Seerah of Prophet Muhammed 21 - Night Journey & Ascension to Heavens 1 - Yasir Qadhi | January 2012

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alhamdulillah salat wa salam ala rasulillah ala aalihi wa sahbihi woman wala I'm a bird before we began do the sisters want the lights on or off how do you like it on or off off okay some people want it on okay inshallah time inshallah so last week we had discussed in a lot of detail the incident of thought if the incident of thought if how we have mentioned many of the wisdoms the blessings the hidden wisdoms that allah subhana wa ta'ala conferred upon the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam and it is because of these incidents the death of Khadijah and the death of Abu Talib and the incident of thought if that the entire year was called an illusion or the year of sorrow now as we have said many times before and the whole but I gave a few weeks ago as well a la semana whatta Allah has promised for in a serious run in the master you saw allah subhan thought has promised that he's never going to test or try us except that there will always be ease along with and also after that trial right and Allah subhana WA Ta'ala has told us that those who are patient will taste the fruits of their patience and therefore after the lowest downs if you like in the life of the process and the most traumatic incidents in the life of the prophets asylum it was only natural that the prophets awesome would then be gifted by one of the all-time highs and in some ways and in some ways this is the all-time high in some ways because of course there are many multiple victories of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa seldom so after all of these personal losses and griefs and encounters allah subhana wa ta'ala blessed him with one of the greatest miracles in fact some scholars have said this is the greatest miracle that the Prophet system has been given personally not the miracle to his OMA his personal miracle and that is the incident of Alisa Wilma Raj the incident of Alice travel Mirage and this incident Allah subhana WA Ta'ala has referenced it twice in the Quran once he has referenced the Islam and in another verse he has referenced the Mirage right so what is the is Iran what is the Mirage the word is Salah means to travel at night this is the linguist bina the meaning of the word Islam to travel at night and therefore Allah means the travel that occurred at night there's a specific travel that occurred at night and of course in Islamic terminology or in ceará terminology al Asiri means the night journey that the prophet saw some undertook from Mecca to Jerusalem this is a Lazaro el Mirage Mirage actually means the if you like item or the mechanism of rising up high el Mirage and I was named IFTA which is the allah for those who understand sort of al-mi'raj is the instrument that you use to rise up okay there is a mechanism of rising up this mechanism call it a lift called it an elevator right call it some type of spiritual creation of Allah that causes a person to ascend up this apparatus is called El Mirage from a lodger which means to rise up from a larger which means to rise up so El Mirage that which causes you to rise up so El Mirage is the actual apparatus but we refer to it as the actual ascension not the apparatus but what the process of them did and that is to rise up to the heavens and so an islam from mecca to jerusalem el mirage from jerusalem to the heavens so when it's allah is one journey that is on earth this is a journey that happened on this earth and Miraj is a journey that has nothing to do with this world because it is an ascension it is going up to the heavens and this journey as we said is referenced both the Israel and the Mirage and two separate sutras reference them as for the s Allah Allah subhana WA Ta'ala revealed an entire surah and the surah is called Surat al Asiri Surat Annisa and the surah begins by the famous phrase super Hanna levy a strawberry hill LM mean al-masjid-al-haram e ll Masjid El Arco saw a lady Barack anahulu who linaria whom in a attina in know who was Samira you see Allah is saying that he is worthy of being praised subhana so Hannah means exalted so Hannah means free of imperfection so Hannah means he has no evil no defect this is what some Hannah means so we say subhana levy all glory be to the one why should glory be to him what is the reason why glory is to him because he blessed his servant with the miraculous journey in other words Allah is saying that he is worthy of being praised because of this journey he is worthy of being venerated because of this journey he is worthy of being this VA because of this journey that's how important how miraculous how grand the journey is that Allah is being praised because of it Subhan Allah the asabi Abdi Subhan Allah the one who took his servant and hear the word AB is the highest praise that Allah has given to our prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam because when Allah says in the Quran that I have created men and jinn for no other reason except to worship Me Budhia right this is why I have created managing so when our prophecies being called AB what AB here means is the perfect worshipper from robada right the perfect worshipper so no one has perfected the worship of Allah or the purpose of creation like our Prophet SAW saw them and therefore is even Tamiya says that Allah Azza WA JAL generally calls our prophet SAS on him not by his name but by his title to show his honor and rank because when you call somebody by name of course that's okay but when you call somebody by title that is even more that is even more honorable right to call somebody by title that's why even in even in America when we need somebody uh you know mr. president or mr. senator right or mean ambassador your excellency we don't mention names because there is a title that is given a much less in Arab and Muslim nas Marshall oh we have plenty of royalty there you know hadith what a holler so we have plenty of Highnesses and princes and whatnot so we refer to them and this is the culture of of mankind allah subhanho wa taala refers to our prophet SAS and sometimes by name sometimes rarely right generally in the Kadima the Shahada mohammed ur rasoolallah right mohammed ur rasoolallah twice allah says this in the quran but more often than his name Allah refers to him by his title and that is Abdullah it's not a name Abdullah is not a proper noun it is an adjective it's a description that our prophets asanam is the one who has perfected the worship of Allah one am a comma Abdullah meaning the prophecies and one the process from stood up some handle Adia surah the IBD he alhamdulillah and another Albee D Hilke tab Allah praises himself because he has done something for to the profitsystem alhamdulillah Allah Deion's ala ala al burdy Hilke tab all praise be to Allah who has sent the book to his Abbot so hannelius Robby al burdy he Leyland all praise be to Allah or may Allah be exalted because he has taken his abs in one night leyland mean l masjid al-haram e it'll mess toodle-oo I saw from the Masjid al-haram in Mecca to the Masjid El Arco saw in Jerusalem a lady Barack and a hala who this Jerusalem Allah saying we have blessed the land around it a lady Barack Mahalo Leonor Yahoo min aya Tina in this verse Allah tells us why Israel Mirage why what's the wisdom Allah says so that we may show him of our wondrous miracles you Nadia who singular the entire journey of allah SWA is meant for Rasulullah solar seldom the entire journey of allah is meant for us all awesome and that's why for us we simply have to believe we didn't experience it we don't we haven't seen it happen right we simply have to believe that it happened who was it for it was for rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa send them and in surah and so this is the islam as for the maharaj where does all the reference the mirage surah Tanuja m-- not saluting me i was thinking somebody with a suit in my garage it's not referenced over there saluton nijem so the Tanuja allah references the maharaj and Allah subhana WA Ta'ala says Mahadev alpha ado Moriah that the the chest is not lying the heart is not lying when it narrates what he saw he's not saying telling you a lie Makarova Damara fa2 meruna who either my era are you gonna doubt what he saw a Fatima do Nevada my aura wallop adhara ah who knows that an aura in the Sidra till moon to her in the agenda to Magua and indeed he saw him for a second time we'll talk about this what is this reference here he saw him at the Sidra till moon taaha what is he said that the muntaha will get to that idiocy Jeremiah Massa Alba selamat Allah the eyes did not go beyond their mark they didn't blink they didn't become scared ie the process and engaged with bravery the process and I'm talking all of these sites that he saw massive Albus or Watauga laka Dora I mean IIT rugby Hill kübra he saw of the miraculous signs of his Lord notice laka Dora I mean I a terrible Cobra linear human ayat in al-kubra you see the parallel right in Alistair and in nijem the exact same phrases or roughly the same right Lemuria human ayat in al-kubra so that we can show him of our magnificent science and in surah tell Ezra Allah says and indeed he saw of his lawyers magnificent signs boats auras mentioned Israel will merge with one reason and that is to show our prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the Magnificent signs of allah jalla jalaluhu therefore the entire journey a visceral Mirage was a personal gift to rasulullah saaw sanim it's a personal gift this is yours for you we just hear about it we're not even we're just we're not even witnesses right we're just