Seerah of Prophet Muhammed 9 - Marriage to Khadija & Re-building Kaa'ba - Yasir Qadhi | Sept 2011

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in our last week's hidaka we had discussed some of the stories of the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa seldom some of the final stories that we have before he became a prophet and there are two incidents that we have left that we were going to discuss today of the pre prophethood stories and then we are done with all of the narrations of the pre prophethood stories and the fact of the matter as I have said many many times is that we do not have most of the reports of the prophecies homes early life we have probably a dozen or so particular incidents and that's about it for 40 years of his era of his early life and there are two incidents left that we need to discuss before the coming of the prophethood before the calm beginning of the revelation the first of these is his marriage to Khadija radi allahu ta'ala anhu and the marriage to Khadija or the allotted onhub how did the prophecies in a meet Khadija how did this come about as we had said in our last week's halakha that the prophecy sinem was a shepherd he was a shepherd and he would find people who owned flock and then he would take their flock and he would get some meager wages for this now it so happened that Khadija older sister had a flock she had a herd of camels and her older sister hired the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam to take their flock out and to graze them outside of Mecca and she hired two people we don't have the name of the other person the prophet saw Simon an idea another young man the two of them were hired to become shepherds for her large flock after the profitsystem had finished the grazing they had to go back into town in order to collect their wages you pay the wage you wait you paid the salary as soon as the wages are finished so the young man that was with the profitsystem and at this age the process was probably 23 24 years old the young man that was with him said now that we're done come let's go and ask our wages from Khadija sister from Khadija sister according to some reports his name was challah so let us go ask our wages from Khadija sister so professor Sam said why don't you go on my behalf because I am too shy to go because she's a woman I'm too shy to go and I study I have hyah I don't want to go ask her why don't you go on my behalf and you get both of our wages for us so the person came to Khadija sister and it so happened that Khadija was in her house at that time and he asked for his wages Khadija said where is Muhammad he also has earned half of the wait where is Muhammad so the man said he was too shy to come and ask it from you he was too shy to come and ask it from you and so at this Khadija older sister said that I have not seen any man who is more shy and more noble and more honorable and more chaste in his interactions because she's interacting with him because she's a woman so she knows he's lowering his gaze he's acting in a very elegant manner so she says I have never seen any man more and then she kept on praising the Prophet system and the narrator of this report says this was the first time Khadija heard of his name in such a manner and just like any human being that when a person is praised in such a manner something entered her heart because he's being praised in such a noble manner and eventually in later on in the year Khadija had to send her own Caravan to Syria remember we had said that there was the two journeys of Yemen and Syria and Khadija owned a lot of wealth let's pause here where did she get this well from Khadija had been married twice up until that point in time and her second husband was a wealthy merchant and the two of them did not have any children she had sons from the first marriage but she didn't have sons from the second marriage now in jahiliyyah women did not inherit that was the general rule but in this marriage this person did not leave any siblings and they didn't have any children and so it became one of the rare opportunities that Khadija could inherit a lot of money otherwise the general rule women would not in money so her second husband was a rich merchant and he didn't have any siblings and so when he died they didn't have any children so then automatically it will go to hadisha and so Hadiya inherited a small fortune and over the course of the next few years after her husband died she kept on investing in that money how would she invest just like we invest in our times she would order some goods to be purchased in the time of hedge and then send those goods to Syria purchase other goods from Syria send them to Yemen kill other goods from Yemen seldom in Makkah this is what business mentor businesswomen do but because she's a woman she cannot go herself to do it and so every single time she has to hire a business man now in those days and this is still common in our times but not as common in those days you wouldn't hire such a person by a wage you wouldn't say you go to Syria I'll pay you a thousand dinars and you do X Y Z no you would make it percentage profit this is called moola roba you would give a percentage profit and you would say for example that 30% of all the profit will be yours and 70% will be mine because I'm the one investing you're the one doing the manual labor right and this type of sharing of the profits is something our Shariah has definitely allowed and considered it to be a part and parcel of legitimate business transactions so hadiza would engage in this mode our Abba this percentage and of course because she's sending a man who's not related to her who's not looking after her best interest usually the person she chose would steal and would lie and would cheat and would not give the whole ASAP the whole actual account and therefore she never managed to get the type of wealth that she deserved still she managed to maintain her dignity and maintain a good amount of well but never as much as she actually deserved and she felt that she had earned it so when she heard this praise about the Prophet Muhammad SAW said them she decided why don't I choose this young man even though he was inexperienced when it comes to business he had never ever gone on a business trip himself he was a shepherd sallallaahu seldom he was not somebody who was a businessman but because of his honesty she decided to overlook the lack of experience and also the lack of age generally you would choose somebody in their 40s and their 50s somebody who knows the caravan the routes everything but she overlooked all of this because she wanted somebody honest and subhanallah it is human nature that when a man is decent is elegant with his interactions with a woman then the rest of his nature is also good that when a man treats a woman in this matter this automatically he has a characteristic that is noble and automatically Khadija felt this is a man I can trust and I can send my Caravan with him and so the prophets so Khadija sent a message to the prophet muhammad sallallahoalyhiwasallam through one of her servants saying that the the lady of Khadija now Khadija of course at this time was well known because she was the richest lady in Mecca she was not the richest person in Makkah but she was the richest lady because no other woman as we said it's impossible for women to inherit right so because in this situation she inherited automatically she has the most wealth out of all the women and she is also single and it was very rare for somebody to be single in that society and this is something even Islam carried into it you hardly find any of those who have a single they would always marry and it is something that they considered to be a part and parcel of living you don't live a single life Khadija perhaps for whatever reason she had been married twice she felt that she wasn't suitable for anybody she wasn't interested in anybody so she had closed this door and even his health and others they mentioned that a number of men had tried to marry her because she was of noble lineage and she was a pure aura she and they liked this and because she was a wealthy woman and of course every man would want that wealth because if he married Khadija that would would become his according to jahaly law and so a lot of men proposed that Khadija turned all of them down because she didn't want to share this one she didn't feel anybody would treat her the way that she deserved so she sent a message to the Prophet system why don't you take charge of my Caravan the Prophet SAW sent him went to Abu podded and said oh my uncle Khadija has sent me such and such an offer what do