what I know who you are and Jesus kept quiet and said tell me he said thou art the Christ the Son of the Living God Jesus Athena la didn't reveal it he'll reveal this so he said Peter you are blessed because anytime you hear from God it gives you advantage over the natural man yes so you say God bless bless down because we have from God that then something tremendously happened jesus said flesh and blood has not revealed this unto you it means that you do walk with God but as long as you walk with God in the flesh in the flesh there are things you would never know about yourself and about others yes yes what what's this what's this man of God yet if I was sure dad and Jacob was all alone he's family and everybody has gone ahead of him and at that time when he was all alone by himself a man wrestled him yes and God I've been waiting for this opportunity for a long time and I want to tell somebody right now you feel all alone if you feel forsaken rejected lonely like nobody's with you let me tell you something loneliness is not the absence of people it is the absence of direction it's not the absence of people yeah is the absence of direction Wow and sometimes God cuts everything back cuts people and we see a lot of Allah because he wants our undivided attention by the breath of the morning the angel was about to change shift for another angel to come so he said I got to go and Jacob said no way you you ain't going nowhere till you bless me now Jacob was blessed at this time he had come with two persons yes he realized that there was not that dimension in the blessing of God that he haven't opted into and he said you gotta give me that in which I don't have and the angel said we don't just confer blessings on anybody we need you identity give me your social security number Hawaii what is your name and he said my name is Jacob and he said okay let me check it out so he pop into the computer with this is our security number and what here is not Jacob in the computer of heaven we don't have any records about Jacob the record in heaven is Israel so Jacob was an imposition your true name is Israel and that was where the nation of Israel came out of now Jacob had to wrestle with an angel to reveal his true identity Jacob would have died and gone to the grave with the name Jacob and he would have never known that his true identity was Israel so revelation is a result of wrestling with Europe Oh God I want you to go back there I wonder you know what revelation comes when you wrestle with God brings to the process of wrestling with God wrestling with God is when you allow God gots to break you you see at the breaking point yes he had to break his flesh they had to break some attitude he gotta break some habits God had to break in at the place of strength to take him out of the Bible said it is not the might not by power that is by my spirit so revelation is when it goes past your reason your argument your human intelligence where human comprehension and reasoning cannot apprehend it it goes it's something that beats your intelligence it brings you to a point of total and absolute surrender and submission to a higher inside and to a higher knowledge and to higher intelligence and when Jacob into that revelation he came back leaping and sometimes God have to cause an imbalance in the natural so that we don't depend on the natural but on the supernatural because as long as we are all right in the natural as long as we depend on the natural and everything is OK in the natural we and not to depend on God yes so God have to cause an imbalance and instability at this point for in the natural so you don't lean on the natural anymore yes are you lean on the everlasting arms my god of Elohim and and and and and Jesus said one thing bishop he said unto you to none of the Apostles was the keys given but Peter yes he said Peter because you just access divine intelligence you just entered you just went up to the throne room of God and because of these access you have to God yes I'm giving you the keys yes or the kingdom of heaven now there are twelve gates in heaven this is giving you keys that you can access any gate you can enter any Wayne having about watch this he said and because of the keys whatsoever you so ever on earth shall be bound in heaven whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven now piece of that is dealing with prophetic and governmental intercession what it means is just don't think things but this is what it means it means that because you've heard from God from the Father you then have access to know the decision of the Parliament of heaven concerning events circumstances churches on the earth and you would then declare what is already declared in heaven on the earth and it shall be so so you don't go around just binding and loosing things so when I hear from heaven and I hear from heaven revelation and yes so by those keys it gives me access to heaven and it allows me to hear what the fact I seen and when I hear what the father is saying and I declare I declared recently in one African country about the man and how this is I was flying with him British Airways he sat next to me and I walked up he was a minister of state and I said you'll be the next president of the country and I said there would be a lot of wrestling and warfare but God said at the end you shall prevail three weeks ago he came to a church in Africa attended any to all the people over 10,000 people he said the admission told me two and a half years ago that I would be President but it to be war and he said it was wrong but I want and the only reason why I could do that was because I got attitude I prayed good one fly at those higher altitude because I'm away from everything and I'm above every man don't don't like me here I'm above your head I'm out there I can easily top but the key here is our ability to hear from God and to hear from heaven is where the key is the Bible says have down on the stood or known the ordinances of heaven in the book of Job that down may set the order or the rule on earth and it talks about the sweet influences of a prose or ion zodiacs and he talks about Massa wrote the key here which people don't understand he said have that commanded the morning sings die day and people don't get it what it means is if you understand the ordinances of what heaven has declared concerning issues and events on the act yes then you can have rules on the act yes so prayer is not prayer on to you here what have any say about the situation see because when you hear about the situation Bishop you can handle anything because what heaven says is the outcome of the situation yes I was dealing with a child recently in Orlando Christmastime I was in Orlando and I was called to a situation of a child dying of leukemia cancer and Atlanta hospital the Leukemia has taken 80% of her body she was in coma she was on life support machine right the father and the mother said to me they took me aside and said that doctor said there is nothing we can do we need your cancer to give them permission to remove the life support I said no it is not in your power to do that isn't is in God's hands so they said what do we does it don't do that don't remove the life support less free and reverse this situation right now yeah we went into prayer and we prayed and we send some other people to go us a reinforcement do you know that the child came out of the coma the rent of the life support see that the leukemia and everything reduce the child is walking start right now nice I'm talking to you you know what the key was here was the key I didn't just say the Bible said I listened to the man inside the spirit yes and the spirit said to me tell them not to remove the life support and