Selene Underworld Timeline | Corvinus Enhanced Vampire

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hello everyone and welcome back to another video  this video is brought to you by SquareSpace an   amazing all-in-one platform to help you grow your  online business i haven't covered underworld in   quite a while but I've always wanted to make this  video so here we are I'm going to be looking at   the story of Selene in my opinion one of the best  vampire protagonists ever and apparently a lot of   you agree because she's won every poll I've put up  with her in it i was actually quite surprised how   much she won by next to some of these other names  we were really obviously thrilled to have her back   always hoped that she'd come back she's Selene  she's the heart and soul the first underworld film   received mixed reviews from critics but did pretty  good at the box office and quickly gained a cult   following the best performing movie in the series  was underworld awakening bringing in 160 million   dollars at the box office the five movie franchise  brought in a total of 541 million dollars so it   was fairly successful Selene is played by Kate  Beckinsale and the first two underworld films were   directed by her husband at the time Len Wiseman  Len Wiseman has been involved with all five   movies and has helped with the story he directed  the first two films and produced the last three   they met when wise been casted her as Selene  and were married in 2004 about a year after   the release of the first film Beckinsale has  appeared in five of the six underworld films   not appearing in rise of the likens because it  was a prequel Beckinsale said she took the role   because Selene wasn't just a wife sitting at home  what appealed to her was that it just could have   been a guy meaning the role was written to be  a hero not the one being saved some argue the   later movie slightly compromised her character but  hey not many vampire werewolf franchises last this   many years so I'm grateful for every film we  got i would love to see Selene return one day   but i know that's unlikely you can switch into  Selene like that she can sit and giggle and then   she has those guns up and she looks like she's  gonna kill you Selene has a few signature weapons   including her fully automatic dual pistols the  model is a baretta 92ff that's been modified   she also uses shurikens that are sometimes  explosive she usually wears her leather death   dealer outfit probably because it was made for  killing but later after joining the Nordic coven   she adopts a new look the practical effects for  underworld are amazing the lycans are some of my   favorite from any movie they are foam and  rubber suits worn by actors and the lycan   head is attached on top of the actor's head the  heads are animatronic and moved by a controller   before we fully dive into underworld this  video is brought to you by SquareSpace   SquareSpace is a great place to start growing  your online presence and they can help you stand   out with a professional looking website 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so much to SquareSpace for being a sponsor  on today's video now we can get back to underworld I'm going to be going through Selene's timeline  in chronological order so that means we start   in the third film underworld rise of the lichens  a lot of people found it strange to do a prequel   when you're already two movies in but the film  was received well by fans and there's a lot of   people's favorite of the series it helped lay a  lot of background and deeper lore for the other   films just before the events of rise of the likens  Selene is born to a Hungarian family in the year   1383. victor commissioned Selene's father who is a  well-known architect to build a prison for William   the first and strongest werewolf as a child we  see Selene playing in the prison with her sister   as it's being built Selene's father completed  the prison and designed two keys for victor   one was grafted to his rib cage under  his skin so no one could ever find it   and the other was a necklace that  was worn by his daughter Sonja   you may wonder why not just kill the original  werewolf instead of imprisoning him forever   the reason victor did this is because he used  werewolves as slaves and daylight guardians   and he was told by Marcus that if either of  them were killed all in their line would follow   so victor thought that if William was killed that  all lichens including his slaves would die so this   is why he decided to imprison him instead now we  can talk about the events of rise of the likens vampires are led by three vampire elders Marcus  the original vampire Amelia and victor each   elder rules for a sentry and then awakens  the next elder before going into a kind of   hibernation this is so only one elder rules at  a time and there's no clash in decision making   in underworld rise of the likens victor is the  current ruling elder living in castle Corvinus   he created a breed of domesticated werewolves  in order to protect the vampires during the day   this occurred when a werewolf in the dungeon  somehow gave birth to a humanoid baby probably   a cause of the mother being bitten while pregnant  and passed the virus onto her unborn child   this is Lucian the first lichen there is a  difference between the original werewolves and   lichens werewolves once infected are stuck in wolf  form forever and kill without reason reduced to a   feral state lichens on the other hand have greatly  increased strength while in human form and can   change at will and retain their human mind victor  