you think and this shows that he was a very full young man that he didn't just impetuously say yes he got permission even though he doesn't need permission he's a young man he's independent he doesn't need to ask his uncle but he got permission from his uncle and he said uncle what do you think and so Khadija the methodically said that oh my nephew Khadija is well-known to be the richest woman and you know this is definitely much better than the job that you're doing now it's you're going to get inch'allah good sustenance Allah has blessed you with this opportunity do not say no to her and so the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa seldom said yes and Khadija agreed that she would give half of the profits to the Prophet system and she would keep half of the profits which is a very generous share but she felt that this was a man that if I give him a good incentive he would inshallah wanna do a good job and so the Prophet says I'm accepted and Khadija sent one of her servants along as well to him and the profitsystem took the caravan to the city of Basra BOS ra not the basura of iraq and not D there's another city that's very similar sounding in Turkey Bursa no this is Basra in English it's called Basra and Basra is a small town outside of Damascus by at least I think a hundred kilometers or so it's it's towards the way to Damascus but you don't haven't reached Damascus yet it's on the periphery of the Roman Empire and the Arabs would typically stop at Basra they wouldn't go to Damascus basically it's like coming to America you just stopped right at the border let's say Texas right and then you just do your bye and good and sell because you don't want to go all the way inside you're in the country and this is the most convenient location and Basra had a huge marketplace that was known just for this because it was at the periphery of of the Arabs and the Nabataeans and other cultures of the North Egyptians will also be able to go the Yemenis they will all be able to go to so basarat' historically not from the Islamic sources from the non-muslim sources Basra is well known to have been a town of economic transactions and to this day there are ruins in Basra of the marketplace of so that goes back to a thousand five hundred years before the time of the processor and by the way just as a tidbit as well so Omar conquered Basra and his Caliphate and before he conquered Damascus on his way to conquering Damascus and Omar built one of the first messages ever built in what is now Syria one of the first messages ever built and it is still standing to this day and it is one of the oldest massages in existence from its original time even before the Grand Mosque of the Omega because of course the omayyad mosque was built much later so this is a mosque I'm gonna brag about built in Basra because for them Basra was more important than Damascus but I wonder to another tangent let's get back to the story of the Prophet saws I'm with Khadijah so Khadija had sent her servant the name is given his may Sarah generally Center and when may Sarah came back so the process and went to Basra and then returned he did not go to Damascus when the Prophet sent him came back may Sarah told Hadiya of the care and concern that the Prophet system had shown of his honesty some reports even mentioned the miracle of the cloud on top of his head and this is not something that is strange if it happened it happened but there's no authentic reports and as I pointed out that we have to be a little bit careful about these things before the prophecy because the question arises that if people had seen them before the prophecy this would have been a clear sign that he's going to be a prophet and that there are indications being given nonetheless it's something that has been narrated in some of the early books that there was always a cloud above the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam and the prophets had made double or triple jana the arabic says odd laughs which means many times more the Prophet that anybody else had made before him now this is of course for two reasons firstly because he's being honest and secondly because there's no question that whatever he does Allah will bless it there's no question about that yeni we go back to when he was an infant and a baby and Halima herself her animal her own breasts everything was giving barakah just that the process that had entered their household and their camel becomes faster there there she go be gives milk etc etc and so there's no gender whatever the process um is doing is going to have extra blessing so the the caravan came back with out laughs other Alfa any multiple profits that Padilla had never experienced before now this is now increasing the emotions that Khadija has and it is very clear and some of us might feel awkward or hesitant to say this but subhanAllah firstly it's narrated in the earliest books secondly there's nothing wrong with feeling such emotions is completely permissible she's a single lady the Prophet system is an eligible bachelor and as I say many times to my students when I teach classes falling in love is not how long it's what you do with that love that can make it a lot more hella falling in love is a natural emotion it's nothing wrong with that at all and Khadija there's no question that emotions came to her that first she's hearing the process in being praised so highly by her own sister and then she sees the honesty and then she sees all everything that my seller comes and tells her everything that transpired there's nothing wrong at all with her now having a desire to marry the Prophet Muhammad SAW Salam and somehow Allah what lady would not have desired to marry the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu I said him the details differ about how the the proposal came about but they all agree about one thing Khadija was the one who instigated it Khadija was the one who hinted at it or who kind of sorta arranged for the prophetess to propose now obviously the way that proposals happened the man proposes for the woman however if the woman expresses an interest then this is something that is permissible with conditions and of course the man is up to the man to then eventually propose even in Islam even in Islam if this happens with certain guidelines then of course this is completely permissible and so Khadijah in one version Khadijah told a friend or it says another servant of hers was a an elderly lady by the name of nafisa it is said that she expressed uh she expressed an interest in marrying the Prophet system and so nafisa said leave this to me I will arrange it and so she visited the prophets as soon as she was an elderly lady and she said that o muhammad saw him again he's not at this time o muhammad saw them why don't you get married so the profit system smiled and then who would marry me because I am the orphan poor person of the Quraysh I'm an orphan and I'm poor who's gonna marry me and so nafisa said what if Khadija wanted to marry you what if Khadija so she's not saying Hadiya is sending me but it's there what if my master what if my friend Khadija wanted to marry you and the Prophet system was quiet and then he said why would she want to me notice he didn't say I'm not interested in her he's wondering why would she want me so the message is given that he is interested because she didn't say he didn't say no I'm not interested in her rather he's thinking why would she want somebody like me because he considered himself to be uh not somebody that was worthwhile but Subhan Allah is rasoolallah and he was going to be rasoolallah and he is definitely the one whom Allah subhana WA Ta'ala had chosen for Khadija and so in the fisa went back and told Khadija and there the matter then went to stage two and there are a number of versions of how this took place as well if it is Haqq says by the way that this marriage took place in the month of safar in the month of safar three months after he returned from Basra three months after the journey so for three months there was this back and forth there are two versions of this story in my previous classes I never mentioned the second one but some people mentioned the second version and therefore I feel compelled to mention it just to point out that it is not authentic otherwise I would prefer not to mention this and in my previous classes I would not have I never mentioned this in that many times that are taught to zero but there is one version with a very weak chain that hadiya's father was alive at the time and he opposed the marriage and so he was caused to become drunk and it was made to appear to him or he was convinced that the marriage