Seerah of Prophet Muhammed 4 - Religious status of the world before Islam - Yasir Qadhi | June 2011

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miss Miller Rahman al Rahim alhamdulillah wa salatu was-salam ala rasoolillah he was early he was happy he woman wada am i bad we continue from where we had left off talking about the serie of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa seldom and we are still talking about the situation of arabia before the coming of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa seldom and in today's lecture inshaallah wada we're going to shed some light upon the religious status of the arabic allah for the religious status of the arabs before the advent of the prophets asylum and in fact the religious status of the world and the reason why we need to illustrate this the reason why we need to talk about what people believe before the coming of the processor is to appreciate the blessings that the Prophet system came with when we understand pre Islam we will appreciate Islam just like we understand opposites when we understand black we understand white when we understand night we understand day we always look at opposites to appreciate each thing we contrast so when we understand jahiliyyah when we understand the idolatry paganism that was prevalent in pre Islam we will appreciate the blessings that Allah subhana WA Ta'ala gave through our professors at him by sending our prophet sallallahu alayhi wa send them to the world now we know that every nation had prophets Allah says in the Quran were in min o matin el illa-allah feeha nadir every OMA had a prophet so the Arabs as well had a prophet and their prophet was of course the prophet ibrahim alayhis salaam and his son is married and that is why numerous times in the quran allah mentions maleta a become Ibrahim this is the religion of your forefather Ibrahim and the prophet ibrahim alayhis salam had sanctioned many practices which remained for thousands of years until the coming of the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam so of the practices that ibraheem alehissalaam began was to consider makkah sacred what does it mean sacred we call mecca harem from the same word as haram is the same word harriman Haram Haram is called Haram because many things that are hella outside the harem or Haram inside the harem this is what we call it the harem it's a sanctity so for example you're not allowed to hunt game in the harem you see a wild deer you cannot go hunt it this is a harem you're not allowed to pull a tree you cannot pull a leaf from the harem and everything that is natural it's a lust creation you cannot touch it Allah says in the Quran women - allahu kana amina whoever enters the harem is safe and this is a ruling we still apply in our sharia that if a criminal if any evil person does a crime and he runs to the harem seeking refuge then allah says he is safe because this is a harem and the jahaly arabs upheld this even abbas said we would see in the days of jahiliyyah we would see a person would see the murder of his father doing Tawaf and he wouldn't touch a hair on his head you can't do anything this is the harem right so Ibrahim sanctioned the harem showing respect to the kappa rahim alehissalaam sanctioned them instituting the sacred months there are four sacred months in our Sharia in these sacred months all hostility has to cease you're not allowed to engage in any warfare everybody must be at peace and of course this is a boost to economy when you have warring tribes that Allah says no in these four months there must be peace doesn't matter what the excuses so this boosts the economy it brings about peace and society of the things that ibraheem alehissalaam instituted of course was the hedge with all of its rights and rituals doing Tawaf doing side between safa and marwah the the aspect of sacrificing animals around the harem the aspect of decorating animals this is a thing that a lot of people don't know but even in our Sharia when we assign an animal to to sacrifice people would take it from their villages from there from their cities and travel to Makkah with it those animals are decorated there Garland did they're put the decorations reported them so everybody knows that these animals have been dedicated to the poor of the harem so where did this come from from the prophet ibrahim alayhis salaam quick footnote here many non-muslims researchers they say these aspects of Islam are taken from pagan culture because the pagans venerated the Kaaba as the holy sanctuary and the pagans had low and the pagans did this and the pagans did that now this is all perspective is the glass half empty half full it's all a matter of perspective for the non-muslims they're not looking at the fact that this is coming from Ibrahim and they think that these are pagan rituals so the Prophet SAW said according to their perspective adopted certain things from paganism and then he added his own two cents for us we say no he resurrected the original teachings of the Prophet Ibrahim alayhi Salaam and he cleansed away the paganism so if the Arabs had a prophet and if this prophet is ibraheem and ibraheem is teaching to heed where did paganism come from simple question Ibrahim is a Ponto he'd won God he doesn't have idols it's my one God where does paganism come from our Prophet SAW said I'm told us so then we have a historical fact because a prophecy said it our prophet saw some told us when and where paganism began and how it began hadith is and saw a Muslim he said I saw I'm even LaHaye al-husari he mentions one person a Marigny LaHaye a loser a wandering around in the fire of hell with his entrails cut open behind him mean as a very severe punishment I saw how many blue hail Hosea being punished in a humiliating manner why the Prophet says that I'm said he was the first to bed della Dena is smile notice he said Dean is mine it's my ears religion Ibraheem and his men they had a deal they had a religion that is Islam the first person to change it was a medieval oh hey Eleazar and he was also the first person to introduce superstitions Allah says in the Quran modulo men behave rotten well acai Billiton what I will say that in what a ham these are four types of animals and I haven't even memorized them because they're so complicated if the seventh female of a seventh female camel is born these types of weird superstitions in other words if you have the the second male from a third female something like this weird permutation that particular animal has to be killed for the gods so you work out superstitions you work out charms you work out all of these pagan istic stuff he was the one who began this and it is narrated that Amarillo he traveled to Syria and the Syria they had the Ahmadiyya the Amalekites there an allele and the Amalekites are mentioned in the Old Testament and they are an ancient civilization and they are a civilization the Old Testament Kazem of giants meaning there were tall people and they had structures and they had a civilization and when he visited the amalya the Arabic is called an American English in western language is called the Amalekites when he visited the Ahmadiyya he found them worshipping idols and he found them to be this powerful civilization so he said what are these idols so they said these are our sources of power when we're in drought when we're in hunger when the enemy attacks we pray to these idols and miracles happen so he said can you gift me one of these idols I'll bring it back home I want to take it back so they gave him an idol by the name of ho bell and so who Bell became the first Idol of the Arabian Peninsula and it also became the main Idol of the Quraysh and that is why hundreds of years later in the battle of hood when Abu Sufian thought that they had won he screamed out or aloo hooble hooble has won because he's fighting against the Muslims he mentions the idol that I'm in a blue halo whose eye Hoebel has won and so the profitsystem said respond back to him don't let this go by respond back to him so I omen of the hilltop said how do I respond back so the prophesies have said that say that Allah is our protector and you have no protector allahu mallanna voilá mola lucuma now the point being that a medieval high brought back to this Hoban and he put it in front of the Kaaba and this was the first time that paganism started he also said that I'm gonna blow hi changed the tele beer for hedge and some people say it was changed a few generations after him so what was delvia what is tell beer we all know tell me we should not tell beer lebec allahumma labbayk this is what we say when we go for hajj what is the Bakke mean lebesgue means i am responding o allah i'm answering the call why because allah from the time of ibrahim allah announced hedge were a thief in a civil hedge there's an add-on for hedge calling people for hedge so there's a eternal call come to hedge when we go to hedge we say 'la bake I'm responding to the call I hear the call the bake so Ibraheem Allison was the one who began lebay columella Bay Club a collage Shari calacatta bake when