Seerah of Prophet Muhammed 1 - Specialities of Prophet Muhammed - Yasir Qadhi | April 2011

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in the hamdulillah Hina I don't wanna stay no who wanna stop fear of 100 mm in cerulean food Sina women say Yadier Molina man yeah de l'homme Alamo bill Allah woman you been home fella hadiyyah-lah why shadow a la ilaha illallah wahdahu la sharika lah why shadow ana muhammadan abduhu wa rasul oh yeah you holla Xena amanoot Apollo Hospital party here wallet a mutiny allah wa anta muslim moon Johannes Oeste horrible melody Holika common obscene Waheeda wahala common huzzah jaha Rowbotham in who Mary Jalen Catherine one ISA what Apple lauhala d Tessa a Luna be he well or ham innallaha Canada Curitiba yo holla Xena I'm a new taco lahu wa kunu : say Dida you slacking on become a hacer la camisa you become woman yatra in the Hawara sulla who Papa deaf as a frozen Alima am bad today in sha allah tala we will embark on a new series of lectures a series of lectures concentrating on the life and times of the single greatest human being who has ever lived ever walked on the face of this earth and in today's lecture I wanted to begin by talking about some of the broad characteristics of our prophet sallallahu alayhi wa seldom some of the word in arabic is called Shama in some of the unique and specific characteristics that Allah subhana WA Ta'ala has given to our prophet salallahu alayhi wa send them before we embark on the journey of ceará and why we study thira and what jasira that will be in shallow next weekend next week and then we begin with the birth and the pre-islamic Arabia all of this will come before we even began a little bit of a tantalizing tidbit if you like of the characteristics of the unique specialities that our prophet sallallahu alayhi wa seldom was blessed with because when we began these series by talking about his specialities even though all of us are motivated to study his serie when we study his specialities will even more motivated and will be even more eager to learn about the life and times the lessons and morals the incidents that occurred in the life of our Prophet Muhammad Sal Allahu alayhi wa send them and so where then do we begin when it comes to describing the one whom Allah has chosen above the entire creation how can we do justice to him when Allah Azza WA JAL himself says what a final akattak Rock Allah says we have raised up your mentioning and remembrance Allah has raised up his mentioning and river and remembrance and even a bust and other scholars of the Sahaba they said Allah has raised up his remembrance such that whenever Allah is mentioned the profitsystem is mentioned right after that and how true this is whenever Allah is mentioned the profitsystem is almost always mentioned right after that even in our Shahada la ilaha illallah muhammadur rasulullah in the Adhan in the salah that we pray in the quran itself there's hardly a hood but that we give except that we praise allah and we send salat and Salam upon the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa send them when allah subhana wa tada himself has called our prophet sallallahu cedam ramitelli nada mean you are the mercy to the entire world you are the embodiment of Rama Allah has sent you and through you you will be given Rama and you are a Rama and you are the channel of a las Rama so he is Rama of the prophecies in is Rama and he's sending Islam and his message is Rama and his teachings is Rama and believing and acting upon what he has come with his Rama he is everything associated with mercy that is rahmatan lil al-amin so how then can we begin to do justice to the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam when allah has praised him so highly however even if we cannot mention all of those blessings and characteristics then at least let us mention some so that they can be an indication for that which is not it cannot be mentioned because of time and restrictions and we began by mentioning some of the names that Allah Azza WA JAL gave our Offutt muhammad sallallahu alayhe wa send them for our prophecies have had many names many of the names of our prophet SAS and were given to him by later people the Sahaba tab they owned the early scholars and one of the famous scholars of the serie has derived over 250 names of the prophets all along winding he was seldom and if we were to give a class on this we spent three four weeks just talking about that list but I wanted to mention some of the names that Allah has given him because you see names come from Allah and names come from the people and we are obviously the ones that come to the people we can benefit from them the but the ones that Allah has given our prophets awesome those are the primary names that have the deepest meaning and of the hadith that the prophets are mentioned his names he said I'm drove a turbine motor on the allahu ta'ala in sahih muslim the prophet sallallaahu them said in elias Martin I have a number of names so the profit system is telling us he has a number of names he said anna muhammad i am mohammad why not i'm ed and i am ahmed i'm gonna mention each of these names when l mahi and i am al mahi of his name's is