How to Make the Most of Dhul Hijjah | Presented by Dr. Omar Suleiman

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so i want to welcome you all tonight to this very special webinar as we are about to embark on the 10 most important days of the year and i could probably repeat that like five times until insha'allah it just settles in our minds the ten most important days of the year are around the corner they start this weekend and unlike ramadan where you have so many ramadan prep webinars where you have so much preparation in the month of sha'an before you go into ramadan these 10 days largely catch us by surprise and because of the lack of events in the masajid and so many other things we don't do right by them and i hope insha'allah ta'ala that for this particular webinar we're not just going to go through the virtues of these 10 days with allah but very practically how to make the most of these 10 days inshaallah ta'ala and of course i've done a series on the virtues of the hijab before but this will be a very uh you know a very in-depth and practical way to approach these 10 days insha allah with a game plan for us to really get close to allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and make the most of the barakah the blessings of these 10 days with that being said just a reminder before we start that this saturday inshaallah as durha is expected to start on sunday this saturday we will have the first episode released of his head story sallallahu alaihi wasallam last year we talked about the prayers of ibrahim we went through and there was no greater dua of ibrahim than the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam fulfilling the mission of ibrahim in the very place that he made that dua so this for ten episodes insha'allah we will be going through in the same theme of meeting muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam the connection of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam to makkah to al-madinah as well but specifically his hajj story sallallahu alaihi wasallam up close the episodes will be about 12 to 15 minutes insha'allah ta'ala so we hope everyone can tune in on a daily basis with their families and benefit from them insha'allah and lastly before i start to ask you to continue to support the work of yapping as you always do alhamdulillah i mean i hope you are seeing the benefit of these free resources insha'allah the multiple series the multiple papers the multiple forms of curriculum all of this is through the support that you give to yakkin alhamdulillah so please do continue to support yakreen insha'allah in these 10 days now let's get to the topic with and let's talk for a moment about the virtues of these 10 days before we get into the specific practices that we learn from the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and from the salaf and from the pious predecessors about how to make the most of these 10 days the most famous reference to these days is in surat he swears by the dawn and then he swears by these ten nights and then allah subhanahu wa ta'ala goes on to say yes where's by particularly the day of sacrifice the 10th of durham as well as which is the odd day which is arafah and allah subhanahu swears by the last part of the night according to some of the scholars these ten refer to the last two knights of ramadan and that is a weak opinion or a minor opinion i should say another group of scholars they say that these ten refer to the ten of durha but the days of durham the best ten days of the year are the ten days of durham the best ten nights of the year are the last ten nights of ramadan so again this is a way of reconciling the virtues of the last 10 nights of ramadan as the best nights of the year whereas when we talk about the best 10 days of the year they are the first 10 days of the hija and some scholars said actually the 10 days of the hija are superior to the last 10 of ramadan both the day and the night so pay attention to that a group of scholars said once again that the ten of durha are superior to the ten of ramadan the last ten of ramadan both their days and their nights so what you can derive from that of course is that this is a special season that allah subhanahu ta'ala is mentioning to us and the scholars talk about the way that allah situates it in these verses that allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is speaking about the most blessed times of the day the most blessed times of the year and the most blessed times of the uh of the night so that we can pay attention to these lost opportunities the best time of the day is al-fajr the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam teaches us in multiple narrations that the best sunnah is the sunnah of fajr the two raqqa is before fajr they're better than the world and everything in it the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam said just to pray those two raka's before fajr he would not lose the sunnah of fajr even when he was traveling and then if a person wakes up and they pray their fajr on time and especially in jamaa with the good will paying attention to allah subhanahu paying attention to the recitation the witnessed recitation mashhud that the angels come and witness that recitation at the time of fajr the angels of the day and the angels of the night listening to the long recitation of fajr if a person starts off their day with that ibadah with that act of worship then the rest of the day is going to be blessed okay so if you start off right the rest of it is going to be right and then the prophet saws taught us allah has blessed my ummah in its early hours that if a person worships allah subhanahu ta'ala in the early hours and if a person gets to work in the early hours they will find barakah they will find blessing in everything that they do early on so as an ummah of muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam we are mourning people okay not morning with a you mourning as in the sub as in the early part of the day that is the best time of the day and notice that there is a virtue in starting off the day that well in that it casts blessing on the entirety of the day the hija is the last month of the year and we go into the first month of muharram and it casts the goodness of everything that you could have gained of that year to the next year so allah emphasizes the blessed part of the day being al-fajr and then allah emphasizes the best 10 days of the year that if a person makes the most of these 10 days that it will it will bring back everything good that was done for the previous year it will cast the barakah it will cast the blessing of the year to come as well and allah mentions the best time of those 10 days which is a shaferi the 10th of durham being the day of the sacrifice and then of course the best day of the 10 days the best day of the year which is the day of arafah allah swears by it and then allah swears by the night as it is departing if a person misses the entire night in