2012-10-24 Seerah pt.37 - The famous battle of Badr pt.3 - Yasir Qadhi

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miss Miller Heiman hamdulillahi rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa salam wanna say the muhammadin wa ala aalihi wa sahbihi ajma'in I'm about last Wednesday we had talked about the beginnings of the Battle of Badr and the fact that the prophet salallahu alayhi wa seldom had to verify from the unsoldered a were willing to fight with the Prophet system or not and as we said that the unsought at the leader of them Sahib in Mahad he stood up he gave a beautiful speech and he committed to whatever the prophet salallahu alayhi wa seldom wanted wanted them to do now when the Prophet SAW son saw these enthusiasms coming from the Sahaba he began the preparations for the war and now that the unsought had committed so he could use their their manpower if you like and so he divided up the group or the army into three flanks if you like and he gave the primary flag the flag bear and that flag was white in color and by the way the process um had different flags in every battle so he didn't have one standard flag rather it just so happened whatever was convenient at the time it appears that he didn't have the standard flag sometimes he had white sometimes he had black and sometimes he had other colors as well and so in this battle the Battle of Badr he gave the primary flag to Mosab eben-emael and Muslim even await as we all know he became as a shade in this battle so sorry not in the Battle of Africa become shade in the battle of Wofford and he gave the white flag to Masada be no mail and he then divided the rest of the Sahaba into two groups on the right hand side he placed a liam Neville party and he gave him all of the Muhajiroun and on the left side he placed Sahib in Murad and he gave him all of the unsought according to one report he actually had a backup group as well and that was so therefore it's as if he's dividing his army into four groups again we're all trying to piece together what happened according to one report he had a backup group maybe for reinforcements maybe for another position in the battlefield and he placed them under the charge of place even slots law but the two primary groups one on the right and one on the left and there was of course the the Italian that was gonna charge the one on the right was added media bethought him and the one on the left was sad even more and the one on the right was the aha was the Muhajiroun and the one that left was the unsought now here in this division between the Mahajan and the unsought we actually learn that Islam takes into account cultural and ethnic divisions in that the answer the unsolder given one group and the Mahajan were given another group why is this because every person is more familiar with his own ethnicity his own people the Mahajan who knew each other better and the unsought knew each other better and the Mahad you don't felt more comfortable together because after all they had lived together they have they had grown up together and similarly on salah they also felt more comfortable together and therefore we learned from this that the attitude of some muslims to ignore culture completely or to ignore any type of ethnic division this is an extreme allah azza wajal clearly says we have made you Shirou band kaaba and Shalhoub means large large Kabila's if you like them the mother Kabila's is translated as nations but the concept of nation is a modern concept as you know Shalhoub means mace basically maybe races or ethnicities so one shop is the arab shop another shop is the indian shop so this is like Shirou and then kaaba and is the sub-tribes baba it is the actual tribe this is whorish this is hotel this is the Banu Mara and so Allah is saying I have made you all of these different ethnicities and different tribes so that you made it out of you get to know one another in other words this is a tangent of the Tufts here if all of humanity had been the same how would you stand out if everybody was exactly the same how would you stand out so the fact that we have different faces different looks different tastes different cultures each one of us has a personal identity - one of us has a specific background if you like so the point being here that the prophet sallallaahu seldom took advantage of this ethnic division basically by putting each group to itself and there is no doubt that you just look around you that birds of a feather flock together that people of a particular area will call Angra gate will socialize more than people from another area and there's nothing inherently Una's llama Cubao this as long as it's not taken to an extreme right and here we have this division of the answer and the Mahajan also notice that the profits are some put in charge of them both of the leaders were young dynamic visionaries highly Abnett be thought of on the one side and sadly been worth on the other and both of them were of their noblemen ie Ali is considered to be of the noble and Sahib in Mahad as we know he was also considered to be of the future leader of the Ansar and once again there is this pragmatism there is this reality that you cannot deny that there are certain people in every community they are more respected than others right we have some people have this utopic notion everybody is exactly the same no they are not some people have qualities that set them apart from others some people have a leadership some people have charisma some people have those qualities that make them respected amongst their peers and the profitsystem did not choose a nobody he did not choose a person unknown he chose those people who would have had the respect of their respective ethnicities right Adi is the great-grandson of Abdul Muttalib Ali is the cream of the crop of the Quraysh he is the young man coming up the Krrish all admire and love him his lineage his father everything is perfect after all his father's Abu Talib and he was the chieftain of the Banu Hashim and of course on the side of the unsought Sahib in Murad he was going to become as you know the leader if you like of the unsought had he not died his Shaheed death as will come to inshallah and his time in the serie so once again an element of pragmatism that we look to our community not everybody is respected the same and when you give positions of leadership you need to give it to those people who are respected in the community why this is a time of war you need you cannot have a person who whom others will say why are you put in charge of me what makes you better than me and again there's an element of taking into account the differences of people also notice that the person who was chosen to be the flag bear and the flag bear is in some of his library of course he's not the leader the flag bear is not the leader the flag bear is the one who positions the army he is the central point he's the Focusrite so he has an honorary position and he chose somebody whom both the unsought and the Muhajiroun could basically look up to and that is muslim a bento male he is a mahadji so he is Qureshi and yet he is the earliest of the people to emigrate to Medina and therefore the respect that he has amongst the unsoldered is unparalleled after all most of the unsalted at his hands and so Musa Abba Eban roommate is chosen he was a Mahajan he's a karashi he's of the noblest and the richest families and yet he's also converted most of the unsought at his own hands and therefore he was the most mud any of the Mahajan he was the most mud any of the Mahajan and hence the professor sim shows him to basically symbolize the entire army and nobody could have symbolized it better than this mahadji who is also a Madani who is the one who at home hands the unsought have converted and again this shows us the wisdom of the process of them and of course it's a very honorable position but it's also a dangerous position because the flag bear is always the target of the enemy the enemy wants the flag to fall it's a symbol if the flag ever Falls even if it's picked up again it's a symbol that when the when the other army sees the flag fall it encourages them it gives them hope it gives them more power to attack so the flag should never fall never and therefore the flag bear is always the center of attack and another problem is the flag bear is always impaired because he has one hand holding the flag and so he cannot fight to the same level as those who are not holding the flag and so the flag bear has a very important role of course one of the main purposes of the flag bear during any particular battle I remember this is the good old days you're fighting one man to one man not like the modern armies where you never see your enemy right the good old days you literally are in the thick of things right so you will get disoriented you will turn around you will do this and that and the purpose of the two flag is to always have a marker that where are you we site is the enemy website is your is your own army so the purpose of the flag has all of these matters the profits all I seldom arrived he was the first of the two to arrive he preceded the Quraysh by a day so he came to the plains of butter on the 16th of Ramadan and this is of course in the second year of the Hegira on the 16th of Ramadan in the second year of the Hitler and the prophet sallallaahu Ida who seldom immediately set up his camp and his tents basically on the outskirts of the entire plains of better and inshallah keep on saying next week we'll have the maps but I'm waiting to finish all the the the the documentary basically the the talk basically and then ashada will show you the maps on the PowerPoint slide dr. michele has done a great job of compiling maps and and drawing the whole diagram so once we summarize it all then inshallah one day when we finish all that that will just summarize it again through those diagrams so the Prophet says I'm camped on the 16th of Ramadan on the outskirts of the plains of budget and before he had set up camp al-habib Nell moon vir who as a scout he was well known for being a person who went into the desert long periods of time he was somebody known for traveling a Liberian moon that came to the process erm and said ya rasulallah this place that you have decided for us to camp is this something allah has told you to do such that we are not allowed to move one inch forward or backward or is it your own opinion and it is based on tactics and strategies of war why are you camping here and so the Prophet SAW said I'm said no this is my own opinion is basically my strategy and so the process he said in that case ya rasulallah i suggest we don't camp at the corner of the plane rather we should proceed until we're beyond midpoint and therefore the wells of butter are behind us and in this case he said we shall have plenty of water and they will have to rely on their jugs and their canisters that they've come from makkah and of course that's a big demoralizing factor right we have the water for them it's a big demoralizing factor they have no access to water they will have to they know that their water will run out they're gonna have to go back after a period of time and so in one version gibreel came to him and said follow the advice of her Bob and so the process and um then followed the advice of her Bob and he said you have directed us to the better opinion and therefore he then did not camp there he proceeded onwards until they had it appears to me there are multiple Wells there was one major well and there were small