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the next thing I want us to talk about we are having a prayer seminar everything by prayer everything by prayer now the next one is prayers for the will of God to be done Matthew 26 Matthew 26 Matthew 26 verse 37 and he took with him Peter and the two sons of Zebedee and began to be sorrowful and very heavy then saith he unto them my soul is exceeding sorrowful even unto death tarry here and watch with me and he went a little further and fell on his face and prayed saying father o my father if it be possible let this cup pass from me nevertheless not as I will but as thou wilt and he cometh unto the disciples and findeth them asleep and safe and a Peter what could you not watch with me for one hour all right watch and pray that you enter not into temptation the spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is weak and he went away again the second time and prayed saying O my father if this cup may not pass away from me except I drink it thy will be done and he came and found them asleep again for their eyes were heavy and he left them and went away again and prayed the third time saying the same words hallelujah saying what the same words okay so now here you can see Jesus is praying the same words the same words three times and each time he came back after one hour and he found them praying and he prayed the same word alright verse 45 then he cometh he to his disciples and said unto them sleep on now take your rest behold the hour is at hand the Son of Man is betrayed into the hands of sinners rise and let us be going be holy our hand that doth betray me all right now Jesus was in the Garden of Gethsemane praying one of the most important prayers of his life now I see if Jesus Christ will do this how much more us oh you don't get what I'm saying what I'm saying is that if Jesus Christ prays this prayer do you see because that's why we are having the our prayer seminar is based on Jesus the prayers that Jesus Christ prayed and the first one was to ask he told us to prefer the holy spirit now he's not praying for the Holy Spirit but he's praying for the will of God so if you see in verse 43 yes okay I like this one 42 he went away again the second time and prayed saying O my father if this cup may not pass away from me except I drink it thy will be done so and then he prayed again second time and prayed same prayer and so you have to me you may have to pray a second time on the same topic and he played and went away again and then he prayed the third time saying the same words now if you watch the passion you find that you understand why Jesus prayed like this because all until the very end everybody was hesitant to kill Jesus they could they knew that they were doing the wrong thing so even though they were doing the wrong thing even though the same paint on doing the wrong thing people were hesitant people were careful Pontius Pilate was stopped by his wife by his conscience he suggested Barabbas then he suggested Herod then he suggested flogging do you see hello okay so he suggested all these different things do you see in an effort to escape having to let Jesus die and he told them what has he done then he spoke to Jesus also says something and this assume you have no power he was more terrified he was shocked I mean you will be scared then his wife comes in you know now the this prayer teaches us if Jesus Christ who came from heaven who knows what is in heaven and I've discussed with the father and the Holy Ghost before he came that he come fast Holy Ghost said I'll join you at a point and the Holy Ghost came and I discussed with the father the whole plan and they executed it and completely deceived Satan yes completely deceive Satan and used him you know to happen if the will of God will be done by all means why would you have to pray why do you have to pray about so God's will will be done don't worry God's will be done Oh God will take care God's will it's not true he's got the whole world it's not true he's not God all over if he had the whole world in his hand why is the world the way it is why is there everything upside down everything is not as it could be and as it should be there is enough money to solve all the problems in the world and yet the problems are increasing more Wars more confusion more bad of everything if he's got the whole world reason no the bible says the god of this world 2nd Corinthians chapter 4 the god of this world has blinded the minds of them that believe not now what we are not so concerned about is what those who who he is blinded but the fact that there is a god of this world so that god of this world is controlling this world that's why evil real that's right the things that are happening are happening things are going is that you wonder each party comes each group comes you wonder sir I mean you were you were in opposition recently as you've gone and shifted you do not remember just a few months ago so that you do the right thing is if there's something else ruling and not only here but all over the world in all nations you can see the evil is increasing so it is important for you to pray and the only reason I'm saying that is important for you to pay is because Jesus Christ prayed yes so now your prayers I don't know which one is more important to pray for the Holy Spirit or to pray for the will of God to be done what do you think somebody was asking me give me one hour here or whatever I said when I finish that you decide to say Patrick develop God will not be done in your life unless you pray about it or the will of God will not be done in your life unless you pray so we really need to pray and and and the will of God is mysterious that's that's one of the main things about the will of God is that it is just mysterious Bible speaks about the mystery of his will and he fishes the mystery of the will of God the mystery of the will the mystery and I think this verse officiants 1:9 the mystery of his will is probably the reason why prayer is needed because the will of God is mysterious what God wants for you is actually shrouded in mystery it's not clear at all there is nothing I'm doing in my life that I've planned to do there's nothing I'm doing that I planned is he like now some of you have Plaza I'm going to be a missionary I'm going to go here go to work for God I go look there's nothing like that in my plants that has worked out yeah if there was I wish it would be so nice so that I can see I would sound more powerful if I said such things you know God spoke to me and God said to me my son my son you Shaco my son I send you to the nation's to be a light I wish it was but for pray that the will of God should be done it's a prayer that I've been praying so I see the outworking of his will I see the outworking of his will yet that's why you know if you ask me something I give you my best and I trust God anything you ask me I just answer if you ask me what should we do I just answer because what I have learnt is once I've committed into God's hand let thy will be that whatever happens I flow with it but if you haven't prayed that prayer and you start flowing oh magnifier you see fire you see fire yeah but once you've committed yourself into God's and then you flow the punches pilot comes his wife come like Jesus would have two punches white punches pilots hey leave that let them crucify me no he would have filled up in stopping teens