Flea market picking! Beautiful day brought out all the vendors! Deals to be had!

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well it's definitely a pretty morning um hopefully we find something interesting today here at columbus flea market i always seem to find something different though hey what's up and how much you decide to set up next to today apparently kurt just has lots of energy yesterday got a box that's pretty cool yeah that one's that one's full public this one usually the lenses are always busted out of those old buddy elves my uh buddy scrap farm today i'm gonna work on uh i'm gonna work on cleaning out my uh wire oh yeah out of that truck i don't know if i'm taking it to scrapyard so i don't know how much i'm gonna actually have good luck all right and how much you having a good day yeah i mean so far you got a lot of stuff yeah i ended up getting this i went to get the month yeah good i almost need one of these i have i have a big squirrel problem right now oh i'll come up have bert give me a call i'll come up to look at the warehouse all right let's see what else we find this is a pretty sunrise hey mike how's the toys going good good how are you pretty good brand new jewelry well never before seen at the flea market okay thanks any uh brooches or pins you know yeah they've been doing uh they've been still i do this buying books play yeah they have really good stuff this week so i ended up buying them yeah maybe i don't know about 150 all i thought it was like it really took me always missing one one one plate out of 39 plates it's missing one plate oh yeah well you might be able to find that one plate on ebay believe it or not well a lot of people break up those uh yeah these are like the history of uh ancient costumes and stuff yep i guess that's one way to unpack it i got a whole bag of coffins here i have a few friends that buy cufflinks i used to that's all i used to sell online it might be might be silver [Music] what 1930s german bank of france from algeria algeria young's hotel well i found a couple things yeah i mean i've always led soldiers but i know i think they're pretty valuable they're definitely interesting oh yeah um what do you want on this i got three pins and bracelets in the necklace uh ten dollars all right done thank you sure it's like a light bulb that holds it trying to get all the paper stuff in here it's like a gold leaf what do you want on this pretty good actually today that's or a lot of cool little pins though i have the little fire axe 20 on everything i'll get 10 on there 10 on that 10 on this and then 10 for the rest can you do 17 7 on this yeah all right sounds good what do you what do you want on these james [Music] um well let's see you got that i always like the brass like weird knobs and stuff and what do you want on the paperwork that's here actually what did she do mostly she was a roller skater and then she was a majorette in the vfw [Music] from hamilton get the program from the football game football well you have that that and that [Music] james you got a question for [Music] these are pretty cool the little [Music] pennants [Music] so james what do you think give me a pair number two uh for the paper that and the keys yeah 130. all right that sounds like a plan i thought cool yeah they're all the sketchbooks the drawing things yeah [Music] look at the front cover yeah you wouldn't think that all right thank you what do you get on the belt buckle star wars five five hey i'll do five on it all right it's a nice heavy one yeah it is solid grass right i'll throw it in there thanks james so this is your first time set up here yeah it's just cut outs it's cool well these are cut outs they came from the same house the papers the papers in there was in the military all right and this was him this thing's fun all right owe him five bucks what do you get on this guy 25 on that it's kind of cool with the make a pile all right thank you very much got a soap dispenser here's some dojo for whatever it is [Music] here let me take a peek at it did you want the um [Music] all right oh all right let's see what he says on that let me have all this for 10 bucks so i feel like i won let's see what else uh we find a box right here a lot of fun little things all right i have this little box right here sterling i need a price let me know yeah i'm here to sell this is there something in here yeah there's a little uh pipe thing yeah is that sterling yeah you think so looks it to me like you know what this is sterling 35. this is actually pretty cool 35. honestly that's okay thank you i'll do it yeah that is pretty nice there's nine of you talking about the canon 15 15. i'll put them in a bag put them in the bag that's all i got i figured somebody might want the drawers the box uh the bottom had got wet i guess and it yep i picked it up the leather handle broke and the box fell apart those are worth fixing the bottom still though if even pretty good they're pretty good yeah i've sold them on ebay before i just got them what is this a belt the belts the screws are missing out the bottom so it doesn't bell right it would work if you get the screws back in it how much is it his name's joe they're they're good i'll get that for 10. that 20. let me mess up here what do you get on the bag of jewelry for you 10 bucks i think we might have to do that these are all cufflinks cufflinks and tie tacks and miscellaneous mostly unmatched though um there's a mix you know there's a little bit of this that and the other in there so what's doing exciting oh i got i have two big house cleanouts coming next week so yeah hopefully uh i'm doing the one for this snoopy collection so hopefully it's as good as i think it is yeah it's all uh 19 okay yeah he should be over there by the sign he said he said he had it he put him in his car last time 1960s 1970s cool snoopy cool uh i guess i want these three pieces also okay with that bag and the turtle about 20. and what do you get on the buttons um i don't know i don't know where i need to be with those well what makes you money probably a hundred bucks i think these are olympics olympic team yeah probably from the 30s yeah 30s or 40s i think there's a couple hard rubber ones down in there some cool ones in there yeah that is that what this dog is hard rubber the pigeon and the partridge those two those three i like the spool and thread is that a button or is that a pin it's a button these are all like ceramic or porcelains that one's a button all there are all buttons in there except for that that's like a world war one collar disk oh so what is that what is that it would put us at 120 yeah 120. i got a