multiple Wells and to this day if you go to bed early you will still find there's one major well and that they're smaller walls away so he put all of the wells behind him and just to be on the safe side he blocked the smaller Wells after taking the water out and pouring it into the big one right so just in case they go to a farther well and another side of the plane all of those were blocked off all of those were filled and the big well that was the main one the other waters were taken out pulled out by canister and thrown into the large one so that it was in the center of the Muslim camp and the haurache had no access to any any water now this incident is just one of dozens of examples in which the Prophet SAW I seldom would regularly take advice from the Companions and sometimes even change his mind and act upon it and the concept of Shura is shown over and over and over again the Prophet system was never like the modern dictators it was never like my opinion must go rather he would always take the opinions of the Sahaba and in this incident ala Bob also demonstrates that the prophets of Salem sometimes now this is a very deep personal issue and it was worthy of a lot of discussion and no solid fit but not in the serie the question is did the Prophet system sometimes do things from his own opinion not from allah subhana wa ta'ala and this incident of course suggests that he did that sometimes his opinions were from himself and perhaps those opinions might have had other interpretations that some would say are better'n in some circumstances such as in this case of ala Bob now this is true there's not a problem to say that but the problem comes that some people take this exception and try to make a rule out of some people say that look this was the personal opinion of the prophets of Salem therefore we can go through the whole Sunnah and pick and choose basically what was a personal opinion that he used to do and what was from Allah subhana WA Ta'ala right now this is wrong for many reasons firstly we need to understand you cannot extrapolate the incident of butter into Sharia the incident of butter is a particular strategy of war you cannot say when the process I'm told you pray that oh this is his opinion give zakah oh this is his opinion the Sharia is what he is commanding you to do and where he is camping at brother there is not necessarily anything to be derived from yeah but it's only gonna take place once we don't do but that every year we go and do by the ninth camp at the same place he is not basically what I'm trying to say is when he camp said whether he is not intending to legislate a position of where to camp at brother you see the point here right whereas when he prays when he fasts when he orders commandments for the Muslims of Medina do this don't do that inheritance laws hey job divorced marriage all of these laws this is Sharia right and he intends for the Muslims to follow him and therefore we cannot equate one-time incident of butter with the rest of the Sharia right another point is that who Bob had to ask him point-blank kabab didn't assume that he can understand which one is which he asked him point-blank the outer so Allah is this from Allah SWA he or is it from your HT hat right who amongst us now can do this to the Sunnah nobody can do this anymore right and the basic rule is that whatever the process some said and did it is his Sharia by the way so there are a number of occasions very few where sometimes once again the Sahaba asked the Prophet says no specifically is this something you're commanding or is this just a suggestion by the way this is very rare usually and there are literally literally no exaggeration dozens of examples dozens of examples usually when the Sahaba something they would apply it so literally they would apply it so literally it sometimes borders on the unimaginable like how is this possible even right so there's two incidents both of which literally have the same almost story and that once that the process room was in his tent and one of the Sahaba was outside and it had there had been at command this was in one of the expeditions that nobody should enter the tent and this sahabi had a pressing need and so he asked the process in me rasoolallah may I enter the tent I need to speak to you so the problem said yes so then he remembered the command manat supposed to enter then he said ya rasulallah can I enter with my whole body or just part of my body and he's so confused now like what are you telling me to just put my head in the tent right or are you telling me to physically step in so he has to verify right another instance of this nature is once the Prophet system was giving the whole Taba and during the whole bah he mentioned to somebody to stomp and there was a Sahaba coming into the door and he didn't see the context of that word stop right so he literally stopped mid door with a foot up stop and he just stopped right there like he heard stop hollows no questions asked stop right I know and then we can go on and on I leave me I bethought him in the Battle of khyber right that the processer him told him that he gave him the the the standard and he said go forth and do not come back right in glee and he go forth and do not come back and go and and and and fight them in the name of Allah subhana WA and he gave them all of the command what to do and he walked 10 spaces then he had a question he was about to turn around but then he realized the process and said basically don't come back until your victory of victorious right so he shouted out loud he outer sole Allah because he didn't want to turn around the outer surah law what should I tell them when I am surrounding like what are the conditions for me to get the point being he was being so literal here that he doesn't even turn around because the process of said don't come back till you're victorious so he didn't want to turn his back until he was victorious right so the point being we have hundreds of examples like this but we have one or two where there's an overriding reason why one over the Sahaba asks is this why from Allah or is this just a suggestion right so this is one of them and then of course there's a famous incident which somewhat humorous as well and that is the incident of Madeira the incident of Barilla that body era is a long story but the the short of it is that she was a slave and she was married to a slave and she was freed and in Islamic faith one this the slave is freed and he or she has a marriage it is up to them whether they want to continue the marriage or not it's up to them they can then annul the marriage so now that video becomes free she has the right does she want to remain married to a slave or not she can without his permission because now she has the right to do that she can't annul the marriage fussa is called right she can annul the marriage so she decides to all no annul the marriage and so her husband begs and pleads her and her husband literally is crying with her that Oh buddy Ana please take me back you know we can make it work out come on please you know let's let's do something Annie let's think of all the good old times he's way basically begging her to take him back and Bertie era would not even look back at him Lyle tiffy to Ely she's literally not even giving him the pleasure of her look right and they're going around the city and he is crying even Abbas says I saw moveth was his name-o Leith was the husband's name I saw Melissa's beard was wet with his tears and he's crying out Oh buddy about Albert ela and buddy era would not even give him her look right she's not even looking at him and so the process and I'm saw the two of them walking around Modena like this and so he felt mercy for melis even though he's a slave for the processor mizrahi Molina I mean he felt mercy for movies and he said to Barrera yeah but IRA why don't you take him back I mean come on you know this poor guy and he is crying his begging why don't you take him back and obviously Barrera has no desire to take him back because all of this is taking place so she said yeah Rasul Allah attack Maroney are you commanding me in which case okay or are you just like you know suggesting right so the problem said la in memoranda Schaffer I'm just you know reconciling Shafi right so then she said with only this coin that a woman can possibly muster llaha Jetta D fee that I have no need of him I have no need of him and so the point being that Barrera asked ya Rasul Allah are you commanding me or not and he said no I'm not commanding you and this shows us that once again now you know the process is being merciful that there is no way that a marriage will last if one of them you know is so much antagonistic towards the other so he said no I'm not commanding you so once again Madeira is verifying is this Alma or is this just a suggestion my point being you can literally count these types of incidents on the fingers of one hand in fact some people say these are the only two incidents in the hole 0 and of this made sure where somebody actually says is this Alma or not right and there might be one or two more but they literally within the fingers of one hand so for those and of course the people who do this are those who wish to basically change the Shetty on and say that the process of did not command any laws that are of a legal nature that's his opinion we don't have to follow them what we follow is theology what we follow is ritual Salah and zakah don't tell us who dude don't tell us marriage and divorce don't tell us interest and financial transaction that's his personal opinion and they based this from this one incident of one instant of a kebab and this is well la extremism you're gonna take this one incident and ignore the whole serie in any case I needed to say that because this incident is misused so as we said they went forward and they put the water in one well and they set up a small type of camp and this was when sad even more as suggested ya rasoolallah why don't we make for you a special famous special headquarters where you can monitor the battle from and so the process um agreed to this so they chose an area where he could see the battle probably a little bit of a hill or something where he could see the battle and it was somewhat of a mosque or if you like the headquarters they built a headquarters for him on the plains of butter and the Sahaba then set up not tents they were not gonna have tents there living there for one night but they you know they they made their camels sit down they set up their sleeping back and everything and night fell and the Quraysh were on the horizon so they could see that the forests are coming in there is not gonna be a battle tonight the battle is gonna be the next morning so night fell and it is known that the battle is gonna take place tomorrow morning and it is narrated in the muslin event Muhammad that the Prophet sallallahu aleyhi wa salem spent the whole night awake making dua to allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala and making prolonged sajda and he said in his dora that oh allah if you destroy this group in Technica havedo saba if you destroy this group falender a better fill art you are not going to be worshipped on earth in other words if we fail then I am the final prophet and if I fail now there's not gonna be any more profit after me oh Allah if you don't help us now then he will not be worshipped on earth and in the middle of the night the rain began to fall not a downpour but just a triple just to drizzle light rain began to fall