Selling And Shopping At The Flea Market Found Best Pins Picks Of The Week

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so we're set up at lamberville today we've got a little bit of odd loads no this is our setup today definitely uh i broke the boots she was new this is a lot of the stuff we picked up yesterday coca-cola shirt vintage got a bunch of weird ribbon this is the only thing i thought would have sold it's definitely a nice old sign but found a reverse painted glass yesterday with the capitol but see it see how we do morning good morning ten bucks on the dream books i got this yesterday definitely has some age it was repainted it's all metal i'm not 100 sure what it is i think this is a ashtray and we got this guy here that i i know this is good i'm not allowed it's all it's a cast iron uh oh well i want to list this one it's pretty cool look how many times that was painted it's got yeah green red blue i think that's a sticker no that's all the different paint came off yeah you're right this is probably like 1910 somewhere in there but it's just a cool dragon so i got i got those pair of dragons i think that's the most expensive thing we're asking today i'm asking uh i think 300 and 200 so we'll sell those definitely having a good day we did sell the ducks that i bought yesterday good morning everything good um 30 bucks for the pair yeah got the hangers on the back so if you want if you need the wall mount they intact like inside yeah no i unplugged them from the house so okay like they had a whole nice uh stereo system if you want you can pop that off yeah just to see that it won't the foams on them sometimes are bad right they should be fine though it was a nice clean house so how was it no animals no okay and no mildew that's probably a lot of people will leave a house and they'll won't leave the air conditioning on and stuff with this humidity out here i'll take an offer if if you're you want to do 20. could you 25 there we go thank you all right making some money i'll go i'll go get five i have a mess of vintage hats down here yeah i got a whole stack yesterday i can do 30 on all of them actually this was a puzzle i saved from yesterday to to do we were busy at meadowlands bucks each on the girls no appreciation this thing was kind of funny and what do you want for the trip dick the where's it at oh uh it's 1970 is what it signed so 30 bucks oh yeah that's all done so i i have more books though coming uh next week i just didn't have time to load the truck i'll just catch you hit or miss yeah next next week i'll definitely uh have a couple loads of books hopefully art books yeah yeah how's columbus it's hit or miss selling selling good especially if you have households it's very good for households that's for this market on sunday so it's hard to get a spot yeah you have to call on saturday to get a spot for here on sunday or pay on wednesday when you come shop so all right good luck man yep to you also i'm watching you religiously thank you i keep i keep saying i'm gonna get to that your buddy sale oh yeah curly's dance he he gets some stuff he's actually going to have one more sale this fall so i'll let everybody know okay i'll be there i'm definitely going to give it a try run olympic speed all right there you go thank you thank you which ones did you get let me see i just wanted this oh they are pretty they're nice yep i think so you have a very good day all right still making some money i kind of want to go walk around a little bit before people start to pack up this is a cool uh is this oh no i thought this was bolted on as a hood ornament that was a great i found a watch for you maybe it's like a russian well since you find it a rock i'll give you rolls for 20. these four what do you want to give me for the watch i'll take these for 20 though come on dave i always take care of you i know you do you don't have a bag dude i'm sure anything here yeah thanks buddy you go yard sailing yesterday yeah what's the best thing to do take them yard sale they won't go ah make them what do you want for us i'll take trade how much trade will you give me well how about uh how many pins can i have out of this case of which ones let's see i don't know all the good ones how about five all right that's fair i'll take that one nope one over yep no sterling is all right no sterling give me that copper one behind it the white one yep two this is a fair trade i gotta buy more watches for you yes please um i guess the diamond one or this triangle three i might not get the best one though who's that is that silver the cameo one it's goldfield all right how about that one we call it even so i took four thank you is it a pin or is it a yeah it is awesome thank you will thank you sir i i bought four for 20 and i traded will uh good the watch for four more pins what's going on here hey how you guys doing hey how are you good good i'll choose guys later yep have a good day weekend the dream is ten dollars for three books they get racy on book three yeah yeah book one's a little boring all right let's see uh see what else we a sell bit more are these filtered now i never checked that's my man right there morton you found what'd you find for me hey what was um you had some junkie watches yeah they're all gone now though but that quick that quick it was huh done nothing great uh one was but try me on something great sometimes well no no it was it went went too fast this looks pretty well picked should almost get this for a jewelry lot george you want to sell all the stuff after you're done what do you mean like when you're ready to pack up all the scrapings i'll come back in a little bit there's a lot of good parts and pieces in this one you always find silver in his booth how much is the cross it's mexican silver mexico sterling it is sterling that's nice hang on a pass though [Applause] what do you get on that all right i'll take it let's see what else tweety bird watch all right three dollars here's a red line they're sold by the box no and don't swap them out okay oh how much are they a bucks uh it's which boxes they're uh 25 and then the bigger ones are 45. okay there's hot wheels in there thank you i know they did well james i'm glad you came down to lamberville how much is this one uh five bucks five thank you all right thank you enjoy that how's it going is that mickey or no he knows poppy hop along cassidy you know that guy i've heard of him before what do you get on the garden hose nozzle that one's js7 where's the fire i think it's a fire no it's a reap what somebody made it it's a china well it's got the china thing on it so i thought it was i thought