hearing about it as a blessing to rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and the timing here is perfect because we already said allah never tries a person and that person is patient except that Allah rewards him Allah never tests a person and that person passes the test except that he faces the fruits of that test immediately now the journey of the destroy Mirage is a little bit problematic from an academic perspective for many reasons realize my dear brothers and sisters in Islam that the journey of Islamic knowledge has been narrated by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa seldom in numerous hadith it has been reported by over 20 Sahaba in sahibu Hadi alone there are six companions were narrated portions of it and in fact now listen to this is interesting factor if you were to compile all of the a hadith about the Macan era except for israeli mirage and put it in a volume and you were to compile all of the hadith about israel maharaj you will find more a hadith about astronomy raj then you will find about the entire mekin era - Israel Mirage in other words there are so many narrations now we will sell hamdulillah great well this leads us to some issues first and foremost this story has been taken up by storytellers in the earliest of times and storytellers were known to be exaggerator's and fabricators sloths they were called in Arabic they were just tell stories and therefore this journey of a star in Mirage actually has been narrated in many obscure books not the authentic books with such vivid details and imagery that actually is not even true it's not even true so that's one problem that we have that the academic scholar has to sift through all of these things now for those of you who are not aware in early Islam a phenomenon began before Islam or before academic Islam flourished in became solidified a phenomenon began of people preaching to the masses based on ignorance just they would go mosque to mosque and you know stories are always the most enlightening of things to hear everybody loves to hear stories and so these people made a whole profession of telling stories some of these stories were for stories they heard from friends and peers of the local times and places some of these stories were stories of the prophets of old complete fabrications some of these stories involved our process for them these were unscrupulous people who just wanted to and after they told the stories people would give them money you know just like in our times as well we have people they do things and then they just given money so they would give the money so this storytelling became very popular especially in the second and third generation of Islam and then the scholars of Islam rose up and they preached against this and they said that these types of things need to be stopped so much so that a number of olefa banned the storytellers they they said this is not allowed anymore in the messages but during this two interim certain stories became very popular and they entered into this literature and therefore the most popular story was the process I'm going up to Israel and all of these weird things happening that have no basis to them so that's the first problem the second problem okay even if we go through and find out which is authentic which is not under HMDA now many people have done this and I myself have spent a lot of time going over these rewire once we even do that we have another problem which is even bigger because to sift through authentic and inauthentic this is a exact science we know exactly we go through the chains we figure out authentic and authentic once we get all of the authentic what's the problem we have pieces of a large puzzle and there's nothing or very little to link these pieces together in a proper chronological order you guys see the point here the process I might have said I saw this this happened jublia said this to me phrases right imagine for example attended a whole day conference or you saw whatever football match whatever a soccer match basketball whatever when you come back you're going to be talking about that for the next few days maybe right and you'll be giving snippets to various people right the problem comes how do you know if you were to compile all of these snippets how do you know the actual order of the original thing that you sauce is very difficult and therefore in one sense it is in fact really to be honest it is impossible to absolutely verify the full chronological order of exactly what happened when and in fact and this is a human nature as the sahaba reported again let me give you an example that suppose one of you even this lecture that I'm giving now even this lecture I'm giving now suppose one of you went back and tomorrow summarized it for somebody who wasn't here you would maybe mention five ten things but you might not remember exactly which order I said it in and you would narrow it with your own wording so the same thing has happened with the journey of Vista one Miraj that all of these twenty Sahaba who narrated it all of these twenty Sahaba even if they're authentic the ones that are authentic are twenty all of these twenty Sahaba around twenty Sahaba they're mentioning things sometimes those things contradict one another Sahaba said for example in order of detail for example uh in one in one version gibreel comes to the process in him while he is in the messages of a Telemachus and he hands him the two vessels of milk and of wine and he chooses between the two in another version gibreel hands him these two when he's taking him up to the heavens and he's in the heavens right what does one do here because they're both authentic and obviously one of the narrator's kind of sorta makes things up and how do we know some scholars said it happened twice others said well you know we just have to figure out which one of the two is more authentic so you see this is another job that the scholars will always be engaged in and therefore I have to give this a little bit of an introduction before I jump in to illustrate to you some other problems that we face in talking about the Sela and also to point out that even not just for this lesson that you're learning from me but from any lesson that's sometimes what I say might be a little bit different than what you'll find in some of the you know generic textbooks right because there is there are some differences within the Serie and some details and some variants so I want you to know this before we move on in fact not to confuse you too much because I try not to make the class too advanced in academics but you should be you should know that some scholars because there's so many narrations of Islam and Mahajan so many different details some scholars very famous including for example I know we felt felt this way that perhaps there were multiple Israel Miraj perhaps it happened more than once why were they forced to say this because they're getting reports that they cannot reconcile so in my monoi for example in one fatwa that he has you know perhaps the process in him you know had to to asuras may be right now you know for some of you who've ever heard this type of stuff before but it actually was a very common opinion it may be jumbled on many famous scholars of the past they actually felt there's multiple Islamic marriages because why because there's so many narrations and they cannot reconcile them however and my humble opinion and this is the majority opinion is opinion although you're aware of it's only one is now in my Raj because Allah clearly says to have handily the SLR babe the heat what's the next word Laden it happened at one night right it happened at one night therefore it's pretty clear that there's one Islam in Raj and if there are any discrepancies we try to reconcile them and that's what we have insha'Allah Allah done because it's our Mirage is so long we're not going to finish today we're going to take at least two if not three just to go over all of the Israel when we large weeks so let us insha'Allah who Ta'ala began first question when did it occur when did the Israel Mirage occur we find in early in early literature from the tab you enter butabi rune that they're trying to put some dates on the islam but we don't have any narration from Sahabi any companion so some of the early tab your own said Asura happened one year before the Hydra and this is the opinion of pretty much most of the early commentators in the early writers of the Serie including even is half and M it is half as we know is the number one authority other scholars said it happened a year and a half others said to others even said five years before the Hydra however there's one very important clue that we can at least eliminate some of the more extreme opinions and that clue is if you're telling us something about hadiza aisha said about hadiza radiyaallahu ta'ala anhu that Hadiya died before the salah became fault what is that got to do with anything so what if she died before saliva can fold because salah became food at israel mirage okay so the fact that Hadiya died before that i became fault clearly shows that Israel Mirage happened basically in the last year and a half of Makkah right so we can eliminate all the other opinions they say two years five years seven clearly incorrect because we have clearly aisha authentically saying Khadijah died before Salah became from there for the incident occurred after Hadees is death and obviously Khadijah is dead and I will thought it was death and thought if we're literally one after the other so it makes complete sense therefore and this is the majority opinion that istra occurred after these three incidents and before the Hydra and that's basically our timing when