had taken place and so when he became sober again it was too late to say no and there are more details that I'm not going into but it is not something that is a very nice story to be honest and then we find it to be contradicted by a number of other facts first and foremost even hazard and others point out that hadiya's father had died hadiya's father had died before this proposal had happened and so she didn't have a father at the time and this makes sense because if her father had been alive then he would have taken the money because a woman will not take the money if she has a father or a brother or a husband so the stronger position is that her father was not alive at all additionally there is another version which is reported by more books than this one book that mentions this version and I pause here and I point out that as I have said before there are a number of books about the suitors written in the first two 300 years and we go back to these earliest books many of them are without chains of narrations because these are just stories that they collected and nobody knows who narrated these stories so sometimes these stories there might have been such a story it happened to somebody else but some narrator got confused and he said maybe it happened with Muhammad system and Khadijah right maybe it happened in some jahaly person so these are stories or legends that have been passed down it's very crucial that we look at them and then sift through which are authentic which are not so the more authentic version mentions that her uncle amber Ibanez said was the one who performed the nikah and there was no issue of alcohol or or being sober or drunk nothing like this this is not a story that is true with hadiya's father that her hadith his father was not alive that her uncle Ahmadiyya said became her wedding and Abu Talib came with the prophet sallallaahu Selim and I will probably perform the whole tuba he performed the sermon and the sermon is recorded in one of the early books that Abu Talib began by praising allah subhana wa ta'ala and then talking about the lineage of the Quraysh that's what they always talked about that we are the noble descendants of ibraheem and ismaeel that Allah has blessed us with this and this and that of the blessings we have is that we have the we are the caretakers of the Kaabah and Allah has blessed us to be the people of Mecca and my nephew the Prophet Muhammad SAW sir my nephew is the one who is no comparison with any other young man in all of Mecca in his manners and his nobility and his lineage and he has proposed to your noble lady al karima your noble daughter your noble lady Khadija with a mother of 12 Oh Thea one is Shen okiya is a nugget of silver so 12 nuggets of silver with a little bit of coins of silver as well this is a modest amount I don't want to give you any any any precise figure but we can say a ballpark figure of a few hundred dollars in our times would be it's not a massive amount and it's not a token figure of a dollar or two yan is something that we would consider $400 $500 it's a amount that is a respectful amount for somebody like the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu are you seldom and so he gave the hota at this hammer hadiya's uncle stood up and said this is a young man who cannot be refused we accepted the proposal and we had already said that Khadija had been married twice before from her first marriage she had a son named Halle now Halle is commonly in our times a girl's name but in those days had that was more of a boy's name and our times has become more of a girl's name so don't get confused Halle is a male Halle is hadiya's son and Halle had accepted Islam eventually and lived a noble life with the Prophet Muhammad Sal Allahu alayhi wa send him now the question arises how old was Khadijah at the time of her marriage the common opinion that everybody is aware of is that she was 40 years old when she was married and this is the opinion of one of the classical scholars of Islam his name is owatta Dee and laughs Kathy says she was 40 what years when she was married and she died when she was 65 because everybody agrees that they were married for 25 years and everybody agrees that the profitsystem was 25 years old well not everybody wanted to say he was 24 and 23 but around this age 25 years old when he got married however and this is the common well known as of people have however there are more authentic reports that her age was not 40 and I know this is not common knowledge to the most of you but academically speaking there are two problems with this age firstly and Waka D is not to the caliber of those who report a different age and Waka D is much lower in the scale and so we have people like Al very happy and even Cathy the famous scholar in Cathy who that FC live in Cathy and uh and others a report that she died when she was around 50 years old so if she died when she was around 50 this changes everything in her 50s they say crime scene as she was in her 50s this changes everything another early Authority and his name is hassan al qalbi says that Khadijah married when she was 28 years old and we have from al Hakim who wrote a book all of the most adequate one of the books of hadith he reports from the famous event is helpful is the earliest author of the serum hippin is half the famous here Lebanese how that even is how says that she was 28 years old now this appears to be more valid for two reasons number one because the people who are reporting 28 are more in quantity and in quality ie they are more knowledgeable even as hell is the authority of serum nobody is more authoritative than him and his help is reporting that she was 28 additionally he shambled kalbi additionally al-bayhaqi says she died when she was in her 50s that means she was 28 when she around that age when she got married but then the second point is even more clear the profitsystem and Khadija had at least six children maybe more and a woman in her 40s it is very difficult to imagine her having six children whereas a woman who is 28 it is much more logical and rational and in fact perfect six children at the age of 28 in those days is something that is very reasonable a child every year and a half every two years very reasonable so for 12 years she's having children she's having children she's till she's around 40 and this makes a lot more sense than to say that she was 40 when she got married and academically speaking it does seem to be the more correct opinion that she was 28 years old now some of the points here that we can derive before we move on about the the other the the the last incident before the marriage our sorry before the prophethood some of the blessings some of the morals of the story with Khadijah first and foremost it shows the importance of honesty and of good etiquette of good a flap honesty is appreciated by everybody in mankind and it brings about blessings because the profit system was honest as a shepherd shy as a worker at a very menial job that shyness and honesty upgraded his position in pay rank right this what happened that he was honest he was trustworthy and he was humble modest he had good qualities what happened automatically opportunities were created that gave him more and more higher positions and this is the reality of the dunya that if you show your character character counts a lot much more even an experience because Khadija overlooked his zero experience he has no experience Khadija overlooked all of that and hired him to become one of the highest-paid businessman in all of Mecca taking the caravan to to Basra it also shows the intelligence and status of Khadija because she saw the Prophet system as being an ideal and perfect husband and as we said this clearly shows the permissibility of not just natural feelings of desire and attraction but of even pursuing that in a permissible manner as I said previously it is not how long to be in love it is hello to be in love it's what you do with it right what you do with it so Hadiya had feelings and she pursued it in a legitimate manner and that legitimate matter was the manner of marriage also the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa seldom needed support and comfort for his future mission and so allah subhana wa ta'ala chose for him a woman who would give him that support and comfort and as we all know and we say and it is so true that behind every successful man there is a there is a good woman this is the fact of life and this is something that every single person acknowledges men can pretend to be macho and strong and whatnot but the fact of the matter is they need a loving supporting woman in their lives this is