EPIC GRAND FINAL ! Paper Rex vs Gen.G - HIGHLIGHTS | Champions Tour 2024: Pacific Stage 1

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we're not going to waste that Vault line just because you tried to get information ji's trying to bait that out we're not quite seeing it just yet Rubble already now in control a lot of fake pressure coming in from paper onto the a side they geni just can't rotate off of this tap on the door a cross Locka still holding gets a little bit damage across two players going to be knocked down quite low orb going to be snatched up here by forsaken himself one step towards that Rolling Thunder looks like they're going to be satisfied with just the one pick soaka dead de are missing the iing to be able to spot devise he gets himself the back Rubble yeah now gen they're just going to have to kind of stick around these crucial rotation points they can't really stack one way or another in this 45 o lots of damage already taken on texture as well yep some heals going across as well to put something in Jing back up towards 100 as there's the entry meteor here in the Smoke getting a timing doesn't manage to find Jing but M freak is right there to find the punish head shot from texture comes up with one with that sh gets himself a second considering his HP that has an immense amount of value brings it to a 2v2 but HP bar is very much not in the favor of geni at the moment fault line also available here for forsaken he caness that where the approach is going to be coming from he can very easily shut this down gingi's got to stack up one has to play bait for the other no matter what just because of the HP Spott there there's a head shot and something will be able to collect the final two kills three in total there as paper Rex will take the opening pistol round 40 HP now pulls back a bit followup smoke being sent s over trying to just cut things off here on C try to disuade this is could be a forward position taken there by texture but now the pivot in towards B only Caron that upper at the moment as he's going to be taken down that Outlaw able to find the kill the D is there and Jing able to pursue even with a low pen on that Spector comes with one meteor pushing that timing out of the smoke does manage to find two interrupts the plant but now 2v3 with Munch down to 40 HP texture needs to deliver show stoer also available for Jin should he feel the need to pull it out and he will planted well Im sends it and that's going to send munchkin packing he's got to pull back around the corner I mean this might even Force J to go for the save right this is their first buy round like you said they're not healthy on the creds either you already have to waste so much time you only have two people and you can't group up on the speed site you have to create crossfires for now still situated forward waiting to see if they can spot out anything if anything comes their way if they could try to shut it down munchkin playing on the corner starts inching his way in Jing not seeing the gun barrel there might be able to get the catch here but Jing now in position to maybe get caught but no they decide to back away they don't see enough on that little creep forward ji make the call to rotate Out 3 Z Now for paper Rex as they will convert this bonus nightmar is over texture at least defending that weapon obviously paper Rex nothing to lose to go for the hunt at least for one or two people I love the showstopper there from Jen right doesn't mean that aware of this but sure if he's going to be fully prepared for the double duelist stack here need some attention drawn over by the site swings out oh he's going both of them show stoer now drawn out he comes bouncing forward sends a show stopper not able to find anything over there at the entrance it's a bit of damage on the the but kill not found mine freak still positioned up here on top of the box foren in position for Monsters backstab as M freak will get flushed out Tak now spotting one the shot tries to get steady for that second but cannot the fuse now being heldi will get taken down J I'll find you seeker's going to fly texture show stoer out sends it something going to be taken down but out before Locka does fall it's a little bit of damage spast pack try to slow up the approach finds the kill Jen now dead paint shells in hand reses tries to snap on up for second unable to find it the by stinger in hand is able to take down Kon man Advantage now here for the side of paper the plant coming through lock down sent it's being watched from the opposite side by munchkin but now that smoke comes in it cuts him off he's spraying across he wants to try to catch them lock down is now destroyed they know his position tap on the spike metor trying to draw some attention away from his comrad try to bring them back over into the site and so far it's work the tree two of them swinging around the back now M get spotted at meteor not fast enough to pull the now getting aggressive over here at C haunt up over the top blast pack out around the corner and something yep shot out of the air as that is just going to be a Flawless crunch from gen J but PX they're not going to care it's a death ball golden spoted T flast packing for there's a reveal on the two pain shells going to be sent in deep cutting off the reinforcements as they are charging up the spray it's so damn wild this J tries to make something happen with the judge but he swaps the classic catches locky and suddenly it's three members alive for papx they might just be able to make this a six to six munchkin shoved back as the Rolling Thunder cuts across now they don't have that for post plant munchkin meteor meteor especially on this Seaside has worked miracles in the past but this time he will be denied Jing finds himself a third munchkin spotted fa line coming through as up over the top goes Jing collects a fourth kill in the round and shot sent Jing's way but going to leave something to sat inide here but they have read this beautifully he's crept out now behind Mound spotted he is one shot he will be taken down texture two through the box one into the chest something is dead First Blood found meteor now starting to creep forward second wanting to take the challenges T finds himself a second kill a head shot there on the mine freak helps open up that c sight now wide open as meteor also is able to find forsaken get some damage onto the bu which is then cleaned up by munchkin out towards Rubble has pulled the line share the players away second swings goes for the challenge but Kon is able to win that out Waits out the paint shells looks for Kon puts one into his shoulder continues the challenge K is just up to it shuts it down something dead over at C Door mine freak again the one to deliver finally brings an end of the rain of terror here the enemy Omen finds himself follow up before getting picked off here by texture who will be able to collect the final two and's coming through texture way out in front he's going to mow down too my freaking Jing bolt is taken down and time and time again Jing just have the answer off the back of these timeouts boombot going to be sent to VI still tucked in behind the box pain shell goes even deeper than that by swinging out tries to look for a little bit more but some Far only get the kill on the race that he is able to find asite now completely opened up something working his way over towards baby door to try to challenge forsaken here at stairs swings out looks for munchkin but he's the one being found something now with everything to do and only is able to find the one the timeouts this be site triple push up now towards baby door bakia trying to get the spray across but it's going to be Jing winning out on that fight Pain chills now sent in shallowly spike is on the ground trying