The Vampires From Fright Night 2011

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foreign and welcome back to another video and I hope you're having a great October so far today we're looking at a horror comedy Fright Night from 2011. this is actually a remake of Tom Holland's Fright Night from 1985. not that Tom Holland this one I have covered the original film in the past if you're interested the 2011 movie stars Anton Yelchin is Charlie Brewster and he unfortunately passed away so rest in peace to Anton Ed is played by Christopher mint's place you might know him as McLovin and Role Models is one of my favorite movies that he's in Peter Vincent in this film is played by David Tennant who did an amazing version of Doctor Who and Barney Crouch Jr from Harry Potter when I first watched the movie I thought Peter Vincent was Jared Leto Dave Franco plays the bully Mark and the actor that definitely steals the show in this movie is Colin Farrell as the vampire Jerry Dandridge let's take a look at the vampires from Fright Night and if they're any different from the original movie [Music] foreign the movie takes place in Las Vegas Nevada we're in a random house and there's a commercial for Peter Vinson's show except this time it's not a TV show like in the original movie instead it's a Chris Angel style Vegas show called Fright Night quickly things take a turn for the worse as a kid comes running out of a room it looks like a woman is being attacked if we can hear what sounds like growls and animal noises the kid runs upstairs only to find his parents also dead he tries to hide under the bed and grab his father's gun from between the mattresses the gun has a lock on it so he needs the keys from his father's pocket while getting the lock off he doesn't even realize his father's body is being dragged away once he realizes it's too late the Unseen creature picks up the gun lock then a moment later flips the bed and kills the kid we never get to see the creature that kills this kid but we learned that his name is Adam and he's one of Charlie's friends after the opening scene we get to meet Charlie and his motorbike that doesn't start him and his mom talk about the new mysterious guy that's moved in next door farmworks nights suddenly Charlie's girlfriend shows up and gives him a ride to school we learned that Charlie and Ed used to be really close friends but have Grown Apart in High School typical high school story Charlie used to be a nerd but now hangs out with the cool kids so he feels like he's outgrown his friend Ed tells Charlie he needs to talk to him about something important Ed asks if he's noticed that their friend Adam hasn't showed up to school Charlie says kid's not showing up to school is normal but Ed insists that Charlie go with him to his house after school to check things out after school Charlie's introduced to his new neighbor Jerry we see a shot of Jerry eating an apple which is a great nod to the first movie some people have wondered if the fruit eating in both movies is referencing a fruit bat since bats like fruit maybe vampires would also like fruit later that night Charlie goes to meet up with Ed to check on Adam he tells Charlie we should have done this earlier in the day they knock on Adam's door and there's no answer so they go inside once inside Ed opens up a duffel bag and it looks to be filled with steaks a hammer and different vampire killing utensils he says I really hate to be the one to tell you this but that guy your neighbor he's a vampire Charlie is in disbelief at this statement they search the house and find no trace of Adam or his family they're gone and Ed says it's not just them he also seen a story on channel 13 of a girl who escaped an attacker that tried to bite her Ed and Adam grapped out all the attacks and disappearances that have been going on whole family's gone Charlie says that's normal for vagus nobody lives there they just passed through but Ed isn't so sure it could have been a coincidence that Adam was killed or Jerry knew that Adam and Ed were on to him the center of all these attacks is the house next to Charlie Jerry Ed says it makes perfect sense he's got completely blacked out windows but again Charlie says that's normal for Vegas people work at night sleep during the day which is true but Ed thinks this is nothing more than the perfect cover story for a vampire yeah you read way too much twilight that's fiction okay this is real he's a real monster Ed goes on to explain he's a monster he's not brooding or lovesick or Noble he's like the shark from Jaws he will kill until everyone around him is dead and he doesn't stop until everybody around him is dead and I seriously am so angry you think I read Twilight I'd asked Charlie if he's invited Jerry inside yet and he says no but Charlie still doesn't believe this is real Ed says I thought you would take my word I have hard evidence at home which we'll get to see soon I really liking the original it was Charlie trying to convince Brewster of the vampire but I like that they have reversed it here it's kind of cool Charlie and Ed get into an argument about their falling out which includes the famous line you're so cool Brewster go ahead and join your from here the two go their separate ways home Ed gets surprised by his bully Mark and has to jump a fence and make a run for it after going through some backyards he thinks he's