trying to get it look like that crucifixion come on don't worry about taking panade oh I'll be okay you know I mean he would have been intervening in this whole process do you see but once you've prayed that the will of God should be done so now they said okay now the chain of my palaces you crystal is sending me to Herod Herod okay go there changes the whole thing then Gerardo says I mean I don't know go back because he didn't also speak when he to came to Herod so won't you say anything won't you say anything nothing no comment I know the one who killed John the Baptist I will not say anyway so in the will of God is for you to be very rich it's not likely to happen except you pray yeah true like God's will for used to be very rich very rich so prosperous that whichever phone you want to use you can have it [Applause] I mean that's the level of prosperity I'm seeing whichever phone I want I can have it that's the level I mean what about the type of phone if I need it I can have it many of you are not at that level [Applause] you are still at the killer Willie level you can struggle to buy a phone for the next 40 years you think that when I grow bigger and I prosper I will be able to buy phones watch and see life it's a level before we talk about class before we talk about houses before we talk about other things let's just talk about phones phone level of prosperity if it's the will of God and you don't pray for just pilots wife will change it yes any punches pilot what doesn't change Herod will change it and if I wrote you I if hero doesn't change it Barrabas will change it bah bah bah bah bah ha can you put Barabbas of course we have to release Barabbas if you put Paribas here with Jesus Christ you think we are children of course we have to release him ok you just release Barabbas you in this case will continue later that repeats no crucifixion no cross yeah after the beating they took him for beating fast because in Singapore if you do certain things you are beaten today is the law if you throw your rubbish out and so on they last you five lashes ten lashes different lashes thank God that you are not in Singapore right by now you'd have been lashed yeah you go to a public toilet you don't flush it now can you the Kenyan many many offenses with caning whipping he wept so they whipped Jesus as an alternative to the cross and that was going to be blood he hadn't done anything wrong then the people played a card with all politicians fall for I said those who are really strong Christians and they are few they say you are no Caesars friend your political master what you are doing is not politically correct to not help the party this is our party so I am part of the party politicians we had God is the party not God yeah yeah you see them so there are so many options so instead of being able to be prosperous to the point where you can choose the phone see that now you have not reached there it's not happening I will of God is not happening because you've never linked prosperity with prayer instead of your ministry becoming what it should be you never have it instead of you marrying the right kind of person for your life it never happens because it's not something that you pray about I can remember years times of prayer and one topic thy will be done thy will be done thy will be done ours so if you want to enjoy a life with new things every day from God lend this prayer and this is a prayer this is the only prayer in the Bible with the time and the repetition clearly laid out like this three hours repeated the same words the same width thy will be done there's no like okay now Lord so now this time we want to thank you for thank you it's just that will be done the same way there's no thank you there's no bind that therefore does not is only thy will be done and you must lend prayer for the will of God the mysterious will of God you have to pray on it and when you do that whatever happens it stabilizes you in in marriage because in marriage you see things you never you didn't think you would think you'll be sitting on one who say one day I met a group of pastors I said how many of you have thought to yourself that you married the wrong person all of the oh yes like if I saw care to them that they married the wrong person so it may occur to you but because of the prayers even the batteries you see that the buttons God has sent this thing for me yes God is protesting for me it's something I have to experience see that she doesn't cook say it is the will of [Applause] this is why our fathers never divorced because they believed in God didn't divorce when you have this that you cannot do no divorce no but what it's God's will how about this that's that's what God has given me so it's like this is like this I can take you can take it is this the will of God you can take it you can take it now if you have them pray just so she gave fire no fire so what do you think what do you think what do you find of us all fine okay then we are going and you just go raw like that when the first trial comes then you start to say I look it looks like I got the wrong one you are looking at the size of the thighs [Applause] instead of calling on the will of God we are looking at the size of the ties the size of the photos [Applause] instead of looking for the will of God [Applause] [Music] one day I saw a certain lady yes now excuse me for this person I'm just trying to help you to understand what I'm kissing now when you put her by her husband her husband looks like an antelope and she looks like a hippo now listen carefully but if you if you hadn't if you only knew them like I also didn't know like this of how I knew them as long as I've known them the husband is an antelope the white piece of it after all the years I've known as does but one day somebody showed me a photo album and I saw that the wife who was a hippo was originally an antelope originally an antelope but only that you you may not know how she turn into a hippo so if that is what you are looking at we are going to make all the mistakes of your life so a good job is not seen just by a good job it's not seen just by oh there's a salary can you believe that is what they are going to pay me no no no what look good about the will of God for Jesus what which aspect you think look good cross beaten frogging this that I mean let's be serious which aspect is the nice part in this whole thing yes nothing there was nothing that could look nice but Jesus had to pray father less I will be done thy will be done so before I propose to my beloved before I prayed for one year thy will be done one year thy will be done yes those of your brie hundred hours for one year [Applause] huh wait for one year that will be done have you got somebody's war yeah she's from my tribe she's from my country she's this he's done this this dis dis dis da da da da whatever she's did this she's from United denominations she's a shepherd she's flowing in chats Hey and before you realize something else is happening so what I'm asking you is you need to pray learn how to lie down calmly thy will be done in Jesus name bye-bye aha the next time you stop praying you check that time one hour yes trust me life is very complex oh so all my plans have been thrown into the dustbin oh my glands my life's plan have no plans if just what are your plans would have nothing I just want his will to be the I don't have any plan so so what are you planning to