The Vampires From Dracula Untold Explained

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hello everyone and welcome back to my channel  where I cover vampires werewolves and other   supernatural creatures I've wanted to talk about  Dracula Untold for a while now and finally here   we are in this video we're going to take a look at  Vlad the Impaler the origin of the vampires who is   the master vampire and some of the theories about  the movie if you enjoy videos about supernatural   creatures leave a like And subscribe for new  videos every week and thank you so much for   the continued support you guys have been showing  the channel I appreciate it more than you know   now let's get into the video the Beast was once  Immortal man who summoned the demon from the   depths of Hell the first and oldest vampire is  known as the master vampire he lives in a cave   on broken tooth Mountain the master vampire is  portrayed by Charles Dance who also played the   vampire Elder Thomas in Underworld we learn how  he was cursed from the priest in Castle Dracula he   explains the creature was once a man who summoned  a demon from the depths of Hell to trade for his   dark power the demon tricked him granting his  wish but his price was an eternity condemned to   the darkness of that cave where he remains until  he finds another to set him free when Vlad travels   to the cave the master vampire says if he gives  the darkness a worthy offering he will be set free   from the cave then he can get revenge on the one  who betrayed him he said that he waited centuries   for someone like Vlad someone of his strength  and willpower considering it took him hundreds   of years to find a worthy candidate for the  darkness the demons must be pretty picky we see   that when Vlad turns other humans that do not have  sufficient willpower they turn into bloodthirsty   Savages that want to do nothing but feed they  almost become completely different people unlike   Vlad and the master vampire they retain much more  control over themselves I wonder who created this   book that depicts the vampires who told the priest  this Legend how could he know about the vampire's   deal with the demon if the master is trapped in  the cave at some point someone must have have went   to the cave and made it out alive to tell the tale  and I'm bound to this cave condemned by one who   turned me the original vampire is only known as  the master vampire but in the original script he   was identified as Gaius Caesar a former dictator  and ruler of Rome related to Julius Caesar Gaius   ruled until 41 A.D when he was assassinated I  guess in Dracula Untold Gaius never actually   died instead he remained alive making his deal  with the demon but he was trapped in the cave so   people still would have thought that he was dead  the original version of the movie apparently even   had the master vampire wearing a Roman helmet  when he first meets Vlad they decided to ditch   these scenes in favor of a more streamlined movie  which I think was a good idea in the end not to   over complicate things leaving his story more  mysterious was probably for the best we could   have learned more about the Master's backstory in  future movies because Vlad and the master vampire   were planned to be reoccurring characters in  the Dark Universe a universal monster-verse   that would be similar to the Marvel movies and  see multiple franchises teaming up together if   the master vampire was the former commander of  the Roman army it would make sense why he took   such an interest in Vlad even though he cannot  leave the cave he knew Vlad's name his family   name and the horrible things he did which is a  mystery how did he know so much about Vlad if he   can't leave the Cave the master vampire was even  responsible for killing the Turkish Scouts which   led to Sultan to trying to take Vlad's son which  in turn then led Vlad to going to the cave makes   you wonder did he plan the whole thing maybe oh  and I have waited an eternity for a man of your   strength I wonder what would happen to the master  vampire if he tried to leave the cave would it be   like an invisible barrier in a video game or would  he die my guess is if he tried to leave the cave   it would cause him great pain and kill him soon  after the master vampire said he wants to escape   shape the cave to get revenge on the one who  betrayed him but who is that he could be talking   about the demon that tricked him and trapped  him in the cave this would make sense because   it's been centuries and he still wants revenge  if it was a human he wanted to kill they would   be long dead I do have another theory about  Who the Master Vampire is talking about the   Baba Yaga you might be thinking huh like the old  witch who lives in a house with chicken legs yes   that Baba Yaga there's an entire scene shot with  this very mysterious creature that unfortunately   never made it to the final movie originally after  Vlad wakes up in the river he is approached by an   old man who turns out to be a ghost he then sees  a woman and offers to take her to safety once   inside her home Vlad knows immediately something  is wrong and the once beautiful woman transforms   into a grotesque creature with sharp teeth