Lucian, The First of The Lycans | Underworld Lore

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Sonja that's what started the war hello  everyone and welcome back to another video   we're going to be looking at one of my favorite  characters from the underworld series Lucian the   first of the likens Michael Sheen plays Lucian  he appears in the first movie that came out in   2003 as the antagonist but he also appeared in the  2009 film underworld rise of the likens the third   film in the series that was a prequel in this film  he was one of the main protagonists Michael Sheen   has appeared in many roles and not only has he  appeared as the leader of the likens but also as   the leader of the vampires in twilight I wonder  what he liked better being a vampire or a lycan Michael Sheen was actually dating Kate Beckinsale  the actor who played Salene for seven years and   they had a daughter together they split up in 2002  right before the first underworld movie came out   although they split they are apparently  still good friends now let's talk about   how Lucian became the first lycan and the  difference between full werewolves and lichens in the underworld series there's vampires and  werewolves but it all started with the original   immortal Alexander Corvinus he was a warlord and  his village in Hungary was stricken by a plague   most were killed but somehow he survived because  his body was able to mutate the virus in a unique   way so he became the first immortal alexander  then had three sons two of them inherited his   immortal genes eventually one was bitten by  a bat and the other by a wolf and this caused   their unstable DNA to mutate further which  is how vampires and werewolves were born   the first werewolf William is much larger than  all other werewolves and cannot take human form   he is also much more aggressive and uncontrollable  anyone he bites will also turn into the same kind   of werewolf that is incapable of human  transformations and stricken with rage a vampire elder named victor was ruler of castle  Corvinus there he kept werewolves enslaved to   guard them during the day a werewolf was being  kept in the dungeon and victor discovered it had a   baby and it was in human form this is Lucian born  in 1207 before this werewolves were stuck in wolf   form forever but because Lucian's mother was bit  while pregnant the Corvinus strain had a unique   effect on Lucian and caused him to become the  first lycan this allowed him to not only transform   between human and wolf form at will but he also  remained in control of himself while transformed   victor learned that if he forced a lycan to bite  other humans they would be turned into this new   breed of werewolf as well we know that not many  people can survive the vampire and like and curse   most will die within the first hour of being  bitten so many humans were probably killed so   that victor could make his likeness slaves  victor went on to breed lycans to be their   day like guardians and workforce lichens well in  human form have much greater strength than a human   great for manual labor each lichen was fitted  with a spiked collar so that if they tried to   transform the caller would kill them vampires  are stronger than lichens that are in human form   but once they are in wolf form a vampire stands  no chance almost every situation we see a vampire   go up against a lycan the lycan easily wins unless  it's an elder or selene this is why it's important   to keep the lycans from taking their true form  because they could easily overpower the vampires although Lucian was a slave he was given  special privileges since he was found by   victor and became almost like a stepson  to him he praises Lucian multiple times   and when Lucian is caught after removing  his collar he is punished with a whip   but victor tells Sonja if it were any other lycan  they would be dead Lucian had quite a good job   compared to the other lycans he was basically  their H.R. rep and he was also a blacksmith it's important to remember that although  victor hated werewolves he did not hate   lycans yet like he does in the first movie  he saw them as a lesser but he bred them and   let them walk around his castle that was  until he found out his daughter Sonja had   fallen in love with Lucian and become  pregnant with the first hybrid child over the years Sonja and Lucian had become  close and eventually would secretly meet up   Andreas Tanis the vampire coven historian  actually aided Sonja and Lucian in their escape   in exchange for Sonja's seat on the vampire  council unfortunately victor found out before   they could escape and sentenced Lucian Sonja and  their unborn child to death Sonja and her child   were killed by sunlight but Lucian managed to  escape and free his liking brothers this event   changed Lucian it was the event that sparked a  vampire like in war that would last centuries when Lucian escaped he had silver in him which  is supposed to stop lycans from transforming   however Lucian is the first and one of the  strongest lichens and although the full moon   cannot turn an experience lichen it can force  a new lichen to turn and can make it easier for   an older lichen solution's strength plus the  added strength from the full moon allowed him   to break out regardless of the silver he breaks  it from his chains but only makes it to the wall   but this is when he calls to all the lycans not  only could Lucian call to all the other lycans   but the wild werewolves also responded to  his call the same as when he saved Sonja after escaping castle Corvinus  temporarily Lucian finds a cave   and inside is where the werewolves live  the ones that are stuck in wolf form   they're able to recognize Lucian as  one of them and they don't attack   we don't see it but somehow he must have been able  to communicate with them and ask for their help   after re-watching this it makes the first  generation werewolves seem a lot more intelligent   than I first thought Lucian can also sense other  lycans and werewolves which is possibly how he   found the cave because he knew when they were  about to attack Selene in a caravan of people Lucian has a battle with victor and seemingly  kills him but we see him still alive not long   after falling in the water regardless the lycans  and werewolves managed to kill every vampire   except the elders and Tanis the lycans took the  castle for themselves and lived there for a while   until victor sent craven and a group of warriors  to take it back the story craven told was that he   managed to kill Lucian but was the only one  that survived and to prove he killed Lucian   he had the piece of his branded skin this story  wasn't true though in reality