Sell Me This Pen | Call Center Job Interview Sample Answers

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whether you're applying in sales or in customer service expect to hear this question during your job interview and this is sell me this pen in this video you're gonna learn how to answer this question with three sample answers let's begin interviewers ask this question to gauge your selling skills you see whether you're working in sales or in customer service you are actually selling all the time when you're in customer service you're selling the idea that you are the expert when half the time you don't really know what you're talking about when you're sitting in a job interview you're selling the idea to your interviewer that you are one of the best people for the job um when you're watching my video right now i am selling you the idea that i know more than you do when it comes to call center so you see knowing how to sell is crucial in everyday life and especially when you're working in a call center when you know how to sell it makes you look competent confident and persuasive so this is exactly what your interviewer is looking for when he's asking you this question most applicants answer this question by highlighting the features and benefits of the pen here's an example this pen is not just a pen it's a multi-purpose pen and also functions as a flashlight and a taser with this you can write as well as feel safe 24 7. that sounds cool but you see i don't really like pens with multi-purpose features i know that sounds weird but i find them extremely tacky i need a pen to be just a pen no extra bells and whistles if i need a pen and a taser i will buy them myself so as you heard that was a big mistake the problem with that answer was the applicant was making assumptions he was assuming that just because the pen has extra features already means that the interviewer would find it cool unfortunately the interviewer actually preferred her pen to be just a pan with no extra bells and whistles so that was the wrong pan to sell to that interviewer remember just because a certain feature sounds cool to you doesn't mean that your potential buyer is going to feel the same way as you heard the interviewer ended up refusing the pen because it was not the pen that she was specifically looking for so if we are going to continue that conversation the applicant will end up telling the interviewer that she's wrong for wanting a pen without a flashlight and a taser so that's not a good start if you really want your potential buyer to buy from you so in this case what do you think should you do here's what you should be doing instead step one is you need to ask questions you can talk about the mind-blowing benefits and features of the pen that you're going to sell but if it's if they're not the feature that your potential buyer is looking for it won't mean anything to her by asking questions you will be able to pinpoint the exact needs and wants of the customer you can ask questions like how often do you use a pen how many pens do you own what do you usually use it for what are the things that annoy you when using a pen just note that these questions doesn't necessarily have to be the same every single time these are just guide questions you can ask a different set of questions as long as those questions will allow you to understand the needs and wants of your potential buyer after that we're gonna proceed to step two and that is to create the features that fit your potential buyers needs and wants this way you won't have a hard time selling the pen to your interviewer because it's the pen that she specifically needs here's a sample answer so sell me this pen sure but i'd like to know how many pens do you own a dozen wow that many huh is there a reason why you need that many well technically i could survive with only one but i have this annoying habit of losing a pan on a regular basis on estimate how many pens do you buy per month well i wasn't counting but i'm sure not a week goes by that i don't lose at least one so an estimate per month i replace around four pence oh make that six because sometimes some of the inks dry up how much does each pen cost ten pesos each well i choose the cheap one so i can buy them in bulk stephanie what would you say if i tell you that from this day forward you will never again lose a pen in your life nor spend an outrageous amount of money on unreliable pens hmm is that so you see this pen right here this is not an ordinary pen this pen is equipped with a flawless ink flow that never dries up what's more this has a built-in tracker really how does the tracker work all you have to do is download an app and connect this pen to your phone once connected you'll be able to track the live location of your pen 24 7. interesting how much does it cost you can get this for only 500 pesos and i know what you're thinking too expensive but if you do the math this pen is actually 4.3 times cheaper you spend 60 pesos per month on average right well the ink of this pen lasts up to 3 years with your usual supply of cheap hands you'll end up spending around 2 000 pesos in 3 years with this pen you will only spend 500. now you really intrigued me but what if i forget the pen at home even if i have a tracker i still wouldn't want to go back home just for a pen you know easy you have two options either you activate the notification of the app to notify you and the pen is three meters away from you or you can buy two one for the office and one at home if you really need that extra security you will still save a lot mind you but you see one really is enough one of this pen is equivalent to your three year worth of supply excellent i'll get it okay so as you heard he was able to find out that her problem revolves around always losing a pen and always having to deal with low quality pens and by asking questions the applicant was able to identify her problem and then create features that solve those problems so as a result there really was no reason for the potential buyer to refuse the pen because it was the pen that she specifically needed but there is another problem what if the potential buyer is actually content with her current pen what if she doesn't need a pen what if she says oh i'm actually good with my pen it gets the job done and i'm completely happy with it i don't need any other pen what should you do well in that case you need to look for a wand here's my second sample answer for you to know what i mean so sell me this pen tell me how often do you use a pen every day well what do you use it for i use it at work to mark resumes mostly signing everyday papers nothing special really just everyday tasks and i also write in my journal oh so you write journals do you do it often every day yes you know that's pretty rare for someone to be consistent with journaling lots of people want to develop the habit but they eventually fall out of it what keeps you going well it helps me keep track of my goals when i write my goals down on paper there's a greater chance of me achieving them based on my experience besides it's a great way for me to preserve the memories i want to look back on someday i assume you have a special notebook for your journal yes i do do you use a special pen too not really the pen i use at work every day i use with my journal too so let me get this clear you have a special notebook for your special journal but not a special pen why well i never really thought about it it does the job and erase okay well heather what did you say that