she  is the Baba Yaga the witch who eats children she seems to know all about Vlad's condition  and the master vampire trapped in the mountain   in Slavic folklore the Baba Yaga is a supernatural  being usually appearing as a disfigured old woman   she is known for her moral ambiguity never really  knowing what side she's on or whether she's trying   to help or hinder you this is very much the  case and Dracula Untold it's hard to tell if   she wants to help Vlad or not while talking to  Vlad she says something that confirms he is the   second ever vampire in existence the witch says  no creature like you has ever freely roamed the   Earth before you will be irresistible to the  eye and to the mind she said no creature like   him had roamed the Earth before because the master  vampire has been stuck in the cave by saying this   she's also confirming that she isn't some kind of  vampire herself while making this video I noticed   that one scene with the Baba Yaga survived  in the final movie when Vlad drinks the mass   blood he has a series of visions and one of these  include the Baba Yaga you can see her sharp metal   teeth I think it's possible the Baba Yaga is the  one who cursed the master vampire or she was the   one who betrayed him in some way if he wanted  revenge on a witch it would make sense why he   would need the power of a demon to defeat her  maybe that's why the Baba Yaga warned Vlad not   to drink blood because she doesn't want the master  vampire to escape thus that will destroy us all   the master vampire summoned a demon from hell  to gain his power maybe the Baba Yaga told him   how to do this ritual or conducted it herself  if she didn't curse the master vampire there's   a possibility the Baba Yaga also made a deal with  a demon it would explain why she looks the way she   does has magical abilities in each children maybe  the same way the vampire curse makes you thirst   for blood her curse makes her thirst for children  I definitely understand why they cut the Baba Yaga   scenes but she was a very interesting character  and since she was part of the original script I   wonder how her story was connected with the master  vampire maybe we would have been introduced to   her in a sequel film your hand give it to me now  let's talk about the abilities of these vampires   they're very strong after being turned for only  an hour Vlad was able to defeat an army of 1   000 men alone the master vampire said that Vlad  will have the strength of 100 men in the speed   of a falling star this is truly impressive when  you consider the master vampire said Vlad would   have a taste of his power I don't know if he meant  because Vlad would have the powers for a limited   time or if he would be limited in strength I  have to think the original vampire would be   stronger than Vlad though he's the progenitor  of his species and it's common for vampires to   grow stronger with age we know he is at least a  few centuries old according to how long he said   he's been in the cave but if he was truly Gaius  Caesar that would make him around 1500 years old   the master vampire looked similar to a demon while  he was trapped in the cave distorted features pale   skin large fangs and glowing eyes there's even a  scene where you'll his mouth really wide and has a   massive tongue later in the film when the master  vampire finally exits the cave his appearance   immediately changes to a more human one meaning  the way that he looked must have been a side   effect of the curse that kept him in the cave or  there's a chance he can change his appearance at   will like the Baba Yaga but I'm pretty sure it  was because he was trapped in the cave foreign how is a vampire turned we know the original  vampire was turned by conducting some kind   of ritual and summoning a demon from Hell the  master vampire turns Vlad by giving him some   of his blood to drink these vampires cannot be  turned with a bite you must drink vampire blood   after drinking the blood you die then awaken as  a vampire Vlad had a three-day period where if he   abstained from drinking blood he would return  to his mortal state but if he drinks then he   will remain a vampire forever presumably these  rules would apply for anyone who has turned they   would have three days where if they don't drink  blood they would return to being a human when   Vlad drank the blood he had a series of visions  that seemed to predict some future events of the   movie when someone drinks vampire blood it also  seems to establish some kind of connection with   The Sire as soon as Vlad drinks the blood the  master vampire has a physical reaction throughout   the film he seemed to be taunting Vlad trying to  get him to drink blood in one scene while being   tempted with blood Vlad could hear some kind  of strange chanting also when Vlad was about   to finally give in and drink blood we see the  master vampire was instantly aware do you know when Vlad did finally drink blood and his  transformation was complete he did seem to   become more powerful his appearance momentarily  changed to something more monstrous the same thing   happens at the end of the film maybe similar to  the master vampire in the Baba Yaga Vlad could   take a more demonic form if