prayer if they're not able to wake up except for a few moments if they are not able to remember allah subhanahu wa except for a few moments let it be in those precious minutes before fajr lady ida yasir that is the time where those who prayed all night or those who prayed for a significant portion of the night seek forgiveness from allah subhanahu wa ta'ala for any shortcomings that they had in their prayer and that is the time of the night where those who wake up seek forgiveness from allah subhanahu ta'ala for for not praying for a longer portion but that is the most blessed time of the night and so allah subhanahu swears by these times and it's very important to also pay attention here by the way that a lot of people miss out on these times because these are times where despite their blessing most people are inactive despite their blessing most people are inactive and so most people don't do anything after fetish right and if you're not muslim you likely sleep through fetish right but most muslims will go back to sleep after fajr for example right and that's not inherently sinful but it's a blessed time to take advantage of especially the moments after fajr it's okay to sleep if you want after that but make sure that you pray fajr right and that you do the the morning remembrances after salat that fajr at least and the last part of the night of course most people sleep through that part of the night as well and when it comes to these 10 days you know when ramadan comes around in particular we talk about how shabban is lost between two sacred months or two special months not sacred in the sense of the sanctified way in which allah speaks about but two special months months where it's very easy for us to lose sight of things rajab being one of the sanctified months and ramadan of course being the greatest month of the year and you have shabban that gets lost in between and people become heedless in regards to it when it comes to these 10 days these 10 days are the best 10 days of the year yet still people do not take full advantage of these 10 years of these 10 days and also it's important to mention here by the way someone might say well how come allah the 10 nights instead of why did allah swear by nights instead of days and some of the scholars mention that in the quran and they are interchangeable days and nights are interchangeable and we see that in the story of zechariah where allah subhanahu wa ta'ala when he gives him the oath of of silence for three days in one part allah subhanahu wa ta'ala mentions three days and in one part allah subhanahu ta'ala mentions three nights to show that they are interchangeable and some of the scholars they say that leia refers to you know a time of sincerity right a time of sincerity subhanallah this is of course just some of the wisdoms and the reflections that you'll find from some of the mufasirin that generally speaking the night refers to secrecy and a time where a person is with their lord where they have an opportunity to shine and to connect to their lord under the cover of the night whereas ayam is a time to proudly proclaim the remembrance of allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and to work the deeds that are pleasing to allah subhanahu ta'ala especially as they involve society around you so it is the ten days of the according to the majority of scholars as we said and it is of course that allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has made it so that is the best day and then after alpha the tenth day which is the day of eid the day of the sacrifice is the second best day of these 10 days of durham now we already know that these days connect to ibrahim salam this is a eid that inherently commemorates ibrahim but it also is a time in which musa islam was guided to according to most of the urdama where allah subhanahu says that we made an appointment for musa israel for moses peace be upon him for 30 nights and then we perfected them by the addition of ten and so the term of his lord was completed as 40 nights and what this is speaking about according to the majority of the scholars is that musari his saddam's 40 days included the 30 days of the karda and then allah subhanahu ta'ala commanded him to complete another ten hence it would coincide with the ten of durha and this is similar to how all of the holy books were revealed in ramadan according to the prophet salallahu whether it was the torah or the injil or the zaboor all of these books were revealed in ramadan in a way that coincided with ramadan likewise in this situation while it might not have been called it was a time that coincided with the hijjah in regards to musa islam's blessed extra 10 days and the day that allah subhanahu ta'ala spoke to musa was was the day that we commemorate as well and of course when we go to uh you know through the process of hajj may allah allow us to go through that process in our lifetimes once again or for the first time and let it be accepted and sincere allah i ameen that we are commemorating of course the time where allah subhanahu ta'ala took the covenant from adam salam and the time that ibrahim prayed to allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and the time that allah spoke directly to musa once again and the time that our prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam was blessed with so much and we can connect to allah and go back to our origin uh so this is a time that brings us to the prophets of allah as well brings us to ibrahim and it brings us to musa now before we get to the best good deeds to do in these days the best good deeds to do in these days i want us to pay very close attention to the warning of al-hafiz where he says be careful when it comes to committing sins in the sacred months the sacred months being rajab the muharram the sacred months be careful from committing sins in these times because verily it prohibits or it hinders it deprives one of receiving the mahfirah of allah the forgiveness of allah in the times of mercy from allah subhanahu wa ta'ala when allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is descending this much mercy upon us and especially in the sanctified months and what makes these months sanctified where the prophet sallallahu alaihi was your blood your money your honor are sacred to one another more sacred to one another meaning they are forbidden to one another in the same way that allah has sanctified this month this day and this place right they are sanctified months so be very careful from undertaking any type of venture or doing anything or saying anything that would violate the sanctified places and the sanctified honor and the sanctified things of allah subhanahu wa ta'ala because that could deprive you of all of the rahmah all of the mercy that comes in these times and so just like when we talk about ramadan where when allah gives you a great opportunity and the good deeds are multiplied the sins in those times are also multiplied think about the person