The Amazing Ascension (The Night Journey - Al Isra' wal Miraj) - Shaykh Yahya Ibrahim

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we'll try that one a game in Java Salam alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh [Music] amman hamdulillah Hanauma do gone astray no Anastasio una una vida a mentor or a MOOC now immense a Yadier Molina mayor de la boeuf a la mode l-alamin al-fatiha da de da da da la la ba Raja Huli chicken avocado Ana Muhammadan Abdullah he wore a pseudo sallahu aleihi ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallim ala nabina muhammad alayhi wa rahmatu allah wa anta muslim-owned johannes at Horeb da community jalapao coming Nelson Waheeda wahala Jimenez Ahuja have a seminoma regarding kaffir on Juanita Alcala led Tessa Aluna behaved Elohim in Omaha generally humorous Eva Yohan Davina an otaku la havas Hulu : say Dida Australia come on Alec um well Phil accompany become rahmatullahi wa rasuluhu Fortezza thousand Halima and my dad always and forever we begin with the praise of allah subhanahu wa tada we send our prayers of peace upon our Navia muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam we testify with firmness and conviction that none is worthy of worship but Allah that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam is his worshipping slave and final messenger I continue to always remind myself and you have talked Alonso Adele and I pray that Allah subhana WA Ta'ala inherited me and you a taqwa and awakening and a consciousness that of a lab of Allah a fear of Allah Azza WA JAL a hope in the mercy of our main core the Almighty that is of a greater Worth and capacity in our life our privacy than what we seek to each show and to portray to each other publicly aloma i mean i ask allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala in beginning to give a steadfastness to open our heart and to give us a guidance that is sent from him and i pray that allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala makes the best of days the days that we return to Him subhanahu wa'ta'ala that allah subhana wa ta'ala makes us from those who are easy in this worldly life in the next life and from the highest of people fear it begin with our nabi muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in general holy allah ameen it is always a distinct honor and a privilege to be invited and to be amongst my dear brothers and sisters had a message of the people of sunnah here in birmingham the green lane masjid is al hamdulillah a home for those who have a love of the prophet muhammad sallallahoalyhiwasallam and i pray that allah subhanahu wata'ala continues to shine his light and his hidaya upon all of those who gather and assemble in it seeking his mercy and asking for his forgiveness and intending the path of sunnah and tradition of his prophet muhammad sallallahoalyhiwasallam and those who lived amongst him from the Salaf ilaha mohammed it is one of the great opportunities for a believer to meet with other believers and subhanAllah the people of righteousness know each other not by name but they know each other by conduct and this is something that's very important and I want to begin inshallah our time today and we're speaking about one of the great occasions of Allah's mercy to our prophet Hemet sallallahu alayhi wasallam we're going to speak about an era and we're going to speak about a knowledge which is the ascension of the prophet muhammad's of allah wa salem but really my aim in it is to speak about how you and I can use it in our contemporary lifestyle what connection do you and I have to that moment of calling of allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala to the prophets of allah who are you were settling to the highest heavens what lessons and what relevance is it to a person like me who lives in Australia to a person like you who's in the United Kingdom and Birmingham in this 21st century and I think it's important for us to always contemporize the practice of the student of the prophet muhammad sallallahoalyhiwasallam to that which fulfills the aims of our lifestyle and that which gives life to Eman in our heart in any condition and under any ISM that we find ourselves in what you will see is when you look back throughout the era and millennia you will find that Muslims have thrived under all conditions you will find millions of mills millions of brothers and sisters who resemble you who say the words you and I say in our players who face the same table who have the same concern who have the same concern who have the same concern that you and I have for our children for our communities in communist China you will find that there will be people who have the exact same outlook that you and I have in the hallmarks of capitalism you will find people who have the same needs and the same draw and wants that they ask of allah subhanahu wata'ala under socialist regimes islam has been something that has thrived because of its rule its principles in connecting a person to allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala not just history and i want and Cha law that this story night this moment where we sit together and inshallah we have a little bit of time until salat a method urban insha'Allah we'll have a little bit of a break for yourself and myself where we can just step up and move around a little bit in between the two sessions being in LA hey Tejada but I want this to be the aim that you and I have and I want it to be a beginning will you recognize that what you and I want is the same even if we live literally tens of thousands of kilometers away the worry I have for my daughter and my son's the hopes and the goals that I have as targets for them are the same ones you have for your children but they're also the same ones that your brothers and sisters have in Kenya they're the same ones that your brothers and sisters have in South Africa they're the same that your brothers and sisters have in Indonesia they're the same that your brothers and sisters have in Siberia Islam has that framework that you and I all unite upon that Colima of la ilaha illallah muhammadan rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam but seek its conditions and its outcomes to be vibrant in our life and therefore I want it to be something that in your perspective as you're sitting with me today I want everything that you and I hear and share with each other is something that you look as a segue and as a alleyway as a road to implement into your life I can take this my daughter needs this this pain that the Prophet felt at that moment is something similar to what I have and what Allah gave women relief is something that I can aspire to receive from Allah subhana WA Ta'ala and perhaps if I model myself more in the likelihood of the Prophet so I send him his modality and is a flock and his character that I could take something from that light that Allah had sent to him and have a reflection of it in my home in my substance in my place of work and that it can be something that leads me a write the Quran my dear brother and sister-in and Islam is a compass and it always leads you towards Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala and anytime you have any confusion in your life the first place that you begin has to be the Book of Allah Azza WA JAL it's not the stories that are in the Quran but it's what's built within the stories that are meant to be significant to you and I and therefore when allah subhana wa ta'ala admonishes the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam through the quran and allah sometimes you know would be forceful subhanAllah be illallah you know Allah from above the seven heavens Allah says to the Prophet Allah meeya ayyuhan nabi you talking man japan allah imagine imam stands on your member and says it totally laughs you're like subhanAllah is that brother talking to me does he know something about me he was looking at me when he was in gym or did he mean me in particular no this is allah speaking directly to the Prophet I said limb ya ayyuhan nabi your tequila prophet sallallaahu are you a synonym receives that admonition the words of the Quran were meant to be a light to the prophets and the long water you ascend them in the joyful and in their stressful moments and as we begin to talk about Israel Mirage we don't begin on the day we actually have to look a few years before and a few months before and a few weeks before and the days leading up to it Yona be muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam was burdened and was trialed and tested in a way that I pray to Allah subhana WA Ta'ala that you and I never see one of the hundreds of trials he faced simultaneously in his life salallahu alaihe wasalam as evidence of a law's love for him you find the burden upon him was severe before his birth he lost his father solo Bihari was in him within the first three four or five years of his life he lost his mother and everyone who cared for him would depart from his life grandfather and uncles his spouse Khadijah OD allahu anhu Allah those who devoted themselves and belief in him those from the Sahaba who held on teams of allahu allah wa sallam would be persecuted for no other reason than because they said mohammed muhammadan rasulullah sallallahu are usin imagine the pain of the prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam as he walks by so many of the ilaha on her and her husband yasser and their son Ahmad and he sees them in a place that he can't help him he acknowledges them and stands above them and as they're being tortured by a bull Hakam Ibrahim who we know as abuja lana hawa and as those first martyrs in al islam are nearing the last breath of the life the profit I seldom simply says to them subhan allah azza in a