he wanted to we see  Vlad display a number of vampire abilities the   master vampire said he would have the strength  of 100 men the speed of a falling star dominion   over the night and all its creatures to see  and hear through their senses Vlad can hear   a spider wrapping its prey from dozens of feet  away and seeing the same kind of thermal vision   that the master used he said that Vlad would  be able to hear and see through the creature's   senses maybe that's what this is like I said  it's similar to a thermal vision with all the   living creatures highlighted and he can see  extremely far away he can also see through   the atmosphere to get the perfect look at the  Milky Way not exactly sure how he does this   but maybe it's because he can see in different  light spectrums Vlad can turn into a swarm of   bats in order to move faster and fly but he can  also call on massive numbers of bats anytime he   needs and use them like a weapon while fighting  the Turkish Army Vlad forms his hand into a   fist and punches the ground causing the swarm of  thousands of bats to do the same thing devastating   the Army in the original script it also described  Vlad being able to turn into a wolf but that scene   didn't make it into the final movie there was  also a deleted scene of Vlad using compulsion   on someone making them do whatever he wants by  making eye contact with them and mesmerizing them   he tells this Soldier to deliver a message and  attack his own man and he does so without question come on the master vampire seems to be faster  than Vlad when Vlad's wife falls from the tower   he was able to keep up but was not able to catch  her if she was falling at terminal velocity that   means Vlad can fly at around 150 to 180 miles  per hour pretty fast that being said the master   vampire was able to move around the cave  at pretty much instant speeds that means   the master can either flat out teleport or  he's way faster than Vlad Vlad does use a   teleport-like ability once when he disappears  behind a person and reappeared somewhere else   Vlad is able to control the weather covering the  sky and clouds that shrouded the sun allowing him   and the other vampires to stay out during the  day he was only shown doing this after he fed   on blood and became a full vampire This lends to  the idea that his strength was increased when he   made the full transition into a vampire when  Vlad manipulates the weather I'm pretty sure   you can see the outline of a bat in the clouds  Vlad displays an impressive healing ability after   being turned he cut his hand on a rock and it  healed almost instantly right in front of his   eyes a building is set on fire with him inside  it and he emerges looking slightly burned but   heals immediately and is totally unharmed even  burns from sunlight heal very quickly after Vlad   was turned his wife even noticed that all the  scars he used to have on his back from whipping   were all gone this means not only will the  vampire curse heal new wounds it will heal   any old ones as well so to summarize the vampire  abilities we know about there is super strength   super speed turning into a wolf and bats which  means he can fly controlling creatures of the   night compulsion control over the weather  and healing there's probably more abilities   the vampires possess that we never got to see  but now let's talk about the weaknesses please the curse that plagues these vampires literally  Came From Hell so that explains why they have a   weakness to religious symbols like the cross their  power comes from a demon so it makes sense that   the same things that would harm a demon would  harm vampires the Baba Yaga actually refers to   Vlad as a demon we get to see the cross through  Vlad's eyes and it appears to burn with a bright   light so bright the vampires could not even look  upon it or approach it it's important to note   that Vlad was not affected by the cross until his  transformation was fully complete up until he fed   on blood he would regularly pray in the castle  Church the priest also said to Vlad you are not   affected by the cross yet that can only mean you  haven't drank human blood so the cross will not   affect you until you feed on blood for the first  time their connection to hell and religion might   also explain why they're weak to sunlight the  master vampire says it's good versus evil dark   first light the sun is often associated with  religion and it was common in ancient Christian   writings to compare Christ and the sun the sun is  a symbol of life and Divinity so it makes sense   that it would burn a demon foreign s are weak to  Silver it burns their skin and it also shines with   a blinding light similar to the Cross we see this  in the cave when the master vampire says this Your   silver offends me cloak it from my sight when  Vlad awoke after being turned his silver ring   was burning his finger causing a bit of smoke  I think it's very likely that if you wound a   vampire with a silver weapon the wound might  take longer to heal than normal the presence   of silver also weakens vampires when Vlad had  to fight with Mehmed the ground is covered in   silver coins the silver weakened Vlad to a near  human level allowing Mehmed to get the