we were doing the sierra class i finished the year of sorrow and now we move on to the incident of islam well mirage as for the month that the Israel took place in there are no opinions narrated from the early scholars of Islam all the opinions began after the first two hundred years and this clearly shows therefore that we don't know which month it happened in you know some some of these early scholars said ribeirão well Sam said Ribeira Thani some said Rajab as you all know the famous month in Muslim culture and lore is Rajab some said Ramadan sunset yeah well these are the five Binion's I found I found five opinions about various early scholars none of them have any authentic basis from the Sahaba Tabram and therefore the fact of the matter we don't know which month adar curtain we don't know which month in a curtain so automatically anybody who's celebrates a day and says this is the day of historic Mirage when we don't even know the month forget the actual day it occurred this is simply an unknown a time when they'd occurred in and you know what and the fact of the matter is the fact that the Sahaba didn't preserve the date shows that they didn't care what day it occurred what's important is the incident say the Muslims don't commemorate specific days of the year when something happens on it this is not to our culture Allah gave us these two days of read remember those two days the rest of this the Sahaba did not record what exact date it happened on because they realize it's not important what's important are the details of the story so the first question when did it happen probably the strongest position around a year before the Hedgehog that's all we know around a year before jezzer the second question where did it happen from and here is where we get the first difference of opinion because we have a number of different reports all of them authentic two of them are in Behati itself the first report says that the prophet's assalam says that while i was sleeping in a health claim what is a healthy it is the semicircular region that is outside of the cab right this is the Hatim the Hatim used to be a part of the Kaaba in the time of ibraheem alehissalaam and then the Quraysh when they rebuilt the kaaba explained when I showed you that chart many months ago they didn't have funds to build a full Kaaba so they said let's build a half GABA when we get money we'll build a full Kaaba right so they built a square Kappa rather than a rectangular as the original cab is rectangular and ever since then basically the the the Kaaba has remained the square and it was the wisdom of Allah that the hell theme remain open for everybody because praying in the hell theme is basically praying inside the Kaaba right praying in the housing is praying inside the cab and this is the wisdom of Allah that he let the healthy open so in this version and this is the most authentic version the prophecies and I'm said that when I was in the Haltom lying down gibreel came to me so this is the most take version there is another version that says that the processing says that when I was in my house I saw the roof open up and jib deal come to me and then there are other versions that are not as authentic even hazier says this shows that he was in his house and gibreel first took him to the hotline and this makes sense because why would he be sleeping in the open in the housing when he has a house in Makkah right so we see that not every contradiction is at face value a full contradiction in fact if in hatchet he makes a good point that is he was sleeping in his house and gibreel came to him and the first thing that he took him to was the cabin to pray to look out over there and then from there Jupiter then took him somewhere else ok so this is how you reconcile sometimes to take both of them at face value the processor in one story he begins from the hell theme and the other one he begins from his house and there is no contradiction because from his house he was taken to the how team and he says that in the Kaaba or in the healthy Judean opened up my chest and he brought a bowl made out of gold that was full of in one version it says Zemzem in another version it says full of Iman and again there is no contradiction because whatever is in that it is going to give him Iman and it was also some something so again there's no contradiction here full of Iman or full of Zamzam and he took out my heart and washed it and put it back and this was the second time as we all know that this happened so the prophecy Saddam's heart was taken out twice once when he was four or five years old but that time there was a detail that is not mentioned here what is that detail who remembers very good a black spot was taken out right now when this is happening there is no black spot to take out obviously because it's already been taken out right so there is no black spot so then what is the purpose of washing the heart when it's already been washed and it's already the black spot has been taken out the purpose is to strengthen the Prophet system for what he's about to see because he's about to see I mean I kübra he's about to see things as even has some says that if another man were to have seen even a fraction of what the process in him saw he would have gone mad she just taught a fraction of all of these wondrous amazing things he's entering a different world he's entering I'll immolate he's entering another dimension if you like if another man were to have done this you would have gone crazy our profit system Allah says Misaka Basara Matala the eyes took everything in firmly and so to fortify him to strengthen his Eman the prophecy Tom's heart was washed and that's why in one version he says the bowl was filled with Iman and another version he says it which it was filled with Zam Zam then he says then gibreel brought me a Dabba Dabba is a beast it's an animal dunal bajalia focal Hammar it is smaller than a mule and larger than a donkey so he's describing it with precision so it's not as big as a horse a horse is much bigger right it's smaller than a mule bigger than a donkey doing alberta doing Alberti without him out I build pure white and it was called Al Barack L Barack and I'll bore up of course comes from the root of lightning right so it's lightnings lightning speed right is the root of lightning and the processing explained that it puts its hoof where the eye can see every hoof of this block it puts it as far as the eye can see now here's where some legends began the the vision the image of Barack with wings is not been narrated but this hadith clearly says that Barack is a physical creature it's not a mythical it's not a spirit it is a DAB flesh-and-blood right it's something that Allah created that is a creature and this creature it can run much faster than a normal horse so fast it jumps as far as the eye can see that can you imagine we see you know sometimes eight nine ten miles in the distance every foot is like ten miles let's say the other foot is another 10 so within a millisecond 20 miles right within a minute how much are you doing so if every second you're going like 20 30 miles a second imagine this is something way faster than anything that we know but this is a physical creature according to another report in Timothy the prophecies and I'm said it had a muzzle on it you know what you put on the the harness and had a harness on it and it had a saddle so this is a physical creature and so the profitsystem debris was holding on to the the harness and the profitsystem stepped on to elba rocky basically mounted alba Rock what does an animal do that is mounted by a strange person jumps up it neighs right so Barack try to do that and gibreel basically smacked him gibreel yanked the harness and he said woe to you LM test ah hey are you not ashamed any how dare you do this right so gibreel is rebuking block how dare you do this for for wallahi no one has ridden you more blessed in the eyes of Allah than your current writer no one has written you that is more blessed in the eyes of Allah than your current writer what does that show by the way that Barack has been ridden by other whoever whatever we don't know right but Barack has been ridden by other creations other Allah knows what they are maybe they were not even humans Allah knows right but this shows by the way this clearly shows that Barack is a physical creature right because it's acting like creatures Act it's acting like animals act and when when it became agitated gibreel is rebuking so Barack understands Barack knows what's going on but it's still an animal so Jubilee does rebuke him how dare you do this you know your this is the most noble rider that you have ever had and this also shows it's just a glimpse that Allah has created things beyond our knowledge right you know Allah says no Quran Juanico meratol a moon that Allah has created that which you have no knowledge of you last week we talked about even the Djinn have beasts and creatures remember we talked about this Hedy right even the Djinn have Djinn animals right this is of the creation that is amongst us we have no knowledge of them so how about of the other world or how about even like Alba rock which is a physical creature that lives in the other world and it's only brought down for these types of times and occasions or maybe this was the only time it was brought in this world will never know this is a in Malay so Barak comes and the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa seldom mounts him and the prophecies on him said that I wrote him and he took me until we came to Beit al-maqdis until we came to baton Marcos now here we have to pause you is very interesting to note that at this time there is no sanctuary