Leviatán vs T1 - HIGHLIGHTS | Champions Tour 2024: Masters Shanghai

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already contact happening here outside of elbow as everybody get R our way down into mid come going to be able to find First Blood as easy will fall but Rossy head shot there on the TCH just take him down but HP bars here for T1 absolutely in tatters see if they're going to be able to try to recover this round it's already deep flank coming through King getting himself pushed all the way out of shop ready to try to intercept it oh catching one over at beach side player going to be taken down it's going to be a Readjustment towards mid here for team one with King's position are they going to be able to read he's gone up into Hall nobody right now going to be Crossing into that direction but tough right now T1 they should be able to get the space to get the plant down but after that like you mentioned health bars are in the gutter so it's going to be rather challenging for them they're going to have to hit some crispy head shot versus those ghosts and that sheriff of os at the very least we'll be able to get the plant through get that extra little bit of cash as well as an ALT charge here for car Rossy with a nice little peek out in the mid is able to get a one tap onto Mao brings it back into parody As far as the numbers are concerned so a 3v3 that's unbelievably huge that he gets that kill there need a lot more of that if he still want to win out this round though carpet the only one at full HP plenty of noise being made here as they start this Advance ghost in hand recon at the ready starts flying chips the night Crossing but not going to be coming through carpet just trying to stay tuck trying to stay safe King able to find Rossy car with a head shot climing one cannot get the other now it's exur here looking for the backstab opportunity flanking his way back through this double door Spike planted here on the flank the push up C spotting him taking him down it's going to be a 3K here for the side of Comm as the diffuse just enough time to be able to get that one through left will take the pistol looking for the spot there that's going to be the fake out caught as the Trap wire goes through push on to the wall side player able to find commo with that Spectre though do take out exec now ta gets into the action he with one little reply there onto Mao the tech still holds the sight two kills for him in the round and already fairly devastating for G1 in this third round of the half quick little pop out from OS still has that Outlaw in hand AI ready to challenge looks like maybe even the snake bite committed up towards NES to try to Zone him back haven't been able to get the plant down comfortably TCH again so tricky to deal with on this B site he's so gy so smart and how he plays carp now in a very dangerous position OS seeking Target the wrap around over here towards main getting ready to come through there's the push out and carp not going to be good for either kill push the corner see wor about every single angle but they will just Hound him down ASU leads the way but what a shot usus ready for the entry pick apart call coming through here with the hunter Fury dragged out of the dimensional drift ISU will be able to find the kill there on the text before getting taken down by Mao now a 3v3 there's the site taken here by T1 still though got this lurking player to account for King again again be laid in there has the Viper pit too if he can find one pick L around the back zero point just to check close no one is in that position King now starting to work his way forward Rossy attention turned away from Main does manage to find a kill looks to rest but it's a little bit of damage there on to King car able to find comp snake bik goes into the back King with the T on the spike finds a head shot look for the second and he's got it tanging tuck back just gets dazed up there for a brief little moment flash out K going to be blinded up does end up falling but Mao answering back at kind able to findu but cannot get S player man Advantage there for only just the moment Tech now striking the neural going to be coming through pit invested as the pings come through off that neural they have to play this out very cautiously reveals in TCH just drifting around here trying to get the pinch as OA around the back the head shot through looks for the followup and there's the strike from Tex sign out creeping forward Mao going to be the first contact Point here for and he gets the early spot on the Saia catching the elbow easy ISU will be able to find a head shot there on the king putting that Viper down but now he is alone here on the side creeping his way through Center pyramid com now spotting him e still does manage to drop ma but com should be able to rotate over and bring him back into the fold if he can get his way across here and it looks like he's not going to be suffing at all in that endeav excur going to go pushing forward trying to get the catch here does interrupt it does put calm down down now the bleed out Mao dead on the floor a 2v2 but it's t and Os both still alive one recovered Vandal here for the side of XR he hears that weapon pick up gets a head shot on the TX os's location revealed has to go for the reload now's just fishing around that wall trying to see what he can spot gets a glimpse of xit knows how low he is wants to try to find the finisher can't quite make it happen Six Bullets remaining in the clip wants to reload this once again knows that it's going to make noise knows that they're going to be able to note this one and right now the movement from the side of T1 is looking good half wall o the jump across xit does not Escape Tech able to find the head shot taking him down now ISU again usually at risk alert coming through from King he does make it around the corner here of elbow but King continues to lur forward he pushes out into main car does have a deep line of sight but he has to hit that shot