do so what was the plan for the plan there's no plan what plan do you have we are living when he calls us we go so it's only Israel I don't see pressed I don't see any reason to be here except to do his will I don't have any I've married after children tease I've been to school this I don't have a house I have a car I have a phone I can buy Killi really I've achieved oh my gos look I don't know why I'm here the only reason I'm here is to do the will of God and I don't want to do my will I don't like my will because I don't think my will is a good will I don't think my will is a good will I want to do his word his will would be far nicer because so far walking into his will has been amazing never knew this man po no no this is not originally where we were actually originally down the hill somewhere and another place yeah and there was a river that came to cross our Road where the trucks were bringing the materials so we couldn't come there anymore we almost had a homecoming service up there what we built up there and I don't to mention it : on the radio on the phone on the microphone it's a type of phone yeah but the water came and crossed our path now when the water crossed us we couldn't continue we struggle and struggle a good advisor hey why don't we come here we are already here we have some small we continue God spoke to God showed me on the map this my son Gautama is no true look it is praying for the will of God and then we are just gluing punches Milo says those punches wife says this Bharata says this this one says this this one and you keep moving that's why when I admit step on people I'm not afraid I've learned to trust in God I know that if God will is to be done and somebody is very hard in the will of God any split prevents that person will die I'm sure of that the pestle will die but if it's so that's the basis don't be stubborn the best is be used by a god to make his will happen often so those people live well God is using them yeah you know who's the John who's one of their reformists yeah he was preaching yet about ten thousand people it was as a pasta a catholic pasta and the Archbishop of Prague was cause I'm Nick he was I mean opposed to him you know and he he was originally his friend then he changed over and then started to join the people to try to catch who's and to finish him one day he just died yes they say he was poisoned bang that was the end of him yes is it that time of his dying was to come back a little bit more time he was supposed to be there for a bit more time when you go too much it was too much trying to end this ministry it was just it was a sudden change of everything just died so you live that the will of God it's not something you can change especially for someone was committed it with God as God says I will do my will my will will be done you you you you have to watch those things yeah rarely have I seen a stop on thing resistant is not being used by God to do something somewhere yeah so those of you who have not lengths to pray for the will of God now if you look at if it's just one nine you are beyond me that he calls his will a mystery now a mystery means that like I said the mystery of the missing bag the mystery of the disappearing cuts the mystery of the missing ship the miss is like how do you find out what is happening that mystery that great mystery that is happening you see it's like there's something to find out something not clear and my future is not clear it has no place just clear my future is not I'm open ten ten and look to the person standing by you say you could be my husband if it's a man fotage a woman that you a woman that's a woman oh man like the opposite [Applause] have you found the nearest opposite sex now hello are you there now look at the peasant closely that person could be your future husband a wife I tell you you'd be surprised tell somebody's mysterious Shh now one day I was at lagoon and I was walking through the Spanish Department now they have a little under bridge that he passed on the left when it go through the main entrance then he go on the left when I was passing that I saw a girl sitting on the stairs there and I didn't I didn't know him so when I practiced she said oh so I looked at man I realized that it was somebody that I should have known but I didn't know yeah so when I came to when I came back to my room I knew that I could meet again and she you got the way she said hello it was like she knew me but I didn't know her so you know as a shepherd you must know their names so I asked my roommate Charlie cash wasn't him of the body then in measure that's my wife today so you may not know that you are sitting or standing by your future wife or husband [Applause] yeah look behind you he may be standing behind [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now are you listening to me please oh you don't want me to preach again then be quietly so that I can preach what I am saying please the will of God is hidden is shrouded in mystery its mysterious because sometimes what is good looks bad or what is good is actually bad which is going to become good yes actually a bad thing yeah many parts of the will of God are actually like bad what you would call a bad thing has happened yes like you would say like a bad thing has happened you know some years ago and lady this was in a town in in Ghana there was an accident and when the accident happened a man was driving with his wife and a friend all right the wife's friend also his friend so there was an accident right at the in front of the gate of a school right in front of the gate of a school so in the morning all the students came and saw the accident that happened the man's wife died and the man's wife's friend also died to the the women did I ever he didn't die so now after dying they were buried of course then he decided to marry a new wife and you what now any in my the new wife he had a number of children with a new wife now the first child that he gave birth to he the new wife gave birth to four pastors yes the new wife gave birth to four pastors now all those for pastors wouldn't have been given back to if the first wife and a friend and actually even the way they died what happened was that the one the friend was going to London so said oh I want to say bye-bye to whatever uncle or daddy or whatever his name was they used so let's just go and see him and then come back so it was going to see him and coming back was it good to London the next day that he had accident so the new wife who came in a couple of years later now gave birth to four pastors for pastors the first was my wife prophet Cochrane pasta dude pasta painting Houston all of their pastas [Applause] I'm not saying it's the will of God for the accident to happen but I'm saying that mysterious things are happening many times the mystery of his will has to happen Tech colleague oh no we you see opposite the church in Kali Ghana is a corn mill they grind corn I think they use it for banku and kinky and so yes we wanted to buy all those ones up to st. Mary's they said all that the update but is open never let the church expand yeah never never this mysterious you geez I been a nuisance it look that we look for is what is going to happen if you pray and you will learn to trust that prayer more than what you even ask for but if you don't learn to trust the will of God you always be praying for people to die because you keep on meeting