that is in hajj right a person fighting in okay in the in in the area of tawaf right we know you know just imagine a person subhanallah doing something that might be you know acceptable social practice but they're in hajj okay they're they're sitting in arafah or they're in minna or they're they're they're doing to offer on the kaaba and these things would bother anybody right because we say don't you know where you are because we see the physical dimensions of where they are okay we can see the ahram we can see the kaaba we can see arafat and so when someone starts being foul when people start arguing and fighting then it automatically you know causes everyone else to pause and say whoa calm down you know don't you realize where you are because we see the physical dimensions but the spiritual dimensions of this time period right are also overbearing to a point that you know we should be very careful and imagine ourselves constantly in this place to not do anything that would deprive us of the mercy of allah so just as the good deeds are multiplied the sins could also be multiplied if we don't pay attention especially the sins that involve what allah has sanctified of other people so social media you know you can either stay on it or not stay on it whatever it may be and that could be your whatsapp that could be your chat groups whatever it may be be very careful your conversations the things that you are saying and just like when we talk about ramadan that the number one way to ensure that you get the blessings of ramadan is to not do the things that would cause your ramadan to be invalidated so when you think about your fasting right what's the first thing when you think about fasting it's restraining yourself from food drink and from desire or from intimacy specifically right and that's so that your fasting can just be valid then of course restraining yourself from backbiting and gossip and from doing sinful things right so the same way that we approach ramadan let's approach the hija as well okay and these sacred months which by the way even now it's is a sacred month but the most sacred of the sacred months is coming which is the hidja so be very careful not to do anything to deprive yourself of the reward of allah before you start thinking about the best good deeds to do so the best good thing that you could do in the hija is to not sin and particularly to not harm anyone else because that's where the prophet saws specifically warned us now let's get to the best good deeds insha allah so all of that is an introduction to the hadith that we will be speaking about today insha'allah and constructing a plan for ourselves insha'allah as to the best good deeds that we could do the most famous hadith in this regard is the hadith of abdullah that there are no days in which good deeds are more beloved to allah subhanahu wa ta'ala than these 10 days they said o messenger of allah not even jihad allah and you know think about the context these are people who you know are sitting with the prophet saws and every single one of them has some wound from a battle that they served alongside the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam right so you know or they've lost people that they love so everyone sitting with the prophet saws when he says this is a veteran of badr or a veteran of uhud or has at least you know strove in the hamduck you know where their lives were put on the line for the sake of allah and the messenger sallallahu alaihi wasallam so he says not even all this that we've been through and what our families have suffered as a result of it the prophet saws says except for the prophet's license said not even a jihad of isabella except for a person who goes out with their self and with their wealth and does not return from that with anything now the short version of this or to understand this is that the answer of the prophet saws is saying not even al-jihad of isabella surpasses the deeds that are done in these 10 days but what we go through when we actually start to dig deep into what the prophet saws is telling us with this hadith you know there are multiple hadith where the prophet salallahu says that doing such and such is better than the world and everything in it so for example we mentioned the sunnah of that dunya it is better than the dunya and everything in it meaning if all you got from this dunya in terms of al khasib in terms of earning is these two rakaas of fajr and you did not earn any other wealth in this life except to sustain yourself then what you earned of those two rakaas of fajr on top of your obligations is better than the dunya and everything that is within it similarly the prophet salallahu that if allah guides someone on your hand calling to allah if allah guides someone on your hand and that is better than the dunya and everything that is in it and there are other you know hadith where the prophet saws and we'll talk about the superiority of certain atkar of certain forms of remembrance better than the dunya and everything in it meaning if that is all that you attain of reward then that is enough that's enough of a portfolio to meet allah subhanahu wa ta'ala with and no wealth in the world would be more beloved so when the prophet saws says not even al-jihad of isabel except for a person who literally lost everything everything in the process right all of their wealth all of their lives everything then that is similar to the prophet's life and i'm saying better than the dunya and everything that is within it so these deeds are better than the other deeds and everything within them and so that is you know a very special way of the prophet salallahu alluding to this hadith and some of the scholars say you know the fact that allah has legislated hajj in these times i'm going to keep on saying it may allah grant us an accepted hajj i mean it's so blessed in and of itself that's a mercy in and of itself from allah subhanahu wa because when you go to hajj what are you doing you're remembering allah you're in medina or mecca especially for the first time of durha you're in a state of remembrance of allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and so allah is multiplying your deeds because you're in the best place at the best time may allah grant that to us so these deeds are more beloved to allah subhanahu wa ta'ala than any other deeds there is a chapter in in tirmidhi the chapter of that which has come in regards to in regards to the 10 days and i want to mention the other hadith that is narrated here because it gets spread around sometimes and that is the hadith that etimidi actually puts in this chapter where abu hurairah is narrated that the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam said that there are no 10 days more beloved to allah that he be worshipped in them than the ten days of the hijjah and then the prophet saw islam in this narration goes on to say ya ya sa that fasting every day of them is equivalent to fasting an entire year and standing every