How To Sell Anything To Anyone Anytime - SELL ME THIS PEN

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hey guys in this tutorial I'm gonna talk to you about how to sell anything to anyone anytime hey it's Ted McGrath and right now I'm gonna talk to you about how to sell anything to anyone anytime and you can download my best-selling book how to sell anything to anyone anytime right here so here's the big mistake that people make sell me this pen what most people do is they try and sell you the pen right out of the gates but here's the deal what you want to do in sales is you want to clear out the possibility of ever failing in a sale and ever not getting the clothes and the way you do that is you ask what's most important to your customer see I could sell you this pen right now I can tell you all about the pen but I could completely miss the mark and the reason why most sales people fail and they get 1 out of 10 deals or 3 out of 10 deals and they don't get 10 out of 10 is because they don't know what's most important to their customer now you'll hear most sales people come in they'll say hey sell people on fear or sell them on generosity or sell them on you know what really is gonna help them in their life but how do you know what's gonna help them how do you know what makes them buy something if you have no idea what's most important to your customer so I'm gonna give you a question right now that you can ask any single person that you're sitting in front of them and the question is simply this what is most important to you about this thing so if I'm selling you a pen and I say to you sell me this pen you're going to ask me Ted what is most important to you about pens if I'm selling real estate financial products anything on the face of the planet what is most important to you about real estate what is most important to you about financial products what is most important to you about clothes what are you selling find out what's most important your customer most people never do this I can tell you I've sat down in front of hundreds of salespeople and I've maybe had two or three people in my entire life ask me that question and if you don't do it you have a whole sea of possibilities of what the person might be interested in and you're just guessing most salesmen guess that's why most of them don't do extraordinarily well I've made millions of dollars in my career millions of dollars online millions of dollars selling from the stage millions of dollars selling on video just like this the reason I've made that kind of money is because I know what my customers thinking I know what's most important to them now if you don't know you need to ask and find out what's most important your customer so most people will sell the painting they'll sell the problem and they'll go here's the pain here's what it's costing you not to take action on this thing you should do this right now now that technique of what it's costing somebody not to take action is very effective but not until you know what's most important to your customer it's kind of like going from here in a world of possibilities to once your customer says this is most important to me about this boom it's like laser focus and then you know exactly precisely how to sell to somebody I'll give you a quick example of this I was in this store the other day yesterday Armani right a walk-in Giorgio Armani super high-end brand I've been buying them since I was 21 years old now the salesperson he didn't really ask me anything I walked in I was trying on different stuff I was kind of like I was really exciting I'm not really in the mood for this I don't really see anything that I like he never came up to me and said what is most important you about your clothes now if he had asked me that one of the things I have coming up is a movie that I'm shooting on my life story so one of the reasons I bought clothes is I want more clothes for the movie if he had asked me that he would have gotten a communication with me he would have known what questions to ask he would have had one single important thing that's important to me and he would have fed off that answer that I gave him but he didn't so it took me like 30 minutes of trying on different things and finally my fiance was like try on this jacket and I was like I'm not really sure if I like that jacket she was try it on so I put it on I was like wow I really like this jacket and I bought two of them for $2,000 each the sales guy didn't to his job my fiance was better at selling than him and he was on commission why because he didn't find out what was most important to me there was a sea of possibilities in the store of Armani and he didn't know what the one possibility was for me this is the mistake that most people make so number one find out what's most important to customer number two tell them a story story sells let's face it you know I have a life story that I've written on my own life where it's 70 minutes I get up on stage I played 12 characters on that stage for 70 minutes and at the end of the day when I get done people have an amazing experience now I do this story I tell this story before anybody ever sees any of my business products at my seminars why because if they go on a journey with me and they see how I produce results in my own business then at the end of the story when they go to my seminar and they start seeing what my products are and they start seeing what I teach they're gonna want to buy it because they've already seen my story they've seen somebody who's lived that experience already and they go Ted did it he got the result if I follow his business processes I'll get the result too so there's two things that you really need to know about sales number one you need to find out what is most important to the customer right about that specific thing that you're selling the second thing you need to do is you need to tell stories now a story could come in the form of your own life story but also think about it at the end of the day sometimes your own life story isn't fully relatable so you also have to have something called case stories a case story is a story about a client or a customer that's had success so if I sit here and I talk to you about a young sales guy named Alex who came to me and really wanted to actually sell and get into business to be an entrepreneur but Alex had a stutter so he was 22 years old and he came to me with his stutter he's like Ted I really want to get up and I want to speak to people and I want to build a business but like I'm afraid to go do it because I have a stutter and I said Alex why don't you just tell a story about how you have a stutter once you tell people rather than them watching you go this guy has a setter tell them a story about how you have a stutter and how when you were in sixth grade in kindergarten that the teacher came around and you were singing that song you know who stole the cookie from the cookie jar and they came to you and normally you go who stole the cookie from the cookie jar it would be like Alex sold the cookie from the cookie jar and when they came to you and they said who stole the cookie from the cookie jar and use of Alex and he started stuttering for the first time why don't you tell that story so Alex said yeah I can use my story as an asset to inspire my clients and he got up and he did his first seminar ever and he sold from the stage and with ten people in the room he made seventy one thousand dollars at 24 years old