Every Supernatural Species From Underworld Explained

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one bitten by bad one by wolf it's a ridiculous  Legend nothing hello everyone and welcome back to   my channel where I cover vampires werewolves and  other supernatural creatures in this video we're   going to take a look at the underworld series  which I haven't covered in a while it's one of   my favorites and this time we're gonna look at all  the different species vampires lichens hybrids how   they came to be in their unique appearance and  abilities also I finally received my 100K plaque   so I just wanted to say again thank you everyone  so much for the support if you enjoy videos   about vampires and other Super-naturals leave a  like And subscribe if you haven't it helps out   a lot and I really appreciate it this body was  able to change the disease mold it let's begin   with the origins of the vampire and lichen virus  underworld is different than most other vampire   and werewolf series because the curse did not  begin with a supernatural origin instead it's   a virus roughly 1500 years ago in Hungary a man  named Alexander Corvinus has become a powerful   warlord unfortunately a deadly plague wiped  out his entire Village except for Alexander   for some reason the plague had a unique effect on  him the scientists from the first movie says that   somehow his body was able to change the disease  mold it to his benefit instead of killing him   he became the first true Immortal not a vampire  or a werewolf a pure Immortal without any animal   mutations theoretically this is the strongest of  all Supernatural species the progenitor eventually   Alexander had three sons with a woman named Helena  the twins named Marcus and William inherited their   father's Immortal Gene his third son had the  gene but it was dormant this third son would go   on to lead a normal life have children and die  as for Marcus and William they were born pure   Immortals just like their father but it wouldn't  take them long to become the first vampire and   werewolf William was changed first according  to the rise of the lichens novel Marcus and   William were riding horses at night and William  was attacked by a rabid gray wolf Marcus managed   to kill the wolf and took his wounded brother  to seek medical help but he fell ill and by the   end of the night William had become the first  werewolf he was turned into a massive wolf-like   creature that can stand on two legs he is the  only werewolf with white or light gray fur he's   also much larger than all other normal lichens  unlike werewolves from other movies William and   the people he bites can never take their human  form again they remain as bloodthirsty humanoid   wolves until they die only after death  will they revert back to their human form Marcus was later bitten by a bat that presumably  also had rabies some have speculated that maybe   the bat did not have rabies though and this  is why Marcus was able to control himself and   William was not however that's just a theory  most believe the animal DNA mixed with rabies   mutated the virus that was passed down from  their father it's possible due to Alexander's   condition that William and Marcus were born with  unstable genes this possibly means that Alexander   could have still been bitten by something  and mutated in some way if he was bitten by   a venomous spider would he become Spider-Man  my question is would it work with any animal   both Marcus and William were able to spread their  mutated version of the Corvina strain with a bite   or by giving their blood to someone it was never  actually confirmed whether or not Alexander could   spread his form of pure immortality through a  bite his blood did enhance a vampire's Powers   though so I think it would be possible it was  stated in Underworld Evolution that Alexander   could have defeated both of his sons and he  never denies it the only reason he didn't kill   them was because he couldn't bring himself  to kill his own Sons not only is Alexander   stronger than any other species but as far as we  know he doesn't have any weaknesses vampires and   werewolves must have developed their weaknesses  when they were mutated by the animal DNA [Music] it's important to note that not everyone can  become a vampire or Lycan Celine tells us   that most will die within an hour of being  bitten this is probably because their DNA   is incompatible with the virus also every  time a new vampire or werewolf is created   the core Venus strain is slightly weakened  Marcus the very first vampire would be the   strongest in every generation a vampire  after him would be slightly weaker same   with werewolves unlike most other series  vampires in Underworld are not dead they   are not called to the touch and their heart  does in fact beat since their bodies are   not dead this allows them to have children now  let's take a look at the first kind of vampires ordinary vampires of the original species  descended from Marcus Corvinus they appear   identical to humans other than their fangs  and blue eyes their eyes do not always appear   blue though I noticed that some vampires  