upper hand   Mehmed even said that Vlad was growing weaker by  the moment and wondered how long he could stand   it around the silver this probably means that if  Vlad had stayed in that tent long enough he would   have been completely sapped of his power gold and  silver play large roles in religious writing so   this might also explain their weakness to Silver  another vampire media their weakness to Silver has   been tied to the silver pieces that Judas was paid  to betray Jesus maybe that's the case here as well hmm the last weakness is the wooden stake  if a wooden stake pierces a vampire's heart   they will die when Mehmed tried to kill Vlad  his armor disintegrated away from the tip of   the stake so not only are they weak to Stakes  but their curse doesn't allow them to protect   their heart solid armor will simply dissolve if  someone tries to stake them apparently there was   a scene in the original script that explained  these weaknesses further and the reasons for   them but that scene didn't make it in those  are the kind of scenes a general audience   would find boring but I find intriguing Vlad  was ultimately killed by sunlight but after   being given blood he was brought back to life  this means as long as the vampire's body isn't   completely destroyed they can be brought back  I doubt they would be able to come back from   being staked though the stake seems to be the  only Surefire way to kill a vampire foreign there's one final Theory I wanted to talk about  what if Dracula was the one who betrayed the   master vampire I explained earlier that it  seemed like the master vampire went far out   of his way to get to Vlad at the end of the film  we get a scene set centuries in the future Vlad   approaches a woman that looks just like his  wife he recites a poem and she says that it's   her favorite they spoke of meeting in the next  life and here they are this means that in this   universe reincarnation is real so why would the  master vampire reappear in this moment and say   let the games begin well what if Dracula is  a Reincarnation of the one who betrayed the   master vampire now they will partake in an  immortal game of Revenge just like he said   I think this theory is stretching a little but it  would explain a lot another big mystery is who is   the guy who starts basically worshiping Vlad and  calling him Master after Vlad is turned he starts   following Vlad around encouraging him to drink  blood and is it just a coincidence that this man   is the one who found the helmet in the river that  led Vlad to the cave I think it's very possible   this man is some kind of familiar for the master  vampire and was sent by him to lure Vlad to the   cave at the end of the film he even brings Vlad  Back to Life by giving him some blood how would   he know this would work unless he knew something  about vampires I think he's the Renfield of this   universe and a very mysterious character he's  also very morally ambiguous similar to the Baba   Yaga somehow he knew Vlad was a vampire  before anyone else until he finds another this movie definitely feels like they were  holding something back for a sequel so much   of the story is left open-ended and it ends  on a massive Cliffhanger damn The Mummy 2017   for dooming the Dark Universe they should have  brought back Brennan Frazier let the games begin that's my video on the vampires from Dracula  Untold and some of the Mysteries surrounding   them the casting of this movie couldn't be better  in my opinion although the moments between Vlad   and the master are few and far between they  had such good chemistry what do you think of   Dracula Untold is it the best Dracula movie  and who do you think betrayed the master was   it the demon that cursed him or the Baba Yaga  or Vlad himself if you guys have any theories   about the movie or something you want to add  definitely leave it down below because I love   discussing this movie I've wanted to talk  about all my theories about this movie for   a while now if there's any other movies or TV  shows you want me to cover please leave those   in the comments as well as I always read  through them if you enjoyed leave a like   And subscribe if you haven't it helps out a  lot and I really appreciate it an extra big   thanks to my channel members Roderick, awesome  peashooter, Jason Miller Cypher2880expensiveskin,   Zathras Paradox, Adam Mocaby, Gabriel Ragsdale,  Matthew Batson, DragonFae Rose, Emily Nixon,   Steven556, Owen wildish, and Joseph Roman welcome  to all the new members I really appreciate you   guys joining the channel thanks for watching  and I'll see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: Cogan Lollins
Views: 1,511,790
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vampire from dracula untold explained, dracula untold vampires, dracula untold, dracula untold explained, vampires explained, vampire, vampires, the master vampire, dracula, dracula untold 2, Dracula untold theories, vampires from dracula untold, luke evans dracula, dracula explained, vampire virus, vampire curse, curse explained
Id: bHle0KaaGMM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 44sec (1244 seconds)
Published: Fri May 19 2023
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