and the people had to take their belongings and run helter-skelter to shelter themselves from the rain under the trees under the shrubs and maybe even in the in the shade of their camels they just had to make some type of covering to shelter them from the rain and the Prophet SAW centum continued to pray and make drought to Allah subhana WA Ta'ala until finally the dawn broke and he was the one who said that o people ask Allah or people assala so he woke them up for salat al-fajr and thus began the 17th of ramadan the 17th of ramadan in the second year of the Hegira according to some modern historians this is March 17th 624 C II March 17th 624 C II and it appears that this occurred on a Friday it appears this occurred on a Friday now Allah subhana WA Ta'ala mentions in the Quran both the rain and the sleep Allah mentions the rain and the sleep as being miracles from him and this is ensured which surah is about better I said this many times so little and fat right basically all of and file is about better from the beginning to the end is basically a reference to budget and Allah says in surah al-anfal if you Hachiko menorahs one sleep overcame me when you became drowsy it yashuko menorahs a man at 10 min you this was a blessing and a peace and a security from him right y una 0r a coup - emma emma and he sent down for you from the skies rain Lyoto herecome be to purify you so there was a physical benefit as well that you are dirty you are disheveled your tired the rain will cleanse you like a fresh bath Utah hadoken be well you the HIPAA and calmly Jesus Shaitaan and there was a spiritual bath physical bath and a spiritual bath that the original the filth of Shaitaan will be wiped away and then there's another benefit 3 benefits while youth have bitter be he'll academ and to make your footsteps firm so when it rains just a little bit so when there's no rain the desert sand is very difficult to walk in it's literally as many of you know this like you put your sand in it if repeated and it goes down you put your feet and it goes down you so no rain is difficult to walk a lot of rain is impossible to walk it'll become muddy just the right amount of rain will make it firm like this cement if you like just the right amount of rain that will make it firm and Allah caused their side of the field to become firm and allah azza wajal made their side of the field firm to the footsteps had better be Hill al Kadam to make the cut them to make the footsteps very firm and it is reported ali bin abu talib said this is mercy the Muhammad Ali bin Abi Talib said if you could only have seen us on the night of butter if only you were there to see us on the night of butter every one of us was dead asleep except for the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam he was praying behind the tree and he was making duaa until morning and of course this is a miracle because the night before anything were so nervous we cannot sleep tonight before any major exam and he major test how about a major battle how are you gonna go to sleep but Allah said I was the one who caused you to become drowsy why because sleep makes you fresh sleep makes you firm sleep makes you powerful and so Allah bless them would sleep can you imagine in the whorish side they didn't get the rain they didn't get to sleep so automatically Allah is blessing the Muslims in so many different ways and again we know in your home allahu allahu allah better come if allah helps you then there is none who can overcome you and it is also said even though i have not found an authentic is not but it is found in some books that the Quraysh side they received a downpour of rain and of course this is the worst because it makes the ground muddy and when the ground is muddy then you cannot do anything so the Quraysh side they got the bulk of the rain and the Muslim side they got the perfect amount of rain it this also shows us the concern of the prophet salallahu alayhi wa send them that even though he is the prophet of allah even though he puts his trust in allah still what can he do as a leader he is concerned for his people so the whole night he spends making dua to allah making sajda to allah subhanho wa taala begging and pleading allah subhanho wa taala and in fact even miss root says kibun miss Ruth says reported in tabarani that I have never seen anyone pleading in my whole life he said I've never seen anyone pleading more than the Prophet system was pleading on the night of bitter so even miss rude is saying the amount of pleading and begging throughout the whole night he said I've never seen anybody pleading that type of pleading other than the Prophet SAW said I'm on the night of butter and the question arises did he go to sleep at all and there's a little bit of a discussion of most even Katina and others did he go to sleep at all even Cathy says he did doze off he did doze off and it was in dozing off that Allah showed him the dream what dream is this it is referenced in the Quran it is referenced in the Quran where Allah subhana WA Ta'ala says Eve Eureka home Allahu Liman Amica Kalina against a little and fat that Allah showed them to use them meaning the Quraysh to you as being very small in number you saw their army as being very small hello Erica home Cathy Ron if he had showed them to you cos here though as much as they were left her shield him what at a NASA at home Phil Emery you would have despaired and you would have begun differing with it with each other well a kin Allah has seldom but Allah protected you a lot protected you by not showing you the real quantity by giving you a boost of confidence now not showing the real quantity this is not misinformation because if there are a hundred people and you see ten of them these are ten there not there is 10 out of 100 if Allah were to have shown 150 this is incorrect information right Allah showing some of the people and not all there is nothing incorrect over here because Allah never does anything incorrectly Allah says woman of stock when Allah Haditha who speaks the truth and allah so allah azzawajal did not tell the process of your seeing the whole army rather he showed him a dream and the dreams of the prophets are true and so the process him saw a section of the army and this section is a correct and valid and true section so when the process and woke up he felt a surge of confidence right and that was the goal of the to give him that comfort to give him that search Allah knows he's going to be victorious so before the victory he's made feeling optimist that the optimism is there and this is of the mercy of allah subhanahu wata'ala that Allah Azza WA just showed him their quantity to be fewer than they actually were and as the Sun rose up and they have prayed a salat al-fajr the profitsystem is now starting to align the Muslim army and he did a tactic that was never done before amongst the Arabs this tactic that we all know but amongst the Arabs they did not have this tactic the Arabs of all they had the tactic of Alfa rural car and for rural car and al for rural car the best way to describe this is you can just imagine they do a attack basically in circles if you like right they go out and they attack the army and then they come back and they recuperate and then they go out and they attack and they come back and they recuperate alfaab rural car means they go in batches and they come back and they go in batches and they come back this is al Fabra welcome the tactic of the profitsystem is the modern tactic that we are all used to and that is military battalions marching in rows all of them in rows and allah azza wajal references this in the Quran in allahu yuhibbu ladina opportunity feasibility he softened company a new masseuse of course modern military maneuvers we all know that that is the most effective way that you have rows upon rows literally and all modern you know armies what do they do they learn to march in rows this tactic was not known to the Arabs this was not practiced by the Arabs but allah azza wajal taught our prophecies and this tactic and this is now the standard tactic of all armies in the world and that is to have ranks and rows and files the entire army should be in rows and of course now important in the Battle of Badr they didn't have all of these weapons they only had some of them but of course eventually what what would should be done is that the front row is gonna have the javelins and the spears and the back row is gonna have the bow and arrow and then the middles are gonna have the swords right now in the Battle of Badr they had some of these weapons but not enough to really form a proper battalion nonetheless they did what they could and that is to have the those who had Spears were right in the front and the people with the the swords were the bulk and everybody had the sword swords what you all had and then bowed they had a few bows and arrows and so the bows and arrows were put at the back and that is of course all of this the process who did not go through any military school but it's something that allah azza wajal just blessed him with this intuition of how to arrange the army and this of course worked out for the betterment of the Muslims and the prophets lesson was walking between the rows straightening them like he straightens the rows for Salah like literally having them in absolute straight lines again I paused here this is exactly what modern armies do where they teach their soldiers their infantry to march such that psychologically they're marching and he literally booney on immortals literally like Allah says Vanya no more Zeus and this is something amazing that the process had never seen this he had never experienced this but it is something that because he is Rasulullah system it is simply coming to him so he's marching between the rows and the ranks and he had a stick that he was tapping people to make them completely straight and there was a sahabi there who's who was standing in front of the line he wasn't standing in the line he was incorrect in his position and so and his name was suet and so the processor him poked him in the stomach and I said oh so odd go get your place in line go straighten your line straighten up oh so what so we'll so foof have the line straight and he pokes him with the with the stick Saad says Yaris ooh la la you have poked me and caused pain without any cause in other words I didn't deserve this pain and Allah has sent you with truth and justice so I demand justice Allah has sent you with truth and justice so I demand justice and I need to do this basically to you as well can you imagine they're about to have an battle can you imagine and the process some did not like he's literally just poking him I mean come on you know it's just a poke it's not like he's putting his sword or something it's just get your place in line and so I says I demand justice can you imagine any other general right who would have spoken to him in this manner can you imagine any other person what would they have done if a private if an infantry man speaks in this fashion immediately the profitsystem drops the stick raises his shirt drops her so you can pick it up raises his shirt and says here's pesos your turn here's cos øz instantaneously he does this can you imagine like well why is the Battle of whether you're gonna be fighting the horatio gonna but the prophecy system basically said you have a point basically you know that okay I caused you some pain caused me the pain back here's the you may do Kasasa and souad immediately bow down and hugged and kissed the