2012-11-28 Seerah pt.41 - The famous battle of Badr pt.7 - Yasir Qadhi

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left off the very last incident we talked about was was what who can remind me I went into this whole tangent of Indian Islam about a dynasty right and and we had talked about how interesting and unique and strange it is that here is one person who actually caused a miscarriage to the grandson of the Prophet SAW sanam and yet Allah had written that his progeny would have great is an honor in Islam and he was one of the fountain it is named after him the Habad is are named after this very person about that he had an entire dynasty in what is now a Pakistan for over a hundred one hundred and thirty years or so in any case getting back to the story of budget now we talked about the process in his return we talked about the prisoners of war what happened in Mecca in Makkah even Katia narrates even Kathy who tells us some incidents that happened in Mecca he tells us that the first of the soldiers to return back from weather the first of the those who had turned their back and run away right because the Quraysh had broken up helter-skelter they had literally just fled for their lives and then regrouped and then made their way back to Makkah and this is interesting they didn't even have a plan B they did not even have a plan B what's gonna happen if we fail they were so confident that they were gonna win there is no plan of failure what is going to happen where should we regroup and so they came back to Makkah in groups and batches the very first person who came back was Al hey Simon Abner who's re al hey Simon al who's I at heiser manolakas re and when he entered Makkah they saw him in his state and fashion you can imagine there are no details but you can imagine bloodied wounded maybe his horse is missing or something but something was definitely a miss and so they asked him what is the matter and he answered in a dreary tone that rota has been killed Rabia has been killed Sheba has been killed about hakkim has been killed Mahadev has been killed Zuma ibanez Worth has been killed in other words he doesn't even know where to begin like its complete disaster any lists who's who of all bhakti has been killed abu jahal has been killed now this is as I said it is unbelievable for them even for us when you really understand the victory of mother wallahi it is just amazing how many people one after the other and there were three times the strength of the Muslims and and and so he comes back and he kept on naming until finally they said this guy has gone mad he's must have gone crazy it's not possible he's listing everybody you know that everybody who is in Mecca he's listing them and when the news reached back to soft one even Omaha now this is the son of Omaha been caliph so funny be normally the son of Omaha been caliph right well in the news reach back to so far Nehemiah he was sitting with his back to the Kaaba like inside the the walls of the cave the the Kaaba I mean basically inside the hill and he said this is simply impossible this man has gone crazy go ask him where is soft one a bit away meaning himself because he thought he's gone crazy so once he hears a name that is supposed to be not killed he's gonna say he's killed as well right so he's saying this guy's gone crazy go ask him what is the Hal of Safwan even Omega and stuff one is sitting right there that at a distance he's looking so somebody goes to him and says oh hey so man and what happened to safar neighbor over here so this is a trick question right so he looks at him and he said Safwan is sitting right over there and I saw with my own eyes how they killed his father and brother so Fran is sitting right there and I saw with my own eyes I was there when they dragged his father and brother and they killed him in front of me right and this made them realize that this is not a crazy person this is the truth and slowly but surely the filters began to come back and it was a time of great grieving of great depression and it was as if the the biggest icing on the cake that was to occur It was as if allah azza wajal had willed that he saves perhaps one of the best for the very last and that is the death of abu lahab de batata Abela have been whattup the only senior person who was of the scum of makkah really the worst of makkah was a boo lap everybody else we either said this so many times before that those who had an ounce of decency many times they were the ones who were saved and the best example of this is is who Abu Sufyan I was a fan's the best example of this and many others as well so Hayley ben-amun or others that generally they had some dignity some decency for themselves and uh what happened was Abu Lahab he did not participate why did he not participate who can remind me this goes back a few Schlessinger what did he do to get out of participation Abu Lahab he hired somebody to go in his place he hired somebody to go in his place and also frankly probably because he was the chief of the banu hashim they understood that it's a bit too awkward for him to go so they didn't pressure him unlike the pressure on Maya and others they did not pressure him to go because this really was against everything they stood for that is your own mini tribe is coming and fighting against you now when Abu Lahab heard of this news he could not believe this and it is said he went into a type of depression and he waited for the time of Abu Sufyan to come back and he said I'm gonna ask Abu Sufyan directly I don't believe any of these deserters maybe they ran away out of fear maybe something happened I'm gonna wait for my friend Abu Sufyan so while they were waiting Abu Sufyan finally Abu Sufyan did return and they met at the house of Allah Abbas who was a prisoner of war Allah bus the uncle of the processor is a prisoner of war and a bus of course right now is tied up in literally tied up in Medina and so Abbas's wife and his servant are at home and their Abbas his brother is of course Abu Lahab right Abu Lahab is his older brother so Abu Lahab is for some reason perhaps that was a bigger house we don't know the reason he was there an Abu Sufyan came over there too to inform him what happened so when I was Sophie on came Abu jahil said sorry I will ahaab said abu lahab said tell me face-to-face tell me exactly what happened so Abu Sufyan told him that by Allah as soon as we meaning our sight Abu Sufyan was not there obviously but he's hearing the news as soon as we met the Muslims It was as if they overpowered us without us doing anything it was beyond our power to fight them that they took prisoners as they pleased and they killed as they pleased and despite all that happened I cannot criticize my own side I can't criticize the whoreish because by Allah I saw a group of men with white faces riding horses that were black and white which is the epitome of Arabian horses Italians right so these were men that he thought they were men obviously they're angels riding horses that were black and white hovering between the heavens and earth none of us could empower them none of us could overpower them so when he's telling this news and he's dejected he's sad and Abu Lahab is also depressed the slave of an Abbas who was listening in and he was a slave he's cooking the food he's preparing there whatever you know whatever there he is preparing he's not supposed to be listening anyway and he's a slave even if he's listening he's not supposed to comment it's not his place to comment but these are Muslims and this is an important point here that now allah who i am i talked about abbas two weeks ago it appears that abbas was a nominal muslim up until the Battle of Badr that he had said he's a Muslim but that real Iman had not entered until the one incident what is the one incident his money his money the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told him where is his money right and he said well la he indeed a shadow unlike a lot of sort of law that that was weren't very clear that now for sure this person is the prophet of Allah so what this means is that his wife has slave they have embraced Islam from before it is also said by the way that his wife Amal father she had embraced Islam the second lady after Khadijah that she is a very early convert and perhaps this explains our bus had embraced kind of right and so he's kind of nominal and then it takes a while for Iman to enter his heart as it did in the battle of badr after the Battle of Badr he is a Muslim and he is sending reports to the process and as he will do in ordered and later on right so in the Battle of Badr this is the turning point for him his wife is a Muslim and obviously we learned his slave is also a Muslim now so his slave is listening in and he hears all of this and he's eager to find out what happened when he hears this he jumps up for joy and he says hey you Allah those were the Angels a walaa those were the angels helping the Muslims that was pretty clear where his loyalty is is pretty clear he couldn't help himself that he's so happy that the Muslims won he jumped up and he basically said Allah Walker you know that's the equivalent you know like he's so happy that the Muslims one now Abu Lahab when he saw this slave commenting back to him rejoicing at the defeat of the Quraysh he his anger just basically he lost it he lost his anger and he jumped up threw him to the ground started beating him almost to death and he's a slave he can't really if he even if he wanted to defend I mean he's gonna have a worse ending later on you know and when his slave is being pummeled now amel fathered the wife of Abbas she comes out and she physically tries to stop Abu Lahab from killing the slave and he turns on her and he begins beating her up now this is a man who's he's lost it right he's basically all of that frustration and she is now wounded and so she responds back with the fierceness the anger the ferocity she says so when they say ye it meaning Allah bossman the same any the lord of the house when they say it is gone this is what you do to his household meaning