night of them is equivalent to lailatul qatar is equivalent to the night of now this hadith though it is narrated by a tiramidi in this chapter it is a weak hadith it has a weak chain so i mention it to say that it has a weak chain however why would imam and turmeric put it here and why would the scholars still mention it to just talk about the virtues of these days of these nights of course but we know that other evidences point to the superiority of leither as the greatest night of the year but just to say subhanallah emphasized these days were and these nights were to the muslims and an authentic hadith the prophet saws said as narrated from abraham from his father the prophet saws said the two the two days the two months of that are never reduced in their reward even if they are only 29 days ramadan the month of ramadan and the month of the so these two months there is a reason why allah put their eids in these two months of course the eid of ramadan it is still the the month of eid even though eid is technically the ushering in of shawwad because the eid of shawwal commemorates the month of ramadan likewise the eid of the hijjah commemorates the first 10 days and that is where the believers find their goodness and so these are the months in which we celebrate the mercy of allah subhanahu wa ta'ala now even he points to something that's very powerful here that all of the good deeds are combined in these 10 days and that is not the case for any other 10 days of the year meaning what the five pillars of islam all of them are emphasized in these 10 days and you cannot say that about any other 10 days of the year what is it the best the best form of remembrance on the day of arafah which we'll talk about in some detail right so the shahada the salah is emphasized in this time of course as well we find that fasting is emphasized in this time as well we find that a sadaqa charity is emphasized in this time as well and of course it is the only time where hajj is legislated right there are no other times of the year where you can do hajj this is the only time that you could do hajj and of course it was in these 10 days that allah subhanahu wa ta'ala perfected our religion for us right and completed his favor upon us it was within these ten days and so even there are no 10 days of the year where all five pillars right come into conversation with one another come into practice of one another and all of the good deeds are combined within these ten days so then comes the question which good deeds should we do and notice that the prophet salallahu left the hadith very general for us it's very general right in ramadan you immediately know okay i need to do you know or try to attempt a hatem of quran or some sort of recitation recital of a large portion of the quran and some reflection upon the quran i know that i have tarawih at night right along with the fasting i know that sadaka is going to be emphasized you know you're going to see all the fundraisers even if they're virtual within ramadan so ramadan has a lot more structure to it but the good deeds here are left general and as we said most people because of the lack of the ceremonious type of feeling around the 10 days of the hija will neglect these days right the prophet salam left them general and that is where they say the mercy of allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is in that it is left general in this regard okay any good deeds any good deeds that you can do diversify your good deeds within these ten days number one don't lose your obligations okay so al ahmed al-salah first and foremost the good deeds include your obligations your fajr don't miss fajr in those days if you can pray fajr and jamaa every single day of those 10 days then do so if you can do you know the remembrance of allah after fajr until salatu in those 10 days do so don't miss isha in jamaa in these in these 10 days in particular so the obligations that are to be undertaken in these 10 days are greater than the obligations that are undertaken throughout the year it's a time to increase in your noaa a time to increase in your good deeds in general your voluntary good deeds and really you know the first advice that i want to give here is capture your ramadan goals again we made all of these promises in ramadan we made all of these ramadan resolutions and we definitely you know to some extent have missed some of it right a lot of us you know made these promises to allah or promises to ourselves that we're going to start doing certain things and we slacked off perhaps after ramadan the is close enough to ramadan to where you still have an element of that where you can recapture it and so if you are sad over what you missed in ramadan this is the best time to make tawba to allah subhanahu ta'ala the best time to repent to allah the best time to say you know what that obligation that i struggled with that i was going to start doing in ramadan and i was not able to do so i got weak let me try to do it again in the hija and let me try to make it permanent this time this is the time if your quran has collected dust since or your quran app has not been reopened since ramadan this is the time to say you know what let me get back to my recitation of the quran so use durham to recapture ramadan use to recapture ramadan go right back to your ramadan goals go back to what worked go back to what didn't work and adjust yourself for these 10 days as well so you know one easy way to think about the recitation of the quran for example is to actually take a third of your ramadan recitation and set that as a goal for your 10 days of the hija so if you did a khatam of the quran in ramadan then say that i'm going to do one third i'm going to do 10 jews of the quran in these 10 days or whatever it may be maybe you want to do more than that but the point is is that use ramadan to launcher durham especially since it's not that far away what are some other things that we take from the salaf in this regard from the pious predecessors in this regard so let's think very practically who narrates from ibn abbas the famous hadith about the tone of durham the one where the prophet saws said that there are no ten days in which the deeds are more beloved to allah subhanahu than these ten days says that ibn abbas used to become so busy in these 10 days with with good deeds that no one would see him until the day of eat now what does this speak to halwa being secluded with allah he became inaccessible in these ten days ibn abbas who was a very accessible person the scholar of this ummah for these 10 days he intentionally became very inaccessible because he was busy with allah subhanahu wa ta'ala now i know subhanallah ramadan comes around you always have people talking about i'm going to log off of social media for the next 30 days see you after ramadan or i'm going to reduce it significantly that cancel certain invitations that cancel certain things that would require them to spend too much time away from those periods