skin of the processin that was exposed he kissed his stomach and he hugged it and the profitsystem said what is this I thought you were supposed to have poked me what is this ah so on so he said yah Rasul Allah you see what the situation were in you see the situation were in and so if we die if I die I wish that my last breath or my last time be that my skin touch your skin before my death right of course he didn't die in that battle but the point being now this is also a genius here right look at how he's thinking that when the process and impose him instantaneously he thinks of a plot basically to kiss the profitsystem to hug the profitsystem how else is he gonna do this so the professor made dua for him and asked allah azza wajal to bless him and again and again this obvious here I mean the ideal role model that was set by the Prophet SAW said I'm in the sight of allah subhana wa ta'ala when it comes to rights and privileges and wrongs and vol everybody is the same kings and the peasant they are all under the Sharia of allah subhana wa ta'ala and that is why the prophet system was so literal he said you know yes you're right I shouldn't have poked you without any reason that you're caused pain and what is this pain what is the Pope will let you do this we do much more to our kids and our loved ones every day right but the process erm said you're right and instantaneously he raised his shirt and this shows us his humility his humbleness it shows us that this is why our religion led the world for as long as it did that the leader and the led the ruler and those who were ruled they were all equivalent in the eyes of allah subhanho wa taala and we all know of the famous stories were sometimes even the ha'la'tha and when he went to the court he was judged as being wrong and the famous story of the Jew and the idea of Nepali where when Ali was taken to court the judge ruled against him right and Ali accepted that judgment and did you immediately accepted Islam and he said the this religion that causes a judge to judge against the hanifa has to be the religion of truth and this is why Islam was what it was once upon a time nonetheless so the profitsystem made dua for souad and continued continue to go down and making the rose straight as the Sun is rising and finally the two armies can see one another so we can say this is probably around 7:00 7:30 in the morning the Sun is just about rising here the Prophet SAW centum saw a man hastily running back and forth not running galloping on his camel and the lines of the whorish galloping back and forth in the lines of the boorish and the Prophet SAW said I'm said if there is any good in the Quraysh it is in that person and if they have any good in them they shall listen to him in another version he said if they listen to him they shall be successful they shall be good if they listen to him and he said to ideally i bethought him that Oh Ali call out to Hamza Hamza was standing right in the front call out to hamza and tell me who is that man and what is he saying so Allah gave him ye that that man is saying something good but he didn't tell him what so he told Ali to ask Hamza so Ali went and march forward and asked Hamza to find out who is that man and what is he saying so we infer from this that Allah told him that the man has some wise words and so the process him said if they listen to him they shall be good and who was this man and what was he say we'll talk about insha'Allah in a while also when the processor of solve of Quraysh once again he began to raise his hands to Allah and making dua to Allah against the harish and he said oh Allah this is the flourish they have come against you with their pride in their arrogance challenging you and rejecting your messenger o Allah your help that has been promised our law your help that has been promised our law your help that has been promised ie I want your help that has been promised how Allah caused them to be destroyed today so he continues to make dua even until the very last minute let's pause here go to the size of the haurache now so there's two things happening at the same time so let's pause here go to the side of the garage then come back to the side of the Muslims on the morning of the 17th as the two armies are facing one another the Quraysh has come late last night so they don't really know who they're facing meaning decides the quantity right they're still uncertain and so they send right after Federer most likely when the Sun is or maybe even at dawn we don't know an exact time but before the armies began to meet they sent their most experienced Scout his name is Romain Evan Wahab l-jamaa hey Romain ib'n wa l-jamaa he he they send their most experienced Scout to go find out how large is the army of the Muslims and so ma goes far and wide maybe even circles around but he goes around the plains of butter alone to get an estimation of how large the Muslims are and when he came back he told the Quraysh they are around 300 that's pretty precise there around 300 plus or minus some but I feel that this is a huge catastrophe about to happen they didn't ask his opinion but he offering his opinion I feel there is a huge catastrophe about to happen young men of yet Philip charged eager enthusiastic young men of Yathrib waiting to inflict death a group of people who have no help other than their swords they don't have armor they don't have battalions they don't have too many Spears they don't have too many javelins they don't have too many bows and arrows they literally came as an expedition with their swords they're not armed to the hilt and so when you're not armed and you're facing an enemy what does that cause you desperation and cause you to fight much more than you would fight otherwise so I'm saying I'm seeing these young men and they only have their swords they're gonna be very desperate by Allah I don't think that you will be able to kill anyone amongst them until they kill at least one of you you're not gonna kill anyone unless they kill one first amongst you and if 300 of you die then what pleasure will you gain for front for winning if one-third of you die what's the point of this battle now do as you please so Romeo gave him his advice and it was an honest assessment that the court that the Muslims did not have weaponry they didn't have horses they didn't have armor they only had their fighting swords but they had a determination that you guys don't have I sense in them fear not fear sorry I sense in them was what's the good word here bravery not fear I sense in them determination is a good warrior I sense in them determination that even if you kill them they will kill an equivalent number of you 300 of you will die before you're able to get them so what's the point of returning back to Makkah when your brother your cousin your father when one of you is going to be dead one out of every three of you will be dead and abu jahal said we didn't ask for your advice we just wanted the quantity of you we didn't ask for advice who are you to tell us what to do another person who's strongly opposed to the war so now that they're actually facing the army still there are people who don't want to fight we've already mentioned in our last lesson that more than one-third of the Haresh has already returned right when they found out that the caravan Abu Sufyan was safe more than 300 people returned of different tribes so there's already a a dispute we're ready and that Omega roots but they didn't want to go that Abu jihad had enticed them and said look let's just camp at better and sing for three days and get drunk for three days and let the people hear that we're not scared of anybody so there's talk of war but there's still hope there's not gonna be a battle that's the position right now another person therefore who's stopping the battle is Hakim even his am Hakim him in his am Hakim even Azam his son was a Sahabi and his son was on the other side his name even Hakeem so don't get confused Hakeem even his M so the Sahaba is his am even Hakeem even his am so the father grandfather sorry the son and the grandson Herman are the same name so don't get confused the father's on this side the son was on that side Hakeem Urbanism Hakeem even Azam did not want war as well and he went to Earth by Abner Rabia which we have no Robbie ah who has been not wanting war from day one hurt women arabiya who's basically tried his best that the Quraysh never fight and Ruth BA who has been grudgingly coming to the army he did not want to be here and so he goes to roots but why does it go to him because he knows earth was not eager for war and so he goes to root Eva and he encourages him to mediate a truce how can you make sure there's no battle today and so Hakeem asks Ultima that why don't you take on the Blood Money of the autonomy I'm gonna how the Rami paused here I'm gonna lobotomy he was killed in the city at the Nakhla if you remember he was killed in the cherem right I showed Jeremy Italian feet remember that Cydia where six of the Sahaba they didn't know what to do and then they decided to launch an offensive one person was killed this is Alejandro me and they were his name is Alejandra me and they were hyping this up a lot and they were saying these are the people who killed our army and we have to revenge the blood of held army and they attacked al he'll throw me in the harem during the harem in the same area of the harem right so they're making a big deal well I we find the same types of sloganeering to this day that these are the people who did this and who did that and they don't see what they themselves have done the same type of one-sidedness right always we see this so the four I show doing the same thing that people who have killed on hanami and they're making a very big deal of autonomy so there's blood now in the air people want revenge for hanami like we have to defend our wounded in our fallen we hear the same cried to this day no matter what it means we have to defend and how the Romi's honor even though maybe before the holiday me might be unknown right but still now he becomes a hero so Elizabeth said that okay earth was a rich man he's a noble man alright versed okay fine if this is what's gonna prevent bloodshed I shall pay the blood-money of the autonomy I will give it from my own pocket that's a lot of money right I will give the blood money you all know blood money we don't have to go over blood money huh when somebody's killed or dies you play you pay blood money and blood money is supposed to begin by those who killed but then if somebody else gives it for peace this was accepted by Islam and by the chorus before this was accepted for peace if you give the blood money then you're not supposed to fight so roots bar says I will give the blood money and he made a speech to the relatives of al-haram II the extended relatives about Hal Dada me saying that look I will give the blood money stop chanting his name basically stop making him to be the cause however when the news of this reached Abu jahil he flipped out basically he flipped out before we talked we John I forgot so hey Sam hey Sam sorry Hakeem Urbanism I'm getting Hakeem himself said take the advice of this man take the advice of this man and it was at this time when I wrote I said if somebody accuses you of cowardice this is when he said this now if somebody accuses you of cowardice then mention my name and tell them that a route became a coward route I became a coward that you wanted to fight and I was the one that was leader he's the elder he's a senior and he said