what type of protector are you're supposed to be our protector you are you know my brother-in-law you're the chieftain and when the Sayyad goes away this is what you do you beat my his wife you beat you almost killed a slave and this made him feel so ashamed he fled from the house in a state of humiliation and guilt and he was afflicted with a type of disease the books of tafseer the books of ceará mentioned various diseases but he was not seen basically after this and he died a death out of sickness we're not gonna call it a natural death he died as a result of misery as a result of whatever it is some say a type of worm came to him but within a few days after this incident he passed away he died and so allah azzawajal basically got rid of the very last of those evil batch of the flesh and this last one was none other than the uncle of the processor Ram a Buddha ibanez half mentions that once all of the presents all of the people of a parish returned Makkah was enveloped with the wailing noises of the women you know how the women used to will in the days of jahiliyya that all of Mecca began to will every household had somebody wailing remember the dream of attica all the way so many months back the dream of Ithaca we talked about it right every house a boulder came and hit it so this is now that reality every house was wailing and when Abu Sufyan heard all of this he convened the gathering of the Quraysh and he said for the first time in the history of the Arabs he said from now on no woman shall wail why because we don't want to cause any happiness to the Muslims when they hear that all of Mecca is willing right you see that the pointer that we don't want any pleasure to be derived from our women wailing and so the decree came that it is not allowed for women to well this was the only time the jahida Arabs did this and it is said that Allah SWA Dib lomotil it was a distant uncle of the processor him he had lost all three of his sons at better and it is said hashem mentions that one night he heard a woman wailing so he became happy and he said go and ask her has the band been lifted so that i can wail over my son and he especially he loved his youngest Zuma zuma Ibanez for Zuma that's where one of the big names in the battle of badr that died on the side of the garage so he said go find out from that woman perhaps the whaling ban has been lifted so that I can wail over my son Zuma the servant went came back and said no she's not wailing over her loved ones she's wailing over a lost camel because you're allowed to will over anything other than brother so she's wailing over a lost camel even kathira mentions here that this was a further means that Allah used to punish them because they would derive much comfort in wailing over their dead and it would make their pain more bearable when everybody's wailing and the household comes together and the women are all raising their voices and whatnot this would bring them a sense of comfort why because we're showing that we are making up for our loved one we're showing our loss our grief so by showing our grief this is bringing comfort to our hearts even kathira says by Abu Sufyan preventing the wailing Allah was using this to make their grief even more they have to bottle up their grief they're not even allowed to cry as they were used to crying now there's another interesting incident related to the Battle of Badr which is mentioned in soon Anna Timothy and all of you know of it in a vague manner but not many people associated with this incident the Battle of Badr and that is that on the same day as the Battle of Badr many hundreds of miles away the Byzantine Romans and the Sassanid Persians were fighting many thousands of miles away and in a twist of fate that was unexpected Allah Scudder obviously in a twist of fate that was completely unexpected the Persians were viciously defeated the Persians were defeated despite the fact that the Romans were going down for a while and the Persians were getting bigger and bigger right and they had had a major war before this a few years ago and Allah had revealed so that the room the first ayat and if Lam Meem holy butter room now the Surat Arun came down perhaps the seventh year of the Hitler perhaps the sixth year so another Hitler the Dawa the sixth or the seventh year of the DAO early on in Mecca the middle of the mcdent stage and the Roman power was going down with a bang and the Persian power is getting stronger and stronger and so allah azza wajal told the muslims Alif LAAM Meem holy bottom and if Lam Meem the Romans have been defeated meaning in this battle that already taken place Fiat NLD were home Mumbai the hollaby himself honeymoon if he builder is singing this is one of the most explicit predictions in the Quran because it's clearly in the future holy but the room is in the past the Romans have been defeated this happened already then Allah says but after this defeat one whom embody hollaby him after this defeat SIA Holly poon they will be the victors fee builder is seen in in a few years lillahi num room an ugly woman back to Allah belongs the ultimate control from the beginning to the end why Yama edenia al mu'minin Obinna salah and on that day the day that the Romans went over the Persians the believers will be celebrating the victory of Allah so there's two predictions number one the Romans will win over the Persians and number two on the very day that that is happening the Muslims will Jeff Ryan will be rejoicing with the help of Allah subhana wa tada with the victory of allah subhanahu wa tada now when the surah Tarun came down obey even caliph who is no longer alive now obey a willful of went to abu bakr and he mocked him and he said do you really think that the romans will win the purchase after this vicious defeat after this humiliating defeat and had we been alive is what we would have sympathized politically that it's impossible for this mighty nation the romans had a lot of internal conflict going on the persians had consolidated they had had a lot a lot of victories and it was just one victory after another and a lot predicted something that was unbelievable he said the romans would be Vic Turia's over the Persian so if I said do you really think the Builder is singing that the Romans will win over the Persians and abu-bakr said yes of course I do so obey said let us wager let us bet let us see who's right and this was of course in the days of Makkah and there's no Haram you know betting firstly secondly you're not betting because you know the outcome right so whatever you want to do you cannot justify gambling from this from this incident so they set a wager they set an amount and always said how many years because the quran says fee builder and builder a means in a few so obey said how many years so abu bakr said six years six years six years passed and the romans didn't win the persians so Abu Bakr lost the bet so he had to pay up all of the camels that he had promised he had to pay up now Battle of Badr or bait eyes on the very same day as the battle and we know this from non-muslim books of history and by the way this is an interesting point here that Islamic ceará it coincides perfectly with Western events when you read them and those people who doubt the preservation of Sunnah those people who doubt have had it been preserved or not those people who doubt to see it has it been preserved or not every incidence we find we can link it to its equivalent and this clearly shows us historically speaking that the Sira has been preserved to a great extent so we know for a fact that on the very same day as Budden Heraclius had launched a fierce offensive against host road ii Heraclius launched a fierce offensive against hood for the second and by the cutter of allah who throw the second two of his generals defected two of his major flanks defected and one of his family members plotted against hostile to have overthrown him you know how it goes with these royal families right and so right before the battle it's as if his right hand was cut off who's rose i mean it's as if you know internally there's things going on two of the generals with their entire flanks they're not fighting on his side and therefore he suffered a resounding defeat on the exact same day as the battle of badr being fought outside of medina a thousand something miles away in the in the lands of Horus and in the lands of Iran modern Iran the armies of host ro ii had a very very dismal if you like defeat and allah azza wajal predicted this so many years before and the muslims did not even find out on the day of better because it's gonna take two weeks for the news to reach them and of course by that time it's too late abu bakr has lost the bet obey is already dead and it is said there is a weak hadith in this regard that when the process and i'm heard he said this hadith is most likely week but linguistically is right he said why did you say six middle ear it can mean up till nine which is true linguistically it's true why did you say six fee builder is singing in a few years and the Arabic few it goes from three to nine so Obama took the middle six to nine he goes through sorry three to nine he said six is the middle and it is said and most likely the Hadees we put but linguistically is right that the process them told him why did you say six you should have said nine and in fact it was in fact eight and a half years after the ayah came down that allah subhana wa ta'ala gave them that victory one or two final points and then inshallah we will show some slides and then do surah anfal one or two final points about the Battle of Badr firstly the status of the people of better I've already mentioned Gabriel came down himself and he asked the prophets asylum that how do you view the people of better and the process and responded we view them as the best of us and so gibreel said similarly we view the angels who participated embedded as the best of us so Allah sent gibreel down to inform us the status of the people of button and in sahih bukhari Imam al bukhari has a whole book called the book of the blessings