stubborn people in your life people that oppose you people that fight you people that resist you people that oppose you people that spoil what you are doing by you will and some of you are pretty Lord let him propose to me [Applause] [Music] speak to him Lord not a mentioned brother Jack Andrews Chuck Andrews I commit him into your hand tonight vaya vaya vaya one hour Jack Andrews touch his heart and the scripture you are using is that the heart of the king is in the hand of the Lord tell it this way or that way and the heart is not also telling brother Jack Andrews his heart is not turning towards you land give me some happens to learn to trust in the will of God more than because you'll be surprised the brother who looks like a good option Olay is an x5 instead of an a 1 or B 4 is an x5 and you put all your bad things on this guy and it's an x5 one day I saw a brother in church you know when you see people in church you can have a certain picture of them at home like based on the way they are in church it's like the way flows in church this he'll be in the house but it depends it depends so I asked this brother is he on a1 no it's not anyone it's a one church but the house not a one in the house is s5 era as TUV wxy yes yes there are some husbands you married they will never lift even the little finger once you mother their understanding of marriage is lordship lordship and kingship majesty worship His Majesty the ass you've married them you are gay you have married and majesty thus they are understanding of marriage a majesty and it may be the best brother when he takes the microphone when he speaks when it does this when it does that when it does not and its mind may be that a woman is someone who must save save your way to end your ring but there are others you see them cool in the church they don't seem to be any ever but you marry them you hear only I love you every day they'll be caring for you they'll be doing things for you they'll say look here's my wallet go anytime you want take whatever you want be free be happy I want my wife to be happy in the house [Applause] meanwhile in church is not any like church is about p20 so you may see you miss and the same thing goes for the sisters the sister who is what in church you'll be surprised some young woman that's why she's that's why she's good for the church work but is an IO woman I all right she's made of iron rods [Applause] inflatable reinforced steel Wow so he swill for your life I don't know what is will ver and he's well for you Israel before you may be to suffer like your marriage is just to suffer to induce in you humility which makes you great in heaven humility makes you great when you are humble you are great so all your life might be humility why do you think Paul said that therefore I take pleasure in infirmities de-stresses necessities reproaches when I'm weak then I feel strong what are the necessities if you take the vest before past 9 he said my grace is sufficient for you my strength is made perfect in weakness most gladly therefore were like glory in my infirmities the power of Christ may rest upon me he glories he's happy about his infirmities what he lacks you see you will learn the will of God is like that hey look if Jesus was beaten it was easy for Jesus on a throne jesus regretted coming to the earth at a point to a life Charlie these people they're not worth dying for very ungrateful people come to preach to them raise their dead he'll just see hylia cripples open the blind eyes of so many people this how you baby understand he says and therefore I take pleasure when you start to understand the mystery you see look at Colossians 1:9 Colossians 1:9 before we come back to this one Colossians 1:9 it says for this cause we also since we have a day of it do not cease to prefer and desire that you might be filled with the knowledge of his will now at the point you start to know his will and when you know his will were surprised that you are even happy that is well as being done because will be not be what you think it would be there was a time that I thought of everybody Shivam actually matter but now I don't think so I think a lot of people are very okay with that marriage Oh all a bullet back to second Corinthians 12:10 so now you start to take pleasure in infirmities and firm infirmary in fam not fam weak finance are weak life is weak marriage is weak infant fam not fam not strong reproach like a disgrace at disgraceful you brave you've brought visitors to the house when they come this does a disgraced one tea squeeze after having disgrace after another because she brought people to the house when they come in this ce o-- reproach one man came to visit John Wesley they just open the door the wrong time and saw the wife holding his head thank God it was not a week he was holding the head and pulling John Wesley by the hair on the floor it was a small man told him on the floor just by surprise they entered she disgrace him threw out she could she could come went away eating the dining table dining hall with other pastors and start to say this man is in love with this woman sister was service this horse he's in love with don't waste the same love she in reproaches in necessities what you need why do I need this I need this I need this I need this a time will come when you will take place shot you'll be surprised because then you start to have Colossians 1:9 which is to know that no little fish knows that testing is the will of God for me please think God wants it for me God wants it for me you cry thank you Jesus thank you Jesus [Applause] persecutions and distress is like you're distressed for Christ's sake I take pleasure unless you believe that is God's will yeah you have to believe that it's God's will I know honestly you know one time I met a sister she went through a terrible crisis her marriage entered a duckface because the husband went into arrow and she was stuck to him so what he is doing she has to follow I remember I was in Amsterdam and I told I said look God loves you that is why this thing is happening she didn't understand what I was saying I say the power of God is that weak she struggled with a new anaconda for years and years and years and years but I could see God was working with her God was working to work out spiritual qualities yeah you just want to be happy then bring your paper and resign now look it's not about happiness or there's a lot of things coming following Christ yeah a lot of things can be following Christ anyway think so they sent me to a poor countries the poor s you and take the poker so I'm going to suffer I'm going to have this a good have this I'm good have it's like God so you have all that now here's what I have for you Oh like me yeah I thought I finished with cos with flying with prospect with everything everything I thought I was giving us giving me a hundred times yeah I thought this is this is over for me I knew this is the end of my life when I entered moonshine it was the end of my life the end of my life um you know a new life started almost instantly when I embraced his will that was it I kept up medicine these days dad that my father told me you are your owner you do what you just go to Oxford this what I know whatever yeah oh yeah I mean my father I stayed in his hotel I had nowhere to stay the church there's nowhere to stay three years I get better - Joseph was born in the hotel room 14 I was the boy in room 