this guy a menudo he'll came along he changed it he has to change it because part of the talbiya says la vega la sharika lak well he's changing the religion there are shedding shedding means partner there are shedding now so he changed it he modified it what did he say and this hadith is in Sai Muslim that the the Quraysh had a different tell via what was their tell via Lebec allahumma labbayk Lebec allah sharika lak so far so good and then they say Allah there's an Allah accept this doesn't make sense here will you mean accept how can you have an accept you have no partner except except what Allah sherek and who elect am Lee Cuomo Malik except for a partner who belongs to you and you control the partner and you control all that he controls you have partners but you're the big boss that's according to them just like ancient Greek ancient Rome there's the big boss Jupiter's or Jupiter's use these the big people and then you have the minor gods so the Quraysh invented this new fangled interpretation now how many below hi when did he live I tried a lot to do research about we can can we find a date or not of course the reality is we're not going to find the date because the Arabs did not record things in dates they are were like the ancient Chinese they recorded things in occasions the year when the elephant attacked our Medfield right this is how they record things they didn't have a calendar they didn't import the Roman calendar they didn't import the Persian can deter of course they didn't believe in the Jewish calendar until rabbinical Bob began the islamic calendar the Arabs did not have a calendar when you don't have a calendar how are you going to demarcate dates by big events this was the year when we had that battle so we remember that year and then a few years later something else happened so they'll remember that year in between they can say two years after the big battle three years before the incident of the elephant this is how they would have dates so obviously when it comes to translating when I'm going to know hey Alcazar I lived it is impossible for us to fully comprehend however what I did was I went back to figure out what generation did he belong to and he belonged to a generation which is basically around the generation of fear who is the original founder of Quraysh so assuming that every generation is around forty years forty five years rough guess Ameer Abdullah heroku's I was in the first century of the Christian era the first century of the Christian era and our prophet sal sallam was born in the 6th century of the Christian era right five hundred and seventy or so this is roughly the date seee when he was born we'll talk about that next week inshallah the day in the year he was born and the Christian equivalent around five seventy five seventy one C II of the Christian era our process was born so around five hundred years before the coming of our Prophet SAW saram al-madinah tawhai introduces Hoban so it takes five centuries of pure paganism to spread to all of Arabia now question arises how could one man single-handedly change the religion of Ibraheem and Ismail this is a question that we should ask ourselves and benefit from in order not to fall into this trap one man can change the religion of their forefather Abraham and his main household Allah who are them but I I think that we can summarize it in two factors first and foremost the inferiority complex that a medieval or a had towards the advanced Amalekites America because the Amalekites were a powerful civilization they were a civilization that had history writing architecture large buildings they were known to be undefeated and that's what the Old Testament also mentions that the Amalekites are the feared this is the the the the nation that is indestructible everybody is scared of them and they're described to be giants meaning probably there may be six and a half seven foot tall the average person amongst them they're a generation there's a group of people whom the world looks up to so I'm going to know how I felt the complex that these are the mighty nation we should take from them in everything so because the Syrian society the Amalekites were so powerful I'm a liberal I assume they must be correct in everything and it is very important that we take from this lesson things that we benefit from in our times simply because a nation is powerful doesn't mean it has the correct morality the correct ethics the correct theology simply because a nation has technology or a civilization or architecture doesn't mean it is better in everything yes it's better in some things but not in everything so here we have ommited no I was so astounded that these Amalekites can never be defeated they have this and that surely there must be upon guidance so he took from them their theology now suppose he did who is he to be accepted amongst his people here we get to the second factor so the first factor was that the Amalekites were considered to be so powerful and mighty there's an inferiority complex the second factor Alma de loja was not just a lay person he was the chieftain of huzzah who is cosa you remember a few weeks ago I mentioned very briefly the history of Mecca for five hundred years very briefly just a few paragraphs and we mentioned that the descendants of isma eel were for a period of time kicked out of Makkah until pasay came and re conquered right so for this period of time who was in charge of huzzah so in a way there's a matter of is there here the Quraysh did not introduce idolatry was added however we say Quraysh followed them so there's a negative there but what I did not introduce idolatry was that I did huzzah is another tribe not Koresh so huzzah I was in charge of maca not to polish an album delay was their chieftain and this chieftain was considered to be one of the most respected chieftains of Arabia and it is said that he had a lot of power that he won a number of victories that he defended mecca against foreign invasions that he was a generous man so his people loved him so when his people loved him and he imported a theology then the people followed and we can add a third reason here and that is that there must have been at least 2,000 years since the time of ibraheem to a medina hey we talked about this in the second or third lesson how many years between Abraham and our time at least 2,000 years must have gone by between Abraham Ismail and ahmed abdullah hi so we have now there for a long time where there's no guidance there's no prophets where the message of the prophets has become diluted where ignorance prevails and these are the three factors then number one inferiority complex you think that a civilization is better everything must be right about them number two the person who says it has credentials is prestigious and number three ignorance now will lie these three factors we need to understand them right now as we speak in 2011 because we'll LA our religion is being bombarded by a lot of people and we have the exact same three factors people are saying very strange things people are wanting us to accept complete variations of our religion why will I the exact same three things number one is in Ferrari complex towards another civilization which might indeed be the most powerful technologically militarily might have the most civilization in some aspects but that doesn't mean that morally theologically ethically they are the leaders of the world we have is through our Quran and Sunnah and we have the truth and simply because a nation is more powerful militarily it doesn't mean that they are more closer to the truth in us number two we have people with lots of credentials people who are being promoted by others as being the Reformers and what not that these are the people we need to listen to these are the Martin Luther's of Islam that we're being told right and they have mashallah PhDs and whatnot from the fanciest universities and they have the gift of the tongue and they have publications and they are famous and they're very intelligent just like a medulla I was accepted and number three ignorance the average Muslim does not know his religion inside out and then when somebody comes and speaks in generic slogans then it's very easy to be mesmerised it's very easy to fall prey and well it might not be may be as bad as but still we're facing an onslaught of changing of the faith and alhamdulillah uh-hum did other people that are talking about this and against this and correcting these misconceptions but I think is very pertinent to discuss these three factors of amer aben low high alphas re so how many blue high as we said lived around four or five hundred years before the coming of the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam there are even narrations and Allah knows best these are simply found in the books of history we're never going to know if they're sure or not that shape on inspired him through a dream for Shaitaan also inspires by the way Shaitaan also sends why Shaitaan gives why and allah azza wajal also gives ye but the way of shape on comes from him and it is evil and Allah SWA