of the people of button and full of a hadith and one of them is the Sahaba by the name of Haditha eibon's raka he had died a Shaheed and it is said he was one of the first Shahid's in the battle of better and he was killed by a stray arrow it came out of nowhere and it and it killed him and so how did his mother came from the unsought and she said tell me about my son is he in gender and the prophecies and I'm said that my dear mother my dear aunt it is not agenda he is in he is in Jinan he is in many genders and he is in alpha dosa nada he's not just an agent he is in many gentleness and he is in and through those and ila and one of the main evidences are the one the main things that is used to show the status of the people of better is that very famous narration an incident of howtube which were gonna go into much later on each other when we get there how to be Benelli bell tap who in the conquest of Mecca he betrayed the trust of the prophets of the law Selim by sending the information of the advent of the Muslims to the Quraysh the conquest of Mecca was a total surprise the Quraysh were not expecting it it was a total surprise how to have sent a letter to the corning them the Muslims are coming prepared why he did it what's the story we'll get there in sha allah when we get there for now know that how tip sent a letter to the Haresh the process of him Jubal came and told him or else it would not have known Jew believe came and told him such-and-such a lady has the piece of paper on her belongings go and search her so Ali and Abbas went and they brandished their swords and they forced it out it was in her hair she undid her hair in the middle of her hair she took the letter they opened it up it said from how to him a Bible Torah to Quraysh beware the Muslims are coming that's basically treason it's treachery right and her maternal hot bob is fuming he said ya know so Allah give me the word Allison is the one of the times that actually fully justified fully justified right give me the word and we'll just execute him and the process I'm called Haltom and he said how did why did you do this why did you do this and how to upset the heiress ooh la la I have no desire to love Co for over Islam you know me I'm not going to love cover of Islam but all of you you have your you're a your protection from other sources as for me I'm a nobody and my family is still and my belongings are still there and I knew Allah would protect you I know no harm is gonna come to you something's gonna happen to save you but by giving this letter I hope that they would spare my family so he's worried about his family he's worried about you know his his loved ones in flourish and Mecca that they might kill when they hear how Tim is coming and his family is there they're just gonna kill his family so he said that this caused me to to do this letter that they might then save my family so the process says sada a healthy how does telling the truth that this was his reason that he had some weird understanding that okay I was gonna protect him he's not gonna actually get harmed so you know let me just make sure my family is safe but Omar once again said ya Rasool Allah allow me to cut his head off some say for the first time he said it out of natok that because he's a man after the second time okay even if enzyme one alpha but this is treason this is treachery so let me kill it for a crime not for coffered you see the difference right you can kill for an if a Panico for you can kill for a crime so the second time is saying let me kill him for the crime so the Prophet SAS and rebuked Rahman and he said yeah Omar Who am I you Derek how do you know that allah azza wajal perhaps he looked at the people of better notices coming out of so many years later five years after brother he is saying this six years after brother he is saying how do you know perhaps Allah looked at the people of butter and he said to them err maluma shittim do as you please because you are forgiven do as you please because you have been forgiven right so in other words he used butter to protect house of life he used weather to raised the status of Housing and therefore the Sahaba participated at better are considered to be of the elite of the Sahaba and that is why many of our classical scholars including ibn Hisham even Cathy they actually took at the time pages and pages to list every single Sahabi who participated in by the literally all three hundred and something of them one by one they're listing them it's in administering Hisham it is in eben 'kathy of so many of the books of ceará out of respect and honor who participated in the battle of badr in the final point for the battle brother what were some of the primary effects of the battle of other well number one it established beyond the shadow of a doubt that the Muslims have a political presence a legitimate political entity that they are a separate and independent state and that the Orisha have to deal with them as a tangible reality so all doubts that might have existed are now gone that the Muslims are here to say number two it was the greatest demoralizing factor for the Quraysh that it can honestly be said if you look at the Syrah that this was the single greatest shock in the entire serum and everything else that happened is trivial compared to but why because you can say as AB you can see the conquest of Mecca they already know the Muslims are of presence and a threat at Butler they genuinely thought that they're gonna eliminate them off the face of this earth and butter there was no concept that the Muslims have any potential of victory and not just that but the list of those who were killed the list of the flourish or decimated was simply a sister who's who of every single famous person so the miraculous win those that had died the humiliation of the prisoners of war all of these factors it was a huge demoralizing blow and every single defeat afterwards it is as if it is simply just a tough seed of what happened at butter and the third primary effect of butter is that butter brought out for the first time internal treachery within Medina and that is two fronts number one the munafa hoon and number two their hoody tribes that up until that point in time there was no genuine animosity maybe some sarcastic comments from some people but nothing that was clear-cut after whether this was going to change and after but a number of incidents happened that simply made things from bad to worse with regards to these two groups of people and with this we will allow the other show the slides that our dear brother dr. Bashar has prepared last time he taught the sierra class he told me to take a look at them and I shall is very actually very impressive mashallah that he has done he has a map of better if we can turn that on and then a shadow will do as much of surah Anfal as we can so those of you who don't have a Quran right now might be a good time to get a translation of the Quran or the Arabic if you want to go over the Arabic it is still here try again one more time control-alt-delete shift f5 I was working before it was still not working which one okay we have liftoff so this is taken straight from dr. Bashar's powerpoint we just want to show the pictures here you see the pictures here which one is yeah this one okay so oh it's not gonna show isn't it yeah well in any case I mean to be honest is very self-explanatory so you see the caravan coming down from Syria and the red is the caravan you see the caravan coming down look at where Syria where is Medina and where is Makkah that but the whole point of the strategic location of Medina no caravan could pass going up or down from Syria to Syria back from Syria except that they're gonna pass by the vicinity of Makkah sorry Medina and therefore this is why the flourish were very concerned and they kept on having to go to war with the Muslims so there is the caravan of Abu Sufyan he hears that the Muslims have left better and so he makes his way closer to the shore which is basically towards young boy is what the city is now that city over there now is young boy towards young boy he makes his way towards young boy and he uses a route that is right next to the seashore to get away from the Muslim camp otherwise he would have passed through straight through butter he would have passed through to get to Makkah and that is why the Muslims were on their way there it is worded how where did that come from no that's not that's not for me but where is the remote Mostafa has it okay yes what stuff I it is working it's from there mashallah okay we should use this in the hotbar right okay let's see how we do this teletype so we find I'm gonna take a while to get used to this okay we find that the Muslims I mean so that the Quraysh would have come down this was really weird they would have come down from because I can't point towards there right let me see okay it's kind of working they would have come down from butter all the way to Mecca but instead he turns basically towards yung Bor to make his way towards Mecca now and so basically he escapes from the from the Muslims in this matter now the army from Makkah leaves and they know exactly where to go because they're gonna meet the Muslims exactly advizr which was the route that Abu Sufian would have come from had he gone the normal route and here is the plain of butter this is the plain of butter from Google Maps and right over there right over there this is this is the location of the wells and they say this is where those people were buried this is where abuja had and all of them were thrown into thee were thrown into the well of course these days there's no well left obviously there is no water anymore I'd better I have visited the the the city so there this is the city up here if you look very carefully you will find a small you know it's like a little village it's like just a few hundred people living there and the main reason really is like a tourist place people go there and they I want to see the bad other why there's no commerce or anything of that over there and so you just see the plains of