Nevada come on Jenna remain per patient and persevering as you are a family of yasser my next time to see you we'll be in Jeddah Salalah honey was in them imagine the pain of the prophets of Allah Allah was seldom where he sees someone like bilal radhi'allahu anhu throw no other reason then choosing to liberate his soul even though his body is owned and i want you to understand this concept of enslavement and slavery is a humiliating and degrading word when you say to someone you're a slave and tabata when someone is owned it is there is no humiliation on the face of the earth that is experienced like it because it is a usurp ssin of your power everything that you want to decide for yourself is not yours you don't choose when you eat when you sleep when you bathe when you go to the bathroom you can't choose who you marry how many children you have what your children will do and where they will go and who will there be their master the power the concept of enslavement is that all power is taken from you and then Allah subhana WA Ta'ala uses that word to describe the Prophet I said lemon this most glorious day subhanAllah via s or RBI biggie he glorified exalted without blemish is he the Almighty Allah subhana WA Ta'ala who took on a night journey his slave and there's no sugarcoating that word you know you read in translations his servant his bondsman it's his slave Abdullah he wore a sumo sallallaahu they were seldom but see there's a very technical reason we say abot see when you refer yourself to Allah you don't lose your rights you gain a lost power and I want you to understand this concept as a slave to anything in the dunya to your wealth to your job to your wife to your husband to a person who owns you to the death that is broken you to the rebar that subjugates you you become AB do you become humiliated and denigrated but when you become apt to Allah subhana WA Ta'ala the power of Allah becomes at your service at the Prophet I seldom says in the hadith in the Sahir that Allah becomes the I you see with the hand you strike with the feet you walk with the ears you hear with then a loss of Hanan wa ta'ala his power becomes at your service by you being a slave to Allah you are carried by a loss of ha dejado while being a slave to the dunya and anything in it it buries you in it you're humiliated by it and therefore the prophets of Allah who are you asylum in those moments of difficulty of seeing those who he loved targeted because of their love for him murdered for saying la ilaha illaallah muhammaden-rasul allah it would pain him and a grievous heart at seeing people who raised him know of his honesty and trustworthiness for no reason claiming him unstable dishonest fraudulent Lochaber enough tsukada ethereum in limine will be had that hadith Asafa it hurts you in your heart ear Muhammad it agrees you to surah we recited today in surah talca that you see these people the foot marks are all over you there in every part of your life they know you like they know the back of their hand in the only you can see Boonen it's not that they deny that you have come with truth when I came in a Lavina kuffar will be ayat it but it's that they have a distaste and a distrust to the word of allah subhana wa ta'ala hatred for what is right the prophet sallallaahu allah wa sallam didn't bury one son he didn't just bury one child or two or three or four five children a abdullah with his own hand he would place them in the ground even on the days of his greatest victory the battle of bed through the Prophet SAW I seldom returning to Medina triumphant honoured by Allah sending the angels from the heavens to defend the people of faith he spent the night invoking Allah if oh Allah we are destroyed who will be there to raise your name and honor you oh Allah deliver us and as he returns to al-madinah al-monawarah as he enters it he finds a son of his son-in-law earth man if - at the Allahu I know who declares him that his daughter has passed away subhanAllah not even a day where just ease and comfort no difficulty for him not even a moment the loss of Hanna wa ta'ala would test the prophets of allah who are you a said lemon he would say in their element Jezza amar element bana that the heights of reward are tied to the heights of tribulation and difficulty if telomere while 'his Abedini that an individual is tested on account of their faith that Allah will check its veracity and truthfulness and in the final moments of life of the Prophet SAW said Allah me even in the last breath of his life sallallahu alayhi wasallam the brother of our each other the along one who in nicoletto allah allahu allah o messenger of allah I've never seen anyone who suffered in his moments of passing like this o Messenger of Allah in their in their illness like this o Messenger of Allah is this because your reward is much higher than us he said a jaliyah abdullah yes the Prophet didn't just bury children but he buried the most beloved in his life at that time Khadija of the ilaha on her and others he buried grandchildren sallallaahu are you a senator Limmer would enter upon him in his Masjid as he was sleeping on a straw mat that had bruised his blessed skin sallalahu are you acceptable and Umar was a tough man as soon as he entered upon the Prophet ice alone and he saw the back of the Prophet I seldom scratched and bruised and discolored by the harshness of the dunya when the world could be at his feet salallahu alaihe wasalam owner wept and he said o Messenger of Allah the kings of Persia the Romans they have this name one terasu lost a little of water you açelya the pepper would say one Ali wanted dunya what do I need from the dunya we're just like travellers who come and sit and leave Salim Behari was in them he faced as an individual when an owner faces in its collection sallalahu rusle and therefore you would see in the early days in Mecca the prophets of Allah are seldom would be targeted with the insult and ridicule and Abdullah Reza Abner Abner Abdulmutallab his uncle whose famously described by Allah in the Quran as what you would today describe as the mayor of Jahannam the president of Jahannam Abu Lahab whenever a son of the Prophet I seldom would pass away your misfortune would befall him he would ridicule the prophets on them in Mecca up top you're cut off you have no success curse is follow you in every aspect of your life you will never have any ascendancy ya Muhammad or as they used to say yeah move em man instead of your Muhammad the honoured they used to call him Yama then man you dishonored Salalah Holly was in them and Allah would respond in non-technical Tova Noah Muhammad with all this you've been given an abundance of higher an abundance of good said Allah what Allah said when Mecca refused to accept even words from the Prophet sallallahu wasallam Allah revealed to him and their own milk aura women howled aha give this broadcast in this message to the people of Mecca but also that which surrounds it the prophets Allah I am determined to head out to the people of Taif and as he arrived and taught the people of Quraysh their intelligence services had already arrived before him they polluted the environment the media had broadcast a shameful discussion of dishonesty about the Blessed persona and personality of your nebia slicin and they waited for him and as he entered upon them hoping to have a moment of an audience to speak in truthfulness and honesty about faith not about himself but about Almighty Allah subhana WA Ta'ala they released upon him the imbeciles of their society and the young children of their society who they had given boulders and rocks and they said when you see him Pellatt him the Prophet SAW seldom was so injured by it that the blood that began to see from his blessed head was of such amount that it trickled down his body until his shoes were full of it and had to walk that mile of condemnation to lead himself out of life being pelleted and abused and hold until a Christian invited into a place of refuge and sat him in a place under the shade of some trees and gave him something to eat and some water to bathe and to cleanse himself with and in some of the reports of the Sierra the prophet made a drop ya arhamu r-rahimin almost gracious of those who show graciousness and favor all the merciful of those who show mercy element a key do need to who have you left me Allah I do we attached a hominid to an enemy who seeks to obliterate me and alack or even mulatto who Amory have you given me over to relatives of mine who you've subjugated me to oh Allah my uncle abuses me the distant injure me in Lamia kumbhak aha baboon holla holla fella ovalle never less oh allah if no anger is the cause of this I am willing to withstand it oh la la Orana matica oh sorry although I petition you for your mercy which is more comprehensive and expensive for me though the renauldi weduc Olevia da of being a Samoa to Allah I seek my protection and in the light of your face that gives radiance to everything in the heavens and the earth that you don't bring down any of your anger upon me or any of your assault upon me o Allah and it's at that moment it is as if Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala looked into the hearts of the people of the earth and it's as if the response to the prophet sallallaahu either you are seldom was that if no one on earth wants you come up to the heavens and see what your honor and places and I want inshallah to take three important lessons from what we've discussed up until this moment first year at the law know that whatever pain you shoulder whatever difficulty that is visited upon you whatever hardship my dear sister that you have internally or externally whatever affliction or punishment whatever illness unwell this unsteadiness you face know that allah