the reality that Allah created men like this that in public they can put on this this persona but in private they need the comfort and the support of a loving wife otherwise it's very difficult if not impossible and our prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam allah chose for him Khadija to be that loving and that comforting wife and this is something Charlie will talk about more later on the blessings of Khadija are simply too numerous to mention she was the first to believe in the prophecy Salam she comfort comforted him as soon as the revolution began she was the one who thought let's take him to what had been no fun let's take him to somebody who knows what's going on and asked what is happening she was the only one whom judy would come in the household of Hadiya he would not enter any other household any other wife's house any other wife's house he would not enter later on Michele Oh miss anima no one he only entered the house of Khadija and gibreel told the prophet saww said of once when the processor was sitting in Mecca the Prophet SAW said to Khadijah that o Hadiya here is juvenille because Judy would enter hedieh dichos in the house the only wife he would enter here is Judy and he is sending a los Salam upon use pan Allah he is sending Allah cinema upon you and he is giving you the glad tidings of a house in Jena where there's not going to be any noise and any struggling you will have peace in that household and so Khadija responded that in allahu wa sallam she didn't say why they casa la mia a lot because you don't say whiny Casella me allah is a salam and this really shows her intelligence it really shows her understanding of theology of islam that when allah is sending Salam to Aditya what is the response you don't say why they casa la mia allah you don't say that right and I've heard a lot of people when something good happens they'll say jazakallah Allah you don't say jazakallah to Allah Allah jeiza comes to you you you are nobody to give just back to Allah it's a big mistake even though they do it innocently you don't give just that back to Allah you don't send Salam back to Allah you don't say why Nika salame Allah Allah is a Salam this is Hadees responds automatically she understood in Allah who was salam I can't sense that I'm back to Allah Allah is a Salam voila Jibril as Salam and may Salam be upon every wall aka Rasul Allah as Salam and may Salam be upon you o Allah this was hadiya's response and Aisha who was no doubt the favourite wife of the Prophet SAS and I'm in the medinan phase of course at this phase a is not even born she's not even born right now when the process marries Khadijah and so Asha never saw Khadijah never and yet I assure says that I was never more jealous of any woman than I was a Khadija even though the profitsystem had married eventually nine wives and Aisha was one of the nine and she was jealous of those nine no doubt about there are instances who have over the serie that she says things and does things that shows her jealousy but she says I never felt the amount of jealousy I did for Khadija even though I never saw her even though I never saw why little B Rasool Allah saw some laughs because I knew how much the Prophet says I'm loved her I could say she's a woman she's not she's a wife you know how much the Prophet SAW some loved her I knew it so I was the mole jealous of khadija and once when the Prophet SAW was mentioning hadiya's he said I had enough of it that was it and so I said ya Rasul Allah for how long are you gonna mention and then she said things you shouldn't have said an old toothless lady ya Nino she's like an old lady right and she said you know things Danny basically an old lady like this when Allah has given you a young fertile ground instead right in other words I am a young lady and I'm fertile ground and how long ago mentioned this toothless any lady like this and so she said in a manner that only a woman can say and the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa seldom got irritated at this and he said la ilahe no by Allah and because I show saying that I'm better than hadisha basically no by Allah Allah did not give me better than her if you really want to know you're getting the irritated I will tell you he didn't say that for his I'm adding it but he said no by Allah Allah did not give me better than her she was the first to believe in me when everybody rejected me meaning I show you don't have that blessing she was the first to believe in when everybody rejected me and she gave me of her money when everybody had abandoned me she was the one in spending on the process of when everybody else had abandon him and she supported me when the community basically gave me the cold shoulder and Allah blessed me with children only through her he ascribed this to Allah because Allah is one who blesses your not in my it's not fatigue yours or mine so he says and Allah has rasa honey Allah has blessed me with children only through her none of my other wives Allah has chosen with this blessing and so after this I shall learned her lesson aside I never mentioned her again never mentioned her again because of this jealousy that the prophecy somehow as subhanAllah ya knee and one of the reason why she was jealous whenever the process of got a gift when he got money when he got to meet even because meat was a luxury item he would cut some of the meat and he would send it to this is in Medina way later on ten years later he would send it to hadiya's friends can you imagine like how much you're thinking of your dead wife that Khadija has passed away but you want to give some meat to the friends you would socialize with the friends you would socialize with and once hadiya's older sister came to Medina this is the same one that introduced the same one that praised him right and aisha was in the house and subhanAllah this is such a beautiful story that when uh when the the sister was walking outside the door the Prophecy's demeanor changed because he recognized hadiya's footstep and when she asked permission for enter I sure could see the paleness on her face because on his face because all the memories of khadija came back because this was the wife that he knew it was he knew it was her older sister but the memories of Khadijah were so strong that so many years later still he would be moved to tears almost and when Khadijah passed away one of the Sahaba says we did not see him smile for months we do not seem smile for months and it was such a big loss for the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu our David said him and we can go on and on about the blessings of Khadijah we mentioned that lady gia was most likely 28 years old this doesn't change the fact we always like to say that the process of marry somebody older twice divorced with children it's still the same that she was older she was twice divorced she had a child so this clearly shows that the profitsystem is not a lustful man that if he wanted to he could have married a younger lady without children who had never been married a virgin he if you wanted you could have done that but he married somebody of nobility somebody who was twice divorced with children and remained faithful to her until Khadijah passed away he never took another wife until Khadijah passed away and then one after the other he started married and so he wasn't marrying for lustful reasons because he's marrying when he's past 54 years old he begins to marry the nine wives four until he is 54 from 25 up until the age of 54 or so if not 55 because Aisha probably was when he was 55 years older so so uh the prof assessments remain basically loyal to khadijah for all of these years and this clearly shows that he was not a man who was lustful that he could control his desires that this was not what he had in mind by marrying somebody like Khadijah and this also demonstrates as well or sorry the one point I forgot to mention I already said this that all of the children of the Prophet system were through Khadija we said that there were at least six children the reason why at least six the first child of the processor you should all know his name it is I'll cause him and I'll caused him the prophets assumes Cunha was a bull awesome that's his first child his Cunha is a bull awesome I'll cause him it is said that he was born in the days of Julia he was born before the why he began he was born before the why he began it is said that alas him had reached the age where the boys could ride on the camel six seven eight years old and then he passed away that's all that we have into it's only thing we know about him not one story has been preserved but six seven eight years