to lob in that Nano swarm can't even get get it popped in time he and Munch Converse the world going up winning from this position n impossible here even for Gen G time working against this well as the buy Instant one shot M freak we'll get the followup papx finally break the win streak and they get themselves not something that you really think you'd ever say given the for that we've been seeing from them something in the meantime crep forward tap on the door textur still just saying screw I'm going in goes diving forward all is Lonesome now inside the sight but something unable to hold that door ends up falling but texture traded at the same time so both players both teams I should say down a dualist over in towards C Nightfall going to be sent but forsaken does manage to dodge this smart from forsaken his position is going to be hard to read Jin spamming through so much damage going to be div to come up with that one now the pit going to be dropped in lock however able to take down fors Jake dead Munch get spraying away comes up with another one as SP freak will fall but lunkin dead means the pit gets dropped and now the in a 1 V2 lock down also available but Spike not yet planted he's try to isolate but a double face they take him down and gen J get themselves up to map point and they will have been watching the composition studying how paper Rex were able to pull off you know things like that 130 the dominance they've been putting on display part of that dominance was something using an operator something we haven't been seeing up until this point granted economy has been very rough for them on this defending side as well Jing forward here at Mount Prowler Scouts him paranoia now asent looks to just make his exit minor amounts of damage taken there by he and mine freak giving up that space But you're still holding on to Rubble if you're paper Rex so you don't feel too bad about giving this up you've had some mtil trades you still have Rolling Thunder for the retake as well not All Is Lost see the call here I mean they're more than happy to basically just leave something on his lome with that operator I think they might push out if the lock down gets used it looks like he's forsaken just set up for this oh for they're going to go this one J isolate finds the kill there on imia but texture answering back does take him down opposing Ray now dead showstopper online for texture but low on HP the creep around the side stabiliz the aim Karen comes into the rescue as well to find that kill forsaken now trying to find a little bit more but K able to collect a second now down to a 2v2 showstopper still in place something trying to flank around the backside here up B the showstopper comes in but no one to be found drops the spike for K to plant something towards upper drop down into the smoke something the dash at the ready to flash in dead texture you need to try to clutch it out here's the jet Landing right in front of him pushes out of the smoke can't quite find a ey heavy Stacks here for both teams over towards a texture again just jumping very far forward Jing swung around the side texture gets in behind him J just not aware of how deep texture had gone swing forward texture instantly snaps on finds the's head then ends up getting clipped by freak off the flight but the TP forward he trying to take control of rubble but Kon is swung around the backhand side mine freak dead now just leaves forsaken in something all in their Lonesome up in play mkin on the hunt finds him and now it is all down to the captain The igl Forsaken try to drag this one back to keep them in this map but it seems like gen may have just done it TP across the map as they get situated there on C and forsaken has no idea where any of them are realistically yeah I mean sure you know the spike has to be going down over on the C side but you saw that lur coming in from munchkin the fact that the dash was heard from munchkin gives him that free kill to something and forsaken spots to jump footsteps heard lakia gives the call no time to play with ambiguity realistically here but forsaken still tucking in cutting across Beach just trying to clear out as many flank angles as he possibly can trying to make sure that he's got all the players Coral down end of the site there's the first Kon going to be taken down the fault line sent not spotting much of anything though as he trips across that bite he will fall munchkin will take him down and geni will kick off this Grand Final already up over the top to take some control here up top mid texture up and over the top and instantly finds a head shot there finds a second Tak quite a bit of damage but mine freak unable to confirm that kill now holding for dash at the ready there's a swing and a jing will be able to take him down with the help of that frenzy get a bit of damage but now plant can come through safely alongside the pillar here but for munchkin dizzy up over the top J take some space comes up with the kill But to answer back in kind twopiece for him once again forsaken Now The Lone Ranger last one standing versus three does have that ghost catches a glimpse there of Kon for a brief little moment who's now looking to take some more forward space become a little bit more unpredictable as he jumps out over top of the smoke he eats so much damage seeing way more than he wanted to saw a little smile on his cam as well just realizing that they're really wasn't much he could have done clean up oh excellently done gen G with his life for by can now just go ahead rotate over join in with him and get that heal across papx has to respect this mid control swing out though before the full heal can even come in ends up getting taken down now for second going to be dead div still hovering nearby do man put the spike down on the floor but can't readjust find meteor 2v2 Mind Freak here trying to hold the line sat in BBA media going for the challenge paranoia is available but not necessary as mind freak but knows thaten has been playing right there alongside him Jing now going aggressive he able to find the head shot takes out that enemy Cipher able to back away that flasho support from forsaken was so good too made sure there was no extra trade papx starting to catch on to J these Tendencies b line coming his way has the dash to the side keeps himself protected for now and can suspect that something it's got to be one of two places backed all the way up or he's behind this pillar knows now that it's the ladder that last knife goes wide makaka swinging through able to find one can't get the second though to by keeps himself alive does not have that heal foring offc screen had taken down munchkin traded out now by Kon looking like where the spike is going to land but there's a showstopper here I mean Jing basically has full util just one blast pack burned as a drone goes up over the top showstopper on the Hun Point Blank takes him down down a the smoke comes through and Jane just swings in ahead of it Kon dead paper x now he silver lining for Gen but that's already two rounds where you're trying to tell yourself it's okay by take away an ALT going to have to start putting wins di he up and over Munch can take it down Jin finding one of the Hun SP sent out by laka but realistically not much being found aside from that tag there on to something swings out K able to take it down but now M Creak arriving finds one pull back from meteor he sends out that neural theft B comes in texture plays off that finds the kills M freak gets res Flash not going deep it up but for still able to win the fight gets the follow up as well speedor can take it down suddenly it's all on Locka take flight Spike stranded Throne over the top spotting them but no real Advantage here for them one enemy remain able to isolate one can he get that last