of seclusion these are ten days of long seclusion erticaf in your own home perhaps right in the masjid or in your own home but these are 10 days of seclusion if there are any 10 days that you want to sort of cut off disconnect from others so that you can focus until the moment of 8 these are the 10 days to do so because the most powerful manifestation of a hadith is to look at the companion who narrated the hadith how they acted upon that hadith so this is the first thing disconnect right that is the most prominent feature of the narrator of the hadith that will be on all of the infographics and that will go around on all the images throughout the next few days disconnect so that you can connect to allah subhanahu wa ta'ala then we go into the next ibadah fasting not just fasting the day of arafah but fasting some of the first nine days other than alpha so you have the first to the eighth obviously you can't fast on the day of fasting some of those days as well there's narration that the prophet salallahu wasalu is an authentic narration he used to fast the first nine days of the hija and the day of ashura and three days each month and the first monday of the month and two thursdays as well this is a hadith that's narrated by a nasa in abu dhabi it's an authentic hadith and there's narration from that the prophet saws would not fast all of the first nine days okay and the reconciliation of that is that the prophet saws did not fast all of the first nine days but he fasted a significant portion of them so how can you approach that combine the intentions of monday and thursday for example okay and if you can do more than do morbid and subhanallah just so happens that this year in particular that the day of arafah likely falls on a monday as well okay so think about you know what are three or four days that i can take or even two days other than alpha that i will fast in these first 10 of the and implement that with if you can so that's something that we also take from the uh from the practice of the prophet salallahu and the early muslims and of course you know the fasting of the day of arafah and in particular equal three years of fasting because the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam he taught us that when a person fasts the day of arafah then it equals a year of fasting before and a year after and when a person fasts the day of ashura then it is you know in regards to that present year so what we find is that you know one of the blessings of this is that muharram is the first month after the hijjah and so if you think about a person fasting arafah the year before and the year after counted then that would refer to the year before that hija okay and the year after and so that's two years and then you move into the next year of ashura and what that will cover is the previous year of durham okay so if you're in 1444 arafah and you fast then you have the reward of 1443 and you have the reward of 1445 and then if you move into 1445 which is muharram the first month of the year and you fast to ashura and the prophet saison said that expiates the sins of the previous year then that takes care of 1444 as well so it spans three years of fasting within those two days and for those sisters in particular or brothers that might be ill that cannot fast that day for any reason whatsoever whoever misses a good deed that they would have normally done due to a illness or due to some sort of travel which of course means anything that is out of their hands allah subhanahu ta'ala will write it down for them as if they performed it in full so if you can't fast that day and you would have fasted that day then take comfort in knowing that allah has written down that day for you and instead use the day in dura and use the date and still doing the other forms of honoring that debate so fasting is something that is legislated throughout the first nine days of durham now as for the forms of dikir in one narration which is also sahih the prophet saw islam said there are no days in which good deeds are greater there is no days in which good deeds are greater or more beloved to allah subhanahu ta'ala means from these 10 days of durham so the prophet saws says so increase within these 10 days of takbir and tahmeed or tahlil and takbir and saying alhamdulillah and subhanallah now the prophet saws here is stressing quantity of course quality is important but the prophet saws here is stressing quantity in the sense of keep yourself engaged with these forms of dhikr you can't do that if you're engaged too much with other people and so take the advice of ibn abbas and carve out some personal time for yourself and even if you're around people lots of vikkir and the atkar that are familiar to us when you're walking between places you know when we talk about the last 10 nights of ramadan we always tell people that even when you're getting up to go get your sahara or to do something else keep yourself in the state of dhikr when when i have my hajjaj and arafah i always tell them like look the lines are long for the bathrooms in arafah okay even when you're standing in line keep yourself indicated don't just take a break say all right let me go ahead and just start having a conversation no those are precious hours keep yourself engaged and busy in dikkir and subhanallah what we find is an authentic hadith that they used to go through the marketplace throughout the first 10 days of the hija this is a lost sunnah and they would shout out takbir they would shout out prompting the people even as they were in the marketplace to say allahu akbar please don't walk into a shopping mall and start shouting allahu akbar this is a sunnah that we take the best from inshallah for ourselves to remind the muslims remind the believers throughout these 10 days so when you're about to get into an argument with your spouse or you're in your home remind them these are days of tech these are days of tahrir these are days of tahmii these are days of praising allah subhanahu ta'ala not just the day of our eid but throughout the first 10 days the sahaba would prompt one another and remind one another if you want to make this a time if you are with your family bittern or even with friends whoever it may be and of course i know some are still isolated due to covet but reminding people insha'allah hey let's let's do this insha'allah let's prompt one another to remember allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and imagine you know i always like to to cast uh this time on hajj because you know it's just the easiest way again to take the physical dimensions of hajj and to think about the spiritual dimensions of the hijas since they're so connected when you're in a bus that is on its way to the kaaba and you're in and there are people that are doing talbia throughout lebaica bake that is a game changer that keeps everyone engaged and reminded to keep on doing so it's just a natural function of us that you know even if i'm half asleep and i see someone next