at Beit al-maqdis there is no structure at Beit al-maqdis there is no mosque temple or synagogue do you know why because the Christians wanted to make a point to the Jews that they have no respect for their Shah it for their heritage remember Roman Rome is a Christian country empire now right and they control Jerusalem but the Christians historically were usually very anti-semitic there were always there is this thing that they had and this is historically well known that they've always had this type of thing and so the Roman Emperor had basically decreed that this holy site of the Holy Temple should be converted into our villa a a trash and you know gutter like this sewer basically it was a filthy area okay what this shows is that when the process of them came here he is seeing the baton mock this as it was right so allah azza wajal basically brought about the probably the original of Sonja or something whatever it was that he is praying there because as it is it is a trash dump this is not the debate on mock this that we can even don't think of the Dome of the rock the obvious theme of the process them is coming there there is no Dome of the rock right there is no Masjid Khalid all of this is of course later on so the profitsystem said I came to it will mark this and what clearly proves that there is a structure here that mankind cannot see is that he says and I tied Alba rock to the animal post that is used by the prophets subhanAllah Barack has to be tied up because if you don't tie him up he run away okay so Barack has to be tied up not only that but he ties a block to the post that is used by the other prophets which means what the other prophets that used to pray there right they had a post that they would use to tie their animals to from this I joke having an imam parking is not anything that's wrong that it's permissible to have em imam parking outside of the masjid because here we have the prophets coming to a special place right outside the message of course that's a joke don't take it to that's four horses so we make chaos for our times two cars okay we make chaos for our time that's just of course a joke but the point is interesting that the prophets had a special place to park their animals that they would put their animals because that's what the process um said so I tied it to the post that was used by the previous prophets and this by the way again clearly shows that he is seeing a structure that is not seen by men at this time because obviously the post that prophet Suleiman used is not going to be present you know for three thousand years later obviously right so Allah is Owen is basically showing him the original baton mcfist and he is physically there and this is a Las capability and it is beyond our understanding and then he says somebody hultafors saleh to see here a kitane I went inside and I prayed two rakat i pray 2 rakaat and of course this is before today attend masjid was legislated so this shows us that the concept of tayeton masjid of when you enter the Masjid you should pray 2 rakaat this is even before the process of legislated in Medina because that's when he legislated it but he himself was practicing things in Mecca this is before salah is followed right but he's still praying and he's praying when he enters the masjid now here's where we get another minor narration difference according to one narration the Prophet Allah them pray 2 rakaat and when he turned around felt fa2 sara.a to jami al anbiya he saw all of the prophets line behind him so the impression we get from this narration he didn't know that there were prophets behind him ok from the other narration that we have the prophets Aslam actually says that I saw myself with the other prophets and there was Musa preying on him when you suddenly and he was a strong and tall and strong and muscular man of a brownish color as if he is a man from the tribe of Shinhwa we don't know what the people of the tribe of SHINee look like in our times but for the people in the process of speaking he is saying Musa is like the people from the tribe of Shinhwa and they saw assembly modem alehissalaam standing and praying so there's one place Musa standing another place Arisa is standing and the one who looks most like him is Ottawa even he must rule Ithaca fee once again we don't know what way we must really thought but he looks like but for the Sahaba there's a resemblance going on he's trying to show them that this is what he looks like in another version the process and I'm said he was a whitish in color of course the Arabic is red the as I said before the Arabs called white people red just like the American Indians called white people pale face right so the Arabs would call red or yellow a modest father they would call the white people either red or yellow because that's how they perceived that type of whiteness as being reddish or yellow so he said he was a basically a Caucasian looking or whitish looking and his hair glistened with water as if he had come out of the steam bath so his complexion is it's basically you can imagine this I don't know how to describe it but the hair is coming it's glistening and he is a rather short man compared to Musa so Risa is not as tall as Musa and then he said and I saw ibrahim alayhis salaam om when you suddenly notice he says standing and praying Musa standing and praying Ibrahim is standing and praying right as he enters the messages all of them are standing and praying and the one who resembles him the most is your own companion meaning himself right in another hadith he said that I could not see anybody more closely resembling to Ibrahim than myself and I could not see anybody more closer to something myself table on him in other words Abraham at our profit system were almost mirror images of each other in their physical appearance and then it came the time to Salah for haneda Salah for mmm to whom so I was put the Imam of them so this version has it that he knew exactly what's going on and this is again one of those things that well it's difficult I mean how do you reconcile this Allah knows best did he know did he not know there's two versions but the main point is he is leading the the MBA and the mousseline behind him and what is interesting what is interesting is that all of the prophets he's seeing are already standing and praying om when you suddenly and this shows us the importance of salah that even after death at least for Abraham and Musa as for ISA he's still alive right but even after death the prophets are praying and in fact our Prophet SAW saw them said that when I was going to install my Raj I passed by the grave of Musa so this means he passed by his grave and then Allah took him to Masjid to measure the ELSA right and then Allah took him to these six seven so he met Musa three times so he said I passed by Musa in his grave what was he doing I am when you sadly then he gets to Beit with Marcus now Musa doesn't need Barak Musa is already in the spirit form Musa does not need Barack to get debate among this so musa was there what's he doing standing and praying ISA he only saw him there for the first time was reciting standing and praying Ibrahim was he doing standing and praying this is enough of an indication of the blessings of Salah that the Prophet SAW sinem is seeing all of these MBA and more studying even after death they are standing and praying it also shows and of course this is clearly understood the fact that the Prophet SAW sinem becomes the Imam of all of the prophets behind him of all of the ambien and more saline clearly shows that he is being given an honor that is unparalleled and unequaled that not only is he say idle am BIA an imam al more saline right he is the Imam of all of the prophets not only this but by extension since every prophet is the leader of his OMA and the profitsystem is leading the prophets who leave all the individual Alma's our Prophet Muhammad system is the leader of every single OMA ie as he himself said and say you do what at the Adam a yomel committee what fr he is the saith the say 'dear means the leader the master he is the Sayyad of all of the children of adam on the day of judgment and then he said I'm not saying this stuff for a lot to both to be arrogant this is just a fact and this incident clearly proves this that by leading the Prophet since Allah and every prophet is the leader of his Ummah so the leader of all of the umas therefore is our prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa send them another point here that the scholars have commented on is that because these prophets are obviously in a different light they're in their spiritual form or whatnot so there's no space barrier as it is anyway they're actually all standing in one soft soft alone right so there is no so foof behind him there's one long row that we can basically extrapolate is a hundred and twenty thousand and three hundred and seventeen or something people long because we know there's 120 thousand prophets remember a lecture long back we spent a whole hour talking about prophets and messengers remember that one long time ago and then we said that there's 120 thousand prophets and three hundred and fifteen or so messengers so in this hadith we learned jamia was sitting or standing behind him this means there's a soft that is a hundred and twenty thousand and something people long and they're all in the same soft and this proves another point and that is in one version lat I mean and one I excuse me Lando father of kobane I had a min home that all the prophets are the same in one sense and then in another sense tilcara suru Fabul Nevada home Alaba right some prophets we have preferred over others so the Quran says no difference and then the