he has to get that killx push coming in he's able to line it up but oot finding U softening up the sight side player able to a second goes for the reek once again as Rossy tries to hold firmly here now this half wall push coming through he does get on spot before getting taken down buta still multiple players to try to get through Mao held out a little bit wider he's able to take out the diffuser I think he might have just deliver the round victory yeah had the time not going to be there ma will try to tuck away try to keep himself alive but he cannot doing some serious Work N ano is King and oh they're all just getting mowed down oo able to answer back too back pedals tries to dash his way out but carp man find that shot what is that going to have to see this one back cuz the neural dep is going to be invested he goes pushing forward s wantan to try and defend stop him from getting these weapons in hand but T continuing to live up to the name with that sheriff dash at the ready sa suspicious of it finds that kill can get this plant but now finds himself in a 1 V one Comm should be able to recover this yep Fel going to be picked up with siia just's playing off the timing here and Cal he doesn't hear the plant come through he's going to play this out patiently wait for a little bit more confirmation but no caught with util in hand sa makes the gate crash here into the back but does eat a little bit of damage down to 56 here just from blind spray alone pushes up here's the reload Zia out wide in a very risky position and he is instantly punished PX R going to be taking down Hunter Fury coming across OS trying to get in on top of this SOA he's just not able to do so e eventually does find the covering fire but T swiftly answers back C online takes out carp now it is all on Ross he finds the first cannot find the second but look at this pushup multiple players lurking forward here into the smoke IU able to answer back on the one but Mao now going to be shut down ex HP it's carp exur once again just next to each other taken down in a collat this time the HP pass is up Spike now on the floor Rossy drifting across up top mid asbos War about a push out here but say just statuesque doesn't want to move an inch I wouldn't either it's so difficult you know cuz aspa is so willing to reek angles on you to reagg in your direction now they're going to grab the spike him and Rosy once again left in an odd man situation seen this way too many times this half for T1 where it's down to these two to try to clutch it out good updraft been a hell of a flick his way forward here onto the site but they still need for this arrival to come through from Rossi tap onto the door draw some attention C trying to hold that at Bay tuck back around opposite side of pillar here for asot so he's not spotted out siia wary about it drifting further closer going to be Cal who's able to find that kill and TCH off screen Su press out Cur Ling right up here against the wall there's a dash up pushes it he able to find one before getting taken down but still decent damage dealt as SP down to 49 shock darts here dump from carpet not finding the connection but IU's head shot will Mao Fallen Tech now tapping the door spotting one but U able to find that looks for third for himself can't get it but carang just outside the window do they look for him the answer is going to be yes they do but he still gets the second before falling ISU finds his Mark head shot across opas going to be taken down and this is a gorgeous round thus far here for T1 still more work to be done as Mao goes pushing into the backu going to get timing there ends up falling but a man advantage and car instantly striking with a head shot King Snappy with it the one tap they're stacked up and he nearly manages to bail them out to dead great read here from the side of T1 getting that early punish car going out there at Mid pyramid last spot going to be held at B for now but no swings into the back side ISU going to get taken out as Rossy creeping for catch on the comb now this round is very much getting out of hand here for T1 that sh from s going wide cannot get the hit onto C been a very necessary opener Reckoning is available but do you commit it here yes like the answer is in fact going to be yes but OS he's not within it and they won't get the play off it whatsoever IU right on about the back of this pillar full push up here onto the B side IU stting tucked away excur taking that first Contact but taken down Mao able to find that kill now IU in such a bad spot and Os has read this beautifully the Lim coming through for the rest of T1 what do you try to do well for one it's going to be cion pushing forward entering for the team that OS there's a onean deficit but one enemy remaining that shot Mao continuing right now they are feasting on Z1 Rossy just nearly getting sprayed down here through this wall does get the nice push toming to find one find two looks for a little bit more trying to get the Target on to C he's able to find it this time T1 with a very fantastic pacy response King last one down standing will fall to side player's hand oh tiny bit of damage going to be found there but up over top of the wall get punished by e but King fast enough to get the punch before that Gate Crash can come through and now the neural going to be invested poison off massive you're going to read that they're all towards the back of the sights a is completely open but immediately left that ping X trying to swing in Gets behind oh but he he gets kill and the trade is there King is finding revenge for all of his Fallen comrades looking for car but cannot make it happen car Standing Tall keeping them in with the advantage here in the round Comon now pushing forward towards shop the drone over top going to be able to spot them both mark on to one shock dart at the ready just a little bit too deep it's around the corner so damage not going to be found but the second one a little bit better takes him to 81 Recon still