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sell me this pen is a really difficult interview question to answer now if you have an interview coming up there is a possibility they will ask you this question and to help you answer it correctly this is what i am going to cover today for you i will explain why the interviewer is asking you the question sell me this pen i will give you some really important tips for answering this tough interview question with confidence i will then give you a brilliant scripted answer that you can use in your job interview and i will also then tell you how you can get access to further interview training videos right here on youtube to help you pass your interview and just very quickly please do make sure you subscribe to this channel lots of you are passing your job interviews and i don't want you to miss out don't forget to connect with me on linkedin i've put my linkedin link in the description below the video and please give the video a like because that tells me you find the content useful thank you very much let's get straight to it so why is the interviewer asking you the question sell me this pen well first and foremost they are assessing your sales abilities and your approach to selling so if you can sell a pen to an interviewer you can sell anything number two they want to see how confident you are when you're put on the spot this is a difficult question you are being put on the spot and how you respond to it is very very important now do not do this don't do the following the majority of people will start talking about the benefits of the pen and how good the build quality is do not do it i would estimate 95 of candidates will say something like this is a great pen it is smooth and it has a great feel do not do that instead follow these tips so let me now give you some important tips for answering the sell me this pen interview question with confidence so the first tip is to use the following three step process you can remember this and then you can use it when answering the sell me this pen interview question follow this three-step process number one create demand for the pen so to create demand you have to ask a number of questions i will tell you the questions to ask in a second number two you then move on to the sales pitch so you will sell the pen and then finish off and close the sale it's really important to follow this process create demand for the pen sell the pen and then close the sale so to create demand for the pen you need to ask the interviewer a number of questions so you will start off and ask the question how often do you use a pen now they are going to come back to you and they will say i don't really use one that often to be honest that's perfect when they come back with that because you then respond and you will say so you're clearly a man of success am i right in assuming you will sometimes use a pen to sign important sales or employment contracts because that's how you will use a pen to sign things so they will then come back and go yes that's correct so you then respond and you say and by the way you've conducted this interview today and the professional manner in which it's been run i assume you are someone who likes things to be done to a professional standard is that correct they are only going to come back and go yes you could say that so now we move into the sales pitch here's what to say every time you sign a sales contract it's a reminder of how hard you have worked to get to this point every time you sign an employment contract it's a sign that you have taken the time to pick the right person for the job now of course you could use a standard pen that costs a few cents but surely a person who has achieved so much in their career deserves to use a pen that symbolizes their success would you agree they're going to come back and say well i can't really argue with that yes you now close the sale and here's what to say i want you to have this pen for 30 days free of charge try it use it and every time you sign a sales contract or an employment contract think of how good it feels to use something that is to the same quality and high standard as the work that you consistently deliver at the end of the 30-day trial i'm convinced you will want to buy this pen do we have a deal that is a simple yet highly effective way to sell anybody a pen so if you would like a copy of this exact script for the cell medius pen interview question click that link right now in the top right hand corner of the video it will take you through to my website and you can download these slides that exact script and also 21 more great answers to tough interview questions i hope you found that useful it will work during your interview make sure you use it don't forget to subscribe to the channel connect with me on linkedin i've put my linkedin link in the description below the video and please give the video a thumbs up thank you very much for your support and i wish you all the best for passing your interview have a brilliant day
Channel: CareerVidz
Views: 351,396
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sell me this pen, how would you sell me this pen, sell me this pen interview question, sell me this pen best answer, sales interview questions and answers, how to sell a pen, sales techniques, wolf of wall street sell me this pen, best answer to sell me this pen linkedin, sell me this pen answer, How would you sell a pen to a customer example, How do you sell a pen answer, How do you sell yourself in a sales interview, best answer to sell me this pen, sell me this pen script
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 17sec (317 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 18 2020
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