14 but we were in room 14 we're there for three years one room we have nowhere to stay because I said I want to be in the ministry mysteriously now I have many rooms have many options I'm not crowded there's peace I go here I go here I go my wife is doing I can be here and be here can be here Oh from room 14 too many rooms but I thought that was the end of my life I creep zealously for snit flat lord give me snake flagged and summers in fact was my vision have you been there before go and visit after church go there just one I said two rooms we are okay we can have two if they can be two rooms in the flat one can back back 2 rooms in the dance man be ok yes my creatures was prosperous when some people bought me an accident calm but an acident kind well that it presented it to me that was it I was prospering but his will is mysterious rather I've seen the way too many things yeah so those of you you know I see especially people from outside America England and so on you've seen golden things with lights you've seen treasures of the earth and so on you always looking at such things and following lights following lights bright lights you see a bright light you are following it be careful of bright lights yes it can be very dark in the end very dark very dark many people have full of bright lights and a tactless very deep darkness the will of God is mysterious I don't regret the will of God when I mixed up on people so that's it God is moving well the present doesn't change I've learned this one otherwise you'd be lies I've Nick the man who was tormenting who's John whose sudden he was gone it happened Arcola boy that was a watch man said he will never open the door for us to after he was dead the next week was gone and the door was opened watch man you are using a power that you have why so the mystery of his will how am I going to pray for the mystery of his will you can know his will his will is hidden from you who you marry what you become what you have what you do what your life would be then have it but that's what Jesus present Lord nevertheless nevertheless not my look all of us our wills for ourselves are very good things ooh it straight to the top but the real will of God is not like that usually distances nevertheless nevertheless not my will but thy will be done ours now many years ago we came to Cali boo and we were there as medical students in paired or fourth year and I started to go to the seaside to pray every night I will be done thy will be done we start with pre from ten to twelve thy will be done there stood on the rocks like this and I used to look at the sea far black and I should think of the missionaries who came and I was thinking these people came in the night in the dark all Africa was black they came as missionaries in the boats but anyway I used to stand and pray Lord thy will be done Lord thy will be done Lord I will I can't pray thy will be done for five continuous days when I said fighters I mean from morning to evening morning evening morning evening morning evening to the morning like that continued five day seven days only that the only prayer I came to and go back you be then allow Barabbas to change your destiny there are many bara buses moving our hair rods Vera buses Poncho's pilots wives and other such characters ready to change your destiny like this your destiny is not happening yeah I never had the wet lighthouse chopper ever before just flowing never had a wet lighthouse chapel I never knew I never knew there was anything would it be called lighthouse chapel did you I was pinned I will be done I never heard of United denominations I can remember where I was in Zimbabwe discussing United denominations say I'm going to do this thing I've always wanted to do I want to break the church into these units and I are sitting at the table in Harare and deciding ok this will be the name I use it like this our duties are to discipline so I have no head of United denominator have you heard of it before Tsuzuki Gary mission Internacional miss you Jessi [Music] one of the names they find difficult to they struggle with in French is lighthouse because it has a different meaning I didn't even know about why we changed the name hello in the French well when you use the word machine it really works meet a mission soon soon and healing the friendly body like me healing Jesus international mission change that's what it means healing Jesus keep praying for the will of God you see wonderful things you are there by imagining now revelations of the five and I saw at the right hand a book best to a strong angel proclaiming who is worthy best three no money in heaven was able to open the book fest for and I worked much because no one was able to open the book verse five one of the other said we've not the Lion of the tribe of Judah verse six and I beheld alarmed the lion became alarmed verse 7 and we kept took the book verse eight and when you are taking the book the four beasts twenty elders fell down every one of them having HAP's golden vials full of odours which are the prayers of the Saints verse 9 and they sang a new song these are the elders who you know sometimes when you are promoted elders I against you like the main people don't agree you see if you are in Joshua's position or a young person and you come into a position the elders may not agree yes the people have been there for a long time 24 elders they be there for a long time but here the 24 elders go back to verse 8 the 24 elders and the beasts and the beef must be some prominent creatures for them the main guys before the Saints and they said go on verse 9 they sang a new song saying you are worthy you are freed endured by your blood that's ten and as made us to our God kings and priests verse 11 and I beheld not apart from these 24 elders the masses may not agree like if they have an election to vote for you so now there's also another election so the 24 elders agreed which is the electric college and then the 4 beasts the Parliament they all agreed now thousands and ten thousands times thousands of ten thousands all agreed yes that's what verse 11 verse 12 crying they all agree that what the land is worthy to receive what power riches wisdom strength honor glory and blessings no dispute no disputed elections for elders - four beasts 24 elders thousands of ten thousands of thousands of ten thousands all of their militia power riches glory honor strength wisdom for you landslide why because he went through the will of God when he went through the will of God and was crucified on the cross and what you wait and see you you you I don't know when you die but when you die you will see that whole are not important at all it is these 24 elders four beasts and thousands of saints those are them much Oh what do you think has no importance yes it's what the 24 others think of me that's what's important and the four beasts what they think of Jackie what mills what did the 24 others think of me and the thousands and ten thousands of sense what will they think of not oh it was a scientist or gas or Airways or what the Nigerians think of me it is what the 24 elders president this president that president what they think it doesn't matter what about our president thought of before is the new one has come is nothing it's nothing it's amazing please what matters and it comes by doing the will of God and it was not Jesus's willow Sally if you see the details of that prayer