Almaty and he explained Alma he is the one whom young Allah will be Hilco for Allah erases Cofer what another share of his name's is al Hashem Alethia shuuran Sol Academy people will be resurrected hashirama Shura means to be resurrected on my footsteps or meaning after me what an allowed clip of his name's is at him and he said Allah crib is the one who has no prophet after me what an Anna be your Rama he said I am the Nabil Rama that is one of my name's maybe your Rama why Nana bu Toba when I am then there be of repentance what an Elmo offer and he is the mock offer and the pathway we're going to explain what this means but the one that who has come after all or the one who preached not not predates the one who comes consequently the one who comes at the end of a long chain that is Alma kapha wannabe ulama and I am the prophet of Milan we're going to explain all of these names one by one so the most common names of the Prophet system and the two that the Quran explicitly mentions the Quran mentions many adjectives but it only mentions two nouns the Quran mentions many adjectives for the profitsystem from those adjectives we can derive names sona bu Rama we can derive it from the Quran let metell Delilah mean this is a description and adjectives but in terms of proper nouns or in terms of a nouns there are two names that are mentioned and these names are mohammad and ahmed the name Muhammad is mentioned four times in the Quran and the name Ahmed is mentioned a few times as well if I my memory serves me correctly it is two or three times the name Ahmed is mentioned and every time it is mentioned it is mentioned from the tongue of Jesus Christ the only time I met is mentioned is from the tongue of Jesus Christ Navi Mumbai this more I'm an ace of new Maryam says that I'm going to tell you of a prophet coming after me his name is I met both Mohammed and Ahmed come from Hamidah yeah Madhu Hamden and ham to hamd means to praise but not any type of praise Hamed is with the first word of the Quran alhamdulillah and hamd means to praise not in return for some favor given to you because that is shuker somebody does you something you praise them back that is Shuker you you that's that if that is a praise they more cobble it's something that you give and take right you give me some money I say thank you or you're a generous man this is not called Hemed this is sugar because you have given something back in return for something he's given you Hamed is higher than sugar shook it is a transaction in a way even though it is something that is good higher than sugar is Hamed and Hamed is the highest form of praise Hamed is a praise that is given because of the inherent characteristics in the object that you're praising not because he's done you anything you give him back to him because he deserves to be praised for who he is Hamed is an odd jack of perfection an object that is worthy of being praising praised regardless of what he's done or hasn't done he is worthy of being shown praise and so the prophet saww son has two names and his two most common names come from the root which describes praise why because Allah has praised him and the Angels have praised him and the people on earth have praised him and all the prophets have praised him and every single one of mankind praises him directly or indirectly as for praising him directly these are the Muslims they crazed him directly and as for praising him indirectly then the characteristics and qualities that he has come with are characteristics and qualities of perfection so even those who reject him by the tongue they must admit and they must praise the qualities that he came with mercy tenderness Rama Jaffa it doesn't matter even if their tongues deny his prophethood they must praise the qualities that are in him so he is worthy of praise from all of humanity and therefore the prophet sallallaahu alayhi wasalam is praised in the heavens and in the earth he is praised in in the previous Ummah and in the present omen he is praised in this dunya and in the akhira this is the ultimate praise there is no human being who has ever been praised or is praised at this point in time or who shall continue to be praised more than our prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sent him and think about it no mili second occurs on this earth except that there are not millions not tens of millions hundreds of millions of people around the globe praising this one person sallallahu alayhi wa seldom either by sending Darood and salat and salam or by giving a hot water lecture or by giving a person of saying the Salah because you cannot pray any Salah you cannot pray any other car except that what do you do in that raka allah humma salli ala muhammad voila Adam mohamad think about it there is no second on earth that goes by except that hundreds of millions of people are praising this one human being there is no person who is more praised than our prophet sallallahu aleyhi was seldom and the ultimate praise that he will be given by humanity of course the ultimate praise he is given us by Allah as for Humanity the ultimate praise he will be given will be the praise that he will be given on Yama Yama on the day of judgment