the lycans killed   the vampires but Lucian made a deal with craven  Lucian knew that victor would not stop hunting him   so instead of continue to fight he cut the brand  from his arm and had craven report him as dead   craven would take the glory of killing Lucian  and become the region of the old world coven   the plan was eventually Lucian with craven's  help would kill the existing vampire elders   making craven their new leader he and Lucian would  then make a peace treaty with lycans and vampires   not a bad idea if everything goes to  plan according to the vampire history   books it also says that craven lit the  great blaze that burned castle Corvinus   pretty good way to cover up the evidence that  there would be no dead bodies the vampires   thought Lucian was dead so he will use this time  to build the lycan numbers up and formulate a   plan to kill the vampire elders because he knew  as long as they lived there would be no peace at some point between rise of the likens and the  first movie Lucian was in contact with Andreas   Tanis again tennis was exiled after the lycans  took over castle Corvinus because being the coven   historian he wanted to record history the way it  actually happened the victor created the lichens   and started the war unfortunately for Tanis victor  didn't feel the same way so he accused Tanis of   recording malicious lies and exiled him to a  monastery tennis was going to get something in   return but he still risked his life to help Lucian  and Sonja escape and Lucian must have remembered   this because somehow he finds Tanis in trades with  him somehow Tanis became in possession of special   UV rounds that are especially deadly to vampires  they are a bullet that was apparently used by the   military as a tracer round but was instead filled  with some kind of irradiated fluid that emits   UV this makes them basically burn vampires from  the inside out it's possible the reason Tanis was   doing business with alexander was because Tanis  was the one making the UV rounds and trading   them to alexander since we see alexander's  men and the cleaners using the UV rounds in exchange for the UV rounds Lucian gave  Tanis like in bodyguards to protect a monastery   women and anything else he needed one of Lucian's  most important goals is peace and the merging of   the bloodlines his hybrid child was killed  which is probably why he becomes so obsessed   with trying to create a hybrid he has a likened  scientist trying to mix the vampire and liken   strains together in every combination but nothing  will work no one's body can handle both viruses   unless it's a direct descendant of alexander  Corvinus after tracing alexander's bloodline   Lucian's plan was to use the blood  of Michael Corvin a direct descendant   of alexander along with the elder Amelia's  blood to turn himself into the first hybrid   it's unknown if this would have worked or  not when we see the lycans in the first movie   they're living underground in the city in  an area accessible by the subway tunnels   Lucian's plan to kill the elders starts off well  they do succeed in killing Amelia by ambushing   her train with lycans but because victor is  awakened early it throws a wrench in their plans Lucian ends up biting Michael and this is how  Selene learns about the real reason the vampire   like and war began when likens bite someone  the person will experience their memories   when Lucian bit Michael he's seen  Sonja get executed by sunlight   and then he told Selene unfortunately Lucian is  killed at the age of approximately 800 before   he gets the chance to try and turn himself into  a hybrid because craven betrays him but he does   manage to tell Selene to bite Michael saving  his life and turning him into the first hybrid   so in a way Lucian did succeed in creating the  first hybrid and merging the bloodlines once   Selene finds out about what victor did to his  own daughter and Lucian along with him trying   to kill the man she was in love with she kills  him victor sowed the seeds of his own downfall it's interesting to think about the fact that  Selene's family was only killed because Lucian   took the necklace that was the key to the  first werewolf's prison which I have a video   on so what happens to Lucian and Sonja directly  affected Selene making their stories intertwined   in the original movie Lucian starts out as a  villain but eventually we learn his story is   more complicated we think victor is the good  guy and Lucian is the evil lycan who is trying   to take over again but after we learn victor  bread that enslaved him and all of his kind   killed his girlfriend and unborn child  he seems pretty justified in what he did   it's important to remember that  Lucian hated victor not all vampires   not even when he was a slave not to mention  he fell in love with one this is his war victors he wanted to create a hybrid to merge  the bloodlines and create a peace treaty   he didn't want anyone to experience what he did  which is why I think he helped Selene and Michael   a vampire and a lycan in love  they would carry on his legacy   he might not have accomplished the final  result himself but he set the wheels in motion   which is why Lucian is one of my favorite  characters along with Selene victor Tanis   and Marcus it would have been really cool to see  Selene and Lucian team up together Lucian does   appear in the second movie underworld awakening  but only as a dead body on alexander's ship and   the ship is destroyed leaving no chance for him  to return you can be slaves or we can be lighter   that's my video about Lucian from underworld this  is still such a unique franchise and has such a   loyal fan base Michael sheen is super talented and  was the perfect person to play Lucian rise of the   likens is probably my favorite underworld movie  behind the original what about you guys which   underworld is your favorite don't say blood wars  if there's any other series you think I should   cover let me know I'm currently working on a video  about vampire the masquerade but I've also been   thinking about either the order or being human if  you enjoyed leave a like and if you haven't maybe   subscribe I really appreciate it thanks so much  for watching and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Cogan Lollins
Views: 542,817
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: underworld vampires, underworld, vampires, werewolves, lycans, lucian underworld, lucian, underworld lore, underworld explained, werewolves explained
Id: X4R3g4lFbOA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 44sec (824 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 02 2022
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