subhana wa ta'ala is always with you when i cannot a broken Asiya and your Lord will never forget you know in your happiest and most soulful moments Allah is always with you know that everything is in the power and in the hand of Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala I know that whatever Allah takes it is by his wisdom and through his love and whatever Allah gives it's out of his compassion and his tests know that Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala who loved muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam more than you are loved by Allah that Allah gave him difficult tests that you and I are unable to withstand so be patient as you saw in the example of your nabina muhammad sallallahu assad this spill this little wasabi ruler arbiter learn this lesson from those who lived it with their own eyes see it's very easy for us to narrate these hadith of the Prophet I seen them where we say in the Sahara has been reported that the Prophet SAW salem said you cannot complete your faith until i meaning he sallallahu alayhi wasallam is more beloved to you then your father then your mother then your children then your spouse then even you love your own self you must love him more than you love what you would love for yourself and subhanAllah for you and I to be able to prove that is very difficult love is that word today that doesn't mean what it should mean and if I was to ask myself honestly and if you were to ask yourself honestly do you love dua muhammad sallallahu aleyhi we sellem perhaps my tongue will say yes but my actions will be lie it do you love rasul allah salallahu alaihe senior your tongue might say yes and I hate Rasul Allah I love The Messenger of Allah but the prophets I seldom had people who looked him in the face and said this and he challenged them on it in authentic hadith narrated by imam muslim one of the Sahaba he came running back to the Masjid we'd be inconsolable and he came to the Prophet I said lemon he just sat and looked at the Prophet I seldom the Prophet said to him Arabic what's wrong with you man pahala in knee or hip okay ah Rasul Allah I'm love I'm in love with you O Messenger of Allah prophets I said limb said grammatically be careful with what you say be sure of what you claim and he said on Messenger of Allah in your head book I love you O Messenger of Allah the prophet I said have said even first bill therefore then be patient for what will befall you will be a torrential rain of hardship like water that pours down the side of a mountain in heavy deluge be careful as to what you say and he said a third time will LA he by my lord by Allah in knee or head book I love you O Messenger of Allah when a Keeney Russia but I'm afraid that when I die I won't reach the level that you've ascended to in Jannah you're gonna me manna beam where will I be your messenger of allah if i make it and at that moment allah revealed to the whole on in the quran a verse that the Sahaba described as being the one that had the greatest sore jaw that gave him the greatest help in a loss of hanahuna Terada and Allah revealed to the Prophet I seldom when my yota Allah how Allah stood the one who is obedient with their love to Allah and their messenger for Allah ik the reward will be novena animal Allah Allah him they will be given the reward of those whom Allah has favoured min and nabi'ina was so deeply in our Shahada Orsolya him they will be elevated to the level of the prophets in the Shahada and the civilian and masala heme raha sunnah wa la economía and how lofty and amazing will that company be in Jannah and the Sahaba when they heard the Prophet recite that verse when that man heard it from the lips of the Prophet SAW I seldom kept baru they all exclaimed allahu akbar allahu akbar that although i fail and my tahajud and my siddhattha is not sufficient and my giving of my heart and my time and my ability is not enough that on account of my love for the Prophet SAW I seldom I can be with him in general but do you love him a bad or the allahu anhu order as is narrated in Muslim and others he was captured by the people of Croatia and they condemned him to death and as a sentence was about to be carried out he implemented the first of people the Sunna where he said allow me to make a duel and to Raqqa before you take my life unjustly they said do your prayer will let you have your player and after he finished the Salah he said o Allah he if it wasn't that I feared you would think me a coward and that feared returning to allah i would have made my prey or longer I enjoy lengthening my prayer but I shortened it so that you don't think of me he was worried about what they would think of him in terms of what his heart had inside I have no fear of returning to Allah I have the love of Allah and His Prophet internally within me and they said to him taunting him before they sentenced him before they executed him yeah bad when you have preferred an out to hit by land wouldn't you have loved now and the hakuna Muhammed a mechanic that Muhammad would be where you are and that you would be with your family and your wife and your children he said nah Allah no by Allah I would rather be where I am and face what I faced and Muhammad be where he is and not a thorn pricks his skin salallahu alayhi wasalam they had a way moving the love and I want you to understand as a second lesson that you have a way to prove your love for the profits of the law body with that as we proceed today and you hear of what the profit faced and how we overcame it and how a law is love showered upon him I want you to know that you're responsible for your love for the Prophet Muhammad Salla long water you ascendant you will be asked about your love for the prophets of Allah are you assalam it is an action of a bada not just a feeling in your heart there's actions that stem from that claim of muhammad rasool allah salallahu re you ascend them there's an expectation and conditions that we will discover as we proceed tonight that hopefully will join you and I in the highest level naina bina was severely in our Shahada us Allah hain Aloha gentleman who me rabbul aalameen third I want you to know that perhaps the difficulties visited upon you are not just transient perhaps they remain and linger and you might see that other people transition out of difficulty and difficulty remains with you and you might look at your life as being hard and other people finding it easy and you might look at those same people and see them as being unworthy of the mercy of Allah and you see yourself subhanAllah as being upright and following the tradition and following the Sunnah and leading your family all right but nothing good seems to come your way that it just seems you go further and further into difficulty when others who are lesser than you as you perceive between you and Allah that they make their way out of it and whatever they ask and whatever they want is given to them and it's always at arm's reach and the Prophet SAW I said them would say to the Sahaba as is narrated by Lee mom and Bihari Avera I eat allaha you all to not deny your him if you witness Allah giving a person everything they want everything is within arm's reach everything they pray for and si can hope for is given to them well who are multi munna demacia and that same person is firmly established consistent regularly in singing as in you don't practice and ever you are free from but you've seen in their life everything is there that they want but you see that it's tied to sins in their life and you're amazed that Allah would give to the sinners whenever they desire violin be announced at large in the home in Allah know that this is Allah giving them respite and time before Allah takes them suddenly into punishment that they've had no purification like you've had that although there's difficulty regularly in your life that difficulty does not submerge you does not remove you from the mercy of Allah it doesn't overwhelm you that you have no more substance and hope with Allah your head is always above water your iman is always with Allah you always escape you always have enough to see you through it's not plentiful but it suffices and your as as if the Prophet is making your art with for you when he would make you out for himself and he would say along mezzanine happy hanukkah and haram ik o Allah suffice us with enough halal that we turn away from the Haram well community governments you are and suffice us with hope in you that we don't need to ask other than you life is difficult but subhanAllah it goes on while others life is easy and then it drops and then they're cut off forever Ahava hula hula move lit that person who you think everything is given to them nothing seems to go wrong the dry is always answered and they're sinners you see that happening until a terminal point and when Allah takes them the prophets I seldom said they will not be let go now my protectors from his punishment the prophets are the long water you seldom had a constant cycle of hardship and difficulty I mean that there are of tariffs and in that moment it is as if allah subhanahu wata'ala looked down upon the people of the earth and invited the best of them to the heavens in that year of an islamic Niraj which is unknown definitively to their own amount there is major disagreement amongst the scholars as to which year not even which day but which year was a lot when Niraj some of the Radames said it with three years before the hajj or others said it was six months before the Hegira others said it was a year before the Hegira some of the ulema said it was on the 27th of Rajab which happens to be either today or yesterday coincidentally this isn't the reason for our discussion and a majority said no it could have been Cheryl and it could be