SEN TenZ PRIME IS SO BACK !!!! SENTINELS 2-1 Team Heretics Highlights

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the favor a little let sassy overrun T though can't be the one to set up fully it's now a One V one drop on him and actually it's going to be Heretics to draw first blood for 10 answerers back and perfectly so welcome back to the international stage [Music] 10s [Music] this is it folks our last match of the day you couldn't ask for a better match up and we couldn't ask for better casters on the horn it's pansy and high success rate here on the attack 76% on their attacking side for Lotus a slow start here retrieve the orb drifting back towards the T and Zen who set up for a Smoke's going to go Up's going to go through as well this could be a clash here let's who gets the drop on him and actually it's going to be Heretics to draw First Blood prends answers back and perfectly so welcome back to the international stage 10s bloody missed you but oh he's still got this man is out of this world noted John Cy early and I think you can see with Patty Tech utility they're very aware securing the site getting the plant but now can send try and pressure back second leading the way looking for the damage he gets it FR dealt with Beni fishy on the followup though and now down to just three sassy John QT intends trying to disrupt this post PL but that angle too good with boom just going to hold it out and I think they're running out of time and options here Sassi gives them a moment of rest bit to work forward but they still too tucked by that pillar difficult but not impossible but jqt finds that there's still a chance here boo byy time but it's got enough now Benji fishy is sweating BL he's trying he's got one he needs another he's going to run Benji fishy can't get there in time Sentinels steal it from under their nose again still being forced further away back site now it's methodical he's got to get out now trash coming through that's going to clear a ton of space for Heretics be able to retrieve that as well be a comfortable plant coming through but a full 5v5 oh the positioning great work from zelis stuck around long enough he might be just walking into his dep now but the value is huge now they're going to get in their faces surely maybe not oh second n's going to do it and now it's just getting ridiculous still no plant but s apply the pressure pouring back towards the site and that time becomes a problem for Heretics they can't find stability here Sentinels turning the round on its head towards B pressure towards Mound could mean a quick Crunch and John QT just want to buy time you can see mini Bo's ahead of it look at that pace the man is absolutely wild but T has answered back and in kind three for him leaving Heretics in Ruins mini Buu barely alive on 16 bu Standing Tall but a tough position to be in with the spike so deep in enemy territory and Sen shouldn't give up an inch here don't think there's much bu can do about this really quite pinned in Z will be the first looking for this flank here Boo's ready for it just can't pin him down 16 HP now for miniot Sentinels identifying here as an opportunity to take some control back and with z and 10's positioned on Mound here the backstab through the door but on the other side a fair bit still to play with with Heretics they've held on to theirs so maybe Zen willing to challenge on this but he's got to be good for it and oh he is he's bloody great for it Z good for two the answer comes in but zelta is still standing sass on the back lines leaving bu just the only man standing in a 1v3 and yeah that one's been handled Sentinels lovely composure here on the this seake has been looking Unstoppable and this would be a bonus conversion this would be outstanding for Sentinels already though 10's going to get a little bit of contact here out done by mini but sassy then takes the next layer of pressure as they sweep the sight minib again but how do they break that deeper post so much youtil absolutely Mike it's very difficult to even get on the spike itself and I think Heretics might know that J QT sharp as ever and mini Buu just puts his life on the line and this is a dream for Sentinels now has to wait for reinforcement but this will be a PL for S and once again a very comfortable post PL J QT looking to take a ton of space up towards heaven here but diligent this is nice but do they get punished no they don't somehow Z's still here mini Bo's gone ahead of him this is madness Z finds Reen mini boo still behold this one beautiful work from Z how is he getting away with it still M just trying to dodge try to live and he just can't it's all on boo now and it is wild and he's still kicking 7 HP and a 1 V one out of nowhere oh sassy what that but what a ridiculous round sassy waiting out everything re has actually found T oh that's not good but zelis still breathing Sassi as well Sassy has been good in these but it's minib and ren you saw that aim from rien you see Mini's impact but these two are nasty hard to play against they're both in that corner how do you clear this mini Bo Dives on in oh it's lovely work again from sassy finding two the rock of the team here counterintuitive okay that's helped him out and the lineup I thought he could had two he doesn't in the end P gets pushed aside and once again Central's just taking the tour of the map hitting just about every sight they want to and this has been their stronghold this Seas sight has been theirs this has been the definition of running rings round a team this second half from Sentinel so much misdirection Heretics unable to find a grasp on the plan in time just 36 HP now for reans tough task here first map is R Sentinels back on the international stage looking exceedingly strong that second half Mike is something very impressed by but now breaking the back of this you still got T J QT Zen sassy all here that's a very open fight for Sassi paranoia gets posted but getting on that diffuse is so tricky Reen looking for someone his