to me and they're going to bake then i'll start doing it as well because that's how we are as human beings and so the sahaba we're prompting one another with vikkir within these first uh 10 days and subhanallah you know we find that this was the gift that ibrahimovic taught our prophet and he said and tell them that jannah has this vast plane and pure soil and sweet water so janna is a beautiful plain leveled land its soil is uh it is pure its water is sweet and you grow plants in that soil by saying what subhan allah alhamdulillah every time you say that your land in jannah is increasing in real estate and in value because the trees are popping up in a jannah for you every time you say subhanallah alhamdulillah that's in normal times what about then in the best 10 days of the year where they are days of baraka days where deeds are multiplied so keep yourself busy subhanallah subhanallah look the the simplest way that i can give you insha'allah is take a number for each one of those epcot and of course the things that are you know done on regular days so for example 100 times each one of these forms of the right if you can do 100 do a hundred if you can make it two hundred do two hundred if for the sake of these days you say i'm gonna make them a thousand each inshallah ta'ala but i'm going to put a number on myself and then i'm going to try to do even more than that number in the night then do so because these are the best days of the year to do so subhanallah keep on doing so now when we get to the day of arafah in particular just like you know the prophet saws that regret is repentance and supplication is worship is the core of hajj and arafat is the core of the hijjah so arafah is the best day of hajj it is the most fundamental and most important pillar of the hajj and it is the most important day of the days of the hijjah allah gives us eight days to prepare ourselves for that day and just like the hajjaj go out to minna for yom teruya to rest even their camels to rest everything for that momentous day of arafah the eight days prior are to get our souls ready rested rejuvenated for that day of arafah and the prophet saws says to us that there is no day in which allah subhanahu ta'ala sets free more souls from the fire than on the day of harafa on that day allah subhanahu wa ta'ala draws near to the earth in a way that befits him and he exhibits his his benevolence and he remarks to the angels he boasts to the angels what is it that these servants of mine desire when they're coming out to make their out to allah in this regard the people are calling upon allah in different languages all in one valley and of course around the world as well and allah wa ta'ala calls the angels to bear witness that he has forgiven them may allah make us all amongst those that are forgiven subhanallah the benefits of the hajj and the duras are for the whole ummah they're for the whole ummah right allah forgives everyone as a result of that and the barakah of those reaches the entire ummah and so this is a time for us to remember our brothers and sisters in philistines remember our brothers and sisters in surya and yaman to remember our brothers and sisters from the oirs and from the rohingya to remember our brothers and sisters in ethiopia to remember our brothers and sisters that are struggling all around the world with this is the time for us to remember them insha'allah in our dura's as we always should remember them but the benefits of this day reach everyone so this is a day of dua what is it to be found within that dua well first and foremost etoba renew your covenant with allah subhanahu wa ta'ala the day of adaf is a day of covenants okay it's the day of the initial covenant with allah subhanahu wa ta'ala so renew your covenant with allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and that's why the prophet saws said it's the worst day of the year for shaitaan shaytan has on his calendar mark the day of arafah it is the most humiliating day of the year for him the worst day he tries to take you away from allah and on that one day allah subhanahu draws you near and all of the effects of shape on all of the sins that he stains you with it is gone on that day in particular so it is the worst day of the year for shaytan which means it's the best day of the year for the believers as they cling close to allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala now the itamat they say that all of the virtues and this is from the virtues of the day of arafah all of the virtues of the last 10 nights of ramadan specifically and ramadan in general are found in this one day in arafah which is pretty incredible what do what do we mean by that well first and foremost it's a day of fasting right for those that are not in arafa it's a day of fasting so just like the month of ramadan is a month of fasting arafat is a day of fasting secondly it's a day of dua the prophet salallahu taught us to spend the entirety of the day and calling upon allah subhanahu ta'ala until the sun sets until maghrib every moment is precious on that day of arafah the third thing is that the prize of ramadan is what you pardon you love to forgive and pardon so forgiven pardon us and that is to be freed from the fire and there is no day of the year where allah frees more people from the fire than that day so the prize of ramadan is embedded within that one day as well subhanallah so the day of arafah combines the virtues of ramadan the virtues of the last two nights within just a few hours how important are those hours subhanallah and by the way just on a very practical level if there's a possibility for you to take a day off of work if you can then that's the day to do so inshaallah ta'ala just if you're thinking about vacation days or sick days or whatever it may be then take a day off and let that be a day that you extend yourself and if you can't then still use it as a day of vikr even as you're doing everything else so what is the best and what was the prophet's life i'm saying that entire time okay and this is perhaps subhanallah one of the most beautiful understandings of dua that can be extracted from the of the prophet saws the prophet saws made your on the day of arafah all the way from zuhr to maghrib without pause he prayed shortened and combined and the prophet saws made all the way from to the time of maghrib and we don't have anything of his dua except for one subhanallah when the prophet saw islam would go on asafa with marwah and he would do his sari and he would make dura sallallahu alaihi wasallam between allah would make long grass long drafts every single circuit so every time he stood on safa every time he stood on marwa between those duas the prophet saws would lengthen his dua we don't have any narration about what he would say when the prophet saw someone would stone the gemarat subhanallah look how dua is embedded in hajj when he would stone the jamal between the jammarat the prophet sallallahu isaam would face towards the kaaba and