old before he passed away and then the prophecy cinema had zeyneb Rokia OMA consumed and Fatima the youngest daughter four daughters zeyneb ruqaiya omec will soon and fatima and then he had his final son with Khadijah and that is Abdullah now some people say he also had a thought hit and after him and so they add two more to make it eight however the strongest position is that Abdullah had two nicknames at the head and at the hip and so a paw hit and a thigh hip is Abdullah and a paw head means the pure one and Athaliah also means a pure one and this is what the nicknames they would have for their child and Abdullah died in infancy without even in Islam he was born after the why and he died in Islam of course the four daughters all of them lived to maturity all of them married and the only one three of them died in his own lifetime so he saw said and buried his own daughter with his hands the three daughters he buried with his own hands only felt him outlived him and even Fatima on his deathbed he told felt him as something and she cried and when he saw her crying this is his daughter and he loves his daughter like only a father can love a daughter he calls his daughter again and he whispers something and she laughs many many months later I asked Fatima can you tell me that conversation I want to know and so Fatima confessed and she said my father told me that he's about to die and I couldn't bear except to cry so when he saw me crying he called me and he said you will be the first of my family to meet me meaning you're gonna die soon so I laughed Spinola I laugh because I'm gonna meet the process of the first and Fatima only lived a few months after the prophesy before she passed away as well now it is interesting to comment here and perhaps maybe we'll go back to this later on but it's interesting to comment here subhanAllah the profitsystem it is as if he is facing the most traumatic problems after problems because the most traumatic thing that can happen to a child is to lose parents and the most traumatic thing that can happen to a parent is to lose the child isn't that the case right I mean there is no most liebe on earth that is more painful than these two there is no most evil eye there is no massima and we as parents know this that there is nothing that is more painful to us than to lose a child and as a child the most painful and dreadful thing and this is something we have forgotten that phase of our younger lives but the fact of the matter is spano look at what happens when a four or five year old loses their parents in the supermarket what happens they go crazy and wild that they cannot see their parents because they get so worried because there's nothing more conceivably you know dramatic or or or disaster for this child than to lose the ones that love and take care of this child right our profit system is multiple times orphaned father then mother then grandfather then uncle one after the other and he's multiple times losing his own children the eldest I'll cause him and then Abdullah and then of course he has Ibrahim Ibrahim by the way was not born of his wife it was born of his maidservant his EMA and so none of his wives gave birth emma is different fit wise and that's maybe we'll talk about it in his time none of the other wives of the Prophet SAS Adam became pregnant other than Khadija so it is as if Allah is giving him the most difficult tragedies that is imaginable and in this will is great wisdom it is as if Allah is telling him that your purpose in life is to be afflicted that this life is nothing but suffering that even the greatest human being is not going to live a comfortable life in this world in fact because he is the greatest he will suffer like no one else is suffering because it is through these trials that so many things happen first and foremost one's relationship with Allah is established subhanAllah how true is it when we live comfortable lives our hearts become hard is not the case when money is pouring in health is good wealth is good and who cares pray regularly make duaa on and off soon as your son falls ill soon as you lose your job soon as I will see what happens what happens the hands go up Ya Allah Ya Allah Ya Allah isn't this the case right and Allah knows this and living it in through these trials it makes a person's heart closer to Allah it's automatic and of the process needed to have this closeness to Allah also living through these trials and afflictions true servitude is reached that you understand who you are and who is Allah subhana WA Ta'ala living through these trials and afflictions gives you patience and you will need patience if you're going to be the prophet of Allah you will need to have the utmost patience and so he is afflicted with the greatest calamities to bring about that patience and Allah subhana WA Ta'ala tested him through these hardships because by these hardships your own heart becomes soft Subhan Allah when you lived in poverty when you've lived in poverty then you will feel something for those who are poor it's nature human nature and when you lived in opulence and luxury you don't connect with the rich you don't with the poor you don't connect with them at all it is not a coincidence that our profit system has so many a hadith about taking care of the orphan he knows how it feels there is a hadith that even says if you can't give money to the orphan at least rub his hair and make dua be gentle with him because he knows what it is to be an orphan he knows what it is and so the the commandment comes that at least Rob the hair meaning you show some tenderness to the orphan so allah chose these trials upon the Prophet SAS at him so that when he grows older he can bear his own trials and then he can be a merciful person because through trials you develop your own mercy and even though Allah tried him still Allah didn't try him beyond his capacity Allah blessed him with both sons and daughters to give him a taste of fatherhood and to silence those who try to mock him because if he didn't have any children spare Allah people could have said very vulgar things about him but Allah blessed him with both sons and with daughters even though Allah took the sons away and Subhan Allah when he took the son away um this is I gave this helical before the Tipsy dose to tell kotha in not a knuckle kotha for solid big one had an oceanic of whatever time when Abdullah died right Abdullah was his youngest son Abdullah was his youngest child when Abdullah died Starla how crude and how callous Abuja runs through Makkah cheering for joy that Adi better a had a better a Muhammed that he's so happy that the prophecies from son has died that his progeny has cut off because the Arabs everything is males children for them everything is mill children and if you don't have a male child then you might as well be sterile you might as well have nothing and so he's running through Makkah that pada better a Muhammad a better a Muhammad that his progeny has been cut off his progeny has been cut off and can you imagine your son has just died well my only parents understand the possibility of that pain and on top of that your worst enemy is running through the town crying for joy how much pain and grief that would have brought to our prophets and Allah revealed three sewers three three ayat that one more beloved to the prophets and then this whole world and all that it contained in a clinical care force a little bigger one hell in national Kahoot an avatar we have given you plenty don't worry we have taken away one thing we've given you Alcoa and Alcoa is many things that we explained Alcoa is the Paradise Arco that is everything in Paradise Isle coated is the river of paradise inertia in authentical coated force a little bigger one how pray to Allah sacrifice to him those who oppose you they will be the ones who are cut off from everything in the shiney Ahuja up top those who follow you will flourish you will be what a fanatic addict rock you will be the one whose rank has been raised your opponents will be those who are cut off from all good and as I pointed out the only people who mention Abuja hell's name and Abu Lahab name are those who despise and hate them what a legacy is this what a legacy the only people in the world who know them are those who hate and despise them as Muslims that we we want nothing to do with them what a legacy have they left in the Shani eka who el habita and there are also wisdoms that the professor was not allowed to have sons by the way this is theological issue that later on in life on the processor man Ibrahim he had Ibrahim when he was around 59 years old 59 or 60 years old he brahim much later in his