he is pure and comes from allah subhanho wa taala allah says in the quran well in the shia all Trina layer una Allah olia am leo jululu come that shayateen inspire their people so that they can come and argue and debate with you so Shaitaan himself gives why so there are some books of history that mentioned that chiffon inspired ie through a dream through whispering to a medieval Ojai the names of the original idols that first began idolatry on this earth and these are names mentioned in the Quran how did i dolla tree begin Allah mentions in the Quran the people of Noah were the first people to invent idolatry rockaroonie her Tacoma wallet at aruna weddin voila sua and voila Yahoo we are oka were Nussle five names and even Abbas mentions the story and this is you can imagine this is at a time when there's only one village on earth there's only one civilization and these five people complicated names but these are the original men what's Wyeth your openness on these five people were righteous men good people and when they died the people built images statues icons of them to remind them of their piety and slowly but surely as generations kept on going instead of just looking at the statue to be reminded of the piety they began worshipping the statue it's a stepping stone as Shaitaan used it so it is said that shaitaan inspired a medieval high to resurrect these five idols and subhanAllah in ways we have to explain that these five idols were in fact worshiped in Arabia when the profitsystem came even though they had not been worshipped for millennia and yet when the profitsystem came there was one tribe that had wood one tribe that had sua one tribe that a yahoo that had not sold all of these were there how would these names are resurrected some books of history say it was this man a medieval high al-azhar and he put one stone in front of the Kaaba and this is the Hubble and then from this people began proliferating idols how so well the first thing that they did is that they began worshipping this is really interesting they began worshipping the stones that the Kaaba was built with how so we learn from the traditions that whenever a caravan left Mecca they would chip away and take a rock from the Kaaba and they would take this rock as being equivalent to an idol and wherever they went they would then put the rock there and then worship this stone what was the stone the building blocks of the Kaaba now we as Muslims this is something a lot people don't think about we don't consider the bricks of the Kaaba to be sacred and holy the bricks of the kaabah are just clay and sand it is the location that is holy it's not the marble of the floor it's not the the silk covering of the Kaaba it's not the bricks that the Kaaba is used to build with it is the place that Allah created and the Kappa a lot of people don't know this is rebuilt every few decades it's just like any structure how long does it building last you know the last reconstruction of the Kaaba who can guess when it happened the current gaba that we see now who knows one does one was this cab a built the people who live and visit frequently no around 10 years ago the current Kaaba is literally only 10 years old that's it there is nothing holy about the cab it is the area it is the land of Mecca that is sacred the Kaaba comes and goes and after another 50 years is going to grow weak the foundations are going to be crumbling they're going to have to rebuild it but the people of the of the Mecca at the time they didn't realize this they did they let paganism seep in so they would take bricks of the Kaaba and then they would worship those bricks and of course this is the stepping stone to idolatry another Sahabi who accepted islam Abba Raja an authority a barrage of authority mentions that before Islam came we used to worship rocks and stones and it is a Muslim we used to worship rocks and stones and if we found a rock that looked more beautiful than the rock we were worshipping we would throw that rock away and put there other rock in his place and if we were travelling in the desert and we couldn't find a rock listen to this we would gather some sand put it into a pile bring a goat squeeze some milk out of it to make the sand firm and then do pull off around that sand now the light it is mind-boggling to think intelligent people will do this but if you go to some countries on earth I'm not going to mention anything here because people might get offended but if you go to some places on earth holà hé every street corner you go to the middle of the the jungles and you will find people have built a mausoleum or a structure a pagan temple and you and you look and you see there is a rock with red painting or yellow painting on it just a rock and you find people putting meat in front of the rock and putting butter and putting you know sweets in front of the rock and it's mind-boggling that to this day people can act like this that they're gonna give their acts of worship they're going to prostrate they're going to lower their heads to a wood or a rock or a stone and when you read this you wonder subhanAllah but then you see it with your own two eyes and you say no this is still here and then we talk about those who do this in our own religion and our own culture there are some Muslims who do the same with graves what Saints with mausoleums the same thing you see it in many Muslim countries you go and you find Muslims literally bowing bowing their head down in front of the grave of a saint of a wali of Appeal doing Tawaf around the grave and you wonder where is la illaha in the LA this is exactly what the jolly Arabs did one of the most disgusting stories to be honest is that of Nadia and herself marilla and herself now illa and i staff were two idols now illa was put on sofa and Asif was put on Marwa and so the Quraysh when they did fall off they would touch now illa and i staff when they're going back and forth when islam came the muslims felt hesitant how can we do sorry when it's meant to commemorate now allah and i staff so allah revealed in the Quran the verses that we all know in no sofa while Murata min sha Allah Safa and Marwah are holy before now Ln Asaf were put there Safa and Marwah are from the signs of Allah for now at NSF ever came Safa and Marwah are from the signs of Allah so whoever does hedge then let him there is no sin on you if you do tow off is I between them there's no sin meaning don't feel guilty there's no evil in Safa and Marwah what is not at NSF aisha says that since we were children we were hearing the story of nine and I saw the legends that they have not in an Asif may Allah forgive us for even narrating such disgusting things but this is what the books of history say there were two lovers male and female not a septa Asaf is the melon and as the female there were two lovers and they could not find a place to be intimate because they were not married except the interior of the Kappa so they consummated their romance inside the Kappa and as a punishment Allah destroyed them and solidified and petrified them right then in there now when the garage came across them they actually took them has a miracle and they put these two on safa and marwah and that is why the Muslim said how can we do this i between safa and marwah so allah said look Safa and Marwah have nothing to do with nada and I said so this is the story of 9sf again it shows you the paganism that the JIT Arabs were upon and we also know that when the Prophet SAW salem conquered Mecca they were around 360 idols around the cab 360 idols of various shapes and sizes some idols were in the shape of full humans some were in the shape of animals most of them were in the shape of half-human half-animal and you know to this day the children's fairy tales have horse and half you know human and half line and just like the Sphinx of Egypt or you know the the centaurs this type of theology we read in the books of history that most of these idols were humanoid a little bit of human a little bit of animal and they would then put these these statues around the Kaaba also we learned that the Quraysh had the theology that Allah has daughters and that these daughters are his angels and they would worship the angels they would worship the angels thinking that these are the daughters of Allah so they would consider the Angels to be the daughters of Allah now the Arabs did not have a specified theology they didn't have a Creed you know we as Muslims we have a Creed we believe in Allah and the angels day of judgment color we have a Creed we need to understand that societies that are idolatrous pagan istic societies they don't have creeds for example Hindus are the most clear example of idolatrous religion Hindus don't have Creed's if you ask 10 different Hindus what their religion is you'll get 10 different answers right because there is no unified Creed there is no al-qaeda as we call it and one Hindu can worship one God another can worship another god and you can have six million Hindus worshiping six million gods different and each one has a different perception of what his God can or