if we shot God I think that Jesus says something that surprised by Co he told a lot a lot you can do everything is he you will tell somebody you can do everything what I'm asking you you can do it that you can change this thing I got remind him at all thought didn't mind him at all he prayed I will be done another point of people were tormenting him call the angel look I could call thousands of it but I don't want to say anything you you just you just you kill me you kill me hurry up you know I felt sad that window a bit in Jesus but I felt also happy because I could see that the you know like this soldier that they killed in Ghana you know at a certain point your blood goes out you lose consciousness and so I felt that he may have sort of died the way not sure whether he was dead it was it was like this that's why they plead they pierced him with a sword at a point you lose consciousness the pain is so much that you you lose consciousness and you you you go out of out of the system yeah so I I believe he may have died for some time before the unconscious for some time all the blood loss you know yeah and you just finish if I called in just now if you change the whole thing how to control his mouth like the guy was a man you are beating me I'm sure you beat me finish beating pray that the will of God even when you are weak to happen we are not doing well God will do his will even because you prayed about it when you are when you are even choosing the wrong girl you say I love you baby sweet darling sweet baby darling shabanam assume Allah God would touch her hat you say no i don't like your raps i don't like you are you be shocked you'll be cries you have to mind a second option third option that's a real one because of your prayers those of you been proposing without prayer singing propose to me not nothing proposed to me nothing proposed to me let him propose to me without prayer but lost i think singing is some propose to me can change your life everything by prayer how many are gonna be in prayer oh yes so pray for the holy spirit three hours and then pray for the will of god and add three hours Sally got becoming more spiritual do you think God will hear your prayers I believe it this is a prayer Samina [Applause] now sit down number three the next type of prayer is prayers from your heart now one of the things that people make a mistake with the Lord is to pray things that they don't believe hmm Matthew 6 verse 7 I'm talking about only what Jesus said we are concentrating on Jesus what Jesus talked about prayer what is said about prayer when you pray use not vain repetitions as the heathen do for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking be not therefore like unto them for your father knoweth what things you have need of before you ask him ok so vain repetitions useless words vain means useless alright are you there now say what you mean and so that's why I sometimes have to be on your own when you are praying that sometimes you can't let people hear watch what's on your heart so those of you who only know how to pray when you come to prayer meetings you are lost amen now in mark chapter 14 verse 35 to 36 Jesus said the Bible says and he went forward a little and fell on the ground and prayed that if it were possible the hour might pass from him now notice verse 36 and he said Abba Father all things are possible unto thee in other words it's possible to save the world without this cross and it's true I believe it's possible to save the world without this cross be another way take away this cup from me nevertheless not what I will but what thou wilt amazing you see this is not a vain useless waste is the truth this this is this is I tell this is the most direct this is the first of two prayers of the heart God should hear you praying from the heart this is the first of two prayers of the heart that Jesus said that almost give God like put a negative impression on God yes by his prayer like the way he as a question is like all things are possible what do you think you have to change give me another way out huh what do you think yeah is it so learn how to pray you must pray in such a way that I'll tell you how to know when you are praying prayers of a heart when you don't want people to hear what you are saying and it's like you really pray things like you will like you are really talking to a real person people don't really hear what you are saying oh yeah then you have reached this level father things are possible so sometimes when I'm praying I pray for the nation's the churches some of the things I'll tell God yeah I know that I'm asking something big it's impossible it's not as impossible but it's like a very big you know I discussed it with him such as I tell meif come again it's me again I'm here on the same issue but I came of yesterday hallelujah I'm back hear my prayer and talk to him like he's really here because your prayers you see how you can send a document and a photograph a video from here to Australia you see at first it was like magic but you can't just press actus in Australia somebody's looking at pictures in New Zealand all the way around their world to the other side of the world instantly your prayers are going instantly to heaven it's appearing in heaven amazing yeah amazing just one way so is it not if it is possible it's happening it's going straight to heaven so you have to father you know if you want to marry say Lord I'm 29 but I don't feel beautiful talking a real way no standard stuff Oh Lord our God which art in heaven creator of heaven and yet the moon the Stars the wonders of the earth we come to deities to do speaking James English when you are normally speaking you speak D D and Dow and do you is that what you use you speak D and Dow and do and die speak from your heart learn to pray from your heart amen don't be fake that's why things don't work out because you don't really pray God never hears you praying in a certain way amen yeah so it's time for you to pray seriously it's time for you to pray serious like real people talking to a real God who is listening really and genuinely to your prayers yeah and if you do you see that your prayers are moving to around yes Bible says Elijah was a man of like passions but he you don't pray or true or not true pray is he some that was what's the secret of your success so have you been able to stay me7 a lot all these years it seems that you have your zeal has not whatever what is their secret you know when I was in Tulsa Oklahoma I will never forget this interview we went to see the principal of the Bible School and he said people ask what are the secrets of the success of Kenneth Hagin and we can I take another pitch about success and secrets of success so then the man said the secret of a service as we are here now what is he preaching about that prayer that's the secret it's not secret another secret is this or secret is that his prayer is like this his topic is prayer the the program is called a prayer seminar that's the secret of the success that you are asking about is the prayer [Laughter] what's your secret so what is it is it diligence what's your secret is it financial integrity what's your secret is it books what's your secret what is the secret and he said he said there's no secrets of whatever I spray of every year which is prayer when you go and all pastors come down he knows about prayer he says only talk about the only produced