like this one in the old world coven and   Tannis From Evolution have yellowish green eyes  instead of blue nothing is ever said about what   causes this difference vampires are created  through the bite of another vampire or they   can be born this is much more rare but if  you are born a vampire you are known as a   pure-born and will be more respected pure-borns  will age similar to a human until their 20s then   they stop as far as we know pure-born interned  vampires are truly Immortal Celine is over 600   and Victor was over 1500 and showed no signs of  aging since they have been turned vampires have   great physical strength they can overpower Lycans  who are in their human form however a transformed   lichen is stronger vampires have superhuman  agility reflexes and can move and run very fast   although not so fast they appear as a blur Celine  was able to jump off this building that's pretty   high and land with no problems they also have  heightened senses and can see perfectly in the   dark their abilities are very impressive not to  mention vampires and werewolves become stronger   with age vampires must feed on blood every  so often to stay alive and cannot eat normal   human food if they try it will cause them pain  and vomiting certain vampires can also access   someone's blood Memories by feeding on someone's  blood they can know everything they know and even   things they forgot about a detailed record  of someone's entire life is in their blood we   only see some vampires capable of this so either  it's a very difficult skill or a special ability   only some possess vampires can feed on animals  without any drawbacks but they don't seem to do   this unless they absolutely have to vampires have  an accelerated healing ability that can save them   from most gunshots stabs broken bones and more  but they can be killed if they're damaged beyond   what their healing abilities can handle or if  they're decapitated as far as weaknesses vampires   are burned by sunlight due to photosensitivity  sunlight will burn vampires like a really bad   sunburn and if exposed long enough they will  turn to Ash the lichens used a special kind of   UV round that were especially deadly to vampires  the bullet of hollow tips and are filled with   some kind of fluid that emits UV light other than  their weakness to sunlight you have to kill them   like anything else they are not affected by holy  objects of any kind or garlic vampires do have   one other important weakness the bite of a lichen  the two strains of the corvinus virus do not mix   if a lichen bites a vampire it will kill them the  same is true if a vampire bites a lycan [Music] some of the strongest vampires are the elders  Elder vampires are the kings and queens of   vampire society and there's only three of them  they are stronger than ordinary vampires likely   due to their age and direct link to Marcus  the first vampire Marcus was considered an   elder but obviously he is unique being the first  vampire Victor and Amelia were the only vampires   directly turned by Marcus making them the second  generation we never got to see Amelia fight but   Victor was shown to be insanely strong here's  something to put his strength in perspective   lichens are much stronger than vampires when  in their full lichen form in the first film   we see lichen's completely overpower vampires  in one-on-one combat that being said the first   time we see Victor fight a lichen its Rays one  of the strongest lichens and what happens Victor   grabs him by the throat snaps his neck like  a twig and finishes him off with his sword   Victor does not mess around at the end of the  first film he was also about to defeat Michael   the first hybrid if it wasn't for Celine stopping  him that's pretty impressive considering Michael   will go on to be one of the strongest characters  in the series I know Michael was newly turned at   the time so he wasn't used to his abilities  yet but still the Lichen scientist said the   Elder blood or pure-born blood was required  for Lucian to turn into a hybrid meaning it   must have special properties and possibly a less  diluted strain of the core Venus virus since the   scientists said that elder or pure-born blood  would work a pure-born must be slightly stronger   than a turned vampire Elders were seen performing  one ability that no other vampire did hibernation   or suspended animation the elders were able to  drain their blood and enter a kind of hibernation   for centuries at a time then be reawakened other  vampires could probably perform this if they knew   the exact process although vampires need blood to  stay at their full strength they probably won't   die from starvation I think it's very likely  even if a normal vampire went without blood for   long enough they would end up in a state  of hibernation similar to the elders next let's take a look at enhanced vampires a new  species of vampire was born when Celine drank the   blood of the original Immortal Alexander corvinus  he offered his blood to help Celine defeat his own   sons and it worked his blood removed her weakness  to sunlight plus it made Celine much stronger   physically and