cannot do this is all legit in their religion because there is no unified cream the same goes for the Arabs that there was no unified creed many of them believed in a day of judgment many of them denied it many of them believed this many of them did it there is no unified Creed but the one thing that they all agreed upon is that we need to worship these idols to come closer to allah subhanahu wata'ala they have some form of idolatry does this mean that the entire society was idolatrous no history records that there were some exceptions to this rule and it is very interesting to look at these exceptions and to derive some benefit and wisdom from this and the books of ceará mentioned that they were a handful of people called Hanif munafa plural renessa singular Hanif and Hanif means Hanif means turning away from so the Hanif or hanifa are turning away from and turning to allah subhanho wa taala this is what Hanif means that they're turning away from and they're turning to Allah we mentioned some of the stories of the vanessa one of the most interesting hanifa which we only have literally four five paragraphs of knowledge about his boss even serra de dos even say de dos even Saida was not from the parish he was from the Banu Yod a tribe that was far away in modern-day around Oman and Bahrain in that area and post even Saida was probably around 80 90 of course the books generally exaggerate they say hundred hundred fifty some even say 300 but Yanni we can imagine was an old man when the prophecies in him saw him as a young man so the prophecies had a met post even Saida when he was in his twenties and mostly been sorry that would come to mecca for the hedge remember the hedge is a universal it's a universal right people from all over Arabia are coming so I live inside they came from the venue eaat and he was preaching against idolatry and it is mentioned that he was one of the most eloquent of the poets and his poetry or his Rajas which is not quite poetry it's a manner of speaking some people have said it it is the most resembling of the language of the Quran and this shows us that he was upon the fifth Allah and the closest to the religion of Islam so for example he has and I quote some Arabic here Johannes is mawaru who means to understand is mawaru way does Samaritan Fanta firu in a menage a mad woman Matta fact what cool Ummah who were at in at and he goes on oh people listen to me and understand and when you hear then benefit because whoever lives of a surety will die and whoever dies has finished there's nothing more for him to do and everything that Allah has decreed will indeed come about and he has yeah mashallah yad yad is his tribe Yashiro yad aina thammudu ad whoa anil abba one edge dad wilma ruefully deal Anushka Vavoom indeed in immune come ox ow Oksana poss'ble ah he endured Allah heal adenine albumin Deanie come hatha Oh people of yard where is the mood where is add where are your father's and where are your grandfather's and who will reward the one who does good but he was never rewarded and who will punish the one who does injustice but he was never punished in other words do you think this is it do you think there's no Hereafter who's gonna reward the one who does good but he was never thanked and who's gonna punish the one who does evil but he was never punished he's referencing the day of judgment I swear by Allah that there must be a religion better than the religion you are upon he doesn't know it because there's no prophecy he doesn't know it because the provinces has not yet been sent and it is said many many years later in the ninth year of the Hegira this is 50 or 40 years after the processing of first Meadows that when the Banu Yad came to accept Islam the prophets Aslam said where is course even yet who amongst you knows him so they said he died a long time ago for decades or something ago so the prophets s/m said I remember him on a camel a red camel and I remembered that he had mesmerizing speech can anybody amongst you remind me of it so they reminded him of that speech and this is some of what I narrated to you right now so they reminded him of a post said and the prophecies in him liked what was had said and this shows that there was some remnants of toheeb the most important hanifa were four horses one of them but the fourth the more the most important were four and we have a number of details about them even Hisham narrates a very beautiful story he says that before the coming of the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam the Quraysh held a huge festival outside of Mecca and they invited the entire city to celebrate with their idols and they exalted their idols they sacrifice they did the offer on their idols when the entire village of the entire city of Makkah left for people found themselves remaining behind and they realized when they found themselves remaining behind that they are all upon the same wavelength they're too embarrassed to tell people about this so they didn't want to go when they let the whole society leave the city is empty for a few days lo and behold they thought they're going to be alone for people were there so when the four people realize that we're all in the same wavelength here they said let us befriend one another and let us not tell our people about our affair that we disagree with this idolatry these four people were number one waraqa even no fun eben I said who is what I even know Philemon I said well if we mentioned one more person khadija bint awaited even I said khadija bint khuwaylid even assad waraqa bin nawfal ebon I said so what a kind Hadiya our cousins one of kin Khadijah our cousins but what up I was around 50 or 40 years older because his father was the oldest and hadiya's father was the youngest of the brothers so he is around 40 years older than Khadijah so number one what I've got even offal number two rubella eben Josh herb a today even josh is the professor saw his cousin through his mother so the prophets asanam his aunt is or way that I'm the Josh mother aunt meaning Abdul Muttalib his daughter so Abdul Muttalib his daughter the prophets of Saddam's aunt is related I'm Josh smothers so he's the processor his cousin number two with my liberal awaiteth and number three zadie been hammered even no fail and he is the cousin of Umar ibn al-khattab even no fail I'm gonna blow a couple bands I didn't amber amber Andrew and al-kitab are brothers so Omar is the first cousin of zaid IBN amer but once again say it is like 4050 years older than her MA so these are the four once again what I've been offered or obeyed Allah have been Josh if mind awaited and they did not even a new frame so these four said let us befriend one another and not tell anybody about our affair we all know that our people are upon misguidance that they had left the pure religion of ibrahim are we going to do toll off around the stone are we going to sacrifice to a stone that can neither benefit us nor harm us let a search for the original religion of ibraheem alehissalaam let a search for the honey fiha and that's why allah calls ibrahim hanifa the Quran Allah says that a mill that Ibrahim ax hanifa in over eight verses Allah calls abraham hanifa and the Arabs knew that Ibraheem was Hanif and therefore these people are saying let's search for the honey fee of Ibrahim so they all split up and they all left Mecca for a while searching for the truth as for what Allah even know fell he eventually chose Christianity and he studied his books and he learned Hebrew and Aramaic and he rejected the religion of the people of the Quraysh and he was a convert to Christianity well of course we know his story that he was an old blind man in his 80s when the profitsystem at the age of 40 heard a clock bismi rabbika lady honk and everybody knew that this was a learned scholar he's a eccentric academic for the Meccan standards he reads and writes he's a genius if you can read and write in Mecca you're you're a tenured professor you're a big shot there ok he reads and writes and he speaks Hebrew and Aramaic so when it came down Khadija held on to the hand of the press and said let's go to war because he knows what's going on here he knows this stuff where this is not a part of our civilization we never seen this before let's go to war octal and so what Allah was the one who recognized yes this is what we've been waiting for and panel is very interesting if you ask the average Muslim who is the first convert they say Abu Bakr people jump over no the first convert is waraqa after Khadijah we can say the first male convert is what Allah before Abu Bakr because even before the Dawa began even before the process and realize he is a prophet what akka understood was going on because the president did not understand what did I see what was this entity that came to me and so what akka said this is the same entity who came to Musa came to Jesus this is Jubilee this is the NamUs he called him so it's the the secret companion he's the one whom Allah sends to the prophets and what about was the one who said to him how I wish I were a young man I've been searching my whole