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it is a well-known fact that there are five interview questions candidates keep failing their interviews on now these questions are designed to put you under pressure and they are also designed to sift out those candidates who are not going to be a good fit for the organization so if you have a job interview coming up soon for any role or any organization you do not want to miss this tutorial not only will i tell you what those five hardest interview questions are i will also give you top scoring answers and just very quickly if you are new to the channel please make sure you hit that subscribe button because then i can help you pass every job interview you ever attend and also progress throughout your career and please give the video a like because that tells me you find these tutorials useful thank you very much let's jump straight into the presentation so to help you pass your job interview i will cover the following three things during this tutorial number one i will tell you what the five hardest interview questions are now these questions will come up during your job interview and how you answer them is going to be the difference between a pass or a fail number two i will explain why these five interview questions are being asked and i will also give you a very important tip for answering every one of them and then finally number three i will give you the perfect scripted answer to all five questions to make sure you are fully prepared for your interview so to begin with what are the five hardest interview questions well in descending order they are question number one what didn't you like about your last job this is a really difficult interview question to answer because it is assessing your levels of honesty and your reasons for leaving your job question number two is where do you see yourself in five years now this is one of the hardest interview questions to answer because if we're honest we don't even know where you are going to be next year let alone in five years time having said that there is a way you need to answer this difficult interview question if you are going to pass your interview which i will give to you very soon question number three is why should i hire you now this has always been one of the hardest interview questions to answer correctly because the truth is you just want a job but to say you should hire me because i want a job is not going to get you hired again this could be the one interview question that decides whether or not you are going to get taken on in the role therefore you have to make sure you give a brilliant powerful answer that proves you can add value in the position question number four is what makes you unique now this is one of the hardest interview questions to answer because the interviewer is using it to determine which candidate is the best person for the job but what does make a person unique well very soon i will give you an outstanding answer that is guaranteed to impress the hiring manager and question number five is what is your biggest weakness now this interview question catches out 95 of candidates you can't say you don't have any weaknesses and you certainly can't give a weakness that is a match for the job you have applied for but again very soon i will give you the perfect scripted answer that will help you to be the standout candidate so let's now take a look at each question individually i will give you an important tip for answering each of the five interview questions and then a top scoring answer that will make sure you pass your interview interview question number one what didn't you like about your last job now this question is being asked to assess the reasons why you wanted to leave your last job or why you want to leave your current job if you are still in position do not under any circumstances be disrespectful about your former employer your boss or your work colleagues give an answer that demonstrates you are an ambitious and driven person who wants to succeed here's my brilliant top scoring answer what did you like about your last job here we go there wasn't much i disliked about my last job they were very supportive and the team i was a part of were all hard working however one area that did frustrate me slightly was the fact that i didn't think the company had achieved its full potential there were opportunities to grow the business in our market area and expand the product range but the company owners were happy to maintain the businesses position now being an ambitious person i wanted to do more and get involved with different projects but the opportunities to do so never materialized however working for you i think i will get more job satisfaction because of your ambitious plans and your innovative approach to business interview question number two is where do you see yourself in five years now one of the easiest ways to pass your job interview is to demonstrate to the interviewer that you want to build a career with their company don't forget hiring someone for any job role genuinely takes a lot of time and effort and it also costs the company financially in terms of your monthly salary therefore the last thing they want to do is take someone on in the role who has plans to move on within the first couple of years of starting here's a great example answer to help you where do you see yourself in five years here we go the company i work for is really important to me now we spend a lot of time at work and i genuinely want that time to be put to good use in a role that i enjoy doing and for a company that wants to be the market leader in five years i still plan to be working for you i envisage having developed considerably by undertaking training courses and by learning new skills on the job in five years from now i would also want to be respected trusted and a high-performing member of the team and perhaps having even gained advancement to a more senior level essentially i want to build a long-term career with your company interview question number three is why