improved her healing she took this  Talon right through the chest with no reaction   and pulled it out like nothing happened Selene’s  eyes momentarily glowed brighter after drinking   Alexander's blood showing us there was some kind  of change if Saleem bites someone they will become   an enhanced vampire Celine can also give her blood  to a normal vampire making them into an enhanced   vampire this form of vampire is even stronger  than the previous Elders enhanced vampires are   immune to lichen bites the blood from an enhanced  vampire was even able to bring David back after   being bit by a lycan in Underworld blood Wars we  are introduced to something called Nightshade it's   a type of plant that is very poisonous to  vampires ordinary Vampires will die if they   consume it enhanced Vampires will not die but will  be temporarily paralyzed and stricken with pain   although vampires are weak to Nightshade there's  no mention of wolf Spain or lichens being Poisoned   With a plant there is a group of vampires that  belong to the Nordic coven also known as Var Dohr   this coven is so mysterious most believe them to  be nothing more than a legend truth is they hide   away from the rest of their race to live in peace  because they don't wish to take part in the war   if you'd like a video on the Nordic coven and the  other vampire covens from Underworld please let   me know so the Nordic coven is very secretive and  they have developed a special ritual it involves   rapping the vampire and this allows them to go  to the sacred World when they return they will   apparently be able to see the world with new eyes  the vampire named Lena underwent this procedure   and was able to apparently read people's Souls  after this ritual you can also gain heightened   physical abilities after Celine underwent the  ritual she was able to move a truly superhuman   speeds appearing as a blur another member of the  Nordic coven Lena was seemingly able to teleport   although this might have also just been super  speed to be honest this was one thing I thought   didn't fit right with the rest of the franchise  everything up until this point was based on some   level of science or biology until this mysterious  ritual to Grants actual superpowers although maybe   another explanation is that being at peace in this  way allows the vampire to use their abilities to   the fullest extent that covers the vampires now  we can look at the different species of werewolves the first generation of werewolves were  much different than the lycans we know   today William was the first ever werewolf and he  was unable to take his human form ever again his   father Alexander said this was due to his anger  suggesting that if you learn to control his anger   he might have been able to transform into his  human self he never did though and all werewolves   turned by William become bloodthirsty Savages  with no emotion or remorse as Tannis says they   were a deadly and infectious breed the numbers of  lichens quickly got out of control and threatened   to not only kill all vampires but all humans as  well these original werewolves were very strong   agile had heightened senses and a great healing  ability they would also turn quite fast this   Village was attacked not that long ago things  are still on fire and yet these lichens start   fully transforming and attacking everyone the  early werewolf virus was almost like a zombie   apocalypse originally it was thought that these  first generation werewolves were completely feral   but that doesn't seem to be true in  underworld Rise of the lichens Lucian   seeks out the original werewolves for  help and finds them gathered in a pack   Lucian was also able to communicate  with them somehow and ask them to   attack the vampire castle and they did so  they're not as feral as most people think in Underworld there are technically two species  of werewolves first you have the species like   William and those he turned which are not capable  of taking a human form lycans on the other hand   are able to take their human form whenever they  want Lucian was the first ever Lycan this was a   result of a werewolf biting a pregnant woman  similar to Alexander corvinus lucian's body   was able to adapt the virus in a new way making  him the first to Lycan some believe the original   werewolves might be slightly stronger than a Lycan  but their physical forms seem to be identical so I   don't believe that's the case the big difference  is Lycans can transform at will and have complete   control over themselves well and will form they  also retain some of their heightened abilities   like senses strength and accelerated healing while  in human form Lucian was very strong and was able   to run as fast or faster than a car Lycans are  usually seen having these blue eyes during their   Transformations or half Transformations Lucian had  the unique skill of forcing the bullets out of his   body these were silver bullets as well so the  original lichen seems to have a slightly higher   resistance to Silver later the enhanced vampire  David and the enhanced like and Marius could do   this as well lichens and the original werewolves  