Quran says yes we have preferred some over others how do we reconcile we they are all the same they're praying the same prayer they're praying to the same Lord doing the same report and sujood their message is the same but amongst themselves somewhere better than others and our prophet sallallahu alayhi wa seldom is the best of all of them then he says that after he finished fagiani Djiboutian as I said this one of those differences in this version gibreel comes to him right now and presents to his two utensils and another version Gabriel does this when they ascend up to the heavens minor difference it doesn't really matter that much so what are these two utensils and what are they what is inside of them one of them has hammer and the other one has lemon right so there's wine and there is milk now remember up until this time wine has not been made Haram wine is still hella the Muslims of Mecca are drinking wine wine has been made hella at this point there is no team so gibreel hands him these two and gibreel says choose and choose for your Ummah in other words this choice will affect will affect not just you it will affect your Ummah soju so the prophets asanam chose the milk and gibreel says you have chosen the Fattah al sabah tell you have chosen the right one and that is the Fatah and this is a huge symbolism here that I can have to summarize but I've spoken about this in my theological lectures in more detail the difference between wine and milk is very profound and it's very symbolic milk comes pure from the animal as Allah says you're admitted far Lebanon Hadassah from between the filth and the blood allah says we bring forth Lebanon Hodges on silently shoddy bean pure wholesome milk for those who drink it and in a hadith it is says that not nothing substitutes for both food and drink other than milk nothing substitutes for both food and drink other than milk so milk is a blessed delicacy that Allah mentions in the Quran that the prophecies l'm praised that he is reported to have drunk many times he used to drink milk used to love camel's milk and sheep's milk milk is pure and it comes straight from the animal and it is wholesome and healthy and it is nourishing and nutritious as you all know we are instructed to drink you know at least a glass or two every day kids even more than this right what is wine wine is corrupted fermented filthy wine is something that was pure and then bacteria literally bacteria have infested it right and corrupted it wine stinks literally it stinks right you smell it and you feel disgusted what is this how can you you know alhamdulillah Mina's not a prese I've never drunk wine I've never tasted alcohol but I remember clearly the first time when I was a teenager I passed by a group of you know young people partying with wine and whatnot and I had first time I smelt it and will llahi I thought that somebody had urinated on the street well I I thought somebody had urinated on this year what is what is this my friend said don't you know the smell what is this he said this is this is beer this is what wine smells like alcohol smells like it's disgusting just to smell it it's disgusting right and then what does it do when you drink it is it wholesome is it pure like milk is it nourishing no it makes you lose your mind it corrupts you it makes you think strange and act strange and act foolish and one of the Sahaba said that will lie even if wine had not been prohibited any intelligent man would have avoided it one of the Sahaba said that even if wine had not been prohibited any man Luwak Allah sent him proper intelligence will understand how foolish it is when you drink wine you act like this right so compare and contrast what is milk what is wine the process and I'm chose that which is pure comes from the pure and not sustains you purely versus the wine that is corrupt that is corrupted and that corrupts the body right so the processor automatically chose the pure and gibreel said this is for your OMA ie your Ummah will also be pure and your Ummah will be upon the Fatah and our prophets as Adam said look gibreel called milk the fitrah and our process Adam said every child is born upon the foothill it's pure it's wholesome and it is a good child it's child that is good in it the base instinct of man is good and not evil so the process of chose the milk and that is when the the gibreel came to him and the prophet's asylum says thus the doors of the sama opened up for me this is the Mirage now okay so from Jerusalem this is the Mirage from Beit al-maqdis the doors opened up for me so notice the dab but or Barak is still tied at the post okay so the journey is very simple from Masjid al-haram to Masjid al-aqsa from us to the Aqsa up to the heavens then he's going to come back down and then use Brock to get back to Mecca okay so this is the journey of olestra well mirage so he says gibreel ask permission for the doors of the heavens to open and the gatekeeper behind the door asked who is it so Ghibli says it is gibreel and the gatekeeper said do you have anybody and Jibreel said yes I have with me Muhammad SAW sonim the gatekeeper says has he been sent for does he have permission to pass gibreel says yes so then the doors open up so this shows that there are doors that are locked because jbeil cannot go through there are doors that are locked there is a special type of lock it shows that every door has a doorkeeper a gatekeeper and it shows that the gatekeeper is not allowed to let anybody pass unless they have permission and because these are angels and angels cannot lie what is the permission you don't need a paper you don't need a visa you need a stamp the angel simply says Allah has told me to do this they don't lie right so the angel has to verify who is there who is with you does he have permission that's all and if the person says yes who the gibreel says yes Halas permission is given so for every single one of the seven heavens the same story happens they get to the second heaven and it's closed Janene ask permission the gatekeeper says who is there jublia says his gibreel he says is anybody with you the same conversation every single one of the seven heavens okay now let's pause here we need to explain what are these seven heavens tsubame wats this is one of the biggest confusions that people have that they confuse Janet with sama wat they confuse Jenna with sama and these are two separate words and two separate concepts Allah subhana WA Ta'ala says that he is done hidaka Seba sama wat in three bah-ha-ha casaba sama wat in RIBA ah Allah has created seven sama wats one on top of the other three Bachmann's in layers tabata means in layers spoken and papa right this is layer upon layer and so allah says wahdahu la casa bottom awhat in women at our limit eleven and Allah has created a similar number of Earth's as a separate topic we don't to go into that tangent right now it's confusing enough as it is sabatham I what so there are seven sama watts okay so some are what our physical heavens above us and in my humble opinion I think I've said this before and in this class and my humble opinion everything that we see around us the furthest star hundreds of billions of light-years away all of the millions and billions of galaxies that we know everything is the lowest heaven ie heaven number one right at the bar you can say the semi dunya is how the Horan refers to it the lowest of the seven beyond this there is a sixth beyond that there is a five beyond that there is a form and why do I say this because Allah subhana WA Ta'ala says what if it is a y NS EMA a dunya be Mesabi huh we have beautified the sama at dunya and we know the sama dunya is the first because even in this report it says Fon palaka be gibreel hata at the sama a dunya for stuff - even in this report in Bukhari the process and says gibreel took me on we finish to the sama addounia and then he asked permission for the door to open so sama dunya what is it Allah says in the Quran while Apple is a yin a sama a dunya vemma sabi ha we have beautified the sama a dunya with its lamps and its lights meaning meaning what the Stars so all the stars that we see and if you study even the most basic astronomy your mind begins to just lose track of how big the space is right if you study even the most basic lengths and distances and light-years and the furthest galaxy is literally billions of light-years away which means that it doesn't even exist anymore what we're seeing was what it was you know billions of years ago the mind just boggles every telescope mankind keeps on inventing it keeps on looking further into the universe we still have not discovered just what the physical eyes with the telescopes can see you guys understand is that this is unbelievable how large will lie your mind cannot comprehend how large this created universe is we have no idea we have no clue because everything we keep on creating when we did the Hubble the Hubble telescope is still sending us information we cannot digest and every time we'll create a bigger one I am sure that that bigger one will not be able to see you know except to a distance right and all of this sama dunya sama dunya just the lowest heaven what is beyond that ha Elma light well we're never really going to find out in this world and in the next life we wouldn't care about it anyway ok so that's of the creation of Allah Subhan Allah Tala so what are the semi wat physical places one of which is our universe our everything that we know our cosmos beyond this there are 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th and 7th now what are the Janet the Janet are the heavens that are promised as the reward for the believers sama is different than Jenna where are the Janet it appears