no he cannot forsaken will hold his ground will stand firm he grabs the orb for second looks to provide covering fire and swing out that's be locking out texture now mkin all dead Ching is absolutely Unstoppable and he's on for an ace me to the last one standing to BU however will be able to find him he will take him down Ace not found but dominant still asserted not going to Garner much for them though but now that next Rolling Thunder online Dash forward though forsaken absolutely dead to rights pushing up into the Cyber cage take it down as the trying to get the transfer is able to do so finally confirms that second kill to go ahead and even up the numbers laka has to go huge one way or another because they knew Jing was out on a main before they tagged him with the zero point laka spots him he saw the head and Jing none the wiser now he's in a position to maybe even get both no opens up does find the first one is he ready for M freak sends the drones now not going to get caught Loa turns his sights back over to a make sure that he is safe obviously with meteor dead that trap wire doesn't mean anything has to be cautious Z Point going to confirm that there's no one realistically close to this quite just yet as M freak will now start drifting his way through lakia is he ready for the split from paper x because devis's mission right now is to clear out that SOA they don't want to waste time looking for that lurk finds it bit on the TP there texture up within the smoke there's the paranoia cross but as he pushes up it's Point Blank texture able to identify him spots it out takes him down div now needing to get the ace confirmed that if they want to clutch this out keep themselves in dominant form but munchkin will just go ahead and swing out from behind the box on site and that's going to be gen G at long last breaking this win streak it with seven round watching not able to get the dart through but keeping tabs there on Jing has the Trap wire set up as well look to try to start this lur as they out that Dart not going to be cleared out in forsaken going to be taken down very nice timing on that flash from munchkin sets up for that kill lur interrupted arador does come through as there's the res now on a forsaken spam not going to be able to catch him but here's the backstab everybody's attention paid forward onto the sight meteor walks away with two dart out trying to keep him honest meteor just keeping them busy backpedals wraps all the way around now towards main op still holding the close angle takes him down knives pulled going to be a little bit whiffy there from texture loses his life but off could be picked up if they so choose I mean against the breach perhaps just allowing them to get into the site and then go for the aim dels could be the answer a check entry going through Jin spoted there's the blind wingman interrupt The Dizzy cleared out J dead as it is just a meat grinder over here at b m freak trying to do his damn this but he's only going to be able to find the one kill munin though hold here something able to win out that fight just dry peing on the corner takes him down right through the corner of the box and that's going to be a strong opener here for paper Rex one that they need is geni has just managed to things up at 7 to seven yeah texture a very high stress situation now all alone second tag low oh and texture whiffy on the op shot wants to go for the repak and something says yep come to me another head shot delivered disy now up over the top lock he going to be blinded has to try to tuck back tries to take the fight something claims a third the wingman now rushing forward to check the d goes through something out for blood will not be rewarded with it this time around but already his job has been done only a couple bullets remaining here for meteor two left in this mag the wall will come UPS up a bandal but now difficult position hereon still just now starting to weasel his way forward they just make the save yeah just going to be the save it looks like I mean Kon just still watching in case there's any lurks that are on the hunt they realized that it's already too far late lobed in deep one of the Trap wire is going to be taken down there it's going to be another cyber cage set up here is Jen bouncing around to the opposite side what drag across are you kidding me gets a shot swings in before the reveal though and something watching the wide angle is able to take him down reing does come through texture now swinging out jumps on the corner it's his shot M freak dropped for one try to be for jingi lock Recon available this lurk I they're just buying time if they eventually do come in Munchkin still going to be very valuable on that lurk something now holding the angle though actually pulls off of it peeking in over towards sight he's inching his way forward he's looking to try to get in here spot a pixel out of place but he cannot see K and now texture is made all too easy for him something just disrespects the angle now the spike going to be dropped he out the Headly had forsaken dead and there's the clean up from Kon everybody feeling so confident being at some disadvantages in these fights fragment's trying to slow up the approach wall going to be broken down texture on the rep from that left hand side here he's able to find forsaken that gets a yep reaks it again forsake or something now going to be taken down as he watches for the smoke the shot up the exit a little bit show stopper at the ready lobed in Kill not going to be found in the meantime able to find Kon now back over to the Vandal texture does fall 2v3 meteor starts looking his way forward now he's all on his lonesome and he's surrounded and he is he's not ready for the to be out that wide they did not spot paper didn't catch sight of this before see if double angle double peing so it will just be that one for one forsaken able to get the rep punch but Kon now in a position where he could do some significant damage but he just can't na the shots bit whiffy does manage TP out in front of that fault line shut the D meteor noted up at top mid taken down Jing opening things up and now that a sight completely unoccupied and that Cipher util there doesn't mean a damn thing Locka quick on the rotate to try to intercept to find two puts foren down to one HP sends out the Aftershock trying to just get him off that drone munchkin manages to do so but munchkin going to be heard Mind Freak he heard it very well aware of this but needs to win the fight he Cog up the potential and munchkin is able to best him there forsaken now with just one HP granted munchkin lakia both dangerously low this gives him a rolling thunder but using it here planted my ready it would be absolutely ridiculously forsaken if he could pull this off this reposition is hard to read it's absolutely tucked in paranoia not hearing much of anything there swings out Kon will go ahead and shut it down geni with the diffuse as Yep this very well looks like it is going to be the play have a couple players now getting ready to stack on top this one but munchkin not joining in with them and you can you should just be able to pick it up from the side anyway so I don't know if this is going to work out well munchkin I mean he's sprinted to try to get there they've actually sto they've actually stopped it unbelievable completely undone can get these kills loia trying to hold this door K now Last Man Standing he needs to stay alive Spike picked up he's trying to interrupt it but as he slips forward he will be struck down gen G it felt like they had it in their hands but paper Rex rip it right back out but which whichever order it is of ultimates oh it's just going to be a full set baring his way in Karen cannot get away from it fast enough mun can now caught Jing didn't get his Ace