are Immortal just like vampires Lucian and Reyes   are roughly 800 years old in the first film and  showed no signs of aging since they had been   turned lichens can seemingly survive centuries  without food the original werewolf survived over   800 years locked in his prison with no food  or water lichens are turned in the same way   as the first werewolves and vampires through a  bite similar to vampires only a small percentage   of the population can become a Lycan they can  also be born it's said a pure-born vampire is   very rare but a pure-born Lycan seems to be more  common at least it's never mentioned as being rare   if you are bitten by a Lycan and don't die your  transformation will begin slowly sweating pain   and you'll experience memories of the Lycan that  bit you when Michael was bitten by Lucian he's   seen flashbacks of lucian's past this is actually  how Michael discovered what started the war   between vampires and lichens the full moon does  affect lichens the moon will only force a new and   unexperienced lichen to turn against his will  such as when Michael Was Bitten lichens that   have learned to control themselves don't have to  worry about the full moon it can make Lycans and   werewolves stronger though usually when alike in a  shot with silver or restrained with silver it will   stop them from making the change but Lucian even  with silver arrow tips in his back could use the   full moon to Aid his transformation so the full  moon is still a problem for werewolves but mostly   just for newly turned the transformation into  their full wolf form will take longer and be more   painful for a newly turned Lycan older lichens  can transform painlessly in just a few seconds similar to how vampires have their one  weakness the werewolf and Lycan species   only have one biological weakness of their own  which is a severe allergic reaction to Silver   it will burn their skin causing smoke and if a  silver bullet pierces a vital organ they will   die like I said earlier a silver bullet or Arrow  will also prevent a werewolf from being able to   take their full form eventually the vampires  developed something based off the UV rounds   used by the Lycans silver nitrate bullets these  are bullets with hollow tips filled with silver   nitrate liquid these were much more deadly to  Lycans because the silver nitrate would enter   the bloodstream and kill them much more quickly  plus they didn't have to hit a vital organ and   they couldn't be removed Lycans can go out in  the day and can eat regular food like a human   that being said while in wolf form they seem to be  slightly cannibalistic eating vampires and humans   from time to time after lucian's species of Lycan  came to be the original species of werewolves   completely died off or more accurately they  were hunted to Extinction estrogen levels High   intervals between Menses holding steady just like  enhanced vampires there's also enhanced Lycans   core Venus enhanced werewolves were introduced  in the movie Underworld Awakening Dr Jacob Lane   was director of the company antigen there are  pharmaceutical company and after Jacob became   a Lycan he decides to use the company to try and  create the perfect Immortal a Lycan that isn't   weak to Silver he achieved this by extracting the  pure core venous strain from the blood of Eve a   direct descendant of Alexander corvinus Jacob  started to inject himself and his son went to   Pure Corvinus strain this basically had the same  effect as Selene drinking Alexander's blood it   made Lycan stronger have better healing abilities  and a resistance to Silver the only difference   between Selene and Quint is that Quinn's dad  kept injecting him with the Corvina strain   over and over and over again this made him grow  to an absolutely massive size he looked to be   anywhere from 12 to 15 feet tall and easily the  strongest physically of any Immortal he can throw   cars like a frisbee his very large size makes his  transformation very painful and takes much longer   than a normal lichen Quint also displayed the  unique ability to control his Transformations   he could change just his hand into a cloth he  wanted to normal Lycans will have blue eyes   but enhanced Lycans will have solid black eyes the  same as a hybrid Jacob Lane had a pretty different   transformation than his son did instead of being  a giant hulking monster Jacob was more like a wolf   man but was still stronger than a normal Lycan  both enhanced lichens could take insane amounts   of damage like being shot point blank in the face  with a shotgun normal vampires and Lycans can   heal pretty fast large wounds or gunshots might  take a few hours to heal enhanced vampires can   heal even faster than a normal vampire but  enhanced Lycans might have the best healing   ability Quint Lane heals from all damage in just  a few seconds gunshots cuts from a silver weapon   everything heals instantly so he is very hard  to kill his healing was ultimately part of   his downfall because Selene put a silver nitrate  grenade in his stomach and it instantly healed so   he couldn't get it out when the grenade exploded  he actually didn't die from the