on that day all kafirs will know the truth of Islam you cannot deny Allah when you are seeing yomel am Muslim and non-muslim they will know the truth of course it is too late to believe in the truth but they will know it so when they recognize the truth the people will all go to adam alayhis-salam the hadith in Bukhari and Muslim they will all go to adam alayhis-salam and they will say o Adam you are our Father and Allah created you with his hands and Allah blew his roar into you do you not see the situation your children are in why don't you go to Allah and beg for forgiveness why don't you go to Allah and beg him to start the reckoning so that we can move on so Adam and his sin I will make an excuse and he will say I committed a sin that I should not have done meaning I'm not worthy to go and ask Allah Azza WA JAL I committed a sin and I'm worried about myself enough see enough see go to another person go to know Hannah his Salam and so humanity at large will go to the Prophet nor and the same request and the Prophet nor will say I made a mistake which I should not have done a lot old me not to ask anybody to be saved and I asked him to save my son and I disobeyed him and I'm worried about myself Neph seen f.c go to somebody else go to ibrahim they will go to ibraheem alehissalaam ibrahim alayhis salam will say the same thing that i made three lies even though they were not lies but he's so worried he says I made three lies and I'm worried about those lies on the day of judgement what are these three lines number one he said the big Idol did it right this is that what's not even a lie but he's so worried now I don't know maybe Allah will call me to task number two he said I'm sick when his idol when his people went out of the town he said in nice of him I'm sick I don't want to go with you let me stay here why because he wanted to destroy the idols and number three he called sad or his wife he said sada is my sister meaning in Islam because the king was about to kill him so he said she's my sister I'm not husband wife we are sister and brother meaning and he meant sister in Islam because he wanted to save his life these three things he was so worried about he said I'm too scared to go to somebody else go to musa alayhis salaam and musa will also make an excuse he will say i kill somebody in anger even though it was an accident I killed somebody in anger I'm worried so go to somebody else they will go to esa' he signed his salaam will also say I'm not worthy go to somebody else and so all of mankind will come to the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa seldom all of mankind Muslim and kafir and they will beg the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam to intercede to be a representative to be a a messenger from them to Allah and to be an intercessor and to be a representative so they choose one human being to be a representative to go in front of Allah and plead for all of humanity plead what to begin yomel teamö because the clamor is taking too long and they are getting so worried so so if you like the punishment is increasing because Pama itself is 50,000 years fee oh man can inaudible home seen elephants enter play Amma itself is a type of punishment and the people who have rejected Allah they will be so exasperated by a yama they will say whatever comes let it come let's just get rid of this day let's move on to whatever it is the tension is too much so they will beg rasul allah sallallahu I said them to go in front of Allah and begin and ask Allah to begin the reckoning and so the prophesies and will say this is my job and ilaha and ilaha this is my responsibility and so he will then go in front of Allah and because he will be the representative all of humanity will praise him and he will be given the praiseworthy station which is called Alma calm l Muhammad this is Alma common Mahmood this is exactly what Alma common mood is what is Alma humble mood means Alma common mood means the station maqam the rank that is my mood what is my mood from hamd it is for the one that is praised everyone will praise him no human being will be left except that he will thank the prophets awesome and be thankful to him and praise him for the Mohamed Mahmoud Allah will lift him up to the mcconnell mahmoud the angels will praise him humanity will praise him every single being in existence will praise the Prophet system at that point in time it is alma hobble my mood and because it is al mohamed mahmoud who better to then it be given to then the one who is mohammad and the one who is ahmed alma common mahmoud is for mohammad and it is for Ahmed what and both of them means the one who is ultimately praised what is the difference between Mohamed and I met Mohamed for those of you learning our because mo file and have meta you have me do Donita and Mohammed means that he is being given continuous praise continuously time after time praise after praise so Mohammed is for the quantity of praise that every single point in time he is being praised and as we already said from the beginning of time up until our time till the day of judgment on the day of judgment after the day of judgment all of the time our professors and will be