there's two interpretations here one of them says that Janet are in the seventh Semih all of them so the Janet are hundreds and thousands of layers as well right and where do they occupy their place is the seventh heaven right so the seventh sama is where all the jannat are this is one interpretation another interpretation which is very similar is that the Janet began in the sixth but then they work their way to the seventh and there's evidences for both and you know to be honest this is in Malay we're just trying to try to find bits and pieces here and there but the bottom line is the jannat are at the top of the semi-wet right the janitor at the top of the summit and this is what we get from the hadith now what happens the profitsystem goes to the first door the first door opens and there is a man standing the process some described as being tall huge and gibreel says this is your father Adam so say Salaam to him so the prophets asaram said salaam and adam responded and said marhaban believe in asada when bu Saleh welcome o noble son and o a noble prophet welcome o righteous son and o righteous prophet then we went to the second heaven and then the same conversation this is a very long idea that is in Behati and this is the this hadith only describes who's at each heaven and what happens at each heaven so this paragraph of Julian's conversation with the gatekeeper multiply that by seven thus you understand what's happening here in the second heaven there is yahia an ISA ebin al howl ie their two mothers were sisters right so maryam and her sister the their two children are yahia and resource a and yeah yeah and the profitsystem was told this is yeah and ISA say Salam to them and so I said Salam to them and they said welcome o noble brother and a noble prophet Adam said o noble son and a noble prophet they are saying o noble brother and noble prophet then the third heaven and in the third heaven was used to fire his salaam and the same thing welcome o noble brother and o noble broth prophet and here is where the processor said the famous phrase I saw Yusuf and lo and behold it was as if he had been given half of all beauty shot or illusion right so this is where that famous phrase comes from that in fact this is the only time he saw Yusuf and he goes I saw useful it was as if he had been given half of all beauty then I went up to the fourth heaven and then the fourth was adidas alehissalaam and it is also says welcome o noble Oh noble brother and o noble prophet then I go up to the fifth heaven and there is Hyuna and the same welcome o noble brother noble prophet I go up to the sixth heaven and there is Musa and he described Musa as well as being stout tall muscular and brownish color and he goes again the one revise says as if he's from the tribe of Shinhwa and if anybody knows what somebody from the tribe of SHINee looks like I would like to know I don't know is if something still known or is it now gone from our times then I went up Musa began to cry this has a story that the others don't have Musa began to cry so he was asked why are you crying so Musa says I am crying because this young man who was sent after me shall have a larger following that will enter Jenna than my own oh man I am basically jealous that this man who is a young man Musa called the process in a malum now the processing is how old now 52 51 52 right mousse has calling him a lamb some of you should be happy Charlotte why is he being called when I'm by Moosa because Moosa died when he was 130 or something years old okay so compared to Musa this is a man half my age right and so Musa says yeah this is a hounam right it's a young boy basically right so Musa is allowed to describe the process of in this manner because his own age is more than double that of the Prophet system when he passed away okay so he cries and he says that he's basically jealous in an Islamic manner as we'll talk about because this is a positive thing that you're jealous for more has an act he's not jealous against the prophets as Adam but it's good to be jealous for more rewards right you should be jealous for the audio of the Quran the half of the Quran the Adam the generous you know rich man you know the hadith right this is a positive jealousy so this is what Musa is that this is a positive Jesse I wish I was like this right it's not a negative that why did he get it it's the positive that we're all supposed to have and then the prophecies and I'm said after the seventh heaven notice by the way each one of these welcoming committees welcoming parties is after he enters the heaven right so he enters the first heaven there is Adam waiting for him then he enters the second heaven and then there is if there is a yahia and asa right and then the third is Yousef so I really should memorize this by the way there's a quiz question should memorize the order from now on so let's start again the first is Adam the second race and Yehia the third use of the fourth at least the fifth how long the sixth moosa excellent and then the seventh we all know and then he said that i went up to the seventh heaven the same question back and forth with gabriel and then I saw ibrahim alayhis salaam and he was sitting with his back leaning on the elvatyl mom or we're getting down he was sitting on his back leaning on al Bayt almal and Jibreel said to me this is your father Ibrahim had a book Brahim say salaam to him and so the Prophet SAW said salaam to him and ibraheem responded the exact same way that Adam had responded noticed the beginning and the end the same response right marhaban believe in a Salah when Nabil sorry the only two who said this right or adam and ibraheem because everybody else they said at al-hasan a right but Adam and Abraham were the only two who said welcome o noble son they're proud of their sons pan Allah right this is a natural ink of their son nad welcome o noble son and our and Oh noble prophet now so inshallah today what we'll do is we'll finish up with the wisdom of these ordering and then we'll have to stop a shallow tada because there is appears to be some wisdom in this ordering why these prophets in this order realize that this order common to popular misconception this order has nothing to do with blessings of the prophets no this is not the case some people say that stuffer all that Adam was the lowest and then no that's not the case that's not does not seem to be the case and what appears to be is that these are basically as already referenced some scholars have said these are basically welcoming committees welcoming parties that allah subhana wa ta'ala sent some of the noblest prophets and some of the most famous prophets to simply greet the process of them as he comes in and so apparently this is a custom that we still have you know when a noble person comes when the President or dignitary comes the president comes out to meet him or the dignity comes out to meet him this is the Sunnah of Allah even in the creation and so when our prophet system is coming up he is basically being given the royal carpet welcome that every single heaven every single sama there's going to be a welcoming party or welcoming prophet to greet him and to then help him to move on to the next stage and in each of these seven choices there seems to be some some wisdom and some hidden reference and each one of them we can derive that for example adam alayhis-salam it is befitting that he is the first to greet him because he is the father not just of all the prophets but the father of all of mankind and by seeing Adam what you remember is that he was a man Allah subhana WA Ta'ala chose with Jenna but he had to leave Jenna but eventually he shall be returning to Jenna and there is a symbolism of leaving your security and comfort and leaving if he left the holiest place in the next life the prophecies and has to leave the holiest place in this world and that is Mecca but eventually he will return to that holiest place just like our Father Adam will eventually return to his holiest place if Allah Azza WA JAL will that Adam had to leave the holiest in the in that world our prophet system just the next year is gonna have to leave the holiest of this world and that is Mecca because we know Mecca is the holiest city so he will have to be expelled from Mecca like his father Adam was expelled from from Jenna and the people who did it Shelton Shaitaan did it there and the evil people are doing it now I will 11 of these others are doing it now okay so there is that symbolism there seeing Arisa and Yehia Lisa and yehey are the perfect second candidate second Jenna why because they are chronologically the closest to the prophecy in time in time no prophets came after he said yeah hey until the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu aleyhi was seldom so they are the closest contemporary they're the peers in terms of chronological order and there is also a symbolism here that the yahood their own people tried to kill the both of them and they've succeeded in killing Yehia you know John the Baptist they actually cut his head off can you believe their own profit this is not I'm not saying this this isn't the New Testament I'm not the one saying this is in their own books right that they killed him in beta last eseni what can I say this is that's how Allah describes them so they killed them in beta Marcus okay and this is John the Baptist yeah they tried to kill Jesus we all know the story right they even tried to kill 87 imodium there's a clear symbolism here yah Rasul Allah you're not the only one who has been opposed you know the only one whose people have rejected you right and if that doesn't bring the point home let's move up to the third heaven use of alehissalaam who tried