safe but he runs right into Jerry Ed has no choice but to break into a house to find safety he says no invitation Jerry you can't get in but Jerry then steps into the house and says abandoned I thought you did your homework vampires apparently don't need an invitation if the house is abandoned in the original movie Only the home's rightful owner could invite a vampire in but in the remake it's implied that anyone could invite a vampire inside Jerry chases down Ed and eventually has him trapped in a pool he coerces him telling you were meant for this it's a gift and he bites him the next day at school Charlie realizes Ed is missing not a good sign so he decides to go to his house after school he arrives to find a bunch of vampire stuff all around his room good vampire kit Charlie has Peter Vincent's website open on his computer and a folder on his desktop called the Jerry Diaries is it like a reference to the Vampire Diaries maybe the folder is filled with multiple video clips filmed by Ed he's filming Jerry taking out his trash and coming home in his truck but he doesn't appear on camera the truck seems to be driving itself these vampires do not show up in a reflection picture or video Charlie wasn't so sure about vampires before but after seeing this footage he's pretty freaked out just as he gets back to his house Jerry approaches him and says I have a girl coming over for a beer and I'm all at a beer think you could help me out and Charlie says sure when Charlie goes inside he takes Special Care not to invite Jerry in just to be on the safe side while Charlie is getting a beer he's taking notice of Jerry staying at the door he accidentally drops one of the beers and Jerry offers to help but Charlie quickly stammers and says no no it's okay I got it as Charlie hands him the case of beer he momentarily pulls it back behind the door's threshold and Jerry does not reach for it this confirms Charlie's suspicion by the look on Jerry's face he can tell what's going on Jerry then starts ominously talking about the girl he has coming over then how Charlie's dad left and his mother and girlfriend this conversation might be one of my favorite parts of the movie movie Colin really nailed this role his demeanor seems truly menacing they do such a great job of building up the tension in this conversation and then just ending it so perfectly looks for the beers that night Charlie's girlfriend wants to get under the covers but he's too preoccupied worrying about Jerry and watching his house he sees a neighborhood girl Doris go inside Jerry's house Charlie's girlfriend angrily leaves because she doesn't want to be part of neighborhood watch just like in the original Charlie is woken up by a woman's scream he calls the police but nothing comes of it soon after Jerry hops in his truck and drives off somewhere he wants to know what's really going on so he sneaks over to Jerry's Charlie tries to pick the lock using the tutorial but gets lucky and finds Jerry's spare key Charlie enters the dark house and sees nothing suspicious at first he quickly calls for Doris as he explores around the windows are crudely painted black he comes upon what looks like Jerry's office filled with very old things and a large symbol like a coat of arms it looks like a man with a crown and wings and some symbols around him in the closet Jerry also has multiple uniforms police military a delivery guy and a few others this is probably for disgae Rising himself suddenly Charlie hears the Jarius home and he has to quickly jump in a closet to hide but he feels something behind him a door he pushes the secret door open to find an area behind the closet with multiple rooms they seem to be empty until Charlie finds one door is locked inside is Doris Charlie tries to pick the lock to get her out but he hears Jerry coming forcing him to hide again and watch him feed on Doris she gestures to him to be quiet while Jerry drinks from her neck Jerry locks Doris back up and leaves but not before stopping for a moment and sniffing the air I think as soon as he did this he knew Charlie was there as we hear throughout the movie the scent of fear is intoxicating to vampires so that's probably what he was smelling Jerry leaves after feeding and Charlie quickly picks the lock and helps Doris out we get to see a quick shot of Jerry appearing in the mirror or rather not appearing it's now daylight so if they can make it outside they will be safe this part is pretty nerve-wracking the way they're having to hide around the corners from Jerry it it kind of reminded me of Resident Evil 7. Jerry sits down in a distance but then he suddenly appears somewhere else watching them proving that he did know Charlie was there the whole time so why did he let them Escape well he wouldn't Doris instantly burst into flames when she runs outside the woman only arrived at Jerry's the night before and was already that week to sunlight I mean weak to sunlight might be an understatement she exploded these vampires turned very fast after being bitten or at least start showing signs of vampirism within it seems five to ten hours and when exposed to sunlight explode into Ash in the original movie vampires had to enter a kind of hibernation for a while before fully turning but in this movie the person doesn't have to be drained or enter a kind of hibernation they can do it while still conscious after this incident Charlie