praised so Mohammed is for continuity Mohammed is for quantity and as for Ahmed and I was near FAL and that means that he is being given the best type of praise the highest quality of praise so I met is for quality Mohamed is for quantity and the both are combined in our social allahu alayhi wasalam that is worthy of being the the praise the highest way that any human being can be praised of course the praise that we give to Allah is a different type of praise and that is a divine praise but the highest praise for any human being is for our prophet sallallahu alayhi wa seldom and the most continuous praise is for our prophet sallallahu alayhi wa seldom so Muhammad is for quantity admit is for quality and the both of them are combined in our 'soon sallallahu alayhi wa sent him who will be given Alma common mood which is the praiseworthy station now as for the issue of why is it that the prophet musa alayhis salaam predicted our soul with the name of muhammad as the Quran says and Arisa predicted our Rasul with the name of amid the famous scholar of Nilayam said that the wisdom behind this the wisdom behind this is that the largest OMA after our ummah is that of the jews the bani israel they are the largest Ummah of real followers that is because the Christians as we believe the majority of them they took a different path that of Paul and his version of Christianity the original Christians the true believers of ASA were few in number and their religion died out very quickly as you know Constantine and all of these they changed the religion and it became a trinity it became a divine nature of Jesus Christ of course ASA never preached this from our perspective so the prophet musa alayhis salaam his people were the largest ummah of true muslims after our ummah and therefore they were given quantity because they have quantity so they are told the name that is conducive that is fitting with them because there are large quantity as for the Prophet esata his Salam his followers refu his disciples were few and the people who truly followed the actual message of Jesus Christ were not that many but they were great in quality the disciples and those who followed them they were persecuted they were tortured the pagan Romans killed them they put them in front of the lions they comb their the there their bones and their flesh with combs of ayran just like you see on the movies these tortures this was given to the early Christians the real Christians meaning the followers of Jesus Christ the true followers every Sunday Miriam there were few in number but they were truly devoted and righteous and so for them they were given the name Ahmed because they were people of quality there were people of quality and they were told that our rasool allah wahda he was said them would be the one who is worthy of the best quality of praise and so Muhammad and I met are both his names of the third name that he mentions an El mahi-mahi he explained it himself and maha is the one whom Allah Jung Allahu be he'll go for it and maha means to a face to wipe out maha means to wipe out so through me Allah subhana wa tada will wipe out gopher and we see this occurring in his lifetime that the arabian peninsula was immersed in cofre and in his own lifetime there the entire peninsula was immersed in islam and within twenty thirty years major bastions of Khufu were then converted to Islam and they have been in Islam ever since within sixty seventy years Islam reached the borders of China and under loose where it remains to this day so allah subhanho wa taala used our prophet system as alma hey Alma he means to wipe away and will I have you look at a geographic map if you look at a historical geographic map they tells you the expansion of Islam you see exactly what a Maya is literally the religion of Islam is expanding 5 10 15 20 30 40 years it's as if the other cook foot is being wiped away and the region of Islam is spreading forth all of this is Almaty the one who erases any faces cook for one an hash he'll the Prophet SAW son said al hasha he explained it as well Alethia shuuran Sol Academy that mankind will be resurrected Allah Adam e al Academy means two things means at my feet literally but what it actually means is right after me so the prophets of allah alayhi wa seldom is this signaling of the day of judgement and in fact the coming of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the first sign of the day of judgment his sending is the first sign that judgment is now closed compared to all the previous prophets the very birth at the very least ila of our prophets Allah sent them is the first of the signs of the day of judgment so he is saying uh Nahash it another interpretation is that I am the first person who will be resurrected and everybody will be resurrected after me Allah - Allah so Allah Adam II so after I am resurrected I will be the first person resurrected and even the order of resurrecting shall be a blessing from Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala and there is no question that the prophets will be resurrected first and foremost and then the sala allah and the Shahada and then the rest of the ummah so even the order of Resurrection and the