life for the truth can you imagine can you imagine he must have spent 60 70 years waiting for the truth and now when he's just about to hide he hears the process of him so he regrets he said how I wish I were a young man now so that I could support you when your people persecute you and expel you and this was the first shock to the profitsystem my people will expel me my people are going to oppose me and because what occur at this time knew the history of the previous nations he said yes never has any prophet come with the truth except that his own people opposed him so this is what I've been know fun and hadisha says family betta just a little while after this conversation he passed away the first Muslim who died in Mecca was what a kybun nofa obeyed alive in josh has the saddest story Roubaix that labna josh converted to christianity and he was the cousin of the processer him so when the profitsystem began preaching he accepted islam and he married Oh miss ulema and they then migrated to Abyssinia so he was a Muslim but he became a mooted when he reached Abyssinia and he reverted back to Christianity and that was when of course a mr. LaMotte to leave him and he died shortly after that and then the profitsystem proposed and oma sedima became his wife and there's a whole story there about rather than the Josh which we don't have time for but one simple benefit that we can derive from this and it's a very important benefit if you become more dead in a land that is not ruled by the Sharia this is your freedom doesn't you cannot do anything so the whole question I'm saying this now because our religion is being attacked you guys have a blasphemy law if somebody leaves a religion after cut his head off that's what we're told the response is very simple know our Sharia tells us that in lands that are not ruled by Islam probated Lebanon Josh converted back to Christianity nobody harmed a hair on his head there's this as the land of negus the land of nagashi do as you please it's not the land where the Sharia is going to be implemented so in lands other than the land of is there's no question that Shetty I would say that we don't implement that and of course whether we implement or not even in Islamic Lancers whole long conditions whether this is the second person or with eleven ajosh the third or if my tablet awaiteth with my Dibner awaiteth he to accepted Christianity so out of these four three accepted Christianity what eventually accepted Islam or within that accepted Islam that went back to Christianity with man remained a Christian till he died and we don't know whether he ever heard the Prophet Sawa's message because uber of my tablet awaiteth left Mecca never to return he left Mecca now when did this incident take place probably probably before the birth of the Prophet SAW silom or if it took place when he was like he would have been a little child because you do the math Wallach ah is in his 80s when the prophets SM is 40 so when did this took place maybe one what was in his 20s so the Prophet most likely again this is all assumptions most likely this scattering took place before the processor was even born now earth manipulated traveled to Rome and he eventually made his way up into Caesars Palace and it is said he became an interpreter because they needed Arab interpreters so he accepted Christianity and so he was given a lot of money a lot of prestige and he became a Christian and he died a Christian so these are the three out of the four the last one Zaid abominably to fail has the most interesting story and the prophecy said him had a number of encounters with him they Debenham dibadeaux faith did not accept Christianity or Judaism because he was not impressed with either of them and it is narrated that he told both the Jewish rabbis and the Christian priests that he met that this is not the religion of Ibraheem and you know it this is not the religion of ibraheem and you know it so Zeta Ben I'm going to return back to Mecca and he told the people once he had now become mature and respected or people of Quraysh there is no one left upon the religion of Ibrahim in this whole city other than me all of you have rejected the religion of Ibraheem and a smart binti Abu Bakr the older sister of Aisha a smiles around 20 years the nitrous is way older than Ayesha a smart binti Eddie Becker I remember she was a very young girl so asma bint ABI bakr says that she remembers as a young child seeing as they did not lead a no-fail rebuking the Quraysh for worshipping idols for giving meat to the idols for trying to bury their daughters alive and in fact in some how how beautiful is this when any kora she wanted to kill his daughter Zaid would say give her over to me I will take care of her and I will bring her up she will become my daughter so he would adopt all of the daughters that the Quraysh wanted to kill and this shows us his generosity and his kind heart and he forbade any daughter to be killed and said give them to me and I will raise them in my household and he refused to participate in any of their idolatry it is authentically mentioned that the professors are met they didn't know Fame when he was a young man when the process was a young man before the prophecy began and he asked him what is Masha look what is the matter between you and your people why are is there and why is there this animosity so Subhan Allah shows us the process and even as a young man he wants to study wants to know his inquisitive mind probably has a teenager we don't have an age here we can imagine maybe 17 18 the profitsystem is asking Zay does this young child what is the matter what do you believe what do they believe and so they did now it would explain to him that I cannot worship idols I cannot do what these people are doing and the process would have found a kindred spirit because as we know the prophesies of himself never worshiped an idol he never bowed his head in front of an idol he never sacrificed me to an idol all of these things he himself did not do so they did not even do faith as we said he continued upon this religion and he died five years before the prophecies and began preaching 285 years his son Syed even Zaid is one of the Companions that unfortunately we don't we as Muslims don't know much about even though we should because say the Ben's aid is one of the ten who were promised Jen this is one of the big names but unfortunately we don't know much about him meaning we meaning this society not that we don't from the books sided bin zaid was one of the ten who are Asha Abu Bashar this is his son so one day he said o Messenger of Allah you know my father you remember my father and you remember what he was upon what will be his fate in the ayah you can tell me he's loving is he wants to know ya Tallulah what's gonna be the fate of my father in the affair so the Prophet SAW said I'm said he will be resurrected on the Day of Judgment his own Ummah he's a one-man Ummah without any prophet because he was such a pious person and when he went back from Israel and Mirage you know the famous journey we're going to talk about that he said to say depends aid I enter Jannah and I saw your father Allah had blessed him with not one but two gardens so this shows us that even before the coming of Islam people manage to enter Jenna because they rejected idolatry because they're fit throughout their innate nature told them that something is wrong so they even Al Madina Fame is a one man Ummah this is a trivia question which OMA is there without any prophet and we say the Ummah of is a divan I'm gonna do nothing okay this is an umma which is a one-man Ummah without any profit now this shows us the status of the Arabs how about the status outside of Arabia we already mentioned that the Roman Empire was upon Christianity and the the the Sassanid Empire or the Persian Empire was upon their West treena's immense restrains of course they have the concept of the god of fire and the God of Darkness Ahura Mazda an ayah demon so they have a perpetual fire that is lit and they worship that so those austrians are from the islamic perspective a type of idolatry a type of paganism how about the Christianity of Rome well again to make a long story short this is a whole interesting thing in and of itself after allah azza wajal raised the prophet s alehissalaam we can say that they were within 30 40 years there were three major strands of Christianity three major understandings of Christianity the first type is called Gnosticism which we're not going to talk about it's a completely philosophical ossifies understanding Gnosticism it's a very mystical understanding and they pretty much in limited there's really no Gnostic Christians anymore the two major groups of Christians the first of them are called Jewish Christians this is the name that academics give Jewish Christians and the second some people call them Pauline Christians falling following Paul right so there were Jewish Christians and they were Pauline Christians Jewish Christians they believed amongst other things that they are Jews that they have to follow the law of moosa' that