to harm him his own blood brothers his own blood brothers tried to harm him but what happens and here's the symbolism his own blood brothers reaccept him back and they accept his faith and they repent and they are guided and therefore there is a symbolism that your own people will return to your faith your own blood relatives who have expelled you shall come back and Subhan Allah what did our prophecy say or who did he quote when he conquered Mecca who did he quote when he's standing on the Kaaba who did he quote when the people of cor I said what are you gonna do what are we gonna do with you right and they said yeah you are a honky moon will ruin Karim right the Brothers of Yusuf say the same thing that you know we do brother we wronged you you know you're our brother you're we wronged you do something so the core I say this to the profitsystem and what does the process and respond he responds by quoting Yusuf just as you saw use of now right ah Danada three-body cumin yom young fool allahu alaikum there is no sin on you today Allah will forgive you moving up to the fourth heaven the only thing we know about it this is what Allah says no Quran what a fine now who mccannon idea and that's all we need to know we have raised him to a high place that's the only thing about it is and so the profitsystem is meeting someone whom Allah has described as in a high place and by the way he's in the fourth heaven out of seven that's a high place right what if I know who McCann and alia and so our profit system is being told what a fine like a dick Rock where have raised your own rank as well right how do not mu so both have similar reasons and in that Harun was despised by his people and then accepted and Musa is the one prophet that has the most similar experiences to our prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa seldom musa has the greatest number of trials and tribulations that are similar to our process in him and he has the second largest oma after our prophet's asylum so his experience is unrivaled amongst the prophets and when the process and I met Musa Musa had a lot more experience than him because the process is still in the middle of his Dawa Plus Musa has six decades seven decades more than the profit system and so Musa is being shown as some type of role model and how many times in our process and I'm saying and there's an authentic that when something happened that harmed him that irritated him he said indeed Musa was hurt more than I was and he was still patient he kept on reminding himself of Musa right indeed Musa was harmed more than I was by his own people and he kept his cool he kept his patients and of course in the highest heaven and remember these are heavens and not Janet so don't think that Adam is in the first Jenna and then didn't know these are not Janet all the prophets are in the highest of jannah right sir this is the common confusion that Adam is in Louis gender no he's not in Louis Jenna he's in the lowest sama and the two are not the same as we said they have been taken from their places and they have been brought to these sama wat to be welcoming parties for the Prophet sallallahu aleyhi was seldom right now they're not in Jenna because Jenna has not been occupied since Adam has left it right Jenna is not occupied until after the day of judgement so whatever the prophets are and they are as our prophets as Adam said in their graves standing and praying because he saw Ibrahim in his grave standing and praying the only exception to all of this is of course Risa because Allah says what a fine a Huma canon idea that sorry in near Africa in a year that I will raise you up to myself so the only one who is physically had to come down to meet the Prophet system was ASA right and this is a symbolism that he will come down again because that's the whole point of him coming down towards the end of time that he's come down once to meet the profitsystem and then he will come down again to meet his Ummah at the end of times and that was going to happen so by by showing ibraheem alehissalaam of course the prophesies is being shown his own ancestor and the highest of all the prophets because Musa was indeed very high but he was karim allah and Kaleem Allah is the one whom you speak to Ibrahim was higher because he was a legal law and our professor said I'm set and halal means close friend confidant and our prophet SAS Adam said Allah has only taken me and Ibrahim as a Holly the only people that ibraheem that Allah has taken as a Halil basically Ebrahim alehissalaam and myself there's only two people that have reached that status that the title of hallelula and that is Abraham and the prophet salallahu alayhi wa seldom and the fact that Ibrahim is sitting with his back on elvatyl mattimore is of course completely appropriate what is al batin more Allah subhana WA Ta'ala mentions what poor wicked a be must or fear of the mnsure well they it'll move it's in the Quran Toyota - well they tell me more and they tell me more literally means the frequented house al batin Mahmood means the frequented house and we only have basically one hadith about al batin mattimore that is authentic with different version that one hadith that's all we have no other information about al batin Mahmood and if you hear anything else then trust me it is fabricated or weak the only information we have about al batin mattimore is that the Prophet SAW said it is a house dissimilar to the Kaaba in one version it is the Kaaba of the heavens just like there's a cab on earth in another version it is above the cab on earth such that if it were to fall it would fall on the cab on this earth so it is above the cab of this earth and every single day since Allah has created the creation so way before the Kaaba was here every single day 70,000 angels enter elvatyl mahmoud to basically to tow off and pray and those 70,000 never returned and every single day this happens do the math after 10 days you get 7 million after so you do the math and after a while your brain brain starts spinning every day 70,000 angels who have never come before and they're never going to come again since the beginning of time up until yo Mel Kiama and Ibrahim is there because he is the one who built the Kaaba on earth so he deserves to be associated with the Kaaba in the heavens and we know algae's ah you mean jinsol amel the reward will be in accordance with what you have done right what you sacrifice what you did Allah will reward you in the same category as what you did and so when ibraheem alehissalaam built a cabin on earth he was rewarded by being associated with the baton more in the heavens and that's why the processor saw him with his back to be the man were really resting and relaxing over there and if the angels are not are not allowed to come back ibrahim is over there subhanAllah he has a higher status right if the angels can only come once abraham is peaceful and content and relaxed that he is in the al Bayt and more our time is up as we said probably another three lessons maybe at the rate we're going spinal oh maybe three or maybe we'll see if we can do it in two of Israel Maharaj and as we said this is we have a lot of incidents and a lot of a hadith of astronomer and inshallah we'll continue next week before I open the floor for Q&A some announcements firstly post announcements firstly the program this weekend I hope that in shadow all of you are as excited as as I am about this program we're having somebody who's a specialist in child psychiatry someone who was the head child psychologist at the UT Medical Center in Houston very prestigious position he was there for many years and now he's dedicated more of his time to the Muslim Ummah he's a licensed counselor and licensed medical practitioner and we will be doing a program that deals with dealing with teenagers basically and therefore on Saturday starting at 10:30 or time 10:30 Saturday at 10:30 this will be for a session just for the teenagers and by teenagers women basically 11 and 12 and up so inchaallah 11 or 12 and if you feel that your son who is maybe 10 is mature enough then that's fine but do realize that these are going to be topics that you understand teenagers faced with so you know your son better and you know your daughter better there will be very frank talk and you understand what this frank talk is you know it's not going to be that explicit at the same time it's going to be some very explicit questions are going to be asked and on anonymous surveys are going to be done because we want to hear from them what are their problems you know they can't come to us they're too scared to come to us directly let them come to us indirectly they let them fill out the forms you know anonymously and there's going to be surveys there's going to be open Q&A there's going to be just chilling out time of course it's gonna be lunch included as well so you know have your kids dropped by 10:30 no adults allowed this is a private you know for the for the teenagers basically and you know doctor out of Schwab is going to be here he's our guest and he'll be he has a plenty of experience especially with Muslim teenagers so he'll be here up until was the end timing 10:30 to 3:30 10:30 tosser and there will be lunch and some chilling out time it's not just gonna be all lectures and stuff some games and activities so 10:30 to 3:30 Saturday night at 6:30 there's a lecture for the converts but it's open for everybody but it's going to be geared towards the converts about marriage in Islam and basically some of the issues they need to know the filth of getting married for example some basic stuff for them inshallah dr. out it will also be our guest but I'll be the main speaker but he has a lot of