order of recognizing what's happening because Allah mentions in the Quran that when they are resurrected they'll be shaking off the dust and they will say Yahweh then I'm embarrassed and I'm in mal Cordina what is happening to us who has brought us forth from our resting places people will be confused what's happening and the prophets will understand immediately what is happening and the first person to be resurrected and the first person to understand will be our prophet saws on him so he's saying Annelle Hashem the one that is signaling the Hashem by his coming he is signaling the cunning of the day of judgment and by his resurrection on the day of judgment he will be the one after whom everybody else will be resurrected when L asked him and he said I am the ask him a lot if he himself explained it there is no prophet after me leisa bagdana be so an alchemy pne's the successor the the word seal is not appropriate cuz that's Hatem but what it means is that the one who cuts off basically the one who is at the end is the best phrase year a laughter the one who comes at the end and then he said I am gonna be your Rama and I am the Nabi you tawba and you understand every year i'ma and Allah calls him Brahma tell Delilah mean I am the Nabi you Toba which means I am the prophet that is the prophet of repentance I am the source of repentance meaning that by believing in me and by following my teachings people can be forgiven and I am Al Mukalla and Makaha here means that the one who comes at the end and makes the previous prophets complete or the one who makes the message of the previous prophets there's no need anymore because we have the full message or the complete message of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa seldom and in one hadith he called himself and Ana be--you'll Mela him I am the Prophet that will signal lots of trials and that is because the biggest trials that the world has ever seen will occur with the Ummah and during the Ummah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa seldom trials such as the DeJohn and trials such as the three major earthquakes that will signal the end of time and trial such as the coming down of Rethymno maryam and the maddie all of these major trials they will occur within the oume of this prophet salla senem so he called himself I am Nabil Mela him and this is a description that is more of a warning for us and for those who oppose him that the dead there's going to be a lot of trials and tribulations in his time and there are other names that are mentioned in the Sunnah and their other descriptions mentioned in the Quran and inshallah in the course of our lectures and series we will be talking about some of them as for his specialities what is called an Arabic Hassan is something that only he was given and no other human being was given and there are many books written by the early scholars about Hassan is gonna be and about Shama Aruna B which means that his characteristics and what is unique to him and there are many many characteristics that are unique to him some scholars and our times have lifted has lifted listed up to fifty specific and unique characteristics and blessings that only he was given and no other human being was given some of these again this is all the summary there's so much more that can be said some of these number one he is the final prophet of Allah no prophet of Allah has obviously ever been the final prophet and there's only profit that can be the final and Allah chose him to be the final prophet and this is explicitly mentioned in the Quran Makana muhammadun abba a hidimba rajadi come Wallachia rasool allah he will ha tamanna begin and another recitation will haughty man nabiyeen and that is the seal and the end of the prophets number to the prophethood of our prophet sallallahu alayhi wa seldom had been decreed by Allah even before adam alayhis-salam existed even before adam alayhis-salam was a living soul Allah had decreed the prophet the prophethood of our prophet muhammad sallallaahu either you will seldom even before the roof was blown into adam one of the Sahaba asked the profitsystem one will you decreed to be a prophet a Rasul Allah the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa seldom said that when Adam was between the clean between the mud and the ruin in other words Adam was not yet combined with ruin clean when Adam Alex Nam was still two separate entities and that is the rohan doctrine when before the road was blown in allah subhanho wa taala had already destined and decreed that i would be coming for mankind of the specialities of our prophet SAS on number three is that he is the only prophet to have been sent for all of humanity in fact the only prophet to have been sent even to the Jin no prophet before our prophecies and was sent to all of humanity no prophet every single prophet was sent to a specific nation now somebody can say here adam alayhis-salam was a prophet and he was sent to all of the people of his time because his children there were only his children there and Noah day his Salah was a rasul and he was sent to the people of his time and there was no other people of his time so he too was sent to the people of all