tells his mother not to talk to Jerry or invite him inside under any circumstances Charlie goes to the library to do some research Charlie seems to have found some pretty interesting stuff vampires can apparently change into bats and other animals they could change into wolves in the original movie it says they cannot shapeshift though I think this means they cannot appear as another human but I'm not sure I didn't know there was a huge difference between changing form and shape-shifting and I can't read this whole sentence at the top but what we can see says one bite and the blank blank to feed off The Vampire if you have any ideas what it could be let me know my best guess would be one bite and the victim has to feed off the vamp possibly talking about how to be fully turned but it's hard to say I couldn't find any shots where I could see the whole piece of paper after doing some research at the library Charlie goes to the place where Peter Vinson performs and lives Charlie pretends to be someone from the newspaper Vegas Sun and asks for an interview with Peter he seems to be intrigued that it's Charlie's first interview so he gives him a shot Charlie is brought up to Peter's Room and begins to ask them questions about vampires specifically how to kill them Peter takes off his costume and says you really want to know how to kill a vampire well it's stink you got fire beheading you can make him a big garlicky omelet or go traditional big steak through the heart Charlie asks so that really works well maybe not The Omelette he begins pleading with Peter telling him I think one of them got my friend but as he starts pulling at the pictures he took at Jerry's and starts explaining what happened Peter suddenly becomes angry and tells him to get out but Charlie does leave the pictures behind we see Jerry's window blacked out and Charlie's filled with crosses and garlic Mark and a friend are smoking in their car when Jerry comes out of nowhere and bites them both [ __ ] Charlie is up in his room sharpening a stake when Amy arrives Charlie is confronted by her and his mom for acting weird lately but then Jerry arrives he's at the door saying Charlie broke into his house and he needs to talk Charlie begs his mother not to open the door and tell him to go away and guess what she does she actually tells him to go away yeah surprising right in the original his mother does actually invite Jerry in so it's cool they subverted my expectations there plus what mother wouldn't listen to their son when Charlie's mother doesn't answer the door Jerry has an evil grin he walks away and returns a moment later with a shovel and proceeds into the backyard using his immense strength he starts digging up huge chunks of the ground until he finds something a gas line he grabs it and pulls it which breaks the line off the back of the stove filling the house with flammable gas he then cuts the gas line and lights it with a lighter causing the house to erupt in Flames he says don't need an invitation if there's no house Charlie his mother and Amy all run to the car and start driving away Jerry tries to take Charlie's motorbike but the front wheel is bent so he uses it like a frisbee instead they escape for the moment but he soon appears behind them in his truck ramming into them the in-car scenes were some of the only parts of the movie that reminded me that it was a 3D movie when it came out you can tell they were set up very specific for a 3D moment if you know what I mean Jerry manages to get past them and Slams on his brakes to a stop Charlie tells his mum to hit him and although reluctant she steps on the gas and they crash over Jerry and past his truck but we do see that there's a trail of blood following their vehicle moments later they hear a rumbling under the car and Jerry's hand comes through the floor causing them to panic and slam on the brakes Jerry's hand disappears for a moment but they are rear-ended by another vehicle they get out and are greeted by a man in a suit he asks why are they stopped in the middle of the road with their tail light out but wait a sec this guy looks familiar it's Jerry that's right this is the actor who who played the vampire Jerry Dandridge in the original Fright Night so cool to have him in this movie even if it is just for a moment before they can even really say anything to the man Jerry lifts up the van and crawls out from under it his face is hideous and monstrous and kind of reminds me of Baraka from Mortal Kombat and to be honest the CGI still holds up pretty well Jerry has his normal face his more vampiric one with fangs black eyes and black veins and this is his full vampire form he seems to take this form when he loses all control Jerry kills the stranger that crashed into them and returns to his human form Charlie brought a cross with him this time and tries to repel Jerry he says that's a mighty big cross you have there Charlie question is do you have faith similar to the original film a cross can ward off a weaker vampire but to affect a stronger older vampire like Jerry you must have faith in order for it to work and if holy objects have power over these vampires their curse must be rooted in evil maybe even demonic Charlie clearly doesn't have enough Faith as Jerry was able to walk up to him and grab the cross and when he does it lights on fire Charlie not the Crocs Charlie he's about to kill Charlie