in Ramadan and it could be in other days in our calendar and we don't know which day it is because it was never a practice of the Prophet so I sell them to celebrate it or to think of it or to make mention of it regularly except in the context of lessons and the recitation of the Quran which we will perform in the beginning of surat al Islam you find that Allah subhana WA Ta'ala from his Rovner upon us that there were certain events that would never catalogue by the Sahaba they didn't have this ceremonial processes that many of us do where they always revisited oh it's on this day it's on this day it's on this day we look forward to that day coming and we wait until it comes and then we're going to do something big that's the day I'm gonna do my charity that today I'm going to give you know subhanAllah of the greatest Hoffner our order man teaches is that we don't know when lay little country is such a mercy from Allah the prophet Isaiah was told when it is was exiting upon the Sahaba as it narrated entire Muslim he's about to tell them and there were some of the Companions having an argument with each other in the Blessed Masjid of the prophet Isaiah and as the prophets I seldom was engaged with them in solving the call and say Allah Allah took it from his heart when laylatul kaduri's the Prophet SAW I Salim said because of your quarrel I was made to forget and I heard a man say that this is from Naraku Allah you know my community back home in Perth a couple of Ramadan's ago we were doing as I'm sure all of the massage we do charity drives and we inspire people to give and to be generous in the month of Ramadan because it is a month that is tied to the Quran and charitable ins and you know it was in the last ten nights and it was maybe the second night or third night of the last 10 nights of ramadan and we're inviting people to share from the Baraka that they've been given and the reason so that Allah has blessed with and you know one of our normally very generous brothers comes up to me after and he goes chef don't worry I got you but I'll see you on the 27th I said which one is everything he goes in a couple of days and child I'm saving it saving it for the big for the big night so allah llahu o'clock the mentality we had this a practicing brother the mentality we have you know we wanna we wanna you know add value we want to upsell we want to get the best but we can't guarantee we're going to get to that night i said uncle whatever you have in your heart give yucky and may Allah subhana WA Ta'ala as witness of you giving in this night give you the witness of lailatul Qatar it's not by you saying which day which night which event la it's by your generosity that Allah will give you the night that you want in the Baraka that you seek in any other time and the prophet sallallaahu are you a Selim Allah opened for him a gateway out of this worldly life into the upper heavens and I wish insha'Allah to lead you in this process that the prophet Solomon's experienced all this difficulty the people of Croatia have turned the people around him even in law if in surrounding cities the prophets of allah wa sallam has lost his uncle has lost his wife Khadija radiallahu anhu our Baha has been ridiculed and abused and the Sahaba being persecuted he's been annexed into the shadow of Abu Talib he's been put away nobody is allowed to buy or sell or trade or Mary or divorce from them and that's it and it's as if the world is surrounding him subtle allahu allah wa salem and before we look at surat al islam we look at the last verses of surah tonight so tonight is the sword of the proceeded sort al-islam and in the final three or four verses Allah speaks directly to the preference of the Bihar Diwas hidden and allah says wahdahu allah sabili arabica the ducati will know allah tell Hassan which I didn't bility he assassin on the Hanuman when you invite them call to the way of Allah not to yourself call to the way of Allah with hikmah with wisdom and when you debate them do it with a better debate and what you receive of them don't use the word that they use with you don't ridicule the one who ridicules you and then Allah says why now captain we mystery matter captain and if you are going to respond to them harshly then don't do it as harsh as they were harsh to you Muhammad sallallaahu Hollywood said and this was something that the Prophet taught to Abu Bakr Athiya longliner and it's a lesson we're going to take as the Prophet Solomon abu bakr seated in a hadith isn't Muslim a man from from the the people of porridge comes and begins to abuse Abu Bakr in the Prophet I send them via words hand-picked words of hate and abuses the profitable work or the along run her to their face profit eyes and let me sedate and quiet and silent and patient and Abu Bakr takes this example and holds his anger holds his tongue and the man leaves and it's as if nothing happened and the man returns and gives it to Abu Bakr and the Prophet SAW I sell him again and on the second occasion Abu Bakr could not contain himself for Abdali he be up be mr. McCauley Abu Bakr who returned the same words that he said you said on this know your that he didn't add to it so the Prophet stood up enough never bacardi allahu anhu artha and Haku got scared and ran after the Prophet sallallaahu Adi was in them and he said ya Rasool Allah I couldn't hold in my heart that this man would be vile to you to your face I don't mind what he says about me but you Yaris ooh la la so lala haria cinnamon and the Prophet said the first time when you were quiet the Angels defended me in you what that Allah heal Malaga illallah cry but the second time when you misspoke when you hold that abuse back when you use the same words he used to us at a shape on WA in ela a janeshia fema cannon the Hanafi he Shaitaan when you spoke the Shaitaan arrived and I don't sit in a place the Shaitaan has entered said Lenehan he wasn't way there our captain for our table if you respond yes respond but don't make it as as similar to what you've been given it viability here Allison Allah says in surah fussilat reject and rebuff an insult with favor that what has come to you don't use in light capacity even when they would be vile to him with words he would respond in a way that was diplomatic sallallahu alayhi wasallam but gave it back to them in the hadith of our Aloha and how al Baha some people when they greeted the Prophet I said and they said as said money instead of a ceremony as some why they destroyed be to you death be to you poison be upon you for culinary you salallahu alaihe salam o aleikum and upon you i assure of the Ilana she said ya Rasul Allah island s mouth ah dude did you not hear what they said they said as some not as Salam he said Adam test my mouth all the thali him be didn't you hear how I reside said walaikum whatever you said it's article but he doesn't say why alaikum as some and that's from the nobility of the people of faith that we always mitigate way the heart of homologa he Luna Carlo Salameh it's not out of weakness it's out of strength the greatest strength isn't that your able to combat and pin down and hold others under laser shaadi de basura the one whose mighty is not the one who sharp tongued powerfully-built able to subdue others with their wealth with their body with their words with the writing Wallach initiative olivia taman laguna ceja in the logo the one who is enabled with mind is the one who's confident enough to hold themself at a moment of anger when others lose it so la la who are you ascend him and the prophets of allah water you asylum was that example then Allah subhana WA Ta'ala would defend him and the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam returned from tahrif bloodied and bruised to a people who are waiting to ridicule him what did they say to you how many accepted you what came of it Muhammad how good was that trip he went on you came back with your with nothing you have no success the prophets of Allah water you asylum returns in Allah subhana WA Ta'ala in the days and weeks that would come begins to reveal verses to solidify his heart and of them are these verses in surah tonight well in Hobbiton and if you will return it return it but less in the final ayah were insulting but if you remain patient and muhammed sallalahu are us in them then know that the level of patience that is given to you and the reward for it will exceed whatever you would get if you weren't Salah heroism and then you say bismillahi r-rahman him super Hannah Libby asabi Abdi glorified is Allah exalted is Allah supreme without blemishes Allah in full control is Allah who has transported in a night journey and Allah says asabi Abdi he laylan not laila laila means it took the whole night leyland meaning it's a section of the night in the Prophet I seldom in the hadith of Venice he says that when I returned from Mecca to Jerusalem Jerusalem to the heavens above from the heavens to Jerusalem in Jerusalem to Mecca I returned and my bed was still warm sallalaho aleyh wassallam I saw the AB D and s law isn't a new word analyst law has been the habit of all of the prophets of Allah if salah is the necessity of fleeing by night summoned by allah to escape for faith to experience a journey where you are unable to share your destination with those who are leaving with at the time of departure and one of the most famous who's been given that nickname is Yaakov alehissalaam his nickname is a surah in which comes from Al Islam the word Israel is the nickname of Yaakov alehissalaam ya na who Assad Leela L is one of the three words in the Semitic languages that refers to Allah there is le elohim allah though three words they have the same origin and elohim a lot it's raw in the one who traveled by night by a laws instruction a smile the one who