life and Ibrahim lived for a year and a half eighteen months and for those of us who are parents you know that this is the sweetest age of children because then the terrible twos began after that right the most tender age for children the most love that you can have is really at this tender age where a year and a half and Allah blessed him with this because it's still such a blessing to be a father and it's such a blessing to have a child to play with but Allah knew that he could not be a father for a long term and so Allah caused Ibrahim as well to pass on to the next world and the processing was greatly grieved and he was crying and in one hadith inhibin major he said listen to this a lot of Muslims no this hadith the Prophet SAW Sodom said that had Ibrahim lived he would have been a prophet it's not possible that the son of rasool allah saw salem not be a prophet it's not possible had a brahim lived he would have been an MB but you there is gonna be known to be after me and so Allah had to seal the prophecy the rozzers I knew this and so this is a theological reason as well that the process of cannot have sons and he can only have daughters and I have to adhere as well what a fitna it was for the Ummah that his daughters had sons after and what did our own Madhu with those sons and what groups were formed exaggerating the status of those grandchildren through women imagine if there was a male progeny well la he groups have taken this male progeny from a woman Fatima and made them to be what they have made them if there was a male progeny of the Prophet system directly the OMA would have made them into prophets and gods walking on the earth and it is a mercy from allah subhana wa ta'ala that he knew the weakness and so he just cut it off because the prophecies of son would have been a prophet so he's not going to have any sons that grow to maturity the last incident that we have mentioned is the incident of the building of the kaaba the building of the kaaba the story is well known to you and it was that the prophet sallallahu alayhi salam was around 35 years old evidence haqq says he was 35 years old so there are 10 years of marriage to Khadija we don't even have one narration about what happens span Allah and as I said such a big loss but we put our trust in Allah that these details would not have benefited us theologically Allah knows what he preserved for us so the next door we have is 10 years down the line when the profitsystem is 35 years old the rebuilding of the cabin the story is known to all of you but some details maybe uh you don't know the Kaaba was damaged by two things in the year before it was rebuilt the first a fire the second of floods found on the fire and flood two opposite and what happened was a woman was cooking close to the Kaaba I have to realize in our times the Kaaba is separated from settlements by hundreds of meters thousands of feet in those days the houses of the people were literally five ten feet away from the Kaaba you didn't need large toe off gaps because you didn't have tens of thousands of people and millions of people coming and even some of you might even remember in the 70s maybe you know some of you might even remember there were houses outside of Safa and Marwah do you remember that I think you might remember outside of Safa and Marwah there were houses literally people would be living there this is in the early 70s and suffer and marwah was disconnected from the harem that's how small the atom was that should have to walk outside the the round harem outside the cabin area you would walk it would exit the harem and then re-enter the Safa Marwah area right because mecca was a small city and so you can imagine the houses were very close so a lady was cooking outside of her house close to the Kaaba and one of the embers sparked and it set the enough or the the the cloth of the Kaaba ablaze the Kaaba was always closed from the days of jahiliya they put put a cloth on it and so the fire set the whole cab ablaze by the time they put the fire out the Kaaba was damaged but not destroyed it was weakened but not destroyed later on in the year a massive flood came to Makkah now Makkah is in the basin of a lot of mountains and once every ten years or so there is a massive flood I have witnessed this myself in one of the hedges that I have done unbelievable to see this literally I was witness and I did that has that year I swear by Allah I was walking from Mena to to the Kaaba because there the busses were all colors gone I swear by Allah there were points that the water was up until here and this is on the streets of Makkah not even and I'm walking with my bags on top of me like this I'm sometimes up to here there are pictures of a flood that happened in 1947 or so 1948 where the people are swimming for throw off martial law good good exercise right there swimming for the law because the Kaaba was flooded now in our times the cab cannot be flooded unless Allah wills a major disaster but the Kaaba cannot be flooded because they have a you know the you know waterways and gutters to take rid of it but the streets of Makkah flood still to this day and I witnessed this myself the point being in that year that flood happened and the flood destroyed the roof of the Kaaba with all of the water and it destroyed some of the walls of the cabin so it's partially destroyed and not fully and so they decided that they need to rebuild the entire cab of both damages had done the fire weakened it and then the flood pretty much destroyed the structure even leaving some remnants here and there now it so happened that when the Kaaba was destroyed there was a news of a sale going on in the city of Jeddah at the time they called it Judah they called it Judah Jeddah is the modern name Judah and what had happened was that the Ceaser of Rome had sent supplies to one of the cities of Yemen to build a massive Church over there the Persians had destroyed it the Persians are fire worshippers the Romans are Christians so as you know there's a war going on so as part of that war the Persians had destroyed a church in Yemen and so the Caesar from his own money decided to finance the rebuilding of that church so he got the best wood and the best marble and the best uh craftsmen to go and build that church in Yemen but Allah had another plan and so the score the the books of cearĂ¡ mention that Allah sent a wind off the coast of Judah to caused the ship to basically crash and the ship was damaged but it just made it to Jeddah because Allah has a plan it didn't drown it made it to Judah and when it made it to do to all of the cargo that the Caesar has the most expensive marble and the grant grandest would now Arabia has no marble right there is no fancy what is the desert you don't get fancy wood in Arabia right they don't have these bill doing structures they don't have craftsman to that caliber and Allah had willed that this is going to happen and so they set up the merchandise for sale and it was a distant cousin to Rome now the ship is not going to get to Yemen so they need to get money to get back to Rome so forget this batch we'll get another batch right so they set all of this merchandise the marble and the the fancy wood and everything and there was also a and the job a craftsman basically carpenter craftsmen with the ship and so the Quraysh when they heard about this they gathered together all their wealth and they went to Mecca to purchase or to Jeddah sorry to Judah to purchase all of this and to hire the craftsmen as well to come and this is now a craftsman that has been educated in the palaces of the Caesar you're not gonna get a more qualified person on the face of the earth how he ended up in Makkah look Alonso as a plant subhanAllah well I it's amazing when you think about it right how he ended up in Makkah with this fancy material the the choicest wood the marble that the people in Mecca had never seen right this is not what they're used to in a custom - so they come together and they purchase all of these goods and they bring them back to Mecca and this is a miracles of a lot that happened when they purchased all of these goods now they're wondering now the cab is in semi destroyed state in front of them and they're wondering should we come and destroy it this is the house of Allah they've never destroyed the house of Allah before me and even the thought of it is sacrilegious right they don't know what to do and according to one report of evenness 1/2 mentions this that when they were debating what to do a large snake came out of the well of Zamzam and it was rumoured that there was a snake living in the will of Zamzam now this large snake came out massive