available here for carpet can find a good timing Z taken down been thinking so low but carp able to find a second elimination Tech now gone Cal on his Lonesome in a 1 V2 decides to play it out AR just behind that box timing nearly spotted but pull off the corner here is everything in the kitchen sink being thrown at exur as he tries to stay alive Hunter car able to find one next crit does fall OT finding that kill now TI player going to be TS the lur up through Halls gorgeous finds a shot on the Rossi car bait dead and now it is all on u in a 1 B4 and ultimately doesn't have that much money to jump Lev poised to get themselves up to match map Point Great Gate Crash sent maybe try to exit maybe push forward try to see if he can get a pick or two then just bounce out shots exchanged overall not too much damage going to be found as xit pulling back tries to get the head shot eventually does manage to find his s last knife he takes TT down so very low but he cannot confirm that kill now he's got to rotate out the rest of the team starting to pull back out of shoa Mao still going to be caught out in main ends up getting taken down so far everybody from T1 is still alive that weapon from Mao dropped recoverable here for S player if they can clear things out but never mind there's one right in front of him yeah but because of the cipher utility you have a decent idea that there isn't a ton going over on on the B side no one's tried to push through in towards elbow you can tell that between the Trap wire and the Cyber cam so a little bit of comfort now and they have a Viper pit but that's over in mid so doesn't look like they're going to opt into wanting to use that this round just try to set up a little bit of Crossfire see if they can maybe catch a couple players trying to come through link oh jump over the wire Rossy manages to get past that one there's the push now coming through King able to find one cannot get the second s going to be able to take him down Tex looking back through Archway over towards Defender spawn for quick little Peak nothing going to be spotted C missing the timing can he get the head shot yes he does there's a second one and he Nails it Carpe dead Ro see next it now last one's alive Roy drawing down able to go ahead and finish the job and now it is all on Tex but the diffuse is being held here within the C and as he pushes up the time is already dwindled way Hunter Fury coming through C trying to flush him out he's been spotted Hunter Fury be damned it's not needed counter pit now in play here from King xit tagged low toos takes a little bit of damage but turns the sight now back up here in the Halls s away waiting for say to come pushing in Reckoning a dimensional drift you got good tools but you're got bad numbers tools but it starts here you need to be able to find this kill first and foremost there's the stun you know that somebody's in there he's spamming for it he's pinging it down and sa eventually is's able to find the head shot IU just trying to flush him out just trying to identify these positionings so a lot more work to be done shots flying pop flash out chases in is able to drop the P then T in from behind able to take him down now it's all on exur 10 HP it would be absolutely miraculous push in and tex he started off the round he will finish it as well as the map 13 to9 left take down T1 on their map pick a breeze bouncing forward dizzy up over the top going to be cleared out and frenzy will be be able to claim the first kill as king gets taken down asbos lurking here outside of Market within that smoke waiting for timing to be able to try to push up F line goes through now swing around the back pack able to find the first finds his second looks for the third and he will get it now it is all on carp try to keep them in this but he is pushed out into the open just about by that Aftershock and taken down without showing a ton of pressure oh trying to play off that one way King does end up getting taken down de amount of damage the ex but again the heals just going to be coming through and then shot from T kn not going to be connecting IU managing to find a second Flash in after shot goes out IU picks himself up a third and now has a showstopper online here on round three it's brilliant patience around that util swing in C going to be able to put him down though does find one but Swing Out Rossy dealt with aspas covering fire is going to be good and that paranoia does not connect C in front of it sent instantly dealt with now pretty much aware of all the positioning yep CP coming through comp getting One OS the other just waiting for the zman smoke to dissipate comp getting an B of damage push up into the smoke now the show stoer out doesn't see much spots at the very end Mao able to find the kill before getting taken down by the showstopper and xit will'll pick off T now a 4v2 very entrenched rt1 King will give one other little death there over to S player but com eventually just going to have to drift away does have cash could try to deal some additional going to be noting carp up above that show stopper going to be led in an xit going to be taken down fantastic all the thrash be able to find too much here it would seem maybe spotting car yeah now he's been noted by The Gun Barrel as he swings out OS is able to take him Down's lobed in plant coming through they cannot clear the wing man fast enough but there's still only just two players alive now just one here 41 just a singular flash point Rossy knows that this round is done in dusted he gets the hell out of Dodge Flawless here from the side of Lev they look to just clear this one out IU is pushing forward nothing spotted nothing noted King finds a head shot and now you look at the HP bars here the opposite side Tech just able to spray away finds that kill exra going to be taken down Wing man does get the plant OS forc back there comes across but car trying to take some space trying to take a fight Flash but pain chells out Rossy going to be