Samia Allah the one who hears the orders of God obedient to what Allah has ordered gibreel Jabbar would mean Allah given strength by Allah vehicle what an idea de la rocha mikeam mantra enthymeme Gabriel has been given an empowerment as strength by Allah subhana wa tada subhanAllah via so Abbiati and in the days of in the weeks after these experiences the Prophet is given the foreshadowing therefore telling the prophecy that something great will happen relief will arrive and I want to take two important lessons before we proceed forward from my life in your life yaffe always remember in another series that whenever you have been given difficulty in that difficulty there is your salvation and happiness and there is peace in it that even if you don't see it it is there in your illness is lessons for others may be lessons for your future children in your passing in your death there was a lot enough for those who come after you and I want you to see this in the narrative of the Quran in surat al-kahf which we recited today Allah describes the story of a little and musa alayhi wa sallam and in the third and final incident al said the release moves her to a city where its people are so dark hearted that when they're asked for food and water and shelter they refuse it to Musa an l-sit and your natural response will be forget these people let's go somewhere else they can't even give us a drop of water we'll go somewhere else but Hitler says build this falling roll and building erected back up we're gonna give free labor Moses says low let the hot nanny yeah general maybe if we take a reward maybe we could have borrowed bartered they wouldn't even give us food and drink maybe we said we'll do this work for you and you give us some food and drink another falafel Vania Hollis that's it but I'll tell you after why and after they build the building fine they'll hit the recess dementia there Allah subhana WA Ta'ala sent you and I sent a prophet of Allah and messenger of allah made him wander the earth to come to that city of closed hearted people to erect a dilapidated falling building because under that structure there's a treasure doctor who can zoom it has a treasure in it that has been saved by a father who has now passed away for his two orphan children two sons two children who are left in the world with no one to care for them and in a city where they won't even give water to a traveller imagine if they discover this treasure you think these orphans would get any of it Allah sent the Messenger of Allah Halim Allah the one who speaks to allah moosa to build a building to shelter two orphans what's the reason can a boo-hoo-hoo Missoni huh their father was a good man subhanAllah you being a good man yah see Allah will send the awliya of allah to help your children Allah will send people better than you that man could never be better than Musa al-salaam yet Musa is in his service in the service of his children because of his righteousness his sincerity to a lawsuit Hannah who were to honor in his death his children would mourn and they would see it as a tragedy in a loss but in his death was their salvation but what would be discovered by them years later the great rama of allah for them and their mother and their future children and sometimes you and i we think ourselves as the of our community the peak of our masjid the peak of our school the peak of our home nothing will run without us and wallah he subhanAllah with your loss where the loss that is suffered perhaps there is greater good than what you and I can give in tragedy a nurse there is loose even if you don't experience it even if it is not for you but for those who you love Allah he about ik vehicle the second lesson I want you to take my dear brother my dear sister enol Islam is that with Allah as mercy it is always double for every hardship and therefore Allah repeats in the malleus yes and with that difficulty the same one before is another level of peace and I want you always my dear brother my dear sister to have that optimism in your heart to know that Allah subhana WA Ta'ala will not forget you and will not overlook you and although the prophets I said lamented if he says ya arhamu r-rahimin he never once Terri's or falls behind in his love for allah subhana wa ta'ala and it motivates him to go further and further towards that which will lead him to allows happiness and contentment in this life and in the next life for us and him salallahu re Wilson the Prophet returns to Mecca and these verses continue to be revealed to him Salah la hawla wa Cindy and on a fateful night that we can't identify which one it is it could be the 27th Rajab or other then it gibreel descends to the prophet salallahu are you a single and in one room ayah the Prophet was in the house of Omaha me and in another ey of the prophets I Salim was sleeping in the hedgerow of his smell and Abril summons the prophets of Allah who are you a celeb and operates on him Gabriel opens his chest and washes his heart with the water of Zemzem and then the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam is cleansed of anger and hatred and iman and hikmah is added to his heart and in this hadith of the Prophet I said lamb which is narrated by Ennis and others in the Sahara and Hadi and others you hear that the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam understands that he was made for the journey and I want you to take this as a lesson for you and I that not everything you can just walk into it in life that even for the Prophet SAW I said limb to be able to be given an Islamic knowledge something dramatic had to happen to him some cleansing internally and this you know you can look at it from a figurative perspective that your heart must be made pure if you want to experience the things that will give you the greatest success in life I want to share to you news about one of our dear brothers from Australia and I'm sure you watch it it'll hit your facebook if it hasn't already or your Twitter or your whatsapp groups in the next little while [Music] there's a brother from Sydney who took his whole family to Umrah and three days ago in the medina of the Prophet Solomon after having the nombre after having prayed his face after having prayed fed in the lava immediately in the line behind the imam he felt a little bit of pain [Music] young brother under 30 he has six children mashallah his youngest is two years old right youngest is two years old he laid back surrounded by his family and his children and began to make the Shahada and as the event for Salah for the next sada arrived while he says la ilaha illaallah muhammaden-rasul allah with the more than a lot oka soul and in the next sada he was buried in the back layer of the prophet muhammad salallahu alaihe said them Sahaba now this brother was a brother who attended a message like your Masjid who was a fixture in the Masjid he was a brother who wanted the Asura he was someone who began to memorize the Quran it was very difficult for him subhanAllah there was sometimes a whole week where he would only memorize an ayah it was difficult for the brother he never quit to the point that he took time off his job for a one-year program and went to South Africa to finish him look at the dedication of this brother transported himself to a different country because he valued the word of Allah he was sincere for the word of Allah by account all of the messages that he was more regular for solid than you would say the Imam you know when you say that Imam who leave the praise always there this brother was more regular than the Imam and Allah takes whom he chooses and Allah takes you in accordance to the way you live it and therefore I want this to be a lesson for you my dear brother my dear sister in an Islam that when allah subhana wa ta'ala summons you to him it will be determined by how you lived your life and everything leading to a is salah el mirage is actually the miracle that causes that it's LA and Mirage to arrive to the prophet slicin it's not about Al Brock it's not about going to Jerusalem it's not about ascending to the heavens it's what leads to the higher that is the importance its what steps you forward and I want this to be something regular in your mind in every day of your life ask yourself how have I fulfilled my obligation to Allah today how have I been to my spouse my husband my wife today what have my children taken from me today what have I given in my workplace today have I been paid more than I've given an effort or have I given effort more than I've been compensated and paid have my words been truthful as my patients been intact has my thick ribbon in my heart before them my lips and on my lips before in my body and action have I been a person who has visited the Masjid have I learned an ayah from the Book of Allah have I even intended to learn an ayah from the word of Allah in the malleus yes with difficulty meaning not just difficulty that Allah sends to you but with the difficulty of you seeking Allah Allah will give you contentment and happiness in life and Allah will give you over ending success in what it is that you seek from him subhanahu wa'ta'ala gibreel arrives through the prophet muhammed sallalahu was in them and cleanses him and that pershing of the heart and the cleanliness of the heart is something that we can never do in an operation like gibreel did for the prophet sallallahu wasallam but it's something that we do regularly through our actions of worship with allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala and therefore to skia to Neffs satisfy our Tobia cleansing and removing and replenishing with what is better has always been the methodology of a listener you have to find what are the things I need to remove and one of the things that I need to