TS to connect but oh what a shot for Ren and now just one Zen trying to do the dance and oh he's still moving and he's surely you seen him he's just going to dive in he's going to get in his face beautiful that's the round they needed a Red Bull clutch to seal it you've got zelis towards CT T now joins him plants in they're trying to time this around the world towards Market Plant for CT as well oh he's just about to the timing of that and Reen now gets back but you don't get a B1 like that flash goes in and he wants to swing off it dizzy there too and it's going to be panch sends J QT back ran to follow up and with a plant in they're going to be looking to try and fall back towards main PCH gets caught on the way but still can they unravel these three players here sent back on the sight going to start that diffuse denied on the first attempt Benji fishy with a big shot coming through towards T but look at Sassi up close personal finds Benji fishy is on Reen now a one V2 he's dodging the bullets barely the spray is Good from Sassi catching him in the end his o comes online and so does sen in the second half Sassi yes he's made it here Z yes still around lovely pick up towards mini boot but needs a lot more tall task and very few seconds to do it now starting to close in Benji fishy Still Standing wants this done wants map three and then going to get it Heretics taking us the distance Ravid us for the third they've got showers they got everything they need apart from Z's just been cleared J QT going to return the favor a little zassy over run T though can't be the one to set up fully it's now a 1 V one Reen still has util but J QT with the reposition is just so heads up has no idea John qt masterful in his work there get S on the board with the first round here for themselves pop flash in the smoke and mini boo making no secrets to this one trying to clear toward shower they want some safety and they ain't going to get it second holding on here starting to heat up a little bit got n and the show stopping now oh that's massive from zelus as well cutting off the back lines T holding the plan itself leaving just Reen in a 1 V3 now oh my God hold on surely not the drop he's going to hear it oh my God Ran relax there's no way you do this right oh second keeping Sentinels safe not that time in his tracks though but can they get further ahead P ATT good for but not good for anymore Reen needs to play his life going to dip away now keep your eyes towards the plant do they get it do they get it for free couple of shot darks to be sent in and careful T is a bit lower here and he's going to be caught on the way out Ren's getting a whole lot of information too J QT though catching mini that's massive boo he's got the shot zis has to clutch up here a one V2 and he's noted boo knows it he wants that fight to bullets and sis holds on gives ran space though he's got himself he's got the half diffuse already Lauren he absolutely has and zelis he's got him dead keeping hope alive for Sentinels that's what you want from zelis thr isn't done with you oh dear oh dear and fting Benji fishy wasn't the play You're Expecting second just goes and aerates the Mt flies in trying to give it large and mini boo is found Sentinels right back in the matchup five rounds now Z two off the show stopper and actually heretic's now looking to switch out the pace Z is so mechanically just filthy look at him go Min had no idea this guy has just given him hell I it's a treat to watch him play and Heretics hello okay they they got back to to kind of handling it in the end Z with a third this round and Center here they've made it here this is going to be a 3-2 play back in as it stands Benji fish with a lot of weight on his shoulders and he will be actually noted and outdone T cracks it open now the problems begin as the retake fully starts boo going to try and slip back towards the corner of elbow you can see how much this is suffocating them but they're slow they've tried to hold them back by some time underhand flash of the Swing but the pressure on the side is mounting T and zelis in unison down to a 2v3 10 barely alive but still standing as his second diffuse started and re- ends how much can one man do not enough tens and forced to be reckoned with on the play back in jqt just living his life out in this smoke finally trying to get away to safety they have no idea of this surely not and boo left on his own on site spots the player on long now they know you've heard the show start no no not like this not like this at all it's down 2v2 and you know you're shaking thesis can you make up for it it's boo on the other side now in a 1 V2 59 seconds can he play it out second oh my God makes up for almost misery puts up to 12 really have much access to it here they burn so much down to a bulldog for boo but it's pacy it's could be two Z and zelis the big hitters and Z's always up for the fight always up to the challenge that's mini boo down the detain as well they're going to follow off is going to fall they're hungry for its Elis oh he's ripping them limb from limb and now Reen and Buu so far back The Seekers hunting them down one towards elbow and buo towards hooka Reen is going to give away somewhat of his position here with that utility he needs to be good for minimum two the spray's going to get it here it is down to one what can Reen do they know the position he's down to 31 HP they've got five standing Sur it's donees the last one 13 to1 Sentinel on the international debut with pure success what a series and what a final map to close things out he
Channel: TenZ
Views: 168,758
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: valorant, tenz, valorant fragmovie, sentinels, sen, sentinels valorant, sen tenz radiant, tenz vs radiant, tenz immortal, TenZ valorant, valorant radiant, valorant best player
Id: udvqzKOveak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 5sec (785 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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