in the last round maybe he's out for it now texture trying to hold the angle Jinx is absolutely not shuts him down meteor able to find something look try to get forsake able to do so sends out that neural theft but then is struck down now to make it that much more difficult it's not even necessary loia will fall 13 to9 on the first map 13 to9 established here for paper Rex as they go creeping their way forward meteor noting at least one over by Green as there's a swing at the F crisy with it finds a shot meor will be able to stabilize that aim finds a head shot needs to tuck back behind the Box shots are coming his way and he actually jumped playing a very risky game as he will be able to get a leg there onto Jing but kill not found now it's just munchkin and laia munchkin spot the the H up their sleeve right now in this pistol round try to contend with him the rest of the team now ready to swoop in something will claim the last one so need to take space that alarm bot just around the corner but pinged out has hurt it as texture up over the top thank you for the picture in picture do see Mind Freak getting taken down so that lurk now punished the only teams often do play this map suspected yeah the one player that you pick off over at a likely going to be by themselves now the rest of the team shifts over as the plant starts coming through interrupted though J backs off it for a moment it's meteor it's a head shot right as something was trying to dash out plant coming through swing around the back meteor not ready for p to be in a similar position but as he swings out K will take him down to by answers back in kind now he's all on his Lonesome in a 1v3 even reads the flank coming in from texture but texture is going to just make sure to group up you don't want to go in for these 1 V ones even using that util keep him trapped up by yellow watch locked in spots a couple dizzy goes out can't back up too far look at how he's lounging in his sh oh he's able to find that first one but maybe he was going to be able to get a both Big Chill energy there from Divi I don't think they're going to be too bothered by expecting more aggression over here at a set up well points to try to deal with this one as that zero points a lot of presence Jin stabilize the aim looks for a little bit more texture eventually takes his head off can find spunkin K on with the trade back down a keeps the numbers even for now but HP not looking their way asy up over top finding one something taking out K through that wall meteor noted on the jump looks like maybe just check to make sure it's everybody slower a bit of a Miss there from J bit of a Miss but it might not matter too much might meteor able to find one tra it out by foren a 43 now as there's the suppress no util available here for the next couple seconds for J J Jing watching the wrap around here on the elbow rope taken texture dropping off it as the wall breaks he can take it down by time still ticking to find that shot but Divine now swooping in from the side cannot clear it out Locka has that wingman sat in onto the spike with 2 seconds remaining one but a little bit quiet at the start of the round now no ambiguity about it Pap stop their way in this a site they out on the alarm bot metor trying to hold the corner dou push coming through claims the first one get the Dig gets the clean up M freak will fall T able to close out one texture up over the top with the knives in hand able to find that kill Jing answering back however alongside something 6 hp dead now leaves car on it l finds the first but Jing swiftly swings back out gets revenge talking about anti strting on your opponent's map picks seems like a lot of everyone to Lotus maybe not as much here on ice box still time to try to turn it around but that needs to start very soon here for Gen shoulder Spa Tak it down Jin spraying away finds the second no it's forsaken he takes it out munchkin will put that KO down to the floor but perfectly reible it's brought right back into the fold here the null command not going to be snapping enough to find that head shot locky does take out mine three gets himself another one but has to go for the reload and is going to be punished heure now ring from behind gets the first second oh my goodness now brings it to a 1 V one dash available dashes forward not sure if that was accidental or not but either way had the second one ready to go gets the weapon Cuts over into the corner texture can he actually save this he can unbelievable Saints from texture bails them out of this round somehow somewhere oh D the cross the open text are not Snappy enough for that shot to adjustment something able to find munchkin exra unable to find that punish locking out noted up above cannot get the kill get the collat go ahead and bail him out bring this back to parody 3v3 now the man Advantage geni starting to find their footing wallt comes up the Wall's too close though yeah can't get the plant there my freak just on the edge Dash now gone Kon watching the opposite side as there's the arm spotted snake B down to flush him out K not Jing my ulate is ready Pi up one now on V2 trying to isolate but he's been spotted and taken down K with a second briefly yeah paper R they don't really have a choice to back out they just have to go through white Swing Out cannot find that kill another followup shot sent but lock down now needing to be respected this is going to flush everybody from gen G out of the sight plant will be able to come through I'm curious there's a judge in the hands of forsaken he switched out from the guardian on that not sure if ji's going to be reading that correctly P Bri is pushing far forward closing the Gap spray there actually not found something div I three players situated here as Jen can take it down that's a res now out of the equation but lock is well going to be traded M freak pushing forward able to find meteor on the entry comes up with two t nice pull one but that judge you mention it it comes into play for the final two dash at the ready got the spot on to one the swing out take it down something able to find two carot however finding one for second playing forward going to be punished after getting that kill onto the enemy Viper as it suddenly a 2v2 and the blink of an eye Swing Out meteor taking Jing's head off there with that sheriff putting it to good use now they've drawn the attention of mine freak over towards this sight J are going to look to make their departure yeah I mean no matter where they go They're going to stick as a double for sure you might as well take the chance on the roof rotate cuz Mind Freak really only has one chance to move would be very risky of him to keep bouncing back and forth so they'll start their run over and mind freak yeah he is going to take that bit of a risk more slow going but he'll get himself into audio distance to hear this plan there we go here's it on the B side need to trying to figure out where these two players are looks like widely they're just going to stay together wanting to be able to double face rather than get any isolation here I say that he'll nearly found a meteor able to put him down J J it away all right so gen they might have to be ready to start to push out as well D going to get cleaned up that lurk in from behind for second able to find the kill meteor going to be taken down now they don't have that long range try to cover them here but Jing falling brings it back into now a 3v2 Kon cleaning up two monst kills from him but in Kind Third found Karen Falls now on Locka he's suspicious about screen the drop down they're both playing together swing in there's a head shot there's a swing out something he'll be the last man standing but he will get the lead back into paper X's hands little bit of damage there on a munchkin the