put in their place what are the things that will bring me closer to Allah and what are the things that are taking me away from Allah subhana WA Ta'ala what more can I add of and what can I lesson in my life and your heart becomes the key to linking you to Alamelu and ila to the highest heavens above I'm going to take insha'Allah a five-minute break just so that you can stand up and then we're going to continue with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam being invited to mount Albrecht subhanak Elohim Elohim dick ashhadu an LA illaha ila and as the fee required to Blue Lake so by 7:15 insha'Allah according to my watch we can rejoin again by evening LaHaye ta'ala stand up stretch your back a little bit greet your brothers who or maybe just come that you haven't seen them in a while and may Allah subhana WA Ta'ala connect our hearts Allah Omaha me Santa Monica we will start again in the next minute or so in shop large as a canal ahead [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] lots of young ammo Salam alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh alhamdulillah wa salatu wa salam o allah rasool e laughs and the law Hadi here are the early he was suffering he was seldom or that we've come to know what the success of the prophet sallallaahu are you were seldom being built on a cornerstone of adversity and hardship and one of the things that I think is important for us to to keep in mind is that I wanna be acid allahu allah wa salem was commanded by Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala not just to fulfill his duties to Allah Azza WA JAL but to be a witness unto humanity and because I wanna be a salallahu alaihe seldom was burdened with the final rosanna and the final message sallallahu alayhi wasallam that also meant that the prophets I seldom would have to experience all of the different adversities that you and I would experience in our different capacities in life it also meant that the life of the prophets of Allah who are a were seldom would have to remain relevant and as a standard from that moment into the future and therefore when you and I look into the life of our prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam you can see glimpses of the difficulties he faced the successes that he enjoyed the hardships that he endured the pathways that led to a success the drought of the Prophet SAW I said llem is relevant to you and I today and therefore when the Prophet SAW I seldom raises his hands up to a lion he says allahumma barik Len FES man in our abroad in our ab danny 'no oh Allah Baraka in my hearing and in my sight and in my body it's a same Drive that you and I are in need of each and every morning alhamdulillah he la vieja Nevada Maya Montana hola I am thankful and empresa view for having given me yet another day to prove my worth to you to be worshipping and obedient to you and that you've returned my soul to give me that one more opportunity all of these drive the profits I seldom that we take as being a Sunnah is meant to be in the life standard of you and I as being entirely relevant and this is going to become clear in this journey of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu wasallam after being cleansed the prophet sallallaahu re wa salem is summoned by gibreel to albert and the word el Bharat is a very significant word in arabic it means one of two things it either refers to light or it refers to lightening battle yak a duel battle philosopher Apsara he Allah says in the Quran and Barak is a multiplicity of that lightning right that's what the origin of the word would would mean and that is something that's really significant and when you hear the description of the Prophet SAW I seldom of how the Barack traveled with him that the Prophet would say that it would take its one step to the extent of the horizon so where it sees in the horizon that's one step next step third step and in between mecca mukarrama and baton oculus is nearly 900 miles of distance and the plan that straight line of sight and the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam he travels that distance in what is the flash of lightning and the prophets description of al bara is not what we dwell on although the prophets eyes Allah mentions that it wasn't the size of a horse or the size of a mule it's in between what's important to decipher is as the prophets I seldom comes to mount it it refuses and subhanAllah the messenger of allah sallallahu acidnam as he comes to ride and Barak it begins to cause a stir and gibreel settles it down and the commentators from an imam and Noah in the Hodja they say that in this is evidence of the weight of the Quran you know the quran used to descend allah says to us and in the end of surah al-hajj a low and zina Hedorah are now eligible if this Quran was to be revealed upon a mountain you would see that mountain shaking and shuddering and and convulsing to destruction amounting could not withstand what the heart of the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam could contain and this shows you the lofty status of your nabina muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam that and Barack was scared of being in the presence of the Prophet SAW salem of having the amana of transporting the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam that the Prophet SAW I said them was so valuable it wasn't something that anything and anyone wanted to take that responsibility and gibreel is the one who settles it down and says mount him o muhammad sallallaahu are you a sudden what I want you to learn from that as well is that Allah subhana WA Ta'ala Minx means for success what does this mean you want to finish University but you want to do it without studying it doesn't work studying is your broth it's your tool you want to get rich you want to do it from halal but you want to find a quick get rich scheme I just want just you know I'm wet Ya Allah send me something you don't want to do any hard work you forget the hadith of the Prophet SAW said lemon where he said that a man with a hobby hadith is in a till immediate so here that for a man to have a rope while Hajj in alberta and goes out into that darkness of the other of the desert that he ties up branches with that rope well yeah Camila who Oliver hurry and hold bricks and hold our branches that he carries back to the city from the hinterland so that he could sell it higher it is more blessed for him that risk than to ask someone for something rather than work for it themselves this is our ummah our ummah is the ummah where is the LED there enough allah ya maryam shake that tree she just gave birth allah used to send her food when she was in the mihrab praying can't allah just send her food now why does she have to shake the tree because you're an ummah of doing you're an owner of mounting the barack you are an owner of having to take the means to success cannot the prophets i Selim just be transported from Mecca to Jerusalem but he has to ride he has to get on something he has to tie it up when he gets there subhanAllah when the prophets I seldom arrives in Beit al-maqdis gibreel orders the Prophet so I said learn to tie his bra to the hell to the ring that the prophets used to always tie their animals in and that makes you think of the hadith where the Prophet SAW said limb says to the Sahabi who gets off his camel and walks in the Masjid and doesn't touch it doesn't tie up his camel and the Prophet says what are you doing why did you leave your camo untied it's gonna run in the desert he goes no I have to walk along Allah yeah yeah I'm gonna I'm going I'm doing something good you share the yellow school alarm in the Masjid praying why would anything bad happen the Prophet says yeah clearly how whatever can no tie it up and then show you a Telugu get on the Barack tire Bora is the Barack gonna go somewhere else yeah I want you to think of this the Prophet SAW Selim arrived in Bethel modulus the Barack that was brought by gibreel is it gonna run away is it gonna say oh let me go wander I don't want Mohammed so I sell him anymore why does a prophet sigh Selim is instructed by gibreel to tie it because you are the owner of tying things up you're the owner of not leaving any loose end you're the owner of getting up and doing something you're the number of action you're the owner of sacrifice and ironically we're speaking about this at a time where we're speaking about by Telemachus may Allah subhana WA Ta'ala granted its freedom the prophets of Allah who are you assalam said you Shaku there will come a time soon Lin yah wah ha Jolin Bey it'll knock this min out of the knee Metallica ha there will come a time for a man to stand in land that he owns and be able to see from where he's standing Bayt al-maqdis that that land that square foot where he's standing will be more precious than a dunya or mafia sallalaho aleyh wassallam there will come a time to stand in land you old as a believer where you can see vital noctus from it you would rather sell the world and not give up that square square meter of land what sadaqa Rasulullah sallallahu us Ellen but anak this must be in your heart my dear brother my dear sister in al Islam it is not a racial issue it is not an issue of Arab nationalism it is not a Palestinian issue it is a Muslim issue you and I must in our heart have an allegiance and an attachment and love to the land that was dwelled in by the prophets of Allah you must have a love for the first tablet of the prophet muhammad sallallahoalyhiwasallam you must have a lab for the second masjid ever instituted on this face of this earth the Sahaba they asked the prophet Isaiah Masjid in Nubia which is the first message that was consecrated on earth first Colavito la Hill Haram this Masjid here in mecca mukarrama