not bad right so I just told you a story of what's possible for selling even with somebody who has trouble communicating when we think about sales sales really is communication so at the end of the day you're communicating something to somebody you're either gonna communicate what's most important to them by asking them which is the first technique or the second technique because you're gonna tell them a story about somebody who's already done it and now they see somebody who's done it who's like an underdog right why do you go to movies you love the underdog story you watch movies all the time because you're rooting for the underdog so if you tell a story related to the product you're selling like this pen right and you tell it based on somebody who was an underdog who accomplished the results well anybody watching it would go wow if he could do it I could do the same thing too so this is just the simplicity of sales that's coming in here now I'm gonna give you another clue that I want to share with you right now okay one of the other most important things that you can do is once you've established the number-one goal of your customer let's say I go what's important you about pins and you go you know I want a pen that writes well but most importantly I want a pen that's flashy and looks good right because when I go to my business meetings and my clients signed those contracts I want them to sign it with a nice pen where they feel classy and they feel really really good so we go okay great this person wants a classy pen now somebody else might tell you I want a really durable pen and pen that just writes in last for years and years and years and years somebody else might tell you I don't really care anything about pens I just want the cheapest pen that you got so now you know where people stand so when you know what's most important to them then you link their number-one goal to your product your your service and this is where people make the biggest mistake now if you just talk about your product and service you're missing more than 50% of the equation if I just set up and I said this pen is so great look at it I mean it has the word inspire on it here and it's got this gold right here and it's and and it's red I love red it's my favorite color I don't even know if Reds your favorite color but it's mine and I love the word inspire but I don't know if you do so if I starts telling you about the benefits of what it is to me I'm not going to sell you because it is what it is to me not what is it to you now the really good sales people can sell it because they're so passionate and inspired that they're really good at selling stuff so there are motion and enthusiasm just inspire somebody go WOW like this guys kind of charismatic or he's a little bit of electric or she's electric and I should get this because they have it and I like them and I want to emulate them but that's like two out of ten times you're gonna make the sale that way how do you get it to where a hundred percent of the time people are saying yes it doesn't mean they walk out of the door with the purchase it means they say yes a hundred percent of the time because they're there sitting in front of you because they want it whether they can invest in it or whether they decide today or whether they have the money well that's a situation that you have to handle with objections which is also in my book as well but the key is when you know what's most important let me ask you this question how does somebody say no to what's most important to them who would do that if I say this pen or a red and gold pen with the word inspire is it is my dream pen it's what's most important to me and you put it in front of me am I gonna say no to that because I know it's precisely or you know selling it to me it's precisely what I want it's pretty simple right so what you need to do the two factors is you need to link the most important thing to your customer to the product or the service so if I then sit with you instead of saying hey this is this is look how look how great this is it's red and it's gold and it's got the word inspire if I just said sit with you and I go hey you know the most important thing you said to me about pens is you wanted something was kind of nice and flashy and something that was kind of classy so this is a really classy pen do you see how classy this is because you said you wanted a classy pen right they go yeah so it's classy it's gold and it's got red and you know what's your favorite color you might say something like well it's gold go great so it's got gold on this and they might say something like it's green it's like okay well it would come in green too we could find you a pen just like this that comes in green so now what we're doing is we're getting clear what's most important to the customer and then we're linking it to the product in the service see what happens when you do that in sales is rather than being across the table from somebody where you're like buy this pen from me the moment you align with their most important goal about it guess what happens you become their partner in accomplishing it so you go from the sales person to more of the advisor the partner who's saying hey let's get this thing for you together because your most important goal and then when an objection comes up when you go to make the sale and the person goes well I don't have the time for this like really you don't have the time for this thing that you said is really important to you so like question where where would you be spending the rest of your time if this is so important to you where are you spending the rest of your time so let's say I'm selling a house to somebody and they're like the most important thing for me right now is I want to get this house it's one of my top goals and I want to make it happen and they're like well I don't have the time to go look for houses you're like okay well you said this is most important to you right so I know it's most important you and then this is the house that you said you wanted to see or our houses like this so why would you not find the time and prioritize so the houses go up on the list and other things go down on the list so every time you know it's most important to the customer one it's easy to sell the product or service that you're selling that's the first piece and number two any objection that ever comes up who would object to their number one goal they're not objecting to your product or service that's the thing that most people haven't figured out when somebody objects now they're objecting to their most important goal about that thing that's the game and I hear this all the time in different industries like hey Ted if I'm in the health industry or if I'm in this industry can I really talk to people about their whole life because you could take it a step further rather than knowing what's most important about the product or service know what's most important to them in their life in general so how does somebody ever say what's most important them or say no to what's important to them in their life so when you're aligned when you align the customer the customers goals with what's most important about the product or the service that they're looking at then you're bulletproof every sale you ever sit down in front of a person to make the sale with every time you sit down a hundred percent of the time you will get a yes from the customer doesn't mean they're always walking out the door with it