I was the one who became scared go ahead and say that as long as it's going to avoid bloodshed even though you know he has to defend his honor even though you know I'm not a coward he's not a coward everybody knows he's not a coward but he says if somebody then blames you you were cowards for not fighting mention my name and say you were in cowards I became cowardly and you didn't right because of me for by Allah what will you gain by fighting this man if you're able to defeat him you will be killing your own father your own cousin your own nephew your own blood and again this was unprecedented in Arabia never did one tribe kill a member of their own tribe this is the gang mentality how would you like it he said how would you like it that you are amongst the murderers of your own nephews and uncles in size meaning even if you don't kill him somebody in your side of the army will kill your father will kill your son will kill your your brother how will you like it to see somebody who killed your own brother now he's evoking jahiliyyah here he's evoking jahiliyya here that nobody could stand his tribe being murdered now you're saying that you're gonna be murdering yourselves and even if you physically don't kill your own relative somebody will end up killing and that somebody is on your side how can you live in peace in Mecca with this man who killed your own brother so let us return and let us leave Muhammad and his companions to the rest of the Arabs and then he gave a very profound point if they take care of him if they overcome him this is what you want it won't be at our hands and if it is the other case meaning he overcomes them then surely in his is ours as well meaning isn't he a Quraysh in the end of the day and if he wins over then this is for our good as well right and you will have an excuse that he will forgive you if he were to ever conquer McKenna imagine some Hanalei he's thinking all of these steps ahead that if Mohammad Ahsan is successful then hamdulillah that's what you want for your own tribe to be successful and when he comes back to Mecca you can remind him look we didn't fight you that day so forgive us even though he was gonna forgive them anyway as we know and if he's not successful let the Arabs other Arabs deal with him so this was when he was on his camel and he was going back and forth and that is what the process of missing on the other side and so he's saying if they have any good they will listen to the man on the right camel this is the parable of the man on the right Kamel this is the man who has some sense in him so when he is going back and forth Hakim is so happy that finally this blood money will be paid that Hakim himself rushes to Abuja and he says o Abu jahil roots ba has agreed to pay the blood-money of the hub Rami and so let us avoid this bloodshed and so Abu jahil mocked Hakim and he said o Hakim didn't Ultima find any messenger other than you meaning messenger means you're a slave now that you're a servant of a route by now didn't he find any slave any messenger other than you and so Hakim said I am NOT a messenger to him but this is basically my message as well meaning I want this as well he so who jihad is trying to put him down by saying are you now a carrier boy are you now a telegraph boy didn't define anybody other than you and so Hakim responds back well if you want to know I agree with this message that's why I am here I want I want no bloodshed as well and of course Hakim is also a noble Karachi as well and so when Abu jahil sees that two or three people are changing their minds Abu jahil goes to the blood brother of the hub Rami who was killed the blood brother not the extended family so this is the immediate one and he says will you be happy to take some gold for your blood for your for your brother have you like a no shame that you want to just have inside them now or before they change their mind and so this young man the hallo his brother the young man stood up and he gave a passionate talk about his brother and the death of his brother and how could they basically listen to this and Abu jahil at this point then said that orotava you have become a coward when you have seen the ranks of the Muslims this is what has caused your mind to to change now this is strange here are each by himself said call me a coward right when Abu jahil called him a coward he flipped even though he's saying you call me a coward I'll take it but I guess he didn't want Abu jahil to call him a kafir tried anybody but I would add when I would Jael called him a coward he said and there's he sent a bit of a derogatory derogatory phrase which I'm not gonna translate fully but he said to him that and he didn't speak to him directly he spoke to him in the third person said this person meaning Abu jahil who perfumes his behind with perfume of women so he's basically making very derogatory terms about him he accuses me of being a coward he shall see who the real coward is and thus saying he called his own brother and his own son to march out with him right then and there for the mobile ASSA in other words he acted emotionally and this led to his death what is the Mubarak we're gonna come to the one-on-one fighting what is the mobile oh that is the one-on-one fighting so when Abu jahil taunted him and said that looking at the army of the Muslims has made you a coward this made him so enraged he immediately told his brother and his son Al Waleed to come march with him and fight the the profitsystem and the Muslims the Maharaja three-two-three as we're going to come to now notice here as well that the prophet sallallaahu are you seldom praised the wisdom of atiba even though that wisdom was not coming from Islamic ideals what was it coming from jahiliyyah why didn't you want to fight the Muslims tribalism right it's not as if he's saying they are upon the truth and we were upon balton right he doesn't wanna fight because of tribalism but this ideal of his of not fighting is a good ideal and what he is saying makes a lot of sense how could you fight your own brother and your own cousin and then you go home and the murderers of your own brother will be your neighbor how could you do this I mean isn't this common sense right and so what we learn here and it's very relevant for us here in the world that we live in the world that we live in there are people that are defending ideals that might not be coming from Islam but those ideals are good and virtuous in and of themselves even if they're not coming from Islam whether it is freedom of other people whether it is the right for the government not to kill its own citizens you know whether it you get the pointer you know there's a lot going on in the in America today and there are many who are supporting causes that are not coming from the Sharia they're not coming from Colorado rasuluhu but those causes are causes that are just causes independent of it coming from the Sharia it's there just causes no government should kill its own people execute them without any trial no government should send you no drones and just fire upon civilians and there are many people in these lands that are opposed to these policies there's nothing wrong with us not just praising them but getting involved with them helping them out here is the process I'm saying if there's any wisdom in this whole home it's in that person they're said it's wisdom here's here he is saying if they have any good in them they listen to this man so their idol worshippers but they still have wisdom they still have good and listening to this good will bring about good in them right and therefore I'm home today I don't need to preach to you over here but sometimes there are still people who think that we should not get involved at all in the system there's still people say we should have nothing to do with this system because it's all corrupted and faulty and the fact of the matter is this is really not a very intelligent attitude and is gonna cause more long-term damage than good and so even though his ideals were coming from jahiliyyah still because those ideals were good the prophets ISM called it wise ideals and the shows us and the whole sierra shows this to us that a person can be good and bad at the same time a person can be an idol worshiper and still have principles that are worthy of admiration and respect and yes even support now as the Quraysh stem cells are lining up Abu jahil stands up and makes a dua to Allah loudly so that everybody hears him and subhanAllah notice on the one side the process of making duaa on the other side Abu jahil is making - abuja has stands up and makes dua to allah and he says and his door was completely against him even though he did not realize it he says o allah whichever of the two of these armies has brought more evil and whichever of these two has cut the ties of kinship and whichever has brought the more unknown doctrines the more strange ideas let them meet their death today and in all three of these counts Vijayan is more guilty than the Prophet SAW said I'm so the one who is bringing more evil the one who is cutting the ties of kinship Subhan Allah why are they fighting the process of cutting the ties of kinship right the one who's bringing the new doctrine the processor is bringing the doctrines Ibraheem he is the original doctrines the original doctors of the Arabs was to hate and Abu jihad is following the newer doctrine not the oldest doctrine and so Abu jahil makes Doha against himself and that is exactly what Allah says in the Quran in the safety roof ecology a community that if you are asking for victory too late the victory has already been given basically against you right in tests ft who hears Abu jahil you're asking for Fattah too late now the feta has already been decided and it's not going to go to your favor and the two armies are now facing one another and the prophets are some issues a command here that certain people should not be killed he says certain people should not be killed if you see them and he mentions in particular and a bus even Abdul Muttalib his own uncle and a bus and he also mentions Abu Bakr a double bow Torrey many things are narrated about him but one of the major things about I will book Torrey he was one of the most important people to break the boycott the boycott way way long ago and and he mentioned some others and he said all of these people they are fighting even though they don't want to their carry whom they have been forced to fight with the garage and they are not wanting to fight and this shows us that not all enemies are the same even those in an army some of them are better than others even those who are facing the Muslims who intending to kill them you never know somebody might not have that intention somebody might not have that full so the prophecies and because he knows because he's rasoolallah he knows there's an Abbas there's available story and there's others who don't need to be killed now we had mentioned that we had mentioned that Raja started the mobile Rosa what is a mobile Azza mobile as a means battle or championship if you like mobile Azza is an open bout between specific people and the way that the Arabs would have a war with the way that they would have a battle is that before the two armies actually engaged one another a few people would fight one-on-one with others typically some of the senior figures not the actual leader because that would be too demoralizing for any group but the second tier if you like right the second rank they would go out and they would fight one another in order