weather that's all that you can see now notice here that this is a mountain these are lava rocks these are lava rocks as well the Muslims will fight with the the map has should have been expanded a little bit broader the Muslims were camped in this area and the Quraysh were camped in this area as we will see here this was this is the well now this is the well okay and the Muslims came from this area and the Quraysh came from that area so initially when the Muslims arrived this was where they thought they should camp but then the profitsystem was suggested by a hobbit in London that why are you camping over here unless this is why we should camp at a front location so that the well is behind us and we closed the smaller Wells these smaller wells we will block them up right so the major well was where the bodies were eventually buried so these smaller wells were basically filled with sand so the flesh had no water throughout that time except the water that they had from Mecca so because of this the Muslims then marched forward and they set up their camp they got rid of all of the other wells as as I said and then they set up their camp such that the well was within their distance the night before the battle the rain falls as allah subhana wa ta'ala mentions and we'll talk about that and the Quraysh then come on the 17th of Ramadan and the prophets asylum sets up as we said before the spheres the archers and the infantry he sets them up in rows in ranks for the first time in Arabian history and perhaps this was one of the tactics that allah azza wajal used also to defeat the flesh because the haurache were never used to military rows as we had said they were not used to this strategy and then the Quraysh sent their three to do mobile Reza and those three were Walid Sheba and rota two brothers and a son and the professor saw him said sent a leandro beta and Hamza the three of them they fought a beta was mortally wounded and eventually he Hamza and Adi had to come to his rescue but he died after that and then the Quraysh attacked the army the Quraysh attacked the Muslims and it was at this point in time that the Muslims began the offensive and the prophecies and basically told them charge to meet agenda whose width is as broad as the heavens and the earth so when the Muslims charged the Quraysh they fled in their ranks and they turned around and they fled helter-skelter and they made their way back to Mecca and as I said one opinion has it that the process I'm intentionally left this open there was only one escape route they could not have escaped from here this way is back towards Medina there's only one escape route and he could have maybe sent a contingent one opinion has it that he purposely left to route escape route so that they could not fight to the death basically and basically run away in in in cowardice and then the Muslims continued forth and they camped over here for three days to show the victory to show that they had won over the battle and then we can get back to this inshallah and I wanted to go over surah al-anfal so if all of you can have surah al anfal opened up which is of course the 8th surah of the Quran and pretty much the entire surah is about to battle the better and I purposely wanted to go over it I don't know if we can finish all of it I'm gonna have to go to super fast speed so I forgive I ask your forgiveness for this but I want you all to basically understand all of the points of the Battle of weather and then see that pretty much every single major incident is alluded to allah subhana wa ta'ala begins now by the way from the beginning we learned therefore that suited that and filed came down on the plains of butter on the plains of better desert went and found was revealed so literally the muslims are still camped although this is going on so it's fresh so can you imagine their minds would know so the references I mean I have no doubt in my mind that there are many references as ruther and FAL that we won't ever know because they're gone now from memory but the Muslims understood them you understand saying that the memory is fresh and Allah revealing a surah perhaps there are many incidents that is indirectly alluded to and we don't have the direct knowledge of them but of course we have a lot of indirect and a lot of specific stories so let us begin they ask you about unfiled the the war booty tell them that and fan belongs to Allah and His Messenger so fear Allah and amend that which is between you and obey Allah and His Messenger if you are believers in other words stop fighting about money the Sahaba they weren't fighting they were disagreeing we had mentioned this remember some of them said remember the three camps right some say we were protecting the process of him some said we went out to charge some said we were you know the second guard this and that so Allah is saying don't have these disagreements while US litter with a tab a nickel forgive all of these not even forgive is it a good word but a reconcile while sneu that come together all of you and have taqwa of Allah and obey Allah if you are truly believers verily the believers are those who when allah is mentioned their hearts become fearful and when his ayats are recited the iman goes up and they put their trust in allah the ones who pray and who give their money these are the true believers they are the ones who have their ranks with allah and forgiveness and a noble provision here allah subhanho wa taala is reminding them of real goal it's not this money it's not an FAL it is a man in Allah it is stucco it is Allah it is vicar and Allah as ordered is saying you want to sign of Eman this is a sign of Eman that when my name is mentioned your heart should tremble right and when my ayat are recited then your Iman goes up this is the sign of believer of a believer now Allah mentions that kama Raja kabukiman bata Cobell Huck that it is just as if so allah azza wajal is now starting the incident of butter that your Lord caused you to leave your house he brought you out of your houses for the truth even though a group of the believers did not like this what is the reference here the reference here is when they discovered that it is the army instead of the caravan when they discovered it is the army instead of the caravan there was some hesitation and allah subhanho wa taala describes this a group of them said or in the books of syria and said a group of them said o messenger of allah were not prepared let's go back we're not prepared we don't have armor and it was the elite it was sadly been Morad that was the of course all of the the Quraysh I mean all of the Muhajiroun excuse me the Muhajiroun and the elite of the unsought some of the unsolder they were a bit shaky like we're not ready for this how are we gonna fight them so allah references those and and notice here by the way that allah is criticizing but at the same time he describes them with what term McMinn moon and moon is a high term allah didn't say muslim right and therefore this is a consolation to them that yes they they made an error here but they still have iman and iman is a praise it's not islam is not a praise Islam is generic everybody has Islam Iman is a higher praise Iman is the second level and Allah says the mock mins they fell into this mistake they didn't want it they were arguing with you you dad little couple Huck that let's go back out of so Allah will get prepared will get armor you know we can be prepared for them even after the truth was made clear to them meaning you had told them that Allah had promised me victory even after this they still find it found it hard they were so terrified so Allah describes their internal state of mind they were so terrified it was as if you were not you it was as if they were about to be killed while they're looking at their executioner so notice Allah subhana WA Ta'ala mentions that they were so terrified yet that terror did not negate their Iman it's possible for the believer to be a little bit scared or very scared they were terrified of death and allah azza wajal says it was as if they are being dragged to their debts when they look at their executioner but you had promised them victory would come and that's what allah says in the next ayah way da da cunha la etapa everything Allah had already promised you now remember the first day of better the prophecies and I said Allah has promised me victory no matter who we meet and when there was a bit of a doubt is that army is it is it the the caravan the process erm had announced to them My Lord has promised me one of the two shall be mine so the promise has been given so Allah reminds them welcome Allah who had a prophet A&M had a company that remember Allah had promised you one of the two would be yours and you wanted the one that was less harmful that was not armed ie the caravan to be yours but Allah wanted to establish the truth with his words and to eliminate the caffeine so you wanted the dunya and Allah wanted something else once again this is not a criticism it is allah azza wajal is explaining that your shortsightedness is different than my long-term wisdom you wanted the immediate Halima the the caravan of Abu Sufian and I had bigger plans in mind why leo heavy Allah will have only happen how come to the battle so that the truth can be made clear and the battle can be destroyed even if the sinners do not like this remember when you are asking your Lord for help is destined a thorn Arab become if this ayah came down on the same day as better this is in the morning and if it is the next day this is the day before right in the morning of better the process of making the door so this ayah is fresh everybody remembers can you imagine a vivid memory of the process and raising his daughter making his door his upper garment falls then a worker comes and puts his hand down this is this reference now remember you were the ones pleading for allah subhana wa ta'ala to help you so I responded to you that I will help you with a thousand angels one after the other coming down and I only said this to you so that it will be good news