used Lucian and forced him to bite human victims   to create more of his kind unfortunately victor's  daughter Sonja fell in love with Lucian and victor   seeing the lycans as nothing more than slaves  and a mixing of the bloodlines to be unthinkable   victor finds out his daughters become pregnant  with the first ever hybrid child but victor is   disgusted and sentences Lucian Sonja and her  unborn child to death Sonja and her child are   killed by exposure to sunlight but Lucian manages  to escape before escaping Lucian takes Sonja's   necklace with him the necklace is half the key  to William's prison but lucian never found out   the necklace was a key victor was worried delusion  would find Williams prison and try and use the key   so in order to hide the location of the  prison he killed anyone who knew about it   including Selene's family he killed Selene's  entire family but when he saw her she reminded   him too much of the daughter he had sentenced  to death and couldn't bring himself to kill her   so instead he turned Selene into a vampire  and told her that lycans had killed her family   this is what led her to becoming a death dealer a  kind of assassin for vampires and hunter of lycans   Selene was 19 years old when victor turned  her not only did victor lie to Selene but   he rewrote vampire history and stated that lycan  started the war but in reality it was victor for   killing Sonja and her baby he has the official  coven historian tennis exiled in a monastery   by Selene for recording malicious lies however  what Tanis had recorded was actually the truth   the truth of victor not only started the war  with lycans but is responsible for their creation 600 years later during the events of the first  underworld movie we see Selene living in a   mansion in Budapest this is where the old world  coven resides now we learn they get their money   from different businesses and a company called  Ziodex that creates synthetic blood during the   events of the first underworld Selene's life has  turned upside down she has been living in the old   world coven with victor for 600 years acting as  a death dealer thinking vampire saved her life   and lichens killed her family she comes to  find out through craven that it was victor   the man that was like a father to her that killed  her entire family and executed his own daughter   she also discovers that the original lycan Lucian  was in fact still alive and craven had made a deal   with him to kill the current vampire elders and  they do succeed in killing Amelia which is a shame   because i wish she was in these movies a little  more Selene also meets Michael Corvin one of the   last living descendants of Alexander Corvinus the  first immortal he gets bitten by a lycan and then   later Selene bites Michael infecting him with  the vampire virus to save his life Michael gets   shot by silver nitrate bullets and because he  is a lycan they begin to kill him very quickly   the reason the craven shot Michael is because  craven has been trying to make Selene his wife   for centuries and when he's seen her with Michael  he shot him out of jealousy Lucian who has been   trying to create a hybrid since victor killed  his unborn child tells Selene to bite him to   save his life when Selene bites Michael he begins  to change into the first ever hybrid which removes   his weakness to silver only direct descendants of  Alexander Corvinus can become hybrids if a normal   lichen is bit by a vampire or vice versa it will  result in death as this likened scientist says   it seems like the races are destined to destroy  each other even at the cellular level Michael   becomes the first hybrid and we already know how  victor feels about the blending of the species   he tells Selene he killed his daughter to protect  their species which he is forced to do again   victor is about to kill Michael and Selene has  to choose between the man that has been like a   father to her for 600 years or the man she loves  so she cuts victor's head in half with his own   sword avenging her parents Sonja and Lucian all  at the same time Selene had not only discovered   that victor lied to her but that he lied about the  entire vampire-like and war Selene went from being   a highly respected vampire to being hated she  was now known for killing victor one of the most   beloved elders and the second oldest vampire  in history next to Marcus but because victor   changed history as far as everyone knew Selene  had just killed the first and oldest vampire   this is a quote from Selene for six centuries i  was a loyal soldier of the vampire clan but i was   betrayed the war was not as it seemed in one night  the lie that united are kind has been exposed   during the events of this movie victor takes  Sonja's necklace back from Lucian's body   but Selene and Michael take the  necklace after they defeat victor it's interesting to see how Michael's  transformation changed from the first to   second movie in the first movie he was basically a  human with blue skin but in evolution his face is   closer to a full like him but there is times when  he appears more human Michael sees a dead lichen   in the vampire safe house and says i thought  they changed back to human form when they die   Selene tells them that sometimes they inject  lichens with something to prevent them from   reverting to human form so they can be studied  Selene's plan after killing victor was to return   to the old world coven and awaken Marcus the  final vampire elder and tell him of victor's   treachery and beg for Michael's life to be  spared however Selene was unaware some like   and blood