they have a shetty a kosher and kashrut and all of these laws that they have to be circumcised and either be Hauer or kosher meat and basically be practicing Jews and that Jesus Christ was sent to the Jews and that he was the promised Messiah I eat this is exactly what we believe it's exactly what we believe right now Paul who was never an actual disciple he claimed to be a disciple he claimed to see Jesus Christ in his vision Paul was the one who began a whole new theology what is this theology Jesus Christ has elements of divinity she's not just a man he's a super man some type of divinity Jesus Christ came to destroy the law or to obliterate law or not destroy is not a good word they wouldn't agree that Jesus Christ came to make the law unfunctional he says he came to replace the law if you believe in Jesus Christ there is no Shetty out and there the whole question of circumcision is discussed in the New Testament so he said you don't have to circumcise you don't have to do the Sharia anymore and then he began some elements of the Trinity he began this in that so this is called Pauline Christianity for 300 years Christians debated over what is the meaning of Christianity what is Jesus Christ is he a prophet is he a God is he the son of God what are the Bible what is this and that until finally and the Romans initially you know the Romans were pagan religion right they had the god Jupiter and they had this the Romans were the worst enemies of the Christians and they're these stories that they would find Christians and throw them to the lion pits and they would you know the the Emperor Nero burnt Christians alive he Allah he he made the whole city of Rome burning alight by Christian bodies he would light a Christian for the light bulb of the city so he was they were these were evil people and Christians were martyrs and they were persecuted so for two three hundred years Christians were martyrs until a miracle happened they were probably around three four percent Christians of the Roman Empire until a miracle happened from their perspective and that is the emperor converted to Christianity now the Ikuko equivalent would be in our times if the President of the United States converted to Islam because we are around five six percent and Christians were around five well something is already a Muslim we're not getting into that theory okay mr. Hussein Sahab we're not going to talk about him but the equivalent would literally be you're a minority religion you're a five percent religion and then the emperor converts to your religion this is what happened with Christianity right Constantine was the first convert of the Roman Empire to Christian the first emperor sorry to convert to Christianity now Constantine isn't just some Joe on the street he's the Emperor so he's not gonna have these bickerings going on so he convenes a whole council all you Christians were fighting come let's let's have a let's have a dialogue and let's figure out what Christianity is and then he wanted a certain version of Christianity were just zooming this quickly through because he's a pagan from before so he wants a little bit of a pagan istic element of Christianity and so from that we get the twenty-fifth of December we get the concept of halos we get the concept of a Trinity we get this we get the Son of God because they had a son of God in myth right all of this is you know we all of this comes from from Constantine's decision in 325 in the city of Nicaea which is now in Turkey he held a council called the Council of Nicaea in 325 sieep Constantine decrees official Christianity is basically Pauline all other Christians we're gonna do to you what our ancestors did to other Christians we're going to burn you persecute you kill you so there was a massive outflux an immigration a hijra of original Christians to other lands right and this is why it is said that some of them came to the new Joshi's Kingdom and so the new joshiy Kingdom had more Jewish Christians and others others went to Iran and so Salman al-farsi so we're going to come to is there but the Roman Empire officially banished Jewish Christianity and there was no such thing as Jewish Christianity officially in the Roman Empire so Pauline Christianity then became the standard from Pauline we got the Orthodox the Catholic the Protestant and that's basically 99.9% of Christians the original others they're all completely gone now this isn't 325 the process M is born 570 250 years before so we have remnants little bit of references that some of the original Christianity was saved and the most interesting story we have is that of Salman and Pharisee Salman al-farsi his story is a very long story is narrated in Muslim Ummah that it is authentic we'll summarize it and I want all of you to read his story in the books of ceará in more detail because it's simple it's it's it's you don't need you know you can understand it as it is I'll summarize the main points Sandman el fallacy was the son of the priests in Iran in Persia and his father was the one who kept the fire the rest rains they have to keep the fire lit 24/7 it's not allowed for the fire to be turned off and even when they build a new temple they have to import and ever lit fire they cannot just light a match and put it there no they have to take the fire because they believe it's eternal they have they believe it's an eternal fire so any new temple that they built they have to take a fire from another temple that's already been burning and then they bring it to the new temple so I asked one of them what you do in America when you built your first temple I mean where'd you get the fire from they said we got a special plane we commissioned a fire to be brought from one of our temples in the plane because we're not allowed to just light a match and put the go into my Tanja's me stop your get back to the story okay Sandman and Farsi Salman al-farsi what was his story Salman al-farsi was the son of the fire keeper so his father taught him how to keep the fire going and what not so he would go and take care of the fire and come back home that's his job that's that they are priests of the fire they're priests of the Zoroastrian or the Medusa's we call them and they're called in Urdu parses because when Islam came and conquered them they ran away to India and because they were from Persia they were called policies so policy means from Persia but anyway I again digress let me get back here so Seminole Farsi would go to the the fire and keep on lighting it up he said and he's narrating the story his himself he said on the way there on the road there there was a monk who had his small monastery you know the monks had a little cave to have a monastery and he would be worshipping singing his hymns praying all day and all night and it intrigued me that this person has a different religion and I passed by every day and I'd listen to his hymns I'd listened to his chantings so and it was mesmerizing and it attracted me so one day I had the guts the guts to basically go and ask him can you tell me about your religion and so the monk began to preach Christianity to Salman al-farsi and slowly but surely Samana farsi realized that what he's doing is idolatry and what the monk has is a version of tawheed and worship Allah and whatnot so he became attracted to Christianity he secretly converted he secretly converted when his father found out his father locked him up with chains who had prevented him from leaving the house tortured him because he's the priest how can your own son convert to so it's a big matter of shame and attempted to exterminate him so Salman al-farsi managed to escape from his own house and run away to Syria which is the land of Christianity and the monk had already taught that the monk had been executed because he converted the son of the priest so they killed the monk but the monk had told him that go to such in such a monastery and you will find people of my thought my inclination don't go to any other monastery so we know that this monk was not upon Pauline Christianity because he's telling him don't go to the capital don't go to Rome go to this particular you know monastery I'll tell you which one this is where I come from and you go there so still manifest went there and then to make a long story short every time he went he became the disciple the main disciple of the monk and the monk taught him how to worship he remained a Christian when each one died he would tell him to go to another one and this happened four times when each one died he would say okay now you go to this guy so you went to that and he went Tec when he came to the fourth one you can imagine I was probably around 78 years old now Sandman elf Odyssey has these legends that he lived for 300 years once again we understand this a little bit of Legends maybe he lived up to 100 hundred 15 something he was the longest the oldest of the Sahaba in Medina and he was a very old man when he accepted Islam so when the fourth one when the fourth one is about to die listen to what he says he says but my companions who sent you eventually all over to me my group