to give some moral victory to one of the two sides to give them a boost so this was their style was called a MOBA Reza and of course you rouse up it says also you rouse up the the army you also have a whiff of blood here now that now you see somebody killed and you're supposed to either want to avenge or then if you if your side won then you want to go and attack and it was routes ba who was the one who started the mobile raza however there was an incident that occurred before this we don't know exactly when was whether it was the night before or whether it was early morning of the 17th the books of ceará don't mention but one person died the first in the whole two armies and this was a less what if nabbed and I said Alma Hozumi from the burn up that I said from the Makkah zoom from the Abu jahil trial that's what even abdun I said Alma Sumi and when they came to the the the battlefield and that's why it seems that this happened on the night of the 16th Allah knows best maybe it happened on the mother of time or something of the 16th when they came and they saw that all the water had been cut off right so they were expecting water they were expecting to get some water when they saw all the water cut off that's what said that I will be the one get some water for you or I will die trying I'm gonna make sure I cross the enemy lines get some water from one of the wells and bring it back for you and so he attempted to sneak into the decide where there were the wells and Hamza saw him and cut cut off his leg and then killed him before he reached the water and therefore he was true in what he said that I will either get water I shall die trying while he died trying and so he became the first person to be killed on the Battle of Verdun and that is s why they've nabbed I said L Masumi Allahu Alem what did this took place on the sixteenth night or on the 17th morning we don't seem to be able to verify however the first actual precursors the Battle of mother was the actual moba Reza and this was roots by Abner Rabia his younger brother che ba Abner Rabia and ruthless son al walid in rota so we have two elderly people maybe in their early 60s late 50s type and this is roots ba and his brother Shiva so Reutimann shave are the brothers and then roots buzz son well eat so what he did in roots ba his father and his uncle so this is all coming from the core of the Quraysh clan this is the cream of the Horesh clan but this is second tier abu jihad is first-year abu sufyan is first year how his parents course not here at but this is the first year urged by and shame but this is basically one level below them and this was Mubarak is done between these types of people so they marched forward with their swords to the middle of the ground and they shouted out who will come forth and battle us who will come forth and battle us immediately three of the Ansar stood up and they they were of epinephrine Mar with eben Afra and abdullah eben raha abdullah monroe has the one whom the angels did all sort of on that day we're going to talk about in your hood how often were out with eben a fr ah they were the ones who eventually killed Abuja Allah will talk about their story and they were both very young probably 17 or 16 years old and in their eagerness automatically they're the ones jumping up so as soon as route service says who will battle with us these three young men of the unsought and perhaps the unsought felt the need to prove themselves over the Krrish right so the cuz they're all from the unsolved the three of them they stood up and they said we will battle you so what I said who are you so they said well we are so so and so so and so and so in something so what I said we have no battle with you we have no problem with you we didn't come to fight you we don't know you people why should we fight you we are fighting our own blood again they're thinking pure jahiliya they really don't even see the point to fighting the unsought think about that right we don't even need to fight you guys why are you even here go back home basically right they don't understand the bonds of Iman they don't understand that Iman is stronger than blood so they're saying we don't need to fight you go back send us our own and then they called out wrote a book called out o Muhammad SAW Selim send us equals worthy of us our blood don't send us these on sorrow these yesterday bites send us some collages and as people worthy of us and the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa seldom was the one who himself assigned the three of them so he said stand up or obey the lebanon hadith and you o hamza and you OID so he sent three of the core of the Quraysh and when the three of them stood up rotifer said who are you so away they said this was a debate that that had this is far away they cannot recognize by my features right this is a way they've done hadith and Hamza son Hamza boggle taught him and he said Ali bin Abi Talib and so roots uber said noble noble adversaries common let us fight this is what we want to fight about noble adversaries come and let us fight and obey that was the oldest of them by the way who is this robe ADA this was our obey that a banal hadith even animal palate in the abdomen of ie Herve the email had it even a remote polyp not Abdul Muttalib well polyp is the brother of McCallum is the brother of no no Abdul Muttalib is called Abdul Mutallab because of this guy have you forgotten the story what is abnormal olives name saber saber white hair shaver right and Abdul Mutallab who's who rescued him from his Hall in Medina in Yathrib multiple I rescued him McCauley brought him back and one more pallet entered the city you're forgetting the story when Mutallab entered the city he had a young boy and he didn't want to tell the people that this is the son of this is the son of the son of his brother he didn't want to tell the people this why because he was still scared of the Awad the banana jar he was scared of them so they said is who is this is this your new slave and he said yes this is my new slave so Abdul Muttalib became Abdul Muttalib otherwise his name is shima so I've been multi-rib is called a ballute all because of this smoke pot it so Rho beta his grandfather is that mod panic what does that make him of the process his father's second cousin his father's second cousin right and he is the he's coming from the core he is coming from the core he's not been wash him by the way because Mokpo Abe's brother was Hashim Abdul Mutallab Leoben Hashem he's not banu hashim he is born abdomen of clear so he's one of the seniors of the borough abdomen of not of the banu hashim but still they're all cholesterol Krrish so he says nobody I'm not hurt and he was the eldest he was the oldest amongst them and obey des is the oldest so he automatically goes towards route IVA and rota is the oldest amongst them right and hamza who is the middle he goes to routes buzz younger brother and that is Scheib so hamza is the middle aged one and he goes to shaver the middle aged one and then of course the two youngsters are highly on the one hand and Alwaleed of an Earthman on the other right so automatically each one goes to somebody who's worthy of the opponent and of course common senses no need to by the way some of the books of hadith mentioned changes around here but this is even as Hawks pairing and honestly is the only logical pairing right it's the only logical pairing that each one is by age and this is what we expect is common sense that everyone will find signs find somebody for his own age group and it is said that both hamza and ali the younger of the two both hams and ali instantaneously pounced on their opponents and they were able to kill them without a single injury to themselves details are not mentioned all we know is that both hams and ali they exchanged some blows but no blow was able to come on them and they managed to kill their opponents and as for as for Aveda olveda rotifer managed to slice his leg off in the battle he managed to slice his leg off obey the fell down and roots bow was about to kill him but by that time both hams and ali had finished off the other two and so they came to the rescue of of veda and so they managed to kill each other and so the father the son and the uncle or the brother if you like all three them died all because of what all because of what because he was insulted that Abu jahil called him a coward think about how foolish that is he was insulted that Abu jahil called him a coward and subhanAllah look at a Las other these were not the worst of the caleche neither were they the best they were not the worst of the Quraysh but their Hamidah their tribalism there there what do you want when you were to call it I guess basically the the arrogance of just look my tribe right my tribe whatever is my tribe that is what is going to be done just because of this even though OTA was not one who wanted to fight but when your morals are not based upon Quran and Sunnah when your mores are stemming from anything else even if they have some wisdom they're also going to have some faults in them and so in the end all three lost their lives because of Mamiya because of overheated if you like paganism and Allah references this in the Quran according to many tips years scholars of tafseer in surah al-hajj verse 19 and throughout the hajj verse 19 Allah says had an in-house man as a movie Rob be him Havana costs money in a Saw movie Rob be him these are the two people who are arguing they're arguing about their Lord according to the majority of the scholars of tafseer had any host Manasseh Mafia Rob be him is a revelation regarding these two Mubarak says basically that one group has one position about their Lord another group has another position about their Lord and Ali bin Abi Talib used to say that I will be the first person who will if Tassimo means they're gonna argue in front of their Lord I will be the first person will argue on yomel camera because I was the one who is the first to kill on butter and this ayah came down about me and so this is one interpretation of surah al-hajj verse 19 Surat al Hajj verse 19 so the mobile have proved to be a big by the way our Veda was carried on the shoulders of ali and hamza and he died a few days later from the effects of the wounds because his whole leg was cut off and they were not able to stop and cure that or stop the bleeding and he was an elderly man as it is and so he became an aftereffect Shaheed not in the battle not in the battle but because of the wounds of the battle he eventually died a few days after this so this was a big morale boost to the Muslims that it appeared that all three of their people came back safe and all three of the Quraysh had died and of course this was just the the initial victory this was the appetizer that Allah gave to the Muslims that eventually the whole victory would be theirs and it is narrated in Shia Muslim that when the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa seldom who was lining up the army he once again turned to face the qibla and he raised his hands up to the skies and he started making dua to allah azza wajal oh allah fulfill your promise to me oh allah give me what you had promised oh allah if this group is destroyed you shall not be worshipped on earth the same day he is making he was making the last night and he raised his hands completely to the skies ie not just over here he raised his hands completely to the skies and this is one of the three postures that we learned from the Sunnah about how to make duaa the most