had dripped into Marcus's coffin  and awakened him as the second ever hybrid   craven was about to attempt killing Marcus when  he burst out from his coffin and killed him   but Marcus has the ability of seeing memories  through blood and through craven's blood learns   what victor has done and later tells Selene  he's glad victor is dead and that he deserved   his fate many times over after draining craven  Marcus burned the old world cup into the ground   disgusted with what it had become and as Alexander  Corvinus states later maybe Marcus realized that   this was never really his coven at all so Selene's  plan was a bust but Marcus actually finds her   and now victor is dead Marcus's only goal is  to free his brother William who is locked in   the prison Selene's father built and Selene  is now the only living person who knows the   location of the prison and has half the key  Selene does not remember the prison at the time   but Marcus can access her blood memories so it  doesn't matter Selene ends up having flashbacks   of the necklace from her youth and tries to figure  out what it's for so she goes to Andreas Tanis the   man she had exiled on victor's orders but she now  knows that all those lies he had recorded were   actually the truth and Tanis reveals to Selene the  true reason victor slaughtered her family to keep   William hidden from Marcus at all costs William  was much too strong dangerous and uncontrollable   he's the first werewolf not lycan William cannot  take a human form at all and is completely   uncontrollable he is the largest and strongest  of all lichens and has a unique lighter coat   his werewolf strain spreads like the plague and  if not controlled would wipe out not only vampires   but humans as well unfortunately Marcus is blinded  by the love for his brother and doesn't see the   monster he has become tana sets up a meeting so  Selene and Michael can speak with Marcus's father   the original immortal Alexander Corvinus alexander  is not a werewolf or lycan but a pure immortal   his power is never displayed on screen  but it's said that he is the strongest   of all immortals and could have easily defeated  Marcus and William he operates a group called   the cleaners he actively tries to hide the vampire  like in war from humans by cleaning up their mess   Selene asks alexander to help them against Marcus  because if he frees William it won't be good for   anyone but alexander refuses to kill either of  his sons he knows he should but he cannot Marcus   interrupts their conversation and seemingly kills  Michael bites Selene gaining her memories of the   prison then fatally wounds alexander as well as  gaining both halves of the key one from Michael   and the other from his father pretty efficient  guy Selene's mourning over Michael's body when the   cleaners bring Selene to alexander he says if you  want to defeat my son you need to drink my blood   Selene drinks the blood of the original  immortal and this is a big change in the series   not only does this blood make Selene stronger than  all previous elders she is also immune to sunlight   she is the first Corvinus enhanced vampire and  now she has the ability to turn other vampires   into this new kind of stronger vampire Selene and  the cleaners leave with Michael's body to stop   Marcus and alexander blows up his own ship to kill  himself and erase any evidence inside Alexander   Corvinus was in possession of Amelia victor and  Lucian's body they arrive at the location of the   prison but they are too late Marcus has already  released his brother fortunately for them Marcus   gets locked in the tomb for a few minutes William  easily defeats all the cleaners and turns them   into more werewolves they are about to overpower  Selene but Michael returns to life to save her   Michael's hybrid genetics and advanced healing  allowed him to literally heal himself back to life   Michael fights William and really displays the  power of a hybrid when he defeats him by ripping   his head in half then Selene now with the power  of alexander's blood defeats Marcus he stabs her   in the chest with his winged talon but then she  pulls it out and uses it to stab Marcus in the   head and pushes him into a helicopter blade  such an awesome moment in the series because   of Selene's extra strength when being stabbed  to the chest she barely even reacted and Marcus   even commented on being able to smell his father's  blood in Selene after defeating Marcus and William   Selene realizes she can walk in the sunlight and  embraces Michael Selene is now even more hated by   the vampire community because she has now killed  another elder and there's now no living elders six months after the events of underworld  evolution is when underworld awakening takes place   humanity has become aware of vampires and  lichens and are trying to exterminate them   this is called the purge Selene says humans no  longer kill each other we are the enemy they've   been waiting for escape has become our only chance  of survival therefore Michael and i are leaving   tonight unfortunately Selene and Michael are  captured before they can escape the city on a boat   Michael is shot and falls into the water and  Selene jumps in after him but they are hit   by a grenade knocking them unconscious Selene  awakens 12 years later in cryogenic suspension   Selene breaks out of the facility and finds that  they are being experimented on by a company called   antigen they are apparently trying to develop a  cure for the lycan and vampire virus Selene begins   having visions that she thinks are a connection to  Michael and that he broke her