snake and anytime they approached it hissed at them and so they wondered what are you supposed to do and Allah sent a big bird to pick up the snake and to get rid of it to throw it behind one of the mountains of Mecca so they took this as a sign that they should approach the Kaaba that the snake is not guarding the Kaaba anymore that we can now go and approach the cabin but they're still terrified and so there each one is nudging the other four why don't you go first why don't you go for it because they're worried what's gonna happen until finally Alwaleed abnormal hero and he is the nobleman that allah mentions the quran journey woman caught up to Waheeda this is a leader in mozilla and he was their poet and their nobleman and he became an enemy of the Prophet system but he was a nobleman of the Quraysh at the time and when he the minimally refined he said Hollis I'm gonna do it hand me the axe so he took the axe and he marched towards the Kaaba and he started breaking down one of the walls of the Kaaba nobody lifted a finger to help then the rumors spread why don't we use it Walid as the litmus test if he survives the night will join him the next day and if something happens to him then well you know well tell us is a good riddance then one person has to worry about right so they basically did not help him that day and he did his own job as much as he could then the next morning he woke up fine and healthy everything's fine so they said okay hamdulillah Hollis in fact al walid when he would approach the Kaaba even his Hawk mentions that now these are pagans they're not Muslims so even his Hawk mentions he lifted the axe and he said o Allah don't get alarmed don't get angry we're just trying to help the cab I mean he's this Jaya D mentality he doesn't understand you know Allah knows his thoughts right but he's trying to say don't get alarmed o Allah and don't get angry we're just trying to help rebuild the Kaaba and so I would he'd put one wall down and so the next day alhamdulillah the entire whoreish decided now we'll all have to tear the cabin down and then rebuild it and what they did was they divided all of the tribes into four groups all of the sub tribes of the the for aisha have many sub-tribes right so they gather together and they divided all of these tribes into four groups each of the tribes gets one wall right not each of the tribes because there was more than four but basically grew tribes are grouped together based on their lineage the closest tribes together you get this wall another close group you get this wall and the Bano abdomen F which is the great sub-tribe of the banu hashim right this is confusing I don't want to confuse you guys too much but the banu hashim is one of the tribes of the better abdomen off the burner abdomen F is one of the tribes of the Quraysh so it goes like lineage like you just keep on making it bigger and bigger the Benoit abdomen F is this the the branch that contains the Benoit ship so the Benoit abdomen F is given the most prestigious and that's the side of the wall why because they are the most prestigious they knew it I promote thought it was from them and abdomen thought it was he who he was so they get the most prestigious the second most prestigious the venom assume Abuja head is from this tribe right the barroom assume they get the wall that is dilucca near money to the black stone right you guys following here right the last fourth of the cabin so they get the second most prestigious wall and then their other tribes would have to mention their names they get the other two walls now you all know what happened the been webbed M&F in the bedroom exhume are raising the corner that has the black stone right the black stone doesn't belong to either wall it belongs to both right and so when they get to that area trouble Brews why because the Banu makhzoom and the Benoit abdomen off are rivals they remained rivals and they continue to be rivals even after it's not by the way the OMA is in the Abbasid one let it continue because the omegas go back to the this dis branch so so both of them said put their foots down this the black stone is my side no it's my side right and then the other tribes also put in said why should you get the privilege this is a special stone now the Arabs knew that the black stone was a special stone even in the days pre Islam and the the the the fighting between them were there the rhetoric where the anger reached such a level that construction on the Kaaba stopped for five days they reached the level of the black stone and just stopped because they needed to resolve who is going to put the black stone in so can you imagine for five days heated arguments they almost came to blows the bottom exhume secretly put together a an agreement with some other sub tribes that they would fight to death to put the black stone in and they dip their hands in blood because they couldn't sign so they got some camel blood they dip their hands in the blood this is how they would sign things like in the pitiful multi-beam what are they dip it in their perfume so they would dip their hands Allah so they secretly dip their hands in blood and they made a secret pact for the Banu makhzoom that no way we're going to allow anybody to put the black stone except us even if we die to the last man Alya what jahiliyya and you're going to kill yourself and leave your wife you know we don't leave your children and orphan because of the honor of later anjali arabs what would they say that we allow the benoit and these are your cousin's like the benoit have them enough in their mind about Sumer cousins back in the day obviously that's the whole point they all go back to the quarry this is what you call tribalism gang mentality this is Julia so they were almost about to reach to blows on the fifth day they all came together and abbu Miya abdel mahira who was the oldest person alive in makkah at the time Abu Mareb pneumonia was the oldest person alive he said there will be no bloodshed we're not going to fight over this let us just give it over to the first person who enters from the door there was one major door the one major area we can say they didn't have a physical door one area that you would come in when you would do Tov whoever enters the first you will be his decision now what this basically meant for them was is the luck of the draw its lottery system whoever walked in who would you vote for for his own tribe right that was the mentality that they had that whoever walked in would obviously choose his own tribe so we leave it to the luck of the draw whoever walks in whatever tribe he belongs to a basically when that was the understanding because nobody would ever choose somebody else's try it's just humanly impossible for them to think like that so the what they did was they then said whoever walks in and you all know the story that our Prophet SAW son walked in and what is amazing as even as how can others mentioned all the tribes became P because otherwise it would not have been possible for all the tribes to be happy only the tribe that that person belong to would have been happy but when they saw the prophecies of them they all became happy because every tribe thought the profitsystem likes me so much he's actually going to choose my tribe and this is amazing that even the Banu makhzoom and the bun whop did da and the the value of the other values of the Quraysh they felt such a liking for this person and they felt they he liked them so much that he's going to choose us and so they all were overjoyed and this is an amazing phenomenon that even the people who were not banu hashim but the doubt they felt that he's going to choose them and subhanAllah 50 years later fast forward you have you have Amba a medieval house say that famous hadith that the profitsystem was so gentle and nice to me that I knew he loved me the most out of everybody even though I'm a blouse is not in the top ten right and so one day I asked the profitsystem who do you love the most so he said instantaneously Ayesha it was not embarrassed to admit he loved his wife the most and so he must say no I meant amongst the men who do you love so he said her father abu ha so he was an e linked it back to Ayesha then he was quite it was okay after him so I said no mom kept on asking it to finally he got the point and he stopped asking but what is this show amber by the way I'm gonna embraced Islam in the eighth year of The Hitcher how could he be to the level of a waka and earth man and are the aroma it was not even possible point B he is a late convert but he thinks the prophecy son loves me the most what does that show about how he's dealing with people right