is the first that was established from my idea rasool allah what came next palaboy allah and Noctis al Bayt and Mohandas that sacred house that holy site battle Noctis is the second site and Masjid and Allah is the second site the second place that humanity from the very early days began to worship Allah subhana WA Ta'ala know in your heart that you have no right no permission no authority to travel to any message it on the earth except three for the dedication solely of worship except Mecca the prophets message it and baitul noctus and anything else you don't travel just to worship there you can travel for business you can travel to attend the lecture but you don't say I'm going to go to that message I want to visit that message it in India so I can pray to our Kai in it la vital knock this is the place where your prayer is elevated 500 times the reward as is in one hadith vital not this is the place of Ascension of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam as Holy as mechanic aroma is and as beautiful as yesterday bel medina - never we al munawwara of him Sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam is that there is an honor that is given to that land and leve Barack Mahalo that Allah says that I placed my Baraka around it and I know you're gonna say chef here here it doesn't seem like this Baraka there now and it's because you did misunderstand what is Baraka the life of the Prophet SAW I seldom was full of Baraka meaning I was full of hardship when the prophet sallallaahu RA were seldom says that the angel's wings extend over a sham it doesn't mean that it's gonna rain down milk and honey it means that there will be difficulty and that there will be souls that will be lost that will be comforted by the angels that the angels coming there with the Rama of Allah is in the difficulties that will be visited upon the Ummah of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu wasallam every place that has the word Baraka attached to it in the Quran every place locality it is a place of desolation isolation and hardship when ibraheem alehissalaam comes to mecca mukarrama he says this land hurry release all right there's nothing grows in it there's no water there's no life but it is the most blessed land were in nikhil ahead Bobo Karl already in Allah the Prophet says you are the most loved place on the face of the earth to Allah even until now when you go to Mecca don't look at all the glamour of the and the structures that have been built mecha is a is a place that is difficult water trucks have to come to bring it you can't just put piping in Mecca it's a place of harshness even its people have a harshness and a rigidity to them you experience it in Mecca and then you find relief in al-madinah Medina - Navi is on lala haria seldom any place that has the word Baraka attached to it it means that there's scarcity harshness and difficulty and battle macness is that one city that has been destroyed and rebuilt and destroyed and rebuilt and destroyed and rebuilt and won and lost and lost and won over and over again because of the Baraka and Levy barack Nahal Oh No that the people of that land may Allah subhana WA Ta'ala give them sub and strength and attach them to the Book of Allah rather than any of the other books may Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala accept their Shahada and may Allah subhana WA Ta'ala forgive them for their mistakes and sins know that baitul MUC this is a part of you it is a part of your nabi muhammad sallallahu wasallam it was something that was surprised that even though it was under siege by our ummah in the falafels romanovna Shabab they refused to give in unless Aylmer came and they saw him with their own eyes that he's fit to take its keys in his hand Mirage Alana had to come from an medina to come to Beit el martes we're not going to give up even if we die to the last of us and if you want to save bloodshed you ask your hollyford to come if we see him as being fit to be given the keys of the city then we will give it to him and whenever allah allahu anhu came he came while walking his camel and his servant was sitting on it body allahu anhu allah he came and his fellow had 17 stitched patches of honor or the allahu anhu allah he came that when they served him dishes of different flavors and types he wept and said just bring me bread and oil that was a rumor about the allahu anhu allah who was given the keys in his hand and in that is a lesson to you and I my dear brother and sister today our Ummah has forgotten its roots and our roots are not one of always looking for the easiest way of making that easiest profit it has never been an Ummah of just finding the shortest cut it has never been the ulna of luxury and therefore the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said in Naju afirma Allah for Allah Almighty from the things I fear the most for my Ummah and totally come at dunya that the world will be displayed for you fat enough as ooh ha and you will compete with each other in it who builds the taller building who has the most in assets who's been given the greatest prestige who has the largest military tanif Azur ha fatto Holly cocoon , Alec at home but that vying with one another in frivolity will lead to your destruction as it led to the destruction of those who came before you when sadaqa Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam in allah transporting the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam to beit el martes it is a stamp from allah subhana wa ta'ala upon the heart of each and every believer that if you have to hate in your heart and if you have a care for the nabi muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam that you have a care in your heart for Shia irina woman your album sha yo la serena hamming taco el kuru the one who honors the sanctities of allah it is because of the piety that they have in their heart we ask Allah subhana WA Ta'ala to increase our love for mecca mukarrama for al madina al munawwara and for bata noctus allahumma Ameen the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam ascends and as he ascends after having led the prophets of Allah in prayer the heavens gates are closed subhanAllah the angels of the first heaven they say men and tomb who are you to gibreel is Allah Allah Allah Allah to Muhammad sallallaahu are you he says Anna gibreel he identifies himself were my Muhammad I will cut the Boris have you been sent to bring him up as he allowed to ascend yes he's been asked for by Allah subhana WA Ta'ala and it's only after that that the Angels opened the first heaven and greet the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam wa sallam and when the prophet sallallaahu arias emblem is greeted with salaam by the angels each and every one of them smiles at him and each and every one of them precedes him with salaam until the prophet i Selim sees the angel Malik he doesn't know it it's the guardian of Jahannam and the Prophet sees him an angel who has a sternness an uncomfortable persona the Prophet is taken aback and as gibreel who is this Gabriel says this is Malik the governor the maintainer of Jahannam ocurro salam ya muhammad precede him with salam I mean that is a - you and I a loss of Vanuatu Alice's in the middle of surah tehreem i lay her mother iike to mozilla whom she dad the guardians of Jahannam are angels who are severe and stern even to mohammad salallahu alaihe salam liason ilaha ma Amara they do not disobey Allah in what he has commanded them Wi-Fi Luna Maya maroon and they will carry out the punishment instructed of them by Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala and every consecutive heaven the Prophet is asked who are you and he informs them until he ascends to the seventh heaven in the first Evan he meets adam alayhis-salam in the second heaven Lisa why Ahijah in the third heaven he meets Harun in the next release in the next musa in the next ibrahim alaih-is-salaam at the final heaven and the prophets i solemn remarks that he saw no man who looked closer to him in likeness than ibrahim and ibraheem was sitting with his back leaning against al Bayt almal more the Kaaba of the heavens which is visited every day by 70,000 angels meaning and in countable amount of angels who never get a chance to come back because there's always another 70,000 waiting their turn and subhanAllah I remember in studying this hadith Allah subhana Allah have mercy on his chest Muhammad SAW what Nora Dean he said yeah-heah even the Angels have to wait their turn for Hajj subhanAllah not everyone can go whenever they want their had your their home or their visit to elevate Al Mamun everyone has to wait a turn and everyone has a cover and everyone has a time and not everyone can proceed in the time that they want and they have to wait and notice the profits I seldom said that they can't return to it even though they want to even though they want to they can't because there's somebody else who's waiting and in that it shows you that a loss of Hana Hatala has those who will worship Him even if you are unwilling to when Lavina in de who you said bahunam when i afternoon allah says that those with allah subhana WA Ta'ala will continue to proclaim his supremacy his exaltedness and they have no tiredness in this Subhanahu WA to Adam and then the Prophet SAW I seldom is invited to sit a little muntaha in the her genital memoir in the al-shahid rottenmeier makka devil for Adamawa the prophets why Selim was brought to the loft tree Sid wrote al muntaha which is the farthest extent that gibreel can go to and no one before him or after him so lala haria seldom has transcended that barrier and the Prophet SAW Selim is brought towards Allah and communes with Allah and speaks with Allah and here there was an