out but it turns out   this connection is to her daughter she must have  become pregnant before being captured by antigen   but wasn't aware yet she isn't sure eve is her  daughter but once she takes her hybrid form and   looks exactly like Michael Selene knew she also  meets a vampire named David who knows who she is   but wants to help her regardless of her elder  killing reputation he brings them back to his   coven to be safe but are followed by lichens  one lycan is extremely large and strong turns   out the antigen is secretly run by lichens the  director dr. Jacob lane was experimenting on eve's   blood eve is a direct descendant of Alexander  Corvinus so her blood has special properties   the lycans discover her blood could not only  make them stronger but removes their weaknesses   to silver this is why the lichens want eve back  the lichens don't directly drink eve's blood but   instead make a special kind of inoculation serum  derived from her blood the vampires suffer massive   casualties so the leader of the coven Thomas gives  eve to the lycans to save the rest of his people   an infuriated Selene must get her back now David  was mortally wounded during the fight with the   lycans but Selene uses her newly enhanced blood  to bring David back to life shocking his father   thus making David the second Corvinus enhanced  vampire and also immune to sunlight Selene works   with David and a detective Sebastian to break  eve and Michael out of antigen turns out he's   willing to help because his wife was a vampire but  she committed suicide when the purge started and   he knew something weird was going on with antigen  and it turns out that it was mostly vampires being   killed during these purges and it was actually  giving the lycans time to strengthen their numbers   Selene attacks the antigen building when dr  lane is about to harvest eve of all her genetic   material and killer this forces the doctor to try  and move eve out of the building but is stopped   in the parking garage eve fights Jacob lane and  Selene fights Jacob's son Quint also referred   to as the uber lichen he has injected himself  with the serum created from eve's blood many   times which has made him into a hulking beast and  because of this his transformations look painful   eve defeats dr. Lane by ripping his throat  out and Selene defeats quint by forcing him   to change into human form and then putting  a silver nitrate grenade into his stomach   the original blast from the grenade seems  to have little effect on him but once all   the silver enters his blood it causes him to  swell up and explode like an allergic reaction   showing that his immunity to silver was only  partial not truly immune like a hybrid after   Jacob and quint are defeated eve has a vision of  her father Michael and he's on the roof they race   up there to try and get him but it's too late he's  gone in the next movie blood war Selene finds out   that Michael was taken by Marius a leader of a  lycan pack I guess all lycans by now have heard   the rumors of hybrid blood and its benefits so  they came for him Marius actually drains Michael   of all his blood killing him then Marius consumes  the blood when he needs it and allows him to turn   into a huge lycan with a special human-like head  he's not as big as quint lane though this is   because quint was taking a special serum developed  from eve's blood that was essentially pure core   venous strain but Marius is drinking Michael's  unrefined blood which results in an unstable   transformation possibly because of the vampire  DNA in Michael's blood because he was a hybrid   kind of a shame that Michael gets a bit of an  unceremonious death off screen i have to say i   hate the idea that Michael was so weak that he  couldn't fight off Marius especially after the   last two movies have stated how strong he is even  if he was just in cryo sleep after Selene broke   out she was able to fight off like 20 people  including lycans Michael got impaled died came   back to life and defeated the original werewolf  William but couldn't defend himself when Marius   hadn't even drank any of his blood yet so he  wasn't more powerful yet like we see him later   if they had to kill off Michael I just wish  they would have had him go out like a hero   or fighting taking on a bunch of lichens or  something i feel like we never got to see him   at his full power and the same thing happens with  eve things just get good and then she goes away because Marius has drained all of  Michael's blood he is now looking for eve   he thinks that eve's blood will be the  key to making his transformation permanent   also before the events of blood wars even  Selene had some kind of argument over her safety   eve ends up running away from Selene and stays  in hiding because of her hybrid status making   them both a target Selene says she's lost her  love Michael her daughter her coven all gone blood wars begins and Selene is attacked  by lichens but David arrives to help her   after the lycans are defeated she allows one  lycan to go free and bring a message to Marius   while tending to David's wounds in a safe house  the death dealers from the eastern covenant arrive   and give Selene a letter saying they will forgive  her for her crimes if she will train the new death   dealers because they're worried about the like and  war turns out this is all a trap to lure Selene to   the coven Selene arrives and does a demonstration  with the leader of the death dealers Varga Selene   is making a fool of him until he pulls out a  knife and cuts Selene the knife was poisoned with   nightshade a special poison that