CHURCH SALE! Found something worth hundreds of'll never guess what it is!

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Church sale today 6-7 wait for just a second and you can come in what are you getting on hats by the way Oh awesome oh thank you no one has a pin but be interested to see if there's anything of the pair of gloves almost looks like Starla hang in there belts are all above I mean that's good for Halloween lots and lots and lots of scarves might be some good check you're gonna check the purses all right can I leave you with this and I'm gonna go the other gloves the hats and this one had a pin for a dollar pair of Uggs kind of worn really well these would actually be good for Gabby though what do you think for Gabby or are they too small didn't realize there was stuff underneath the tables interesting [Applause] all right I guess that's it another nice pair of gloves though that's kind of that's really cute like that beated one too it's kind of fun I don't know anything mesh here's a nice alligator bag alright gonna go see if there's anything in other rooms like it everything's fairly check out the craft supplies always seem to make money on craft supplies I guess I got to get over to the toys patches hummingbird on this one that's Christmas keeps on going [Music] got a lot of stuff Oh sterling silver like that's cool for two bucks one's broken but they get a lot of let's see what that bottom one is do you have a lot of a nice silver plate though [Music] yeah I think $4 isn't terrible for that Sheffield I don't know if I'm gonna strip more silver but I guess if he keeps on going up my mind it was a lot of work but we get $2 a pound for that flea market nice reading barking truck I saw Christmas see if there's anything else good did bring a bag today boys are pretty well pick there was a lot of people online for this I got a 70 74th then I think early pewter five bucks for the pair though nice having computer per dollar sometimes the silverware here could be really good seems nice this is a height up what $10 each I might get one of them try that just 110 bucks it's actually not terrible what do you think do you like that or now I'm gonna get this over wear this I don't see anything super crazy out here see something good he's only a buck early transformer another Grimlock that's pretty cool and then down here okay i'll die-cast toys transformer all right since the Transformers here I guess I should look a little more time on the toys higher it's pretty cool looks like you had some age [Music] I think he's missing his peg leg but look how cool this pirate is he's missing his card blegh I think but no you didn't have one I was rolled up there I got a found a good transformer I can't this can't side on this pirate normally means we should buy it definitely done in like the 50s or something like that so grab the pirate yeah I guess we're ready to go I don't see anything else that's super old have a ton of clothes [Music] almost looks like a vintage burner my kids feet are bigger than that now see too much vintage I think we're out of here did you find anything good yeah for being at the end of the line with me sorry yep what I'll have a good day that's kind of cool it would almost work with is actually that would work with his big hat I thought can I get it I know but do you think he'd wear it for Halloween with that in the Hat I don't know I'm gonna try it even though it is kind of girly but it's all mixed in yep what's a good name Branson here pick out three shirts you like and I'll tell you if I wear it I know they got a whole thing at hats here too I would think they had a hundred and thirty people online because they handed out tickets I was number 70 I didn't realize they started handing out the tickets at noon all right yep so I made it back from the church sale I I'm not sure about the pirate I think he's uh pretty sure he's good but looks like hygienic toys from England who knows I'll have to look that up later I like that he had like a glass eye I got all the silver plate and silver hopefully there's silver I don't know this is just Reed and Barton it's nice pattern though with the rose I got a bunch of place to bring over one only one piece of pewter I'll probably try to sell these nice rephrase next time I go up the Brimfield I'm gonna bring a bunch of my better stuff there and I'll put this nice smooth plate into my silver recovery pile about a couple hats Darwin's Halloween cost costume did get the hankies looks like there's five of them one two three four five that was pretty good buy for four dollars and the die-cast toys I think the best thing I want to one of the best things I got was the transformer Grimlock I'm trying to find him I might be right here for a dollar so it's nice his silver plate and gold plate is pretty well intact my guess is he's worth about 20 25 bucks on eBay since he's not broken and glued together I did buy the diecast John Deere tractor I got that for 3 or 4 dollars with the trailer so in all it was a good day definitely starting to get to the fall and the bunnies enjoying it funny actually for 5 bucks in the bucket at the tractor show ended up being a pretty fun pet for everybody and hopefully you guys enjoyed this video see everybody next time and if you haven't yet please subscribe we are gonna try to go work on eBay this weekend and get a bunch of stuff up it's blue bus Dave I believe she does it all in one word so it's easy to easy to find if you type that in thank you very much peace so I just looked up the flatware that I bought at the church sale for $10 and a crazy thing is they're selling on eBay for $29 a piece so even though it was like number 75 in at the church sale this bag of silver plate our silverware it's all stainless it's gonna definitely do well i I haven't been buying as much silverware as I used to but I know people do spend a lot of money on that I guess we're gonna put that in my eBay room it's pretty great it's made in Italy like I can't say that word CALD er Ont I think ro and I but definitely a pretty good fine my guess is three four hundred dollars in this bag
Channel: Blue Bus Dave
Views: 191,860
Rating: 4.6736112 out of 5
Keywords: BlueBusDave, Blue Bus Dave, Church Sale, Rummage Sale, Treasure Hunt
Id: 3NCp088hDGM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 9sec (1209 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 26 2019
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