of people I don't know anybody remaining upon that understanding of Christianity all gone now this was the group that we had but I don't know anybody left upon our understanding of Christianity but you have come to a time when the Promised One is about to come we know this now this is a version of Christianity which is not Pauline so they have knowledge that is not found in the New Testament because one thing Constantine did and this is really sad but it destroyed a is Christian history he chose the four books that are now part of the New Testament and he burned all the other books that opposed his theology all the Jewish Christian books you know the books of the Bible that we have right there's the four famous books Constantine chose them because they affirmed his belief and all the other works and writings were burnt in front of his presence so we don't have references in magic earth and that's why again let me just tell you when the Dead Sea scrolls were discovered some of these people were actually Jewish Christians and that's why was such a big find that some groups were they were hiding in the caves of Qumran in in in Jordan the Dead Sea Scrolls you've heard of them maybe Lee when they were discovered these were some remnants of Messianic Jews which people thought were never there and they were living pre Jesus Christ so there still have they're waiting for Jesus Christ to come so they have some knowledge and some of them it is said they accepted so again all of that is theory now where people are deciphering it through point being we don't have access to what beliefs they had but sin man in Farsi tells us in our authentic hadith that they told him three things what did they tell him they said you're just about to come to the time when the man that Jesus Christ predicted is about to come we know it the signs have been met what are these signs we don't know but these people knew so they're telling Salman the signs have all come and his time is just around the corner so he told Sandman my advice to you is you go seek this man out go seek this prophet out how where am I going to go I will tell you three signs I will tell you three signs number one he shall appear in a land that is full of dates first sign go to the land that is known for dates number two he will have a physical mark on his back in Arabic we call hot Tim and you know the hot time of the seal the prophecy I'll talk about this inshallah later on but it's a physical mound of hair they say and some say it's even a little bit of a protrusion of the skin the size of a pigeon's egg this small very small even smaller than this right it's a physical protrusion with with beautiful colored hair multicolored hair we've been described not just black multi colored hair coming from between the shoulder blades of the prophet sallallaahu I do setup it's a physical seal on his back this is the second sign number three he said that this man will accept gifts but he's never going to accept charity he will accept gifts but you will never accept charity to this day and our filter you cannot give charity to Al Mohammed you cannot give charity to the senders of the process and to this day it's not allowed so Sandman asked his share died his teacher died this is the fourth shift now from his eyes so we can imagine you know he's already probably around 50 years old at this time so he asked what is the land that is the most well known for producing dates he asks in Syria he is told the land of there's no Saudi Arabia at that time Saudi Arabia's 1931 hiah hiah hiah which is close to yesterday so he asks around who amongst you is going to say but how can I go to hiber so he is told there are Arab caravans that trade in Damascus here get one of the caravans and go to hiya now Salman is a monk he's a priest he has no money he has no prestige he has no clan he has no Society and so he says to a group of Arab traders are you going to high bar they said yes we're going to hyper come with us when they came when he joined their Caravan they kidnapped him meaning this they took him as a slave because he has again this is a lawless Society there is no 911 call there is no government and Salman and Salman is not a member of Rome he's not a member of Persia anymore he's in exile he doesn't have people who come and fight for him this is a lawless Society so Salman is taken as a slave and instead of ending up in hiber he is sold to a group of yahood who happen to live in here therap which is later to be called medina because he had that sincerity and so for decades he toiled in medina as a slave as a 70 year old man Spinola as a slave he is toiling in medina and rumors began to spread of a man claiming to be a prophet and rumors began to spread that he's immigrating to medina and the yahood began to be worried in trepidation because they thought this is the king of the arabs who's coming and when the king of the arabs come then were in trouble and salman he tells us a story that he was collecting dates from the top of the tree and he heard his master speak with his brother the master and his brother that the king of the Arabs has arrived this is the first hit on the first day of the age of the king of the Arabs has arrived this he's been waiting for for the last 20 years he literally jumps down and he runs to his master and says what happen did he come did he come and the master slaps him across the head and says go back to your work were you worried about your a slave get back to your work so Sandman goes back finishes what he's doing when he finishes the chores that are assigned to him he takes some of his dates which was his own food and he comes to the processor and this is on the second third day that he's in Medina and he says that I heard that you're a stranger in this town here is some charity for you puts it in front so the Prophet SAS in him tells us I have a Kulu eat but he doesn't eat anything the second day after his tours are over he brings another plate and he says today I have come with you with some date and this is a gift to you so the Prophet system tells us to have a Kulu but he eats as well so Salman now his heart is racing this is a land of dates he's you know one sign has been met now what do I do to get to the third sign so he stands up and he goes behind the process and trying to take a peek if he can look into his shirt to see what he can do and when this old man goes behind the Prophet SAW cedam and starts peering and peeking the process of understood so he unbuttoned his shirt and he lowered it he lowered it behind his back to literally show him the the the pigeon mark the the the the Hatem and when Salman saw this he began crying and he began wailing and screaming he came any kissed the hands in the feet of the Prophet SAS at him and he told him his whole story and the Prophet SAW said I'm said we must help you for your freedom and the the people put in a ridiculous price on him when they knew the process and wanted him they said you must give us I forgot knows that 150 dates 150 date trees date trees sand man says where can I get 150 date trees from so the process of them said next time it's the season to plant the seeds call me so the profitsystem came with his own hands he planted 100 hundred 50 of those those trees and within a year there was full tree so here's your here's your ransom Salman you're free and salmon became a free Muslim right because the profits hasn't paid for his ransom through that Baraka now the point being here that Salman story indicates what how few real Christians were left very few real Christians were left and we only have time for one more and then we'll have to conclude one more story that shows that there were only a few Christians left because the story that is mentioned in sahih al-bukhari and that is the story of the emperor heraclius the emperor heraclius the emperor heraclius was the emperor at the time of the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam and unlike most politicians in the world he was an intelligent and educated man and he was a scholar and he was trained in Christianity and when the profitsystem wrote a letter to the emperors in the 8th and 9th year of the hijra he wrote letters to the emperors he wrote one to Heraclius or to be more precise he wrote one to the governor of behind who was the governor of heraclius and so it reached Heraclius and Herakles at that time was visiting Elia which is Jerusalem he was visiting Jerusalem and so it was not supposed to get to him that fast it was supposed to go to the governor but he was in Jerusalem at the time so when he read the letter and the letter says that this is from mohammed rasoolullah emperor of rome aslim taslam accept islam you'll be safe Aslam you take a logicoma retain accept Islam Allah will give you a double reward and if you reject Islam then you shall bear the penalty of your whole people because you are their leader so it was a give-and-take ie carrot-and-stick I mean incentive and threat in the letter that you have to accept Islam and what is Islam so the Prophet Heraclius said there's a long story in sahih bukhari