affects vampires  because Selene is extremely strong it only causes   pain and paralysis but Varga states that any  other vampire would surely die it turns out   Samira wanted Selene's blood to turn herself into  a stronger vampire to take over the coven she also   wants to kill Selene because victor was her sire  as well and was like a father to her until Selene   came around then Samira was sent away so she might  dislike Selene for taking her place as victor's   favorite Varga kills all the death dealer recruits  and frames Selene for their deaths Samira takes   Selene's body to be drained of blood but luckily  David and Thomas rescue her before she died and   were able to escape in the daylight because  there are Corvinus enhanced vampires Thomas   died in order to help them escape and David takes  Selene to the secret of Nordic coven also known as   Var Dohr this coven is not governed by the council  and is considered only a legend to most vampires   the vampires of the Nordic coven prefer peace and  to stay out of the wars with lycans and humans   while hiding in the Nordic coven Selene witnesses  a vampire named Lena performing a special ritual   she says it takes them to the sacred world that  grants a vampire new knowledge and abilities   shortly after they are attacked by Marius and his  lichens Marius succeeds in defeating Selene and   has his vampire sidekick feed from Selene to get  her blood memories and find eve but that's when   they discovered that not even Selene knows where  eve is and their search might be hopeless Selene   being gravely injured slips herself under the  ice to be safe or maybe to slow her death in the   cold water after Selene's body is retrieved from  the lake Lena performs the special ritual in the   undercroft when Selene wakes she is fully healed  stronger than ever and possesses a new special   ability up until this point the vampire species  have been more biological being centered around   the strength of their virus but these extra  abilities gained after the special ritual are   definitely more supernatural after undergoing this  process you can also apparently read other souls   I wonder if it's possible for a lycan to undergo a  similar process and also gain new abilities Marius   is about to attack the eastern coven so Selene  brings the Nordic coven with her to help against   the lichens Selene's Nordic coven look with the  coat and the fur is one of her best for sure   when Selene arrives at the eastern coven she uses  her new ability to move extremely fast and kill   multiple lichens in what seems like the blink of  an eye so this new ability that she learned was   some kind of super speed the vampires and lycans  begin to fight and i really like the scene where   David and Marius do the yell at each other and  they force all the bullets back out of their   bodies very cool David ends up fighting Samira and  wins when she is distracted by the fact that she   can now walk in the sun after drinking Selene's  blood Selene fights Marius again and he's still   hard to defeat a drop of Marius's blood lands in  Selene's mouth and through his blood memories she   sees Michael head met Marius Selene cuts him with  a knife to taste more of his blood and sees that   he did in fact kill Michael Selene is almost  defeated by Marius while grieving for Michael   because she didn't know that he was dead until  right now but then she remembers her daughter and   goes full beast mode and uses her advanced speed  to go around behind him and rips out his spine   David appears with the severed head of Marius  and tells the lycans to leave without a fight   and they do turns out David was actually the  secret son of the vampire elder Amelia which makes   him an automatic heir to be an elder Lena from the  Nordic coven is made an elder and lastly Selene is   forgiven by the council and named an elder as well  from an outcast to one of the three chosen elders   from hunted to the highest honor a vampire could  receive an elder is equivalent to a king or queen   of vampires the highest authority and for the  first time in many centuries the vampire and lycan   war seems to be at an end the final scene of the  movie we see Selene's residing at the Nordic coven   and eve is shown returning to her now that  Marius is gone and Selene's been forgiven by   the council they can be together and Selene  has found a reason to go on without Michael that's my video on the timeline of Selene i didn't  go over every little detail of the movies i tried   to stick to Selene's story because sometimes  individual stories get looked over with so many   things going on still one of the best vampire  and werewolf movie series ever and I think Kate   Beckinsale is one of the best female action leads  ever if you're interested in more underworld lore   i have a full video on Selene's daughter Eve all  the different species and some other characters   if you have any other movies or tv shows you'd  like me to cover please leave them in the comments   below as i always read through them if you enjoyed  don't forget to leave a like and if you haven't   maybe subscribe i really appreciate it thanks  for watching and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Cogan Lollins
Views: 592,570
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: underworld, vampire, selene, underworld vampires, underworld movies, vampire lore, underworld timeline, vampires, werewolves, lycan
Id: Q8wAYxxWOz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 35sec (1595 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 26 2022
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