nice throwing pin in there too i'll take a look something i'll get it oh i see it yeah nothing important what do you get on the little sewing scissors four bucks does that work for you i don't know if that does a couple cool ones in there i had a bunch more i remember i was telling you we were going to go out to pa to that jake market yeah i took like 20 caravan out there they sold pretty fast how about things i'm killing it i could believe it all right this one looks like it does cigars or [Music] something his nose broke so we'll pass on him got it yep all right who's that you want to die and uh so we got that 100 this was 100 120 so let's make it 130 for all of it all right thank users in the heart thank you yeah make sure i didn't miss anything else except for killing a coffee that is sad what do you get on the silverware set uh all that in there do 20 bucks for that set japan stainless maybe i have a lead on scrimshaw but i don't think you can sell it anymore i don't know this is nice too that has a cracked handle i used to collect our pottery like mission arts and crafts and uh was this part of your collection part of it yeah that was one of the first ones i ever got i just liked it and i thought it was a score you know and i was like when i first started collecting who'd you figure it was uh belgium i think it's all but never did get a maker yeah that's cool yeah it's a cool piece yeah but then i got into like rookwood and yep roseville and vulper and all that stuff i still have that i forget which one it was i have that one big piece i pulled out of the attic oh okay this is nice though okay nice i have a we have a fireplace panel and i got you know 20 30 pieces up there those are all pretty modern one or two old palms in there is this all cannonball pieces yep i found all that what uh where at uh virginia and south carolina that's pretty cool is this a piece of a cannon do you think or is it actually a parrot shell okay so it's a civil war artillery fragment that's confederate that's off uh it's called a polygonal shell so it's a cannonball and when it burst all those stop stop pieces would come out man and then one big piece that's off a navy shell 90-pound navy shell my buddy found a whole one live yeah there's somebody blew themselves up recently with their uh civil war cannonball collection i got my detector in the car so i'm going after i get out of here i'm all right to the field to go detective good well good luck today yeah thanks what do you get on uh is this you yeah what do you get on the little sewing machine everything's in there a dollar a piece okay thank you that's a good deal for dollar i see a bunch of costume jewelry at the bottom of this box man i can't believe i just got that for a buck [Music] oh it's almost worth a dollar yeah it looks like the costumes pretty what would you like for at the bottom of this box there's a box of costume jewelry yeah mostly parts though like there's not a not pairs of anything two bucks for the whole box all right i have to do that thank you all right so i'm at i got three dollars then it's pretty good what do you get on these pictures out front i guess there's four of them for all four of them yeah i have to say yes to that thank you crow's kind of fun all right let's see if we find anything else you just make me an offer on all of them to be honest with you i don't really know much about them they were my uncles i should have went twenty um not of that kind i mean we have like what are the like hot wheels and stuff like that like the matchbox ones down there but well you guys gave me such a good deal on that other stuff i had i had to say thank you and honestly this is a good deal at 50 so i appreciate it yeah i mean i thought about like looking them up individually and trying the online thing it all has to do with the interiors and stuff and the different colors so thank you what do you get on these guys actually here it is so this with the wrench and uh what do you want on the dollhouse furniture there's how many is there's a few ten bucks for everything yeah ten bucks for everything so yeah everything included wow you know what these are yeah yep where do you know where you found them at i do not know where you found them at but i was looking at it because my son does like them but i was like nope well one good size one right there i'm going to give them to my kid here this will sell right away the records all right i guess that's it all right we get another 10. so i had to show everybody the how cool the red lines were i think i'm gonna trade them to my buddy james though for uh you know this might be the best one i think i don't know have you ever seen that one no the colors on this looks like a new one mostly 1970 is what i saw but i guess i'm going to trade for some jewelry do you have this this bin right here okay and uh all right you bring me some pins from the yard sale this is that pin i'm telling you about [Applause] i just did things kicking out yeah i've never seen that i never did either i know what it is what is it it's an ice clamp holding an ice block out of lucite you see it yeah that's pretty cool probably 1950. awesome that is cool all right you always you're always out there so good thank you james well i was pretty happy with all the stuff at the flea market i just uh saw this uh looks like a mission oak recliner make sure the hardware definitely looks like it's all in one piece i think i can sell that at the flea market pretty easy so i'm gonna throw that on the truck um i know i uh with tradin james the the hot wheels was a risky move but he ended up giving me back all the money i spent on uh the keys the paperwork and uh what was the other thing oh all the brass that i got earlier that that morning and he's gonna bring me a bunch of jewelry so i figured it was worth it he always seems to find me a bunch of jewelry all right um hopefully you guys enjoyed this video if you haven't yet um please give somebody a call who might be alone please be safe out there i uh no i've been telling everybody to wear a mask recently but i think i think you guys all know that but i'm still gonna say that if you if you can please wear a mask definitely uh should make a difference all right we'll uh go drop this off the warehouse thank you again for watching see everybody later peace
Channel: Blue Bus Dave
Views: 23,517
Rating: 4.9279871 out of 5
Keywords: Picking, flea market, selling, pickers, antiques, treasure, jewelry, vintage
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 10sec (1930 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 06 2020
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