of humanity how then can this be a unique thing for our prophet sallallahu either he was send him there is phonce is that Adam and Noah were both exceptions that simply happened by a coincidence of early history in that Adam is the first human and the only human beings will be his descendants it is not that a lot destined him with the title you have been sent to humanity it just so happens that the only humanity are his children and the same goes for the first messenger ever sent and that is nor alehissalaam there's only one city in all of humanity there's only one city no Holly said on when he was sent there weren't villages and patios all over the place there's just one group one people one nation one community that's his people and so when Allah wipes that one village out the world is wiped out because that's only one village out there so once again it is not as if Noah was intended to be sent for all of humanity it just so happened that all of humanity was one village and that's why both of these are the earliest two prophets right no prophet after them when there were multiple cities was sent to both cities no prophet after them when there were other civilizations was sent to more than two civilizations other than our provinces in him he wasn't just sent to two civilizations he was sent to all of humanity and not just this another speciality he was actually even sent to the jinn and this is a uniqueness that no other prophet has ever been sent for and insha'Allah in the course of our lectures we will mention a very famous incident in the early muck concealer it is called the night of the jinn the night of the jinn and on this night the jinns came to Mecca Muslim jinns and they wanted the profitsystem to teach them about Islam so the professor went and he taught them what they needed to know and there are details that we know of that night and we'll talk about it during that time of the specialities of our prophet sallallahu alayhi wa send them that no other nation and no other prophet has been given our prophets Allah seldom said that Allah has helped me with robe Horeb means a type of fear that Allah will inflict into my enemies even before I reach them even one month journey before I come to and they will become terrified of me so Allah helped him without even physical combat that in his time of course this is unique to him only not to the rest of prophets or even to his OMA to him only then when he went into battle against an enemy then the people began became terrified of him even before he reached them and this he said Allah helped me with Rob and Rob is frightening or fear and Allah straw Astra struck fear into the hearts of my enemies for the distance of one entire month of the specialities that he has been given was that he has been given the largest Ummah out of all of the prophets and this is mentioned in a hadith in sahih bukhari that he said that Allah showed me the omens and I saw an ummah as large as the eye could see and I said maybe this is my Ummah and I was told no this is the Ummah of musa alayhis salaam and then I saw an ummah even larger than that and then i was told and it was larger than the horizon it blocked my vision and i was told this is your Ummah and in another hadith he said that to the Sahaba do you wish that your Ummah meaning the Omer the process of them should be 1/3 of the people of Jannah they said Allahu Akbar there have been hundreds and thousands of Oma's and if one OMA is one-third of Jenna allahu akbar oh so he was silent then he said would you be happy if i told you that your ummah is one half of the people of Jannah they said Allahu Akbar then he was silent and then he said by Allah my hope is that my Ummah shall be two thirds of the people of Jannah not that we want to kick the other rumors out suffer although they're all going to get in if they deserve it but that our ummah will be so large and subhanAllah modern estimates say how many people are Muslim on the face of this earth around 1 billion right 1 billion do the math from the time of the Prophet system until yo Melky AMA imagine I mean already the percentages are so huge and then compare them to the real followers of the prophets right the actual true Christians not the Christians who believe in the of Jesus Christ the Christians who believed in Jesus Christ as being rasoolallah how few must they be and then the actual bunny is from eat at the time of Musa at the time of the prophets of the old who believed in the prophets they must have been in the hundreds of millions great number mashallah great number but you cannot compare to the billion that we have now and throughout history for 14 centuries and Allah knows how many centuries till Yama Yama and so when you look at that inshallah you can see how true at the profitsystem and imagine he's speaking at a time when there's only one city of Muslims that's Medina he's speaking at a time when there are maybe fifteen hundred Muslims on earth and there are probably two three million Christians and hundreds and thousands of Jews and he's telling a group of fifty Sahaba in his Masjid that I hope that insha Allah you will be 2/3 of the people of Jannah when we hear this hadith now we say of