from Ephesians 6:18 trained with all prayer this is Scripture it features 618 praying always with all prayer does it yeah you can check all the winter Bible seminar 1981 82 83 84 85 prayer so it was a what what the secret of success of can I take it ministries these are what is a prayer train yes so lack of brain means lack of speaking to a spirit God is a spirit don't speak to a spirit you are not spiritual yes you are actly you don't speak to a spirits God is a spirit you don't speak to a spirit and you are not spiritual you don't speak to a spirit God is a spirit I watching my worship ministry it's not is it gives accorded the spirit or God is this spirit or God is God is a spirit so if you are speaking to God you are speaking to a spirit and that makes you spiritual but we don't speak to a spirit so you are not spiritual and you're not having the secret of fact signal such as one cigarette of success is what the leadership is relationships it's what goal-setting it's networking is this way pray pray pray pray yes I pray more now than I've prayed when I was younger I pray more now that I print ever in my life yes I pray more now and I like three more now than ever before yes yes you can ask my wife yes you see me going to sleep like a baby it's a clock yes yeah you see me go to sleep baby good night that's what I don't have time to watch the news nothing yes always whatsapp no no I don't use I don't know those things if we meet me a genuine coffee my phone is always on but if you send me was a bacchanal read it it should take me some months before I'm the a me seat what is your secret kenneth hagin the master the secrets prayer this is what is preaching about he pointed that so do people remember that question those of you with the media you don't remember that George you remember that you remember the question you remember yeah that was a question what is the secret of his success right that's what I'm talking about prayer yeah so now learning how to pray from the heart you know like your feelings how many would like to be married to somebody who never speaks your feelings a very formal no even working with people no III don't feel relaxed when people are very formal you know where people are very formal I feel nervous do you know what is the meaning of the check nervous nervous what does it mean I'm easy apprehensive worried anxious never speak a lot oh oh we worship you be coming to your presence alone every time I talked to my god I have to sing these canticles yeah nice but yeah because we used to see crazy Oh stuff from the hands those are from the hands [Music] it's a stuff from the house coming out somebody Joseph Oh God the one you got said you realize that's a very powerful him very super powerful so God Himself says you have come to me with waves it's not from your heart I don't like it go away how many would like to be married over you wait and see some of you that's what God is going to give you except you but God is going to give you a former patient it's like even if you want to have sex you have to write a letter request dear madam dear madam application for marital relations I wish to request that at 7:30 p.m. access be given with a letterhead look at Matthew 27 verse 45 now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land until the ninth hour that's the time we have our Good Friday service all right now that's 46 now and about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice another prayer which is his language honorable because if you are really in pain you will not speak French he will not speak Spanish you not speak a language that you learned in school for a level or level you speak your mother tongue the shock pen is that the partner [Applause] what do you say Alabama or [Applause] [Music] God is looking for you to cry to him with the real feelings of your hearts real feelings and I tell you some of the real feelings you wouldn't want people to hear them look at the next one that is about to see some Weipa my god my call this one should have been recorded why has thou forsaken me interpret this prayer is like God for su Kim is like he was praying for judgment he was praying for God and God didn't answer you record such please miss miss miss miss miss represent a person so my god - that was the Kimmy's like what has forsaken me I prayed about this I prayed about this encoded in answer himself said it on the cross who said he he nobody said it was easy edit himself that God has forsaken him he knew that he was not doing the will of God what has forsaken him but you see in that moment thank God some praise God doesn't even mind you when you when you praise s look at I wouldn't even take any notice of your nonsense some of your friend God killed me just kill me now just kill me let my life is over I've had enough of all this thank you are still alive is he God God did not mind you at all [Applause] how many have prayed how many I prayed Lord Lord I'm afraid I'll get ready before yes see these are what God wants to hear the real things come to stand oh my God where are those our found in my life [Music] huh basura let's be serious about prayer and stop praying genuine prayers from how you are feeling talk to God and tell him Lord why have you forsaken me it was a gimme second me Lord forgive me and those prayers must not be recorded yes but from your heart God loves it yes God losses and God he knows even our not coming from yet Isaiah Isaiah chapter 1 are you them now in Isaiah chapter one he says in verse 11 to what purpose is the multitude of your sacrifices saith the Lord I am full of the pent offerings of rams and the fat of fed beasts I delight not when you come to me who has required this at your hand to trade my cords now the thirteen very unfortunate this bring no more vain Oh bleep Oh bless incense is an abomination to me the new moons and sabar calling of assembly I cannot away with it it is iniquity even the solemn meeting I don't like your things I don't want it when you spread forth your hands I will hide my eyes from you when you make many prayers I will not hear who your hands are full of blood wash and make you clean put away the evil of your doings land to do well come let us reason together saith the Lord though your sins be as scarlet they shall be white as wool Wow so you can see here that God doesn't that's impress when you pray he's actually irritated amen he's actually irritated Isaiah 29 verse 13 wherefore the Lord said for as much as these people draw near me with their mouths and with their lips they do honor me but have removed their hat far from me and they are fear toward me is taught by the precepts of men you see description is showing that people draw near with their mouths but the Hat is removed so today God is telling you come to God with your heart come to God with your heart not just with your lips our Father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom you know I was taught to pray with the lips but not with the heart I won't want to see my spiritual spiritual priests my spiritual priests and I ask him how can I go to heaven inside to pray our Father once and he'll marry three times so this was my formula so every day when I get up I thought I'd never have blended I cannot come down as day our daily bread forgive us our trespasses as well give them a trespasser deliver us from you for that they can the power of glory forever amen hail mary full of grace the