well my de la jolla welcome I didn't need to tell you you're going to win but I told you to comfort you when they talked to my neighbor here who knew bakhoum so you are comforted you know that you're going to win and realize that victory is only from Allah and Allah is Aziz and Hakeem exalted and wise remember as well so Allah is reminding them of all of their favors that just happened remember as well when you were overcame with sleep with drowsiness as a blessing and a security from him right so the night before when everybody is terrified well that we cannot sleep if we have an interview the next day we cannot sleep if we have an exam the next day right and they have a battle and they fell asleep so Allah is saying remember when I sent down to you sleep and I sent down rain when sleep overcame you and I sent rain upon you why Lyoko herecome be he to cleanse you spiritually and physically spiritually was a cleansing even physically it's refreshing to have a little bit of a drenching a little bit of a bath and what you thought and what you the band could lose the Shaitaan to get rid of the evils of Shaitaan and to make your feet steadfast to make the ground around you firm if you hear a book on America Tianna Malcolm remember when your Lord told the angels that I am with you so strengthen those who believe as habitual latina Amadou said 'but to hear well even Abbas and others said that you complete what the believers are doing I remember we talked about this that every time a believer did something the angel followed up right so the believer raised his whip without seeing his own whip he hears a whip and he sees the effect of whip he didn't do anything so this is hobbits that means to affirm to make sure to strengthen so the Muslim started the Ange was finished so Feb bitter latina amanu sir oily fearful ability NACA for a role that Allah is speaking in the first person now I am the one who is going to throw into the hearts of those who have rejected me I am going to throw into their hearts fear fall the RIBA focal anak now the command is to the angels or some say to the believers and some say to both that go and strike the enemy at their neck and strike them cool a banana goon Lebanon could mean the finger tips and it could mean at every joint that is because why is there such harsh harshness towards these people they have opposed a lot in his messenger sha allaha wa rasuluh and Shia means to do everything you can to prevent to do everything you can to stop so these people aren't just disbelievers it's one thing to be a kafir' these are those who have wanted Islam to be destroyed they have gone against Islam in every way possible and whoever does this will find Allah to be severe in punishment vatican fado poo who go ahead taste this for what you have done radical means because of that fellow who taste it because of your attitude because of your arrogance taste the punishment of Allah and verily what is going to await you in the earth above now it will be even worse than this o you who believe when you meet those who disbelieve advancing towards you do not turn your back in flight fanat to illumine at the bow whoever turns his back on that day unless there's a reason to do so for example he's joining another group or it's a tactic of strategy she has faced anger from Allah and his refuge or his place of abode will be the fire of hell and what a evil destination scholars say this ayah was abrogated by the end of the surah that in fact it was never applicable It was as if allah azza wajal told them in the beginning that you never have an excuse to turn around then the majority opinion by the end of the same surah we'll come to it Allah gave them an excuse what is that excuse if you are outnumbered you may flee if you're outnumbered you may flee and therefore it was as if Allah is saying this is the us of the basic ruling and there are some commandments that have been abrogated that were never implemented there are some Commandments in the Quran that have been abrogated that were never implemented and the wisdom is very clear that when Allah says you have no excuse to turn around what impression do we get then Allah says well if you're outnumbered 10 to one which is what the Quran says if you're outnumbered 10 to 1 then you can turn around right so clearly it's as if you being given the ideal then you're given a consent concession that a comb what an Elohim or he located caffeine that that is so that you come here there is no English equivalent it is as if we say so be it or this is the case that eekum and allah azza wajal will weaken the plot of the caffeine verse number 19 in test ft who in test ft who the reference here is to the borish if you are asking allah for victory verse number oh did I skip something sorry sorry is to give something I skip 17 fight I'm tough to do whom I like in the la botella whom that you did not kill them but allah azzawajal killed them and you did not throw when you threw but it was allah who threw we explained this verse that at the beginning of the battle the process and him took those pebbles and those stones and he threw it into the entire army and allah says that one my roommate Andromeda what I can ilaha rama that it wasn't you who was throwing when you threw but rather it was allah who threw and there's a beautiful point of other here that the prophet's asanam allah affirmed that he did throw when my Romita is no mater that the process em did throw is Ramat if allah has said one more amita when I can ilaha Rama it would have been that you have no will you are like a robot and this is not the belief of Allison and assume that don't believe in jabber jabber is called Allah forces us to do we don't believe this and the Sunda is not jabber and neither is it the opposite which is denying qatar and this one is in the middle and this ayah is an evidence that I had assumed the uses why because did the process and I'm throw yes and did he have the intention to throw was he called the thrower yes so Allah is saying wa mata Mata Andromeda well I can allaha Rama it wasn't you who threw when you threw whether it was Allah who threw so he did throw but the effects of death row allah azza wajal was the one who caused it to go over all of the Quraysh and so that he may test the believers or Bala can mean test and ballot can mean the reward that he may reward the believers with a good reward or he may test the believers with a good test and verily Allah is Semyon on him that is so and Allah will weaken the plot of the caffeine verse number 19 now that if you Koresh in test ft who if you are asking for victory then your door has been responded to this is the drop of which who Abu jahil Abu jahil that when Abu jahil made a dua it is said he made it twice once at the Kaaba before they left and once while facing the army and he said the same thing oh Allah whichever of the two of us has been more has broken away more from the traditions of his father's and has done more against you know the the the family bonds right then which of us has done no sorry which was what yeah which one of us has done more harm and broken more then help the one against this help those who are closer to the original religion of the algebra him Ali Salim help the ones who are closer to family ties against the ones who have broken away so the allah azza wajal is saying your door has been responded to in the stuff the roof of the jakku mph attack you wanted the victory for that one of the two that was closer you got it and that was against you what intent mo but if you stop it will be better for you well in thar you do if you come back now dude we will come back and all of your money and all of your power will not help you even if it is a lot because Allah is with the believers o you who believe obey Allah and His Messenger and do not turn away while you are hearing the orders and do not be like those who say we have heard while they do not hear verily the worst of the living in the eyes of Allah are those who are deaf and dumb who do not use their reason and if Allah had known any good in them he would have made them hear and if he had made them hear they would have still turned around rejecting you now the reference here is to those who that allah azzawajal is saying that the the people who have been blessed with hearing and seeing and uncle and intellect but don't use it they are the worst of mankind basically someone Bookman omean for home la the original formula yeah pain on someone book were not immune they have the capacity to speak and to hear and to see but they don't use it properly so allah azzawajal is saying when you have blessed with Akal and you don't use it you are the worst in the eyes of allah when you have been blessed with eyes but you don't use it to see the truth now by the way those people who say that the dead can hear remember the whole controversy they use this ayah here because Allah is saying that well o animal of fear Allah s matter whom Samarra if Allah knew there was good in them he would cause them to hear meaning a hearing that would guide them a hearing that would benefit them so those who say the dead can hear they say the verses that say the dead cannot hear are a hearing of benefit and not to hearing of just faculty cognitive I would go back to that discussion that we did o you who believe respond and obey and hearken to the call of Ilana's messenger when they call you to that which will give you life and know that Allah comes between every man and his heart and that you shall go back to him so the call here is primarily the call for cattle the call for fighting against the Quraysh and Al and generally speaking Natalia's death right and Allah is saying come to the call that will give you life and this is the life of Islam think about it we would not be here today if they hadn't done what they did that there were only 85 of the Quraysh of the Mahajan just 8005 of the Mahajan all right and the bravery that they displayed caused Islam to go where it it so this is what Allah is saying that this is gonna give you your real life and know that Allah can come