course is common sense but when he said it it was a miracle and we see this now raakhi aligned with our two eyes of his specialities that no other prophet has been given is that he has been given the most powerful miracle and that is the miracle of the Quran now I've given many lectures about this issue and inshallah one day we'll talk also about this issue in more detail but there is no miracle that compares to the Quran there is no miracle that compares to the Quran and one thing will demonstrate this for you and that is that look look at any other miracle that you can imagine the splitting of the red sea or the resurrection of Lazarus Jesus Christ resurrected by the permission of Allah the dead right all of these miracles we have no access to them we didn't see the splitting of the red sea you are there when Jesus Christ called out to Lazarus and he came out walking from the grave so how do it's not really a miracle for me and you except that we believe in it but the quran is a miracle that i can hand to a non-muslims a here this is the miracle of my prophet the quran is a miracle I can recite and the people can hear it's a living miracle it's a miracle that all of humanity has access to and there is no miracle that compares to the miracle of the Quran in many different ways and is the topic of an entire other lecture of the specialities that our profit system has been given and no other prophet has been given and we will spend in sha allah two or three weeks discussing this one speciality is the night journey of a distraught well mirage no other prophet has had the privilege of undertaking this journey even when allah azza wajal spoke with one of the greatest prophets and that is musa alayhis salaam it was the divine speech that was given to Moosa while musa was on earth musa was on buddhist a nap and allah spoke with him as for our prophet sallallahu alayhi wa send him the only human being to have been called up to the presence of allah azza wa jalla no other human being has ever been called up to the presence of Allah and the prophets or some undertook a journey that no other morrow as far as we know ever undertook and he went up to amacom that gibreel told him my permission stops here you must go alone even Djiboutian said I this is mine my my stop is right my visa whatever you want to call it right this is where it ends ends I can't go any further and so our prophet sallallahu alayhi wa send them went up Sakana ABAQUS a Nia wasn't according to an interpretation and this will talk about inshaallah in more detail in in the journey of a distraught one mirage but this is definitely one of the greatest blessings that our prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam was given of his specialities that he was given is that he is the leader of all of humanity and he himself told us this Nathan Bukhari and Muslim and say you do what a diadem I am the Syed the Sayed here means Sayed sada Yasuda means the one who is in charge of the one who is the representative the one who is the leader and a say you do what are the Adam I am the Sayyed of the children of Adam and what I say it here means many meanings first and foremost he is the master meaning what does it mean say it master here meaning he is the perfection of humanity and he deserves to be the leader of humanity and he will be the leader of humanity on the day of judgement so they say yet here has multiple meanings and he is all of these meanings so the profitsystem is the savior of the day of judgment of the blessings that are unique to him is that the prophet salallahu alayhi wa seldom will be the very first human being to be resurrected on the day of judgment as we said hadith and so i body tells us this the first grave to open up when the second trumpet is blown there are two trumpets right talofa coffie he okra the trumpet will be blown twice the second trumpet will be when the graves will be opening up so when the greys are opening up the Prophet SAW said the first grave that will crack open will be mine the Prophet saws will be the first human being and that also explains his name al Hashem and he will also be the first human being to be clothed on the day of judgment of the specialities that he has been given is that he will be given the largest howled and howled is a pool that our prophet system has been promised we talked about this when we talked about deaf seed of silicon and this is a pool a held which is square in shape he has told us it is square in shape and it is so large that one side of it one of these squares it is as if it is from Mecca to Sunnah which is the entire area or half of the Arabian Peninsula right from Mecca to sana this is just one side of it multiply that by four you get the perimeter and I described the kotha and the held in a previous lecture insha'Allah vitally you can go back to that of his speciality is the culture he has been given the main tributary the main river of Jenna and all the rivers of Jenna split from that it is as if one can say it is as if the people of Jenna will drink water from the gift of the prophecy Allah Allahu Allah because it is Alcoa and Alcoa is in the outline a Kolkata so the people of Jenna's water is all a gift