initial explosion   but had a reaction to the insane amount of silver  in his system this showed us that enhanced Lycans   are not truly immune to Silver but just have  a very high tolerance to it the Lycan Marius   from blood Wars was also an enhanced lichen he  achieved his form by drinking the blood of Michael   Corvin a descendant of Alexander corvinus he was  drinking straight blood rather than injecting the   pure core venous strain so his transformation was  slightly different than Quint Lane both Marius and   Quint had yellow eyes in their wolf form but  Marius looked a bit different he was almost   as large as Quint but would retain a humanoid  head which I thought was a bit weird what do   you guys think should he have just had a wolf  head or do you like this CGI human head better   now that we've covered the different vampires  and Lycans we can take a look at the hybrids part Lycan part vampire but stronger than both  the hybrid is said to hold unspeakable power a   union of the two Bloodlines the first hybrid to  occur in the series was Michael Corvin because   he is a descendant of Alexander Corvinus his DNA  is able to adapt both the Lycan and vampire virus   together Michael was first bitten by a lichen then  later was bitten by a vampire to save his life he   had been shot with silver nitrate bullets and  was going to die so slim bites him to hopefully   turn him into a hybrid and remove his weakness to  Silver and it works since Michael was bitten by a   Lycan first some people refer to this form as a  lichen dominant hybrid Michael transformed into   this new form with blue skin a slightly larger  rib cage big fangs and solid black eyes in later   movies his form sometimes has this slightly  extended face like a snout not always though   while in his transformed State he cannot speak  only only Roar and growl like a Lycan Michael   was one of the strongest characters in the series  able to rip lichens apart and even defeated the   original werewolf William by tearing his head  in half hybrids probably have the best healing   ability next to the enhanced Lycan Michael could  heal from gunshots and stab wounds in a matter of   minutes he also came back to life once Marcus  impaled him through the chest and Michael was   dead however after being left alone for a few  hours he suddenly came back to life so as long   as the body isn't damaged too much it will  eventually heal even after death on top of   their extra strength great healing abilities  all forms of hybrid are immune to sunlight   and silver so they have no weaknesses something  interesting about this hybrid is that although   Michael was a lycan first he can only feed on  blood like a vampire he tries to eat food at   a restaurant and starts yelling in pain Michael  winds up having a daughter named Eve and she is   also a Lycan dominant hybrid from birth Eve was  similar to her hybrid father but there is a few   differences since Eve was the first ever born  hybrid she is unique even more so than Michael   it's implied that Eve has the potential to be  the strongest of any Immortal that has ever lived   even at her young age her strength is already  greater than most other Super-naturals and she   defeats an enhanced lichen all by herself her  healing abilities seem to be the best we have   seen and on par with an enhanced Lycan she gets  a cut on her arm and it heals instantly right in   front of our eyes although her healing was slowed  when she was starved of blood another difference   between Eve and her father is that she had blue  eyes like a vampire rather than the solid black   eyes like other hybrids this is probably due  to her mother being a vampire also similar   to her father Eve could not speak when in her  transformed State she could only growl or Roar Eve had a unique connection with her parents and  was able to communicate with them telepathically   well it's more like they could see through  each other's eyes this is apparently due   to their brain waves falling into sync when  they are close enough to each other I really   appreciate how they tried to keep with the  biological aspect and not explain things   with magic this ability was technically also  performed by Celine so it might not be specific   to hybrids that covers the like and dominant  hybrids next is the vampire dominant hybrid there's only been one vampire dominant hybrid in  the series this is a hybrid that was a vampire   first and then infected by a lichen in the  first film Marcus is still in hibernation   below the floor Victor kills a like and while  interrogating him and the blood leaks down into   the coffin of Marcus this awakens him as a hybrid  the vampire dominant hybrid looks much different   than Michael and Eve Marcus looks much more like  a bat with pointed ears and a monstrous face his   nose is also similar to a bat he gained massive  wings that have very sharp talons and allow him   to fly he can even bring the wings out without  fully transforming this form of hybrid has no   hair slightly bluish skin and black eyes  similar to Michael it's kinda surprising   that Marcus didn't try to become a hybrid earlier  but all other Vampires will