between a man and his heart meaning what both meanings are here number one if your heart is weak turn to Allah to strengthen it number two if you feel your heart to be strong don't be deluded that it might not go astray turn to Allah for strength right that even between you and your own heart Allah subhana WA Ta'ala can intervene and that's why our process and we'll make dua to Allah Yama Khalid ib'n Kolob Thabeet colubrina Al Attar takes a bit of alumina and I thought I took oh the one who moves the hearts back and forth make my heart firm in your worship so this is the meaning here that Allah comes between a man and his heart and fear a trial that will strike those who have not necessarily done any wrong amongst you it's not just gonna hit those who have done wrong and know that Allah Azza WA JAL is shredded Rahab what is the reference here some say this is a reference to the future battles that don't be misguided don't be deceived into thinking that ha losses are all gonna be easy easy stretch from here others say that the meaning here is that never feel that life will stop being tempted full of full of temptations full of fittin they're always going to be trials and tribulations no matter how long that you live worth Kourou with Quinton Patton and remember when you were few and oppressed in the land fearing that people might yet to hop off a communist the hot lava means to shoot you down one by one the hot lava means pluck like one by one and the meaning here is you don't have strength in Makkah you could have been killed one by one and so Allah is saying remember when you were few in number in Makkah most father a funa fell out you were oppressed in the land weak in the land worrying that people would abduct you kill you one by one what happened for a wacom Allah gave you comfort Medina y ya de camino sorry he helped you with his victories better what as ikkaku monopoly but he gave you good things the dates of Medina the waters of Medina you don't have to worry now about the troubles that you had in Mecca so that you may thank Allah subhana WA Ta'ala o you who believe do not betray the trust of Allah and the messenger or betray your own trust while you know the consequences and know that your properties and your children are at trial and that Allah Azza WA JAL has a great reward some say this is in reference to later incidents realize as well by the way that a lot of times Allah revealed Quran and then it was applied later on that the exact meaning was not known in any case that the meaning is generic and it applies for every single incident let's go to verse number 30 I don't think I can do every single verse and remember when those who disbelieve plotted against you this is on the night of the Hydra so Allah Azza WA JAL recalls back what happened on the night of the hero which was around a year and a half before this incident remember when they plotted against you to either jail you that youth be to kameez tie you up because one of them remember do you remember the story of the plotting where the Quraysh locked themselves up they made sure everybody knew everybody else in the room and then Shaitaan came to him in the form of a tribal leader from Nejd and he said that I have an idea so initially they said we'll we'll lock him up and Shaitaan said that's not gonna work they said we'll exile him Shaitaan said that's not gonna work then they said what's your opinion so he said we have to kill this is that reference here that they said they will exile you or they're gonna kill you or they're gonna tie you up and William Karuna way I'm Corolla they plotted in plant and Allah will also plan and Allah is the best of planners and remember as well when they said that when they heard our verses they said Oh Samana enough we've heard we've heard enough Lona shall eponymous Tejada if I wanted to I could say the same thing as the Quran verily these are a South Bay of stories of the ancient legends who said this who said this another liberal hadith I know who was the one one of the two that was executed so Allah is referencing him now right and prayer now we don't know exactly but it is not too unreasonable to assume this ayah came down while another was still a prisoner of war right and now he is being mocked at the highest level that allah azza wajal is quoting him directly remember when you said this now what and the next ayah also applies to another what is hollow and this is also another remember when they said that oh Allah if this should be the truth in kanehara will have come in Indyk from that I later Hodari terminus Emma why don't you send a rain of rocks to destroy us oh wait T Navi I have been a neem or send us a punishment this was the punishment this was the punishment so Allah is reminding another through the Quran remember what you said here it is you see the point now where this is exactly what another is saying and now now there is no D Y in this year that says this but I am guessing that the purpose of these verses is so that nother hears them we don't know maybe it came right after another was executed but then what would be the purpose so Allah animate would make sense these verses came down and remembered the unfiled the Spoils were being decided on the battlefield another was executed by the way after they left the battlefield on the way back to medina another was executed he was not thrown into the the well he was it was execute on the way back so it makes complete sense that these verses would have been read to another or he would have heard these verses and then he is executed when I can Allah who you are the BAA whom want to fee him but how could Allah punish them while you are amongst them in other words no that is being told did you think that while the process name was in Makkah this would happen it has to wait until he's in Medina which is now right did you think when the process was in Mecca that a punishment will come how could he punish it how could he punish you when the Prophet is amongst you wama kana lon aunt Effie him when I kind of live a home go home yet stuff your own how can Allah punish them when yes stuff it on here there's like 78 opinions I think the strongest opinion Allah knows best when there are still some amongst them who shall embrace Islam and be forgiven how can Allah punish them right now because still most of Mecca would embrace right so yes tough you don't hear means they will ask Allah for forgiveness right one opinion is that yes tough I don't at this point in time which I find a little bit I don't agree this injury but but there are many interpretations and then Allah is saying but why shouldn't he punish them it makes sense for a lot to punish them after all that they have done they have stopped people from going to Masjid al-haram and they are not even qualified to be in charge of it verily only the moon have the right to be in charge of it and then Allah mocks their prayer at us at the Kaaba wama kana salat or in the laity in mo convert Ostia the only thing they do around the Kaaba is to whistle and clap this is their Salah to whistle and clamp mocha and were tossed a mocha is do so and toss Nia is to clap their hands and so Allah is saying what type of Salah is this that you are whistling and clapping your hands well my kind of sermon in condos near Paducah either by Malkin thumbtack fur also taste the punishment for what you have done indeed those who disbelieve they spend of their money in order to stop people from coming to the way of Allah this is the Quraysh when they heard I was Sofia's Caravan is being attacked they all came together and they donated the biggest money's that they ever had that they ever donated for an army this is a reference to this fundraiser that took place in Makkah for the Battle of button so Allah is saying fesai unify Konoha they will spend it then it will be a source of regret and then they will lose in the end they will be the ones who lose and then those who have disbelieved they will enter into Jahannam so that Allah will separate the wicked from the good and place the evil people one on top of the other into the fire of hell those are the real losers say to those who have disbelieved if you stop Yenta who your fellow mascots Elif Allah will forgive you what has happened in the past what you do but if they come back to fight you then they have the examples of those nations that have gone by so Allah is telling the Quraysh look to history look to those before you stop now you'll be forgiven continue look at ad and say more than Pharaon and see where they are now what caught you knew whom continue to do cattle against them until there is no fitna the meaning of fitna even Abbas said al-fitnah to hear fitna here is worshipping other than Allah continue to fight them until there is no idolatry and the religion is completely to Allah subhana WA Ta'ala and if they stop then Allah subhana WA Ta'ala is aware of what they do and if they turn away then know that Allah is your protector and what a great protector he is verse number 41 is the verse of 1/5 goes to Allah and His Messenger we talked about 4/5 goes to the army 1/5 goes to the state and there's a lot of v here which is not the point over here verse number 42 remember when you were on the near side of the valley meaning the one towards Medina and they were on the farther side the Quraysh and the caravan was in a lower position towards yung Bor so Allah describes the Battle of Badr over here and if the two of you had agreed for a battle you would never have been able to make the appointment something would have happened meaning neither of you really would have done this if you had planned it it wouldn't have worked out but Allah Azza WA JAL did it without your planning Allah Azza WA Jalla shhhhht it so that a matter already decreed would take place so that those who perish would perish upon evidence and those who live would live upon evidence meaning those who died they have seen the reality those who lived they have seen the reality and Allah is Samir and aleem remember when Allah showed you in your dream that they were so few in number this