back yellow safely but meteor eventually able to find that lurker something going to be taken down Jin still watching M2 but now the Dizzy up over the top gets a blind AC cross might a bit of damage tries to face it forward in towards texture he ends up falling a texture comes away with another kill on a forsaken look to just go ahead and pop that Alti Tri goes for the flick can't quite make it happen but he will fight mun down gen just not ready for that not anticipating it whatsoever texture misses the drift doesn't get himself situated over on screen there's the KN pull out texture just holding the spray down it'ss a bit of damage but does manage to find that kill to go ahead and answer one back Spike delivered a bit late papx they're going to just wait until the very end where they're all grouped up here of course just the sheriffs metor on that Peak rather moves forward Divine out Marshall in hand pass he gets picked up he finds Textra Locka taken down second finds a head shot wall raised meteor breaks the first segment now they try to push in towards him a punish onto the first M freak going to be spotted shot going wide dropping up off over the top rope there cannot get the kill on the Jing but put some damage down meteor Last Man Standing they know exactly where he is they are able to clean it up paper Rex it's going to be difficult to try to find Value swing out mine free going to be taken down texture able to find that kill swings onto the corner up over the top car the covering fire able to find that Jing taken down boost it up all the way back at snowman just like that gen have somehow broken through five memb strong I mean granted yes you do have that lock down available but that feels like a far cry attempt for paper Rex I think widely the call is going to have to be made to go for the save here's the way forward yeah pop flash and Kon taken down they'll be happy with that look to make their exit mine freak though looks like he's going to stay on AIT of an extended linger and are they ready for this one to swing in Guardian makes it a little bit more difficult to find the kill instantly but he still gets texture in the end keeps him at a man Advantage Divine now here in mid first shot on that Marshall missing and both of them go whiy and meteor somehow comes away with the kill res available however so Jing can bring him back into the p as soon as they know the coast is clear will be able to do so lock now basically Last Man Standing wingman going for the plant meteor out in no man's land just trying to watch trying to get some kind of punish on that res he cannot placing swarm grenade 5 HP swarm grenade not able to find much of anything they're just going to look to hold this one as there's so much covering fire three players left standing paper Rex wi two rounds in a row for the first time since round eight there it is from papx Flash in double coverage here munkin finds the first he's the gun barrel they suspect how many players are actually in this position CL bur comes down lakia on the back side able to find himan up two keeps him in with the the advantage so far Jing now up over the top texture turns off that angle for a brief little moment media on the opposite side watching for it now noting it J has to drop back down two players for the attempt to retake the vi up over the top but yeah they're just running out of time instead they want to try to deal as much damage as they possibly can but texure will be able to find the vi Jing cleans up meteor puts car on in a bit of a rough spot but no swings out gets the it looks like cognizant of this though Mind Freak just going to set a parting G the St fight works his way all the way around outside we'll look to re approach but for now hit now dropped but the flood is ready from paper Rex CH oh Makia lucky to be alive 8 HP remaining on him rch the ready for going to be put down they interrupt that null command on the corner something able to get the punish on the texture answering back finds one munchkin getting M freak texture continues to plus forward now finds the that leaves Jing the last one standing he falls and gen G tie it situated up top just drop down thrash is actually sent in quite deep be hoping to just try to find some kind of straight connection there get that detain either way though something Guardian straing able to find one divide pushing out of tube able to find another gets the shot there on the texture through the wall and he's down 34 but he's still watching the angle manes to pull back and Jin going to be caught up at the crossfire got himself involved in somebody else's fight and he's the one getting knocked out three players left though here for the side of gen as they continue to rush their way into the sight wing and going to be interrupted lakia taken down paper x looking to try to get themselves up to 12 his texture will fall and that leaves munchkin the last one standing and Captain in a 1v4 to try clutches have to get themselves up to 12 otherwise they will be map Point here for PRX identifies two positions but swings out checking the wrong one now that this is going to be that b hit so everybody swarming around getting themselves situated forsaken with the last minute glimp see if they can find anything up over top something good for one with the knives to steady that spray can make it happen Jing to answer one back but it's munchkin starting to come alive it's been widely absent on the map so far he finds three in the round when they desperately need it the most a lob to the back nothing noted there meteor flushed out the I taken down the lock down now committed to that Spike not in a good position munchkin he's try to win the fight and he cannot defy started off this map hot he ends it in similar fashion swings the corner gets the one tap 3K in the round and paper Rex just a classic no Molly sat here for now do they sus this out they do anything to try to peel for him w w oh he has to go for the reload just runs out of bullets metor is able to go ahead and spare some blushes by finding that kill but now dive into the corner as that is going to be the days coming through to getting a head shot on the Locka they know exactly where media is at boom beat damned they know that he's in this bad spot with three bullets left he can take it down munchkin able to find quite a bit of damage there but has to reload himself get body blocked hit by now arrives on the site now munchkin is all on his Lonesome the reload coming through the paint shells exploding behind him has to pull back off the angle Jing just takes it aggressively early call could potentially bite them pain shells sent on the one side cam able to get the dart Tagg there but Cove try to block things off F Blazer now up over the top Kon seeing their reveal able to find one disy going to catch him though as he tucks back alongside the wall stays safe for now able to find the kill on the Jing on the exit they try to pop flash their way out of hook but just death greeting paper Rex at the gate something trying to find any kind of kill any kind of value that he can with that Outlaw he will get taken down and it's a and now with the time in their favor finally Cara pushes out there t just trying to force him back but that one shot Tex CH to take him down here's second continuing to push forward he finds two much content on the back side of that now weapon recovered this round may just be rescued and it looks like it has been forsaken keeping them in this one Swing Out head shot found lucky to go for that reload and M freak close enough to get the counter swing a Thrifty against the Thrifty Kings paper Rex retake the lead paper Rex all the way in through showers they're trying to take advantage of the buys that they have there's the orbital strike able to avoid that one but