common posture is to put your hands out like this straight out like this it is the most common posture right and I have said many many times the palms have to be out words and not in words this is the biggest mistake people make is they make it in words and you of the process and explicitly said do not ask Allah from the backs of your palms ask Allah from the inside of your palms we don't ask a lot like this we ask a lot like this the palms have to be open this is the most common way sometimes the process one would make duaa by simply raising a finger by simply raising a finger and this is especially for vicar or Stefan stock for Allah stuff for a lot of stuff for Allah he would just raise a finger so this too is allowed for du'a and Vicker and very rarely very rarely he would raise his hands all the way up to the heavens all the way up and when you raise your hands up you don't have your palms facing down you literally have them facing up like this so the palms are now facing outwards and up not you cannot do this and go upright so he would have his hands up and the palms are again out because you always call out the outward of your palms so your hands are facing up and you're making dua to allah subhanho wa taala and on this occasion it is also allowed to raise your head up to the heavens as well otherwise in sana you never raise your eyes up in sana you never raise your eyes but at times of extreme problem extreme distress then the processor would literally raise his head to the heavens and his hands up to the heavens like this making dua to allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala and he kept on making dua and he kept on making dois until so much so that and he's oblivious to everything around him that his rIDOT his upper garment it falls out and he is standing there bare-chested nothing on his chest he just has his is AO his lower garment on and his whole chest is open and he's making dua and he's oblivious that his Rita has fallen down and so at this abu bakr radiyaallahu and he picked up he stood down he stooped down picked up the is out and he wrapped it around the process and when he hugged him from behind and he said enough fear of soul Allah enough your Lord will give you as you have promised your Lord will give you as you have promised and it was at this time now Hannah over here we notice a very profound or very beautiful point here and that is that the prophets asana and Abu Bakr are perfecting two different emotions both of which should be present in the believers the process them is perfecting the emotion of fear and Abu Bakr is perfecting the emotion of Hope now we have said so many times hope and fear are both essential hope and fear are both essential in the heart of the believer and you have to have both and each one has a time where it deserves to be more than the other at this point in time the prophet's asanam had more fear in his heart that i will do i will not be accepted and abu bakr had more hope and at this point in time even though both are necessary of course fear is more appropriate because you're facing the army this is the time where everything will be manifested and so even in this the process I'm of course and he's a Rasul Abu Bakr his second always al-bakr is manifesting hope and the process M is perfecting the emotion of fear and so he hugged the process from the back he put the is out on he lowered the hands and he said enough e rasool allah your lord will give you as you have promised and he had barely said this when the profitsystem went into his trance which means that Y is coming right so literally as soon as he lowers his hands a las response comes right and this goes back to the hadith and Abu Daoud that the Prophet SAW sirum said that when Allah servant raises his hands up Allah is embarrassed that those hands come back without putting something in them but Allah is embarrassed the word used is high e shy Allah is shy you know just like when a beggar comes to one of us he keeps on begging you just feel shy come on you let me just give him something right and a lot when he let him I thought either to Allah belongs the more perfect example if any one of us with nobility feel shy when somebody comes and asked and asked and asked how about Allah Azza WA JAL how perfect is his nature and how about His Messenger is doing the asking right how about Rasool Allah system is doing the asking how can those hands come back without giving him something so barely has those hands come down except that Javeed comes with his wife and the way he basically he closes his eyes he peers tents you can see that Y is coming and then when the wahi is lifted even Masood said he turned around and it was as if his face was the moon Kanoa jahal camara land and when he when the Y is now lifted whatever news is happening it has made him so happy that is his face is now like the moon and he tells abu bakr Obsidian Abubakr you're telling me to calm down I'm telling you be happy obsidian Abubakr for indeed the help of Allah Azza WA JAL has come the help of Allah Azza WA JAL has come this is Jibril he's pointing now this is Jibril he has worn his turban and he's holding on to the straps of his horse guiding it through the valley and Allah revealed in the Quran that that when you asked allah azza wajal i shall help you be elfin Mennella make america demons and i shall send a thousand angels for your help and one for every one of them they have a thousand i'll send a thousand and one angel could have taken care of all of them but allah azza what you're saying don't worry when you are asking for help i will send down one thousand angels to help you out and the profitsystem began reciting say you resemble general while you were Luna do boar say you who someone general while you were Luna do boar this is of course which surah so it will come up so it's a comma that says I'm a general way you a Luna a double and Ramona bro hatov said when he heard this verse he said I never understood this verse until the process and recited it on the morning of better what does it mean sir madam are you a lunatic groups shall be defeated and they will turn their backs and flee say you some will jammer the jammer will be defeated while you were Luna d'hubert they're gonna turn around and run away no more said I used to ask myself which group is this where will they turn their backs and when the process and recited in on the morning of button I knew this group will be defeated and they will turn their backs and they shall flee and shall at the time is I think we cannot start the next will just mention one thing that one incident and then we have to start the details of the particular battles that the prophet saw some then stooped down picked up some rocks and pebbles and he threw it towards the direction of the Quraysh and he said shahe telugu Jew shahe Telugu shahe till wooju made these faces be cursed may these faces be cursed and every single person in the army of the Quraysh felt blinded they got something in their eye they got something in their nostrils even though it was one one throw that the process of them did and it was literally maybe half a mouth or something away you could you know physically it's not going to go there but allah subhanho wa taala caused it to go to every one of the chorus they were blinded by this and a la references this in the Quran why Muhammad is Ramat aware I can ilaha rama that when you through you did not throw but Allah through his beautiful verse right when you through you did not throw but Allah through in other words you did throw but you wasn't you that was throwing it was Allah who was throwing one Muhammad a durometer moroccan ilaha Rama and every single member of the Quraysh army they they felt themselves blinded they had to cover up themselves they had to basically clean their nose and their eyes again and of course after this the actual battle began inshallah we will do that they denied Allah next Wednesday and before open the floor for question reminded to myself in all of you as you all know that tomorrow is the day of Arafah and inshallah we should all be fasting on the day of Arafah the Prophet SAW senem gave those blessings of the day of Arafah that he gave to no other day of the year and subhanAllah if lailatul other has been hidden in the wisdom of Allah the day of Arafah is very crystal clear which one it is and if we have to search for ten nights for data to other alhamdulillah we know that the ten days of the Hagia where they are and what is the king of these ten days of the Hagia and that will be tomorrow and it is authentically narrated that many of the Sahaba and tagged Arun and Tabitha burn many many stories that if they were not of course if we were at Hodgdon we have a whole different talk to give and may Allah protect those who are at hyejin except their doors and except their troubles and tribulations and cause them to come back safe and sound and have their sins forgiven and may the people of hide remember those who didn't go for Hajj as well and shada that's a sincere that we make as well so because we are of those who are not at hatch some of those who would not go to Hajj it is authentically narrated that they would spend the day of the ninth as much as possible in doha and in vicar and one of them said that if I am NOT there in body and shall I hope to be there in spirit and soul that today is the day that Allah is giving all of these Baraka and so if I and he would spend the day in the Masjid this tobira spend the day in the message and he would say if I'm not there in my body and sha'lame my jaws be like there do us and we know that as my mattock mentions is mapa that never is Shaitaan more humiliated than he is on the day of Arafah because of what he sees of the mercy of Allah coming down and so if this is the case of course at a lava we are not there still tomorrow should be a day that we should try our best to have extra dhikr extra bad extra dua do what we can to come close to a lot and of course most importantly as well as to do the the the fasting on the day of Arafah also by the way on the day of Arafah tomorrow we begin the takbir lot for those who are not in Hajj so we begin the Tech Bharat from the federer of Arafah and so after these every Salah we should be saying that a caveat outlined the tech we ought to read the same thing we ought to read for the evil of the hab they go on the ninth and the tenth and the eleventh and then the twelve to us at a time that is when they stop right you should all know this now 12,000 is when they stop and then at moderate we don't do the tech Bharat so we will start the tech Bharat after every Salah ever even if you're alone when you're in the house you just say the technorati after every Salah from tomorrow we start on the day of Arafah and then of course announcement for there either as you all know is in the Convention Center at 9:00 a.m. and it's Friday it's gonna be jam-packed it's a regular work day so please try to get there by 8:45 or 8:40 or something it's gonna be a long line for parking you all know that so we're also gonna try to expedite the process but you know how it goes we're gonna play it by ear but we understand a lot of people have to go back to work so we cannot delay it too late that's what I'm trying to say right no doubt will not gonna start exactly at 9:00 but I mean we're not gonna go too late because we have to make sure that people get to work also you need volunteers banco still or yes so after Maghrib tomorrow we're gonna have if thought over here inshallah potluck dinner