was the dream that the transform saw on the night of butter on the morning of better it is said that he just went to stay for little bit of time when he woke up he was happy and he said I saw them and they are very few in number and Allah is saying if he had shown you as many as they were the believers would have lost courage and they would have disputed amongst themselves but Allah saved them from this calamity and remember when he showed you when you actually met that they were so few in your eyes so verse number 43 is for a dream verse number 44 is the actual battlefield in the dream that he showed you a few in number in the actual battlefield when you met each other from this we learned and there are some atha that when the Sahaba saw the haurache for the first time they were shocked at how few they were and one of them said do you think they are 70 even though there were a thousand and the other responded no I estimate them to be a hundred this isn't a felony murder Mantovani that one of the Sahaba said do you think they're 70 and goes no I think they're 100 even though there were 1000 so Allah is saying I showed them so few in number in order that you not fall into chaos into despair o you who believe if you encounter a company meaning from the from the enemy then stand firm and remember Allah subhana WA Ta'ala so that you can be successful in the hood but that I gave about thicken I mentioned this ayah that one of the ways to overcome fear is dhikrullah one of the ways to gain a Las victory is the Corolla and obey Allah and His Messenger and do not fight amongst one another nor do you should you lose courage otherwise your strength will leave you so internal fighting amongst Muslims is a sign of defeat while at Ana's our effort official you whatever buddy hukum and notice in the battle of word allah mentions the cause of their defeat as exactly than as Adam exactly the same verb is used in butter Allah says wallet and a zero so you won in a hood in surah al-e-imran news will come to Allah says what a Nizam fill Amer and you argued with one another and that was the cause of defeat right so Muslims fighting one another is one of biggest causes of defeat and historically this is so true where do we even begin with examples and obey Allah and His Messenger sorry number 47 do not be like those who left their houses arrogantly and incidentally insolently wanting to be seen of people and preventing people from the way of Allah and Allah is well aware of what they do this is the flourish Allah is describing their arrogance and their kibble they were flaunting like peacocks their chests Allah is saying but thought on what he and thus they thought that their gonna win so Allah says don't be like them and then he mentions the story of Soraka even magic or not Soraka but he believes in the in the form of silica right not Soraka he bleeds in the form of Soraka remember when Shaitaan made their deeds pleasing to them and said this is Shaitaan in the form of Soraka no one can overcome you today from the people and I will protect you meaning the Kin Kin anna will not attack the Quraysh this is the protection here right but when the two armies saw one another Nicosia cleave a heap which is a very powerful expression Arabic there is no English equivalent but basically he turned his back put his tail between his you know behind the knee fled that's what neck asylum a he means right and he turned around and he said I have nothing to do with you lot anybody omen coupe in near Ramallah Tehran I see what you do not see what did he see the Angels in neehoff Allah I am fearful of Allah and Allah is shaded a fob severe in punishment and I think we need to move a little bit faster because we're going Allah mentions Pharaon and it is fitting that he mentions Pharaon over here because it was at this point in time that the Pharaon of the ummah had just been killed okay so allah mentions fear out because abu jahil had just been killed and he mentions him twice that allah says this isn't the first time I'm killing a firown' the firown' before had been killed and now abu jahil as well had been killed let's move on to 50 58 when Mitaka from the common Canada from beaded a mother Sarah in Allah Arabic I mean if you have reason to fear betrayal then and this the reason I'm doing this is not related to better it's related to the later about that and it's also relate to us here in our situation that Allah is saying once you have a treaty with the Quraysh then you're worried they're gonna break the treaty there is a reference here to the conquest of Makkah because that's what the process term did that he told them that the treaty is no longer valid so you are never allowed to break the treaty by surprise a Muslim must honor his word even in the times of war if you feel that the Quraysh or others are gonna break the treaty first then you need to publicly annul the treaty before you do anything so you tell them Treaty over then you can do whatever you want but you cannot surprise them from beating a hip throw it back to them either so ah both of you are now forewarned you both are on the same boat verily Allah does not love traitors a Muslim is never a traitor even in war and this is a very important point these guys are now these Lama folks are now you know barking all the time about tea and all of this you know ridiculous stuff well like it's so explicit here yes it is true that deception is sometimes allowed in war but deception is not treason there's a big difference what is deception deception means you go right and eventually you're gonna come back in the left right deception means that you use double meaning words there you know there's no promise there's no treaty there's no cut there's no contract it's just that you you have a tactic of war but treason means you make a promise you swear an oath and you break it this is never allowed in any circumstance and Allah is very explicit over here and then verse 60 Allah says prepare against them whatever you're able to of power of Pawa and of horses that you may inflict fear into the enemies of Allah and your enemies and others whom you do not know but Allah knows in other words there are people you don't know them to be enemies but Allah knows what they think of you and when they see your power you will terrify them as well there's a wisdom in you showing your strength and whatever you give in the way of Allah Allah will return it back to you and you will not be wronged our prophets Allah said I'm interpreted this verse and he said Allah in Coweta our Rami Allah in the Kuwata Al Rami that verily Allah that Allah talks about here is in archery the huwa that allah is talking about here is archery and i nakawara me i'll anaphora me so he said the main huwa for his time was archery and if they incline towards peace then you as well incline towards peace and put your trust in Allah verily Allah is semi and allene this is a very important verse the awesome in Islam is not war the reason that we go to war is lit Acuna Colima to llahi hallelujah and if the enemy is not preventing us from this and they're willing to have peace then Allah is saying what in general you sell me for general aha if they want to lay their arms and have peace you as well lay down your arms and have peace and this is what the process is every day via right this is exactly what it in academia so by the way a lot of the Islamic political science is now being told in better that the Muslims are not becoming a real political entity so Allah is laying out some of the foundations that will happen later on but if they want to deceive you then Allah is sufficient Allah will take care of you he is the one who has protected you and supported you with his help and with the believers and now this is a beautiful verse that all of you know what Aleph a bane of columbian verse 63 Allah is the one who has combined all of your hearts if you were to have given all of this world you could not have brought to their hearts together rather it was Allah who brought it together he is Aziz own Hakim once again unity is a cause of victory disunity is a cause of defeat o you who believe Allah is sufficient for you and for whoever follows you of the believers whoever follows you Allah is sufficient for him or you who Oprah it urged the believers to battle now here is where these rulings are given of turning around and not turning around if there are 20 who are strong amongst you patient amongst you they shall overcome 200 and if there are 100 they shall overcome 1000 amongst you so 20 to 200 and 100 to 1000 that is one to ten basically a ratio of 1 to 10 then Allah subhana WA Ta'ala says an a huff huff allahu an come now what is going on here some scholars say that allah azza wajal is saying if the ratio is 1 to 10 you will win think about that 1 to 10 therefore you have no excuse to turn and flee if the ratio is more than 1 to 10 sorry less than 1 to 10 1 to 21 to 30 then you may flee cause remember in the beginning Allah said never flee now in this verse the ratio 1 to 10 is given in the next verse an anahatha following whom Allah has made it easy for you now Allah has made it easy for you because he knows you are weak so if there are 100 strong amongst you steady they will defeat 200 and if there are 1000 they will defeat 2000 the ratio goes down to what 1 to 2 now very big difference right so and the majority of Madaya are on this that if the Muslim army is half the army of the non-muslims then they're not allowed to flee that's a pretty imagine that Allah but Allah promises that if you have 100 you will overcome 200 if you have a thousand that we thank Allah it wasn't the previous one right 100 versus a thousand Allah saying is gonna happen then Allah says Allah knows you have a weakness so he has made it down 1 to 2 then we get to the issue of the prisoners of war 67 mark on Idina begin Makana is the Arabic phrase for it is not befitting it's not appropriate it's not appropriate or any profit that he have prisoners of war until youth NFL our means establish his power until he shows his Dominion and Dominion is shown