issue of jalath amongst the Imams of our Ikeda even a free laugh amongst the Sahaba did the Prophet see Allah or not and in one of the hadith the Prophet SAW Selim said when he's asked did you see Allah he said I saw the light the light of Allah is eligible and therefore you find aisha radi allahu anhu saying that the one who says the Prophet SAW Allah has lied meaning allah as allah but the one who said that the Prophet SAW Allah as light is accepted from them as is in the rear i Aviv navasana Miramar and others and this shows you an important important distinction of univ ii o Muhammad SAW la hawla wa suleman an honor and in that occasion there are two things mentioned in his Sunnah that are significant the first is that the Prophet SAW salem is given by allah directly the last two verses of surat al-baqara and i want you to think about this for a second in a hadith narrated by lee mirman acai it's an authentic hadith the Prophet SAW salem said or tree - min min Kinsel ouch i've been given from the treasure of the auto shovel Rockman two verses that the one who recites them kapha - it's enough suffice is them in everything and that was given to the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam according to many of the people of tafseer on that moment in in his arrival towards allah subhana wa ta'ala and the second was the writing down of Salah upon our Ummah 50 prayers a day do you know what that means actually 50 prayers a day it means in the daylight hours you would be praying every 20 minutes in this two hours that we spent together you would have prayed three four or five times fifty and the Prophet accepted it so lala haria said and when he descended Mousa asked him what have you been given he said fifty sana he said original Arabic Salalah Herrera said go back go back to Allah Azza WA JAL jihad jihad to Vanille I've been tested with Benny Ezra in when the homogeneity hoon who met akela to Tirana will not be able to do 50s on iro surah lhasa Eliza and here's an important lesson that the one who is younger than you the one who is lesser than you is capable of giving you advice and you should and I should have the humility to accept advice that is correct from anyone the Prophet doesn't say yeah Musa I've been to a place you haven't been I received from Allah WA you haven't been given I know of Allah what you don't know he returns to Allah not once or twice or three from 50 to 40 to 30 to 20 to 10 go back here Muhammad sallallaahu are you a Selim I will go back to five go back yeah Muhammad no and this becomes another lesson that even if someone has given you good advice in the past it doesn't mean all their advice is acceptable and not because I accept your advice today it means I have to accept your advice tomorrow and not because I accept your advice now that that means that all of your advice will be accepted and the prophet salallahu alaihe salam says no I have a shyness between myself and Allah and I want you to understand my dear brother that when you miss a Salah you're missing 10 it's not one I want you to understand the gravity of your ibadah Allah hasn't changed his mind Matt will either we learn gelatinous Chevy Allah hasn't changed his instruction as you and I as human beings we change your mind allah subhanaw taala dhul Jalali wal Ikram belarus v there's nothing that associates us with him subhana wa ta'ala a las instruction has always been fifty but his generosity he is al rahman al rahim he's made your 1 equal to 10 but when you throw that back and when you say I reject your amma then you're accountable for what ye for what Allah has ordered Allah has ordered upon us ham soon 50 prayers but he has given a serosa a dispensation from his look and his Rama and his mercy upon us that the one B actually am Fatiha and therefore be thankful to allah subhanahu wata'ala for the rahama that he has shown us through his love for the prophet muhammed sallalahu alayhi wasallam i wish to end in the last three minutes in sha allah by just giving final words of admonition first my dear brother my dear sister in al islam know that every hadith and moment in Syria of the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam is not just a historical fact or a narration or something of the past it is meant to awaken in your heart and senses that which is beneath your feet and it's lot when mirage is about the issues that relate to your day-to-day life what you believe of the prophet sallallaahu Hari was in them would you have believed if he came that next morning and said and there were Sahaba who recanted faith there were people who accepted faith and on account of this test they lost it and this is where men were made like abu bakr radiallahu anhu where he became muscled ilk are you and your day and age today willing to hear something that maybe you don't understand clearly but you know is the truth you know is from the Quran you know it is from the world of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam are you willing to put the narration before your intellect are you willing to be like abu bakr and say i believe he brings news from the heavens how can I not believe that Allah in the heavens would arrive with him would take him to him I believe in much greater than this if I can believe that gibreel descends why can't I believe that gibreel can escort him up if I can believe in hover it's a man the news from the heavens I can believe in what he has said in the call for cuts other if he said it it's truth I don't even have to hear it from him so Allah who are you a sudden there were times when the Prophet would say a hadith and Abu Bakr and hermo we're not there and the Prophet would say I believe in this what about her and Irma believe in this and they're not there because he knows their heart and it's a lot when marriages about your iman do you have that belief in the prophets of Allah who are you asylum do you have that lab for baitul noctus do you have that diligence in your salah that willingness to honor a loss of hannah who were to anna do you have that desire to make up what you have missed in the past may Allah forgive us for them and give us the energy to reconnect with him and make up in our heart and in our intention what we have lost the previous prayers in our life allahumma Ameen and finally do you my dear brother and sister have the desire to connect with the Quran on a greater level than just the surface and to look into the word of Allah and extract from it the lessons that will upright and adjust my life in your life I ask Allah subhana WA Ta'ala to make this Masjid and the programs it offers and the visitors who come and the Imams who are local to it sources of guidance and sources of reflection upon the Book of Allah I pray that Allah subhana WA Ta'ala sends upon us his angels and makes us from those who are mentioned by the prophets I seldom that no people gather to mention Allah and deliberate on his word except that the Angels descend upon them with the tsukino of allah subhana wa ta'ala and I pray that Allah subhana WA Ta'ala forgives our sins hides our shame and cures our hearts from all evil and neglect I pray that Allah subhana WA Ta'ala gives us an insight into his book makes it a source of relief from our distress and soullow that allah subhana wa ta'ala allows us to learn it and that for our children may Allah subhana WA Ta'ala bless you and I with the talero of the Quran when others sleep may Allah subhana WA Ta'ala raise us and our children amongst the Imams of our Ummah may Allah subhana WA Ta'ala continue to use you and I for good and to help us get rid of evil in this world allahumma Ameen or suddenly whom our cell demands it wa barik ala sayidina wa nabiyuna muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam I've been asked to mention that there's a number of courses inshaallah that I'm holding and I'm sure that there are other activities in the Masjid that you're accustomed to there's the Muslim intimacy course tomorrow evening Laurita Anna also on Monday there's an Easter Hara workshop which is always an important important discussion and on Thursday I'm going to Manchester in other places on Thursday insha'Allah I'm doing at parents and teachers event head-to-head may Allah subhana WA Ta'ala make it something that is of value and blessing for this community Allah Muhammad sallallahu muhammad wa barik ala sayyidina wa nabiyuna muhammad said Hanukkah la mode a humdinger shadow Allah Allah Allah and the stuff required to relate holy hell that was suffered a lot of money when I confess a federal in the holes a fool Rahim was said our money who Muhammad Allah he AutoCAD Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatu just a few quick announcements number one exactly hey to Sharia he brahim for delivering this amazing lecture it's part of our wider campaign entitled conversations with Allah subhana WA Ta'ala which is a grassroots prayer campaign and and straight after the Maghreb Salah we have practical
Channel: Green Lane Masjid
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Keywords: salafi, masjid, glm, green lane, mosque, abu usamah, anti isis, terrorism, zakir, naik, arifi, fawzan, sheikh, shaykh, ahsan, hanif, assim, hakeem, wajdi, yahya, ibrahim, peace, tv, saudi, arabia, syria, child, jinn, possession, quran, mishari, taha junaid, mishary, sunnah, emotional, makkah, lecture, refutation, debate, powerful, islamic reminder, islam, allah, muhammad, qadhi, mufti menk, sudais, fiqh, aqeedah, barelwi, sufi, deobandi, nauman, ali, khan, yasir, sami yusuf, nasheed, hadeeth, arabic, bidah, shirk, grave, death
Id: zyavHA3eSx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 46sec (6646 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 14 2018
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