with a stake but his mother sneaks up behind Jerry and stabs him with a real estate sign then runs him over again buying them enough time to get away we can see Jerry's broken arm healing as they drive away and his compound fracture healed in a matter of seconds these vampires have a very good healing ability after Charlie's encounter with Jerry we spend a moment with Peter Vinson and while having a drink in his apartment he finally takes a look at those photos that Charlie brought him he remembers something he quickly runs to his safe and grabs a piece of paper with the same symbol the fact that he has this symbol in his safe means it must be important to him for some reason he calls Charlie and tells him to come back to his place after seeing the pictures he may have realized that Charlie is in fact dealing with a real vampire and might need his help Peter says that he can't help them directly and he doesn't want to join their little gang but he will tell them what he knows the Insignia that Charlie took a picture of in Jerry's house belongs to a species of vampire from the Mediterranean they nest deep in the earth and kill slowly they keep their victims alive for days snackers this definitely sounds like Jerry as we've seen that he has those secret rooms to lock people up in Charlie asks if they turn everyone and Peter says while they are tribal by Nature so he might be turning them all to replenish his ranks in the original movie there was just one kind of vampire but this one goes with the idea that there are multiple species and it doesn't say how many there are Amy asks how do we kill them and Peter says you two you don't they're a strong breed you're gonna need an army while they're talking Peter gets a phone call about a delivery and he says yes come on up they continue talking for a moment but Charlie realizes it's a little late for deliveries but before he can do anything Ed is already there posing as a delivery man and wearing the vlh shirt we've seen at Jerry's house earlier Charlie says if you have a problem it's with me and Ed says oh do I got a problem you let him turn me into this Peter then runs and smashes some glass and grabs a cruise crucifixion nail he says it's lethal to vampires I'd agree saying yeah that's old school nice we never get to see the nail in action though Peter runs and hides in his vampire Panic Room while Charlie and Amy try to hide anywhere they can while Ed is walking around looking for them he's also taunting them saying I can feel you and smell you the senses of these vampires are quite impressive Jerry also remarks that the scent of fear is intoxicating Charlie and Ed have their Showdown good thing Peter kept a bunch of medieval weapons around while Charlie and Ed are fighting Amy runs to get a gun and runs into Jerry she shoots him with the Silver Bullets but he pulls one out and says werewolves but a moment later Amy breaks the glass around a cup and splashes him with holy water burning his face allowing her to run back to Charlie Ed is staked by Charlie and as he's turning to Ash he momentarily regains his sanity and says it's okay Charlie it's okay Amy and Charlie run out of Peter's place and wind up in a club but Jerry follows them he must be able to teleport like the original movie or move extremely fast because one moment he's in the kitchen area and a few seconds later he's on the ceiling Amy and Charlie get separated in the crowd and Jerry finds Amy and takes her he gives her some of his blood and this seems to relax her I'm not sure if the blood just makes people calm or if it's a kind of intoxicant which is a popular Trope in many Vampire shows and movies once she's in this kind of Trance from his blood he bites her and Charlie can do nothing because he's getting kicked out of the club by security Charlie feeling defeated goes back to Peter Vincent's and finds him packing up so I don't know if Amy's alive or dead or turned but he got her Charlie wants Peter to go with him but Peter refuses and tells Charlie that when he was a kid a vampire killed both of his parents that's why he became so interested in vampire mythology before Charlie leaves Peter gives a mistake blessed by Saint Michael and says if you stake the vampire with this it will change all his victims back this is a bit of a change from the original in the original someone could only be turned back if the vampire that turned them was killed before the night was over but now as long as he uses the blast stake everyone the Jerry turned will be cured Peter also tells Charlie that his best bet is to torch him and then stake him a vampire on fire is not thinking clearly Charlie goes to pick up some vampire hunting equipment and then heads to Jerry's house for the final showdown he starts by breaking all the upstairs Windows to let light in he calls for Amy but she is pulled into the basement lucky for Charlie Peter Vinson didn't want him to die so he decided to show up to help they go into the basement and find Jerry has done a bit of remodeling under his house creating a nest for his tribe Charlie and Peter are aware that they are likely going into a trap but have no other option they find Jerry and he catches a crossbow bolt midair very impressive reflexes he then locks Charlie in a room with the Vampire Amy Charlie is with Amy now so Peter's left to fight alone Jerry says you have your mother's eyes and your father's