experience by the way in marriage and in in youth he has a lot of experience but we wanted to emphasize one we're doing a marriage thing with another speaker in two months as you know so that's one Saturday two events on Saturday on Sunday 10:30 to 3:30 will be the same session but for the adults for the adults no teenagers are loud and especially if your teenager came on Saturday you really need to come on Sunday because we will share with you the results of our surveys your own teenagers have filled out forms of course we don't know who is what they're not going to be with names but the the comments that they have said the concerns that they have expressed we will hear them and you will hear perhaps your own child speaking to you indirectly and if it's not your child it's the child of your brother or sister in this message it right so this is something you need to be very familiar with do not think this is only a children's event if you are a parent you need to send your child and usually show up yourself if your children are too young then you just show up yourself you know to learn about teenagers if you've already gone through the teenage years I don't know it's up to you if you want to come or not I don't know what to say okay I'm sure some of you have gone through the teenagers and you've already your kids are already mashallah adults it's up to you if you want to come or not I'm not saying anything or maybe we can benefit from your wisdom how about this right well benefit from your experience because believe me I need - no and I think many of us need to know we need to benefit from your wisdom and experience so this is going to be Saturday and Sunday 10:30 to 3:30 however we need to cater we need to make sure the chairs are set up we need to have appropriate lunch so please register the registration forms are with brother hasseneen you're going to hand them out just just register for it so that we know how many people will be coming in sha allah and if you want to take a form for somebody or you can do it online if you know somebody who has not registered do tell them to show up and sha allah will try to accommodate but andy lunch we need to know how many people are coming so do try to do that insha'Allah Allah with that we have just two three minutes for questions that we break for Salah and shallow so questions for this so dr. Nadim says can we derive from the hadith of Ezra the benefits of organic milk versus hormonal changed milk right it's a very valid question let me just say though that we cannot compare organic milk verses with those modified to Hummer to alcohol right so it's a bit of a stretch to compare there you know there is a movement now in America is very small but it was a movement to drink fresh unpasteurized milk and I was actually very surprised when I heard this but when I went to Houston this last summer I was told that there is a place that the farmers they come in the morning to sell the milk that they extracted one day ago just literally and it's unpasteurized to get the full now I have never drunk that milk but those who have have told me it tastes completely different than pasteurized and then this hormonal a modified and I have no doubt personally that that is the case now I I mean I don't know what to tell you other than it makes sense but to derive this from the head of the viscera I kind of sort of it is the drink of fitrah but there's nothing that goes against boiling it for pasteurization I have no doubt that if you try to genetically modify something you're messing with the perfection of Allah I've no doubt about that so I mean this is in the Quran you know fella you lie you don't know Allah that Shaitaan will try to cause you to change the creation of Allah so we we can derive this directly from the Quran to be honest walking by he's having sex with me we do not know any other authentic hadith about Barack or who wrote him or his description what we know is exactly what I have said smaller than a mule larger than a donkey right and its hoof goes where the eyesight can see that's all that we know that and there's a tether and there's a saddle we don't know any other details about who has ridden Barack but it is not surprising I mean you know the source of that that particular series used a book that is simply full of stories and I am a little bit more academically inclined adjustments that the book that he quoted ok cistern that back it was a hand raised yes yes I made a mistake I said there's going to be a sister's hell after two weeks ago but I forgot that we had invited dr. RF Shuaib so the sisters Holika will be inshallah some time in you know March inshallah we'll announce it sorry sorry February not that sometime in February inshallah we'll announce it so there's not can be sisters haddock on Sunday hiss so going back to the milking along just like pork why wasn't alcohol why wasn't alcohol prohibited for earlier umas there's there is no there's no explicit reason given in our texts but it is possible some scholars have derived is that because our Sharia was the perfect and the perfection of the Sharia of all Shelia's because Allah clearly says in the Quran that we have given you this Quran that is Mahima none are they that is going to supersede all other previous scriptures and Shelia's and allah samantha that says of course that this is the religion that will be manifest over all other so because of this Allah gave us a Shariah that is the most perfect and he might have allowed imperfections and other Shetty has maybe because the people were not qualified or they didn't deserve those perfections and sometimes that it was intentionally made difficult as a punishment for them as what happened with the Bani Israel and sometimes it was maybe because they were not they didn't have enough Iman to live up to it so these are the wisdoms that we can derive apart from this we do not know why was it that a lot allowed the previous Shetty has this issue but he prohibited it upon us because it is true the brothers fact is true that the previous Shetty has did not prohibit wine however we have references that the prophets of Allah never drank so even if it was allowed for them the prophets never did it and this in and of itself shows the perfection and Allah knows best still there are some Christians that don't drink Baptist yeah good the celebration of Estonia Lodge as we already said there is no precedent for the date or the month that occurred we have no clue and therefore to specify is really to speak from no knowledge number one number two to take this day as a day of doing extra things and as we know we try to stick to our profit system and the sahabas actions they have the purest Islam and they had the best knowledge and if they didn't do it then we really should avoid it and there there is nothing authentic to tell us to celebrate on you know with the 27th of our job or the 15th of Shaban or all of these dates really all of these dates there it's just simply best to avoid them and alone was the best final question I saw hand raised to your final question Ellen Smith physically we'll talk about this when we wrap up but it is very clear that he went physically and this is something that there is edema in Sunni Islam no scholar ever said that he went only by the soul or imagination because if you say that he went by the soul or that it was a dream there is nothing miraculous about it Subhan Allah the Ostrava Abdi why what's the big deal and the next morning when he woke up and he told the Quraysh that last night I went animal that we can go to the moon and back in a dream who's gonna deny us right you know we can go across the world we can go to different lands what's so strange the very fact that the Quraysh found this strange and they said how who you expect us to believe this that's what they questioned him right and Abu Bakr was called acidic because it's a physical journey had it been an imaginary journey a journey of the mind a dream what's the point of subhanAllah DSRV Abdi what's the point of why should we believe you right so there is unanimous consensus that Islam and Mirage took place Phil Ruhi will just add guru a will just said that with the body and the soul ie in the physical Yacouba and there are also rewired and reports that show that the process says that when he came back his bed was still warm right which means the entire journey took you know a few minutes 5-10 minutes because it's a different dimension you know Barack is going at the speed of light his name comes from lightening he gets there he prays to legality then goes up that's a different dimension there is no time and space there he comes back down he comes back and his bed is still warm so all of these clearly show that it is a physical journey I will talk about this in more detail inshallah whenever we finish the shadow with this we conclude for this week and sha allows you have to have good but this week at Friday and then on Saturday Sunday I hope that all of you show up in shelter for our teenager thing was a cool
Channel: Yasir Qadhi
Views: 353,156
Rating: 4.836781 out of 5
Keywords: yasir, qadhi, seerah, authentic, biography, miraculous, night, journey, ascension, to, the, heavens, al-'Isra', wal-Mi'raj, isra, wal, meraj, miracle, prophet, muhammed, orientalist, critics, critique, defend, prophethood, mercy, mankind, detailed, analysis, original, sources, greatest, human, being, medina, makkah, mecca, quran, hadith, true, islam, modern, solutions, unity, lessons, morals, 25th, January, 2012
Id: lNBtUF7-uhQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 2sec (5042 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 08 2012
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