for and coming from and given to our prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam of his specialities is he will be the first to cross over the Sirat and he will be the one guiding his own met agenda and he will be the first to knock on the doors of Jenna and he will be the first human being to ever enter Jenna after our Father Adam has left it and he will be the one in whose name the gates of Jenna will be opened when he knocks on the door and the angel of the báb the the the angel in charge of the gate will say who is it and he will say muhammad sal allahu allahu allah and to open meaning I can't open for anybody else you are the one I have to open for and so when his name is uttered it is his name that will give me the permission to open up the gates of Jenna and therefore as he told us the very first footstep to be entering into Jenna will be that the right foot of our prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa seldom and then his Ummah will be the first oma even though we are the last OMA chronologically but because we are his Ummah and because we are his followers Allah will bless us and Allah will gift us and Allah will honor us not because of us but because of him and we will be asked to enter along with him so we will be the first OMA to enter Jannah even though we are the last one chronologically and this is of his specialities and the final speciality will mention and there is so much more to be said but time is of the essence here the final speciality that will be mentioned is that Allah has blessed him with the highest level of Jannah it is a level that is the pinnacle of alpha dose and Allah it is an entire level some scholars have said that Jenna you can look at it kind of like a pyramid in that the higher up you go the fewer the people write the higher up you go the fewer the people so Jenna will be more populated at the lower levels and there will be no crowding in general hamdulillah but nonetheless it will be more populated in the lower levels and the higher up you go fewer and fewer people will be able to get to those levels and there will come a point and we'll come a level that is an entire level of Jenna and that is meant for only one person the whole da rocha the whole plain of that field of Jenna is only meant for one person and it is the pinnacle of alpha dose and Anna and it is immediately underneath the throne of allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala and this is called alpha Lila this is called alpha leader dis da Raja is called alpha leader and the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa seldom said that this fab Lila is a man Zena Phil Jenna it is a level of Jenna that Allah has chosen for only one of his servants for only one of his servants and then he said modestly that four out of joy I hope that an akuna Ana who that I am that person and this is out of his modesty why let there is no other human being that is qualified to be of that place and so he simply said I hope I pray that I am the person that that is destined for and that is why he wanted us to pray that Allah gives him this waseela and Phyllida and that is why every time the Adhan is called what do we say allahumma rabba ha da da Matta Tom wanna tell Emma ah t a Louis e letter well fidella that is the dodging right weboth who so a t is for the omen clear ideas for the Day of Judgment a t is for after the day of judgment you give him after the day of judgment we give him a Waseda well failed ela that is at Waseda well Phyllida were bad who and resurrect him on the day of judgment Mohamed Mahmoud Elodie whatta so the more common mood is on the day of judgement we explain what that is and that is all of humanity will be praising him and all of humanity will be sending their salat and Salam upon him even those who rejected him in this world even those who cursed him and ridiculed him and mocked him and drew diagrams against him well here on that day they will be praising him and sending salat and Salam upon him because they have to because it is my command my mood so all of humanity will be praising him on the day of judgment on maqam al Mahmoud and in the akhirah he will be given a la silla and al-fatiha and that is why we make dua to allah to give him all of these levels and characteristics and these are simply some of the hassan is some of the specialities of our prophet sallallahu alayhi wa send them and unfortunately there's only a few minutes left so there's no point beginning the next section which is about his characteristics and how he looked and his mannerisms and he likes his lifestyle insha allah wa tada we will be talking about that next Wednesday Paden allahi ta'ala
Channel: Yasir Qadhi
Views: 2,003,257
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Keywords: Yasir, Qadhi, Seerah, authentic, Biography, Prophet, Muhammed, April, 2011, Mercy, to, Mankind, detailed, analysis, original, sources, Specialities, greatest, human, being, medina, quran, hadith, true, islam, modern, solutions
Id: VOUp3ZZ9t3A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 30sec (2730 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 20 2012
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