it had age to it for a second i did too i knew what do you get on the big uh i got to take that probably to what an anchor chain or something yeah something like that i always like when they're hand wrapped together yeah yeah well thank you that's pretty cool yeah that's babe ruth standing right next to him you see who said babe ruth standing right next to him the big guy you just have his arm though how much is it that's 25 25. i just literally it's a nice early baseball i guess maybe the 20s i'm going to say teens all right dave i'm heading out all right my friend i will uh i'll see you i'll see you next sunday yeah i'll be here all right you wanna do 20 on that it's up to you it's kind of cool i'll i'll try to figure out where the team is w i guess it's wgp he wasn't taken apart in the back yeah it's fun well started packing up hello if you have any questions i'm right here he packed up a lot of stuff while i was i don't know just gabbing out there i'm happy that you didn't sell this i kind of wanted it i don't know why what did he offer um i just didn't see him okay yeah i don't know i'm happy to keep it that was something i bought yesterday anybody almost pop on this all the tins i missed these earlier yeah it goes with the collection we have we don't have one that big so all right i'm gonna keep on packing up put it on time lapse well we got it all packed up there's a couple empty boxes we it didn't sell as much as yesterday but definitely uh got rid of a bunch of it i'm gonna just go see what's in the back row and hopefully we find one more uh good treasure [Applause] devil's kind of fun what's up did they go good and you got some nice rhinestoney pins on there i got that old one sheet i had them all stuck to a shower how much are they apiece what do you get on that one nobody popped on this one huh so yeah i got a lot of interest in you want that so 925k what do you get on the rosary i always get worn perfect and these are three dollars two for five or three three four five oh three for ten yeah i see it that's a nice early pin just needs a couple rhinestones what do you get on those that came out of that same look what would i scored on the load out of that whole sheet for the 218 carat 10 two 18 carat pins wow good i just sold one of these yard selling 212 no it was here yeah wow that's how life life's supposed to go yeah did you get the look at that truck i told you up in lambertville never got a chance to get up there three for 10. i might find a third one i don't know though i could take two more out of there all right i'll think about well because they with amber they make a lot of anything that's like cherry amber this feels more like a glass feel how smooth it is it's like uh and it's cool like amber here feel this one feel it doesn't have that coolness so that that that's like a ruby glass i'm gonna actually pull this over i don't know i got a bunch of nice ones it's just one so mate were any of them signed because none of them look like they have us this is like stanley somebody or something there's a couple weiss pens might might still be in that box juliana yeah well they are a really nice prong set you didn't buy it today did you no it was on a saturday morning i'm good i don't i don't make it here every saturday morning so i knew i knew i was going to score the guy pulled up it was still dark he pulled up in this aisle uh-huh and he was on live you're on the wrong side of the table oh this is my first time here it takes out these two boxes i said well here i'll stay here watch them just go down the end of the thing and come back he came back and he pulls out this sheet and all these pins like what do you want for that whole thing well he made his warning but then all the vultures came over before i got to look at the other two there were two bins of earrings but you know can't get it all well i'm getting too much right now so so when you do the clean outs when you charge uh it all depends if it if you got good enough stuff i do it for free or i'll i don't mind buying uh whatever i want to pick and then they can pay got junk to do it or like i looked at one yesterday and offer offered a bunch of money on it and i was gonna go next next saturday it was all uh oriental stuff like oriental like a japanese porcelain and but a lot of older yeah the guy collected through like 50s through uh through the 90s yesterday yeah i was gonna go yard sale and i decided to go up to the meadowlands i was happy i went to the meadowlands i got rid of a big load of stuff i think this is it oh yeah a nice voice all right i'll let you give you a second to add it all up i guess you made out on the gold but yeah definitely thank you yeah yeah it's a shame there yeah well you know what happened the kid came home from college in july of 2003 they went in the basement the stickers go on the side of the tub wow there's there's some good ones so made it back it was day of really nice pins at lambertville i've got one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 probably some of the best pins i've picked all season really really like this one um i did like the baseball player he he's definitely really old and uh so i saw this guy over here i didn't know uh he just seemed like he was a good foot taller but it was kind of interesting i'll have to look to see who guess it was framed in pennsylvania it looks like germantown pa uh and then i got another one of these uh rings probably for like an old uh i have no clue what that would have been for but it's it's fun in all it was a good day we got rid of all the stuff a lot of the stuff in the truck and uh found a bunch of treasures to sell on ebay so thank you very much for watching hopefully uh you guys like this video never know what we're gonna find at the flea market and uh if you haven't yet please give somebody a call who might be alone please be safe out there and if you go out please wear a mask thank you very much for watching peace god which one's your favorite come tell me that one you like this one yeah there's like little coral balls which one this one yeah kind of like that one's kind of cool but i like this one because this one kind of reminds me of thanksgiving yeah they do have a good folly colors all right see everybody later
Channel: Blue Bus Dave
Views: 21,329
Rating: 4.907743 out of 5
Keywords: Picking, flea market, selling, storage unit, pickers, antiques, treasure, jewelry, dumpster diving, vintage
Id: ZhNhn3kS6o4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 57sec (1857 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 11 2020
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