should i hire you now this is undoubtedly one of the hardest interview questions to answer correctly this is your opportunity to sell yourself now the interviewer is asking you this question because it can help them to decide which candidate is the one person who can add the most value to their business they don't want someone in the role who will just do the bare minimum they want someone passionate driven and commercially focused here's a great example answer to help you why should i hire you here we go i believe you should hire me because i already have the right skills qualities and the drive to match the job description you should hire me because i am a very quick learner i will make sure i fit into your team and start achieving straight away you should hire me because i am flexible i will do tasks that are outside of my job description and i will be available to work extra hours if needed to help out the business finally you should hire me because i am commercially focused this means i will be a positive role model when representing the company brand and i will look for ways to help your business grow financially whilst at the same time being frugal with resources and supplies to help the company save money interview question number four is what makes you unique now again this interview question is your chance to stand out from the other candidates now this question is being asked because the hiring manager clearly wants to take someone on in the role who is going to make a difference to their team here's a brilliant top scoring answer to help you pass your interview what makes you unique here we go several things make me unique the first thing is my ability to communicate and interact with people in a way that makes them feel comfortable i am great with customers and clients and i am a very supportive team worker now this is good for your business because i can help you increase sales and i will always put the needs of the team above everything else now the second thing that makes me unique is my drive my desire to continually improve and my understanding of how important changes within an organization i will never do the bare minimum i will support the company with its strategic vision and i will help you to achieve your goals interview question number five is what's your biggest weakness now this is the number one hardest interview question to answer it is being asked for several reasons now the first reason is the interviewer wants to see if you are honest about your weaknesses if you say you don't have any you won't be getting hired also if you give a weakness that is a match for anything listed on the job description they will be reluctant to take you on in the role therefore when you answer this really difficult interview question do make sure you give a weakness but be smart in your answer and to help you i will now give you three example weaknesses that will do you no harm in your interview what's your biggest weakness answer option number one my biggest weakness is my inability to say no to people i am a bit of a people pleaser and i tend to say yes to everything without first considering my capacity to help or take on extra duties now having said that i am trying to be more mindful in situations like these and i am genuinely the type of person who wants to continually improve and develop both personally and professionally what's your biggest weakness answer option number two here we go my biggest weakness is the fact i don't have any leadership experience yet i've never had the opportunity to lead a project or a task now whilst i don't believe this will hinder my ability to carry out my duties in this role i would be keen to eventually lead a project if there were opportunities in your company to do so what's your biggest weakness answer option number three my biggest weakness and perhaps something that i get anxious about is public speaking i tried to give a presentation once to a small group of people but i was very nervous now having said that i do want to improve in this area and gain confidence so if there ever was the chance in this role to give a talk or a presentation to a group of co-workers then i would love to give it a try so the next thing to do if you want to accelerate your learning even further and you want to pass your interview is click that link right now in the top right hand corner of the video head through to my website and you can download my top 50 interview questions and brilliant top scoring answers including the ones i have covered today during this tutorial it's a fantastic resource it comes as a pdf guide and you can have it within your inbox within two minutes from now and it's guaranteed to put you ahead of the competition at your forthcoming interview finally don't forget to hit that subscribe button it's really important because i want to help you not just pass every job interview you ever attend but also progress throughout your career please give the video a like because that tells me you find these tutorials useful and it also motivates me to create more content for you and don't forget to connect with me on linkedin i've put my linkedin link in the description below the video it's always great to connect with like-minded professionals such as yourself thank you so much for watching and i wish you all the best for passing your interview have a great day
Channel: CareerVidz
Views: 1,320,920
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TOP 5 HARDEST INTERVIEW QUESTIONS & Top-Scoring ANSWERS, What didn't you like about your last job, Where do you see yourself in five years, Why should I hire you, What makes you unique, What’s your biggest weakness, tough interview questions, common interview questions, how to pass a job interview, interview tips, richard mcmunn, freshers interview questions, how to answer interview questions with no experience
Id: WOHFlwYV210
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 15sec (735 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 16 2022
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