meteor cannot he can take it down texture finds Jinx show stomper sent kill found something going to be taken down but K on fure both get traded out man Advantage still here for the Rex now expounded upon will be the last one standing just that sheriff any kind of damage that he can find would be positive for Gen G but he can't get any flash out lock up getting aggressive here as Theos landing at their feet meteor able to win one but then get taken down has the follow up this aggression out from gen G is just being staved off now the double TP they are coralled in Divine will fall the Jinx swinging around back elbow is able to find texture as well one push out coming through and forsaken the one two punch this man is fired up delaying the reinforcements try to get themselves over to the site they're going to have to go all the way back around okay judge out does manage to find a kill there for munchkin there the Reckoning now sen Jing is using this smoke to take some further space forward trying to get the catch here but they are prepared for this a nice read from gen up the kills and there's the neural theft reveal as the TPS come out think this bike with him the heal on the way from gen they're trying to match the rotation Tempo they will be half a second late H's can try and delay the plant depending on where it ends up Landing there you go sent out damage avoided though diving this one center tube here on the low ground the pits going to come through to try to scort the forward forsaken spraying through counter spray he's going to connect meteor catches him in the head now all on mine freak and Dev ey fre creeping forward wanted to take the challenge wanted to try to drop this pit just also watch the door not going to be spotting much of anything so has to back away triple approach through elbow noise being made going for the challenge trying to get texture out of the air but there's the counter swing loia finding him now all on M freak back is turned kill is found timeout call or taken I believe that's going to be Divi getting the Seekers online now show stoer online for Jing as well J looking to take it out of the sky spotted One S it metor going to be taking down lock yet that that angle able to find another one but and also a just four forsaken two kills found the rest paper egg starting to storm the sight for targets but the flash comes through gets the full blind something into the corner waiting for the peek out there it is loia delivered to him thrash at the ready but as he swings he's only going to be good for one once again two players surviving but geni persevering it's the call being made for them to push up here towards this a site monster on the loose rash Le in the charge texture oh pulls away and oh that shot from behind he goes for the challenge he's able to find one div trades it out however finds that kill di he going to be cleared out boom bot right up into the face of meteor but all ready for S take it down in lamps quick toggle over onto the cam something dead finding himself a second kill Jing now holding the Cyber cage going to be dropping soon he's got the line up there onto the head shot but they pull back away wait see if he pushes up into them they know that they have this SP in their hand he's on able to adjust munchkin will have a monstrous round at 4K from him yeah paper Rex I mean this is just fluid adjustment hold that thought shots flying munchin going to be taken down and meteor eating quite a bit of damage cyber cage blocks off the Dizzy he'll make his exit the rest of the team now creeping up that Guiding Light could be confirming presence here wingman check over into hookah not going to be spotting much of anything for them damage dealt but kills still not found loia looking to go back to a short triy to throw util there to draw them out but it's already too many shots fired on the side of B papx still has a strong read towards this and look at the patience from papx nobody pushing out far beyond the line of scrimmage here just taking control of shower just barely by something and this is huge I mean you know that it's not a full as set up at the very least Mind Freak now moving over reinforcing this B site also gets some healing so he's back up to full HP something creeping around and lakia absolutely caught in the open now it's just all out brawl on B that's all gen's got 3v5 there's a pop flash texture finding one looking for the other meteor is going to be the one that claims in texture he gets a followup for going to be taken down now suddenly the man advantes there CH 10 to the Molly going to be coming through and something he never rotated around he never join with he doesn't have healing he has to try to clutch this 1 V3 texture a one tap the others well we need to be head shots no more util to work with Crees his way around the elbow here texture going on a long walk about trying to see if that flank is coming in from behind something inching forward back turned sends a couple shots over towards meteor the face out he's in Garden here he's saying safe but he's no closer to diffusing this Spike couple more shots through it texture says yeah I got this there he did see something so either way have to be cognizant about this push out as oh Munch get spotted for moment there's the swing able to find one something coming up with three one enemy remain that is the kind of turnaround you want to see here for paper Rex a strong answer back in mitigating losses for the most part as now meteor everything to do was instrumental in that previous round Victory but one V4 might just be a bridge too far would have to try to break his way into hookah for now back let's grab the spike and looks like he's going to continue to push up here there's challenge will be there from Divi oh swing on the corner nothing spotted there but doesn't matter something Snappy with a head shot a 4K from him thrash online The Guiding Light but that's necessarily what he wanted to do Trail boys are now going to be sent so they just Spam across Smoke's thrown down and this needs to be a monstrous take on the side here this Cascade has to let gen know that they have to watch out for the flank don't know if they'll be quick enough to react to it okay well TP pivot coming through munchkin making the call saying I think it's all cleared out he still need the their way across is forsaken swings out L does manage to find that head shot but do they anticipate that there's going to be a second player now they do the Seeker revealing all no one's close it's a 50/50 a double break you know a 910 split here for Divi TP from something to try to reinforce but he's just going to go ahead and take him down swinging from texture able to find one they know that that sky is still going to be nearby but he turns away maybe suspecting that it's going to be that long WP just trying to reposition cuz the post plant's not great so far from gen and now it's even worse read there not great for him it's Mind Freak inching forward the gun barrel not going to be spotted there poison orb comes back up continues to push up the drop down on it but mind freak he's able to find K before mun can claim the kill still tries to drag it back finds the second tucked in here's him rotating around the side and Jing he does not have the time cleans out all the weapons takes away their Arsenal away he and something on this side of the map as something occupies hookah flash going going to be noted there Divi go ahead get a mention want that Guiding Light dizzy over the top instantly cleared out texture up over the top finds one munchkin finds the other the B site now broken open you can see the rotations started there but now call off paper Rex they're just going to go ahead and save this all right I mean sure your creds are okay but something only