again inshallah maybe one day we'll talk about in more detail Heraclius quizzed his Vizier are there any Arabs in town they said yes it just so happens that the caravan from Mecca they let the schita a safe the caravan from Mecca is in Jerusalem now call them right now to the palace now this is a trading Caravan you can imagine the souk and the Emperor's Palace there they're not thinking they're going to come to the palace immediately the Roman guards come to the souk and they march with the Quraysh to the palace there trembling what did we do what happened and lo and behold it is none other than Abu Sufyan so Abu Sufyan gets to meet the emperor of Rome and correctly as an Abu Sufyan have a long conversation which was recorded in Behati maybe maybe inshallah we'll talk about him next week or a week after that and at the end here at leas after quizzing him tells him that if what you tell me is true then this is the Prophet that our scriptures have predicted pause here there is no prediction in the current New Testament so there must have been scriptures that are hidden from the public and you know there's theories in the Vatican and the Gospel of Barnabas Llanos all of this stuff you know but clearly Heraclius has access to scriptures that the rest of the Christians don't have and of course this makes complete sense because he's the Emperor of Rome and to this day by the way the Vatican Library has books that are unpublished and in you know secret and whatnot and so here a clea says this is the Prophet that has been predicted and I knew he was coming but it never occurred that he would be from your race I thought he would come from the Jews it never occurred that he would be from your race I didn't think he come from the Arabs and heraclius wrote to his confidant who was a bishop one of the highest bishops but we don't know his name and fortune the rest I wish you could look him up we don't his name is just a zero to one of the bishops of Rome who was on the same wavelength as him and the bishop confirmed yes he meets all of the signs yet Heraclius did not accept Islam because he realized if he accepted Islam then he'd have to give up being the Emperor and when you're the most powerful man on earth then it's too tempting and heraclius refused accept Islam because he could not give up being the emperor of Rome in order to submit himself to a lodge panel and therefore he died upon his faith now we conclude by mentioning that in this dismal darkness our prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was sent and that is exactly what Allah says in the Quran that the process and says in a hadith that Allah in Nara be Amarone and wily mikuma Hylton min ma a lemony Yami hada My Lord has commanded me to teach you that which you were ignorant of and then he says and before his coming when ilaha to add a novel illa ala lot of the family to whom Allah Muhammad Gemma whom Allah I am in idle kitab the hadith is and Muslims I Muslim Allah looked at the whole world and he despised everyone mikata home is more than kareha home mr. a shed del carro hides the most harshest he despised them because of idolatry because of jahiliya because of agonism from Makkah tell Allah except for back ayah some remnants of the people of the book the teachers of Salman write these are the only people in LA I am in a hadith Geeta so the profitsystem is describing how the world was and that is why we call it jahiliyyah utter jahiliya and with the coming of the profitsystem there will never be another jahiliya and that is why allah calls the prophets of nool and allah calls him or AHIMA tallil alameen because after the coming of the process in him there is never going to be that type of jahiliya and this shows us that a number of benefits and essential shall we conclude number one the first really major benefit from all of this and I want you to understand this point because well lie it is so essential living in the current climate where our religion is being bombarded by foreign ideas by alien concepts we're being told we have to reform completely and change our tradition number one guidance only comes from Allah not from our intellect not from our philosophy not from our rationalization the world did not have a prophet or messenger for hundreds of years from the time of ASA till the time of the processor what happened no philosopher could conceive of the truth no theologian no intellectual could guide mankind Allah revealed or on to the prophecies and then hidayah came the Quran is the hidayah the prophets assalam is the nor the Quran is the Shifa without a Las guidance there is no guidance and why is this important because modern mankind believes that guidance is the cumulative experience of what we've done we keep on modifying we keep on adopting we keep on changing what is Haram today will become halal tomorrow what is held out until they come Haram tomorrow our grandfathers thought this was not cool we think it is cool so be it it is cool we're progressive we need to understand very firmly here our guidance is the Quran and Sunnah and that is the ultimate guidance we're not going to change the Quran and Sunnah according to the whims of the society according to the tastes and the culture of a generation no eternal truth if mankind could not achieve guidance until Allah revealed it then how can we and if our prophet system Allah says in the Quran wah wah ha dekalb all and Fajada he could not be guided until Allah gave him the hidayah and Allah says in the Quran map quantitated e-mail kita what al-eman you didn't know this is addressed to the process in him what was the book what was Iman until we gave you the Quran our Rasul SAS and I'm sitting in Rada era as we're going to come to next week he did not know ultimate truth until gibreel came down is anybody gonna claim that modern philosophers are better than our prophecies 'm that modern ethicists and and more of the theologians and whatnot can just sit there in a room and contemplate and then come forward with how men should live no Allah says about insanity and youth Raqqa Sudha we're the ones who are going to tell you how to live your life the second point of benefit will just mention through your afternoon chef the second point to benefit we really understand how a lot that most of mankind are like sheep in that they follow whatever the leaders say look at the Quraysh they knew that this is not the religion of Ibraheem but because everybody's doing it it's just too difficult to break away deep down inside they know something is wrong but when all of society is doing a sin and advice it's easy to follow Allah says in the Quran huama octoroon a seawater hasta be moot meaning most of mankind even if you want them they're not going to be believers and Allah says in the Quran if you follow the majority of mankind they will lead you astray majority wants to follow desires we have to be very frank here the majority of mankind wants to be animalistic hedonistic they don't want Sharia they don't want law they just want to follow their desires and Allah says no we have a law and that law will tell you how to be a better human and the final point that will benefit in this Allah will conclude for this week the story of Salman tells us anze didn't even know faith tells us a beautiful fact whoever is sincere will be guided if there's good and there's sincerity it doesn't matter if you're living in japanese' it doesn't matter if you're in a pagan society in Iran it doesn't matter if you're surrounded by idols if your heart is pure and you have truth and you want to know the truth Allah will guide you to the truth a lot took Salman al-farsi out of the depths of jahiliya in a land which was not even a Christian land and one by one he came closer to the truth until allah subhanho wa taala brought him right in front of the feet of the Prophet Muhammad Sal Allahu alayhi wa seldom when we show sincerity to Allah Allah shows drama and guidance to us and with this insha'Allah Allah we conclude for today unfortunately because I went so long we don't have time for Q&A inshallah we'll continue next Wednesday via the Nevada and by the way we're going to be stopping these halaqaat for the month of July but dr. Bashar will be doing something else for that month a miniseries and then our Mabon inshallah we have to stop for this so then we will after Ramadan so we have another three helices with me of Sierra and then we'll pause for a while and then resume after Ramadan which is a cool ahead and reset my alaikum warahmatullahi or a catch
Channel: Yasir Qadhi
Views: 443,442
Rating: 4.848887 out of 5
Keywords: Yasir, Qadhi, June, 2011, Seerah, authentic, biography, Prophet, Muhammed, defend, prophethood, religious, status, of, the, world, before, advent, Islam, Mercy, to, Mankind, detailed, analysis, original, sources, Specialities, greatest, human, being, medina, quran, hadith, true, modern, solutions, pagans
Id: ey7UAi_Emgs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 37sec (4657 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 23 2012
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