raise his hands and make jira and he would take a long time sallallahu alaihi islam making dura we don't have anything narrated from that dura the day of musdalipha the prophet salisa would pray fajr and he would remember allah he'd make dua until the sun rise we have nothing narrated of that why because the point of dua is not to be on script the point of du'a is to be sincere and connect to your lord sincere supplication and so we have the draas from the sunnah which are undoubtedly blessed but we also have the example of du'a from the sunnah which is also blessed which is that raw emotion connecting to allah subhanahu wa ta'ala in your own language in your own way in those moments and so what do we have from the prophet saws about the day of arafah the best du'a one narration the prophet saw islam says and another narration the more famous one the prophet saw isaac said the best of what i and the prophets have said on this day so when musa islam stood before allah on this day when ibrahim al-islam stood before allah on this day when muhammad said some stood before allah on this day what did they say in allah has the right to be worshipped allah he alone who has no partners to him belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth and he has power over all things now i want you for a moment to just stay with me insha'allah about how beautiful this dua is and this is something that i want us to try for this year in particular within and hopefully it can become a practice that we take on beyond insha'allah there's an authentic narration where the prophet saws whoever says this dua on a normal day 100 times 100 times whoever says this 100 times in one day the prophet saws said the reward of that is it's as if he freed 10 slaves as if and 100 good deeds will be written for him and 100 bad deeds will be wiped out from his accounts and on that day he will be protected from the morning until the evening from the shaitaan and no one will be superior to that person except for one who increased in that which he has done meaning one who even did more than a hundred okay this is on a normal day the prophet saws the reward of freeing one person from slavery is that allah would free every part of your body from the fire what then of the reward of freeing ten people from slavery the prophet saws mentions the good deeds being written for you the sins being wiped out and you being protected from the shaitaan and no one is superior to you except for one who did more than you so here's a very basic prescription for the day of arafah if this is on a normal day to say this a hundred times then on the day of alpha make sure you say this dua at least a hundred times and the barakah only allah knows how much mercy how much blessing will be written for you as a result if that's the best thing that you could say on the day of arafah then make sure that you say it at least a hundred times on that day may allah allow us to attain that reward and so much more beyond what we can comprehend allahumma i mean then comes the day of raid and this is a very important part don't tune me out yet because a lot of us don't see aid as ibada and the eid of drhidja is specifically a day of worship and it is the second best day of the ten days so when we talk about either it comes after ramadan is actually part of the 10 days there's a big difference between the two in that regard right like this is significance because eat is usually a day that's marked by heedlessness right it's usually a day where people kind of forget themselves you know and this situation is the day of ibadah so what is the ibadah of what is the ibadah of the eid of the sacrifice well first and foremost obviously the sacrifice itself is a very important ibadah and that's why allah subhanahu wa ta'ala he put sacrifice next to salah say that verily my prayer and my sacrifice sacrifice in the general sense no doubt but here's sacrifice in the specific sense my life and my death are all for allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and people used to sacrifice in the name of their idols and allah subhanahu ta'ala made it so that it is purely for allah subhanahu wa the sacrifice is purely for allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and what is it called qurani right you come close to allah you draw near to allah subhanahu wa think about the person clinging on to the cloth of the kaaba right you're drawing near to allah subhanahu wa ta'ala with the sacrifice and it is a time where you know you have a very specific ibaada with a very sp special reward and ibn umass that the prophet saws lived in madina for 10 years and every one of those years he sacrificed sallallahu alaihi wasallam so he didn't miss it and the ibadah of that sacrifice is first and foremost what the prophet saws when the ten days enter and one of you wants to offer a sacrifice the prophet saws for do not let anyone remove anything from their hair or from their skin in that time period and so the the intention of offering the sacrifice is in the beginning of the hija and it extends all the way until their eight and so the one who is offering a sacrifice should avoid removing from their hair or from their nails and this is the sunnah of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and imam khan he said this makes one resemble the person that is in and so ashokani rahim allah says it's like a person who is in and that every part of their body is freed from the hellfire every part of their body is freed from the fire as a result of abstaining from cutting from their nails and cutting from their hair until the sacrifice is offered so keep that in mind because i know obviously that uh you know many of us when the time of when salat comes if your sacrifice has not yet been done then a person removes from their hair and removes from their nails and that's any part of their hair by the way their hair their beard their body hair their mustache their nails whatever it may be and that would uh be contradicting what the guidance of the prophet saws is in this regard when a person wants to offer the sacrifice and obviously we want that sacrifice to be accepted unless of course the sacrifice is offered before salat which is possible because some people might offer the sacrifice or delegate the sacrifice in another country where the time zone is different and so the sacrifice is already done and at that time a person can then remove from their hair and they can remove from their nails so that's part of the ibadah of it as well now just the technical point here the ruling applies to the one who is offering the sacrifice not the delegated person okay so most of us will delegate someone else to offer the sacrifice on our behalf the ruling is to the one who is offering the sacrifice not the one who is physically delegated to do so and the ruling applies only to the one who is offering the sacrifice on behalf of their family so let's say for example that i'm offering the sacrifice on behalf of my spouse and