journaling is a pretty special part of your day then should be treated like juan what i mean is here you are writing about the happiest moments of your life the most important goals that you plan to accomplish in the next five years of your life on a special notebook but with a very unmemorable pen i mean i get it it gets the job done but wouldn't you say that your goals ideas and memories deserve something more special than an everyday pen this is the pen for preserving your most cherished memories your ideas your light bulb moments your biggest goals this is the tool you use to mark your progress in life think of this as a symbol for your growth when you begin to use this special tool you are in a more productive state of mind and you begin to accomplish more goals and cherish each memory more intensely you have a point but what makes it so special well this is the only pen in the world with this exact design when you buy a pen for me i guarantee that it's customized for you and you alone and from what i see and hear from you you're a person who is focused on self-growth in progress and this pen is the perfect one for you okay so as you heard the potential buyer was already satisfied with the pen that she was using when journaling until the applicant created a wand for her there was no need to fill but there was a want waiting to be discovered the applicant here decided that it was not worth selling a pen for her every everyday needs with filling out the resumes and doing everyday papers because the way the interviewer described her uses with a pen she said that it was nothing special but the applicant saw an opportunity and that opportunity lies with her journaling therefore the applicant asked more question to know more about how she valued journaling and then she revealed that she writes journal every single day because it helps her remember the memories that she wants to remember and most especially with her goal setting so with this statement alone the applicant already figured out that journaling must be a really special event for her a really special routine in her everyday life so that was the opportunity that the applicant spotted and she grabbed it so i know that the last two sample answers are quite lengthy and complicated i'm just giving you the possibilities of the exchange that you might have with your interviewer but this this third example is going to be simple so you will be able to remember this if you want a simpler answer instead of asking three to five question you can ask at least two questions the first question that you're gonna ask is tell me what is that one thing that annoys you the most when using a pen so that question alone is already going to identify your potential buyers needs or wants so that's a great question to ask if you want a straightforward answer you want it you want to get it over with as soon as possible that will get the job done for you and then you might want to ask one follow-up question and that's it here's a sample answer do me a favor sell me this pen tell me what's the number one thing that annoys you the most when using a pen well i hate the fact that i can't erase anything when i write with a pen i would have preferred to use a pencil but of course that's out of the question so i don't really have a choice does the appearance of the pen matter to you does it have to be a certain design color or look i honestly don't care how it looks like as long as i can rely on it 24 7. that and the ability to erase typos you know jan i have the perfect pan for you based on what you just said this pen matches everything you need from a pen this pen is equipped with an eraser that's right an eraser but note this is not a pencil think of this as a breed between a pen and a pencil it has the high definition ink of a pen but with the capacity to erase typos like a pencil and when it comes to reliability well our company has been in the business selling pens for two centuries now we would never survive this long without prioritizing the quality of our pens so as you heard the applicant only asked two simple questions and he was able to sell the pen successfully this is not a typical job interview question where the interviewer is asking you one question and you answer it back and then she's gonna proceed to another question no this is more like an exchange between you and her it's going to be a conversational type of question and you should be ready to have a lengthy exchange with your interviewer about the subject because you're basically acting as the salesperson here so you have to act like one and you have to ask questions and engage with your potential buyer which is your interviewer because you're going to be asking yours your interviewers question your response is going to vary depending on your interviewer's response your questions although you can prepare the initial questions but you need to be prepared for the impromptu part of the conversation in this case i suggest that you practice with your friend and to tell that friend to always say different things and respond differently every time you ask your initial questions just for you to have this exercise of being spontaneous and your practice is more realistic you should expect rebuttals and be prepared for them um you're gonna be asking questions that's true that's already a great way to avoid a really hard rebuttal but because this is a question to test your selling skills you have to expect that that the interviewer is going to ask you rebuttal questions rebuttals are statements that will kind of contradict you and the interviewer is going to see how you respond to them and how you stay firm and stay convincing and persuasive the good thing is when your interviewer is asking questions more information about your pen then that means that you have her attention that you are peaking her interest in fact you should be worried if your interviewer is not asking questions about your product that means she's probably not interested so expect questions and know that questions are good you should be the one controlling the conversation and i know this sounds intimidating because in a typical job interview it's usually the interviewer who asked the question and lead a conversation to where she wanted to go but with this type of question where you're asked to be the salesperson you need to be the one leading the conversation the good thing is the moment that you start asking questions is the moment that you are starting to take the steering wheel from your interviewer and letting her take the back seat so just know this because you might be intimidated by it and you might find it weird to hear yourself leading the conversation instead of the other way around just know that it's normal if you have any questions requests for my next videos comment down below like and subscribe bye
Channel: Kwestyon
Views: 851,203
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sell me this pen call center, sell me this pen, call center job interview questions and answers, call center job interview tips, call center tips, call center job hunting, call center Philippines, call center india, call center international, how to pass call center job interview, call center tips and tricks, kwestyon, out of the box call center interview questions and answers, weird call center job interview questions
Id: PlAxAbBCKuk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 51sec (1071 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 26 2021
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