so don't show up except if you cannot if you cannot bring food bring your doors just bring your cell but it's potluck dinner so try to think of varieties of dishes and shadow and bismillah let's have if thought here tomorrow and then from after Maghrib if you can spare an hour to a brother bond needs your help to set up and make the convention center prepared for the eat soda and shell of data we have a few questions a child of Allah so the Prophet SAW sternum once had only one time in his life he had even Jamaat on the same day he had read on Juma and so he said in hospital read that whoever has prayed to eat with us does not need to come for jhamora but we are having jhamora here meaning in the masjid so if a person tray is read the fold of Juma is lifted if he comes it's good and the community must have Juma so every Masjid will have Jamaat the father of Juma is lifted but if he doesn't pray Gemara he must pray the whole in its place okay so it is not followed to come for jhamora on the day of read if you have prayed read the read prayer clear okay and if you prayed you more than alhamdulillah okay yes lining every month in tragedy how much of a role did thumbs up there was experienced in work barricade so the question is how much of a role did happens to play in the assigning of tasks and roles again our big problem is the bulk of these incidents are not mentioned and believe me I have scoured the books and tried my best to get as many incidents and there's also entire dissertations written about butter and about ahead and about so I literally have PhDs and master's dissertations just about every battle right so people have spent five years you know literally just scouring everything and I have rounded up most of these dissertations at home so I go through these and I go and unfortunately we don't have that many do why I mean as it is can you imagine any incident how much can you record of it as I have said many times you know how much can you actually record of it so also when the profitsystem is there you want to record what he's doing so we don't really have I mean it's amazing we actually have the amount of details we do about what's happening inside of the Haresh it's amazing we actually have this because some of those converted to Islam later on so they're telling us what happened it's actually a blessing from Allah that we have what happened otherwise who would know what's happening in the side of the horrorshow sadly no we don't know what role hams a plate in the preparation Allah knows best yes the the Farley had not yet been revealed the far Lea had not yet been revealed it was just about to be revealed and this was the the the second year of the Hegira and remember the first year of the hitters when they actually did the hit I remember there's no zero remember he won and calendars there's no zero right and so this is like the first full year that is coming upon them the actual timing of the revelation of Siam seems to have been right after the Battle of butter it seems to have been and also remember that the first year of ramadan allah azza wajal allowed those who were able to give a fidya every day remember this asserted baqara right video to Thomas King that if you had the money it wasn't that fault there was much more lakhs whereas the new year after that famine shahida minkumu sh-shahra falyasumhu' that's when it became so again all of the laws came down gradually so Allah knows best we don't have an exact date when the sium was revealed we don't have but because of the fact that there's no mention whatsoever of the fasting at this time what people have inferred is that the revelation to fast came down a clava means right after the Battle of Badr and this fits in perfectly to surat al-baqara overall that most of bacala came down in fact all the bucket I came down except for the last ayah that I had to Dana in that but not pretty much all the bucket I came down the first year and a half after the hit all right so baccarat is the earliest Medini revelation so some of the revelations are right before better such as the change of Qibla and some of the revelations are during a budget there's wanted to I at the reference weather and then some of them are right after brother so we can say that the fasting Allahu Alem is right after the incident of it but there's no exact date so Allah knows best any question from the sisters before we break okay okay to ask we suggested to do something libera and it failed and he said that tomorrow moon the moon really happened so that says no wood now in or surely I can he be I wished it is impossible for them so this is a deep question and it's not easy to answer and every myth have has positions about this and this is a topic of a Sulha felt the question the brothers asking is can the profitsystem have a personal opinion in matters of the Sharia he clearly can have a personal opinion in matters not related to Sharia for example where to put the army this is a personal opinion matters not related to the Sharia can he have personal opinions and matters related to the Sharia the strongest opinion seems to be that allah azza wajal gave him the authority to have such opinions and if allah as though a judge did not want to agree with that position he then revealed why had to change it so Allah gave him the authority to legislate Sharia upon us and that authority is binding by Allah is command were in Tokyo who taught ado if you obey Him you will be guided right examples of this he changed his mind apparently sometimes not because Allah told him to but he felt it was okay and the fact that allah azza wajal allowed him to do this clearly says and tells us that al rasulallah salamu scher-air the prophets asylum is somebody whom allah has allowed to propagate sharia a classic example of this is where is the issue of men visiting graves issue of men visiting graves the professor sinem prohibited men from visiting graves and then he wanted to visit his mother's grave and so he asked allah permission so he initially thought that we should not go to graveyards this is his own position and he knows his his position and he makes it binding on the ummah and the ummah follows him so the only time you enter a graveyard is to bury somebody you go bury somebody you get out that's it so graveyards are abandoned then he wanted to visit amina and so he asked allah permission to visit amina and Allah gave him permission to visit Amina and that's the famous hadith he went and he cried and then he said that kun to when he took a man's ear attackable come to nahi to come and say I used to forbid you for visiting graves but I wanted to visit my mother I'm in his grave and Allah had allowed me to visit graves and then he himself was crying so much so then he said so go and visit graves because it reminds you of death so it's as if he himself saw a wisdom and visiting graves reminds you of death and he said go ahead and visit graves right the key point here is that nobody should say that well then this means we don't know what is from Allah what is from the processor because in the end of the day we don't care Allah has commanded us to follow the process of them so if allah azza wajal did not agree with the decision he would reveal why for it as we know in the case of the prisoners about it for example right if allah azzawajal did not agree with something he would then reveal something for it so the fact that Allah does not reveal anything means that whatever the processer have said is binding no but this the the point is still there that if Allah Azza WA JAL did not agree with any decision he would reveal why I agree with you there's no two situations are exactly the same but the point being if the prophecies I made h t hat about anything and allah azza wajal did not agree with it for whatever reason he would intervene and send what I don't that's what I'm saying and so when it comes to the Shetty huh everything the profitsystem says and tells us to do is sharia and we don't care whether allah specifically told him this ruling or not because allah chose him to be our Rasul and Allah chose him to be our role model and so everything he does and says becomes binding upon us that's what the purpose of Rasul Allah is that's what that's what Allah that is what a messenger is Lamar's animal Rasul Allah Lyoto Abby even Allah every messenger has been censored that he is obeyed by his people undisputed obedience right yeah that's the point one in total you would have to do only by giving it all to him will you be rightly guided okay that fella what a beacon are you mean you'd know by your Lord Allah make us and by the rub of Muhammad notice he didn't have to say what a beaker he could have said for now a lie fallow Arabic gave custom by the rod of Mohammed Salim to show that relationship right now you mean oh they don't have a man Hector you hacked EMU cafeé mashallah venom until they take you as their hakham what is Haqq Amin ultimate judge right about any dispute that they have had to argue a chemical message or a gnome some Malaya Judah fearfully Maharaja mimic abide and then they don't have something in their hearts against what you have said while you sell limit as Lima and they submit wholeheartedly you can't even in your heart feel why did the process undo that think about that right idea as a possibility that he might have he might be wrong you didn't hear me clearly if his HD had was not agreed by Allah what did Allah do he can reveal something yeah he's and so-and-so yeah but in his own lifetime is gonna come down that's why the Shetty I did go through some fine-tuning and his own lifetime is gonna come down and there are many instances of commands being back and forth again I don't go into dispute here but according to one opinion muta was forbidden twice and allow twice back and forth and back and forth right another opinion says that lamella donkeys a little bit all that was also forbidden twice and allowed twice that there is some fine-tuning going on and there are other opinions as well sometimes somebody suggested something to the process in him and a lot as though to reveal something because of that suggestion I was coming from a lot as I waited but the suggestion came from another companion I mean classic example is a job Omar was the one who said yah Rasool Allah shouldn't you know your wives and women be wearing the hijab and Allah Azza WA JAL then revealed and so Roma used to you'd be proud and say wow honey rob-beee or sorry wife after a beefy therethe right that I agree with my lord in three things so you're opening up a door which could be very complicated but there's no need to I understand it is very easy the bottom line is whatever the Prophet SAS Adam says is Chetty as long as there's nothing that he himself does that goes against that that's the bottom line and this is all of the foci basically say this all of the Fatah so the issue is more theoretical can the process and have independent HT had its theoretical even if he did you have to follow it and he that he did the strongest position is he did he has it she has yes but you have you're obliged to follow it this is the strongest position and Allah knows best - Allah we will continue next Wednesday with each other you
Channel: Memphis Islamic Center (MIC)
Views: 86,757
Rating: 4.7754869 out of 5
Keywords: 2012, 10, 24, Seerah, Badr, part, 3
Id: bSMJ0acRm0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 41sec (5861 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 07 2012
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