die if they're bitten   by a Lycan so he probably assumed that he would  die as well the vampire dominant hybrid is very   comparable to Michael Corvin in strength maybe  even a little little stronger Marcus was able to   effortlessly pull this helicopter out of the sky  he could also lift this stone door that has to be   at least a few tons Marcus was able to heal from  pretty much everything short of being dismembered   by helicopter blades Selene unloads a full clip  into his head from Point Blank Range and it does   nothing although Marcus was defeated by Celine  I don't think it's because she was physically   stronger rather Celine was just a better and more  resourceful fighter as far as we know the vampire   dominant hybrid is not weak to sunlight but we  never actually see Marcus walk in the Sun and he   seems to retreat right before the sun comes up  some people have speculated this is because he   doesn't know he can walk in the sunlight which is  true because he's never seen a hybrid before and   doesn't know what they're capable of most likely  he can walk in the sun although Marcus wouldn't   know the specifics of hybrids he would know the  basics because the blood that turned him into   a hybrid was the Lichen scientist and Marcus  would have accessed all of his blood memories   when drinking the blood since Marcus is  the first vampire it's unclear if all   vampire dominant hybrids would look like  he did he is the original vampire and was   once a pure Immortal so it's definitely  possible his transformation was unique   better the devil you know the final hybrid I want  to talk about is the neutral hybrid this hybrid   was the child of a vampire mother and a lichen  father this shows that although a lycan bite is   deadly to a vampire and vice versa the two species  can still reproduce we know this kind of hybrid is   possible due to the film rise of the Lycans but  we have no idea what they would look like because   the mother was killed before she could ever give  birth it's possible the child could still be a   vampire dominant hybrid or a Lycan dominant hybrid  depending on the mother or dominant genes the   other possibility is that it would be a whole  new kind of hybrid that we haven't seen maybe   since the genes would be exactly 50 50 split it  would be a perfect mix of vampire and Lycan it's   surprising a hybrid is even possible without  a descendant of corvinus involved there is one   final way to become a hybrid Lucian attempted to  become a hybrid by injecting himself with Michael   corvin's blood and Elder vampire blood since  he is a Lycan most most likely he would have   became the same kind of hybrid as Michael Corvin  but there is always a chance he would have had a   unique transformation because no one ever became a  hybrid in this way his blood allows for a perfect   volume between our species as per usual there's  one last thing I wanted to talk about in the   second movie Underworld Evolution Marcus becomes  a hybrid but what would happen if William became a   hybrid at first I thought he would just become  a Lycan dominant hybrid but that's the thing   William isn't a lichen he's a first generation  werewolf not capable of taking human form for this   reason I think it's very possible that William's  hybrid form would be different than the other ones   we have seen although he would have to be bit by  just a normal vampire if he was bit by Marcus he   might still become a like and dominant hybrid  because Marcus also has like in DNA what do you   guys think do you think a werewolf dominant hybrid  would be different than a lichen dominant hybrid that's my video on all the immortal species from  Underworld let me know what your favorite species   is mine is probably the pure mortal like Alexander  corvinus if there's any other movies or TV shows   you want me to cover please leave them in the  comments down below as I always read through   them if you enjoyed leave a like And subscribe  if you haven't it helps out a lot and I really   appreciate it an extra big thanks to my members  for supporting the channel Roderick awesome   peashooter Jason Miller cyber2890 Zathras Paradox  Adam Mocaby Gabriel Ragsdale Matthew Batson   DragonFae Rose Emily Nixon Mark Thorp Onyxcat  steven556 Owen wildish and Joseph Roman welcome   to all the new members that have joined if you are  a member I'm gonna start posting more polls about   future videos so look out for those thanks so much  for watching and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Cogan Lollins
Views: 469,855
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: underworld vampires, underworld, underworld movies, underworld rise of the lycans, vampire, werewolf, lycan, hybrids, underworld blood wars, evolution, kate beckinsale, werewolves, underworld explained, vampires explained, lycans explained, underworld species explained, hybrids explained, underworld vampires and werewolves, selene, top 10 vampires, strongest vampires
Id: rlqu912TH0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 52sec (1792 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 25 2023
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