at 15 credits and basically you don't want to give away more creds more old points when it starts to get this close giving respect to gen G and this was gen just reaching into the playbooks bringing out something they've always done going into B Main and understanding that if paperex doesn't meet you right there and then it's going to be a default split that you're going to have the strength and numbers oh and texture knows exactly what's going on he wants to set up for the showstopper he's got the creds there's going to be a tough one to look for though on the hunt is mildly escorted here by meteor as paint shells come out J just saying don't don't come here try to smoke themselves off texture jum oh takes a quick blind pop there with that shorty nothing spotted M freak on the counter swing will be able to take him down now meteor considering the rush forward and a textbook round from gen you go for the lurk right through a short at this time it's forsaken he's the one who doesn't have cash Divi does take the teleporter across finds that kill but lakia puts him down texture his effort's not needed here the rest of the players committed though they're forward here on the site they have to try to play for this win the jump for J gets the head shot but now Again The Last Man Standing 1v3 swaps at the weapons cuz he just doesn't have the bullets in the previous one no time to reload just has to try to charge in for it but lakia will put him down a 3K for a repeat of that previous hit look at this Rush cring their way out into long and now this is going to end oh my goodness four players gone no kills found gen just a j I think they read it I think they just reacted yeah forsaken he might have a smile on his face but maybe a slightly pained one he sends out the he sends out the Reckoning he sends out the classic to try to clear out that Seeker but to no avail he cannot do squat lakia hounds him down it's yet again a 13 to9 score line as gen G will take us the distance smattering there onto something in Jing as they are just playing Ring Around the Rosie World Tour meteor able to find one already sherff put good use cleans up a kill onto something forsaken rushing up the Rope able to find one he will get himself a second now sheriff in hand joins in in mid here alongside mine freak lunkin just saying tucked here just alongside male in heaven rate is good though Locka here Johnny on the spot to get himself over towards this B site but can they put a stop to this push that is going to be the question oh and they're going to try to hold close with the classic it's a good read from geneng G but paperex surely suspects something as everything happened in mid the closest they could be is upstairs in heaven shoulder seene munching up the first one they find another now Mind Freak everything to do for away from the spike for a brief moment no TPS the play with the smoke thrown down aggressive they want to get out of this one fairly aggressive is going to be the answer here need to be careful but never mind he survives his loia will find the final head shot and geneng G will take another pistol position here at top ramp something on that left hand side in J trying to force him back munchkin trying to get aggressive up close there at Main does end up falling sink fight to try and delay the rest of the team but shank already through and like forsaken just saying screw it I'll need a little bit of damage something in deep able to find meteor swinging out from screens as texure instantly D there for the bail hit mountain m freak will be able to clean things up on ramp K now the last one standing can recover this Vandal okay looks like the call might just be for him to back away with it in hand that does seem wise wouldn't be too decent read on this one though sensing that pressure behind but now hear footsteps over towards main swings out finds one that's going to be the spike down right as he turns away D strikes finds that kill able to back off keeps himself safe but something now once again push forward meteor this time reading it smoke dropping meteor able to react a little bit faster finds the head shot heals coming through spots foren here on the side as The Seekers go flying and get cleared outon winning against the V and now it's all un forsaken in a 1v3 timing is great Kon dead they know forsaken's position munchkin looking to try to linger in lurk around the back tap onto the spike try to bait him the peek out foren though very aware very privy to this they're not sticking wow now suspicious you know worried that they were going to be actually holding that Spike knew that he had to take one of the fights that they're going to switch up their defaults in the coming rounds creeping in yeah playing anti flash there but have they read that he's already crept forward behind the boxes for now the answer is no but now very much known texture quick exit with that blast pack gets himself out the safety yeah with this against the E the most important thing is not giving away these weapons yeah that's too big of a risk to swing out he's still playing for on the back of the Flash and Jing is going to be able to come down both as they swing in the garage extra munchkin both going to be dead the be site now wide open necessarily know that but the rotations coming through weapons recovered now two Phantoms here in the hands of paper Rex and they've still got the Stinger in the Spectre as well I mean this is perfect to hold in the site the post plant already looking very solid for paper Rex I mean sure if you're gen you go for it with the Eon but it's not looking great with the Weaponry you have don't have a paranoia either to really try to get yourself forward Jing's already on the hunt as well he's one away from the show stoer he wants to make it happen for the next round time is ticking but yeah I don't know if Jing is going to have much left to hunt here Kon going to have to try to drift away from this site hold on to that weapon out for Gen on round six so they wait for that initiative flash connect with parano out texture able to find two pain shell still at the ready has not said that yet looks like he won't need to quite just yet he's looking for his own Ace so Jin get one in the last map he wants to try to catch up there's that tiny little bit of a window there over the smoke thei able to spot him out but can't offer up too much damage Seekers now rolling through paint shells to flush him out however able to win against lakia trading one back now here on his Lonesome knows the texture is basically not got no HP remaining but does he know about this wraparound here from the flank as munchkin works his way through kill found ji a very nice reply get themselves up to be able to win out the fight munchkin peeking forward spots him now they should identify that that rotation is coming through there's a swing in and Jing is not prepared for it Kon too Snappy with a head shot takes him down but munchkin for now on is Lonesome but reinforced TP into elbow comes through Karan now here on the site double around into the back they find him first and foremost munin anticipating this drags down finds the head shot Mind Freak dead but then something strikes welcome to my world their own pit invested paper Rex know that they desperately need this round the flush out util not there at the moment here for Gen G no bites no paint shells something does get spotted but as he goes for the challenge he's able to win it out T will make the call to go ahead and back away oh now goes for the peak and texture quick with it takes him down again over at stairs but gon seems like he similarly once again has the read on this but this time jing a little bit faster to react meteor now at risk that Peak Out of Heaven does come through anti flash he's the first