Lord is with thee blessed Holy Mary Mother of God the person is not about that hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with thee when Holy Mary Mother of God the question is not in the alpha I'm here Mary full of grace the Lord is with thee blessed our most holy Mary Mother of God pray for us sinners 9ma Charlie that's it I'm going to have huh let's be serious [Applause] every day this was my prayer one about the three humors like one panadol and three chloroquine tablets look at it Isaiah 29 verse 13 for us much as these people drawn near me with your mouth and with your lips so you must never approach God without your heart it's not interest with hundreds that will hurt less people people are coming back not with the hat that's why I was I was meeting with some people in between the meeting I was saying that it's not about making noise is too much genuinely from wrinkled oh yeah I don't I don't you know I don't really love you from my heart you know it's just I you know I just need whatever you know I'm going to stand for elections that I need somebody to stand by my side so that they say that I'm married but I want you to know that I don't love you and so on we remind the person are you sure you wanna marry the person Oh tell the truth tell the truth serious if it is a very powerful person you marry the person I don't want any people that are coming near me but they're not coming with their hats don't even waste your time come with your I pray our prayers speak naturally Oh God have you forsaken me that's why the Psalms are part of the Bible is heartfelt prayers even these cases where all others when you catch people die which is innocent let them fall down let's say touches them let the angel their children should be fatherless mother oh they are all real prayers from the hearts look at Psalm 27 some 27 and Lord is my light the Lord is my light and my salvation we can sing that the Lord is my light and my salvation whom shall I fear the Lord is the strength of my life whom shall I be afraid look at this - beautiful this is somebody who started here when the wicked even my enemies and my foes came up to eat my flesh these are prayers as Saddam Hussein Gaddafi Hitler is it anybody who is in a war the enemies surround you and they are coming for you so when the wicked EEP in mind and three do and host and camp against me my heart shall not fear though one should rise against me and this will I be confident that's for one thing about desire that will I seek after that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life to behold the beauty of the Lord and to enquire in his temple hallelujah now things that I'm not from the heart I'm not powerful that's why and ricotta stones are powerful because they are from behalf and many of the songs either since they are powerful because you can see that is the real source from the heart it's not a joining of ways like sewing sewing machine joining different different ways let me let me add the word incredible to praise the Lord and praise the Lord to worship You Jesus and making it rhyme the Lord is my light you do have that one in Hungary crouch yeah the Lord is my light [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] in my shall I be he is the strength of mine [Music] don't need to be [Music] is my in my son yeah who shall I meet yeah he's the strength of my day [Music] don't need to be afraid I have a secret place where I see God's face he gives me peace from my trouble he carries me over Mountain me to the dining when I'm going through a store my momma loves me that's why I say my light and my salvation whom shall I fear he's the stain I know me to be when evil tries to destroy me try to make me fall he puts me on a rock when my enemies try to hurt me I don't have to worry I care not just here but everywhere I to that hiding place where my see my god face I find the stress to know he carries me around - when I'm rolling through a storm [Music] protected [Music] [Applause] he's my Oh [Music] he must read [Music] today [Music] [Music] in my [Music] don't meet uh me [Music] cuz he's the strength of mine take advice only to be the Lord is my eyes beautiful tell somebody I'm gonna pray for my heart well is it amazing as a fantastic now you know I feel like telling God that Lord watch out a lot of people are gonna come with their feelings and so many things how many feel that God is almost gonna get too many workshops and meetings yes look at language prayer you see some of you should switch languages when you are praying and pray really in a certain way what does that emphasis a certain language that can say it were sure you change it into a certain language change the meter band and just flow don't mind anybody you know when my wife was having a baby the first one she was in pain labor pains these were coming going coming going coming going then at a point she began to speak French so [Applause] since that day I've had a dispute with him because I told her that if she was in pain but I was saying that you are not yet ready to have the baby because of the French that you are speaking you know because I told her that it was really in pain she was big fan T you wouldn't speak French but she was arguing with me so it's an old issue we have not resolved it it is one of our still mates yeah because when you learn speak a language that you learnt in school oh you speak a language that you speak in the house I said no no you're not ready so you must go to God not with an artificial language and this already put that vernacular into the Bible because they never said what the Jesus said in any other place only here in Generosa what he wrote Eli Eli lama sabachthani which is to say what interpolation why do you bender but they want us to know that he used vernacular we used a local language Yahoo [Applause] you talk and you see there are certain big words it will set I will be afraid when he yes when he yes you speaking those big big words in your language mucho what Tyler Taleo buta what does it mean the battle is the Lord's the battle is the Lord's tinghao new totally buta the battle is the Lord's [Applause] buta is it correct yes boot it's like the Thais the war isn't the tire is the war Thailand this is both eyes your heart this time is your time it's not for me alone this time it's your time yes [Applause] when you say when you say the battle is the Lord's it's different when you say Tyler but the alley this is your tap water that is war and that is God root on this your time it's not my table so when you use English to pray that prayer it is not going to work it the same way I don't think so you have to change the meat ABBA look if I had another language that I could flow in in a certain way when I pressed another printed-out change if it was Ukrainian or Japanese [Laughter] [Applause] everything by prayer everything by prayer without friend nothing free about tally buta testimony palpable a neutral halibut halibut the warden ha that means what time is the war the battle our Laputa Kabuto he's honest of the Hutts Darla's butta your prayers would be nice your prayers will be very nice [Applause]
Channel: Dag Heward-Mills Evangelist
Views: 43,911
Rating: 4.8414097 out of 5
Id: TdQ-2TS1Grk
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Length: 114min 15sec (6855 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 06 2017
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