that every person thinks I am the most special Tim isn't that amazing and even the days of Jaya do the exact same thing that every tribe is thinking he'll if they like he likes me the most he's going to choose my tribe and so as you all know the story the profitsystem instantaneously he said bring me a sheet bring me a is a a per garment when it was brought the prophecies and himself put it on the is our put it on the garment and he said let every sub-tribe send its representative sent is chieftain and your guy and all of us will put it simultaneously and so they all lifted it so the bernam assumed they fulfilled their promise because they were a part of those who lifted so they didn't break the promise of fighting they did that they fulfilled it and all the tribes fulfilled it and as you know the prophets Esther himself was the one who put it into that particular location now they changed the structure of the Kaaba and Allah had willed that that change would become permanent two things they changed well three things actually four actually excuse me keeps on coming to our number one they did number one and the biggest and the most drastic change either the marble or the wood we don't know which but they didn't have enough because they were using that expensive material for the foundation and for the top they were using the regular walks around mecca so they were used in the expensive stuff to solidify the foundation so that one the next time the flood comes is going to be a solid structure so they calculate it immediately that they could not build the foundation as large as the original cab the original Kaaba was not a square it was a rectangle the original cab at the time of ibrahim alayhis salam was a rectangle so the front and the back where the door is now and the back side of the Kaaba were almost double the length of the width that's how the original camera was and that's how it was when the processor was growing up till he was 35 years old now they got all of this material and they did not have that expensive material to build the entire rectangle so they decided to build a square instead and to mark the other two angles if you like with the other two corners with two posts and to put a little barrier over there which is as you know to this day now perhaps the mentality was this is what we can afford maybe in a hundred or two hundred years when it's rebuilt they can have enough money to build at the original structure right it was not their desire to make it permanent they realized that this is what we're doing maybe the next time is rebuilt they can rebuild it from the proper the proper corners as it was that's the first change that they did the second change that they did the Kaaba was not as high as it became of course now it is even much higher than it used to be much higher than it used to be they that according to one report the cab at the time of the Prophet systems early life was as high as when you sit on a camel so yeah and he maybe up until where the our thing is over here maybe around there okay around maybe what 15 feet hmm something like that right it was doubled in height now of course in our times it probably goes 50 100 feet our honor for 70 feet I think pretty high it's very high when you look at it but and the time of the Prophet system it was pretty small that was just a long square structure so they doubled it in height that was the second change that they did and so that began the concept of making it very tall and to this day it is a very tall structure the third thing that they did was they made the door of the Kaaba this is the Banu abdomen after this the process of sub-tribe they made the door of the Kaaba in the middle of the of the of the wall not on the ground where people could go in because they wanted to be elite and have access to who can go in and who cannot go in so because they're building that section they did something that was not done before and that is they made the door hi and so they have the keys and they have the ladder and only those whom the the abdomen half the battle abdomen are approved they can go into the Kaaba and to this day the door is high because of that and then they did something which is very logical and rational and and very common sense they built a waterspout because what happened before the roof caved in because of the water too much rain and flood so they built a waterspout and to this day we have that waterspout that we see that concept came from them and of course not the same waters but the concept came from them the Prophet SAW Salam when he conquered Mecca 20 years after this incident when he conquered Mecca the prophecy salem said to Asia or it not for the fact that your people are still new to Islam I would have destroyed this structure of the Kaaba and rebuilt it on the original pillars of Ibraheem and made the door accessible to everybody but if I were to do this basically the people would feel the people would feel awkward because they're new to Islam right so if I were to do this I mean if I wanted to I could but I don't want to do it to cause problems to the new Muslims now this hadith is a well-known hadith is reported as a body in the time of the early omega dynasty what happened was there was a lot of civil war going on and one group led by abdullah IBN zubair the companion broke away from the omega empire and they founded their own mini caliphate in mecca abdullah rhizobia founded his own mini caliphate in mecca and this was at the time of the infamous head judge even use of the most tyrant ruler that the ummah has ever seen you think today's rulers are bad listen to what this guys did you know amazing stuff so that was during the time of had jaja ben youssef so abdullah bin Uzume took over the Kaaba and he was a pious he was a pious Sahabi was a companion and so when this hadith reached him he destroyed the Kaaba and he rebuilt it like a rectangle and he made the door back down to the earth so he followed the hadith of the Prophet SAW sir then I had jebin use of overtook Mecca again by throwing catapults into the cabin and the catapults destroyed the cab itself amazing you think the people in Syria and Lebanon and whatnot are bad this guy attacked the Kaaba and he destroyed the cab because he wanted to get Abdullah new Zubin and then he crucified AB the literally crucified on a plank in front of the cab Abdullah even is a bit and this is a companion and the son of a compare and the brother of a companion and the son of a female comparable his parents were companions this is up this is hedge avenues of he's literally a mental case nonetheless the point being he had to rebuild the Kaaba and he didn't want to rebuild it the way that even sube rebuilt it so he destroyed it again and he built it the way that the jaha arrows had built it the square with the Hatim with the hador high up and then it is reported that in the time of Imam Malik the Khalifa at the time said to Imam Malik why don't we go back and build it the way that it bends over I did it because isn't that what the processor wanted a man Malik said no I don't want the cab to become a toy that Kings come along and they put their whims and desires on it and this is what you call Phil this is what you want understanding no because this already happened to its leave it now and so from the time of had judged even Yousef it has remained upon the foundations of the jahaly Arabs and the how theme has been there and and the the the door has been above this now a number of benefits that we derive and then each other we have some slides we have some ties to show each other here notice how everything is planned by Allah subhana WA Ta'ala the Arabs are in the desert they have no fancy would they have no marble they have nothing of this nature and yet Allah subhana WA Ta'ala sends to them the most choicest material from the palace of the Caesar this is the most powerful man on earth financing what he thinks is the building of a church huama Karmakar Allah and that material with that craftsman came to the lands of Arabia to Makkah and that struck
Channel: Yasir Qadhi
Views: 292,048
Rating: 4.8457103 out of 5
Keywords: yasir, qadhi, september, 2011, seerah, authentic, biography, prophet, muhammed, marriage, to, khadija, re-building, of, the, kaaba, kabah, orientalist, critics, critique, defend, prophethood, mercy, mankind, detailed, analysis, original, sources, greatest, human, being, medina, quran, hadith, true, islam, modern, solutions, unity, lessons, and, morals
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 35sec (4355 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 27 2012
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