one gets a second dashes across land somehow gets the third down Divi finally puts him down but so much damage felt Guiding Light doesn't go f deep enough but now the wraparound coming through D looking like he's somewhat aware of this one tries to go for the first fight but that's when loia swings out of garage kill found round one paper wrex have not been able to get any consecutive round wins make sure designs to continue forward knives sent something whipping three more left to go needs that reset but texure able to find one does get taken down by the but Karen get thing as well something the head shot there reset in a 3v3 now as meteor gets himself up in towards heaven he waiting for the plant sound so knives pulled something getting that last one the very last moment texure though or meteor rather ends up getting Gunn down hold together as a Duo as well but they do have to win their initial trads oh texture actually sticks onto the orb was really creating the try to get that showstopper online watch coming through they push up into car but he's only able to find one forsaken trades it back they keep the advantage 4v2 now is already something getting himself moved forward ready to try to intercept Locka off on that right hand side going to go UNS scouted for now they do spot him out shots something I think he was aware that locky was there but either way he comes up with a kill now just leaving munchkin some paper WX though very well poised to make this a 5 and seven half of themselves covering slightly but putting that much more pressure on their defending side and as MCH tries to do what damage he can tries to play yeah on both sides flash out catching multiple players meteor able to trade one back with texture munchkin both have fallen J something one a piece paint shells said they just further save them off just going to be a recovery here on that ghost but meor down to 52 certainly does hurt them toxin going up yeah the paranoia being used by Ken as well to no trade it's really just for survival you don't really have too many tools to get in now so out on that boombot here wanting to further incentivize him but lakia might be overextending a little bit more here as he thinks about poking his head out try to keep them interested on this side of the map while the team rotates but another actually making the call to come back this way Swing Out wi swing something able to strike them down question is do they read that this is going to be that b hit coming through or do they suspect that they're still lingering for now it looks like something he's going to be hovering around just in case yeah position for an exit as well one kill would get him that reset on the Tailwind but instead he can just go ahead and pull back and if he sees one he knows that the other is not going to be far behind yep and this is just step by step now he's got backup as well so it's going to be that double swing J surely they're aware of it with a quick head shot Swing Out Kon going to be denied that orb there two bulldogs still in a phantom as well on top of that Outlaw so they're looking okay texture finding that pick there opens up that b side a little bit more as meteor stuck in a bad spot looking for the trade out from K but no it's not going to be found and now texture all on his Lonesome Spike recovered finds the kill Jing going to be taken down see if he can get the clutch on the corner he cannot something will find a 3K papx will find the lead but rotated over to the a side there's still a lot of members here on B spray goes through but it's right in between the players the entry now beginning but Locka line it up M freak able to find meteor something does get taken down the one kill that they found thus far M freak watch out of back site the push for from able to find K as go back and forth munchkin 3K for him in the round as the plant gets ready to come through Jing however arriving showstopper at already drawn out spotting munchkin sends it kills him texture managing to strike him down the record grows and now he has his own show stopper online pops it immediately backing away checks that close angle knows that he's not in Raptors knows that he's not right on top of him still a lot more work to be done it's absolutely clutch here for five just takes the challenge gets the head shot the side of geni something posted up on the box paranoia s in the garage and oh meteor just Stripes right into that head shot TR Blazer will get the stun up there's a cloud down a mind free covering fire he's able to find two for takes down T now as that is the clean up a swift take of mid but no entirety of mid they'll continue to cover M the entry something push out pushed out early the paranoia there as well the paranoid have been so good from mind freak I praised Karan early on in this best toy but this time it's Mind Freak the timing just perfect to make sure that no more trades happen and then they immediate shift holding close but he pulls off that angle curious if they spotted an elbow out of place is Jing catching meteor dashing forward there in the cloud burst takes out texture as well paint shells lobed in Jing on the hunt looks for a little bit more munchkin does manage to shut him down but still paper Rex it feels like the round is already there as it feels like the map the series it should already be theirs one player left Kon to try to make a difference and he cannot duai will shut him down the cash over time I the reads here from paper x they saw that early sink bite they're ready for it it's looking like another crunch similar to B and there it is something coming with two pulls the knives mine freak pushing forward finds one looks for the second can't quite make it happen something with three bullets remaining has to back away a 2v3 however in damage dealt Caron and loia both down to the drags of their HP bars it seems like this should just about be it the Trailblazer to check for presence Kon making it known grabs himself a phantom backs away but how do you even try to get yourself back into this round and the most you can hope for is exactly this you go in as a double you rotate you hope that it's not a full stack from paper ax at the best you at the worst it's just going to be a 2v2 if you can somehow get in with only 45 HP on Locka sure you have the pit but still so much util on the side of paperex you've got the double sneak bites not the double Cloud burst still 35 seconds remaining D the only one on this side of the map running short and now garage is cleared so D he should be ready for this the call is being made forsen rotating himself around something will just continue to poke and prod relying on the rest of his team to be able to get this done there's a swing out and there is both kills it all comes to an end paper Rex they lose three to one in kickoff to gen but now they come back in they say you are pretenders to the throne they will redawn their crowns here as the king up Pacific what a what a day I mean so many things to talk about you know obviously a great match texture setting the land kill record absolutely brilliant performance from him today I mean he has just been wonderful top to bottom all day but really paper Rex just such tenacity here I mean that one of the things coming into today R AOS is that
Channel: Daily Valorant
Views: 178,625
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: valorant, valorant highlights, valorant asia, valorant pacific, paper rex, prx, prx valorant, prx highlights, grand final, dv, daily valorant, prx geng, prx vs geng, prx - geng, geng prx, geng vs prx, geng - prx, vct, vct 2024, valorant champions tour
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 48sec (3528 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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