they looked at me some way because in the natural there was no hope yes but the Spirit gave me inside divine intelligence and I said don't remove the life support let us pray so the outcome was that if we don't remove the life support and we follow the spirit yes the outcome is that the child was going to make it that doctor say they can explain it they don't understand how it is to help him that is what happened when we hear from God and that's why I wrote this book praying through the promises of God yeah I want to talk about that that's an incredible book because some people don't know that when we pray we got to pray based upon what God has spoken over our life now you clearly said download talk a little bit about that because I think people just praying with our understanding you see in the beginning the Bible said it was out of shape and the spirit moved yes and then God spoke Jesus for thirty years on the earth he said my time has not yet come until the Spirit came we need a balance we need them we need a marriage between the wedding the spirit now what is happiness everybody's just running with the written word but we got to come to a place where we allow the spirit to guide us into the world because without the Spirit we don't even know what to say we don't even know what word to use Jesus when the Spirit came here and Jesus was tempted it was the spirit that led him to the Scriptures yeah and he said it is written it is written it is written that was an utterance from the spirit and that's why Jesus said carry till you receive the spirit and then he said when the Spirit comes he will reveal things to come so without the Holy Ghost we cannot apply the word effectively yes now watch this when the word of God comes prophecy is God's original intent or is advanced knowledge so this is what happened the devil don't know the plan of God for our lives on to this professor yes as soon as the prophecy comes the devil inside it'll be fine intelligent he would throw everything at you to stop you because he now knows in conscience that's why there was a decree in Egypt to kill the male seed of all the Hebrew children because of the promise of the deliverer that's why Herod give a command to annihilate all children at the age of two because of the prophecy of Jesus yes so whenever prophecy comes we need to contend for that prophecy so so so that's why when somebody process of the prophecies of your life all hell breaks not cause it's dangerous because prophecy now revealed yes if Stalin is telling you one of the one of the reason my prophecies also comes is because god knows what is going to what what is ahead of you yes so when prophecy comes God is assuring you the reason why Jesus was sleeping in the midst of the storm was because he had advance knowledge he knew the outcome that are the other side they were going to be deliverance and things were going to happen so when the Sun came he slept because he had advanced knowledge others panic because they didn't have advanced knowledge so prophecy what it does is to give you advanced knowledge to tell you the outcome of your circumstances that it doesn't matter how much hell breaks loose that what God has said if you hold on to it yes if you because now satan has inside information yes about where you going yes and so he would do everything to stop that prophecy from coming in to pass now it's not because God lied but it's because you were not a student of prophecy prophecy is not something you joke with when the prophecy comes you gotta pray like never before you got a fast like never before and you gotta be careful who you tell your prophecy what's archives gone but listen I remember the Bible saying when I think it was Paul speaking to Timothy he's my son Timothy he said I know your background I know your parents I know and he says wage a war discharge I give unto you the Guru the prophets could use we just come before speak in the camera mats at times don't talk to someone out there ministered to them let me say this to you he cannot lie my every word God has spoken about you he said before you were a clutter bloody your mother's womb I knew you and he said I called you an hour then you in Mama's room to become a prophet so the weather the lock on sending you is sure but you understand this you got to contend for that prophecy the battle over your life is not about Universal is the battle about your kids it's not about them it's about the prophetic word is about God's original intent for their lives and what do becoming what you are going to become and you got to put up a fight in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus don't give up on your prophecy if you give up on your prophecy and you don't fight for your prophecy you have nothing to live for because that prophecy is the reason for which you were born and is the reason for your being yes I dare you in the name of Jesus Christ listen you need to go out and get his book praying through the promises of God I I can guarantee it's awesome and he's got a CD out there winter prayer watch you need to get it Bishop I want you to do something else I know we run out of time you're a man of Prayer and I want you to pray pray to the nations of the wings of the churches in the name of Jesus we ask for the wind of God and the Reviver of God like never before and now Lord we call for the release and reserve an ITEX for the end time commissions in Jesus name somebody crazy you lori garver tonight tonight that there's a way you know Captain Jones is coming but I just feel I just feel I just feel there needs to be a release of a phrase or something listen listen to me understand while she praising him religious on this phrase is not just going to reach here but it's about to reach the nations of the world acidity you're about to set people free Jesus issues people about to be delivered next your holiday mr. ho today mr. holiday mr. Holden that's the holiday bless the Holy Name bless your Holy Name bless His Holy Name right the way you are there is the miracle taking place Kansa we destroy there's healing right now blood pressure we command you to come down that is watch him get out of your pants right healing is just it's you those writers has just been destroyed because we feel the annoying Cory Cory Cory I go I've got a move on the word of the Lord is true trouble cushioned the word of the Lord is true she would bishop Archbishop rate and if you believe God right now and if you received a miracle please let me take there's something about testifying get on the phone now yes let the testimony be heard because that power witchcraft just got destroyed uh name of Jesus generational curses just uh broke the name of Jesus right now hallelujah your miracle has happened right now somebody clap your hands and give God praise where the cans and Jones is coming back first of all God Bless You bishop thank you very much thanks for having stay anointed humming stay in that level of prayer I promise the body of Christ needs you
Channel: Dominion Television
Views: 39,627
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Keywords: impact conference, impact convention, impact convention 2017, bishop john francis, bishop john francis songs, bishop john francis ministries, bishop john francis church, inspirational sermons, church service, sunday service videos, strength in prayer, bible prayer service, bible prayer video, inspiring sermons, prayer today, inspiring sunday sermons, dominion television, christian transformation, purpose of life, christian habits
Id: k6U1ve2lxyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 5sec (1505 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 02 2020
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