but you know you did your job you did a hundred percent of what you were supposed to do to get the customer clear that I want this thing it is very important to me and now you're selling them on the thing that they want rather than on the thing that you want to sell the more you sell them on the thing that they want the more you'll sell the thing you want to sell it's that simple but most people never do that so when I sit here and go sell me this pen most people will pick it up and they'll just start selling as if like the word sales actually meant that just pick it up and just start telling me about it no when you think about it selling something means you find out what somebody desires most and you match that thing up with what they desire that is the key to sales my friend and if you do it that way you're gonna be much more successful and you're not gonna feel like that person sitting across the table who's pushing your agenda on somebody else when the reality is you can sit across the table know what's most important in them lock hands with them come to the other side of the table be like hey we're on the same team here you're saying no to this thing but I want you to have what's most important to you so let's talk about why you're saying no to things most important you because when we started the conversation you told me this was the most important thing is this still the most important thing and the customer goes yeah so why are you saying no I want to help you get what you want and they go that's a really good point or I don't have the money you don't have the money for the thing that's most important to you let's talk about how you could find the money for this because I know you really want this pen right so those are the ways to sell now there's another way that people look at in sales which is effective but you don't start like this okay you start with and I'm gonna repeat what I said number one what's most important to them is the first thing you start with okay the second thing is you want to link what's most important to them to the actual thing that you're selling and the third thing is you want to back it up with a story about your own life or a story about your customer so the client can actually see themselves having the results right if I tell you a story about a real person who owns this product you start to have an experience yourself as a human being owning that product so when you do those things you're in the money right the final thing that you want to do which most people start with is they try and get into the person's pain points and all their problems and all that stuff but why would you talk to somebody about all their problems around a situation you're just gonna sink them what do you want to start out on problems what do you wanna start out on pain would anyone start on fear you just can put somebody in a bad position to where they can't make an inspired decision to say yes the thing that they want so only then after you've established what they want is then you about what it's costing them not to have this thing you see so you want to know okay so if you didn't get this right or the fact that you haven't purchased this house or you haven't invested in those stocks or the fact that you haven't bought that car the fact that you haven't bought this coaching program what's it costing you not to take action on this thing that you want really interesting question right notice how it's now related though to the thing that they want so they'll tell you well you know not getting the house of my dreams that you know it's costing me a little bit of fulfillment I feel like I've always wanted this and I've dreamed it up and I just never went the distance to get the thing that it really wanted and what does that mean for you and your family well it means that my family is like not having the best things in life and they're not seeing dad be a role model and so they're kind of lowering their standards as well and if your family continues to do that and you continue to do that what will happen well I just don't think we'll go after our dreams as much as we should on this planet and then really you know at the end of the day we won't live our dream you know I believe we are what we dream that's my personal belief and so we need to have clients dreaming up things that they want you know most people will settle for 90% or 80% or 70% if you get a client to a place of total clarity number one on what is most important that's the first goal you get them to a place number two on matching that important thing to your product or service boom you're in the money you now get a story being told to them that resonates with them a story of a client that may be similar to them you're in the money even more and then you get to a place and you find out what it's costing them not to take action you're a hundred percent of the money now notice we've asked a lot of questions before we even ask for the check you now know so much about your customer that asking for the check and selling is actually 10 to 15% of the entire conversation 85% of the conversation is finding out precisely what the customer wants and continuously reinforcing what it is that they want if you do that it's gonna change the game of how you succeed in sales so here's my advice the next meeting you go into right when so many sisters to sell me this car sell me this pen or sell me this house or sell me this you know or you sit down with a customer and they're like okay what do you got just cut to the chase cutting to the chase is really simple you find out the most important thing that your client wants as it relates to your product or your service you narrow the playing field you're gonna win the game every single time because Victory Lane is right in your sights you're gonna sell this thing as easily as you breathe because you're gonna know it's important your customer so that's what I want you to do I hope that you enjoy this what I want you to do right now is if you haven't already go ahead and download my free book right now how to sell anything to anyone anytime it's a step-by-step system that shows you exactly how to ask the right questions so you can get the right customers and shows you how to defuse any objection that a client brings up so you can bring those customers and serve humanity also if you like this tutorial there's many more to come subscribe to my channel right down below I know you're gonna really like the next videos coming out as well and then I'd like you to like this video as well if you really like it it's gonna help me so if you like the content go ahead like it right now and then also comment down below ask me any question I'm here to serve you and help you be really successful in serving your customer and selling lots of products and services so I'll see you soon [Music]
Channel: Ted McGrath
Views: 228,192
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sell anything to anyone, How to sell anything, sell me this pen, Pen, Sell, this, Lok, sell me this pen best answer, High Ticket Sales, sell me this pen wolf of wall street, People buy emotions, FU Money, emotional buttons, james bond, sales training, High, Ticket, Closer, How to, Stories, Closing, Sales, Training, advice, selling, sales coaching, ted mcgrath
Id: axBUrqy1Jx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 28sec (1168 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 26 2019
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