by by establishing political power by execution by many things is shown at a youth NFL are to redo an era dunya you wanted some of the out of the dunya the commodities of this world but Allah wants the akhira now the muslims by large they also wanted the ransom because it brought them a lot of money four thousand dinner Homs was a lot of money that's like a fortune and it wiped out the savings of most of the holy SH that's why even Abu Sufyan said I've lost one son you think I'm gonna lost ik you know so much this do you think I'm gonna lose my money as well let him stay there right I was Sophia and said this that he did not because literally it would make him bankrupt and I bus down to the last penny of the process of his own uncle remember he said I don't have any money so he said no you have this does this he took everything from him right so it was a very large sum for them so they wanted this and Allah says you wanted this but Allah Azza WA JAL wanted something else were it not for a kitab min allah what is this key table min allah there's a number of interpretations the first interpretation is were it not for the fact that Allah had already decreed you would do this so it's other that's the first rotation the second interpretation kitab in allah here means that were it not for the fact that Allah had decreed that anybody who does something without knowledge will be forgiven and you didn't have knowledge so this is one interpretation a third interpretation is that kitab woman allah over here means were it not for the fact that Allah had allowed for your Ummah prisoners of war and war booty which he never allowed for anybody else then you would have been punished so there's a number of interpretations here but the point being some decree from Allah prevented this punishment now that this decree has come go ahead and Kulu momemtum hadn't Oliva go ahead and each of this venema war booty the prisoners of war money as it is all lawful and Allah is Allah for and Rahim Oh prophet say to those who are prisoners of war amongst you and this is primarily to Abbas Abbas used to swear by Allah Allah he this ayah came down for me even of course is more than him but primarily it's people like him right and I bus used to say well llahi this ayah Allah revealed for my sake that say to those who are prisoners of war if Allah knows in your hearts any good meaning you will be Muslim then he shall give you better than what has been taken away meaning your Islam is better than all of this money and Allah will forgive you and Allah is Allah for Rahim and it wasn't just Islam a bus said I wish I had more money that he took because everything he gave I got ten times more back right this Abbas himself is saying I wish I had more that he could have taken because I got ten times more back but if those prisoners want to betray you then they have already betrayed Allah and Allah has given you power over them for I'm kahneman whom means they tried to trick you they tried to kill you they couldn't win then they're not gonna win again and Allah is Eileen and I came and bye though we're gonna come to the fact one or two other prisoners of war they betrayed their trusts they made promises they're not gonna fight again that they did this but then when they went back they fought again some of them were executed and that's prediction here it's being predicted don't worry you will catch them and you will have power over them if they betray you you will catch them you will have power over them and the Battle of offer that we're gonna meet a few prisoners one prisoner in particular he betrayed his trust and this is ayah is being a reference to that now they let the ending of the surah now by the way so after the Battle of Badr the commandments came down every last Muslim in Mecca has to immigrate to Medina every last Muslim in Mecca has to immigrate to Medina no excuse you're not allowed to remain so Allah says that those who believe and they emigrate and they fight in with their money and their lives in the way of Allah this is the for this is the Mahajan and those who help our these are the unsolder one not so true that's why uses the verb not subtle this is the unsub right so in the nominal haja duties with Muhajiroun welded in our were not Saru these are the ansan una a caballo home awliya about these two they are the helpers one of the other one latina am an alum muha Giroux those who believe but did not emigrate this is the muslims in makkah mala cumin Wilaya to him in shape you have no Malaya well are you here there is a number of interpretations one of them means you have nothing to do with them but that's a little bit harsh another is you don't have any responsibilities towards them because one of the meaning is of what would I just like well II what is it well II the well he is somebody who takes charge of the Guardian malecon meanwhile ayat to him and say you have no guardianship you don't have to protect them in a new hat you do accept if they had tell you had you sue until they make a job so the Muslims remaining in Makkah you have no legal obligation to protect them manna cumin why light emission hack tell her to do well in his tonsil confiden but if they beg you to help faraday cumin Nussle then go ahead and help them Allah Allah Coleman bein a convener whom a Thark except if it be against people that you have a treaty with now this ayah is especially important in the modern political world that we live in there are many Muslims who are begging us for help and we help them as much as we can withdraw all the time unconditionally other types of help physical help and financial help we need to see our political situation Allah very clearly says when a stencil confident if an Akuma nostril Allah Allah common vena cavae no Misha if you have a covenant with a group and they're asking you to help against those who you have a covenant with then you are forgiven I think it's very clear from this ayah what we are referring to because well I it's a very deep topic here and I have spoken about this more explicitly in other places but now is not the time to go into this tangent here that there is an obligation to help all the press Muslims without any conditions we we help them with Dora we help them by spreading their plight by advertising their issues we do this all the time but in terms of physically helping and in terms of financially helping we need to look at our own situation as well and this ayah is very clear that there is an excuse for political reasons it doesn't affect the bonds of brotherhood cuz notice Allah subhana WA Ta'ala says that they are that in astana sulukim 15 they are your brothers in faith 15 funny cumin also go ahead and help Allah Allah coleman vena cavae no Misha unless there is a treaty between the two of you and Allah is aware of what you do and as for those who have disbelieved they help one another if you do not do so meaning if you don't ally with the other believers then there will be much fitna and oppression in this world in other words Allah is saying others will unite against you if you don't unite as well then there will be much fitna and facade on the earth this is what the point of the verses others might have their differences but they're all united against you this is the reality they might have their differences but they will unite against you if you don't unite amongst yourselves in lateral ooh-whoo means unite against yourself amongst yourself they'll be much fitna and facade in the earth and those who have believed and those who have emigrated and those who have fought in the way of Allah and those who gave shelter and aid Mahajan and and so on these are the real believers for them is the forgiveness and the noble provision and those who believed after meaning the immigration and immigrated well in a minumum Bardo so after the the Hitler after the Hitler of the of the Mahajan if they believe so this applies to our times this applies after the Battle of code it applies in every single stage after the initial stage and by the way so we talked about this many times in early Islam wasabi Hornell a well-known your time of embracing Islam gave you your rank in Islam and this verse also references this point the earlier you embraced Islam the higher up you are in Islam and the later we embraced the lower you are and then Allah says well ahlul are happy by Allah whom Allah be bowed and the ties of blood these are stronger in the book of Allah it is said this is one interpretation that this verse annulled the condition of the Treaty of Medina in which the Mahajan and the uncertain Herot from one another do you remember this clause right the the more alcohol that took place right one of the conditions was they will inherit when this verse came down this annulled that clause that families are closer when it comes to inheritance Warner and Babylonia a victory lap verily Allah is aware of all things we did a very brief top-seed of surat al-an'am and pretty much every single verse is related so little and fat excuse me and every single verse is related to the Battle of better insha'Allah - I the next Wednesday after after how many lessons about that I think seven lessons a brother we will now begin the interim between brother and road and then we have probably around maybe ten lessons of word because or how there's a lot of lessons and victories and lessons as well and was it a victory or not that's also an entire lesson inshallah with the other we'll continue next Wednesday we don't have time for Q&A is there any announcements to be made you
Channel: Memphis Islamic Center (MIC)
Views: 72,913
Rating: 4.7868161 out of 5
Keywords: Prophet Muhammad, Shaykh Sheikh Yasir Qadhi, Abu Ammar, Islam, Muslim, Memphis Islamic Center, MIC, Quran, Koran, Sirah, biography of muhammad, Prophet Mohammed Mohammad, life of Muhammad, Mekka Macca, Medina Madina, Misconceptions islam, battle of badr, uhud
Id: R16zj77qgf4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 6sec (5286 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 09 2012
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