aim this explains why Peter had the insignia for Jerry's species because this is the species that killed his parents and not only that it was Jerry himself he throws a rock at Peter and it hits him in the head he's kind of confused why he did that but then we see a drop of blood fall into the dirt a moment later the dirt begins to rustle like Peter said earlier they nest in the Earth all the people that Jerry have bitten start to emerge from the dirt walls around them foreign these vampires bite turns so if you don't want someone to turn after feeding you must kill them but Jerry is trying to strengthen his tribe Peter tries to fight them off but there's just too many and he's overwhelmed and bitten in the other room Amy pretends to be fine but quickly reveals her true form and it's very reminiscent of the original again it reminds me of Baraka or Molina from Mortal Kombat but not in a bad way Charlie manages to get away from Amy without killing her Charlie arrives just in time to save Peter from The Vampires by shooting holes in the ceiling to let the light through this creates a safe spot for them Jerry then takes a moment to speak what was your plan Charlie to walk in here with your little crossbow and put to bed 400 years of survival well now we know how old Jerry is Jerry and the vampires had them surrounded and Peter's hand is smoking he's beginning to turn Jerry Cuts himself with his nail and allows Amy to feed from him this means vampires can feed from each other other which isn't always the case I'm not sure if this was just a taunt Charlie or because she was wounded and needed to feed while Jerry is distracted with Amy for a moment Peter lights Charlie's suit on fire I guess Willy was getting vampire stuff he made a DIY fire suit he launches himself by Jerry and grabs a hold of him Jerry begins to panic from the fire jumping and flailing around but Charlie manages to hang on Peter shoots another hole in the roof just in time and while Jerry's being burned by the Sun and on fire Charlie Stakes him with the stake blessed by Saint Michael for a moment it looks like a tear of blood runs down Jerry's face as he dies and I wonder if that's to signify that he also regained his Humanity in his last few moments like Ed Jerry was able to withstand sunlight for a pretty long time compared to the vampire we've seen at the beginning of the movie it seems like the older the vampire the longer they can stay in the sun when Jerry dies in the 1985 movie his body turns into this winged bat-like creature this was actually a leftover prop from the Ghostbusters movie that was never used forgot to mention that in my original Fright Night video the blast stake did cure all the people that were turned including Amy and Peter it's possible these vampires were possessed by some kind of demonic presence Peter calls Ed a demon and when turned something seems to take over them making them into a mean and sadistic version of themselves when Jerry is staked a black mist comes out of each of the vampires and returns to Jerry's body so it's like they were all inhabited by the same presence thank you I honestly think this is a remake done right it's not a play-by-play of the original film but you can clearly see all the nods and plot points that came from the original it's like a reimagining instead of a remake even the original actor that played Jerry Chris Sarandon said it's not the original and they didn't set out to make the original Pharaoh apparently watched the 1985 Fright Night countless times though and was a huge fan and was really glad he got to meet the original actor Chris Sarandon the original Creator Tom Holland said he didn't love what they did to Jerry and Peter Vinson but other than that he thought it was wonderful of course being the original Creator he's entitled to his opinion but I have to say I really like this version of Jerry more like a mysterious criminal or as Pharaoh put it himself a social parasite instead of a Suave gentleman like in the original I also really like Peter Vincent I most liked the idea of his parents being killed by vampires giving him more of a reason to be such an authority on vampires that being said I also like the idea of someone who's tending to be a vampire Hunter having to really take on the role each person played their role perfectly and I can see myself re-watching this movie for sure I hope you enjoyed my video on Fright Night from 2011. I've been wanting to cover this movie for a while and I'm glad I did if you haven't seen this movie it's great in a perfect October movie it's available on Disney plus and Amazon Prime I think if there's any other movies or TV shows you'd like me to cover please leave them in the comments below I'm looking for some great October vampire movies if you have any if you enjoyed leave a like and maybe subscribe if you haven't I really appreciate it thanks so much for watching and I'll see you in the next video foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Cogan Lollins
Views: 384,216
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fright night, vampires, fright night vampires, vampires explained, fright night explained, fright night remake, vampire movie, vampire
Id: wWEatSZeZhU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 45sec (1545 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 14 2022
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