taken down today at the shooting range here for L didn't gamble correctly double here on Elbow K able to find one car however an back and opening up the a site but going to be a quick reinforcement here as Mao gets himself situated it's also going to look a challenge After Shock they just try to further delay but Comm catches IU lurking up into mid exur now has a great timing to try to find them both and he will right as the flash connects so two to xir's bullets wall now coming up calm Last Man Standing looks like all already maybe resigned to stay back but no redraws the cam he's going to start working his way over towards a does have a ton of cash to nothing into nothing indeed nothing spotted bom still gets e on that entry TP across the map as king joins in Mao eventually able to drag across actually going to be T colleting that kill com finds himself a second before falling carp and Rossy some much needed replies they bring this into a 2v3 but OT now the showstopper drawn out spots him sends it carate dead it is all on Ros to try to clutch this out can he isolate he gets the first The Swinging he cannot get Mao for in looking for the catch but it's going to be Cal taken down now that Tech does not really matter too much as T however holds a line cleans up three and it all falls to Pieces Theo trying to win out turn on the flash and second one coming through Rossy Ducks back in towards elbow as asbos comes swooping through paranoia not going to go deep enough cannot get the catch but look at the setup OS has the angle has the shot just tucked in St ing towards men and as they swing the corner in tiles they can play this out patiently there you go xit dead s gone Carpe eliminated as well it is falling to pieces T1 and tatters the nade cleaning up ISU as Rossi yeah he's two away from a rolling thunder but it seems like he's not going to get the chance to use it tiles to try to intercept carp playing forward the Dizzy connecting blinded up still managed to find one though RI comes away with com out gets himself two carp dancing around the center 39 HP eventually will fall and now it is all on IU SL creeping his way up but doesn't have the gun out but does get the dink there on the Tex paint shells on the left hand side cleans up one with the Satchel Mao taken down IU Carpe holding close and oh offsets the aim just a bit that ends up costing him dearly as Rossy now going to be stunned up the thrash coming through on the chase but no want just go ahead spot out the rest of this side make sure that it's clear look at all that look at all that gecko youtil for him to pick back up oh good fault line b line disconnect on the two the bounce coming through flash however decent as they continue to trade it back and RI gets that head shot now last one standing versus OS at full HP has to make a go for it eventually I mean the fault line it's still going to be a world way he just used it yeah 20 seconds remaining can't really afford to try to go for that one and as he starts to swing out OS will spot enough here we go there's the entry but attention split and it's going to be Tex and King coming up with the goods aside from ospas dead there's no other damage found down every single one of them he stays tucked in behind the other Swing Out wide IU eventually able to find the shot plant coming through rocket lobed in Mao going to be taken down T do find the head shot X crit Falls seems like widely t1s may have just been able to rescue this round the pl interrupted all on TCH with 43 HP at the ready right towards the right side but he just ultimately has no idea where they are will just drift away so T1 will be able to close this out despite the catastrophic start yeah this is huge from X curet through Boba smoke there rolling thunder to try to save up the push coming in from Main but the stun just sted up here and K is able to collect two they don't even need OT I mean he's over in Boba he's just drawing attention keeping him busy they okay we have to push forward but then K's just waiting there eny remaining now s Player dead OAS finding that value and there's the clean up got to run six in a row or you're going home b line for F line show stoer out and look at the value two kills aspas hungry for the win and maybe even on for this Ace get himself up to three Rossy interrupting the plant res to put ISU back into the mix asbos on the hunt will get shut down xit able to find that kill now a 3v3 as the heal comes through RI push back up and his U going to be Paramount in trying to save this round last back across comp deals with IU after sh try to flush him out Ross he goes on the challenge he's able to find Mao now just leaving common King see whether or not they can end the series Right Here and Now King swinging out xit finding one rosy getting the other p a little bit of damage there yeah King going to be taken down to 36 push forward Rossy eventually able to stabilize the aim does find com he's got excur nearby to go ahead and get that heal across and IU will go ahead and finish the job onto the enemy Alman so two man Advantage here for the side of T1 spike is making it way over on to a rolling thunder pushing ISU to the side and Mao drags it back 3v3 recovery on that thrash attacks however but he gets the one two he gets the third 13 to seven CL Clos out necessary series at two fashion
Channel: Daily Valorant
Views: 56,703
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: valorant, valorant highlights, valorant vods, valorant champions tour, vct 2024, vct, valorant shanghai, leviatan, leviatan valorant, leviatan highlights, t1 highlights, t1, t1 valorant, leviatan - t1, leviatan t1, leviatan vs t1, t1 leviatan, t1 - leviatan, t1 vs leviatan, lev t1, lev - t1, lev vs t1, t1 lev, t1 - lev, t1 vs lev, daily valorant, daily valorant highlights, dv
Id: r00Tj-Bw28Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 34sec (1354 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2024
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