on my children then that ruling does not apply to my spouse and my children nor does it apply to the person that i've delegated to offer the sacrifice rather it just applies to me and this would be the same by the way for men or for women so that's part of the ibaad as well of the sacrifice of is of course a time where following the sunnah is in and of itself a blessing it's a time of sadaqah right you want to give charity from your sacrifice and of course you know in in the situation of most of us the entirety of the sacrifice goes towards sadaqah and that's something that's blessed right that a person you know offers their sacrifice especially in one of the distressed countries where some people don't eat any proper food until the day of subhanallah it's their day where they have a chance to actually eat properly and so that's one of the blessings as well and the prophet saws marked the day of our eid whether it was with his sadaqah so it's a day of sadaqah so make sure that you are plentiful and giving charity on the day of eid as well now the last thing that i will say in this regard which is very very important is the connection with family as a form of ibaadah as a form of here's the problem a lot of us think about the time that we spend with family as taking a break from our worship whereas it's the greatest that you could do in terms of worship subhanallah on that day is connecting with the ties of the womb and suratur does not just refer to your immediate family though that is who is immediately implied okay and included so your parents if they're alive if they're not alive maybe you give sadaqa on their behalf you call their friends you call their relatives that's one of the ibadat that the prophet saws taught us to maintain the ties with the loved ones of our deceased loved ones right so you call your you know who would your parents typically have called if they were alive if they were still with you this 8 you call them instead and say you know i know that my mother or my father used to keep up with you on the day of eid send them something greet them whatever it may be that's a form of but with your parents who are living with your spouses you know connecting making that a time where you connect with your spouse with siblings with children with your uncles with your aunts with even cousins and people that are extended relatives why because they are the ties of the womb so this is a time of community and a time of family and seeing that as ibada and so i mentioned this hadith because i know that many people have not heard this hadith before it's an authentic hadith where the prophet saws that when it comes to the the ties of the womb the ties of the womb are tied to the throne of the most merciful the ties of the womb are tied to the throne of the most merciful and the arash speaks the throne speaks so the ties to the throne just like the ties of the womb they say whoever connects me then allah subhanahu ta'ala will connect with that person and whoever cuts me off allah will cut me off okay this is very very severe but it has a great reward in it as well a time of reconciliation a time to establish the ties of kinship and to see that as ibada to spend time with family insha'allah to reach out to your relatives to reconnect with people to seek forgiveness from people to spend upon people all of these inshallah ta'ala are forms of ibadah are forms of worship and we should see it as such and so that takes the mindset of the day of our eid as a day of fun as which it is a day of farah it's a day of joy the prophet saws taught us how to have fun as an ummah as well that we should enjoy and celebrate the mercy of allah subhanahu wa subhanallah you know one of the beauties of the spirit of salvation in islam is that our holidays our two eids are not a commemoration of someone else's good deeds or someone else's sacrifice but it's allah's mercy a commemoration of allah's mercy and letting us worship him opening to us these seasons of these seasons of good and having hope in him accepting our sacrifices and our deeds whether it is the time we push ourselves in ramadan or in the first tent of durham but you know beyond that you you have joy you have moments of joy with your family see that as part of their ibadah that's part of the worship of eid as well and reach out to those that you have not reached out to for some time as well that will all be blessed so dear brothers and sisters don't limit the mercy of allah upon you don't limit the good deeds that allah subhanahu ta'ala has given to you exert yourself on the day of arafah and exert yourself throughout these ten days in recapturing ramadan in the recitation of the quran and the remembrance of allah prompt others to remember allah as well exert yourself in salah give charity again every single day of the 10 days give charity and push yourself to give charity and then offer a sacrifice if you can and find joy with your family to connect with long-lost relatives insha'allah or the relatives and loved ones of those that you have lost that will all be a form of blessing i pray that allah subhanahu wa ta'ala accept these ten days from all of us that allah subhanahu ta'ala accept the hajj of those that have been blessed to make hajj this year that allah subhanahu ta'ala count the intention of all of those who intended to make hajj this year or the previous year and were not able to may allah write down a full hajj for them may allah subhanahu wa ta'ala allow us to go to hajj soon and accept it from us so may allah accept our intention for the next hajj around around the corner if we live to see it and if we don't live to see it may allah write down the full reward for us may allah grant us the companionship of our beloved prophet and our beloved father and prophet ibrahim to be in their presence may allah allow us to implement what they taught us in these blessed days may allah forgive us for any shortcomings in these days may allah allow us to become more determined to follow that which he has obligated us to do in these 10 days and may allah increase us increase us in all voluntary good deeds and protect us from the evil of ourselves from the whispers of the shaitaan and these 10 days and beyond may allah subhanahu wa ta'ala forgive us and write us down amongst amongst those who are freed from the fire and amongst those who dwell in alfredo allah for all of eternity allah i mean i look forward to inshallah seeing you through the uh the series i hope that bidna you enjoy it with your families and that you reconnect to the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and on behalf of the entire yakin team jazakum al-qaeda once again for your support throughout the year foreign
Channel: Yaqeen Institute
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Id: yhk1tv-64Y8
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Length: 63min 27sec (3807 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 09 2021
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